HE EUGENE CITY GUARD. n B8TABL1SHED FOR THE DIXSEllVlTIOJI OP OENH'RATIC MUMPlES, AJID TO (URN HONEST LIVING BY TBRSWRU OP orR BROW. EUGENE CITY, OR., SATURDAY, MARCH lb 1881). 0L21 NO. 34. r IL p0BUSHEDEVEBYBAiuuUAi., L L CAMPBELL, mid Proprietor. ,, the East We "f Willamette r FM."nth ,i,t Elghth 8tre,u ..ms OF SUBSCRIPTION. $2 50 ......in . 1.9B Jtoo tin 78 . nutnu." jj - ' . .. ,.VT V a ADVKKTIH1NG. t Inserted aa follows: fFZZnt insertion a-h "'tun-en ttouire - 12 00 ."".fflni.'ii.i column, 20 cents tlE!tiuMU rendered .marterly. JvertWH, " , KOK ON 1IEL1VEUY. II mil "rh u GEO. B. DORRIS, Lrney d Counsellor- at-Law, PHiCTICE IN THE COURTS TILT, PK A I ,. , rji8trict ud in tin- ""'.' ', f r-.,.rt. ot tills umm. gem .,. ... cllectixn. anil tdiBPruu" - L BILlfEU, Lrney and Counsellor at Law, - mOES IS ALLTHEOOUMSOI thi, State. Will giv special attention Ifc.tinusiiiMprolKiteuiaiwrs. La-Over Hendriok A man nana. Lshburne & Woodcock utoriicy-at-Lav, fan on. - - - 0RK,;0N lfi('r;-At tbe Oonrt House. ivHra3 EORGE A. DORRIS, Utopiicy-aMiw, BENE CITY, - " OIWQOH Inci-ln Register lJ'IM-'k- id M. MILLER, ley and Ccunsellor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EXE CITY, - OREGON. lice formerly occupied by Thompson & f. E. FENTON, Utorney-at-Law. EXE CITY OREGON. tul.ttentton iriven to Probate business abstracts nf Title. let-Over Ursnge Store. W. HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE ilkin's Drug Store. Idencton Fifth street, where Or Shelton lly resided '. JOSEPH P. GILL, I BE F0UX1) AT HIS OFFICE or res- l when not professionally engaged. Bene on Eighth Btreet. oDuoaite Presbv- I Church. J. WALTON, Jr., WOBNEY-AT-LAW, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. I.L PRACTICE IN ALL THE . urut hi uie state. f mention given to real estate, col- I. Mil l.r, ,)i.f.i ........... I I ' "... ill 11 L' I , P'os ill kind. of claims against the Flutes Government Walton's brick nanus 7 and 8. DRS. PRENTICE & M DONALD, Physicians y Surgeons. P. VI . PRENTICE, M. D. Graduate of the Uni versity of Penn. and Cinn. Col. of Med. and Surgery. Special attention naid to diseases of thel.ungs Stomach, and Kid neys. J. J. McDonald, k. d. Oraduate of the Uni versity of Penn. ami University of Cali fornia. Special attention paid to diseases of Women Throat. Nose and to I Surgery. E. R. SKIPWORTH, Attorney-at-Law , EUGF.NF. CITY, - - . OREGON. Omi t Cn stain in Register Murk Kr,i door to the left Will do a general law practice in all the Courts of the State. All business promptly at attended to. Dr. Taylor's 7 Oaks Compound, purely vegetable, positively cure rheumatism, neu ralgia, toothache, sk'h bcailuche, cramp col ic, cholera morbus, complaints peculiar to I female, cold or cough, hive., chills and fe i ver, paius arouud the b art, erysipelas, I phthisic. G iuiK Tatloe. Sold by Osburn ,fc Co, druggist. Why yesT-TeaT. We ask von to note ( that we carry the largest and lsi stock Of iro suuiu oi loruami. we nuv iiircct from Ihe importer. We allow you to r , Uule or Ml whut yon buy, K will give ymi u hud. pie to let you find out just what' kind you waut. All favorite and tried branda nlwaya inatock. Prices to suit the times from eta up. We alto have a full and fresh stock of groceries etc. tUBIS Tra Co. PoeTal. Taumtn. Office honra on Sun day from HO0 to HHO a. m. .and from 4.00 lo iik) p m. Week days.all buiuees homa O. F. Cuaw, Supt. Seymour W. Condon, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. DUNN'S BUILDING, Itagei'iie, . - Oregon. Dr. G. W. Biddlo, m DENTIST. PLATE Wl RK A SPECIALTY. EX trading ami FilliiiL' executed bv the at est impMveil methods. All work warraiteu; H yean experience. UKKICE-litus ltlock, over Luckey s drug store. R. It. Cochran & Son, Real Estate Agents. Bufene Itj, Oregon. Will attend to general Real Estate business such us Inlying, selling, leasing und renting farms and city property, etc. OQico on south aide of Ninth stnvt. HA K KICK WH WOHK8 Tlic Tolmi-co Hill. 1 1 1 I MS BARKER Expert Gun Smith Stock ot Guns and Am munition on hand. KIUIBMK - - - OBKGOX. ::plIASANTlAXATlVE ' : :asing Sense of Health and Mgth Renewed, ami of Ea9e and Comfort I the BM of Syrup of Fi0s, aj it acta cut!) on th 1 K DNEYS, LlVKB AM) BoWRLfl tttl illy t hanging the System when t ' - no or liilioua, Dispelling ! , Headaches and Fevers n:ul poinmnently curing iABXXVAXi CONSTIPATION W ikt "ling or irritating the organs on which it acta. In SOS and tl.00 Itottles ly all J.eiHllng Hi ugKl.U, '.MTACTl RED OXlt at TI1R LTI0EFIA HQ SYBUP 00. New Yurx. N. Y. Money to Loan. APPLY TO- ,1. K. Fcntou, Eugene City, - - Oregon. for Infants and Children. ' 'Caatoria is so well adapted to children that rocommefld it a. lupehor to any prescnplion sjoowd to me.'' II. A. AacHia, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St.. Brooklys, N. T. Caatoria ertr rli. Conetlpatlrti, Boor Sterna i, liiarrhtsa, EruetaUoa, mis Won civet bleep, and prumotea oi- Igrstlou, WlticLt usurious medication. The Cektacb Compaxv. 77 Murray Stn-et, N. Y. Day & Henderson ? THE LEADING- FDHDTUBE & UIB1BTAKING House in Eugene. Corner 7th and Wil. Sts MA t LICK la Has just received direct from New York and Chicago, the largest and best stock of FALL AND WINTER COODS & Sarsaparilla, laWl F. DORRIS, IRAHCE AND REAL ESTATE ACENT. Fj Watt VERY DESIRABLE -.. iiupruveii ami L nimpniveil lown ! m le, i.n easv tern is. ' Seated and Rents Collected. fu?Ifi ' '""'paniea I represent are Ithedlilest ami niiwt Reliable, and in MOM . . . I L' .' . ., l --.,11 hab:.b aujiisimeiii oi meir . " ' v i .r.. T"' J"Ur lutpinaire is solicited. MP iUin. orw the Granife SUire. B. F. DORRIS. J. DAVIS, frchant Tailor. I IPESEp A SHOP ON NINTH -yfrii me star Uakery, wneie to do all kind, of work offered of Fine Cloths on hand for H SESLa ... ... 1 .-J W RemeniW the place:-Tbe New Three Story tead."- " - . .""Ur. and Ei.hU, St.. Eugene OUT, Oregon. a". 6, 1886. tt j BriCK. coruei " "' - An id to prohibit the sale of tobacco, cigars and cigarettes to minors under the age of eighteen Tear. Be it enacted by the legislative assembly of the state of Oregon: Set. 1. It shall be. unlawful to sal), bar ter, tnde, give, or in any manner furuish to ny minor under the age of eighteeii years, any tobacco, cigars or dgsfttta in any form Off any eompoand in which Iodmoo forms a compon. nt part, wiihont written consent or ord. r of -ueh minor's iiareuts nr gimrdians. and win ii such minor bus uo parent or gu .r diao, lb. ii in lhal case consent mnv Ih given by tin. i-.iiiuty court, settiug tor the transac tion of county business, upon proper appli cation in the couuty in which said minor iylrave his residence. Sec. J. Any person violating the provis ions of this act shall, upou conviction, le fined the sum of not less than twetity Mi. lars nor more than fifty dollars. Ski J. Justices of the Peace shall have jurisdiction for all otl'eusessrising under this act. Inasmuch ss there is no Isw on this sub ject, this set shall lie in force from and alter its approval by the Governor. Take Notice. That A. Goldsmith has the largest, finest and best stock of Queetisware, Crockery and Glassware ever brought to Eugeue. Give hiin a call and he will prove it to you. By the latest methods in use by Eastern deutists high in the profession, Henderson is enabled to produce equally as desirable re sults in fine gold fillings. Office same place, Hayes' block. Don't Believe It Wheti told that F. M. Wilkins, th.' druggist, is uot selling "Wisdom's Rola rtine" for the complexion, the most elegant and only really harmless preparation of its kind in the world, aud giving a beautiful picture card with every bottle. Notice. ('has. B iker has leased the Baker house from Mrs. Baker and purchased the boat, uiss. All bills previous in Aug. 15 are pay able by and to Mrs. Baker. (iivo TfcM a Cliance! That is to say. your lungs: Also nil your breathing machinery. Very wonderful machinery it is. Not only lue larger air passages, but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leading from them. When these are clogged and choked witu matter which ought uot to be there, your lungs can not do their work. And what ihey do, they cannot do weel. Call it cold, cough, croup, pm minima, catarrh, consumption or any o! the family ot throat and nose mid head aud lung obstructions, all are bud. All ought to he got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take llos chec's (leriuun Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if eve vlhing elso has failed yon, you may de pend upou this for certain. . .as. What Is It? That prodnOM that beautifully soft com pli xiuii mid leaves no truces of its applica tion or injurious efl'ectsV The answer, Wis doui's Rola rtine accomplishes all this, and is pronounced by ladies of tasto and refine ment to be the most delightful toilet article ever produced. Warranted harmless and matchless. F. M. Wilkius, agent, hugene Citv. Ever brought to Eugene. THIS IS NO IDLE BOAST, Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt, Pri t i ut bottle., w onn si a Another Railroad Scheme. The Kosehurg Revi.w (the editor of which, listing be. u clerk of th. Uiard of railway com inisriouera U in a position to get th. Inaid. railroad news) conUius the lollowing iiuar tant railway talk, in which Eugene is directly interested: "A n'eat msuv s9npl. siesk hm lly against railroads as monopolies, and in msnv in-Uii ces it is only too true. We say give MINMO lv fniii here to Cish bav sn I we will prom is., not to 'kick' much. Sir. Pengra and oth ers with whom we have talked recently have a luoposition of this sort Start at (htden, thence on the Central Pacific route to Winnu unices, thence in s more westerly direi'timi to tlm Bay via lioaehnrg or Drain, whichever is the must accessible, thence to F.ugene Citv ami by wav of Salem, theuce via Tillamook and the final point heing Astoria. The sen llenien who have this project under considers lion sre not impracticable men, but men who know what they are doing. A part of this r.at cosat system will Iw built at sn rally day we tlire. From Ciioh bay, nppnsiie Kmpire Citv or Mar.hfiel'l, to the Smslaw sml thence lo I' I,. City will lie built before you iiusg ine. We got a eep under the curtain. The MINI ptopli sre neither dead nor ssleep. Now what is Koseburg going to do als-ut a mad to conuect with the ain. We had better look to our interest somewhat it seems to us hrom New Orleans to Portland the great v tern of the S Pwas only by piecemeal. Give us a railroad to Cisis bay. PttUlOBM mill Poet. The California Athens follows the eiam ample of its ancient prototype iu nt least nue respect it is ungrateful to its lienefacton. Joaquin Miller settled in Oakland sod ihrew himself into the life of his adopted home with poetical enthusiasm. He praised the place iu print and in speech. Ho was always foremost in projects for its adorn ment. Recently he gave it fifteen acres of his cherished land, earned bv hard brain toil, for a park. Just after Ibis last net of betievo'ence, Oaklstnl repaid Mr. Miller's generosity by dtoidiM to put a ptslhouse just buck of hi" place, where it would ruin the value of hi propeity, Mlb M nn investment sml ns a iioine Tbe port is uatnrallv hurt. If the ire going to put the p. sthouke there he sat they might as well put it in his front yard, mid has offered live acres of his best laud (oi I he purpose. Oakland is uot doing herself any credit by di aling Mr. Miller ns she proposes to do. Tin re is plenty of uuocciipiid Isnd ncross ihe bay without creatiug n plague spot near the lioinc of a mau who has unselfishly tried lo hem fit the city and whose name is more widely known than that of Oaklaud ilself. S. F. I mui, in i The Teacher Who advised her pupils to strengthen their minds by the uso of Ayer's Sar aparillu, appreciated the truth that bodily health is essential to mental vigor. For iersons of delicate and feeble constitution, whether young or old, this medicine is remarkably beneficial. Be ure you get Ayer's 8arsaparllla. " Everv spring and fall I tnke a num ber of bottles of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and am greatly benefited." Mrs. James H. Eastman, Stonehatu, Mass. "I have taken Ayer's 8arsaparilla with (Nat benefit to my general health." MisTlitr7a L. Crerur. l'ulinvra. Mil. "My daughter, twelve years of age, has suffered for the past year from General Debility. A few weeks since, we began to give ber Ayer's 8arsaparilln. Her health has Seatly Improved." Mrs. Harriet 11. attles, South Chelmsford, Mass. "About a year ago I began using Ayer's Sarsaparilla as a remedy for debility and neuralgia resulting from malarial exposure in the army. I was in a very bad condition, but six bottles of tho Sar saparilla, with occasional doses of Ayer's Pills, have greatly improved my health. I am now able to work, and feel that I cannot say too much for your excellent remedies.' F. A. Pinkham, South Moluncus, Me. "My daughter, sixteen years old, Is using Ayer's Sarsaparilla with good ef fect." Rev. S. .1. Graham, I'liiled Brethren Church, Buckhaunon, W. Va. ",I suffered from Nervous Prostration, with lame back and headache, and have been much benefited by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I am now 80 years of age, and am satisfied that my present health and prolonged life are due to the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla." - Lucy Moffitt, Killingly, Conn. Mrs. Ann H. Farnswnrth. a lady 79 years old, So. Woodstock, Vt., writes : 'After several weeks' suffering from DcrvoM prostration, I procured a bottle of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and before I .ft . ... . 1. .. ...1In l.ol.l. 1 .,1 1 taaen nan oi u m uu. A KoHeate View. Orrgonian: One of these days the history of tho Santism mines will be written up, and there will 1 a strange tale of early discover ies, ami Iniw as far luu k as HsiO, people went into the mountains HOJM0tU and that in the summer of IHtiA An.-iis Mclloiiald, a Scotchman, made the astonishiiik' discovery ot the White Bull lodge How companies in coronated to build roads, . sawmill, ami set up and operate a quartz mill, and that ii proced that their discoverer lit uicn a chim uev," very rich iu gold, but the main ledge did not pay. Then the mountains were ahau doued, and lor years nothing was done. In the course of time other prosstctors and work ers went there, and worlc recommenced, ami at length gissl mines were found, ami the en terpri f the faithful was rewarded. About the yenr llslO there will lie live towns planted in those mountain nltbts, railrcada will reach them, ami there will Iw the everlasting din of machinery sunding sml grinding all through the twentieth century, cleauinu up millions of treasure. People will wonder how it ever was that so many years p ...... I and so many pros lectors could find nothing, when the moun tains were fairly alive with treasure. There lias been a great deal of prospecting done on the headwaten of all the streams that put into the Willamette from the Cascades, anil it is well known that gold, silver, lead, copper aud iron exist there iu abundance. In course of time there will lielietter reduction methisls and the Cascades mountain mines will do a gisul part for the future of our state. PlMfbr the Public Schools. Criticise the public schools ns we pb nse, wu are obliged to own. nfter iuvestigsticn, that they offer to every child who enters them certain advantages which no private wealth can buy. In our cities an. I large tonus they are, to begin with, as clean as the decks and cabin of a man-of-war. Every child who enh rs them learns, so tar as the school room infiiieiice goes, habits of neat ness, method, decorum ami punctuality points of training hardly to be surpassed .a their imKrtancf, not only for the mental, but for the moral nature When I enter such a school room, and come upon fifty little people uiaiching ill procession to or from their seats, nlic.lo nt to the wsve of a finger from the resolute youth or maiden who hss them in charge mid when I reflect thst sll across ihe continent, from the At lantic to tbe Pacific, this snme process is going on, then that modest teacher's work rises to sublimity, ami stems one aiming in iitiuiersble shuttles that are together weav ing the vast web of a uew generation. Hah Hr's Bazar That Horrible Narrow tiauu'e. Of all the railroads in this wide world, that nai row gauge up the country takes the ban Mff, From Portland to Humlee the mail is in very gisid condition; but tnun there nn south no better description could la' given than that expressed by the fellow who said it "consisted of a few pieces of rust sml a rik'ht of way." My the gissl bird d. liver any other section from such a calamity. Nine hours to run liO miles. Astoria Transcript. Croon can always be prevented by giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the I efjrtive child becomes hoarse . It is pleasant and sa'e to take sod perfectly reliable. Price, SO (ants per battle. For sale by Osburn k Co. According to the Pioneer Astoria has "two or three tnun who are worth a halt a million do lain) twenty that 'are worth SlIXi.OOll; twenty-live that nre worth $50,1100; twenty live that are Worth $25,000: fifty that are worth IIU.OOO. Total 189, worth in the aggie gate $5,1)75,000," which isdoublethe tamble properly of Clatsop county, and only goes to show that Oregon's assessment system is a fraud. ADVICK TO M"THEK8. Mlts. WwsliOW's SiHrTHlNO Svri'P, for chiT dren teething, is the prescription of one of th. be.t female nurses and physicians in the I'liiled States, and has been used for fortv years with uever failing success by millions of mothers for their children. During the pro cess of teethinit its value is incalculable. It relieves thefrhild from pain, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, giiping iu the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the child it rests tas mother, Pi lot Mt i hnttla 80. W. Kinsey, Aiicioneer. When you want your goods, household lurtiiture or laud sold at auction, call on Gi o. W, Kiusey, the pioneer nud most slit Oeasfal auctioneer iu Laue County. He will attend to all sales on a reasonable com mission. Bs Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous (or its prompt nnd effectual cures of coughs aud colds. The most severe cold may be loosened and relieved by a few doses of this valuable remedy. For sale by Ostium 4 Co. There is uo danger in giving Cbumbcr Iain's Cough Remedy lo children, as it con lajatM injurious substance; besides it is nueijuiilfd for colds and croup. Children like it. For sale by Ostium A Co. Persons doubled with rheumatism should try Cbauilierlsiu's Piiiu Balm. Onenpplica- III ...... Ik.. HMh. ....1 it. - - J .., 111,11 Will ... IU- I"""", .. ....... Hu. I..- rnr...l nt ii. cases of chroiiic and iiifi.iin- malory iheumatism that had resisted other rem. dies ami evi u I he treatment of the liest nhvsici.iiis. Price. 50 cents per bottle. For I sale by Osburn & Co. The f..lowing from the pen of Mr. L. P. lUr.lwill ulilnr of tbe Marion. (Iowa) ! Pilot, sill we believe, lie of interest to many i . ..nr .. nil. He. mmvu: "It is Willi I pleasure that I certify to tbe real merits of I Chamberlain's Cough remedy. I have need it in my family for years aud have always ; found it most excellent, and especislly for Tin: Piiettv L.tnv Outtta Some of th. most Is-sutiful and pleasant features of th. last session of the legislature Mere those of th. Imly clerks Ihey i.tlded vivacity to the see sion, and ornamented the corridors sml com initlee riHiins some of IMSJ were thtafB of beauty or oys forever, or words to that effect They cam. Iiiiili but the solmis had to have them or st lea-t thought sn. But some ot the most cliaiiiiinn of them raised the very old Harrjr With number ol lulls. The en rulttU hills, which will Is'couie laws, are, in my ..f i hem, full of glaring clerical errors, that vill cause mi end of eannMaon For IrSStaaOS, the lesi.lstilre amelided llie law ill regard to health i.fhi'er, ill order to lncate a new ..ue at Vsquina hay, and attempted to leave the old one at UOM Bay, and made it read Coast Bay. The lady clerks so far as tin ir ability to earn their pay from the state was ooi.eerned, were for ihe most part dead fail ures. It will iav sll future sessions of the legislature to hire competent clerks and pay them k'isid wages. It can ls done at about one third the etHnse in. I for clerk hir. by the lat. session. Str tesmaii. Litchfield, III., was wonderfully excited last week over an isvurrenco that for a time was so inextdicsble as to border on the siqiernat ural. Iu Isiring for uas the heavy drill caught at a depth of 'M0 feet After some work it was released, ami when Imnikdit to th. surface it was covered with hlmsi. 'The amazed drill ers instinctive leaned over the hole. They heard a dull ruiiihlimt noise, and presently heard a sepulchral voice calling up to them, "You have killed somebody dnwn hem." The horror-stricken men fled. 'They spread the. news and the t..wn wns turned upsiils down iu an hour. Hundreds went to the well and gazed npm mouthed at the lihuidy drill and the mysterious cavity it had I- Not until late In the eveninu was the invslery solved by the the presentation of a lull for $.'sl by the Litchfield Coal Co. "for one mule killed by 'lis drill" Tat explanation was simple. Th. coal company's miue extended under the gas company territory, and their best mule Had been in the way of the drill when it had pierced the nsif of a brunch of the mine ami was killed. AltAltKHn.l' . Col. Kelsay allowed us the other day a continental bill of the United States of the i b in mi unit inn of mie dollar, says the Benton Leader. It has the imprint of the printers who printed it It was issued in 1770. It has on it the motto in Latin, "ant mors aut decora vita." which means "either death or an honorable life." 'I h. colonel thoiiuht he had Inst th. hill, a. it had Imhmi laid among som. 1 1 1 1 i i. It is worth more than the dollar which it calls for. tine aSno-t wishes It could t.,lk. What a story it could tell of the dark days when it cb ciliated among the fathers of the republic. Another while t(irl has married a full hires! ml Hioiix Indian, ami will compete with Cora Bellow Chaska as a dime museum altraction. The latest "flCIlk ' is ll llle I I lCltll.le .ltt"ll. and he was a seamstress at. the Vaiikt ai sgeu- cy in Dakota. Her copper colored liege Ion s name is Wellington. After all there is noth ing surprising ill a Britton admiring a Wei Unit ton. it is enliinnl.il that the nubile debt state. ment will show U increase in tho debt for ihe current mouth of 7 ,00(1,000, caused by the excess of eiunlulilures over receipts. Aud yet our couli mpoisiics contend that Congress cau go on Hub finitely making all soils of new appropriations witiioiii neanng list bottom of the surplus. Ex. At a recer.1 Fsrmeis Institute meeting In Illinuis, th. committee on resolutions pre scribed in effect the following: 'That the nat ural sciences are so involved In agricultur. ns P. indicate a manifest prsH-rity in making them a part of our ciiminoii school education. Il is safe and For sale by Osburn k Co. H. N. Cram i.VwIuug off at cost. Call early and secure, bargains. Ilii nn Mitchell, son of Senator Mitchell, Is dangerously ill at Washington with typhoid fever and hia condition is such as to give con--id. i able uneasiness to his family. - o. . T h. paper mach. ceiling in the o-semhly rooms at Albany, N. Y., cost the state $110, 000 umre than it ought, thiough a clause smug gled iuto th. contract Addition in Springfield. Kelly's addition to Hpringfield is now UK,n the market, nnd persons desirous of piirchssiii), lots, blocks or larger tracts of from five to forty seres, can be accotiualaied at low prices nnd upon libsfftl terms The object is more to build up and settle the locality than to skin the emigrant or pur chaser. This is a most desirous tract of laud, and for ricbuess of soil, busuu ss facili ties sud sll other advantages which go to build up a prosperous community, is not ex celled by an) location iu the state of Oregon. Delinquent Tax Notice. Notice is hereby given thst nil delinquent tsxe. and street assessments must Is' paid within ten days from tbe dale of this notice or costs will Is? added. Dated at F.ugene this Nlh dsy of Man b, 18e. H J. I'm. City Marshal and T .i Collector. The highest cash price will bo paid for wheat by F. B. Dunn.