The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 30, 1889, Image 1

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    ' 0rrl-
NO, 36.
L, at WUiaU
L .. trtftll OO'"'"
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. .75
...-w.(U inserted a ...
giI vl VV.7..V"'. 1200
j-t mini '
K! bill. wiU bo' quarterly.
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l!"1"9....' . iven to collection, and
... -ia luoun'
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; tin. h. IK"
lu.m.u and Counsellor at Law, -
-.--r.iM t W A I.I. THE COUKT8 OF
thu State.
ill(rtli)Manii ,........
. n lr.-nriek A Eakin's bank.
.1 1. ttfAflAU
abiiuui . .
...nsir . mirciioN
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mririi r. At me -
. ... . TTTITtl
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Attorney -at- La w,
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V iillvl VWUUOWUW WW '
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a1 r ... t.,- f i L
UIIICV IUI I V m l Ul.l-.' J !
Attorn -at-Law.
fa a i . , i i . .
AtatrwUuf Title.
IIHTl'V-IKnr I. I' ain't- tlirt
' IV J A MU U 1 II
Physician and Surgeon,
1 ft J 'II.!.. 1 t-tv . - Tl at. A u
v 1 1 r i i i 0 awl V w-iW-B ww
lUideaw on Fifth street, where l)T Shelton
riy reiided. .
i when not professionally engaged.
Kwidence on Eighth itwet, opposite Fresby
louraoi tne ataie.
idal attention to n,al eatat. col-
Wlwtin, .11 Li,i,l. nf ,, aosiaai the
S q Walton's brick-roome 7 and 8.
have some very desirable
'nni, improved and Unimproved lown
for sale, on easy terms.
"Iamranc Comrjanie. I renreaent ar
r. m,c vouea. and nio. ivenaoie. mi'i
paW and Eucitablb adiurtment of their
BVlim lmr . VT
ub rJ . l .: . I
""np iUir. over the Grang Store.
B. it. uunnio.
Til.. I . ., . T. 1
Iim, J . , ..... r' m I
ha iJiwu K uo an Kind, ot wor oner i
"ejf. itK-k nf Fin. I 'loth. n hand for
" " select in, in.
nd cleaning don promptly. Sat
? narantaed.
""HMtUH tf
UKS. rntNllut A M DONALD,
Physicians $ Surgeons.
i J. J. McDonald, k. d
I (iraduate of the Dai
Gradual nf tka Unl
vanity of Penn. .ml
veputy of I'etui. an, I
University "f 011
S"cial attention paid
to disease, of Women
Throat, Nona and to
(Jinn. Col. nf KM. MM
Special .tUintinn paid
to iliHuii of tbeLnnu.
Stomach, and Kid
! Surgery.
Attorney -at- Law,
Orrter.-Up-.tair in ByWte Blatk, fir.t
door to the left
WIU do a general law practice in all the
Courta of the State. All bunines. promptly ut
attemleil to.
Dr. G. W. Biddle,
tntcting ami Killing executed by the Lit
at iuiprnved methiHla. AH work warra'-teii;
14 year, experience. Omca Titu.' Block,
over Luckey drug .tore.
R. B. Cochran & Son,
Real Estate Agents.
Eugene City, Oregon.
Will Attend to geueral lieul Estate buxineex
tuck an buying, selling, leasing nnd renting
farms and city property, etc. Office on south
ids of Ninth street.
M S- .BARKER. Expert Gun-; Kidneys, Livki: and Bowbls
Smith StOCk Ot Guns and Am- Effectually Cleansing thofiyitem when
munition On hand, CoUve or Bilious, Dupullmg
ki'uehe - okKco.v'Co,(S) Headaches and Fevers
Seymour W. Condon, I w
aViiirn. - OrpffAn.
for Infants and
' 'Caaterla i. M well adapted to children that
I re.-ommend It a luperiorto any prescription
me. it. A. aamaa. u. v..
Ill So, Oxford Si, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Day & Henderson,
House in Eugene. Corner 7th and Wil. Sts
Has just received direct from New
York and Chicago, the largest
and best stock of
Ever brought to Eugene.
o... -II .! nrice UVui. Retnomls -r th pl.c:-Tl.e New Three Storj
Willamette and Eighth St.,
Brick, corner
Addition to Spriugfield.
K) Hy's addition to SpringaeM t now
upon the market, and persona deairoui of
purckuity liU. block or larger tract of
Irom five to forty acre, win be necouodated
at low price nnd upon liberal term Tb
ohject is more to build up nnd nettle tba
I'H ulitj thin, to skin the i tnigr.uit or par
chmer. This it a most desirous tract of
hnd, mid for richness of soil, bwioeai frUi
tie aud all other advantage, wkieb go to
ouiui op a paMM commuuity. is not ex
celled by any hfestion iu tke stule of Oregon
Give Them a ( Imnre!
That ii to uy, your lana: Also all your
breathing machinery. Very wonderful
Blaebiii. r it la. Xot" only the larger air
pasMtgn. but the thousands of little tabe
mi, I , loftdiim from them. When
these re i logg.d aud choked with matter
ratal OOght 11,11 to be there, your lungs can
not no UMIf work. And wliut they tbey
cannot do wcel. Call it cold, coUL-h, i rooo.
pneumonia, cutarrb, consumption or any of
tne iamiiy oi turont ana nose anil head and
luug obstructions, all are bad. All ought to
he got rid of. There is just one aure way
to get rid of them. That is to take Boa
ckee's (ierumn Syrup, which any druggist
will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if
eve; vthmg else has failed you, yon may de
peuii upou tkis for curtain.
A Pleasing Sense of Health and
Strength Renewed, and of
Ease and Comfort
Follow the tno of Syrup of Flfla, a it act
gently on thu
and permanently curing
itlmllt v,'.i l.,,ni,t t,p irritating tltn ,,ran.
, .... ...........
on which it act.
K,,r 8Me ,51&lSSaS!," "T
M Hi , I, I !J. Ii OM.V BT Til.
. Fbamcuco, cu,
Lot iKviux, Kr.,
Hi Yous. N. T.
C h 5 Idren.
CattorL'. dalle, Coaittpati,
lour Etormw . trna, , aniajil'ii,
Kills ni iu, Kivo IMp, ami promote dl-
WIUiJLt :aJuhou medication.
CsaTACa fTrtMITi " Murray Street, N. Y.
Eugene City, Or-goo
What It It?
That produce that beautifully soft com-
plextou uud leave no trace of IU anplnu
on or injurious effacti? The answer, Wis
dotu KoWrtiue aceompliahea all this, and
is pronouuctil by ladie of taste and reflue-
mt n: to be the most delightful toilet article
ver iiroduceit. Warranteit lianule and
Mtiiiless. F. M. Wilkin, agent. Eugene
Geo. W. KiiiM'y. Aupitmper.
Wkeu you want, ho, s li.ll
furniture or laud old at auctiou. call on
Geo. W. Kinaejr, tke pioneer aud most
oeturful auctioneer in Lan County. He will
attend to all sales on a reaaoimtile com-B-iisiou.
Dr. N. J. Taylor viafe. to iuform thu .
pie of Eugene uud Lane county that ke kan
re-purchaied his old office of Dr. LoOMJ,
and is to attend to all cane of dentis
try and deutnl surgery. He will be glad to
see all kia old friends and patrona aud ninny
new ouea, at Lis office upatsirs iu tke ournei
room of the Matlock
Why yes T-Tea-T. Wr ask you to note
that we carry the largest uud het stock of
Tea south oi Portland. We buy direct from
tbe importer. We allow you to are, ftisfe or
ni'.' what you buy, or will give you a saui
pie to let vou find out just wkat kind yon
want. All favorite nnd tried brand l
in stock. Price to suit tke limes from 2A
eta up. We also have a full and fresh stock
of groceries etc .
Don't Believe It
When told that F. M. Wil kins, tba druggist,
in not selling "Wisdom's ltobertiue" for tbt
complexion, the most elegant and only really
harmless preparation of its kind in tbe
world, and giving a beautiful picture card
wilh every boUle.
Mns. Winlow Soothino Svhup, for abU'
dreu teethinir, is the preecription of one of the
IsMt female nurw. and physicians in the
United Mates, and ha been used lor tnrtv
years with never-failing success by millions of
mother for their children. During the pro
cu of teething it value ii incalculable. 1 1
relieves the child from pain, cures dysentery
and diarrhoea, griping in the bowels, and wind
colic. By giving health to the child it rests
the mother. 1 rice BM a bottle.
Davia, the tailor, bns just received a large
stock of imported and domestic goods ot tke
latest Spring mid hummer styles. Call and
etnmiue kis stock.
Use Oregon Electric Belief for all pain.
inti rua) or external. Ask your druggist for
Oregon Electric Relief. It will help you.
Tke kigkest cask price
will be paid for
wheat by F. B. Dunn
Blood Diseases are cured by
the persevering use of Ayer's
This medicine is an Alterative, and
causes a radical change iu tke system.
Tke process, in some cases, may not be
quite so rapid as in otkers ; but, with
persistence, the result Is certain.
Read these testimonials I
" For two years I suffered from a se
vere pain In my rigkt aide, aud kad
ot her troublea caused by a torpid liver
and dyspepsia. After giving several
medicines a fair trial without n cure, I
began to take Ayer's Sur . io n ilia. I
wan greatly benefited by the nisi bottle,
and after taking five bottles I araaootO
letely cured." John W. lleusou, 70
avrrence St., Lowell, Mass.
Last May a large carbuncle broke out
on my arm. The usual remedies had no
effect aud I was confined to my laid for
eight weeks. A friend Induced mo to try
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Less than IhrM
bottles healed tbe sore. In all my expe
rience with medicine, I never saw moro
Wonderful Results.
Anotker marked effect of tke use of I It
medicine waa the strengthening of my
sight." Mrs. Carrie Adams, Holly
Springs, Texas.
" I hail a dry scaly humor for rears,
and suffered terribly ; and. as my broth
er and alitor were similarly afflicted, I
presume the malady is hereditary. Lust
winter, Dr. Tyron, (of Fernandlna,
Fla.,) recommended me to take Ayer's
Barsaparilla. and continue it for a year.
For five months I took It dally. I have
not bad a blemish upon my body for the
last three months. T. E. Wiley, IW
Chambera at.. New York City.
"Last fall and winter I was troubled
with a dull, heavy pain in my aide. I
did not notice it muck at first, hut it
gradually grew worse until it becamo
almost unbearable. During the latter
part of this time, disorders of the stom
ach and liver Increased my troubl' s. I
began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and,
after faithfully continuing the us of
this medicine for some mouths, the pain
disappeared and I Wat completely
cured." Mr. Augusta A. Furbush,
Haverhill, Mas.
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
pair ABED BT
Or. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass,
Frlsall ; all bottle., Worth s bottl.
2 MILES North of VUttl VM.
Eggs for Hatching for Sale
From Pi'liK BLOODS
It Good ii Ihrrr irr ia Oirg.
Wyandotte, p. r - in,' of 18 . . $1.(10
Plymouth RM, " " L00
Jul On Half iwial price of other Breeder.
Addr-, AMOS WlLKINS, Cbuiw, Or.
In Memoriani.
Hanctcirt or Habuisiu'bo. Ob.. Askmblv(
5375. K. of L. March H, 18S9. i
In submission to tke universal decree nf
tkeQreat Master ou the IStk day of March.
IM8U, Hon. Enoch H-'iilt departed brae Id
receive tbe ward that awaits the faithful
and tbe just. Tke record he leaves for the
living is bright and unta.niahed.
Pin all his public trusts he waa plain and
firmly honest, and so devoted to the main.
t unsi ce nf right and the public cond, aud
so impresiinu tboe exslted virtues upon
the minds of the people thst his name will
be endeared and honor, ,1 by them long afrt r
all wh - now live hate gone to join tke great
As a private citizen he was the aonl of
honor, dignified, nobl and charitable in all
his secular dealings In hi. domestic rela
tions be was a tu.nlel of tbe Inch -t order;
kind and provident.his teachings correct end
I- v.. ting in the family le't to mourn his
Is- The Hnrrishnrg Assembly of the Noble
Order of the Knights of Isls.r extend sym
pathy to tbe bereaved family of our d.wrti ,l
brother, J. F. HsNrmi.
0 H WeoMOtt,
A. T. Diiiskii.
About Tito 0. P.
The Review of Prineville, dated March In
couUitn the foUnwtttti Oni Kekleson, chief
ennineer for the Orr-iron Pacific, nirlve.1 here
from Albany last Satin, lay, and left on Moil
lay . staire for I'he Dalle. Ho ensued the
I'ascad.B froin the front of the (). P. on fmit
Wh ,t mission the t',,1. was on we were uushh
to learn, but he said .omethiu,,' would pr-
known within one nmnili ot the ts,iusnv u.
l.-utions. t ol r.ckles in savs the istuipniiy can
complete the road from Albany to the De.
L-hutte river within six mouths from the tin,,
active construction i I . n hen akr.
whether the r el would Is. located thrniah
Prineville, Col. Kcklewn said that wan a mat
ter entirely with the manner.., and a thins'
over which the enxinerr had in. enntn I, hut
the object of the eouiiinuy u as net a direct
route, and he thought the most direct line wan
across the desert. 'I'he Colonel said there wa.
uothing in the report that a surveying par
ty in the employ of the tjaioa Pacific were
mcatlnc, a Hue on tbe summit ot the t ascades.
The Polk County Muitlt'r.
SALIM, March '.'II. Great excitement still
prevail, throughout Polk cunty over the kill
Ua of Perrvman and the action of Justice
h rink in admittine; Heard. h v to Lull in such a
small amount A petition ha. been sinned by
a large number of solid citizens ami print".!
asking Prink to tat resign a justice. Neither
Itcardnley nor Inns could be .cell to day and
a rumor u among lteanlsley'n enemies that
botit have left tbe country, but others do not
lielieve this. Many Polk county people were
in Salem to day and the cane was the whole
talk of the street all dav. It would Iw mutate
for any man to speak a good word urn Heard
ley in I oik county just now. I lie leelnis'
against the justice is almost as lulUir as against
tbe criminal.
. . .
A ( iiiniiig- Political ih'ss.
A mati who wanted to learn what profession
he would have hi son enter, put him in
M with a Bible, au apple nnd , dollar bill.
it he found hint when lie returned readmit the
Lille, he would make a cleruvman of him:
if ' .tin. the apple, a farmer, and f interested
u tbe dollar bill, I banker. v ben lie re
turned he found the Isiy sitting on the llihle,
with the dollar in his mcket, and the apple
alinistt d voured lb' innde a mlitieiaii of him.
Hl'SBtND and Wirit. The following will
be of great nnd vital interest to n great MMj
people of Oregon as wcl1 ns of t alilnruin:
Hv a decision of tbe supremo court of t alt
(orni rendered recently, the principle of
law is laid down Ihut husbnnd ami w if.-, in
the privacy of their epartmeiits, may say of
eack otker, or of anybody else, anything
they may choose. The judges aver tkat tin
relatiouskip of husband mid wife is of ttaefa
a character that iu the seclusion of their own
home, whatever each may ay to the other.
-bull l rivurded as having been Mini inch to
himself or herself.
Pendleton East Oreuonian: .lethro Hard
wick recently lost-1100 head of sheep on D npnin
Kuleh, the annuals having eaten of saltpetre
p,- el mi the patur hy some unprincipled
miscreant. Sixteen head of tattle were alno
lost by a neighbor of Hardwiek. This is
doiiblles the fisrt case of saltpetre poi.onin
that his ever occurred iu thin section. Mr.
Hardwiek is at a haw to know who the hidden
enemy li.
I lia loirulnv camp on the upper Calainn,ia,
where a force of men have Iwen waiting for
many months in hope of rain cm, unit to ifford
water to float a drive of about two million feet
f bus to Allianv. have at last iiiven up the
job and dlsbandeil This will leave the logs in
he mountains another year and will proiuiitlv
put an end to supplying the saw mill at
Al'.any with logs this snunutr.
There ire now in the hatchery ut Oregon
City lendy to be turned into lb" river, about
SOO.OOO young Dsn, making total number
batched aince last August, i It ia
ipecletl that the output for this year will
Iw between 0,000,000 nnd H.OOO.OOO young
II. I, flu IMM net I di.trleln Ml If 4
schtstl children, 'J.0U1 teachers, I.-'IH-I chNl
house., UJMull7.M invested in school pnap
a ' I 1 . , . LXL
erty. Average salary pain mm te.-uai.-rfl,
fMtt.20; female, 3.7. Amount paid for
teachers' saUries in IKKK. M.r.OtVfiO,
Here is au nrgumeiit in fav,,r of the much
aliiined number, thirteen: Thirteen min
were sleeping in a freight caboose on a Ne
braska railroad the other day, when another
freight train dashr-d into it an I broke it into
kindling wood without injuring a man.
II N. ( rain in aelling off At cost. Call
arly and secure bargains.
Take Notice
That A Goldsmith ban the Inrgest, finest
and best stock of Oneeusware. Crockery and
I Glaaswar ever brought to Eugene. Give
kin, . nail .rol I,,, nrill firrtv, it to von
Dr. Taylor'a 7 Oak Compound, purely
vegetable, positively cures rbeumutism, neu
ralgia, toothache, aicb keadacke, cramp col
ic, cholera morbui, complaints peculiar to
femalei, cold or cough, hive, chills and ft
Ter, paini around tbe heart, erysipelas,
1 phthisic. Ge -bob Tatlob.
Sold by Osburn k Co, drnggiili.
Postal Tblbubapb. Office hour on Sun
day from 8xK) to 10 10 a. m .and from 4:00
to 6)00 p. in. Week day,ll busine. boon
0. F. Caaw, Bupt.
The People Pay the Hill.
Tit Salem State-nun has ben investi
gating thu appropriations mda by tbe laat
I. g 'stature, and comes to th conclusion that
a Ut of nearly 7 mills will be required for
the , aaaiaa tan tot mat expensea. Tbi is
alnmt double Ibu levy of the present year.
the Statesman says:
Scleral short expression in current num
ber of tbe public journal indicate that th
total nf appropriation wkirk must be mat
bv taxation atnl ill COUaeiUeut effect on tb
tiexi k-vy of state taxes, ka not been pro
perly foundered, ami therefore tba conclu
sion are ut variance witk the actual facts.
rtie writ, r w ill . udeavor to give tke (acta
with such a degree ot accuray or as near aa
can be ss.-et tamed at lb present time I fol
lows; Approp.t dions aa contained in
the regular appropriation bill. .1719,411.68
For eleven llfTeient wagon roads. .11 13,00 ,.00
For hoitieiilttiiul eoiinnisnion . . 7,000 00
For bureau weather service 2,000.00
For purchase It aud 15 Or. r.
pons 3.500,00
lor two Ea-ti in Oregon and one
Southern Or.-gou agricultural
aoeietiea at jlOOO each per
annum 9,000.00
For purchase of one-half block
east of state bullae 5,000.00
For additional salary of state
libraiinn 1,000.00
Foi r. lief Mrs N J McPhersou. . . I.OUi.OO
For relt-f gf John Staph ton , . 150 00
For rtltt I In In of A J II, mhree. . 47H 00
For relief of Fred Yeuke MMNI
For rebel of I Hacker its, on
Ft ,,t J Dtaaowra lioto
Foi Attneiiliural eolltge ,., . 37,50(1.(1(1
For Portland ti.ltigt fiotM...... 6,0ti0.li0
F.,r Stat. It. form School . ... 3d, IKK) 00
For expense- of s.s.lou . . 4,U00.00
Total tU7tt.4W.6H
This dm a uot include appropriation made
lioui trOut Intel ..
This is the total amount then, tint ia to
be paid out of the geueral fuud during this
year and uext
If Ike state were even at tke beginning of
tkis year aud received noikinu tutu tka
general fun it from any otker source tkan tax
ation this would lie the exact amount to be
raised by taiatioii during this year aud next.
Hut as shown by the list statement of tka
commission for tke compulation and appor
tionment of state levy of taxes, made Dec.
5, I8NH, tke slate wa deficient tl,5l5.W.
Instead of a deficiency Ike law contemplate,
aud reiptirea a sntplus ol t5,000. Adding
tkese amounts to i b. total of appropriations,
we have U07.0I5.Q7.
From other sou roc than taxatiou tka
state will probably receive tke following
From tke geueral government on In
dian war claims, alter commission
is paid 34,200
From otk. r source 'JO.OUO
llalatice of old appropriation Uot
likely to be drawn 35,000
Total t79.200
Deduct tkis ami tkere ia left tke sum of
$'.I17.HI5 67 to be by taxation . Of
tkm amount :II7,8H5 08 ba already been
provided for by tke pteieut levy, lenviug
fn',110,1110.01. On au estimated valuation of
.-s. i n,'.i 1 1. Hip ut-xt state lx for current
eXIH-unes would be uboiit II. H mills.
I'he legislature of IHM5, that made larger
app'opriutioua than that of lrlH'.l. had aoma
$3.10,000 surplus in tke stale treasury to go
ou The recent session had no such surplus,
snd lb.- wind,, amount of the val appropri
alioill uiunt be provided for iu the state levy
of lalel.
It is uot a very eticournging n.itlook fee
tbe reputation lor economy of tbe late legia
lature, but thu truth may a well lie told now
us later on.
The return of the Govcrnimiut of Now
Sotiih Wales to the principal of taxation for
revenue oulv is an ovt-ul of more than usual
interest from the fact thst tbe experiments
of protection aud anti protection have been
earned on side by aide in Australia for a
i mill,, nil y.ars under ciicumnianc. moat
favorable lor comparison. The province of
New South Wales baa been developed under
free trade ami that of Victoria under protec
tion. The latter at in at forged ahead, the
growth of manufacture answeriug to tba
stimulation of th tnrifT. The gold discov
eries must be credited also for some of tba
. lied, but uot for all. Iu the latter manu
factures grew more slowly under lb nan ral
laws of trade, but more surely, nnd now New
South Wabs outstrip Victoria both with
respect to manufacture- and general pro
penn. Th. stuily ol tbe statistic of th
two province, is uinsi iumructive and clearly
denotes which Is the mote advuiitageoiii
plan. An attempt to institute protective
taxes in New South Walua baa In en recently
made against tb light of its own rxiierienc,
and ihe Ministry responsible (or the effort
has Just been foiced to resign to give way to
one represonliug tbe former order of things.
For Sale.
A good wind mill, pump, piping and tank,
cheap for cash or trude. Impure of
J. J. WattOB.
Mr. C. J. Smith, traveling aaleaman for
B.dford, Clark k Co., Chicago, bad tbe mi
fortune to sprain hi wrist molt aeverely.
"I waa suffering great pain," h says, ''and
my wrist was badly swollen', a law applica
tion! of Chamberlain's Pain Balm relieved
the pain and reduced the .welling in on
night, ami in conai ipience my work and
business waa not interrupted, for which I
am very grateful. I can recommend Cham
berlain a Pain Halm from personal exper
ience." Hold by Osburn k Co.
When a person tel la you tbey never bad
such a cold in tbeir life lake their words for
it and advise them to uae Cbamberliin'l
Cougk Remedy and cure. For oougks,
colds nnd hoarse lien it has no experience.
Sold by Osburn k Co.
Uicb food, and lack of exerciae, during
tb wiuter months, caua tbe system to be
come torpid and the blood impure. A do
or two of St. Ptrick's Pill will cleanse and
invigorate tbe system, purify tke blood and
do more good than n dollar bottle of blood
purifier. Hold by Osburn k Co.
A Denon is seldom sick, wben tbeir bow
el are regular and never well wben they ar
irregular. Hear this in mind and keep your
howeh regular by an occaatnnal doae of bt.
Patrick ! Pill. Bold by Osburn Co.