- i , t mum ,ail Suicide. Imittfl Saturday on Martin, wife of Mar ..ri " taking "" fn HZa limve. le clrcuui Jhich it occurred render ; this under , "mIv T..uiiKh whi.kv All 1 : i . i .u inci-if. .4Uw-i "c -tl .iiv tot. .L art) iwwmmb"; " lock Friday veiling, Geo ii miller the intlueuce of II o'cl ".'.--.thnUlktpt by Mr. .-II '? "!l .1 f make a di.tur n. . g.. had lost his pocket i.flnif ii''" . . , . i i, i..., ,,i. " 7." him leave the hotel. Strsub MMtin ''' r' adjoining the hotel ei"7 . us"l in tilt) lli'tei. iviiiii.il ti!2 was and complained that .. Ir. ... 1 ..... , ii.tr- iltasaMWT-" . . .. I.i, BUM ' ," alHxl and quarrel ensued "- .L.niniIH Bin ...-.a... rTrri i if, ,i,a hit several .. ..., ... k ,:,., t .-j went across in. r.,.Z i. . Imilt a nre arm , ., r' 1 ' .. i.i.. 1. ,,., tne m a- - . j ........lav morning .iin. Mar . oV ik'K nam. .... lilj that her I and We ' tli house. BUB the I. :nl about tem7rWurlt..dowh!n T"1" Vnirnitiire outof the r.siin ....,. secured the uioue uey. TOil' - rim im' " . lott o t stry i .1 ,,we,lit cnteiits. saying a t SlWhS enila it" Martin , tin iJlaT wentupthe r..l rl tnt .. Ml t If I '" niter ii n track .n tin flhn f,ir . amu ,i ,. ,p,.t,,i ii:. ' f,,iir biu" . , j . -I tiotir in-. .'i.iii I -r.,1 mil iiirni " 1m W.4.. tin- H IN ll'i-B " , . . , i i.i... ttml u-hiiLetl to i. ii. ...u W Mn reoiulKT ti lb. w. ,-al not tOW wliUKey a'..". "SJIuaawMd a soon l M , cihlf but mitiilote at fiit " 7 ,7 V. L.H I.,., inn ,U m .er.ua..eu . HKi - aw . eV. - - i u.. T ... kagt I n ............ . , . ....,.1 ami remlertKl a ver- .. a i t: I" .o" ..U.,1.4- be coroner J"rJ "VV " 'i .. i .1. .1 in. . 1 . -iiii mi, ...... i. I... kaf i enin oy "uionimt hi. Ii. r nvni lOlUll, on mo ...v.. uj . lUk'l IMW I ole, r, r nawwai " , Juror . . ,, ,i j j.. U.ri..n n kinUIV "HI luao. "oil .. xiiiUil have uuiucu 'iv "'' "" . - ii.. ...... ,,t tnnorui namnai up wor. u,aila WlttnWi aw ( artwi itrht Items. Jan. 22, 188U. Win. Hawley died infant child of ii,. cnuntrv uronnd Cartwrhht luiH fwrirg the cohlly ermine garo. .i . .i... .1 . ii i.'t . r Iihk rt LMKtered nwrni iiiw i 1 . r .it ,i..,ti... iiluivH zero, let ... wn- -"n . .... i. . .. i ... u.mi if- w ;t . ii - ii- u. ..finnirnnmlenf Sinsluw met nt the 8 gtbhath nfternoou Bingin,; God 'a the editorial quill i" nearly worn out, I kindly ask the people oi uanwnpi i up a collection ami preaeut HI with a ., ..11 il... ii i, .if It... i-iim. r v. U ATTBB DUX. ri . i, . lientistry. V 1 Tavl.iy B'iuViuu i. . iiifnrm tlltt l:i ... Lia J T ... Um 1..... n iiiH us am omn ci it. uuuucjr, i ready lo alleud to all canea of dentia- l I - - . I Tf ...111 U I.. 1 his old frieudK tod pntrous and many of the Matlock block. BTT-nvK Yeak8 Perhaps the oldest riauB uiu in oonanuoui service on . ti : l t': : .1 .,, lite Journal at Eugene, which enters ititwenly-Biitli year this week, with change iii editorship or baviog miBsed Hi. i.i- ouiy cnange uouceauie in m formerly printed H R. Kiucaid Di s uibiiii i. i ns is a nic e -Salem Statennian iciirrits Aor.Ntv. The Portland Mer- Agency have established a branch it Eugene and Disced the same iu I of Chas Meyers, an efficient and u renin. Keep nil employment oince, nil i -i a oi'iiern r,.n ..s n i.t i .m-- iv is his located his office in room No. 3. r Sl Ml VI u hi, I't ..... L- .11 . i .il riT 1 1 w ,,,, .. i ... . .. . . , , Mundav and fined ori ,,a . ... . u . . , . j ....... ni. ... . m WDO Das henn Blnnniiu, iiuinrii iluvs In IH Rrrested on a vnoranov elniriu. and $5Uind costs. Not hsviut; the neces- aili his fair dame has hied herself to " '.' I'll 111 III 111 II' i I'll I ' " ID II' I . Mil '....- 1.J m . 1 . Int. elf Idiid The ordinance orantiui? the ! utoJt nd nawMt stvles to bis stock IU. til II. a Hi . I . . I fl . 1 . .. .1. . Ii.nud . . .. nici iiuuwnv v-wiueuiij prices are iiitm w - .." " " 'I" innuumii m I will M fMull U SuS DWian risni, ''reft csrifti) ho mn dnilv after con. i V... ,.,r.l. NELLIE . STBAIUHT, i ui.ioiisu. iuk uumuitui lilliinjsc ri . " "..I fc. - him iio i .. on in.- -' .... -Articles of incorporation of the Si- j presentei Esxteni Railwav and Navigation I the build iuesilay, Oapital stock l.fXK),- uicii wii.ii vne oecreiurv in i uhwihvi.. ri . ... .,.1,1,1 a rauroau ir"m .-snisiitiv a l-.ti ....... .... i.. . i . i a - iiu v ity, i . i me easiern istuiioary Y... V V; '"v.ey. .r"V ." r-c, ntlv received from ', o. .ii, itiHlsiin and h. I Mint h. . . i ri .ii i iai ,i ii in i , in i '.mi nil , "'seL. S. Masonic Renevolent Asso toiinci I'.ltttf. I,,u'i f'.r tlia Hlllll He liecftmn a ., ..... i i 19. . Wt kd made but une payment of 5.4fi. .-SAtnl V i' l ... .11 t -, I ;. l. ..... i i-n-viuiiiiu IIICU HI. llll, MM ilea Mtutliu-ekl ,,f I.',, , .... ,, f... ,1,,, a.f,i hmdi began to mortify, and ex- jp me arm to the body causmg jae deceasts-1 was an old pioneer and loahties. icwie.ein 'in B..,.,.i.n, .,, int mine XATiojiiL ItiN-i The share- 7 " "ie Bank of Oreeon hve con m up stock of $50,000 It will -ue tugene National Bank. ik. n in charge. Irsek n 'vsryh-ng Brevltien. Lard at .Sladden & Sun. School books at Collior'i. Mince-ineat at Mladden Sun. C'anh luld fr pruluce at Slaildeu A Son. There are nine ciue of smallpox at Amity. Try cream wheat for brnakfut at Sladden t: Sun, Ti e Monmouth Obaerver haa been moved , to Dallas. Mnney to luan on farm. Knuuire of Jud. Walton. Mr. J. K Kenton hai lieen apHiintd a no tary public. A. J. ltarlow oa started a saloon at t'entral Point, Oregon. I masquer- j ! Co. "C" uelted $G."i from iheir adc lust week Mi. .1. F. liackeiiato, a pioneer died at Al bany laht Momlty. H. N. Crain is soiling off at cost. Call early and secure burgains. See the meeti:u; notice ot the Directors of the lilue Kiver Mining t'o. Thuuks to Hon. 8. W. Condon for various : reports of State officers, etc. For the best and cheapest spring beds and loiiiigi s go to K 1). Krowu s. A fine line of silk plushes in nil shades and grades at F. B. Dunn's. The front of Wilkins' drugstore has been treated to a fresh coat of paint One night last week the Priaeville thermom eter -t I at six degrees below zero. The rluey )ed Lounge, the beat lounge m the market, uianufaclured by It. D. lirown. Tuke your produce to the Pacific Tea Co. and get the best prions. Hot and cold baths every day in the week nt Jerry Horn's barber shop. W. Lmr Hill haa located at Seattle, W. T., for the ptactice of bis profession. Farmers, while in the city are invited to call at Lewis' Grocery and learu prices. (ireat reduction sale by H. N Crain. Will sell at cost us the stuck must be sold. Highest price in cash paid for rags, old iron and junk by W. Sxndkbs. Kevival meetiug at the M. E. Church still continue. Several have professed religion. Tens, coffees and choice groceries cheap for cash at Mosbubo & Habbis. Before storing or selling your oats see A. V. Peters. Clean Chevalier barley wanted. Levi I) uglas. well known in Lane couuty, iuteuds erecting a flouring mill at Harris burg. Tho Oregon State Temperance Alliance will hold its next annual meeting at Albany on Feb. 20th. Carpets! Carpets!! S. H. Friendly has just received a large and varied assortment. He will suit you. E.H. Flags, formerly of the St. Helens Mist, is tailing of startiug a Democratic paper at Salem. Make an uppoiutinuut with Henderson Dentist, tod have your operations performed in a skillful manner. The novelty st 're has just received a large assortment uf school Tublets and "sells 'em cheap, too." Call see them. Oil piiintiugs, nicture frames, wall brack-1 cts, clock shelves, hut and cloak racks, win dow pedes), etc., nt K. D. Brown's. Henderson, Dentist. Col John Kelsay, of Corvallis, is an ap pljoaot for the position of Consul-General ! ... r..i..M,in ii n.lur thA mimirii mtm iniutrnlinn Wc have on band the most complete line of wedding invitations, cards etc., ever brought to Eugene. Call and examine them. Henderson, Dentist. University books, public school supplies, ink. blank hoiks; tho very latest papers, QOvala, magazines and reviews atColliei's book sfnre. Anyone desiring pen work executed or lessons in penmanship, can have their wants satisfied at ltowland's Writing Parlors, over Dunn's linilding. Slab wood delivered to any part of the city for $1.75 per load. Leave orders at the lumber yard on 8lh street or send to A. Wheeler at Springfield. Goldsmith, the grocer, has just received from the EaBt one of the largest assignments of lamps ever brought to Eugene. He will sell them at ptices that defy competition. Carpets of every style and grade at Friend ly's. These carpets have just arrived and have been well selected lo meet the demands of this market. Call and examine his varied assortment. The New High Arm Vertical Feed Davis Bewiltg Machine will do a greater variety j . .. , . .. .1 il.... .mi .-linr machine. Prices reasonable. For sale at Collier s book store. Bv using only tho best materials to bo had, and" having had yeurs of actual experience under the best instruction, enables Hender son, Dentist, to obtain the finest results known in Dentistry. K, bt. Head, aged 18 was lentenoed to 30 days in the county jail last Tuesday by Jus tice Henderson, for itealing five dollars, the State should provide a reform school for such violators of the law. James D. Fav, son of the well known law yer and politician of that name (oowde ceased) haa been in the valley this week. He has been ranching out at Swan Lake lor some time past Ashland Tidings. S. H. Friendly keeps the largest and best assortment of clothing, ladies dress goods, He is continually aauing uw His -1. . I i .in. ... ...... ...oi. .......... .... . . . j ... ii i:,,o. .......... liisui trim uiuiiniiu. .,. .. in . ni ,sl. .liaivn viui.'. -" ' iv wunuiici aim upcitu- iud i tf) at Z i. in. L.U1TUH "in IPVJ3 I oaoatne specitled time. Also re- s ()'clock All members cor iiauy raviw w 1 ttii'-i-n . '". .... - T . - . The picture will be handsomely framed anil presented to Henry Villard, in honor of whom ion oi iud os uissni" j - nd Navigation the building was named, for the liberal en ri,. Phartar n.ilt is the best stove manu factured. It is the pride of every house hold. Messis. Starr, Itrittlii Drown nave .l m-nived from the manufactory at St. Louis a car load of them which they are offering at very low prices, tan snu iue them. , .uinen in mis paper, was or tnis i tn-e a i nn. P. . - n,.. . . -.1 - ii il-. . i ,.i ii r out anything trom s cam 10 a pome. ".v nud eVpfl'tiouslv. We buy our paper in the East from wholesale houses, and can give you the benefit of low prices. Th- fiuest line of focket cutlery and razors, butchers' knives, shavmg brushes, mugs and straps; oils for sewing ''ln" and guns, scissors, etc.. to be had at the Barker Gun Works. As I buy on time I ... 1. nn .,1 u.a ,f I do not must ior casu. vm aa.- -please yon. Tata. Bibkei Gcn Wolis. So manv new people are coming into the country this year that there is apt to ho a te..rsnue i, as a Nations! bank g" ' " T .J "Zm .nd hous. tbe time ior uuei. ives to plan for tbe spring and snmm.r i. i..r. .. hr-ioiore uiie acie i-a,. 8Toat.-Mcr,inno Jnlmson have nroliublv culrivsted spd perhaps more fowls sL. lt . " - - ; r , L i .11 1 ,, ,1. c.i. Lt-c&t (til I T Hav .t i, .rm.m turn hu i 1.1 1 ri.r 1)1 ain siT.M'h "'I "11 """" T -l will ,uri . branch atom with no idl. rs about tbe place ana se-P Egs 20 eta. per doz.; butter '10 to 35 cts. per lb. Save money by purchasin? your groceries at MWt Try Ixwle, on .'eoccries, cirner "th ami Willamette St. Horace K. Dillard is ail applicant for the pusloffice at I'nneville. Old rubber boots and shoes wanted at one cent per pound by W. 8srtDiks. Tbs north bound overland train MomUy was delayed ten hour by being ditched a't Kiddle. R. E Walker of Cottae lirovs recently cut one nf hi feet with an axe snJ now g'tes abinit on crutches. Old iron 40 cents per hundred and rags 50 cents per hundred, and cast iron 00 cents per huudred. W. Sxmdiks. Mrs A W Skipwortb does stamping and all kinds of embroidery. Call and see her at her reside no. The suit of Bowerman vs John McMahau for damage will be tried iu the V S Court at Portland Monday. Messrs Griffin, L. X. Roimy and W. T, Campbell went down the river in a boat the first of the week, capturing about 40 ducks. There is talk of a new brick block next Spring to be built by lUnkin and Shelton on the curner of Willamette ami Seventh streets. The oil bouse of the Stiiud ird Oil Co. baa been completed. It bis a wuoden frame work, which is covered roof and walls with corrugated iron Eugeu is IssiuiiiiK and no an appreciate the fact more than 8. H. Friend,-, He pro poses te hooiu carpets of which he has a full and complete line of all stylos and grades t prices which will satisfy customers. The Prineville city couucil has passed an ordinance prohihiug the loitering uf miutus nnder 18 years of age upon the streets after TtflOp. M.i also making it a misdemesuor for any one under the age of twenty-one to be fonud in a saloon. There was a foot race at Siuslaw a short time since and the whole bay went broke on the 'bind sprinter. Even the big iiotel is without milk owing to the fnct that the land lady lost her cows through a misplaced con fidence in the speed of the wrong chap. Newport B-publicnu. Died. ElishaW. Whipple died suddenly from heart disease at his residence in Cottage Grove Monday eveniug at 10 o'clock, while lying in bed. "Lisb," as be was familiarly called, was born iu Wyoming county, l'enn., in August 1848. He came to Eugene City in March IM9, and was en gaged iu business here for several years. In 1871 he was murri-d tu Miss D-ll Ostium, who with five children, survives him After a residence of a few years in Eugene he re moved to Cottage Grove, and formed a part nership with his two brothers uuder the firm name of E. W, Whipple Jt Bros. He had uot been in active bu,iiess since 1885, wheu the firm's store was destroyisl by fire. E. W. Whipple was on energetio progressive Ulan, of a kind and charitable disposition, and willing to slop to the front iu any public enterprise. Whoever aims in contact with him was impressed by the fnct that he was one uf nature's noblenn B, Tho fuueinl took place at Collate Grove Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock nfidl i the an-pi -es ot the 10 0 F and A F & A M societies, of each of which ho Ml a prominent member. Convent Behool Dedication! Editob Gitaiiu Sunday, Fob. 3, 1889, will be the dedication ot the convent school or Eugene Academy by nioRt Rev. Arch bishop Gross. High mass nt lOxtt a. in , witlMiiusin and the first semi-u uf th- Archbishop. O re mouies about school building ami church bell ut 3 p. m Musical entertainment and secoud speaking by the Archbishop at 7 o'clock p. iu Morning and evening an entrance money will be collected at the door of the steeple for the benefit of the school buildiug, adults 60 Dents, children 25 cents. The school begins Monday, Feb. 11. The 7th and 8th of February are the days for registering. Inquire of the sisters regard ing terms for admission. Rev. F. 8. Beck. The Poor Farm. Wbibeas, We are informed that an at tempt has, and Is being made to sell the poor farm. Therefore be it Resolved, That we, the members of Lane County Pomona Grange, denounce said at tempt to sell the farm as contrary to our wishes, also to the best interest of the county- Renolved, That we recommend a iubss meeting of the tax payers of the county to meet in Eugene City ,' Wednesday, Feb. (ith. 188'.) to take the attempted sale in consider ation. Resolved, Further, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to each of the coun ty papers for publication. ABBT XllinsWANDEB. Secretary Laut Co. Pomona Grange. A Card. I lake great pleasure in reoommending Mr M. O Wnruer, who has recently located in Eugene, as a most competent and reliable piano tuner and repairer. Mr. Warner has just tuned my piano and I ran unhesitatingly state that iii my 12 years experience as a teacher und player, I never had it more sat isfactorily tuned. I trust that all my old patrons and all others owning pianos will employ him, as it is a decided advantage to have a good workman in our midst. D. W. Coolidoe, Formerly Prof, iu Music, State I'uiversily. Mare Wanted. I wish to purchase a mare about 5 years old, 1000 pounds weight; sound and thor oughly broken. Residence on the Perkins place one mile ami a half below Eugene. T. G. 8lippi. Stinit the Bilk A. Stinit, who is known nearlv everywhere iu Oregon, is now infesting this vallev. He was induced to u.n Me.lfor.l bv JIaishal Miller, who wanted to collect license from bim, as he; claimed lo be a real estate agent, and is in iu Ashland at present. Look out for him. Jacksonville Times. DtLiiycEaT The city council has passed an ordinance declaring the assessment for street grade oa High street delinquent, in- i structing the Marshal to levy upon and sell property where Uxea have not Uen paid. An Ijipboveiiijit. Mr A V Peters has j made a decided improvement in his store room by taking ont tbe stairway. Tbe entrance to the Winter's gallery is now through the Register steirwsy. RnioNEO.-Jeff Yates believes that to the victoi belongs tbe spoils.snd aeoordiugj has resigned th po-lofflc at Irving over which h. baa presid-d efficiently for nearly four years. Mr. O. P. Hopf succeeds him. Uao Fisher k Watkidb have nios frssb ir 1 f n d- ii their meat nftrket. L1- I as-sswasss-a-aassss-a-i Kcul F.sUte Transfers. ii'oni cm. JB Harris to 8 R Jenkins, 1 lots iu Harris' addition; cou 0015. W I Vawter to Alet Ooterlin and Q W Han.U .k-1. lot in Shaw's nud Patlersou's addition; cou $200. O W t.ilbertMin to W E Warren au.l M 8 Barker, lut in Packard's addition; con $075 8 8 Sigel to W B Audiews, 1 ' , lots in Packard's addition; con $400. A X ami C A Crow to E J Crow, iutereat in two lots iu Mulligan's addition; con $100. ft W Prather heirs to M A Lakin, lot in Ellsworth's addition; cou $200. A E Bret to J A Straight. 2 seres in do nstion claim of I) K Christian and sift; con $7..i. T W Harris to Phillip Mulkey, Sr. 2 acres west of Kugi ue; cou $500. W J J Scott to Win I. McFarluud. 2 lots in Scott's addition; con $235. W J J Scott to J T Cardwell, 1 lot in Scott's additiou; con $125. N J Taylor to J B Young, lot in Skinner's addition;' boo $1580. D R Christian to C D lloffmau, 2 lots iu Christian's mldnion; con $200. R M Dai to M 1' Awbrey, two lots in Har ris' addition; con$o.'iU. 8 J Swift to T J Smith, 50 feet on Wit lamette street between '.Mb and lOtb streets; cou $2,000. L'OCNTBT. L' 8 to Laurence Poiudexter, 352.30 acres; I patent I A StratlJbt to Win M Keneger, bond for . i d-eil oi "i i ic iii Santa t'lara; con $500. T C Judkins to 0 M Judkins, 10 acres; i eon $ Hits I Jseob Huff to Cidcou C Millttt, R) acres; oou $3,500. G II Callisou to Johu Stoops, 80 seres; con )2.iMH). N ! PiUer to R R llavs, 310.80 acrw;con 510 200. H C Humphrey to Alex A Foster, 80 acres; ! cou $1600. Phillip Mulkey to 0 F Houghtou and II . M Lambert, u i . acres;. con $2750. Louis Diess to Geo Hazeton, 53.78 acres; con $800. Ira Allen to 8 X Howard, 320 acres; con $3,000. COTTlllI liBOV F. . .las II McFurland heirs to .1 T Cnruwell. 2 lots; con $50. srr.iNor.KLD. John Hake to C M Doritv, 2 lots; con $250. KeKentte Items. Jau. 22. 1880. Snow has fallen to the depth of 7 feet on the summit of the mountaius. Mr. Adam Hilcbev is engaged in putting logs in the Middle Fork. Mr. John Anihrsou has been very low with typhoid fever but is slowly recoveriug. Charles Davidson returned horn a few days agu from Eugene where he has lsen engaged iu painting. A force of meu have been at work ou the county road commencing at Hendrick's fer ry and comiug out eight miles above. A petition has beeu in circulation the past week praying for a chunge in the couuty rosd between Camp Creek and McKiuzie. Lust Sunday Junies Allen was attacked by a large aud ferocious crain (Crain), Mr. Allen received several scratches in the face. Mr. C's optical organs were a shade darker at last accounts. Two logging camps are iu operation on the McKiuzie. Messrs. bine and Baiker are proprietors. They are putting in an icelleut quality of logs and furnish em ployment to about twenty men. 1KI. Letter List. Letters for the following persons remained uucalled for at the postoffice iu Eugene City, Oregon, Jau. 25, 1880: Alvey, Len Kuenig, G W Bass, Jessie Lewis, Wm B Backus, Harvey Levchner, Miss M 2 Brown, Dolch Muntta, P Burk, Miss Ruby Patterson, W R Dority, Mrs E J Pollard, Walter .1 Gleasnn, W L Samwills, Prof. Gordon, H T Simpson, Mrs C M RifbXi " Smith, Frink Snavly, John A charge of one cent will be made on each letter given ont. Persons calling for the above will please say advertised, giving date. F. W Osbubn, P. M. Notice. My wife, Addle F. Stewart having left my bed and board without just cause or provoca tion, all parties are hereby warned not to trust her on my account ss I will not he responsible for any debt ihe may contract after this date. DHAIN, Or., Jan. 25, 1B8!I. H. W. Stewart. Suoden Death. Mrs. Catherine Chris tian, wife of D. R. Christian, died in Eugene Thursday, Jan. 21, 1881), at 2:15 p. m from heart trouble. She bad been complaining but a short time and her death was very sod den. Shu was bom iu Washington county, Md. Kov. 21, 1810, and nt the timel of her death was N years. 2 months nud 3 days of age. She came to Illinois in 1838, and with ber husband arrived in Oregon iu 1852, lo cating ou a donation claim which now con stitutes part of tbe south of Eugeue. She leaves au aged husband, several sons and daughters, Sam'l Christian, John W Chris (Jan, Mrs F B Dunn, Mrs A 8 Patterson, Mrs Wm Msxwell and Miss Etha Christian, and numerous grandchildren. The funeral will take place to the Odd Fellows cemetery this'Saiurdsy morning, nt 10 o'clock Died. In Eugene City, Tbnrsdav Jan 24, 18M0, Had ic, daughter of J W ami Fannie Owen, aged 10 years, 6 months nud 21 days, from a cougestive attack. She had recovered from an attack of scarlet fever bnt a short time previous aud was Htteuding the public schoul Ihe dsy before ber death. The inter ment took place at Ihe Masonic cemetery Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. . New Bakeht Messrs. Bennett t Chris man have their new bakery iu operation. Thev rememla'red the Gi-abii with some flue bread sml cake und cigars. Wm. Tsy lor opened his new restaurant in tbe same building Thursday. He bns a neat attract ive place. Law "iiii Removed. The luw office of Messrs. Washburne 4 Woodcock has been removed to tbe haudsome suite of rooms up stairs iu the McClaren block. Clients will please take notice of the removal. r Suld S P Btadden sold one and oue-bslf lots in Sladdeu's addition to Eugene, this weok for $305 lo Mr W F Reid, who will build ou the samyext Spring Risiv - Change. Gen. Collier haa I.I his book store to M. I,eviiiger of Rohnerville, Cal. The new proprietor will take charge iu about one week. On the eighth page of tbe Gdabd w pre sent the prospectus of ths San Francisco Examiner It is the U -t pays, pal I. -bed on lie Vaeil'c Co.'lt. Pernoiial. Mr. J. M. Shelly is in town. I ff Wsllis has gone to Davtoo W. T. Ji.dge Wasbb irne returned from Salem Tuesday. Mr. Geo. Alexander of Lebanon is visiting in Eugene. Mr. .1. F. Walker has returned from a visit to Virginia. Johu Duucan left for his home at Dayton, W. T., Monday. Mr. J. M. Sura has been visiting si Med ford this week. Mr. Geo. Swift, of the O P. R R., spent Sunday in Engene. Hon E B McElroy, Supt of Public Instruc tion, is in town. Hou. G. B. Dorris went to Portland yes terday on business. Mr. Lycurgus Davis is confined to his real deuce with bfllious fever. II n. Jacob Corner paid Marion county friendi a visit this week. Attornsv Geo. B. Dorris aid Juuition pMfessional visit last Satunlay. Mr. P. F; ( 'astleman of Portland tins been in town several days this week. Messrs Chas. Sladden and F. L. Cham bers have gon on a visit to San Francisco. Hon. Geo. Thompson of Monroe mid W. H. Babor ot Junction were in townTursday. Miwars. James Aluaius and T. J. Smith ware in the metropolis several days this week. Mr. James Moore, who has been sick for a few weeks with pnenmonis is convales cent. Mr. S. 8. Spencer has accepted a position in the Bank of Oregon. A good appoint ment. Miss Maud Henderson, of Albany, is visit in at the residence of her nncle, Mr J. ('. Snodgrass, in this city. Msyor Dunn, and Messrs. J F Robinson Geo 8 Washbume, H C Humphrey, C E Lockwood and others visited Salem this week. Mr. aud Mrs. Mnnra have returned to Eugene aud will take charge uf the Holt man House. Mr. Watkins will move to his farm . Messrs. E. A. Wheeler and Geo. M. Miller of Eugene, and J.J. Butler of Junction, have been appointed by the Governor notaries public. Mr E. E. Angel, of Baker City, was in tow u this week visiting relatives. He is a large contractor in Baker, aud is interested in a large machine shop at that place. Mr. Julius Ash, a Portland drummer, was dangerously ill from muralgia of the heart the first of the week at the Hoffman House. He has recovered so far as to 1m able to return to his home. Mrs. N. Coleman is ipiite ill at the house of her son, W. I, OidenM. in Cny-.te precinct Itecently she fell and scalded her arm and btlllstd her head. She is NO years of age but retains her mind veiy well. Mr. R. J. Hendrick aud wife, of theSsleni Statesman's family, passed Sunday iu Eu gene, the guests of Mr. und Mrs. T". 0. Hen dricks. Bob was greatly surprised at the growth mad by Engene during tbs past 12 mouths. He will be more surprised if bo visits 12 months hence. One of the doctors of tbo well known firm of Drs, I 'an in of Portland has arrived in this city and haa opened offices at Baker's Hotel, where they inteud remaining until Mai' li 1st. 1 hey come to ns highly rec ommended and are physicians of unqestion able reputation, as their cures aud testimon ials can be substantiated by personal iuvea- tigatioii. ihey treat successfully all cura ble chronic diseases, and make a specialty of straightening oross eyes and treatment of catarrh and deafness and undertake no cases unless curable. Read the announcement in another column with tcstimorfliils. Xutic that they treat tho poor free from 0 to 10 A. .11. tlllll Cottage Grove Items. ill- M Ot'B SPECIAL COBBKSroNOKMT. Jan. 22, 1888. Yes. we witnesed the eclipse of the mimn the 10th. Th re was a dance at (J. W. McCoy's Frl lay th 18th. Mr. Mike Kebblelieck has been unite ill but is about again. lames McFarlaud and Win. Bidler were in Eugene Saturday. Mr. Hugh Thompson of Chrisinsn is visit ing his old haunts on Silk creek. Messrs. H. Petree and Lockwnoil of Siuslaw attended the hop at Mr. McCoy's Friday night. Mrs. Wm. Ness got a tall one day last week from the effects of which she had a severe at tack of neuralgia of the itomach. Snow liegan to fall on th morning of th 17th. The following morning there were bout 3 inches of snow on the low lauds and from 8 to 15 higher up on the mountain. Have been having rain since, consenuantly Intl.. snow is left except ou the high hills. VlBITT. A Few of Our Bargains. Nesrly new cottage of live rooms, full lot, in good part of town, now rents for 100 per year. Price $850. i h ii vacant lots close to business; from $100 to )300 per lut. Splendid almost new cotrags on riflh street; choice corner lot, nice fruits, in best locality. Price $1,350. 100 acre farm, mostly in the valley, I', miles from town: flue orchard. Price $30 per acre. 40 acres of best fruit or grain land, all in cultivation. Price $20 per nor. 100 act - farm, large two story house, good orchard and I.. ,i of improvements; 140 acres iu cultivation. Price $22 per sere. Call in and see us; we have just what yon waut. Vt.ihriMt.v m-.r Matlock Block. Special .Notice. On account of the .hange in th firm of Lambert & Henderson those who kuuw them selves indebted to said finn are earnestly re quested to call at once and settle as Mr. Linn hert wishes to go away. All accounts re maining unsettled when he goei away will be placed in the hands of an ofbeer for collection. Lambert ft Henhekhon. Lively Business. Niaeteen lots sold in Scott's addition sine last Saturday. Only a few more gissl ones left Geo. M. Milleh, Agent CNIVEBSITY COLCMX. Mr. A. J. Collier was in town again tba first of the week. Mr. Buffer mad a bnsiness trip to Port land last Ssturday. And again it is well lo say bwa e of stand ing or talking in tbe ball. Caspar W. Sbsrples, a graduate of the Uni versity of the class of '84. sad a graduate last year in medicine from tbs University of Pennsylvania, waa waited upon by a com mittee of the 2nd year men of that insti tution to sak him lo tske a class of them in Physical Diagnoses and instinct them in practical work. RTATR UNIVERSITY Column of the Kutaxian Society. The newly lected editor end ssaistant edi tor decliniug to assume the bonora of these position!, a few of the Eutsxiaua collected these items. Where is the Eutaiian Charter? Echo answers ' wheref" Pres. Johnson told Ihe Latin Reader clasi that "parsing is s mere statement of facts!" Guy says h is sniionsly waiting for soother 'promenade social;" says be like them. The students tbst recite st 8 a. m. lay It is pretty hard to go to school by moon aud I clric light. "Girls let ns have our pictures taken in a group to h ing up in Ihe society ball." On of the F.utaxians. Mr E. E Angell, of Baker City, a former student of ihe University, is in Eugene visit ing his many friends. Too had that motiou wss not carried. If it had, Julia's speech aould have been pub lishrd for the benefit of the public. It is too Iud the Lsureans cannnl adopt more than one queerim, for debate when over se vi nty sre read tor sduptiou Tbe attendance of tbe society st the hist inneting was larger than any time during the year. Wss it the debate or Ihe election The first yiar'i eaaa in Geiman are having lots of fuo playing "Simon says thumbs wiggle-waggle," or 1 s. cieji .'., mm The question: Resolved. Tbst Catholic teachers should nut be employed iu our pub lic schools, was chosen for two weeks hence. Hereafter the sudents sre warned to look on Isith "bulletin bonrds," for if he caunot find bis nume ou one board he may ou th other. A committee, consisting of Misses A. M. Greene. A M. Rolierts sliI N. O. Straight, was appointed last Friday to revise tbe con stitution. "Misery loves compsny," thought th boys st the Hotel de I'ndt rwood last Friday, when five were detained at home on account of sickness. Is it not time lo appoint Ihe "Reunion Committee?" The Annalists need plenty ef time In which to make poetry to "rbyni with Veaie." Why was it that a certain young man listened o attentively to the seiinon when i Iii- minister announced the text, "Enter ye iu at the Straight gate." Wanted Snin oil for Ihe "poetry ma chine." Anyone having some sre requested to leave a sample at this office. If it proves satisfactory w will take some Our reporter has found ont why so many of the Laiircans were absent from school Friday. She says they ere sleeping pre paratory to the night session of their society. At the last meeting of tb siciety Miss Agnes Millicsii favorid the sociity with a rending, "The Woi'ein B. lie," efiicb wis highly aipiuciaied ly tie yonng Indies pn sent. Tbe young meu of Ihe Cniverisly pre sented a petition to the Faculty requesting more books to be jnl up in Ihe closk Mom j'lll Up Ihe yo ot i Haul Hall. to follow suit. uug Isdies will bav The Lutirtaus have decided to giv an open ressiou after tbe inauguration of Presi dent Harrison on March 4th. Home politi cal question will present itself for debate after that lime. Our brother editor will again, before his term of office has expired, assert ou of the great principles that make a real estate agent 'a avocation a success. "Hang and bold" has liecome bis motto. Winteia A Co . photographers, were on tbe campus last Tuesday, taking negatives of the University buildings. Wonder if th pretty curtain in the society ball will bav a beautifying tffict ou the pictur. Mrs. Bradford, Mrs. McClung and Mr. Brooks, three of the new face . that wc bav been accustomed to meet iu classes sine Christmas, were abaent,tbe Aral of Ihe week, we leurn on account of sickness. The Seniors are talking of choosing lb .tWunisMU VVuciila ss a class Ire If it were lo be planted iu the bunchgrass plains of Eastern OftfOfl it might grow, bat in such a fertile spot as the Uuiveraity campus, ws fear for its mortality. One of our Seniors in looking over a legal dooiiment receutly sent ont from New York City, was surprised to se that in that far off stale ber name was entered a an in fant, nud the laws of that state demanded the appointment of a guardian there on her behslf. The question' Resolved, That Obinese immigration endangers our civilization, was debated at the last meeting by the following: Afflrmstive, Julia Hamilton, Grace Mat thews, Anua Roberts; negative, Agnes Oreene, Lillis Hughes, Fannie Condon. De cision negative. Prof. "What is wordt" Student. "A Patronymic" Prof. "What is tbst?" Student. "A uamo of a person derived from tbat of his father." Prof. "What is an example of this in English?" Student. "Johnson." The slectioo at Ihe Eutaxian society Isst Fridsy eveniug passed oft verv smoothly. Tbe following is a list of tbe officers for th ensuing term: President, Ada Sharpies; Vice President, Nellie Snodgrass; Becrslsry, Fannie Coudun; Treasurer, Etta Levis; Marshal, Clara olid Editor, Elva Hallo- way; Assislaut Editor, Vein Adair. An amendment lo tbe constitution of lh society was proposed two weeks ago and adopted at 111 last meeting. Hereafter Ihe list of society officers wilt b increased by the addition of an assistant editor, whose duty is to aid ths editor in iho prepsrstion of articles for the press. May snoesas at tend her Tbe young lady who find it too exhaust iug to carry her books and entertain ber at tend mi on tbe long walk horn, trusts ber Junior frieuds to pick tip slid bring after ber, sll she deposits by ths way. When these .louiois cry enough, a watchman will hsvs to be appointed to keep the street cow from chewing tbem up while sh takes lb walk back after tbem. M. II. is st a loss to know whether it Ira sens his work in Latin tu recite Latin Read er twice a day instead uf reciting Csesar once a dsy. His opinion when h dropped the latter, was thai he would have more lim lo spend on bis French; but he wishes now h had continue I work with th Caesar class, for bis tea, ber is to auxioua to promote bim tbst be gives him an extra session in the Reader. We will extend an invitation to (boss who have not yet joined ths society to do so. ; There is a grest deal of lasting good to be obtained from it, and no young lady should consider her education complete until she knows something of Psrliamentsry laws anil tbtir usages, and has practiced debating tbs j questions tbst are coming before Ibe people for consideration . Any member of either ! society has free use of the large library. Tbia ! certainly sbouid be an inducement to any I one to join, to say nothing of tbe instruction gained iu the socitty. We hope largsr uuiutM-r tbau ever will present tblr i for utakwrsbip this ooqub term.