The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 27, 1888, Image 3

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A proniiut nt BogiUh woman Rys
the AHedOM wiim-n .11 have higii,
thrill, DMMl Vukus Mi( 11 iiwih.
Aiiurc-ns don't like the ruii.ttni
twitting titty g't aixHjt this 11,1s, ,
tWMiu', ami JT I it ik u l.tct eu ed l.y
our dry siimi.liiiinx miiii spli ro, tod
M umvermi pa-sencu ol catarrhal
ditfi ulties.
But wliv sl.oulil no many of our
Women have (.,! let in?
Thnt ll more of a Ksitr to the E
lUh. It i q iite itnpUMioUl lOMWU il
lor it CXOebt on the theory of Ji r.n.ii!
stomach action muted by UrjprOdMX
in eating and by Want oi tegular ex
ercise. Both condition!) are Unnatural
UatnRh tii ti ilen lerj when pr, v iil
and tod in oough and QontuoipUon
which me promoted by Dial ntiir t.oi
induct d by der.mgid Itotuaob uciim.
The cumin ion is a modi ru one, one
unknown to thit unci so rs who pre
venttd the caiar li, cold, OOUgh Ml
oooranutiou by ai umlaut and rego
lur Ubx of what U now known at
Wainei'a Lug Oabiu Ooqgh and co.
tumpiion rem dy anal L g Oabin
siirsip.r tWO old fashioned bland
ard remedies hau led OnWu from out
ancestors, and now eiuiuaiYeaJf put
forth uuutcr the slrongtBt guuraiii-ts
.f purity and tffiottdy iy Hie world niakeri ii Warner's tain cure.
Tliee two remedies pleii iuil y u-en
as the fall mid wuner seisoiis udv incr,
tOKttlier with an 00 asional us-j ol
Warner's L g Oabiu roae Oraani, to
Stli llgl hell antl p'ul' t t Lilt ll 'nil ini'iii-
branee, tfivi, a positive StiUrnaoe if
freedom, both from catarrh aud th' s
dreadful ami if neglected, Inetitabli
toilet QjOtoOi s, put umo m, lui'g
trotiMiS at:d eons'iinpiion, which an
generally aud fatally piev.iil anions
our people.
Comrade K!i F.slier, of Baleni,
Henry tjo., to a h, served lour yea te in
t he I. ii. w ir and contracted a disui-i
t.i I let I consumption by the doctors.
He had fn.qp.tjnt In tuorrhagt s. Afl-r
titling Warner's Log Cabin c.piij;1i and
consumption rem dy, he sajl, under
date of January 19 n, 18m: "I dc
not bleed nt t!ie luns any more, my
ci u;h does not bother me, and I do
not huve any mors unotberingapelli.'
Wan rV Lof C bin rote cream ourerl
his wife of catarrh arid she is "sound
and will."
Of course we do no' like to haw
our won. en called n -e talkers am'
false teetli owntrt, bir th-su condi
(ions cm be readily overt ome in lie
manner in !i 'ted
"W'hv can't they make these dum
mies more lifelike?" said a furetious
follow, halting with a friend in front of
a clothing store on Starkel atreetand
slapping a titrure a vioro;:- blow on
the pheek. The "dmnmy" turned
middcnly, let lly his left, und the fuee-
tioui man went down on the pavement
as thousrh struck by a lightning a"
press. -I'll 'n del) in'i Timet.
"I left the business long ago," said
the ex-umnire, "but it seems to follow'
me still, even to my own home." "How
is Unit?" itsknd his auditor, "Well,
my son works in an iron mill mid my
daughter is a lino young lady. I go
home at night "I'd Und my boy on a
strike and my girl gone on bulls and
parties. Even my wife gives mi ohioken
wings foul tills, you know." And tht;
old umpire sighed. PUUburgh Vliron
kit'. One night at a nieetlmr a negro !
prayed earnestly that he and his breth
ren mikrht be preserved from what ho
called their "upsettin' sins." "Brud
der," one of hia friends said, "you ain't
got de bang ob dat nr word. Its 'be
settin',' not 'upsettin'."' "Brudder,"
replied ho, "if that's so, it's so; but I
was prayin' do Lord to save us from do
sin ob 'toxieation, an' if dat ain't a up
settin' sin, I dunno what am."
A girl who by chance was com
pelled to wash her face with the juice
of a watermelon found it so soothing
that she continued it and to her joyful
surprise discovered that her freckles
were disappearing. She applied tho
new wash with more vigor than ever,
and soon they were entirely gone, This
makes tho even 1,000 things which
are said to bo sovereign remedies for
New York d a me - "1 1 h i ng y ou Chi
cnro married folks ought to live to
gether, if only for itppi'itrani'i's' sake.
Just think what an awful reputation
all these diVOrOM (rivo your city?"
Chicago dame -"Well, von see Chica
go has no nearby summer retort to I
which all the married women can go
every spring and not see their hus- ,
bands oftener than onco a month, as !
you do in New York, you know." !
Omaha World.
Judge (to prisoner who has just
been brought into court) "What Is
your name?" Prisoner "Billings."
Judge "Whoro are you from, Mr.
Billings?" Prisoner "I refuse tostato,
as such information has nothing to do
with the cne." Judge-"But we will
compel yon to state, sir." Prisoner
"That will be a dansrerous proceeding',
I assure you. I shot a judjre once."
Judge (musingly) "Tho prisoner is
froro Kentucky." Arkansaw Truvtkr.
The cure of tln opiunt hubit may be found In
Dujk.rdin'8 Life Ksstnce. Wltbcat my opiate,
the iron and proiatcon will furnish fie aSTTOW
JsUui.ll that it needs. It lias aiTBl faiM
when flthfully used. 1'rice IJ0 a bottle. Ail
Becrg purely vetretalih- in their composition,
on ill effect. can lesult from their aoastaal Bar,
IlBjnhti'n Pius always prmlute tin- ssme crt". el
lth the same dose, whieh is the (frea'est im
portnoee io those w ho oi"h to use IBCU f (S
Urty and cnnjtraatly.e In this reprs.t t.i an
the eu opisMite of violent ciitii.riics nrt
pttrjratirea. Physician rocnizo their valu
in eaaea of consiioction durini; prc,naney
since hey act s I iylmt
Neeer irripe or pnVi ir-c ilic i 1 i f
aat wadacraewble that ther may be takon si
ll ii i wand pi ices, without iaterfcriniC with
pi. a are or b i lne-s.
.Hamburg via port Scents a box at all di og-
1c one Fig.
Tl,e rom..iun, Mmmtmm !
v "n ,,uPrtuiir u,..i.
"Tu hod a ourlou oxiN-ri.'in',' at it
! Cf rtnln Amorloan city whi. ,i u.i, tu,
"""wle.." I wiid, -tlt. . ;t
( "' "uiti take you I t . I
1 & got you there wus Moth
it nan, !'
V"u rem.-mbcr it? y0.t t..',l ,,ie t!,
lory wars ngo "
Mr. Toole looks up at m for a mo
nenl with u puzzled toe, whlok pre
uiitly Ikmiiis with a genial laugh,
"Oh. yes, I remember," h,' -ay.; "it
was at ; don't Motion the place;
lie ntgbi not like it, and I would be
sorry Ui hurt his feel in's. Jt, id.-s. he
wai the editor of the leading new
paper In the district, und had a rival
Journalist of course, and if thai rival
journalist trot hold of th.' story wouldn't
hia rival worry him? But you know
beat about that. I am not a journi !i-t
leton have no rivalries, of course. I
r' ln-inbcr that Am.u ican li'.n- Y.m
must stay with me, aa dear Mr. Toole
v , ,,, wwqi
ion mturt; wo wttl lake no denial.' he
HUid. Ho seemed it jollv. ni. irt id i
r. .1 1 j
ooww, .um waa so irauienuouaij pi m
tngtnal I
with him.
MtTe Way mid wvnt hnmi
It was s.m. ,11 ,,. !..,i :
it waj aome m tanoe in the
"At home he whs a different oaaan
Urely. The wile waa tht boat. Shi
wu a learnad woman alao hadqulU
a ktoowladge of literature and poeti.
she Bred off queeUooa at me with re.
Siud io 'rii.-ic ioniy and Dlckena. und
V.her eelohrltiea. Tuere weiv several
children; they all stood minimi mound
uuMtioned me, rimai mamlnod mo.
"Altera time they gtttj me ii cup ol
tea. This waa in tho afternoon, in
Itead of lunch or dinner.
"I went to the th 'aler. acted and
came home with him at nijrht.
"After a little more questionin'r from
the wife without any sijrns of refresh
ment, ahe naked mo if before I went to
bed I would have tv cup of leu or a
flan of water. Wherattpon he. in a
very numnie way, said: 'a never
take alcohol ill Ihis liouse.'
"1 was so depressed und OVol
woljrhted with the whole' thing that I
hadn't Uie oo un. ire to say 1 should likti
womething to oat I had u trlass ol
water and wenl to b id.
"i couldn't sleep, however. I wm
frightfully hungry and tired; really
thought of getting out of the window
and running away, and should hnv
do o o if il lui'l not been a little too
high, iilllum .'b the oily vt.ts.-oiuc littk
distance. We had to drive to tht
house, which vv.ts hi the suburbs.
On .snyi:i 'Good-night1 the v,if?
informed me tlrnt they brealcfusU'd at
balfopasl seven, at which time it was
olear I waa expected to be up. So, just
as I was thoroughly exhausted and
could have slept a little, 1 was aroused
and had to turn out.
1 goj aome braakfait, and then
hoped to join Loveday nt his hotel and
get a little rest Bit tho wife said
Now. So-and So, take Mr. Toole out
and show him all the publlo buildingi
of '
"And ho did tuko me out; he did
begin to show me all the pAbllo bui'dV
Lnga. And once or twice I tried to llif
away from him in private rooms and
corners, and 'ret a v. ink of sleep. But
he waa the most persistent host 1 ever
"At hi -1. I fairly ran away. Went
to the hotel without my luggage, and
WOtlld induce mo to leave it
I acktjpwledged tic affair, 1 hope, in
a;: friendly away as possible; but the
very thought of it now makes me ahud
dor." Toofe1! RemitiUoenoet, in Lvn
iiou BvtnitM Timet,
BaBala BUI Does Mat Uka the I'niclUh
stele us Well as tlin Aiihticiiii,
'I'lie American way ol ridlnjra horse
la the only way thai oomfort oan be had
for both man and beast BjtheAm ri
oan w::y I meat) .-itt inir in the saddla
lam soriythfttn gTeat many gentle
men of this country are uaing the Kn
ylith style on horaebaok that it, they
rise in the saddle with the motion ol
tho horse. Last summer when I was
in England I indieej this style pur-
ttoalarly, I don't see bow ii can I m-
fortable, and 1 know it is any thing
but irraoeful to see a man bumping
tip and down iii his saddle. Tht
English who saw til ride soon earn tC
this conclusion. They agree that tht
American style was the only style and
soon began to oopy us. Export riders
cants down to tee ma They tried the
American style, and now many g ntbv
men ean be seen e ery day in thoil
park riding the American styla 'lc
ride properly you must sit (Irmly it
your sadd e. (l''t a comfortable tad-
i die to begin with. Ihen sit squarely
in it. Haa your stirrups long enough
to save some of the Weigh! from tin;
horse's back und so that you tan raise
yourself in them when oeoesaary. I
always raise myteli in tin saddle to
Khoot. 1 can Rtt in a sl6adir piition
and" ret a betteraira. VYhen sitting Oi
your horse grip him w ith your leg)
between your hip and your knea bit
erei-t and hold your reins low dowo
nnd short enoujrh to feel hi head, The
first tbang a rider should do is to leuro
his hor-e. Learn tho dilb rei.t gatti
of the horse aud then ride with tht
horie -gO with his motion. Thin U
less tiring to the horse and to the rider.
II". '. Cody (liuffitlo "ill), in C'iic
go Inkr Ocean.
Too Much of a Good Thing.
tVifV. -Mnther writes. John, -he will
arrive to-day in time for su;);i-i-, and 1
wish you would stop at tin- batcher1!
1I1U ITI I Jtltu .v.
Hu-bund-Great Scott! my d. nr
Athafs tUo use 01 gt-uing any aw
.ottfuo? JT. a". 6uii.
bomo circuit bill posters covered a
church near Vlnoennos, Ind.. with
hiirhly-eolorcd posters, miNtnking the
edlllce for it fchoolhouso which they
hml permission to decoruto. A oom
minn h us appointed to prosecute the
iillcjrcd dc.-ecrutors, but the circus
men OOBprotsiaad the matter for $15
Hlli a laililfu nf pimiiilim.M.t,.,, tl..u
mm it iiamuui oi complimentary ticlc-
ets. winch wm more than the com
nuttoc uskod.
llll I.IM Kl I'llll) XfK!
!" niiylitutlun. us In .m ,i t in; pnhtaaM
ii aM baoorfaldr. Vit linimniti raw ii to
tnewiuil. Kt r nrw tiuntrmii tlntU lu wl
roim, the ntr,liral t'lipiri. nf en rt ulse tclioul
huve th. Ir iculK Kvi-ry ilia) to in the hiiiu:
of lillllibiiK is rttO i urii-mtlllv fill' H IUM at
least lite nolr Is'liu lurnbln a Ii) the t rtslu-
lous. in heapf eaattart la laa auou adwr
tURiit liiiHM!in. s i f Ihe tiny titi,i!s llwtt'lter's
Ktomnt'ii liiliers, now tn III tlunl it'sme of
poi'uUrny. aaarevai nn.1 rannmaiaadad ks
tihysieiniH, liul.ii i.tsl lij the nr. . of many
un lit. boiikIiI mitt arta l by ininlitis evr
WMea. Ii is mi MevrtnUMK) ajieclAc lor ami
;ir tniiii e of antMaUL el.nmie liuil
K''ti n. Iivir itiiniilsiiit .aid eonsli. albui.
uteoka Um (fawUt ruauoiati m tad aunral-
Kin is it mt"Kr .in sad U (uldiiirvtlv.
Nervous Hsip!e 1mm i lit hi I'.
ii"'r"i".?r!'1' ,ki",,::,MXiri "",rly ki,,.wl 1
tta O ilnty Thaatar. Dabha, by uw arewiag U
White Btopl into. Slim, Lkm of Kn-
laiiu. ixavon t.i l mini. I ro-s t. S i lur.
'and, llauiii r ot l', I'ri'Hieiii nt lviii,
l'l,'e K't(lc of H .ssi... Si ;rof Chill, tlW
- rjircie of Japan, 11 up of Krin.
to ire. i iii'sti tiny a ana nf tnt Keeiiine
I)H. 0. McI.ankn CnXJUaA'rKS I.ivkk
PoUb, price itn reins, and mail oi the eut
tlda wrapper wlLh your addtaas, irainW
will leu. and 4 oanta ill stamiM We a ill
then mail ou the almve list with ail rle
irant naekani) of eie. raiililc ami chro
inatlC cards.
Fi.kmiNii Uhos., PlTTUliaa, Pa.
Dl laa of Oanaaay, has ha it im pedo boat
laMaamal Um rule oi twtatsMvm knou mi
Many UaltatOia, hut no eiiiul. hus Dr. Suk 'S
Ciilarrn Ittlned).
Winter Waal her is bein(t exiierlent oil almost
all over the hole of HwuttrUM.
"To Broadway, n. y., March i"iInsi.
1 have been using Ai.i.iock's PoROUl
Pi.asti.ks for,2ll years, and found them
one ot. the heft if faintly madlrlnet.
Briefly uniminrt up n-y experience, 1 suv
Hull when placeil en the small of thi'.lKitk
Ai.i.iock's i'i.astkhs nil the beilv ilb
nervous erergy, and thus cure fat! gun,
brain t lhanatwn, debdi'y and kidney dlf
fl cull lea, Par womenand ehildrau Inava
(bond them Invahtanle. Thai never lrrl
late the skin or rituse the iillgliti'sl pain,
bill cure sole throat, t roup) ouugha Ooldw,
Kti"H in sine, back of carat, lndlgaa(n
and Ihiw vi eootpiainte,
r 11. I'llKlimi KS.
"Atdd scoiiiui'i" Is moTtaf bar Home Kult
and she I. bound to huve 11. loo.
A IMMl OF M'.H P'i,
1 stauils for Paddlaa fur PaMb mid for I', ar.
Ami likewise lur I'oetry mm ProsSI
The Parrot, the Patton inut IUm in Hie air,
I'lie I 'if wttb ii iiiik ill his nost;
Km Paper iad Pen, fta Prlater aa4 I'rttw,
Kor I'll) sir. Hinl Psopla who si II t;
Hut when you sre i ic in relievo your ilisliess
Tskaal ome PieroVi PunatiTa n Met.
On, yea. tadccdl fbasaars 'he I''s for ron,
poor, itos inao or worn an. Notataj like tLcin
for kei'pinir Ibe I" wils und stoimieh nirulnlni
iiinl in oil r tiny. Mivireoutetl Kiunulr-.
seHieely hi lift' tlmn lnuxlard bettls. The)
work Ken ly but IhoTOtlghly.
John Ksatl' Krnve tit Itniue ia to Ik iIuk up lo way for h new road.
and sealu iltseiuios. with loss of hair, troai
infancy to old aire, are speetlilt, ts oiioinlcally
and panaaaeatto cured by taaCcTlcvaA Pk.m-
jrOTaB, when all other rtnieillea and method
t'l Tiri KA. the grrai n Curi". and Cl'Tlct
HA Soai1, an exquisite Skin IleHutillrr, prepared
from it, cxtertiHll.), and Ci'Tiei'MA Uksolvknt,
the new Hlood Pniiller, internally, cure every
fiirti) of skin and blood disease, from pimplee to
Sold every where. Prlce.CuTifl'KA.JOc.; Soap,
C5c.: Krmdi.vkkt. $1. Prepared by um Poitkh
llKl'O Ali ClIKMIIC'AL tl".. PosTON, MASH
Hcnd for "How tnCiirc Bala lilBeaai.
t4T Piiiipl' s. bhieklieails. ehapp' ,1 und oil) I A
nreveiiled In ('Ullt'L'ltA Soap. -M
m ,l - -I
mi nk in ut. s. in t'lTIei'KA AMI Tain
T" o, o .... 1 .1
II.ahtkm. Sa nnlv pain kllllnapl'aMer. i'lt ,
a.It -
Iodide of I of :an.
It m, Nklkai.oia, Bajja PlmpliB),
BBnatala, Ooas, Cassiia, nssora Bbwaa, and
Mircurbipana. 1'. lVr'6-' tin l'mu. K.-tores .'
Unr bi '1 Kld)Wl to brat'.uy a,tl.ui, BLd u.bXis tho
Ci tMiln, n MCBSSal Ofcar.
J. R. CATES A CO.. Proprietors
417 Bnnitie Nt.. Null KruiH'
issued March and Sept.,
t each year. It Ii an enoy.
clopo'lia of uselul mlor-
'mation for all who pur.
chaao the luxuries or the
nooessitios of life. We
can olothe you and furnish you with
all the necessary and unnooessary
appliances to ride, walk, dance, sloep,
eat, fl3h, hunt, work, go to church,
or stay at home, and in various sites,
styles and quantities. Just figure out
what is required to do all these things
COMFORTABLT, and you can make a fair
estimate of the value of the BUYEBB'
GUIDE, waioh will be sent upon
receipt of 10 cents to pay postage,
111-U4 Michigan Avenuo, Chicago, III
lot Priiulunis. 25,0 in me,
20 yaars EstaMiohed. HtS
t at. aM Stl Tui. n(C De-
ti- in i, , er IVum, l,y m, n "ur "n
stand In tune io oaasa, Swa BW SS im swiBwaw.
(,. tllmate. So wd to ajalt, break, swell, shrbik,
cra, le,y, or wear out; i r-israi'"''
r.nt Wood Cues, S strlnem duuUe
action; SnseS ivisry kc;--s; tua ' A: ii, A'. ,
Ullor write frt fnutiajuo-, fn. T. . A TSaw
l'S,il'O..MaoulB.lurfra,llil Fclluwa tlali, nax
Lttajid HeeiitbStret, So Kianeu.
jj9 fY'j.
'' '-rlltkBrKa.f
b.b. rsvijsaa, iirirni.
I 4. A,
. ....
Paul's Ml profits for her fifty MMHH I" '
tsjuth Amsnce mm k-v.ouu.
imist orva w fai siiif.
Yua Iihm' bifii lulil IliHt iMiisaim ikiii lain!
I'liritblv: dial ht ii Hit' lunns sit' uttui ketl br
Hilt tt irilili' iintltt'li. Hi" bUl'enT l-t imn nil
Ii-lli. alii! l!,i- mil l n inure QtMtiUun ' inn.'.
mi hata mi!si nii akan um maul
liVtlililitliii. i.f 1 I .. .! MH1 .- Vtitl I...I.. 'r.. il.ll
i r of to tSmi mis In ihw. ii i a are I
'i. niiwriii nun i.n luring km if wii.
n,lt ,iml , , i , ir, p,,,, ,
I ,o!ll, n Mcalcal Ulaooranr mihiIihi antrird.
Il in i ol a em, nil. nop mil i in -florin ihiih
hill it lout en-tst tiiiniHtuiilH .if t'Hstw of itiuHUiiii--lion,
In ils eulier sliiK' , (tit il other means
butt fulled. I ry il mill obtain a new ... i ...
Uag Milan'ii divoree lull is to M Mad in No
vell U-r.
If .iftllelnl with Horn Kyi, use Dr. lo
ThomiMKm't Kye Wa'.i r. HrUiOtisIa sell it Hie.
tmr mi Ifrltated Thraat, Caaakar
i oiti. "litfin .'mi.-v-: miaaar arc ntfarea
"an do' lull .si eeagdaaM la Uwtf alaiaoy. I
-i .' villi tn b 'jr.
J. VIHH Aatnyer h i nnlllral
('In niUl. Ijtlsauir;, lol n. u I'nrUmi-l.
Or. Aualist tn ide of all mlf tsf ex.
Tut BaaMk or no- kfMI
Ito ouperlor . i . M. . i . . . . in mllllt-uw nf ruimrwfiir
imirc iIibii B qiiBrtt r of b coiitury. It Ib iibviI I.) the
I'nlUtl Hkittw Oiivernmt'lil. KMaWMM 'lie Itt'Btlo of
thfU.-ot L'lllV,.rllttM BB tllM S' it-, t, I'Ull'Ot Bll.l in -il
H"Bitiiiii. iir Pim fit mil twaaa 1'iiwii.i assiasl
C'liUiui Ai ... . ., Wine nr Alum. Hnl-I on ly In cbiib.
NIB VoBk t'llltBUO. BT. LtlllB.
( sr.,
i m
br.Ai or
j ! i
..tint. .ii'.af.CO
-sli,ii a
P-.ery BU tbat SaSOktt a pipe i a wiilkiint
sdrwrtlSSf of the morits of "tjtal "f No. tli Caro-
liiii i'liin Oat" HmokiiiK TobaoflOi
Tin) "Sjal " ia prommncu I by all smolceni the
boMl TobaeSO IVar wotll OO the Pieifio ftm.t.
Dr. Spinney & Co.,,
LSI Pint S' Cull or
NPBVniia li'isllty. Loss of Vlfnr, tsailna
nSnlVVO . , Weak iloiuorr, fiiwpon
Urney, kc, toext-cBivBOr abuon, ctiml.
i wviit.ii rnatri , , j utitrnTfiiiliiMoriLi
cretion should avnll thruoi'lvi s of our tOBtiuent,
A 1'iiiltivo Hire intrantii ii In evciv Cil-i', Hyplill",
Urinary antl Ven'-n-al liiwnr, n all unn.turBj tlis
charKeo, promptly ati'l safely Curcil.
MIDDLEwACED MF.NM;';",',,,';i'.'j;
ftefl of Kltiniyt of .litJlrT, W'fnk Iltwk. Niirvnti-j
Miiiiny, v, iit'tiic or S4'iiiiB.. lilrcugtti, etc., curc4
itii . rcpttir"il in hi'ti.f Uj viior.
j u 1.,,,..,.,,., ,,,,,.1.1-b ... ..I.tfr im ... ..t...l
instructioni oeiit nr iiibII urnpn-os. UOBStUUtlOS
I f i . 1 Hi till 1 Olllita Itl ullllnllta fi.B) 1 . . V.. Hurt II ,.1,'i
Jjjj JjJ, tnfflltlv ib" V0UUg
Asi rAtTi auu tn iMi'oarras or
113 Kkah.ny h rKKKT, M. K.
Illuatratwl ('atai,ii, 1 sent fri-e 1 1 at titration.
I n cabinet tjn nn
M liy pay SI" lo It J pat doz n f'.r your plioto-
tintyii.- or nhoto-
k ml yi.u I ilitac '
, a i). for aa w.
rlak and not pay.
yi.urpkoloB. Alao
ro.rt'iill In rls
, .. ..
ssSakanoeann 11.11 I " l" kan-llc. , dJK'i . f'JllUV' ' tt
rkaorapoo a fo. ..miMl.nj,.' nil ,oy fur IL. Uoolila.. a1 HawA l QjXMMJ If i 'atMUk tm
It will ooly ooit .T' a .ooul l'.i I i.. -,. 1 ' , . itl,i.,.,.t. aw. swnwnwBk W Aoltr.l BV-aV
j OaABtasM, itclns juicf, Kraii ml li,tiuii.uiBii. Addrosi Iki m. MBSuWaVvb MW&fiirftL
Bwjililv iVi E! 3 (iiHytjSraW m
i';'rM'''':r!;;';'i;v:,:,.. 1 w PMr
ivtVo, . t . 'V'iti i'i . , ir aafllr r .
n iniL icn . wVwMfeaaw
! " k 1 1 h "i o pURlNtS
.fSaJBtaw J HiKOnaiiivanonivsr- LL H n ts. i&Ur
cT-lsll"1 satisfaetlon In tba bLULJL) W-
anwi to k ,ire ol ili,ii,.t ili.i a bi d
tff1"1::;: I Portland, ocon
ttlk1 iia--.J.b'r,'fH. bwV
OLMtaaaUAH, IU. rC " -V
f pricf. ai.oo. . T terr
traoa WlitiBW'i.rtl s. iil kf Uruufcista fVsv Fs?
TO Till'. LaDInMI
For Strain?, Injuries.
Crlilrtl. Itntii III y.v jo till
mt M iack pnMM Ml IH uui, Ii Ju.
urr. ten, naaaa IkMUaui cnnpiu
he two Bontlu m irsuhM. h4 q.4 two toititi
tk J 4Mb Oil us u rmtninllf iw4
O S CROSWiLL. Dru(!rt.
Crushed. Cknalsnrtlla, ill , HiT tl. list.
Abort 111 Kooltl Ms 1 jMHMd botwooa
tin, In 14 13 auffrrod lour bjuO-i -tit
IktOO WltlM It. JO. 014 Oil. WU It'll to bo otoM
(trulneil. Ml. Cuwl. II, Moo II. llll.
ItrolBol mr bo.h la robrsor? ioh c .1 not
CI roouil for two wookl wuloot k tin, woo carol
uroi airl br It Joi ..I i Oil 1. t WAkSUL,
at DnnoufiTi'AriT'niAiiiit
THE CHARLES ft. VOuTLEH CO., Biltlmon. M4,
Diamond Vera-Cura
AID ALL UTOkoArt IBOVaUi lliea All
MlUoition. loor klorooch Meoru ar. KtfoMA, 0-
Hbom. OoBlUi.o'liiB. rulloovo oftor oBllr.f, fool
RlilBI to IBO klohtk OBil 4lioorrrBdll t0W tftof
kBj.Horiouoiioin.ll. ptrlti
ill i)m(Sj'fi nfi-i ;it iy or ittii dy mull on re
ferjS ua'i ett. (5 isue ti Mt i ifumui. SmpJ
nK on rwijs iiiYii 9 usip,
Sold on Trial !
jtimciit -.nail, prcilta
, Si iiil iiVt fur mal iiii!
laik'v liluntrattiMl fatal av
It U full , : ... - Itail-
io? .v io i.itu at.,
Cures Cut-, Sore. SaU ltle um, Hoi's
i ei 1 1. -. KeloiiB skin Dtwaara, and ai'
ailments for which a salve is suitable. Pot
tnkit'K out H i .... and liealiiikt it hcI
like iieicii- lO cents a box, al nil ifniurit ts.
1 Jr V.J
' S:iOA
S 9
inKoowimAm T0 MAKE
Be inn) Ibat IbttS Is s Si stall of s IV in : i.iir b, lis;, i uul fat will h.1Te
tho b.,1 tiod las, ). . TUK tt)W 1,,.vm
-Ula I
J-VirfrwTB. His linpor
tanl that the Soda or
Balers! ua you uai' should
bsWh'te arid l'liisissma
as all similar suhat.moss
aswdforfood. Totnoura
obtalninR only His "Arni
a llsmmer" brand Soils
or Salsnt s, b. y II In
"ponnd or hs'f pound"
tWttatS whli h besrour
asms ami trs'ls-iuark, as
ii.'.. art, B.tnn-
Mai tinriH tils. Mstki
"Arm A Ihiinmrr ' lirind
wlmn buiiRiil lu lmk.
Partliis ualng flaking
rowilor annul, I retni'lu-
bar that Its sola risln
prorarty crnalats oft
earl. ,, i, at', of anils. On!
tsaapoonfulof the "Arm
A Hammer" brand of
Bods or Htiliiratus mlird
sour milk suiials EV1SKY
Packed in Card Board Boxes. Always keeps Soft.
At ..
ibw a i i k iii i ,
Prtswsswtts many Important Advunlagta over all
other prepared Koods,
Makes Plump, Laughing, Healthy Onhlea,
Regulates the Stomach und Row-Is.
8old by Dranrlsts. 83c, 5o., S1.00.
Baby PortraitSi
A PortMllo of T.tai!
u 1 naa
id at once.
W-LLS, KICHAHUeUN It t(J, P.opH aWstftsa, Vt
taeMeaxa ta 'he iMMltiliATION associa
tion OK l AI.IKUItN' A,
415 Montgomery St., S. F., Cal.
We ar, oiriTlni; the Mlottln in A), 111. 81) or
lisj ION Kariiu:
ltoo. nl hnl I olonj . Ii i ia i l .i.0.0te)
i i 1 1., i a..
Nllll.gli'low II
A .1 i -"i.
la I'I'.-IIM tied
llll It! llll
fatal wtr h
i. mo
i two
Kern M4
sun Lull Oliispo .VHI
Mm in II.OOO
Al wo
other lait'1. for Ken. ral fanulad fruit Krowina
or oltit k ruisuiK.
iioinei in u-i ! l int in ih. I'oitiiirv. tlilln
ri iitiintiK raui prawirii ia '."i.e. iKnoiioaaad
Mlarri it). JUor uion acrowoinnrL nuii or with
out a MUSS, oi. i t liiktaUtM t plan in one of
.mr cult nktil e will paui tus kaatata our
tinier wllh fruil trees or rumin o und will
kasu it in kissI ooadlttoti aaul mil ' .n-mir.
with or althoul Irrlaatloii.UiwwS Laadi ns nor-h
!! ' iSol Krn .toio. .ii I last or In-
lertoi OOUlttli o. insi- or ilirl.ini In iii niiln ail or
town aad tar in prloc i . ii. sriio.T ic
CO., luooMMWa to lbs Imnttatralina AwnxnV
Uon of OaUtwnla 41 J Mountain rj twaai
Sooiid for iNtrtloular. auri ftiiriou Iptlons.
Nos. 153 und 134 Third Street,
Tort lit ml, Otvffuu.
fa i ontr rrU.itfl Dl
p-'iaaiylu P'T'!aiiJ vt i II
P ttftMPht I 't-
i re (MtirnU arceiM n -,
: TttMt".l n.allNI RV
K rHHiiMl! AMI
I :'VTK niHKAKlSln
"K ' oM, luiala or
fcn iitvt, itK'i) ay
3ntiut dibi!ltft a inlnak
I Mia, fat i ig nittuir),
M iilitiltlo i uutloii. tifrcl
Ml lofaswsf wiui. ama
'-i 1 - . i PMVf, rnm't
?r- i, t at' i. . ii .
rOMl liT.4T10 F K Vt.,
b I - 1 "M LU H I -...wbw aa.
i rimii at u -i mj .aiii aa
n. Rasalaa
k,iuiinni.H.U', Kaltler. i'. uUli
I"0..; llu-lrtt . fil
If s'k el HhiHit Vi-jJi . rBUB. bAtiJ lootmmi'iiki Lo-bbbo lUiok.
I Bfe
Kni lrcVB. VVTTHIA). ..H IV 00., At riw
sn K'snnw
I' V. tl. Nn. H
s V V. V. Nn M
r ni--1 ,i . ifiilonfthe
bill BsVllll lowder.smw
loi twonty times Ha
ei Ml, lo oldioi belaaj
sin -h hi.'althl.r,h,ieausa
It duns nut con tain any
Injurious stibataaoss.
sii'ttiMS alum, terrsslba
el , of which m.ny Hp
tna t'owders are mads,
t'siryiien and 1'armsra
suiioldiiooouly the"Ana
a llanuurr" brand fof
, I :. in , i and kaeplDC
Milk fans bww sal
Cactio. Ras thai
every pound pa'-kasSWf
"A no and ll am utsr
Draad" rontatos fall
IS ounces ni t, and iha
y pound pa kraWU
ll , i net, "a of
Halsrslua aams aa apeet
tad od stch paksfs.
rit KAiia.
It's Easy to Dye
OX Superior
goods than any otter
1 inure ItrlilUllt sod
lly iMmimil, sod take
110 other. 30 colon ; to cants sacb.
WELLS. niCHKRDSOIi CO., Burlington. Vt.
I'm Oildlng or Erooilng Fancy Artisiws, UtB
Cold, Silver, Breoic, Cupcer. Only to Ccotao '1 !om I r more
1IV..-1 . fl.. i'.Blll P. k.)