The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 10, 1888, Image 4

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    I mHi CIT! 3UARD.
The Klcetlon.
Tttaada)) witnwcl tin- Haal trn .'tfln for po
lltiral awrti'lHIiry wlilrli ha. ItOBtlBM tin '
plfM'fUM lmtl' fur III- fo
innlitha. Ht-nj limn llunlM'ii, tile KrpnhliaM
cnii'li'l.ttr, in Natted. parryilirf BU'ry n rtlirru
Mt.ilt ruept ( 'imiii'i lii'iit mi'l Ni'W .lerwy,
New York Hnrriium 1I,(XI0 plurality; III
inoix. 'JO.OOO; Miolii.mi, Ift.OnO; NrLriukit.
20.IXXI; Hi,,,,, 5,XXI; M ..u. HMXXI; Ore
Kii. 8,000; California, ft.OOO; 4 'hvmiI rarrle.
tliH entire South; I 'oiinectieiit liy MM); New
Jerxey In 7,000.
(lov, ffill I re ulecteil in New York bf
10;(KXI uiiijiirity.
I'lie MttUNgNai wOI lie very clone, !ith
pnti- elaiminv it.
W.tliiiik'ton Territory rant, a majority of
8000 for Allen, the li. puMinin iioiiiliiee.
(irover (.'levelail'l linn lieen defeat.! altlli'ilfli
(lvocatiiij the eorreet principle. The limn
ufnctuiern OOnMlMd nml MWIWl out their
lilnney into the tup. of the lieplililiculi BMM
(,er. The "infiuit iinlnstrieii" lime vrowii all
powerful ami do not ..... to let u'o their
(flip on tin country if money can niil thin.
Oregon ("oiitrressinoii.
The first delegate to i ' o, . - wim in 1H49,
tl. total vole being but 'Jill. The OUdMttN
were Snniuel Thurston, ('olmnluix Lincni
ter, .IjiHiipli Meek, J. W. NcMtuilll and J. S.
(iriftln, the in -i u nm l b'-ing rltottd. Two
)'(mrn later Joaepb Lane bent W. H. Wjlmn,
and ,.!. I three term., John P. Gaines be
ing one of bia competitor!. In 185H tbe
couteatunta were bulb Deuiocrata, L. F.
Ororer defeating J. K. Kelly, and in IXflfl
Oeorge Sin. I wax rboaen in preference to
Dave Logan. So far all bail been Demo
crats, but in 18(12 tbe political tide turned
mid John R. MeHrido wna Hiieeemful over
Aaron E. Walt, hia anpre.-Mira.J. II. I. Hen-il.-nuiu
and Kiifui Mullnry, botb living H
pablMBl, And now tli tide rolls tbe other
way, for In 1868 Joseph Smith went in over
Dave Logan, and iu 187(1 J. II. Slater beat
J. (. Wilson by a bam scratch. Wilson
tried it ii'ain and Mii-runl. I "V, r John Hur
nett, but died before Congn s met. and J
W. Nesuith was rboseu to succied biui. tl.o
opiosition being Hiram Suiitb. Geo A. La
Dow defeated Richard Williams in 1871. but
did not live to take bis sent, Ijifuyette Lane
biiug chosen to All the vacancy. Two years
after that Richard Williams became Con
gressman, and iu 1878 John Wbiteaker wan
Ml to WtMbingtOD, II. K. Him s being the
deleatid candidate. Alter Hint M C.
Otorgt served two lenus ami DlBfl( Hi r
in, urn in now on bis tbird term. Tbe vole
bad increased to 18,089 in 18HII; in 1870 it
wan about 88,000; in 1H8II it bad gone up to
over 80,000, and tills Veur ejeee led 80,000.
Typhoid Fever.
The Will.iiueile Vulh y is being sorely nf
llicled with typhoid fever and tli- re are but
few towns be ween Portland and Row burg
bin what Ibis tread ma in I lady is Imvcr
lug over and deaths have been reported all
along the Hue. There inns! be a cause for
all ot ibis ami the McMiimviile Telephone
tries to spell out the il. tliiilioii to the cili
MM of that MMtj aflidted oily in this man
net I It is aboil tiim thai the people of Mr
Miuuville slemld beiuie cogiiizant of the
lact that typhoid fever earned away more
peopl i ml Inn the past two months limn the
scourge Miiallpnx, of which lh..y were so
much alraid Two cases have already gone
In nee and the chalices for r-eovi-r," are
agaiu-t two or three more. II ibis cily was
ilia good Mnitur) condition there Would Uftl
lie a cane of typhoid fever h. r.'. Il is with
the UMiiont leluclaiice tluil we t li i k Unit the
goi.iiimcnt of I Ina pity has born criminal
ill one sense, fur lb. past live or six y.uis,
bin it is a fact . lllhe i pie would only
show I In right Mplrtt MM improve the town
we Would not have the fear ol typhoid fever
every year. Typhoid is more fatal than yel
low (ever, only not contagious. It is tin
Illiln condition of this cily which tends
more to i In- production of typhoid than any
tiling else, tl lb people cnii nit till and do
nothing to make away Willi Ibis condition
of things the future of this city is "iuucii
una desuetude."
Tin- Oregon paolfle Baits.
Last Friday the jury at Albany gave Hunt
a verdict againat the Oregon I'acitic for $7(1,
600. Hunt tirst sued th. company for a
large sum in the 0. 8. circuit court, and
pending ibis sun tbe company sued Hunt in
Linn county for damages for non fulfill
ment of bit contract. Iu the latter suit
Hunt broaght in a'coiinti r claim for money
mm uu in. contract ami damages (or
Uoii-payuielit The original iluputc was as
lo the estimate!, tbe engineers of lbs two
parti, a diftVritiK iu tb. ir estimates. The ver
dict was greater tbati the company's allow
ance and less than Hunt's demand. On
Wednesday, the case in the I.'. S. court came
up on a motion to strike out mom pans of
defendant 'a answer and the judg decided
that two defenses should be stricken out and
one should not Ih. The claim of the com
p my for damagea for oU,(XXI for freight it
would have carried if tbe road had been
completed iu time, was uot allowed, as well
as tbu claim for tbe gn at. r cost of the road
on account of tbe delay, as Is ing too i, mote
We understand that the Judgment of the
Linn .sanity court will be appeil.d on errors
of law occurring at the trial.
Land Olllcc Salaries.
I lie lollow ing list, prepared by the ci iier- I
al laud othce for use of UM secretary of the
mlerior iu preparing . slimales fur the Kiilar
iea of regisleis and reeeivera ol l.ilul offle. a
in Cahforuia and Oregon, shows the salary
of Ihe pi. s. nl year DON pari d wnh 1S87;
MM 18S8
Humboldt fJlHSMK) $;, IK) no
Independence 1,482.74 1,507.48
Los Augelea SiOOO.OO 8,000.00
Marysville 1,699.87 8.88 I 18
SucraiU' ulo H.Oaki.ihi ;i,oini ini
San Francisco 8,000.00 8,000.00
Stocktou 3,01X1.00 3.MMI.U0
Susanville 8.81.1X1 ;t.(XKl.(X)
Shasta 3.0lXI.(K. I.IKM.IKI
Visalia. :i,ixx txi 3,00o.txi
U Grande l.lXkl 00 d.lKKI.IKI
L.ketiew ll.nOooO
Or. uou City ;l.(xx) IXI
Uosalnirg 8,74:1 OS
The Dalles 3,tXKI.0O
3 tXKJ.iK
Ni w Cotuty.
We are tntoruiod that the ritiaeaa ot Mitch
II, Burnt .audi, PaMtl ano other sirtioas ol
the Bridge creek aiai John D.iy setllrmeiita
.it. 1 1 -i to uk the hvulkluie I" set them aart
into a newly'aiihtesl ounty. The new
isninty U U be . ii.; - ' of a i- i mm of (Irani,
Oilliaui and Crk. Natural ) 'Undariea, au.-h
a mountain raittfce, trrama, etc., wjlt umh
hly Is- I.swted iHitutwlirre on the John I'.j
lietweeu Mitchell and Fundi. The tcattering
information here itiven concernim this move
baa la-en leathered by ua in conversation with
. 0.. , i. , t Uie 1. 1 1 it. tv named. Priueiille
The elecin.n TuewU) uiaaed off quietly.
Tbe people took it as a matter of course that
urrgon wouiu go nepuoiwu. me urmo-
erst. ma.le sultanial gaius over tbe June
vote ia Laaa oounty.
Running a Big Steamer.
The steamer City of New York carries a
crew of ,'lHt iu. u. What such a crowd of
men can find lo do ou a null structure like
a steaio-hip is a mystery to the laudtman
Kut of these 400 men thirty eight are sailors,
who manage the rigging and sails, antiliary
to the ste in powr, and in case of accident
taking its place. Tin ii there are twenty
eight eiigiu rs, a day folM and a uilit
lori e. Afoiceot 108 flrem ii and st. kera
feed the gieat boiler thai drive tbe mam
moth engiii. s. and tb" steward has 1 10 peo
ple at bia command, to look after the wants
of the p ISHellgers 1111)1 IT . Aiming tlleSS
are counted lour Ink. ra. llitee butchers and
cool's, not to speak of waiters, cabin Ik.j s
and stewardess, i In tact, a ship like the
Cily of New York is a city iu itself, and has
every requisite from a barber to chaplain to
make lh- piisaeiigc rs comforiable. The sud
den slid total loss of such a vess I would be
terrible to contemplate, and yet it would be
hardly felt in Ihe vastuess of worldly inter
ests and tbe growth of commercial and
pleasure travel upou the Atlontic.
The year 1888 has been one of the most
remarkable in ihe records of the signal ser
vice office in regard to the loss of hent and
the exceaa of rainfall. Ia comparison with
the tneau temperature of former years there
has bieu a deficiency iu the temperature up
to October (th ol CO'J degrees. As there are
less than three months iu which to make up
this deficiency, it is expected there will be a
long and late fall; otherwise this will prove
to be a remarkable freak in climatology. Tho
record of Albany shows a deficiency of 780
degrees, fttrd Portland, Me., a deficiency of
1504 degrees.
Tbe rainfall baa also beau excessive in
comparison with the mean of the past eigh
teen years. Iu New York there has been au
excesa of (t.Dl inches of water since New
Year's day, and iu Porlluud, Me., the in
crease iu the amnuut of rain up to last Sat
urday was 9.80 iuches. Other parts of the
eastern portion of tbu continent have bad
a similar excess in rainfall
A prominent Astoriau while recently in
San Francisco had lengthy conversation
ale ait tbe recently announced plan of estab
lUblng a Dein cratic paper iu Oregon, with
the bn-iui ss manager of tho Sau Francisco
BxamiUWr. He said that the Oregon Demo
cracy had pledged 825,000 if such a paper
were started, but be smiled nt the mention
of so on ag.-r an amount. ' Why," aaid be,
"$'20,000 would just about pay for tbe cloth
and the printiugof the cloth that e would
use iu advertising sisters through the state.
If the Oregon Democracy would put up
$180,000 il is Probable thai the Portland Ex
aminer, straight Democratic, and as big as
i tie Oregoniaii. would bo started there, hut
on nothing less." It may be said thai Ihe
8180.000 spoken of would uot establish n
fiist-clnss daily paper. That is, it would re
.pin. the ep. Dlfitnn of more than that
amnuut Iwfofi the concern would begin to
pay. Astoriau.
Die Brulsn-Underwood Debate.
There will la a public oral discussion iu
Silverlon, Marion county, Oregon, between
Clark Had. n, ol Ottawa, Kansas, and li. F.
Dndarwoodi of Chicago, Illinois, riie de-bat.-
Will begin Wednesday, Nov. 21st, I8S8,
and continue eight days. There will be two
sessionsof two hours each, tach day. Mr.
Hrad. li will represent the believers of the
Bible, and Mr. Underwood will represent the
Mi plies The issii-s discussed will embrace
nil tbo loading imqm bttwMU the leaobingi
of ihe Bible and skepticism Mr, firaden
has Ii Id twenty eight dehat.-a with tin abltat
repr. si nlslivei of skepticism, and is ac
kuowledg. d l In one of tbe ablest living de
fenders of the teachings of the llible. Mr
Underwood has had as much ipvilUM in
I in, . and i- regarded by all ss oueof the
ablest living d.'feiidera of skepticism The
debate will be a valuable course of teaching
iu regard to lh.i most important themes of
human thought. Bilfarton ia ou the Ore
goniaii Narrow linage Railroad. Persons
coining OB the 0 A C railroad can change
at Wood barn Ol slop off at Salem, ami take
i lie Salem and Sjlvcrton stage Hue. Persons
west of the Willamette can take Ihe Narrow
QlUgV to Dundee and change for Silvertou
or the O. & 0 to Portland, and take Ore
gOOkn R. R. or the Oregon Pacific to Al
bany and then take the O. & C. to Salem
or Woodburn.
Thanksgiving: i'loi'lamation.
The year now drawing to a close has ls?cn
one of unexampled peace, plenty and pros
perity within the bordera of our Slate. It is
uow proper that public acknowledgement
ihouldbl made to Ihe (ireat Ruler of the
universe for his innumerable blessings. I
do therefore desiguate Thursday, the 20th
day of Novemls'r, as a day of thanksgiving
lo Almighty God, to be observed by Ihe whole
people of ihe commonwealth, in token of
their gratitude for His great mercies.
In witness whereof I have herewith set
my hand and caused the seal of Ihe State of
Oregon to be affixed, this the 7th day of
November. A. D.. INNS.
Oho W McUbidk, Sec.
Letter List.
I.. Iters f..r (lie following persons remained
uncalled for at ihe postofflce in Eugene City,
. 'U K' Ol, MIV, i, lOOfl
Hail. v. Smith,
Knee. Mrs Mary
Cox, Frank
Greig. R
Gwin, J A
Malt, Samuel
MeConticIl, Win
Roy, Mrs Maguie
Ro'lhrick. W E
Sellman, Calvin
Suodgrnss. Orvnl
Hewitt, Henry
ury, W F
Henderson, M S
A charge of one cent will bo made ou each
letter given out.
Persons culling for tbe above will please
say advertised, giving date.
F. W Osucrn, P. M.
Firemen's Election.
.Notice is baraby glvaW that the nuuual elec
no "I the BwgaMOlty Pin Denartmeut for
1 Chief Kneinesr sn.l 1 W'.i.,in..r
' 1 ' !' ( "V "all MmUy. Dec.
'J I "l win open at 1 o clock ii m. and
( hairunin lloard of Peleates.
t'll.vs Vaxdmbi iiii, Secretary.
Notice of Dissolution.
Noiice is hereby (jiveu that ibe cosirtlier
sllip ben lot., re existiug b. twevn J. M.
Ke. ney mill E. B H .ml-uiker, under Ibe
flnn name of K. enet A II tudsaker at Jas
pat, Laue Coualv, Or , has been
ly nialual consent. Dehtors may setlle th. ir
accounts at Jasper with Mr. Keeney, who
will continue the bnsiui as.
Get IS, 18.S8.
J. M
1 ni
Fanuera if yon want mon;y briug all vout
oiu iron, cop-r. Iiraaa, etc., lo W. Sanders.
He nays the hinhist cash urue.
New York
Public Sale.
I will offer for sale to the highest bidder,
at my farm ixt miles wVst of Eugene, on
Tuesday, November 27, 1888 at 10 o'clock,
a in. sharp, the following described piop.'ity
Nine mares and colts. three-vear-obl
geldings and fillies' 4 yearliug colt,, fl two
venr-old e.dts, 18 COWlOUd calves, II oar
ling b'-ifeis and sl.-ers. 1 jrearHog Dii.bau.
bull, 12 hogs, 'Vto she. p
One separator wi'h 8 horse mnuiiuo
power 4 w igoni, I bay lake, I wood a w
frame and jack, 1 seed eleain-r, 4 walking
plows, 2 i hi in i.j eultiv dor's (Sloan's mak.- i,
10-foot hsider, 2 mowers, 1 lot blacxsiuitl
tools, bellows, etc , 2 aets harrows.
uoDsRitoLb ooona.
Safes, clothes presses, chairs tables,
crockery, etc. 1 Hons churn.
Three aetts double harness. 8 setts plow
harness, 12 tons grain hiy, seed wh'-nt
and oats together wilh sundry other arllotra
too numerous to mention.
All sums of $10 and under, cash. All
Mini over $10, notes with approved securitv
with interest at 0 percent, per annum. Ail
notes payable Nov. 1, 188'J. A diacouut of
." per cent for cab allowed on all sums over
810. Oiougk Belshaw.
Oro. W. Kinsrt,
Real Estate and General Auctioneer.
fanners if you want money bring all your
old iron, copper, brass, etc., to W. Sanders.
He pays the highest cash price. New York
Tlioroug;lil)red Poultry.
Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, Light Brnh
mas, Ilrowu and White Leghorns, Partridge
Cochins, White Wyandottes and Illack Miu
orcas. America's best breeds. Send slump
for catalogue. Address
J. M. Gaumbon,
Forest Grove, Or.
Money to Loan.
I have money to loan on tbe security o'
improved farms iu sums from $200 ami up
wards, ut a low rate of interest Office up
stairs over First National Hank.
Millinery! Millinery!!
1 propose to open a well assorted stock Ol
millinery goods in the red front bnibliug
opposite linker's Hotel which I will sell nl
tin- lowest rcioiiiiiiihle nriees. All kinds ol
millinery work done and satis action guar
MUM, dive me il call unit examine Ul
stock. (' XI. Hoovku,
ICM. R- E. Mknsoii, Agent
Arrived at Kratlsse & Klein's the largest
assortment of Wnv. ily School Shoes, ill all from Childs', Childrcns', Misses' and
Woiucns', ever brought to Eugene, and will
warraut every pair, and at prices lower tbun
any house in the valley. Call aM see them.
Use Oregou Eleclric Relief for all pain Ask your druggist foi
Oregon Electric Relief. 1t will help you.
liy using only the best materials to be bad.
and having bad years of net mil xperieiic
Under iba DM! instruction, enables Hender
son, Dentist, to obtain the finest results
known iu I). nlistry.
A flue line of silk plushes in nil
aud grades nt F. H. Duun's.
Ooli Lost.
A yearling bnv mare colt was kali from Noti
valley about two weeks iiuo. Was seen last
following a Wagon near Win, Inman's house.
Anyone giving Information in regard to, or
returning the colt will he liberally rewarded.
Gkohur Holland.
For Sale.
A good stock ranch of 1100 acres, two fine
j comer lots iu Eugene, and ouo extra Jersey
. cow. Apply to Frnuk Rankiu.
Sept. 14, 1888.
! Krausse k Klein hnvo just received the
I finest 84 French kid shoe ever brought to
, Eugene. Ladies call mid see them. We
I I...... ,1 i t . I n t .
unir 1111,-ui 111 vpeia ami rrencn iocs.
If your baek aches or if you are suffering
from inflammation of ths kidnrya, seminal
weakuess, brick dust deposits in the urine, or
in lact any kidney liver or urinary complaint,
do not waste money on worthless liniments or
plasters, but strike the seat of the disease at
ouce hi naing the gwataat of all knewu rame
dies, Oragoa Kidney Tea. It is pleasant to
take, is purely vegetable and has never failed
to (jive entire satisfaction. Sold by druugista.
Sunburn, tan muchness of the skin and
pimples are promptly relieved and cured by
applying Dutard's Specific. it is a never
failini; remedy for Salt Rheum, Teter and all
Skin Diseases. Sold bv druittfista.
Salem, dr., April 10.
I have just Is-en cured of qulta a severe at
tack of Catarrh of the Bladder and Stricture
of the Urethra, mainly by the use of four
(sixes of the Oregon Kidney Tea, and can
therefore recommend the tea as a valuable
rem. dy for diseases of the Ki.lueys and Uri
nary organs. LED WILLIS.
Why will you co about w ith that listless air
and pah face! Have you no life, no ambiti"ii?
You seem to care notions' for for what trans
pires sround von, Tie. Is?auties of nature do
not interest you, aud you feel that life la a
burden. If fan would have the vicor anil
alaatMty "f youth return, enjoy a hearty meal,
ami feel like an aUjaotMar ditferent "person
then take Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic. It
certainly produces remarkable remits.
(Mill. Ml.
Has just received direct from New
York and Chicago, the largest
and best stock of
Ever brought to Eugene.
Bnt rail aud prke theni. Knnni' r th- -'ac : IV New Thrve Sttry
Brick, corner Willamette and Eighth St., Eugf-ur City, Orrgoo
Cottage Grove Items.
Nov. 7, 1888.
Several drummers in town.
The tlei tioii is a thin,' f the past.
This is Iba Hint eh- ir day f ir BWM time.
Mr. H. Caret stinted for ( 'alif'.rnia Tuesday
to vi-it a brother
Hiram M o hn and Frocc 8fgdb)y went t'
K i.eie (lit ui..ining.
.Mrs. K. W. Whipple and daughter Nellie
r both on th- sick list this week.
A numb r of eur citizens are iii Kui;"ne this
Wank a tending oomi ami waiting for toe n -tm
Misa Katie Hanson was out of the boQM
this aanruhlg for the fiisf time since her
A literary seoietv was nriiiinized at this
place last Saturday nine with O. F. Knox.
President) J. I!. Kendall, Vice President;
Pearl Charles, Secretary; Lucy Adams, Cor
responding Secn-tary; ('lay Viles, Marshal.
Local M -rket Report.
RCOMC Nov. y
Wlll:AT 78cts fie.- hoard cars.
Oan SOtoSSe.
Ilarley- iii and 30 (M 'r bushel.
K(rir" - -2.1 nts wr ioz.
Ulttkb - '.Ti ta 30cts per lb.
Mops'-15 eta.
WOOL 18 and 19cts.
Laki VKu 1". ota per lb.
Potatoes -'25c er hushel.
Kldi'B- 1st L'rad'-, 91.(15 per bbl.
Hai on Sides 100 1'.'.W; slnmlders 8 to I cts;
hams, 'l(n 14 els.
(-'hickens -Young, llMafiJIlflOl old, 83,00
nwrn aBLaaenkAabHa'aB
Dr. G. W. Biddle,
tmating and FUllnS executed by the 1st-
es!, Impmveil methods, All work warwtadi
i4 years exnerienoe OFFICI littu Block,
over Liu-key 's drug store.
WOOD, GRAIN and all kinds of PIU)
DUUE sold ou Commission.
Horses, Mules & Stor.k
of ail kinds BOUGHT and SOLD.
Office and Stables, corner of Willamette
and Tenth Streets. Eugene City, Or.
wt: CAM I BIBI to stay.
Do Not Smoke Chinese Made Cigars.
Ye will introduce our own Bra Mill of
Oigrg. .
And w ill do thfl same.
(live us a trial and we will
Guarantee Satisfaction.
Notice to Smokers--Havana aold in iacka;;es.
FACTORY On Olive street near coiner ot
Hay, bin I hi
Je 18
A flrst-clafes Bran
of the Finest
A Fink Link or
Collins, Caskets,
Undertaking Goods
CoDalautly ou hund, -aJ'aai'1"
Shop corner Willamette and 7th Streets.
Cash for Wheat.
The highest market price paid at
Eastland Wilson's
On 9th street for Wheat.
Shoes, Hats, Caps and Clothing at
A FLn'E assoktment of
From the Cheapest to the Best at
prices according to quality.
BOOTS and 8: 0ES
From the Cheapest to the Best. Al! parties can
be suited either as to Price or. Quality.
Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up to
the finest; can suit you. if you give ics a OdU,
OUli stock is
k9Free ,Hcw and Stylish.,
Look us oi'nr; if we do not huvh you money, we will nmke aomn one el
8i 11 to you iow.
for Infants
"Casiorlaiiio well adapted to children tht
1 r.HiomnienditMiuperiortoanTprwicriuUon
ownto me." n. A. Aacnaa, M. D.,
111 8fe Oxlord St., Brooklyn, N. Y.
Why all who want Bargains go to
Is that you can Buv more Goods nf First-
class quality for less money than elsewhere as
our large
Of Ladies, Misses and Children fine Shoes and
ami Slippers have arrived and we are prepared to show the
public the LARGEST ASSORTMKNT or lU.ts and Shoes
ever Drought to Eu-ene City.
Custom work and Repairing neatly and promptly done.
No trouble to show goods. C all and w convinced.
New Hea rse ; one
in the State.
' 'I i I . IS
Ubil FurnlUire, M-
i.... i ,
tresses Bed,
which an ofland at the
1 1 aai1aB8aHC Lowest Rates.
and Children.
I Oaitoria foaMlpadon,
I lw ' '' .inanition,
I K"-; ' P'u""ito"
Wiui; i i.-ious taetLcauon.
Tm CiNTAi n OoaMSV, 77 Murray Street, N. T.
K. &. K.