Council Proceeding. Cooxcil Chimbh, March 12, 'R9. Prmeiit Mayor Duuu, couocilineD Lock Mr, Bilyeu, Paine, and Matlock. The uiiuutea of Ul meeting read and p proved. Mr. LucUey from the finance committee re ported frably on the fulluwlug bilte, to wit: Geo V C'roner, 112 75; K Blachley, 150; Vireil lowland. II 50; M n Hubble, au; Albert lOwer. 75c: H J Day, fi 00 M. I ;, .. 4 GO: IS I' I Mm. 121.50. iif the finance committee Unt on oii'tum of Mr. Uilviu, the ruli impended autl the above bill wen ami .tril.ri.l ruftiii. u. I - from the itreet committee ported the contract for building the Hilyard atreet bridge, let to L N ltoney fur tbe turn of U1, lUport adopted. The committee alao recommeuded the following improvement be ordered, to wit: bix feet lidewalk on aouth aide of Ninth atreet from eaat aide of Patteraon to toe weet lid o( Hilyard itreet lUmoee tree (mm the aidewaik on tbe aouth aid of Thirteenth atreet, and at the fence back to the aouth line of -aid Thirteenth itreet between Mill and l'atteraon itreeta. lea foot lidewalk on the weet aid of Willamette atreet from Day 4 Hendereon'i eidewalk north to the alley. Hit loot eidewalk on the north aid of tlevtntli rtreet between Uiarnelton and Olive itreet. On motion the recouiuieuuaiinm u the oomuitt were adopted, and the improve menu above named are hereby order I, A oommunicatioD from cbif engineer D M Ulnan, reoouiuieudog tbe purchaae of ho, waa raad and referred to the committee on fir and w. iter with iuatruutioua to purchaie amount of hot required. The loUowlur letter of acceptance from th Street Itailway Co. waa read: Kuoim, Oregon, March 11, 1889. To the Mayor, lieuoider and Common Coun cil of Kuiieue. Oregon. l.tNtimiN: lie it known and remembered by you aud all whom it may coucern that w hav and do hereby accept Hie leriua aud condltioui of Onlluauce No 58 ol th aaid Kugeue, Or., granting to ua and our aucoeeeon and awigiu the tranchiee right to couetruct and operate a atreet railway in the itreeta of aaid city a therein att forth. Iu witueM whereof we have hereunto net our bauds thia 11th day of March. T. .1. Smith, A. (i. Hovir, J. Uouhon, . C. 3m i ii. J. A. Straight, U. W. Wiu HI KM. I. to. S. WaSUBUKM. Tbe abo.e letter of acceolanoi being conaid rd iucoinplct, in that the conditioui of i irdinanc No 5t) waa not included it waa re ferred back to the company fur amendment. A petition from G P Urithn, J aa if' llobin tun and otheri to grade and gravel Lawreuoe atreet from Eighth itreet north to euuth line of railroad read and on motion the prayer uf the petitioner waa granted. A petition from Moeburg, Karri k Co. for peruiiaeion to erect a canvaa tent within the tor 1 inula waa read, and on motion referred to the committee on tiro and water aud chief en gineer with iuitruction to leport at the next meeting of the council. A petition from J. W. Eagan k Co. aaking for Ilia return of the unearned portion of their aaluon liceuae waa read aud on motion laid un the table. A petition from Mr R S Bean, Mn M I liilyeu and Mn L H Johumn, committee uf ti.e W G 1' U, aaking for the enactment of an ordinance clmiug buainew bouiea un Sunday, and un mution the prayer uf the petitioner waa grauteil and tbe city attorney instructed to prepare the ordinance prayed for. A petitiou troin J J Vt allou, J r. , W. W. Hainei aud otheri fur a light at the Ninth treat bridge, wae read and on mution a light wa ordered on corner of N iuth and Pa tter oa itreei. A petition from J A Straight, L N Roney and other fur a lidewalk un euuth lide of Sixth itreet from Willamette to Adam atreet waa read and un motion the prayer ot th petition en wm grantt d aud aidewaik ii hereby ordered. A petition from f W Ciburn, T N Segar and olbere to grade and gruel Willamette itreet from lltn lret aouth to the city limit waa read aud referred to th committee on tire nd water. Th recorder waa instructed to give notice of the propoaed itreet imurov inenta. Bill) to the amount of $162 70 wen read and referred to the hnauoe committee. Kill im pended and billi of Geo. Stanibury $3)40 and Patunon 4 Chriatiau $2 Bj allowed and or dered paid. Urdinano No. 65 cluing buaineet houae n Sunday read and paaied. Urdinano No. bo prohibiting the aal ol to bacco in any form to minora read and pad. Urdinano No. 07 prohibiting th aal uf iu tukiieting liquor to minora read and paaeed. , " J.urami, o m i oran and 1 L, Lamp bill appointed judee of electiun. Yoran and Campbell designated a clerk. Keeorder in structed to give uotice ot time and place of holding the annual election. Mr Uickey from oommittee on acreeta re ported a portion of Mill itreet belonging to private pertiee. Committee inatructed to hav itreet lurveyed and and Moertain tens pou hWh land wanted fur itreet outdo an be bought. t - MrGwW Kini.ya.ked to be nimbiueed "alkdUrtrey.diath. improvimeat of "f , Th matter waa referred to the Wert oommittee with instruction, to report at th. nut meeting of th council Adjounied. & F. Dvaej, keeorder. STARR, GRIFFIN, ft BROW 'i Hardware. Tin ware & Stoves. Pumps. Pipes, and Plumbing- JOB WORK done on tice at reasonable rates. ING a Specialty. short PLUM Come and See U NEW GOODS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOOD! From the Cheapest to the Best prices according to quality. A LARGE STOCK OF SH0 hrom the uneapest to the Best. All parties! De suited either as to Knee or Quality, Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Prieti the finest; can sua you if you give us a call OUR STOCK is tTFree New and Stylish.. Look un over; if we do not save you ell to you low. money, we will make some FULL LINE OF GROCERIES F. B. DUNN ASH GROVE POULTRY YARD. 2 MILKS North of COBURG. Eggs for Hatching for Sale From PUKE BLOODS Ai UMd Ihcrt ire in Oirg. Wyn,lottei, per letting of IS, $1.80 Pljrmonth Rock, " " L00 hut One Half ueual price of other Breeder. Addrei., AMOB WILKINS, Coburg, Or. FRUIT TREI 5,000 Italian Pr -AND 20,000 BartlettP Still nnanM .t th. WOODHUK oKKY, February 26, 1889. Addnal J. H. SETTLEMIEIt, Wo