The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 30, 1889, Image 2

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In Kri uii.iii.-ii.lril a I'niiular TVaih-
Ingtmi pi.. i. i to a follow Actor.
Mr. Powers, tho wall-known comic
opera comedian, perpetrated quite a
llttln joko just before the arrival of the
company in Washington. It la custo
mary for tho advance agents of theat
rical or operutio companies to obtain
the prices of the different hotels In each
city and send till information back to
the HHMnr of the company, ho that
aolnctlon of rosldonoe may be made by
the principals and member of the
choniH. lly Home accident tho Hut of
Washington hotels did not reach the
"yeomen of tho Guard" company and
nany members of the compuny were
bout to visit Washington for tho first
time. Said one of the men, an Kuglish-
mnn. to Mr. Powers, iw tho truiu was
approaching the capital:
' Toll mo where to stop In Washing
ton, old chap? Of course you have
been there beforo, but I have not, don't
you know?1'
I didn't know any thing about It,"
aid 1'owors, "until you mentioned It
Lot mo soo, there are several hotels In
Washington; there is Willard 's, of his
toric renown; tho Arlington, whoro
President Cleveland rested before he
was inaugurated. Then there is tho
Hotel 'hamberlaln, famous for its ox-
qulslte oulsiiM. Welcker's, too, Is
favorite resort for tho moro prominent
members of tho profession. Hut as you
are going to the capital of tho United
States for tho flrst time I would Bug
Ifest that you try the most exclusive
place in town. Very fnw professionals
top there, but some of tho best known
and most noteworthy men In the conn
try are regularly seen In Its corridor,
I have never rcrnalnod there over
sight, as I stay with friends during
my visits to the capital, but I always
drop In and glanco over tho portruits
In tho picture gallery and tuku u turn
around the green house."
"Picture gallery, green house. Why,
that ninust lie a doocid lino place. I
upHjso tho rate is pretty stiff."
"Yes, rather; but If you toll thoin
who you are 1 think they will make
3 or $1 a day rate."
"0, I could stand that for n week
aid the innocent seeker for Informa
tion. "What did you say tho name of
the hotel as, old man?"
"It is (Milled the White House. Any
cab driver in Washington will know
where to laid' you. .1 list mention my
name and don't let them bin IT you at
the door. They are very cheeky some
times, espuciully if they don't kuow
It is said that on that same day a
badly-used-up person who looked llko
an Englishman was seen to lly down
the flagged walk loading from the por
tico of the executive mansion of Phila
delphia avenue, vociferating for a cnb
to take him ami his trunk awav from
tho most "exclusive place in town.
Cor. Pittsburgh Dispatch.
An Artliio About Wlili-li Mhii iiIIiis Vanity
Is Always i . ni . . . i
The hat, every one will nllow, has
always been pre-eminently that portion
oi male continue around which our
aocial amenities have circled. Politics
and politeness have been bound tip
with It, until it has become almost as
Impossible for the followers of any
cult to hold certain "views" without a
bat to suit them, as to Imagine an
aesthetic without a dado. There Is
the Cardinal's hat anil the lllshop's
(hovel, tho student's trencher and tho
curate's felt, the low church and the
high church hat, the Quaker's broad
brim and that peculiarly knowing type
of head covering which, according to
the County Court witness Is the sign of
"your perfect gentleman. In Chau
cer's day the "Ktaundrlsh heaver hat"
as much marked the merchant as the
ou'-wester dues the seafaring man in
our own times. When tho Puritans
affected ample flaps and a steeple
crown, the Cavaliers adopted narrower
brims and a superstructure docked
with a resplendent feather. At a later
date, the "Monmouth cock" and tha
"Kamilles cock" marked the macaroni
ami the man of quality, and though
hats and "hat honor" are for the mo
ment not so much wrapped up with
punctilio ns they were, yet It Is still
that portion of a gentlemen's atlira
employed to express courtesy or re
spect A white hat is unquestionably
a more reasonable color for tho tall
chimney pot than black. Yet It is
not every man, even in summer, who
bas the courage to wear one, urn), as
any one who has attended a unlvortdty
Celebration is aware, It shares with a
rod tie tho especial animadversion of
Iha sarcastic undergraduate. The hat
of olvllUatlon is maligned, and ridi
culed, and cnrtactmvd, and one of the
chief joys In getting beyond the pre
cinct of Ismdon it to cast It aside. In
a pioneer settlement In America or
Australia it is markedly absent. But
one of tho first signs of a frontier
"city" emerglug from Its war with tho
wilderness Is the resumption by Its
more solf-rcuctlng citizens of the dis
carded "stovepipe" tienerul Grant,
indeed, it so dearly that he would
often sit on horseback, through some of
the hottest tights, with this unwarlilco
helmet on his head. And now wo hear
of one of his countrymen trying tho
costly uncertainties of the law all for
the "right " of wearing it In the thea
ter, just ns certain nobles have before
new bought, at a great price, the privi
lege of standing covered In the pres-
' "' - Loudon Standard.
-Soarandflop (grandiloquently) '""
Lata lasaa of Thai
tcrprUIni Western Haeau
f.f now a
i. i.i, TloUtsd
....... ill Ills rruf.
Yes; It pays to do right Honesty Is ' .M1M.,W, are compelled An old fellow t " " fenc0-
i..i r.nii..u fi.rui: ' VrsnUlo 1 . . ,1 . .. . - smbiIi UllBM nair
""""" f"- - to aoolo'' ze to our suoscriDers lor mo run my on -
"tt'h don't vou have it renewed." , , , ,.iMi nnd his face wore
' . lypograpllicai appuaraiuxi ui m ,u i..i.
A , III,-.
"I am onnnsod to all trnmes Of
and thus ao
am opposed to all games
chancy." said Kawson. "And yet you
got married?" said Law son. "Yea,
and that's why I am so strongly op
posed to 'em. Drake's Magazine.
Tho Kansas legislature contains
too newspaper men. who at once ele
vate its standard of Intelligence and
reduce it average percoutago of
wealth. Kansas City Star.
"I know my dofects," said B-Jen-klns
pompously; and as tho bystanders
looked at him admiringly, ono of them
whispered to another softly: "What
nn awful lot that man must know!"
Somcrvlllo Journal.
Mr. Garrulous "Why do people
think the Sphinx typical of wisdom,
lleorgef" George (who Is still suffer
ing trom the effects of curtain lecture)
"I guess it Is becayiso the Sphinx
always keeps Its mouth shut." Har
She "I must show you my now
clock before you go." He (facetiously)
Some of my friends tell me I am
homely enough to stop a clock." She
0, that won't matter! It can be
itartod again." Life.
"Can't you sparo me a littlo money,
papa?" "How much, dear?" "Well,
I want to buy enough material to make
one of
"What's the matter?"
"Got a duty to perform." ,
It must bo an unpleasant one.
No, tho duty Is pleasant enough,
a to-
A traveler,
ent issue, uwing mm .uu- u - rebKu. -r tnoss of
ade. a keg of ink which we ordered noticing me om
SMofcaajm fulled to reach uf. and rath- countenance, stopped
er than miss an issue we compounded dressed him:
asuhstitute. We don't seem to bava "You seem to be worried.
bit the right proportions, or else mo
lasses and lamp-black are not the
proper substitutes. As It will beim-
possible for subscribers to make out j
anv of tho reading matter, wo will
solace them with the statement that ' but the waiting Is tiresome,
there is littlo or nothing worth read- -Why do you wait?"
ing. We hadn't much time to give to ! "See that house up yonder?
the paper last week, and It is just as , "Yes."
well that we hadn't It -ould have! "Well, thoro's a fellow In there that
been time thrown away. . j I am going to larrup as soon as he
! comes out"
The T'stai. Reward. -We tinder- j ..iIo has done you an injury, I sup
stand that Arizona Joe, Colonel Ml-1 poae."
ton, Dick Fenshaw and othor Ingrates i jj0 hag
are going about with tho statement that ..Vhat did he do?"
we were horse-whipped by the Widow Well. I'll tell you. He came Into
Burnham one day last week. When j thii neighborhood about six months
we refer to these hyenas as living liars, I and befU to praetico medicine,
we do so in all gentleness. We d"' ! j. have boon a practicing physician In
afford to get mad and kick such freaks, thls community for thirty years, yet I
of nature. Arizona Joe Is wearing a ; mUd tho upittrt kindly. How did
collar wo lent him from our slim stock, ! Qe ppay m,.a With tho bosost ingratt
and if anyone will rip the Colonel' tude 8ir vou how it was.
coat down the back ho will find one About two WOek ago old Poter Nolan
of our undershirt's surrounding the in- j . u .. wfutiv gick. He was as
grate's body. When Dick Fenshaw
struck this town ho hadn't eaten any
the now-fashlonod bathing 1 thing but pig-weed for throe dnys, and
11 right, ray dear. Get what 1 he was trying to make a pack of cards
you want. Hero la half a dollar.
Klchfleld News.
"What shall we do If the price of
flour goes up any further?" exclaimed
Mrs. Kneadem to her husband. "I can
suggest a simple romody my dear," re
sponded Mr. Kneadem, quietly. "Just
contlnuo your homo baking and we j
need not anticipate anv rise in bread." 1
Montreal Star. A
Young author "Doctor. If I can't
get some relief from writer's cramp I
I shall have to give up my literary
work. I havo come to you for advieo."
Doctor (who has read some of his
literary work) "My young friend,
quit writing entirely, and rellof not
only instantaneous but widespread
will follow."- Chicago Tribune.
"You used to think a littlo moro
of me nnd not quito so much of your
self In tho days when you were courting
me," exclaimed Mrs. Brown, tearfully,
during tho course of u little conjugal
conflict. "You never said a truer thing
than that," replied the bruto. "I forgot
myself entirely at that time or I never
would liavo proposed." Torre Huuto
F.x press.
-Kdltnr great magazine "Hero is
a line article on 'Modern Art,' but it is
written by some unknown jay wholives
In Pumpklnvillo." Assistant --"All
right; I'll go out and tind some great
artist willing to put his name to it.
(iuess ono will do it for $100." "Very
well; I'll send the jay fifty cents and
teil him to keep quiet, and that maybe
we'll take another article from him
soino ilav anil let him use las own
Philadelphia Iteeord.
cover his naneunoss.
stomach, gave him a
him out of the slough
We filled his
coat and lifted
This is our re-
sick a mun as I ever saw in my me.
Why, ho had swamp fever, rheuma
tism, pleurisy, and a numbor of othor
diseases. I was called in. As soon as
I looked at him 1 saw that ho had no
show, and I told him that it would not
be honest for mo to give htm meuicino
ward. Sick transit! Sick gratitude! j an(1 t,lk(J hj8 mo0y wnea 1 knew that
Sick hyenu!
Welcome Back. Prof. Whitewater
entered the Kicker ollico day before
vA.i...lfl,r with K..mtiwr umile and ex-
... j-j i j ..v. t .K,ii ! Thai viiiinc sniuo was called in. What
leuueu utiuu ituui uu tiiwi in.o " wvu. --- ,
t mnnfh. s.nt. in the nenitentiarv. did ho do? Act with corresponding
I could do him no good
"That was surely commendable,"
said the travclor.
"Of course; but mark tho difference.
nionson "lla, tin: Mores r.n ar
ticle which says that before the close of
the nineteenth century wo shall soe
women running locomotive engines on
our railroads." Mrs. Blobson "Well,
why not? Don't you think they would
make good onos?" Mr. Blobson "In
some respects, perhaps, lhey would
keep a good lookout ahead, anyway."
Mrs. Blobson -"Why so?" Mr. Blob
son "Because they would havo their
heads out of tho cab window nil the
tlmo to show their now bouuet"
Burlington Free Press.
It !'.,., ... s tho Flnlhlllly ut it I'lrro of
India Klltihtir.
The Washington Star gives nn inter
esting nccount of a stone belonging to
the chief clerk of tho War Department.
It weighed about a pound, nnd was 13
Inches In length, 2) in width, and J of
an Inch thick. On picking it up from
the desk, when his attention was called
to It, a reporter noticed that it bent
slightly at the ends, nnd had tho feel
ing of an elastic substance. On re
moving the wrapper, however, it wus
seen to bo a hard, compact piece of
sandstone, of a light yellow color, with
the ends cut to points. The texture of
the stone was line, nnd presented no
evidence of stratification, and was
smooth over tho entire surface, A
knife-blade made no impression on the
particles. There was no doubt as to
Its being n genuine stone, but it never
theless possessed tho flexibility of a
piece of India rubber. When taken in
the hand anil shaken In the direction
of Its flat surface it would bend hack
and forth with a dull, muffled sound.
The movement was more of a laxity
In the adhesio.n apparently, than an
elasticity. When held horizontally by
one end the other would
main In
Ho was unfortunate enough, it will be
remembered, to hurt some one in a lit
tle dispute at tbo Bed Front Saloon,
and tho court thought It best for him
to take a littlo vacation. The professor
' returns homo looking in good health
and filled with enthusiasm over the
progress the town has made during his
absence. Wo welcome him. A little
State prison experience hasn't hurt
i him, nor won't hurt any of our towns-
j men.
Cav Be OvEitiOOK ki. A few of our
j citizens seem inclinod to censure Major
Whitbock, our chief of police, for being
drunk on tho streets yesterday. We
' don't b'diove that giving a man an of
fice should deprive him of tho rights
and privileges of a citizen. If business
Is sluck and tho major feels liko going
on a spreo tho break can bo overlooked
In a community where half the eminent
( citizens sloop on tbxdr front doorsteps
, five nights out of seven. Those who
' criticise soem to bo actuated by a spirit
of jealousy.
A False Alakm. When tho stage
drove up the other evening the report
got abroad that one of the passengers
was a Chicago detective, and somo
forty or fifty of our leading citizens
broke for tho country on a cantor.
Most of them laid out all night, with
the thermometer stand ing ut four de
grees below. The following casualties
aro reported:
Captain Johnson -Bight foot frozen
so badly that amputation is talked of.
Judge I Yllinm lint h cars frost bitten
and nose badly mad up.
Prof. Swoony Broken leg, caused by
a fall while running.
Major Adams -Ears, noso nnd seven
toes frost bitten, and his spine badly
Esquire Dnvis-Soverni frost bites, a
sprained ankle and tho probable loss
of a portion of his beautiful Boman
nose Detroit Free Press.
Toor OlrU Kntlrrd From IMf IInmu
And Sold st Conntantlnoplr.
An extensive female slave trade is
still carried on in Constantinople in
splto of tho consuls of the Christian
powers. Hardly a we It passes without
tho arrival of n white-haired courier,
between C.'i nnd 70 yours old, accom
panied by a convoy of young girls,
mostly from poor families in Gnlicla,
whom he has induced to come with
him to the Turkish capital under tho
promise of a "splendid ' situation or a
"rich marriage," The Austrian con
sular officials, as well as those of other
powers, have kept a wakeful eye upon
this old scoundrel and stopped him
from landing his "wares" in Constan
tinople itself. It is now discovered that
he takes them to a spot where they are
out of reach of European law Kawnk,
tho Turkish quarantine station on the
Bosphorus. Here they are unshipped
and sent ultimately to Constantinople
droii and re by the land route to Buiukdere.
that position. With the two not a soul is troubled about their de-
ends supported on rests the free center plorable fate, and their redemption
could le pressed half an inch Mow tho from tho horrors prepared for them is
middle lino. With ono end held firmly ' only possible through energetic for
on the desk the other could be heut up-! elgn help. The "proprietor" takes
them to a certain bourse.
Casino, where his living
honesty? No, sir, ho pitched in and
gave old Pete a lot, of medicine."
"And killed him, ohP"
"Well, no; tho scouudrol has about
cured him."
"Yos, but that proves him to be a
good physician."
"A good physician!" tho old fellow
exclaimed. "W hy. blnst him. he knew
that I had said old Pete couldn't live.
Ho knew that my professional reputa
tion was nt stake. Why didn't ho let
the old fool die' Why did ho want to
cure him and ruin me? It was an un
professional act, sir. und just as soon
as ho comes out of that house I'm going
to whale him. I am not going to bo
insulted in my old age, I am not going
to allow a young popinjay to ruin tho
profession. Wail till becomes out and
vou'll hear something drop."' Arkan-
saw Traveler.
Iliivn w Tlmo for Thing, and !)
I .. i TtilliR 111 Its Time.
"To overv ihlnir there is a season, and a time
to every purii.ise under the heuven."
Never was saying truer than this;
never one of moro universal applica
tion; never ono the disregard of which
would cause more diro confusion. "A
time for every thing and everything in
its time," should bo tho companion
maxim to "a place for every thing and
every thing in its place;"' and if it
wero made ono of tho rules for living
how much more could bo accomplished
in a stated period than if duties wore
performed and various pursuits pleas
urable or otherwise, followed without
regard to tho fact that there is "a time
to every purpose under tho heaven."
Such, however, is tho perversity of
human nature, that wo are perpetually
taken possession of by a demon of
longing to do a certain task or enjoy u
certain pleasure in the time that wo
arc positive, beyond a doubt, should bo
devoted to some othor purpose. Who
has not been the victim of this strong
desire to do at a certain timo "that
which he ought not to do, and to leave
nodosa that which ho ought to do?" It
seems too, sometimes, that tho more
itisignilicnnt the duty of the moment
tho stronger tho aversion to doing it
just then, the more powerful tho temp
tation to put it off until somo other
time. Wo havo felt grieved beyond
measure at the thought of putting two
or three needed tacks in a carpet, and
havo actually permitted ourselves to
defer doing it not only woeks but
months. We fancy eyebrows liftod in
horror at this frank confession; but to
those who lift them we would say, "Let
him that is without sin cast tho first
stone." Such ones, too, wo would urge
to givo thanks throo times daily that
they "aro not as other men are "
Christian at Work.
A Profit-Sharing Railroad.
There is one railroad in America,
operated on a profit-sharing basis, and
but two in the world. The American
road is the Toledo. Ann Arbor & North
Michigan, which with its prospective
branches will cover tho greater part of
tho State. Tho road pays to its officers
and employes a dividend, the president
nioue oeing excepted, in order to ob
ailed the ,nin tnis dividend the employes or of-
wares aro 1 til'ials must have been five years iu
ward over an lnon. the movement
was not confined to tho one direction
in the plane of the fiat surfaces -but dealt with exactly as if they were dead continuous service of tho road. The
mo enure stone seemed to bo eon-:
structisl on the principal of a universal
joint, with a movement perceptible In described
all directions under pressure.
Where to Drw the Line.
'In the case of my unfortunate
matter or shares. The price for the
"coarse wares," as thev are brutallv
varies from 1150 to .10o".
The price of the finer wares is higher,
reaching the level sometimes of $1,200.
They are bought for customers in
Smyrna, Alexandria, Cairo, and other
client, gentlemen," said the eloquent ; places under Mohammedan rule. Tho
"brokers attempt to conceal tho na
ture of their trade by deceptive ad
vices; for instance, "Expect three
dozen silver spoons," (which is tech
nical for the "finer waros,") or "We
send live vessels of 'meaL' (a medium
attorney for the defense in n murder
casts "it is for you to draw tho line be
tween murderous rage aud emotional
nd the jury rendered a rordict that
they thought the safest place to draw
it was Mween the head aud shoulders.
lulcngo lribuuo.
way In which tho matter is nrrnn.r.
is for tho board of directors to declare
dividends on themount of salary re
ceived by each servant of the road as
if that sura represented . not a salary,
but an amount of stock of the road.
There are also provisions made for em
ployes who shall be injured in the ser
vice of tho road and also for those who
retiro after twenty years continuous
service. The plan has not been in
operation two years yel but it Is re
garded as successful. The employes
favor It and tho stockholders also.
Such plans certainlv closelv
the interests of cunitAl rfili iVir At
. - - mi'JB Ul
n 1 1 I i t .- .. :L. I - - . .. I . . .
,......, ,, , UIfc.m nicks oi potatoes, ' laoor and thus serve a useful Dtfmoaa,
(the coarsest quallty.)-Chicago MaiL New Haven Record.
Tbe water Is colder at the bottom
than at tho surface. In many bays oo
2 coast of Norway the water -often
freezes at the bottom before It does
-Napa, CaL. recently exhibited a
curiosity in jL-S
closed In a small-necked bottle. I he
bottle was hanging in a treeand a twtg
grew into it, blossomed and matured.
-A man was released from tho Min
nesote penitentiary the other day after
serving ten years for a murder which
his brother committed aud recently
onfessed on his death-bed.
-Among a pile of Now York visiting
,id Invitation cards was one on which
was engraved "Miss Alice D.. at homo
.Sundays. Mondays. Tuesdays, Weduos-
a..vs. Thursduys, friuays aim .u,
days "
Ti. distance from ocean to ocean
by the Nicaragua Canal is 169.8 miles;
length of canal, 28.8 miles; length of
lake, river and basin navigation, 141
miles; length of summit level. 152
niles; elevation of summit level above
sea, 110 feet; number of locks, six.
-A "gum mitineo" was given at
one of tho St Paul theaters on Now
Year's day. says tho New York Sun.
A package of tolu was given each lady
at tho door, and an eye witness reports
that "tho fair creatures allowed their
agile jaws to reverborate to their
heart's content." Thus does the drama
gain new guuds and decorations In tho
vasty Northwest.
The life of a juryman is not all
plaiu mnttor-of-fact prose. Sometimes
it happens that quite an entertainment
is arranged especially for his benefit.
Such an instance was seen In a Maine
villago the other day. It was in a
horse case and the entire jury hod to
go out and seo for thoraselves what
kind of a record the animal could
iuko or. tho track. Lowiston journal.
Smith (to friend) "Gus, I'm go
ing to commitsuicide to-day." Friend
.newspaper reporter) "Thank good
uess! I'll seo you through it to tho
end. They said at the office this morn
ing that they'd firo mc if I didu't flntl
a sensational article. What' 11 it be.
pistol, poison?" Smith "No; I'm go
ing to road somo of your press arti
cles." Drake's Magazine.
Tho performance of Jules Verne's
hero, who wont round tho world in
eighty days, has been surpassed by nn
English post-card which lately roturnea
from its very interesting travels. It
was mailed by a London gentleman on
October 10th (0 n friend in Hong Kong,
by way of tVi United States and Yoko
hainn, and roachod Hong Kong on
November 23d, when it was redirected
to London by way of Brindisl. It was
dispatched on November 20th and
reached the original owner on Decem
ber L'lth that is. within seventy-five
days from the start The card cost only
three nnll-penoe.
A veteran African explorer says:
"The greatest dangor to health in trop
ical climatoK, or at any rate in Tropical
Africa, occurs from catching cold. Two
other imprudences next to bo guarded
against aro excessesof any kind in eat
ing or drinking, or oxposing one s self
too much to tho direct rays of the sun.
Errors in diet are promptly uiid piti
lessly punished with sickness; mid
whereas F.uropeans are nil the better
in health for taking a good doal of ex
ercise, they aro easily 1' tblo to get sick
if they expose themselves to the sun's
ruvs without the protection of an um
brella, which is frequently dono by
new-comers out of foolish bravado."
A List of Substances Liable to Spontane
ous Combustion.
Cotton-sced oil will take fire oven
when mixed with 25 per cent, ol
petroleum oil. hut. 10 per cent, of min
era! oil mixed with 10 per cent, of ani
mal or vegetable oil will go far to pro
vent combustion.
Olive oil is combustible, nnd mixed
with rags, hay or sawdust will produce
spontaneous combustion.
Coal dust. Hour dust, starch, flour
(especially rye flour), are all explosive
when mixed with certain proportions
of air.
New starch is highly explosive in its
comminuted state, also sawdust in u
very line state, whenconllned in a close
chute and water directed on it. Saw
dust should never bo used in oil shops
or warehouses to collect drippings or
leakages from casks.
Dry vegetablo or animal oil inovi
tably takes fire when saturating cotWn
waste at 180 F. Spontaneous com
bustion occurs most quickly when the
cotton is soaked with its own weight of
oil. Tho addition of 40 per cent, of
mineral oil (density 0.890) of great
viscosity, and emitting no inflammable
vapors, even in contact with nn ignited
body at any point below 838 F., is
sufficient to prevent spontaneous com
bustion, and the addition ui 20 pr
cent, of the same mineral oil doubles
time necessary to produce spontaneous
Patent driers from leakage into saw
dust, etc., oily waste of any kind, or
waste cloths of silk or cotton, satur
ated with oil, varnish, turpentine.
Greasy rags from butter, and greasy
ham bags. Bituminous coal in large
heaps, refuse heaps of pit coal,
hastened by wet, and especially when
pyrites are present in the coal; tha
larger the heaps, the more liable.
Lampblack, when slightly oily and
damp, with linseed oil especially.
Timber dried by steam pipes, or hot
water or hot air heating apparatus,
owing to fine iron dust being thrown
off; in close wood casings or boxings
round the pipes, from the mere expan
sion and contraction of the pipes.
American Miller.
How to He rOslllfa t
I'oiiimarrhu W'l
Young man. if this Is
take somo advieo and n
the practical points v 1
ooiameu rrK truing t he .,..
,. i "unt .
- - "scm,
Remember tlint wo
. IM II..,. I .
....... U1L. n-
with Davy Crockett, h.
-l-kl J .1 , . !
- as. uui-au. 1
When you strike a small i
I . 1 - W
i,: in'- in, n jou own it
cause vou roproscnt a bi v
big city. If you do, possibkj
who find it L'oiiii on,.,.. v
. . " want uil
onnipr l tor them mn
.,v Tta
you don't affiliate, and buy J
muuu3ij ib wiu oust pulley
Don't get tho notion th.t . ,
i i ,. .,... ,
r " ui a ja, '
and a cigar stuck up in 0n J
your mouth, is u sure tndlfad
merchant that you know hot
goous. in mo nrsi place, . ,
JOOI isj mo way n u IntrgJsJ
an oDjeciion ouner way m&,
introduction for you.
Don't sit down at his dMV ir J
rum uisengagou ana tire off
vulgar stories you have hesrd I
road; it may be that ho h&i L
moral training, and hv tk.i?
arrivo ai me laughing pol
null i imjr I. m;, II UL all.
Ilmi'tusn nrefnnit,,, ..
r.v....vj, yuiir sm
will understand the quality
oMwwfa without si i.. ..'.... wiiii iiiree or I0UP Vmn
a trade mark of this kind n.i
effoctuiil ono of condemuim
Don t swear.
If you must chow tobacco M
auid out beforo troinrr intA.J
htial itAaa. i t, thiu nt .. '
lirnnertc flii-litj nf ,ol,..
I r -rf - " " in, bqq
Wllll.l-ll III Jill 11 1' 1 1 1,11,. n j
ness. Cleanliness is next to itl
Don t mnltii a eonlolnntnf
have a family, and desire to m
occasionally; and may also bti
senbor to a newspaper, and I
with tho entire budget of tU
you uro imparting. Talk
short, Bhivrp und decisive,
about your business. Don't
Novor lot your right hui
what your left hand is doing.
brag to tho opposition drummer
big order you took nt the luti
Don t Imagine you own the U
eausu of it successful trip, ul
all, don't think you know UsI
Practice politeness. This is
cellent commodity, and goes i
h .., .I....', ,.,ll J.J
nnjn. Ji"i WH n i-il KWUSin
PWIM fin,.. Shi i
pociully if you leave a pleasutii
sion behind you. This it m
to never loso your grip.
l , . ', ... I I- :t .
ueil.T lltn:.ili:r I I ill lllitillt; i
they are cnpahle of. Lose
o,w. , ,,, ,,,,,, i,ii.,ivfi(KU
It may work for a while, butl
,1 1 1,11 IS ,.lll,ll HI Id-Ill- ll II,,, , u 031
Honesty is the best policy.
, , i . . ni.
nememuer tiini mis worm is
. ., I T ." .J :i
exiensn civ. i,o:isiucr iiiiuoso
that there is ampie room for all
point is quito essential, us A, I
are seeking to soli the same
goods you aro handling, and an
to compete in the sumo quarter.
der to dispose ol your wares n
undervalue the worth of your
ti..tit,i,'s Hi. .iiii! V (in 111', II
the goods they manufacture,
consumer, whom vou do not
directly, places thoamuuntoi
the manufiLotnro from each
.liici ciu.u, amide cm ii i ij ivwivn
11. .. r ... ..r tii., ii.-trna
.3 1 ........ ImtiM I
... Ii.. ti. I 111 ll-l-l.- 1 fill il
ffripMok ftnd follow them, won
JVM Ws . V 7 1
t ik t.tM1. - I'
Wright, iu Hoaton Budget
r. a x--it ,ii hip mn"B 1
Mmthlti.. for IHIIt-rittion.
nn. n :j a.iafaM
A in; A I VmUVUD pi ( niui'-i
titu i.i.i hi nr.. c.Hltiw) Tll f
. . aV Ct a f Wm afti
iii.tMt'l -vii'iin ai. t'li mi.-i
Secretary of tho Treasury, the
,.f 1. ',.iMr nnrl 1 hi' A
(icnernl, and opposite to him
foot of tho table, is tho chair
Seeretnrv of tho Interior. The
. I .not St I
Bccreuu v uct-upius aw.
iiesrt. Hieing uiu niiiiiut." - n
near li e t resiuoni. nm ,
is not in accordance with the
ureceueueo uuse eu u.
......, n.,i.;.., ih,, l,'.'si,l.'iitml
' i . ' 'iii.ii i in' ... ..--.
Sion. If the Attorney-fienrt"
Seeretnrv of the .Niiw slmum
. t iL trtll
uiu mut'i s-.ui pu
strictly correct.
The sesBions of the Cabinet
formal affairs. No person
irosc naiaeu arcpennmw -r
room aunne ine couuci, -
1 1 1 II I I ;l I PMVlFll HI l.Illl l'l V"-v--
M'lH. 1 IK' NUMIir W"
it i . j t I. ,.,. a
w ilio mi 'if. S
4.. .1, . I i-if HU
4i. i- i al. Dii'pnt
uuu uu waieu vuo x 1
duo luiuriuaiiou ur w -ment
rpnorts rnnnfirnim? dp6
ierb oi liuponance, .
omce, ana questions oi u1-
istrative policy. Edmund AU
IIU91UI tUUC 111UV 11 cv-4- "
men A youny heiress-