Robert MoGbM THE EUGENE CITY GUARD. ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSEMINATION OP DEMOCRATIC PRIMim AND TO R1KN 1 IIIMS1 LIVING BV Til R SWEAT OF OCR BROW. OL21 EUGENE CITY, OR., SATURDAY. DECEMBElt I, 1888. NO, 18. ilbf ugrne (Jiti! Guard. iUBLlSHEl) EVERY SATURDAY.) I L CAMPBELL, PubliMlif i- hiiiI Praprloior. OFFICE On the East side ..f Willamette Mreet, between Seventh and Eighth Streets. TERMS Of SUBSCiUPTION. l'er auuuui Six Montha Three months ?2 .Ml . 1.2S . .76 00 H ONLX KATKa OI" ADVKHTIINO; Advertisements inserted a fellows; Oue square, ten lines or less MM IBM rtion WS each subsequent insertion 1. Cash nqniwd in advance. . . Time advertise will be charge.! at the fol lowing rates: tine square three months W WJ Oue square six months WJ One square one year........... UW Transient notices in local ooluma, W Mints r line for each insertion. Advertising hills will Ihj rendered qui rl i All job work must Ihj PAID tOB 01 nttlTIUtT. GEO. B. DORRIS, Attorney ami Counsellor-at-Law, WILL PRACTICE IN THE C H I ITS VV of the Second Judicial District an I ts he Supreme Court of this State. Special attention given to collections ana matters in probate L, NLYEU, -Attorney and Counsellor at Law, - EUGENE CITY, OREGON. PRACTICES IX ALLTHE COl" ItTS OF this State. Will give special attention to collections and probate matters. OrriCK--Over Hendrick J: Eakh.'s bank. Washburne & Woodcock Attorneyi-at-Law, rfUUKNE CITY, - - - OBmOh OFFICE At the Court 1 louse. iv8iu3 0(0. A. UORBIS. H. Wi CONIM'S. CONDON & DORMS, AUorncys-at-liiBW , EUGENE CITY, - - - OllEGOJ) OrricE-Over Uobinsun i Church's hatdwan store. . CEO. M. MILLER, attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - OREGON. Office formerly oconpled by Thompson & Hean. jTe. fen ton, Attorney-at-Law. KUGEXB city oreoom Special attention given to l'robate bu and Abstracts of Title. OrriCK Over Grange Store. T. W. HARRIS, M. D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Residence on Fifth street, where I r BheltOO ormerly resided . DR. J OS UP II V. GILL, -MAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE orree Vyidence when uit professionally engaged. Residence on Eighth street, opposite I'resby erian Church. J.J. WALTON, Jr., ATTOBNKY-AT-LAW, EUGENE 01 nf, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of the State. Special attention given to real estate, ej ecting, and probate matters. Collecting all kinds of i'lm against the United States Government Office in Walton's brick-rooms , ami 8. B. F. DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ACENT. I HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE Farms, Improved and I'nimpmv-d l"" property for sale, on easy terms. Property Rented and Bents OJNtoi The Insurance Companies 1 isuiiesat are among the Oldest and most Rail Die, and in the Paourr andEii!iTAK.B ad just iu- at of their oesae 8taKI SicoHD to Nose. K share of your patronage is soli Office op stairs, over the OtM W " ; 1 a F DOKBI& J: DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. HA8 OPENED A SHOP OK NINTH Street oppsrite the Star Bakery, wheie ae is prepared to do all kinds of work offered in his line. A large stock of Fine :l..ths no hand for avrtnenere to select from. Repairing and cleaning duna promi.Cr. Sat afnctiou guaranteed. Kqgeoa, Not. , 16. tf Day & Henderson, -THE LEADING Tr TTI ITTmT TT 1 1 Y T ' J I LVI r unjoin una UMBERT1EI1Q House in Eugene. Corner 7th and Wil. Sts ffiULtlM) 1 Has just received direct from New York and Chicago, the largest and best stock of f ALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever brought to" Eugene. THIS IS ID IDLE BOAST, But call and price them. Rmnratlirr th place: Tit New Three Story Brick, corner 'Willamette and Eighth St., Eugene City, Oregon. fP ATM Have removed to Marx' New building They have a complete stock of Watches, Clock, Jewelry & Musical Instruments. ALSO I A large invoice oi i liriNtiiias goode i u j m a y U W 9 Sola Agents for lafst FuK '1'HE JUSTLY . GOLD AND SILVER SHims. - . We are still at the ol,l n - at it -m.ji anl en.ii sen yu uuyiiuu tjy r w jr I'lioonnv Than in s i ssswss ask ior tae Ironclad THE BEST IN .FOR SALE EVERYWHERE. ii I UUiiiiMWiii ' ' jj Eugene City, I'1 . CKLEIiRATED mttmm relwiue "i.raiiKe .iore, at.. ,, . t t,. aat nit ju it i tho I In uiw sl i vww '- Overalls THE MARKET. 8 Hothcnl natoria la raooixunended bj i by iciuu, for children loathing, Ii la a pnreJj vegetable preparation; It n M publiabed .round null bottle, li la pleasant to the taste and uhsoiuteh burin h s. It relieves ooatiaalloB, regelate lb., bowels, ipwu paiu, ciirts diarilma and wind colic, allays feveriahu, ks. .1. !i..y. woraa, anil prcveula convulsions, aoutbve the child and gives it refreshing ami sUep. Caetorin ia the childnu's pamtccu--lb miitheiB' Mead, 33 doses, 38 aeote. Iwiiubcrt A Henderson arc the solo agents for the reluhnti-ti Miinrior stoves, lak join wilr mid look i.t lie aj afourc'a Rcvenied fteOMty remlatea and btiililn up all tlif oiwins oi tin- liuuiiiii s8 tem. Sold by Kngi pe liriinyists. What Is Itr That produoea (bal beantifoJly soft cum nlaxlott a&d lenvtsi tto traoea ol its Hpplica- tiou ot ittlaVioua eflheta! Tli. aio.wi r, Wis dolu s Booaitine aownipliahaa all this, ami I is prODOQDCiil b I ... 1 . h ol Uitc and lelltle I ujent to le the bo il delightful toib I article ever tiroduced. Warranted Kanalaai ami iBataHaaa F. M. wiikius, aftat, lajnaja I City. mm By the lateM! no :iio,U in bv Eiistern dciitists hiuh in tli.' i.ndehsio'i, II. ndi rson is avjaMad to prodtioa eqnaHy aa daahnhle re sults in Hue Hold ItlUana, Ofloa Nimie iilace, Hayes' block. A traveling in m, atopptng at the I .ee House, CajabelWoarf, lad . on ImruitiK that a ludy in tba rillagl was suff-riuit terri bly with Oranp polio, gar tie' landlady a bottla of nadinine, wbion he had with him aadraqoeeted her to take i; Io Iheairk woman The Inedioina relieved h. r pi npty and she believes saved l. r life, Il was ('liaiuher laiu's Colic, OhQk W and Oi.iiiIhh a R.-uieily, the pronptaal and nnal n liabla niedtoiaa in ea for Bonn 1 oo aWainla. Hold bi Oabntl Co. Cholera Iforbni bj ana id tile most i ' and daagi rooa dtaeaatii many deaths raanlt in,; from il encb year, usually liecaiise it is uot pioperly tn ali d The must leafl! cases may l cun d by uiiiiK Ohanbarwla'a Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Id incdy. Hold bj Oaburn A- Co. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy was used with jjreat success during our epidemic of bloody Flux. I do uot kuow of a ease that was lust where this remedy wan used. One ol my friends, about six miles from bare, had a child that was uivru op by the two doctors u bo attended it. He then used Ohambl rl tin's t'bolic, Cholera ami Diarihoea !! medv, and the child re covered. All whip ha ye oaad tl speak of it iu the bJgheal terms. WlahlDg you abun danl success fof the good JTM HO doing, 1 am. Very Tin Iv Yours, I'. K. Ltiman, P.M., Obentnat, Amhnsl Co., Va. Sold by Osburu Co. Hive Tlicin a Clin lire! That faf to aay, yotn langai Also all your breathing machinery. Very wmiderfnl luachimry it is. Not only the larger air passages, hut the thui' of little tula's and cavities lesdiuu (mm them. When these are clokd and choked with matter which '. ui; lit not to be tin i c. y. ur lmis can not do tin ii work And wh;il they do, they cannot do wi l l. Call it cold, OOOgh, croup. pnaiiDOOia, catarrh, eonsumpliou or any of the family of throat and nose and head and Inii.' obstructions, all are bud. All ought to he got rid o! There la juei one sure way Io got rid of than, That is to take Boa- ' an, iIimhIjI will sell yon at To eanta a bottle. Even if OTerTUUng Mae nas taiieti yon, you may im patM upon this for certain. Notice. Chin. linker bus b ased the llaki r house from Mrs, linker nml purchm d tho boi noss. All bills previous to An;;. 1.1 aro pay able by and to Mrs. linker. Wood Win ted. All kinds of good, , lean four-foot wood wanted by tho Winter I'lioto-Coiiipany. Wood taken in excbaniu for liictlircs to any amount, until Sept. 1st, '88. impure over A. v. ream aiorc. I'lMitii-Ciinipuiiy. Best facilities for enlarging pictures to any size and a superior ipj ility of work guaranteed. Mr (iro V Craw baatheaaia HaMV for all brand, nf the crbd rat. il Tnnsil Fundi Cigars. The highest cash price will be paid for wheat by F II. Dunn POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ihiapow'rr ever varies. A marvel of pur i ity. strensth and whotiiiaisa Mora aoo noinicai than tho ordlnarr kinds and cannot be : laoldiaesBiaHitbrowiththsmiilti'iide of low , taet. ihor. asalgl talnm or ,li.phate iwdr. , Hold only in . an-. Riital Uakivo Pownaa I Ca, lOt Wall bt, N. Y. Attempt at Suicide. The news comes (rtiui Canyon City that J T. Maul, Ursnt oouuty's 001 i fllcn ut clerk, utli ui'led suicide Monday by taking a dose of moiphiiie while lalHirinx under a tit of dispondeiicy over tlnaucisl troubles and em bsrmssinviit, but tin act woe discovered in lltuii and his lid. Mveit. It appears that ol late he has been drinking heavily and be. sides had bren living beyond his means. On tin result of the last election he had w.igered large sums ol money uud the n suit was dis astrous to him. Upon the heels of his elec tion losses cniuc thu opening of the circuit court for Oralit county, and upon an exam ination ol the bonks in the clerk's office it uas fouud that Mae' was somewhere in the ncighorbood of $'J,4U0 behind with tie county. Aa souu as Marl was made aware that his dishorn sty had been discovered his heart failed him aud he attempted to kahf hit uwu life, b it failing, tomb red his resig nation at mice to tho oourt as county clerk aud handed himself over to hi. bondsmen. The court appointed Hon. "hit Motehaa to till tho uueXpiied term all. I that gentleman assumed the duties of the office. Mi. Marl has hentoti re la-en looked upon as oue of the most upright citm us of Oram omuty, is his election lor two l.-rius to the office of county clerk would show. He has a in.;, family dependent upon luiu (or sup port and in iew of this and on account of Ins previous good chsracti r, Ins Ism sun n mil prob'ihh uiiike good tho discrepanci in I. is uccoiiuta witli tbe county ami no prose cation will bu entered against him. It b uleaily a case of auothrr good man gout wrong. St art lur 1 Kiu-ly. Scarcely forty-i igln hours had alter the flection o( Hanison and Moii, u Was known as an aasiiied fact Is (ore th otlicv aaaket began lamg hi- wins lei . lueiaiu, appohitoienl nudt r tin- adiuthiatni Ilea haglliolim on the lib of to it Match To-day it la lata to say thai tin re are at least six "patiinlic" applitaiils lor every fed eral olBco in ihis citv, and before inaugura tion da Ihl number will be doulilcd or tieliletl. Some of these applicants are i Veil at ibis moment cuculnting petitions several yards bang. II tie only knew how little in- M..... ! i l... T IH..L .....I mi' mi' a pcilliou siueu m. ioiii, on. iiu.i Harry carries with it in Washington City, the applicants would suvu themselves all I In p ius they were taking. Portland Dully telegram (Hep.) Sturgeon iiackiug has assumed unite large proportions on the ('oluiiibia river lately The tlsh are being put up in l.uge (planum at ( uliimbia City ami Rainier, ami tbe nsu erneU are doing quite well at the business. Two an ii caught in less than one mouth r.l, (Kill llm of sturgeou, (or which they re- ceived one and one-half aud two cents per lb. In luldidon to this they gel three tents per lb for the roe nml ail oil per huuilreil (oi the bladdeis. The sturgeon are treated iu such a way Ihut they are kept (resh for alsiul folly days. They are shipped to the East ern markets, and all that there is ib mauo for are sold and the balance are smoked or salted. The roe is transformed into rav tare, which is sold aja high price. The New York Eveuiug Poet suya: Twen ty of the hands at the New llrunswick Rub ber Company's factory have beeu uotilled that it will In necessary to dispense with their services. This company wus one ol those which distributed the 'pay euvelopes" informing employees that l( Cleveland was elected wage n would lie lowered. Don't Believe It When told that F. M. Wilkins, th druggist, is not selling "Wisdom's Robertine" (or the complexion, the most elegant and only really harmless preparation of its kind in tbe world, and giving a beautiful picture card with uvery bottle. Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disorderod liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to gtaid na ture. The human digestive appuratua is out of the most complicated and wonderful things iu existence. It is cattily pnt out ol order, (irensy food, loach food, slopp) food, bud cookery, menial worry, late hours, irregular habits, and many other tbiuga that ought uot to be, huve made the American people a nuliou of dyspeptics. Hut Green's August Flower baa done a wonderful work In reforming thia business and making the American people so heulthy that they can enjoy their meals nud bo napiiy. Reneiu-i-i N. huppioesii without health. Unt (1 rein's August Flower brings health and huppineas to the dyspeptic. Ask your drug gist for a bottle. .Seventy-live centa. The yiiunn man with his U-st t 1, the old mull and Woman, the farmer and labo er, OTln they come to town to Eugene to purchase k.r.i..lH, -leillM nut ileUy I .lit. .r.iee,"t at once to Friendly's store, where Is kept a Ian,'" stoitk of mens, Isiys and childrrns clotlunu, ladies Iihmh iihnIm. fancv articles, hats. cans, hoot and .lews, carpets, etc. Direct from tho Front. Knoxvtllr, Tf.n.v., July a, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ca.: Gentlemen I can cheerfully and truth fully aay that S. S. S. is the greatest blood purifier oo earth. In 1884 I contracted blood poison. I'hysioans treated me with no good results. I look a half dozen differ ent kinds of blood medicines, but, without receiving any permanent relief I I was in duced to try S. S. S. I began the first bottle with the gravest doubts of auccesa. I bad been ae often deceived, liut im provement came, at. I I continued its use until perfectly well. I have since married, and hare a healthy family. No trace of tbe dncase is seen. Swift a Specific did all this for me, and I am grateful. Your, truly, J. 3. Stade. 118 Dale Are. Ktxr, Texas, June 23, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: GentiTinen A sixteen-year -old son of mine was alilicted with bad blood, and broke out with an eruption on various parts of his 1 body. I put bim to taking S. S. S., and a few battles cured him entirely. I live at Lot Oak, but my post-office is at Kemp. Yours truly, W. S. RoatNaoN. Three books mailed free on application. All druggists sell S. S. S. Ta Swm Sracinc Co., Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga. lit York, 736 Broadway. , Ljrlif About OrggWi A'bmy ILndd The following lett, r w is published in the Oslioinc County Kansas Farmer, and sent to F. A. Hurkhiirt, real aetata dealer of this city : EtTUKNK. Or., Oct. 21, 18X8. Eoa. Fatitn: Wa are stopping on the Willamette riv r and are not Hiitisliid by any means; ard In l . ep some others from mskiii ' the s in., m.ive that I did, will jnst say what I think f it, an I that ia that it ia not what t is hrnggi d up to be. The cli mate is damp, aold ami rainy, and every Ihtag baa a sniff of mold uml a look of mud. Eastern Ori son ha about U'J acrra of aaga britsb and sand rock to one acre that ynn can irrigate aud cultivate. The western part ia about the same only it has heavy limner in the place of aage brush, ninl that you can't sell or give away, except il ia located close by some big town, uud then il costs Ave times as much to clear it as it ia w rth. The soil is us slreaked as a juil bird's punts; nmatly of thin creek guilds,, ami then some sandy 'nam ami grav. l. Thev raise cheat and 1 nts buy for bed principally; no corn or clover to speak of. The (mils uud vegeta bles are so cheap yon can uot get enough for 1 hem to pay you Io haul then) to market. Everything else is much higher than iu Kansas; w ges no better th m there. There are some places I could get 1 to pi a day witli iii team, luit woulii have to pay $s a week for Isiard, 'i and d cents per p'.uiul for hay and outs, 1.1 and 'JO cents fur sugar. So ion se the big in . lie) to la. made here. In lilulio mid Wyoming they raise nice Irttoh by il ligation, but there ia no place like Kansas for a bone; or for 00 n. bogs, eattle and horses Farmers are Ml BidttBg moiiey heie; it Is (hi towns that are loom ing Ibis eolllitri . O W I.AVKK. I'liewritil f the above is eviil. ml) one of those growlers win, t xpecl In come out to Oregon ind find a farm well looked aod al rajady Improved, liih had (or ih nskin , or In be giv n sett to no a gv Bi b i u i grants aa hnu. lt A oew p rv. oil m -s ol tils, bond could mil Wi II be fnri.ishi d con e. ruing this country. Tbi re is no timothy hav or win at glow ing wild in Ibis country but any omi who has ordinary ministry can inise on nn aver age piece of laud belbr crops than the alsive scribbler evt ry saw iu Kansas. No country hns better climate than Oregon, ami hundreds of energetic new comers are daily making good homes here uml from rich farms, (nut orchards, mines nnd (meats are making more money than the Kansas dyspeptic I'Ver will possess, A Just St'iiti'iiee. Grant Count News. Tuesday afternoon the court room was packed with an anxious usstmildy congregated io bear Hie sentence of death pronounced upon l'nl lleOinnla. who on the night of duly 5, l"- iu cold blood murdered the deputy sheriff while ill the discharge of bia duties as jailer. The pioceedinga of tha dial w re wall bed with interest by tbe citi zens of our county, ami long before the ex amination (f witnesses oeuaetl aim. .si every jioisun, with the exception nf the twelve jurors in the box hud expressed themselves US satisfied thai Ihe evidence adduced, though partly circumstantial, was conclu sive, nud therefore the verdict of the jury gullly aacbaiged io the ii.dleluiuut occas ioned no surprise. After retiring to deliber ate ihe jury on their secotid tmllot agreed upon their verdivt, tbe first ballot sianding (in in in d. r iu the first degree, eleven to oue. Tbe piisouer being bronghl heftire bis honor Judge Isoil, to ree ve the sentence which the verdict called for, stood tlrin and nerved for the Worst, with uot a m inor Bui a fuller ing look. His face (sire that sullen, brutish expression that characterizes u soulless, un feeling nature. When ipicntitiued us to whether or not he hud anylhiug Io say. Me Uiuuis protested his ime Ounce. Judge I n in a in hi but solemn lone, pronounced the sentence of death of hanging on January 18, iMh'J, to which the prisoner listened witb s. . uiing indifference, al the end of which making Iho assertion that "tlaiBB who swora his life away wuilld some day rue it." Hi'vcdUM! raoM Piii.ii.VHia. Oregoninn Nov. 27: I he many friends of Got W. W. Chapnmu will learn wilh regret that tbe old gentleman is suffering from a stroke of par alysis. Saturday Col Chapman came down town to transact some bnainoaa, and nalato bia home at the corm r of Twelfth ami Jefft-r-aon iu a street cur. While on the way borne he felt a peculiar sensation along his right leg. This feeling of numbness spread aud Intiatiud In Intinnltj until it iuvolvod bia right side anil arm. I'.v 1 o'clock Saturday evening Col. Chapinan hnd lost tbe entire use of his right side. Though fur advanced in lite.. Col Chapman's health has be-u quite good for some time pust. He bus beeu actively engageil iu working on a law case lor some weeks, and has probably overtaxed bis physical and menial energies. Col. Chapman la one of the oldest pioneers of Oregon, aud he baa hosts of fricmls who will regret to bear of his ulllielioii und who will hope to I. .mi uf hia recovery. Hy the way, speaking of suppressed votea and free balfrits and things, the Democrats of Philadelphia cast votes, and get oue Congressman, while tho Republicans cast 110,709 votes and get four Congressmen! the gerrymander is mightier tuun tbe snot gun. Dr. Taylor's 7 Oaka Coiuponnd, purely vegetuble, positively cures rheumatism, neu ralgia, toothache, aicb bcatl iche, cramp col ic, cholera morbus, complaints peculiar to females, cohl or cough, h v , chills and le ver, paina around the hurt, erysipelas, pbthiaic. ' Ga Taxxoa. Sold by Oaburn & Co, drn jgista. Why yea T-Tea-T. We usk you to note that we carry the largest and best atock of Tea south of I'ortland. We buy direct from tbe importer. We allow yon to see, twite or until what yon buy, or will give you a sam ple to let vou find oat just what kind you want. All favorite and tm. I brands always in atock. Prks-a to snit the times from 25 eta up. We also have a fall and fresh stock of groceries ete. Pacific Ta Co. Geo. W. Kinaey, Auction) er. When you want vnur goods, he bold furniture or land aofd at auction, call on Geo. W. Kinaey, the pioneer and most suc cess (til auctioneer in Lane Coonty. He will attend to all sale on a reasonable commission.