3 tLmttf THE EUGENE CITY GUARD, i -MmM - - ESTABLISHED FOI THE DimiMTIOJI OP DKMIH'RATIC l 8t?(;lPLBS. AND TO RIKN ,N HONEST LITI9IG 8V THE SWEAT OF OCR BROW. k()L21 EUGENE CITY, OR., SATURDAY, MARCH , 1889. NO. 33. jJtl.. Ae,Mjl RUSHED EVERY BATORDAY.) ! L 0AB4PBBUU n.. itui side I 1 limine. "H''rl-' ; ve.'th and Eighth UN Ilea.' " ,kkMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. t2 50 L26 . .7S ..ml U Month. ntln OUB ONLV oP ADVKHTI81NG. .J L.thou..- Awii tf7r,,M , Insertion $3: frjSjlDtin-rtta. It Cash It "Li-B will be charged at th. fol- Titne being rate- nths. 16 00 nqtisr- -.k. I UU MNMM 12 00 M...-ne year.... rW'T . .tire iii local column, " """" Stfi-'Sf , . MIta Will l ("I 1 " Adverw'"' . - . PA1I) run on ihliviht. Lbwork must he J All," CEO. B. D0RRI8, Attorney and Coansetlor- at-Law ... -baWTM IN THE CDURTS U ,(000.1 Ju,licil District ...dm ...la'ourt of this State. , Lkp in nr'bte . L, BILEU, Attorney and Counsellor at Law, - vJvkk CITY. OREGON. .Verr-i'S IN ALLTHE COURTS OF RSt Will Kive "ou Icllections and pronaie u.v. lOrricE -Over HenrtricK a, teshburne A Woodcock Attorncys-at- Law, OREGON iv8m3 friEN'K CITY, - - - OFFICE At the Court House. GEORGE A. DORRISi Attorncy-at-Law, JUEKE CITY, - - OREGON lorrici-In Begister Dl ock. GEO. M. MILLER, Ittarney and CeunssllM'-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. POKNK CITY, - oinsuun. loflice formerly occupied by Thompson t J. E. FENTON, AUorn?y-at-Law. lUliEN'K CITY OREGON. Probate busmen I Special attention given to la Abstract), of 1 ltle. I Orricn -Over Grange Stor r.W. HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Kuidence on Fifth street, where Or Shelton emerly resided. DR. JOSEPH P. GILL, 1AX BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or re pideuce when not professionally engaged. I Kwidence on Eighth atreet, opjiosite Preaby pan uiurcii. J J. WALTON, Jr., ATIORNEY-AT-LAW, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. Vlll PRACTICE Courts of the State. IN ALL THE I "fecial attention u'iven to real estate, col- and probate matters. .Iillreting all kinds of claims against the 'Biteil States Government, 'if in Walton's brick rooms 7 anil 8. B P. DORRIS, NSURANGE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE rrm, Improved and Unimproveil Town fwty for sale, on easy terras. 17 Rented artrl Rents Collected. I Th. Iiis-ir;..,. fx.. ii. I r mnniunt are I Wth. Ill.lut ....I .. . I'.ll.l.l.. -.i,,t in antl V.(ji'itah b njliiwtiiirnt of their STAVn BMaawn a,A V. . ( y"ur Ptfong' U iolicited. mc up guire, o?er the Grange Store. B. F. DOUUIS. J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. A8 OPENED A SHOP ON NINTH otrvt-t oitiMteit., th tj.r Ttnlrprv. wheie :f 'nrn.r-.i ... .... ..ii I..-...1. . t i. 1 U in. I W.V M..k ..( , ... 1. I us Ifn tn select from. v. I,.'- v.... bun 'u mmmm (nog nd cleaning done promptly. Sat g "uarwoieed. Nov. 6, 1888. tf DRS. PRENTICE & NT DONALD, Physicians ft Surgeons. F. ,. PRENTICE, K D. J. J. McDonald, m. d. Oraduate of the Uni vemity of Penn. and Univeraity of Call fornia. Spe cial attention paid to diaeaa of Women Throat. Noae and to Graduate of the Uni versity of Penu. aud ('Inn. Col. of Meil.and Kniyery. Siieciul attention paid to diaeasea of theLumra Stomach, and Kid noya. ! Surgery. E. R. SKIPWORTH, Attomey-atLaw, EUGENE CITY, . - OREGO.V Orm-K I'll htairs 111 Itenister lllix-k. fiml door to the left. Will do a L-eneral law uractiie in all the Courta of the State. All business promptly at attended to. Seymour W. Condon, ATTORNEY-AT LAW, DUNN'S BUILDING, Kug ne, - - Oregon. Dr. G. W. Biddlc, m DENTIST. PLATE WORK A SPECIALTY. Ex tracting and Filling executed by the lat est improved methods. All work warranteu; 14 yeara experience. OmcE litus lllock, over Luckey a drug store. R. It. Cochran & Son, . Real Estate Agents. Huge lie City, Oregon. Will attend to general Real Estate business uch as buying, selling, leasing and renting farms and city property, etc. Office on south aide of Ninth street. IIAKKGK (.I N WORKS! MS BARKER. Expert Gun Smith Stock ot Guns and Am munition on hand. i;i .i:i. - - - OBBCrOX, mm w ita fBi X W . 1 w m v for Infants and ChlMren. "CaatorU Ii so wtU adapted to chlldrea that I Caatorla tmn r"lie. ronstlpati. recomnieaditaaBiperiortoanypresonpUon g 'ote. uuwuiviiiE. ii. a i hi. .-I i -, 111 So. Oxford 81, Brooklyn, N . T. Hi Day & Henderson, THE LEADING FUIHTllE & UJBKRTAKING House in Eugene. Corner 7th and Wil. Sts MATLOCK i -1? Has just received direct from New York and Chicago, the largest and best stock of FALL AND WINTER COODS: mi Ever brought THIS IS NO IDLE BOAST, Rut call and price them. ttmenii - Brick, corner Willamette and Eighth St, Dr. Taylor', 7 Oaka Compound, purely Tegeialile, noaitirely cure. rieumatiam, nea ralgia, tootWhe, aich huMilache, cramp col ic, choli-m morbut, rniupLtiuta ptruhar to fnnali s, cold or cough, htve., chills and fe- 1 Ter, pains around the h. ,rt, erysipelas. phthisic. Gk nor TatloK. Sold by Osburn & Co, dniiigiata. Why yeT-Ti i-T. We ak v 11 to note I tbat M carry the lam t and bi-si alock of Tea south nf Portland. We buy direct from the importer. We allow you to -ir, l t.4t or smell what you buy, or will give ou a sam ple to let you find out just what kind you waul. All favorite aod tried brands nlwaya inatock. Pricea to suit tbe tinn from 35 eta up. We alao have full aud fresh stock of groceries etc. Pacini. T Cjfc Postal TgLRoaAi-H. Office hours ou Sun day from 8 JHj to lu 0 a. m. .and from 4r()0 10 (laj p n, Week daya.all buiues hours G. F Ciuw, Snpt. ... ' . a.:.- pURESpLEASANTlAXATIVE A Pleasing Sense of Health and Strength Renewed, and of Ease and Comfort Poltotl 1 tho Ba of Syrup of Figs, as it acts fjaotty on th 1 IvinBY8, Lives and Bowblb L.lectually Cleansinc; tho System wheu Coetiva or Bilious, Dupclliug Cok! i, Headaches and Fevers ami ennanentl'fiirinK EABITTJAL CONSTIPATION" a-l.uaut waaltenJai or irritating the organs on which it acts, le Is 60a and i.oo BaftUi 1.. u Lending Drueglats. KanMoratfV om.t bi rue ( SUTOMlk FIG 8TEUP 00. SlX I'RAIS'-IStO, CaI, J Nfw York. N,Y. Money to Loan. APPLY T0- ,i. i u to ii, Eugene l ily, - - Oregon. & i m . m m mm m m W ceation. Witou; injurious medication. Tas Camana OwaJVi Murray Stn-et, N. Y. to Eugene. . .1 -I Tl... V Tl , V, r. r ne '.-'- - t Eugene Cty, Oregon. 1 J A ( a use for Damapt's. The law providea that those awaiting trial for crimes committed tUUt be hi Id in con fllieiin iit. wbere bail is uot given until trial. But the county niul furnish a suitable plira and one tlmt will uot iiaji re th- hedih of ila inmatrs A dispatch from Cidfai, W T., of F. b Huh -.bow-, the trouble bnoiLht on Whitman onuM by having a rotten UQ. Lto- 1 n'y would do well t make a note I of this affair. Laue county grand juries have 1-oudeiuued our old Jul ini,iuiaa atr oig , m thue uttd by Judge Nash. Tha diai akli says: I lestt rdaj suit was bajM by attormy 8iiii.in. Clmdaiik A Hrowu. and It. (J. I Blair, (or Michael Sibrrck. against hu man ,-i uuty, pruyiug for $10 ("JO d iiuagea. Dining Iuki aumiu- r the tduimiff waa con idtd in the couutv jail, held by onler of the iouii up'iu a wanaul tn keep the pmce, which rvanlttd in the total loss of 8' breck'a henlih. At tlie tiecitniiuK of plaintiffa term of cnnliu. meiit be waa a anuud and able budied innu, aud he la to day a physical wieck. These facta were brought to the at leutiou of Judge Nash, presiding at the De cember t-1 in of the district court, who, after henring the evidence o' physicians through out the eonnty, at once ordered Kcbreck'a relrnHe, holding (be present jail wholly un fit for the I'liufitieiiu nt nt human beings, and aa ing in addition that the place used by Wbittiinti county for the imprisonment of criminal was like ita court house, "a atench in the nostrils of decency." In mi interview with impartial attorneya this morning, a uuuihcr expressed iheiu selves of the belief that Sjhreck would un doubtedly receive a large sum. Don't Believe It When told thai F. II, Wilkins, th.Mlruggist, is not selling "Wisdom's Hobertine" for the complexion, the most elegant and only really harmless preparation of its kind in the world, and giving n beautiful picture card with every bottle. ana. Notice. Chns. linker has leased the Baker house from lira. Baker and purchased the busi ness. All bills previous lo Aug. !-' are pay able by aud to Mrs. Baker. Give Tben u Chance! That it to say. your Iuhrb: Also all your breathing machinery. Very wonderful machinery it is. Not ouly die larger air panaagea, but the thousands of little tul and cavities loading from them. When these are D logged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs can not do their work. And what they do. they cannot do weel. Cull it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and bend and lung obstructions, nil are bad. All ought to be gut rid of. There is just oue sure way to get rid of thrm. That Is to tako Bos chec's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell yon nt 75 cents a bottle. Even if everything alae has failed you, you may de pend upon this for certain. What Is It? That i rodnces that lienntifully soft o m--pleiiuu nud leaves no traces of its applua tioti or injurious effects? The answer, V a doiu's Uoliertine accomplishes all this, in d is pronounced by ladies of taste and refine ment to be the most delighifnl toilet article over produced. Warrant. d hinnless aid matchless. F. M. Wilkins, agent, Eugene City. II. N. ("rain is selling early mid secure bargains iff at cost. Call Best of All Cough medicines, Ayer's Cherry Pec toral is in greater demand than ever. No preparation for Throat and Lung Trouble is so prompt in its effects, so agreeable to tho taste, and so widely known, as this. It is the family medi cine in thousands of households. "I have suffered for years from a bronchial trouble that, whenever I take cold or am exposed to inclement weath er, shows Itself by a very annoying tickling sensation in the throat and by difficulty in breathing. I have tried a great muny remedies, hut nono does so well as Ayer's ('lu rry Pectoral which always gives prompt relief in returns of niv (Ad complaint. Ernest A. Heplcr, Inspector of Public Roads, Parish Ter re Bonne, La. " I consider Ayer's Cherry Pectoral a most important remedy For Home Use. I have tested ito curative power, in my family, many times during tho past thirty yeara, and have never kuown It to fail. It will relieve the most serious affections of the throat nnd lungs, whether in children or adults." - Mrs. E. G. Edgerly, Council Bluffs, Iowa. "Twenty years ago I was troubled with a diaease of tho lungs. Doctors afforded me no relief and considered my case hopeless. I then began to use Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and, before I had finished one bottle, found relief. I continued to take this medicine until a cure was effected. I believe that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my llle." Samuel Griggs, Waukegan, III. " 8ii years ago I contracted a aevere cold, wliich settled on my lungs and soon developed all Hie alarming symp- turns of i on- i:ni n 1 nun a cougu, night sweats, bleediuf liug of the lungs, sides, and was so r.ttins in chest anil sides. jirostrated as to be confined to my bed most of the time. After trying various prescriptions, without benefit, my physician finally determined to give me Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral. I took it, and the effect waa magical. I seemed to rally from the first dote of this medicine, and, after using only three bottles, am as well and sound aa ever." Rodney Johnson, Springfield, 111. Ayet's Cherry Pectoral, raarAmcD ar Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Matt. Jold by all Druggists, l'nc Si , all Iwtllae, I. Croup can always be preteuteii U. giving Charola-rlain'a Cough Remedy as soon aa the child becomes hoarse. It ia pleasant and aafe to take and perfectly reliable. Price, 60 cents per bottle. For sale by Osburn A Co. Mohawk Items. Feb. 38, 1889. lio ids almost bottomless. Local laconics are a scarcity. Mr. Geo. 800II returned this week from Portland. Mr Al. Montgomery spent Tuesday night 111 Eugene. Mia. Will Reaver spent a part of last week with relatives in Eugene. Wl nmli ratand that Mr C. Amel intrnda moving ins f. in-, in the near future. Mias Laura Walker, of Eugene, ia visiting ri -li.tlv.-H and frii uda at tbia place this week A magic lantern company will show at the Mohawk school house uext Saturday even ing. Mr. Henry Baxter, ol Cocvalti was np last week iu attendance at his brother's wedding. Some from here attended the social hop giveti at Coburg on Friday night laat. The) report having bad an eujoyable tune. Miss Mae ilatuiuitt. who haa been alaving in Eugene during the past two mouths, came up Sunday for a aboil sojourn with relatives mid friends. The Smith aaw mill, aituated on the Mc Keiizie opposite Mr. Seavey'a and in course of construction, ia beginning to assume tin ippearanceof a mill. The mill will have a capaeily of sawing from tweuti -five to thirty thousaud feet per day. Mohawk is well represented in the Eugene public M-hool. among them being Miss I'm me Hnmniitt. Missea Maud and Geiievn Stafford, the two Misses Hpores, Miss Poll Vamall aud Miss Maud Shelley. Verily our yoiitig ladies kuow the value of an education. weddiug was coiiaiimated at this placi ou Thursday, Feb. 21, IMS'.), the contracting partus being Mr. ( baa. Baxter and Mis- Catherine Root, both of tbia place. We xli ml to them our congratulations, ami may peace, happiness and prosperity attend as they journey ndown the path of conuubiul felicity. In this part of the county we do not thu k that there ba ever been more Haltering in dications of a year of prosperity than those which are thus far mauifeat . The winter haa bow very mild and agreeable, requiring lit tie feed to keep the stock in excellent con dition . The fall wheat has done well and our farmera are expecting large returus for tbeir outlay next harvest. 1 he hop yard- aie being put in fine condition and if the ft- (ii ctstious of good returns are received Mo hawk will this year experience an era ot prosperity in the line of improvements mi equaled by auy year of the past. Laud iu 1 his section is steadily advancing and with more suitable improvements this small val ley ia destined to become one of (be most desirable and attractive localities in the couuty. Uao 1 1 on. Resolutions nt ( 'ondoleneo. At a reuular meeting of St. Mary's Epiaci pal Sunday School the following resolutions mere adopted: WllEKK.is, It has pleased (iod tn remove our asaociate and fellow worker, Edgar S. Hawthorne. Keai.lved, That thla Sunday School haa lost an intelligent and valuable heliier, a kiini Hid faithful member, the State University a bright and pmmiaing student, and Ilia parents uni brothera and aiateta a loving son aud hrother. lo -solved, I hat, while we mourn ami inn- Ilia, Wt Iwllevehe haa hut journeyed before us to the golden ah ir.i, where be joyfully 1 .111- to welcome the dear ouea, whose aplrite ike his will at laat be home away on snowy ivinga to I leaven's gleaming city and gardens .f light Keaolved, That we commend the Borrowing lies lo the tender Saviour ul tears mill' l.d with Ills frienda who mourned at the 'ouch of Death'a icy hand. Kenolveil, I hat aa 11 testimonial ol our eartfelt sorr ,w and reswct to the memery of ur companion thia room be draped In mourn ing for the period of thirty dava. Also that a opy of these resolutions he given the bereaved ninily and be given to each of the town pa in-rs lor puliln ntion. J. w. luAwoara HTH, WD, Co Anna UNDIBWOOO, Uoin, Maiioik Kinhkv ADVICE To M"THKRS. Mils. WinhLow's S00THIKO SvHiip, for ehil Iren teething, ia the prescription of one of the he.t female nurses and physicians in the I'nited States, and haa been ua.il for fortv years with never failing success by millions of outliers for their children. During the pro ess of teething ita value ia incalculable. It elievea thefchild from pain, cures dysentery and diarrhoea, giipiug In the bowels, and wind colic. By giving health to the child It rests the mother. Price 25c a laittle. Geo. W. Khisey, Auciuiieer. When you want your goods, household 'urnitiire or land sold at auction, call on Geo. W, Kinaey, the pioneer and most aiit eeaafnl auctioneer in Laue County, lie will ilteud to all sales on a reasonable com miaaion. Take Notice. That A. ifl l-ui 1I1 has the largest, finest and beat stock of Quecnawsre, Crockery and Glaasware ever brought to Eugene. Give him a call and he will prove it to you. The highest cash price wheat by F. B. Dunn will be paid for Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous for ita prompt aud effectual cures of coughs in I colds. The moat aevere cold may ! loosened and relieved by a few doses of tbia valuable remedy. For sale by Osburn & Co. There is no dauger iu giving Chamber lain's Cough Remedy 10 children, as it con 'sins no injurious sataitance; besides it ia unequsled for oolde and croup. Children lis. it. For sale by Oaburu A Co. Persons troubled with rheumatism should trv Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One applica tion will ease the pain, and ita continued use has cured m my cases of chronic and inflam matory rheumatism that bad resisted other remedies aud even Ibe treatment of the heat physicians. Price, 60 cents per bottle. For sale by Galium & Co. The following from the pen of Mr. L. P. Bardwell. editor of tbe Marion, (Iowa) Pilot, will we believe, be of interest to many of our readers. He aays: "It ia with pleasure that I certify lo the real merits of CbarnbcrUiu'a Cough remedy. I have used it iu my family lor years aod have always found it most excellent, and especially for edds, croup aod sore throat. It ia safe and affective.'' For sale by Osburn Co. W h 1 1 ney 'h A1I111 i 11 1st rat ion ! Seoretary William C. Whitney of tho Navy Department, Ia anon to retire from office, with the following teatimoni Is from politi. C-d "frpnnents aiven in the I' S Senate, while having under consideration the naval appropriation bill: 8-nalor Plumb, of Kansas, complimented th prt-si'iit administration of the navy de partment. He waa glad to say in the clos ing dava of th administration ihnt the navr dep rtraenl h is been well administered, not mil v in the sense that there haa been a stimulus given, so far aa could be given by executive direction lo everything that went to up building ol she navy, lo the procuring of the lieal Ivpe of abip, and 10 the atimt la lion ot the hiiibeat form of iiiaiiiifacturea, but more than all that, tn the encourage ment of the individual genina uf the people, and In the doing of the work, not in the navv yards, where political umaidoraiious might h ive intlueiiced, hut in private ysrda. He waa glad to aay thai during th past four years the u tvy department M htM admin ialered in a practical, level headed, judicious way. Tho result was that, quoting the re marka made to him by Senator Hale, "he was prepared to Iwlicve that within ten years the I'nited Slates would have the la st navy ia Ibe world; not the strougest navy, uot a navy with the most ships, not n navy with the greatest variety of ships, bul a navy with ibe most modern ships, with ships the best adapted 10 the Work tin y would have to do." Seualur Hale said the aecretary haa been careful iii ln melhods, he bud encouraged Vmerican inventions, American enterprise, and American skill, and now the United States had some of the beat ships that were to be fouud to-day on the waters of the globe. Shoe I our Own Horse. Huston Herald The London Times announces an invention which ia called "the nailleas hiTseahoe," It ia one of the dillicultier in the use of the horse that, if he casta a alio, vou are in ieril till von reach the nearest blacksmith's, uml then ire delayed fifteen or twenty minute, till the dual is put on. The street ear horses and team horaes are aubject to the same delav, and in time of war, when everything depends un 'he certainty of the supplies, the Ions of horses' shoet olten delays a team wagon at a moment when the detention is fatal to military move ment. The invention of a nailleas horseshoe removes this difficulty. The shoe ia ao adapted to the loot that the driver or teamster can out on the new shoe within three minutes, and it will serve every puip..-- and will remain on as lonv aa a shoe that ia held by the old method ol nailing. This new shoe pinches the edge of the hiavf at certain points, and is held on main ly in thia way, 110 nails lieing driven into the hiaif, the value of thia invention, not ouly in saving time in slowing, but iu removing ita perils, will be aeen. It la not known that the invention haa yet reached thia country, but It is claimed that it haa Ihmmi successfully em ployed in England, and that it will work a revolution in the aniadiignf horses everywhere. aOi Watts hi Man Acouskd. Tho closing seuaatiun of the State Legislature waa the open accusal by Senator Dinnck of bribery by Senator J. W. Waits. The accuaation was that Walta had been promised and was to receive $2(1 for securing the passage of the N. J. McPherson relief bill. Senator Duniek 111 speaking loan OregOliisYtt reports! on ibn object said: "Hearing Ibe atoiy, I went to Mra. MoPbrrsnii and questioned her regard ing Ibe mailt r, and abe told me the whole story. Aa 1 understand it, Mrs. McPh' Tsou called oil Senator Wait and asked him to siippoit the measure for her relief. Ho at first aougbl to discourage her iu her effort, but finally said that he understood parlia mentary rules and agreed, in consideration uf (2U. to do what he could (or the bill." Seuatnr Loouey coutlimeil the story. Sena tor Waits denied it, and a committee white washed him, Among Ihe best bills that passed the legis lature is Pope's II. B. No. 1)1, regulating the prsO'ice of medicine, It provides fur an ex induing board of three competent physi cians, 7 years resideuta of the state. Tin y issue certificates to applicants, provided with diplomaa, or npuu exmuiuatioii. These cer tificates must be filed with ouunty clerks. It provides for a license nf $0(i per mouth for nun 1 ant venders of intent medicines, drugs, to. The piiniahiiieul for a violaiiun of Ihia law ia j. ,'m to .,11 1 fine ill Ibe case of a phy sicians and not exceeding 51)11 in the case ol venders of drugs, eic, with 1 quivalcut of imprisonment in esses uf liuiipayiuelit, The law will do away willi quacks and Ul ceut patent medicine veiidois, and going into 1 fleet ou its passage la now u law. It should lie i nduced. President Cleveland signed thirty five pri vate 1 o 11 -1 ui bills laat Saturday. 1'he other day when be vetiwd the bill granting one Kstey a pension he was overwhelmed with partUan buse for being an "enemy to veter ans." Yet Iu bis veto uieaaage he gave as a ground lor his actiou that in 1HM0 he had signed a bill giving the same Katey the exact pen-ion named in the present hill, and a refer ence to the hook- u the Penainn Department showed that Eatey had lieen steadily drawing his stipi ml. How the bill came to lie puueil a second time waa easily explained. A bill was iiitrnduced in the House, aud aulweipieutlv a duplicate In the Senate. Both passed in the ooiirae of time, and but for the watchfulness of the President Eatey would lie drawing two 1-11 -ems when l e only claimed one. - Alts. Tbe railroad commivsiou bill as passed by tbe legislature over Governor Pennoyer a voto ie for tbree commiaaioncrs and one clerk, at salaries of 2,5)aJ aud $2,000 per year respectively. This commission is only a useless waste ol tbe people's money aa it ill possess bill little real power. The Gov ernor's veto should have been sustained. No wonder tbe people growl ut taxation, when the ouly idea ol our legislators seem to be to supply fat places al tbe publio crib for place hun'era R'laeburg Herald. By tbe latest methods in use by Eastern dentists high in the profession, Henderson ia enabled lo produce equally aa desirable re sults in fine gold fillings. Office same place, Hayes' block. K if-.' for Haching. From America's best breeds: Wy andotte, Plymouth Rocks, Light Brahma-, Brown and White Leghorns, Partridge Cochins, White Wyandotte and Black Mm orcas. U inn. rs of the highest honor at all tha largest exhibitions for the past eleven years. Kum-.t'J ner settiau: two settings, to. Seud stamp for catalogue. Address, J. M. OaaBiaoti, Forest Grove, Ot.