The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 23, 1889, Image 5

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c Uv Ml' i""aiK "... ..........
aK"" E ,VrU'"''
fi"lf , i duck- in th- amount nf
.- . . .i.:.... ;...u.,:.i....i
A.i.l.iuith. and Lima- iar, .;.
ibe iiiiiue at r " ,
f i u v iM.-r- iii rii..
tli9 Lane 1
lank. Monday, when the partica
I , i,1,....Mli,)U disclosed tile
ft k.i4 Ml m the 4:13 Monday
E iraia Coodnetoi Rowtt saying
flin1 . i..,il,.i,,l A wurrniit was
. h in " -
I for hi-
! i..,u hi. mil h dilcov-
l" L'......... ..,.,1 tkta
i , rsm- .
olfllfHl lo be a bom trainer.
L. ;(. CiailllHIK , .
. I nr. . the Agricultural ,-iociciy race
I burin, ami hud contracted to lake
,,, ira.u ----- , I
Miller a ire(l.m-""i" "I'l -
I" . ! the , .hi. of
, u.. r u- K
' . ...i . . r.,.i,- i.HNiroiiri of imi. I,..-
tl-' j in ill HI! H a a-
. Mini1! i . . i
' '' I. . I r Irui'ti. of Iri.Mi III-..
. 1... .. . .. .r , I. I ,t
. Mom " . : :
k, ... " -
en be accomodated at low
. I llfUlll
liberal terma. be ohjeet I
l-t build up .'' eeiue me i
; ,kin tbe emivrunt or pun-miMer.
i, i, a mom owauw-. " , T V,
. ... ,...ti ii.'es i.u.vw ftw ... .... m
. .n. rDinmiiuity. i nol excelled by I
. U... nil 111 i lie -"'" w
. nil...
Information Wanted.
w, know the whembauta O OM j
Sbi'rlH.lK-'. "
i .. ii. u luuii ,. iti,.,,,! ;..
. ' .1 .kMI 1.1. U'MU INtillU lli
IlUin ,i i t Li.L I 1. .
.... ...I ic U r " ""- o-
fl feel iiicneH dwHi wt-iuua
... l ins i a.' i i i". u ...
. ...... I,., In . i ts scur uu om-ii im io. leu
. . .....
u . i . i : . i .
j Lavone luOWlDK OI Ola wneri uwouia
ill coDfer a nivur 17 . ... 1!
eMmeU' Hit. V" aiioririilue, " anui o
,0 , Lane county. Oregon.
Eicbmigeii please copy.
One Week More.
HHMOttnnily should Dot be loal to con-
M (m UUnonH lra. Iari.u. mm urn mn
the city. IU''.' win in one until March lat- when they
j tflnrn I" 'lien mawOT '".
"... lit... 'nrl
i35Filihatreei. Parties deMirona 01 cou
udua Ji.iuM .la so itt odcu. That
nlm'tors liuve urlected extraordinary cure
I. rill .ffoit- elsewhere bave failed ia a
a. I I... tlm ulrrwiftfeut uviilunu
lliufc ... . .
ct supii.irn-.i 17 ..." ---" -
... ihlr ii.lvi riiseiiieht e Hewliere IU this
lotbe wife of W F Keid, Wednewluj , Feb
To the wife of C S Elliott, BtUMUjr, Feb
TBI Wf.udino BUU.-A very pleanaut
.ill- . ,1. .1 on Snnilitv I-'. 1 1
Ith, at the residence of Col. O A. M ill. r In
nlf.i W. T. The urooni wis Mr. Kohl. P.
ill, brother ( Mr. (. A Miller, and the
i.le. Miss Kva S Wiishtmriie, and au ac-
111 is 1. 11 ."niii, .....
I (1 n II t'lm niir.ii "".'.'J .-..'' ......
n iiriiu,i.r ..ii .....ii.i.ii .i .. . .ii.nii
tbt ciIIi k ot tne Minmi, nriusn 1 niumiua
. n , ..j . ... .1 1... . . I..W...
Junction City. Oregon. They are followed
the heaity cniiKratulutioiix ol maiiv
1 . f . ti... 1 1.
sier 01 1 1. L. .. iiMiniiiiie, nun is wen
... . .. . ....... ..... . .. I
T J f
Gmno East Dr. W. V. Henderson, the
riiti.t. will have (or the hast aliont the
K ..... riitiisi.lf 11. Iiis 1 .i 1 if. ..1 .ii II. 1
III.: I . . I TS . ... ... 1 .
HM. win Minium i." uiuisiii won ... . iiii-
ate mill new dim rutii-lis and be ureiired on
J .1 :t ... ....... :,. .. .
Boxds Givbn. We ItMra that Mr.
McLhu, formerly a r.-ident of
a. uavn, nnmi, jo.uihi; auretiea, v. tl.
Humiltou, Leou K11I111, Tin a. Amos, S S.
k... r .... 1 . 1
A GucicrrL Airr. ('has. Luner, aiipreei-
Htmc tile si rvu es rendered him bv ibe tire
- I ....... 1 11 . , in n.i in; in.s 1 . iirni r .linn 1111
tin. niH.le ibe Kiil'I iie C .in imi. v. OreL'ou
tlwe T. iiin, anil Hook and Ladder Compuny
ipmarJof MO Mob, II ia ueedleaa to say
1I1.1 1 1. .. . ... . . L:L. .1 1
'-. .no jinwui. in., niiiiy ehieeu..'.., .101
entirely for their value, but for the nunrecia-
ExGAuiMKNT Annocni'emknt. The en-
sSHiieut i, annoiiuced of Mr. Sum. 8
(wldsmith. son of Mr. and Mia. A. Gold
jnilh, nf this city, and Miag Myra L Abm
"m, of Porthiud, daughter of Mr. Ilymiui
Awnhani, Collector of Custom. Sam was
ww (jailing a.1( on hlllllllW this week, and
uthe recipient of many congratulation
Iromliia uunierous friend.
UlfriT h;i.!nV.-..L-VT - Tl. MlM f.nlr at
rflrnaii demt haa been moved acm8 the
Irfeck ti 1 tl.. ...... .... ..1 . 1 M .-U. ,1: 1
w' lilitf.irm haa been extended on each end
"oWitiannwabnut 000 feet long. The plat
Wn wa waa entirely ton abort to ac
Hj?! tr"'n an'' iiecesaitated mnvintf the
traim hack ward and forward In accnmpliah
"or crk.
t'lKflT I '01 ut Tk. 1,.. '
1 " v Hti A. ID irf. nm 1 lim-s .r.s.
I which wa aiitneil by the (iovernnr (fiv
county three term of circuit curt
V)r,,r- Twin will commence the Hr't Mnn
yyin FlbnUMry aecond Monday in dune ami
5 "toodaj in October. Tlie law Uk?
'"ctthe hmt of Aunuat. Under the law liti
"will not hare to wait an long.
Mistakk -Laat week the (Jtasd had
Hm that Mr J P Curriu bu.1 resigned the
Grore poatofflce. We made the
'mrut on what we deemed reliable in
"tttalion. We are informed that Mr. Cur
ul hold on at leaat as Iouk a the Dem
""tic ndministration.
sST-About two weeka ago, in Eugene
lily, Oregon, or fMaity, a check payable
S a ' N',i"U141 "ank, of Eugene, for ti0
1 tie nDiler will plea-e leave the name at the
JJJJJJ office, and be liberally rewarded
.mi OtaBB The next meeting of
"Uiona Orange will be held with Fraiik
. UrDs'e on theflrat Saturilay io March.
u patruua reqneated to attend.
J. A. J Ctow, Master.
Mi K I who resided for a 011 ?
Pf J-J. in Mr L- Hily.u. family dud laat :
Moo roe of consumption. I
Oregon Urd Hi Sladdeu k Sou'a.
Money t.. Imi m farm. K re ,.f Ju,tf
t altnn.
Extmclsiu beautiful ile.-. i ,i Sladdeu
& Son's.
When nut uf nights, .top at City l:Lur ...t
fur ny.tera.
Il(ua c clii,uitl(-. .. ,h ,,M
... o - - d i-'i
MgOM Cigar Factory.
?' Crmin selling off at cost. Call
eanv nun secure t. ,(.,
For the lst and cheapest spring beds and
lounges go lo K. D Urowu'a.
A flue line of silk plushes in all shade.
and grades at F. H. Duuu's. equina and Eastern
a k at ( 'ity Iteataiiranl.
i. twice
The Hney Bed Louuiie. the best IniincH iu
the iimrkel, manufactured by H. D. Drown
,. .
. -. . . i.w iia inn mm agency mr all
mWmm or tlie riilelirateil Tansil Punch Cigars.
... kC
- H"--
a! i. . '-
, ww me nappy noura lUceul while
, HDOf HfW of Markna & Co.
Hot ami goM batba every day io the week
at Jerry Horn 'a barber abop.
KuUerihe (or tour nawmiarwra at M tm.
i: . i
f'k lo Geo Collier.
I... ... . !....: . . . ......
...... iruuriiim Hw ut n. a rain . mil
Hell ill coi i, (be Block "moat be aold
, . . , , ....
- ... .... ... ... ..II .IIW.I.
City lUkury and reitauiaut
Work in now Wimr iinwacute.1 im ih. ik
an. I la-t Nnfyol the new h.itel iu PortUmL
Teim, oofleeH ami choice irruceriea ehean
i f"r M4 "I MoNBl'ltii A Hiuaia
Iiefure utorimi or Kellimr vonr iiat A
l V. Peter-. Clean Chevalier barley wanted.
Jim Kniwiilee i. buildin a reaidence M
1 .-levelith .street MtWttB lllatiiette nii.l I lL
Mk-rel. Bloatera. Herring. Salmon.
Mil Haddock ami Cod fib at SladdeU A
Ni urly nil the p. rformera of the burned
vim. 'y theatre left Tuesday morning for
1 oriiuim.
Carpet: Carpet!! 8. H. Friendly ha
just re.-eivtu a large ami varied assortment.
He will suit you.
Makti au appointment with Henderson
Dentist, and have your operation performed
in n skillful manner.
The Eugene Herciile cigar two for 25
cints is the best. Manulactuied by the
Eugene Cigar Factory.
The northbound train each morning
brings up from California folty or fifty aec-oud-clua
It will pay yon t.. read the advertisement of
the Ash (irnve Poultry Yard, Amu WIlkUM,
pruprietor, in another column.
Oil painting, picture frame, wall brack,
eta, clock ahelve, hat and cloak racks, win
dow pale, etc., at B. D. Hrown'i.
Hen.lerHon, Dentist.
Dr (f ) Sbackleford wa tried at Kalaru
Wednesday for abductiug a female under
fourteen year of age and wa acquitted.
L. tit comes on the Gib of March tbi year.
That is just about the time the Democrat of
tbe bind will be putting on their sackcloth
and ashe.
Hi uderaon, Dentist.
I ioldsmith, the grocer, has jut received
(ton the East one of the largest assignments
of lumps ever brought to Eugene. Ile will
sell tin 111 at puces that defy competition.
A little .laughter of Mr. S. H. Friendly
nr. night a fine large pear to this nthce laat
week which had juat been plucked from the
tree. It weighed two and nne ipiarter iuiula.
Carpets 0' every atvle and grade at Friend
ly'. These carpets have just arrived and
have been well selected 10 meet the demand
of this uiitrkct. Call and examine In varied
Dr PaltM inform us that Mr. John Grail,
who til injured iu a melee ou the Middle
Fork several day since, wa atill in a criti
cal Condition 011 the date of his last viait,
By using only tbe bet materials lo be bad,
and having had year of actual experience
under the best instruction, enable Hender
son, Doulist, to obtain the finest result
known in Dentistry.
1! Ooffey, ageut of tbe Umatilla Iudiau
agi ney. ha been removed, together with
Paddy Mills, who ha been clerk (here for a
number of year Mr. 0. T. Boyd ha been
appointed to the ageucy.
The prize fight betweeu Jame Wood and
another person, aunonuced to take place
last Saturday night at Prineville failed to
materialize, ou account of the unknown
leaving for California.
S. II Friendly keep the larget ami best
assortment of clothiug, ladies drea good,
huts, etc. He is coutiuually adding the
btlMl kOd newest styles to hi Stock. His
prices are fixed to suit the times.
The O .ksiliile W. T. Breezer, say: Frauk
EbrriugtoUj of Belmont, wa in the city
Wednesday. Mr. Harrington i making
large collections of curiosities forhislaige
Museum mid Z ", (or the coming season.
'I'll- steam schooner Mischief waa brought
down from up ibe river on Tuesday and put
on th- boaoh and painted. Aa soon as she
can be overhauled she will make a trip to
Alsea and Siualaw with merchandise for
those placcs.-Newport Republican, of Feb
ruary ICth.
The Charier Oak is the best stove manu
factured. It is the pride of every house
hold. Messrs. Starr, Griffin & Brown have
recently received from tbe manufactory ut
St. Loui a cur load of them, which they are
ol'i-i ing at very low prices. Call and exani
iue them.
The finest line of pocket cutlery and
razors, butchers' knives, shaving brushes,
mug and straps; oils for sewing machiues
and guns, scissors, etc., to be had at the
Barker Gun Works. A I buy on time I
must sell for cash. Call and aee if I do not
please you. Ta ta. Brke Gvs WoM.
We find the following in last Saturday's
Wasbiugton, D. C, dispatches: A favorable
report was made to tbe House on the bill
granting lo the state of Oregon certain land
to aid iu the construction of a military wag
on road from Eugene City to tbe eastern ot Ibe atate by way of the middle
fork of the Willamette river and Diamond
Peak, Cascade mountaiu.
Mr. J. 0. Mosbnrg ha a.kwl tbe citv
council for a permit to lay a floor and stretch
a canvas roof over the apace between the
GtJAW) office and Fiaher 4 Watkiu's butch
ershop, to be used as a grocery store when
the buildiug iu which he is now doing busi
ness i removed to make room for a brick.
As I expect to leave for the Eaat about
March 'Join, to be gone about two month,
I would request all my patients, whose op are not completed, to call and make
an appointment and have them completed
before that lime. I will also give special
attention to flue operations of all claaaes.
Money due would be very acceptable.
' W. V. HlHDxaaoN.
The following delegates represented
Lane cuuty at tbe State Temperance Alli
ance at Albany this week: J"i;','10u'm
E lln-hnell, Nellie Caldwell, J A Bubuell
Mr. Lottie r renin 'I1 u'':.
Mi.. Helen Osburu, Jll Alice o.u-e...
III - I J- "'".
Mrs L J Condon, Mrs ii L Lylie
1 pi... 1 .
. mi jour iinrae saiveruseuienta.
Try .mr cream puffs. City Bakery.
Two new cases of smallpox at Draiu.
Oregou hama. nh ollliltin. mi 1 si.l. s . I xl.. I
deu .V Sou's.
Keuiemher w. d.liver every thiug with our
own wagon. City Bakery.
Fine assortment of wall per at M. Uv
inger . successor to Geo Collier.
Hnrae bill, nrinte.1 at the tlOABP office at
res. nalile price.. (Jive us a call and see cuts
ami learn prices.
We call attention to M. Levinger s adver
im ut in another coloiun. He baa purchased
the Collier book store and proposes to merit
ibe patronage of tbe public,
pops' license ia.ue.1 aince our last report:
ii" iwnUr.ii.lf'.th.riMX, Hunt. Lti
1 lallmar, an l Mary E Phillip,, N H Mar
tin and Mary Ii X., R f WjkM ni J A
The 1 Silting., which for the few months nb
mm sn unenviable notoriety, has aincumlw.1
to the preasure of .in.Miui.tancea, ,u,l nngrace
fully yie .led up the ghmt. The mourner,
will neither be numerous nor select. - Welcome.
The engiue compauy at its meeting Thurs-
da)' evening, suitably lU-ktlowledu. .1 .1... mm.
emus douatiou it by Mr. Cba-. Laner;
d alaO PMOl resolution Ibai.kiug the
ladies for the coffee furnished during the lire.
Cottagre Grove Items.
fraoii oca special coaaxsroNOKiiT.
Feb 20, 18811.
Several persous on tbe sick list.
Mi. Nut M .tin waa al Eugene Monday.
Kohl Catbey ia visiting at Central Point.
Kalie Hausou went to Eugeue Sunday
Snuday moruiug, the I7lh, thegiouud was
white with snow.
Mr J. G Viles left for Portland Sunday
morning the 17th.
Mr 1 H Veatcb ha been quite sick, but is
recoteiiug again.
Mrs LsM lliirding and family went I.i Eu
geue Monday moruiug.
Mr. Abe llogart has sold hi farm to some
immigrsuls for iho som of $2500.
Mr Frank Cathcart has securt-d a position
at Gervais for which hu will receive 1 110 per
Saturday moiuing tbe llith waa tbe coldest
day of the winter so far, being 14 degrees
below freezing.
Mr. Frank Owen died al five o'clock,
Tu.sday. Fib. 111. 1880, of consumption, at
the residence of Mr. John Eate.
There was a dauciug party given al the
residence of Mr. J. M. Medley, Feb. 14th,
which was enjoyed by a goodly number of
Mr. Avery baa aold bis hardware store to
Mr. Elgie Holteriuan, who lately returned
from Kausas, whither be went a few weeks
ago after au estate left him there.
Mr. Lincoln Sherwood's house waa burned
last Friday moruiug just before daylight, a
portion of hi household goods were saved.
We learned I li..t be bad it insured a abort
lime previous.
Fine Stock Sale.
1' K Walters has shiiKt t(i Mr H W Cottle
nt haiem, tlie II, .1st. -in Hull calf, ,Ethine.
No. 83U0, H H Ii, vi :i; sire. Arimthnot,
NnaiSA; Dam, ColionsMn, 10,107; 0 S, Ven
tnre, 131.".; Ii , Kaaaie Kelley, 274; G G
H, I'n r.inen'a Hull; GO D, Alsiije.
Mr Cottle purchased the premium heiler,
Grace Bertram!, second of Mr. Walters' herd
while at Salem last fall. He also has some
other tine enwa ol this well known breed of
cattle, and by I., .-bug lo- herd with the fash,
innalil)' bred bull, Ethlnpe, the people of Sa
lem may exa-ct to see one . if the finest henls
uf cattle in the valley. Mr. Wattera haa a
number of yearling bulls fur sale, both Hoi
stein slid Durham, and. it ia to In hoped that
atsjna .f our energetic faamers uf Lane county
will obtain some ol these iinim ds and nut
allow people from other counties to pnr
chsge 1 1., iu and take tliem away from this
county We are pleased to kuow that some
of our farmer are taking advantage of tbia
opportunity and are securing some of these
bulls for use in their own herds Mr. In
1MB, living oil Spencer creek, took time by
the forelock ami selected one of the best
cdvs in this herd of short bonis last
au I Mr. Wutlers say it is one of the
calves he hss evor raised. Its Dam
years old weighed 1750 lbs.
It has lieeii proven toe world over that it
km to raise good stock.
Heine Concert.
He II. .in.- (' inert Co. gave au excellent
progiaiunic Thuradu' eveuiug at Rhiuehart's
opera house to a good attendance. Mr.
Joseph Heine bus the reputation of being
one ol the v...; 1,1 a greateat violinists, anil ill
his selections last evening he fully sustain. l
it. His wonderful command of hi iustiu-
meut (which i over n century old) and tbe
vast number of use be makes uf the same
are beyond description, while tbe full sweet
sympathy of his touch appeals directly to
tbe heart. He is a Benin of rare taleut.
Hu was ably asaite.l by his wife and daugh
ter, trie former on tin piano anil tin tatter on
the nlto violin. MiB Heine also sang two or
three numbers with skill and expression.
Her voice i sweet and of good compas
Mr. Paul Howard, late of the National Opera
company, New lork a well-Known oariioue
is u new acquiitiun to tbe company, and
made hi appearauco Thursday night. Hi
ia a rich, mellow voice, showiug cultivation
and method.
The second performance takes place to
night, Friday, at 8 o'clock, aud all who bave
not attended, bud better secure seats early
to-day to avoid the rush at the hall. Tbis is
one of tbe best company that has ever visit
ed Eugene.
S Munra returned from Bonneville Sat
Hon. E. Honlt of Harrisburg waa in Eu
gene Wednesday.
Mr. Henrv Halter, of Corvallis was in
town during Ihe week.
I. E. Illundell, a representative from Dong-
las, -p. i.t Sunday in Eugene.
Mr. E. It. Skipworlhnow curries his buud
in a sling, having a sore finger.
Mr. Lee Wollit returned from a viait to
Eastern W. T. Inst Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Withrow and Sam'l With-
row returned home on the Thursday local
Mr. Cy Watkins haa been confined to hi
room for several day this week with sore
Elmer Cleaver returned from Lake eounty
lat Thursday morning. He lepnrta having
hwl s pleasant visit.
Mr. F. W. A. Crain returned fmni a visit
t Baker City last week. Hs is thinking some
of locating in that plsoe.
Judge wan anil M sm. j. r - mwa,
Ri.lnev Scott and S. H. Friendly vi.iled Sa
lmi seversl day. this wrek.
Don.- In Eugene City, .Monday, Feb. 18,
.if K-arlt fever, Edwin, son uf Mr. and Mrs.
Oen. (Ml, aged, two year. The funeral took
place Tu. sitay morning.
n hS. X . i wlf- ul A Klein, al Aluaay,
Bund), Fan. l7J. a girl. t
Hie Senate 1'assi'g the Bill. Free Tui
tion alter .Ian. I, INK).
A telegram received at 3:30 o'clock Friday
afternoon informs us that the bill t'o
make tbe State University a free school af
ter Jan. I, I81MI, paased the Seuate this. Fri
day afternoon by a vole of 111 to 11.
It ia confidently expected that Governor
Peiinoyrr will aign the bill.
SIO.HOO Destroyed by the Flames
Incendiarism Supposed to bo
The Cam Tlie Fire De
partment hues I
.. ,TT . .
Anout o:20 o clock Monday morning fire
broke out iu tbe extreme rear end of the
O Brieii Hall, which for the two weeks pre.
vionsh.ullk.eii leasej to the J. W. Egan it
Co Theatre Co. The fire deiartin. ut re-
tiouoiii omul .uv 10 me alarm, in 1 waaw
they ariive.l at the scene of the coutlagraiioi.
with a si renin of water, the end of the roof
011 the alley was almost ready lo (nil 111
It was s(.en at once that the theatre build
ing, which covered a space of 00 feet on
Willamette street by 160 (eet depth, wa
doomed 10 destruction, and Ibe fire depart
ment turned its atlentiiiu to saving adjoining
property The residence owned by it. M.
Day, and occupied by K. B Heiidcrsou. was
on tire mid hey. ud saving when the first
stream was thrown, while Geo. Melsou's two
story blacksmith shop was smoking from the
sill In comb of roof. A stream waa turned
ou the Melson building sunVieiit In protect
it: another stream was turind on lop of
Day'a briok to protect the roof from the
intense heat that tlueateued it, while mi
other stream was scut ou the theatre build
iug from the front.
By this time Coleniuu's hotel on the uorth
of tbe theatre was in flames. Part of the furn
iture wa removed but the tire spread so rap
idly that the greater part had to I., left to it
fato, Colemau' barn and Cba. I -liner's
barn were also afire, but the hose available
for use by the water work wa all iu use by
the firemen, ami no help could be given to
theae burning buildings. Samuel Meek, an old pioneer slid re-
The hand engine was then brought out by tptottd citizen of LtAO county, died ut Ins
the foreman, Win. Preston, ami with the use home seven miles north of Enoens Ci'v.
of Iheold hose soou played a stream on Mr. 1 Friday morning, Fob. Ud, at 2 o'clock. lie
I hu r s residence, though uone too soon, as was injured in a runaway accident near liv
the wind set towards it ami the roof uud the iug the first of last week and on Suturday
side of the buildiug were smoking from tho j was taken lick with btmorrhaO of the bow
effect of tbe inteuse heat. Willing bauds I els and partial paralysis ..(.the left side, re
took hold of the brakes and .Mr. Laiier's
dance was soon beyond danger, although
considerable of tbe furniture of the bouse
had I., en removed befor water bad been got
on tbe bouae. The baru belonging to Mr.
Ilickethier was burned, while the Davis
barn was badly scorched.
The tin-men did good wolk, though badly
hampered by lack of hoHe, ami held the tire
within lbs bouuds above mentioned, Tbe
three streams thrown from one hydraut ou
the oorner of Day's block weaken. -I tbe
pressure so that poor work was doue, especi
ally by the stream that were connected to
the Y.
In Ibis connection it is well to cull atten
tion to tbe fact that Ibe Eugeue fire depart
ment, while haviug splcudid apparatus other
wise, ia poorly provided with hose. While
possessing three hose carts that will carry in
tbe aggregate 2,000 feet of hose, the depart
ment has but 750 feel of hose that can staud
Ihe pressure given by the water works.
Chief engineers uud foremen have again and
again recommended the purchase of more
hose but it appears the council lias never seen
its way clear to purchase the same. Tbe lesson
given by this fire should have its effect. One
hydrant ol three inch diameter cauiiot sup
ply water with sufficient force lo render sev
eral streams available. With enough hose
to attach to another hydrant, tbe Colemoii
hotel could have been easily saved, ami with
Ibis buildiug secure, no danger could have
attached to Mr. Lauer's residence
The theatre waa insured by J. W. Egan
k Co. iu tbe Northwest, of Portland, for 12,
000, fixtures, jfoUO, The adjuster allow.. 1
It. M. Day had $l,50n on hi brick in the
Farmers , Merchants, of Albany, 011 which
$7l0 waa allowed, ami $500 011 tbe residence
iu the Home Mutual; paid iu full; also al
lowed $20 damages ou old buildiug.
Chas. Lauer was iusured iu the London,
Liverpool & 1 , lob.-, and Oregou, for $2,000
each, which was settled satisfactorily.
Geo. Mcisou wa iusured fur $500 iu the
Farmers A Merch iuls. The loss wa ad
justed al $185.
J. B. Coleniuu's hotel bad no insurance,
aud bis lots of the buildiug aud furniture
will reach the sum of $3,000.
Mr. 1 . -lemon lost some of his fixtures at
the bumla of petly thieves after the fire.
The ladies deserve credit for furnishing
but cuflfee lor the firemen.
The couteuts of Melsou's blacksmith shop
were removed aud suffered but little dumuge.
Mr. It. B Henderson saved nearly all bis
household effect, though in a damaged con
dition. Mcstr. Hush, Drake, Hall, and COM wi re
here adjusting the losses of the several in
surance coinpauiea which they represent.
The space made vacant by lbs lire is with
in tbe fire limits. It is good business prop
erly and tbe owners should erect substantial
brick blocks
The fire was likely the work of incendia
ries, as party rooming upstairs iu Melson'a
building observed two persons rnn away from
the rear end of the theatre just us the fire
broke out.
The engineer at the .imping station of
the water works was notified by telephone of
tbe fire and sturted tbe pnmpa, giving in
creased pressure, aiding materially in sub
duing Ibe fire.
Tbe theatre compauy leaned the building,
aud commenced work putting iu stage fix
tures and boxea about three weika ago.
Women were employed in the boxea afler
tbe theatre was opened, Feb. 7th, to solicit
patronage to the bar which was run iu the
same building. Tbe city council passed an
ordinance Mondny of laat week which would
prevent tbe bar from -ending liquors into the
theatre, the ordinance taking effect tbe day
latfore tbe fire. The managers of the theatre
solicited insuranc uf nearly if uot every lo
cal insurance ageut iu Eugene, but re
fused, and on the Fridny pievious to the fire
succeeded iu placing an insnrauce of $2,500
through a Poitland compauy that ignored
the Eugene local agent.
As I have decided to leave Goshen soon I
will sell goods very cheap for cash or pro
duce. I will sell such things as I do uot
care lo move, regardless of cost, from now
uutil I get reatly to leave, so oome one and
all aud aecore bargains.
I also respectfully ask all thoae Ibat are
indebted lo me to come forward and settle
by the 1st day of April, 188".
J. W MaixoCE.
Go.hen, Jan. 30, 188U.
Win Loan -At the fire M.
nday morn-
ing, an open faced Waltb.m
watch Tb.
uu.ler will be rewarded by returning it to Us-
burn s drug store. ! Uaootui.
Heal Kstate Trttiis.i'rs.
Henry T Hill b.-irs to Perry Frsnk, bonse
and three lot ou Ninth street; con. f.,800
D. K. Christian to Kob't M. Neel.'J lots iu
Chrislinn's 2d additiou; con. $280.
D. R. Christiau to D. A. Buchan, lot in
Christian's 2d additiou; con. $215.
D. It. Christiau to A Buchan, lot iu Chris
tian's addition; con. 1215
J. D Wilson lo Walter S-h. .field, lot in
Ellsworth's addition; con. $8(10.
T. W. Shell, m to W. G. Kurr.ll, 2 lots in
Shelton's additiou; cou. $300.
T. W. Shelton to J. W. Huff, Jr. lot in
Sbtltou's addition; con $1.".0
John 1 n to I.udiug Ditto, lot 111 Pack
ard s uilditinn; con. .so
A A. Smith to J. W. Cherry, lot on comer
of 7th and Oak streets, cou. $1,400.
l'enueliga Moore to Win. H. Moore, land
on Willamette street,
Jos Chapman lo Mrs. D. A James, lot in
1 Vkard'a additiou; cou. I'.sNl.
c.,,0 Learned to O. T. Fanning, lot iu
Packard's addition; cm. $.f.i'..tJ
00, W. Montgomery to Mever A- Kyle, lot
iu Morse' addition; cou. JJ'iO.
K V Howard to C. W. Washburne and
I P Milliom, 3 lot; $US0
J. Blew to E. Van Vraukiu, 3 lota; cou.
T W Harris to I. S Kearu. 9,01 acrva, iuat
wet nf Eugene; con. MnOO.
W. L. Wadelo A. 0. Woodcock and 1..
Bilviu, 43 17 acres; con. $2100.
Geo. S. Wiisbburns to C. W, Washburne.
11.30 acres; cou. $500
C. Delauev to E. W. Achisou, 1GH.80
acres; cou. $0,150.
W. E II imes to James and Henry Huff
man, 171 75 acres; con $S BOO,
L. A. Dickensou to Al.vander Dick, 100
acres: con $3 :I00.
C. F. Houghton to David Cherry, inter
est in I2-I1, acres; con. $titm.
Chas Vufte t.. A C McClane, MO acea; con,
Samuel Meek Head.
maiuiiig nnomsciou to the day of hi death
Mr. Meek wa born in Belmont County,
and was 73 years of age. Ou July II,
1853, be arrived in Lane county, where he
residisl until hi death. He owned the lar
ge! tract of good laud held by one man in
the county, having nearly 1IMK) acres. He
ws also tho proprietor of about 5000 acre
iu Linn county. Mr. Meek bad the reputa
tiou of never parting with one acre of
ground, but was continually investiug in
more. Au aged wile survives him, but be
left no
Mutual Hrserve Fund Life As8ociation,
N. .
BOWABD 11. Hahi'KU, PlWtlrWTi
This Association offers life insurance at one
HAU the rates charged by the old line c.impv
lies, and ..11 easier terms and ia a aafer cuupa
ny ill which to have a silicv. Itdneaita lar
geat huaineaa iu the State of New York, where
It is best known, and where the results of
both system, are beat understood. Its bus!
nesa in the State of New York, ia lahiikh
THAN THAT . if tlie Equitable, nearly as lunch
as the Mutual and New York Life roMHINrn,
and more than all other companies, thus allow
ing that the business pionll "f that t n at atate
have studied the principles nf the two system
of life insurance and are awake to their best
ini. nsts. ta BwnhtisMp It eompnosd uf the
leading bunk. -ra, huaineaa and professional
men of tlie land. I will la) in your city a
few weeka, during which time will give the
1 i 1 - a chance to learn the principles of iTHlt
Ufl iNsi'HANi'K, nanitltd with hanking Of
aaciilati..u Meanwhile, I wish to secure an
active, influertial man, wJHI ia well kiinwn in
the city tu act as local agent for the aasncia
Address Box 22!), City. H. sun at Prnfesanr
Bailey's, corner llth slid High Streets.
It S. Booth,
MnijOf Oregon Department.
Feb. 18lb, 1881).
We are sorry to say that Grandma Wallace
is quite pom y
One no n nm.! was Ihe lecipii ut of two
uice vali unties on the 1 lib.
We are pleased lo state that Johiie)
Vaughn ia improving rapidly.
C. It. Sylvester & Sou contemplate pur
chasing an engine to tun their gn-t mill.
We are glad to see Ihe smiling cnunl. -nance
of Allen Noffsiuger in our uinlst ouce more.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Haudsaker, of Pleasant
Hill, sere visiting relatives here last week.
The- work on the ScufHu Point, under the
supervision of Mr. D Jacoby, is progressing
rapidly, as they expect to finish Ihe work by
tne jj.i.
Mr. A. Hit. I. ei. who has a coulract for
banking a lot of logs for A. Wheeler, is get
ting along uicely. We uml. istuud the logs
are to be run iu March.
Feb. Mfc, 1881).
It has tried lo anow.
P. T. and T. C. Carter, talk of going to
Redwood, Cal.
Once more the boot of the grouse is heard
on tbe mountains.
II. L. Carter ami G. I'. Breeding have
discovered a guod lead of coal.
Mr. John ('rail, who waa struck on the
head with a rifle by Chas. While ia uieiidiug.
How does it happeu that there are ao
many bachelors up here? I suppose they
are bard to suit.
Card of Thaukt.
I hereby extend my thanks to the Eugene
City fire department slid the citixeua of Eu
gene for their prompt and energetic efforts in
saving my residence and contents from the
tu- Moiulsy morning. 1 ins I, u
Promptly .Settled.
The residence of Mr. t 'has. I.. and its
contents were insured fur 02,000 in the I, mi
dun, l.iverpsd and l.lohe and 12000 in the Or
egon. Those companie promptly and aatiafac
U.rtly settled the ilamave sustained to the
house and furniture.
.Notice to Contractor.
Bids will ls received fr a new front in the
Express urfii-e building until March loth, ac
-.ion..' to plans and acihctinus to be seen
by calling mi me. .1. B. CoLIMON.
Carp nt-1 - Attention.
lb.-- wishing Ol exchanue work for l.t clu.
pictures will please rsport to me immediately.
I . A. tuatu.
1 ") of the Kutaxlan SocMy.
Emma Doaaia, Editor
Anna Itouxara, Asst. Editor.
Frb 23d, 1881),
Lilian iu S . 1, ty did not uicet last Friday.
Tb. Y a will gitc a hatchet" party in the
uear future.
Composition work this week cousjsted of
resiling essays.
Misa Ella Masters, of Maishtleld, viaited
Ihe I urn-ratty last week.
Where did the bashful junior go afler bis
two hours of primping?
Allen Pnrwsid was eall.,1 hum. I... P.; .
" 1 III',
ou scvuunt of sickness iu the family.
I lie I llllcrsllv waa clo..l I... P, ...
of respect lo the memory of Edgar llaw
thorue. "
Beware of the aunali.ta Thaw 1 A.. ,i..
evry act that c,n possibly mske the founda
tion 01 a poem.
Tin- Si i.i 1 - have Ani.liM.I r..ili.i ... .1
. 1..S.III. ,,,!!,.
and are now begiiiiug a critical reading and
nuri in ine same.
NetTly ev. ry eltot in the I'niversily haa
del. gate all. n.lii g the "slsy-at-home wilh-a-cold"
convention. They have our sympathy.
Prof. "Bv what method did you compute
Ibat interest?"
Diligeut Student. "Mixed method, I
Iht Laurean editor ia absent from school
this week, suffering with weak eyes. Wa
hear he puts iu his lime ruuniug races with
small boys.
Asa winning, we would suggest thnt the
stud, ids read and keep iu uiiml the faunm.
"Teii Comuiaudmeiits," issued about seven
years itgo,
A G , Jr , has his silk hat alirady bought
he has not orn il jot, but is really when
the occasion d, liisnds. Nothing like Iskll g
lime by the fun lock.
If y.m hearth, annalist wauls to see you,
don't Is- iWoronOrrtod, She will only ask
how uld you are, and do you kuow a good
joke uii some one . 'a...
The latest hit of the famous German class
is "Mia. ry loves Cogwheels." The slight
incongruity resulting fioui the confusion of
K'imriail, eoiupauiuu. aud A'.iumur.f, cog
wheel. Fred S. Diimi and Leu Stevens, two of
the b. 1 students iu ihe l!uiversity, ware
compelled lo leave on account of poor health.
We hope to soou see them iu their claaaes
Class iu Addison has finished that book
ami have taken up Sh.ikesp. an 'a II unlet '
Also the class iu Whitney's English gram
mar has began Sm.w's History uf English
Chariot E. Lockwood came up from Sab m
last Friday to ad as "teller" in the Laurean
election. Ton bad bis tilling waa in favor of
his opponents.
Among tbe absent sludeuts tbis week were
L.J Davis, of tbe Seuior class; J. K.
Greenfield, of the Junior clraa; Fred S.
Dunn, of the Sophomores; Elva Galloway,
of Ibe Fresbuieu's.
The fo'lowitig translation by one of tbe
llndl ids in the Latin reader makes us won
der "what next'" huiu niAif alitm ope
potafi was o translated: "The iulaut nihil
ist signed a protest agimst tuu foreign
A large number of idudeiita made nee of
tbe opportunity given them lust Suturday to
ream something of Alaska, and attended the
lecture giveu by Mr. Campbell. His oolleo
tions from that territory aro well worth
studying and seeiug.
The Shak.speare era... seems to have
reached the b.iahliil uicinhcr ot the Junior
class. As hi. potted his father's uew brick
a few evenings since he exclaimed, in the
words of the poet, "How sweet the moon
light sir. ps ujujii this uaiis." ajfc.
l b. I.uur, 1111 editor ( this phfjBlereo
typed and we use il for noimiHL fol
low,,! bis nun advice aud "''MBb tbe
words editress, free school, I'.ill.itmntkpw ,
mailing.., mid Oregon Slate LegisUturoT It
is qatto a saving to bis eyes, for be just
"Indus ih. in up a hia bst ami tbey come
out a column.
I! is our p mil nl ( ?) duty to announce that
Mr broi h. r editor will no longer edit the
half sheet of the Or. goo State Journal.
Win n weeut. red tbis office we were cheered
by tho assuring remarks nf Ibe gentleman aa
to the ease and bouor of this office. Now
he wields the gavel Instead of quill. Wt
congratulate bun on his success aa an editor,
We doubt not that through Ibe inflnence of
his pen the senators of Oregon were made
to feel Ihe necessity of in king luitiou free
lo tho UnifOftlljr. etc., etc. From lack of
time and space we refraiu from making a
Within the past week one of our felfnw
students h.s 1 asaed away. Edgar H, lluw
thome died I st Thursday after au illness of
live .lays. His parents have the sumnatbv
ot every member of the Uuiversity,
l lie .team cllange comes.
I), aih is another life. We bow our heada
At going 011!; we Ihink, and enl.-r straight
Another goldeti chamber of ihe King'a
Larger than Ibis we leave aud lovlier,
And then iu shadowy glimpses disconnect.
The story, Hower like, closes thus itt
Tbe Will of God ii all in til. He makes,
Destroys, remakes, for hia own pleasure
Th following are aamplea of "myateriona
letters" received tbs I lib. A flower with
tbis note was hurled from uo one knows
Only a withered Howerlet,
But I wore it ou my coatlet
As I sat me on tbe seatlet
'Fore I threw it in tbe air,
If it lauds uear your heartlet,
0, keep the little flowerlet,
To 1 - mm 1 you of dear Poklet.
Else I'll get me on the oarlet
Iu a distant land to roam."
Tbt "flowerlet ' must have been aoorned
for tbe next one waa:
"Fortune at last aets all things even,
Ami if we do bnt watch tbe hour,
Tnare never yet was buinan power,
Which could evade if uuforgiven
The patient search aud vigils long,
Of biui who treasures uu a wrong.
Tin. Laurean editor teems to object slight
ly lo the 1 1 s. the Eutaxians make uf tbe word in their column. We do not wish
in anyway to hurt the feelings of so worthy
a gentleman, bnt as we bad no society oar
selves Fridsy we depended to a certain ex
tent upou the I .am. ans to famish society
itema foi our column Wa bag hia pardon
fur all wu may say about Ine Laureana.
However, we bave been informed that after
a closely contested election by the two part
ita, i. 0.1 "Greeufl. Idiies" and "Wilsonltea"
or. more properly, the "Junioritee" and the
"Subites," ibe following officers were duly
elected: President, Jamea Kockinghores
Gicenficld, tbe present editor; Visa Prea ,
William Multitude Miller; See, William
Copernicus Wasburue; Asat. Sec, Tbomaa
Elwuezer 'odd. Treaa , Jedaiab Oscar Holt;
Censor. Joseph Golialh Walters; Editor,
Evrette Zochokke Mingus; Sergsaut-at-arma,
Paul Jugriitbu Hadley. To the President
, we ofler speoial oobgiutolaUeU.