1 1 --- a i HnTiHirn r maji.iii , MwMlaMLlLL - - !! " L . .f , f -'ijlMHHi HT If' - - - --,r tUmt-- T " " 1' - ' CITY AND COUNTY. Florence Items. 0,t. 15l!i. St v. tttl stniugei in town. L. E. Diu-k wmili and A. K - ir eaino in f. ll... Wulli V IhJ kl.ll.' iri'W m- Mrs. C'lini' l a vi a on h visit In In r son. Jonquil Mi'ler, Oiiklitud, Culiforni:, tn-inor-row . Tlie steamer Favniite tow. d out the Acme to-day. The FuvnriiB went on In Yiitiiuu to work oil the jetty at linn place. A. E. Smith, a saloon keeper, and biniM If Ibe bct customer, was 'lushing iirunml with knife yesterday when lie was knocked iIowd, put in the sab on niK' locked up. In the nifilil he sobered mid tried to get out, but thi-y got u'"' it-t. This morning tin proprietors liad hiui put out, aud to-ilrty be was wrested. Dr.OWNKD. Mrs. Keiiislou was drowned lust Friday the. l'2th, about ki'x miles above In re. She w a coiiKiu o( Mr. Stipes. Mr. K-niston iind family moved on tbe river nlnuit two weeks Kyi i. Mr. Kenistou was stopping with Mr. aud Mr. Stiles, while Mr. K- nis tou returned to tbe valley. Mr. Stiles mid wife being uwv from homo she went across the river to milk. In about half un hour niter, fbe wan found nearly n hundred yard below the whnvf, caught in sonie brush. How it happened no one knows. She bad fin ished milking, and the milk watt mi tbe wharf, and ber boat wan tied -ia she had left it. She leaves a husband and two children. About two mon'hs ago a little child of Mr. and Mm. Young was drowned. Floiuni-b. Goshen Items. Out. 17, 1888. Mr. Henry Matthews and family paid Cresswell a visit Sunday. Mr. Rebecca Cutnmings is on the Kick lint, no also is Jan. Berkshire. Mr. Jno. Kitchen was severely hut. hist week while baling hops. Mr. J. D. Hampton's team took ft spill to" day at Ihe expense of his hack. The Pleasant Hill Cand rendered some excellent music for our people Sunday af tt'rooon. t The Goshen Debating Society bis been re organized and meets each Wednesday evetiiug. Mrs. Edmnnsnu and family have moved on to thir farm recently the property of Wm. Guinev. deceased. Married In Eugene City, Or., Wednes day. ct. 17. 183S, by Rev. I. X. Mulkev, Mr. II. C. Wheeler and Miss Kite Bond. May their?, be n long and blissful life. Delinquent Taxes. The city tax is now in my bunds for col lection. All delinquent taxes ami street as sessments must be paid immediately, and if not paid ou or before Nov. 1, lh8H, they will be collected by due piocess of law. Be prompt and save costs. H.J. Day, Lltv Marshal and l.ix loiifctor. SOTICK TO SHIPPERS, (via Yuqniim to Suii Frauei'co.) Of wheat, oats, hep- uud wool. Itliupierj pared to take Marine Insurance on all cereals, hops, wool or any consignments of goods to sud from San Fninci.-eo., For furtlnr par ticulars address Ai.a Huihis, Agent California Ius. Co., Yaquina, Or A Doumi Arm st. On Sunday 1km fiVit took place at the Ft lib rweit place tin miles west of Eugi-tie, bi-twicn S. lVidcr wtrtatidJ. Bach, which n suited in the sr. rest ol both parties. The hearing 'of bo'b parties took place In fi re Justice Henderson Tuesday. liach had tented Fi Id. rwvi t's place, and on the i xpiratinn of the lease they ntid trouble over the settlement, and bad tlht in the bouse. They then adjourned to tbii yard, where Bach struck Fehh-rwert on the head with an ax, rendeiing him uncon scious for some time. Bach claimed that be hurt been assaulted wilb a knife iind had Fehlerwert arrested. Alter u hearing, the Justice discharged Fehlerwert and held Bach in the sum of $100 bonds to await the action of tbe grand jury. .Houds were promptly furnished with Ell Terkius and Geo. Brown sureties. .1 ' Died. In Eugene City, Wednesday morn ing, Oct. 17, J. F. Hi lufcisoti, familiarly known as "Colonel," died, agul 3S .years, 7 months and 3 days. His death was eaii-ed by inflammation of tbe stomach, although he had been iu poor health for some time psst suffering from heart disease. Mr. Hender son leaves a widowed mother, sisters and brothers aud numerous ri l.itives to mourn Lis loss. The funeral sermou was preached by Rev. Whilmore at the Methodist church, of which he was n consistent in; tiiln-r, Thursday afternoon, after which the inter nieut took place (it the Masonic cemetery. W. C. T. U. Officf.m. The Woim ns Christian Temperance Union of Eugene baa elected officers for the ensuiug year as fol lows: Mrs M J Osbnrn, I'res; Mrs Iua C Bean, Vice Pres; Mrs L liilyeii, Recording Sec; Mrs Jennie Hannah, Corresponding Sec; Mrs A J Ramsey, Tress; Mrs M J Os bnrn Snpt (Sunday School work; Mrs L Bil yen, Snpt temperance literatur..-; Mrs Reck with, Supt prison ond jail work; Mrs A J Babb, Supt fair work; Mrs M J Ramsey, Supt ' recitations; Mrs J J Walton, Snpt hereditary and health. Pocket Book Foosn. During Iny harvest Mr. Geo. Arniitage lost a pocket book con. ..:... t m.i . ...... - ;rt..iu it wiuiuu f i.uui; m uuiiB,n iiriu""ir u, ..... . jnisn auu a greenoaei.. ;,ir. .iriiiii.iv.-' found the imssihf. book in the urass m ar their residence one day Invt week, with i eonteuts inta. t, except the J bill which wss missing. Some one had abstract- d the money mil then thrown the book into the yard. Chanois After the Ho. y building is completed the Lane enmity bunk will be moved into the corn- r room. The binding which is now occupied by the biuk wi'l be ! year. exteuded forty feet, and will be occuj i d by Having perfected am.ngements with par Mr Saunders as a merchandise store. Card-' ti s io Portland, 1 am able no to find pur well's saloon will occupy the room vacated eh .s, - . i'uids, more. Teadlly thau bySannders. ' ! WcJ-'o-'. If you inve land for sale, ira- " . i ir.,v d or unimproved, yon cannot do bet- l'lr,mmil I i.-im 'Fni- ill I .St inol.'il 1. r I :,..!, t.l e!i' 1 -1st Vol,r busillCHJ With US t iilroad agent Ad iir has h i I coupon railroad tickets for sale at his office. He can mnply m f'irr. , 1,.m ....u r...i.. r..j.l,..l VlV III TT i1 0. P i.i,.t U P n.Lmt ilu,.rrs.ii(.-cli lis. The tickets are fr-en lito !Hinehi long aud unit he sig.i d by t"-' .ur: ti is-r with his name. DllD.-G-o. Bowman, a n-ph- w of Ti es Barbie of Lost Valb v, dii d at Pott! . ml Fri - day last itl b..ot years. Tl;e nm ins Were bronht here S.iturdnv and UlSeU lo Pleasant Hill f-r inumient. PoariL CLtK. James Riley, C-ilairu, hsi tieen app-'inl-d a r lilwny 1 uia:l el rk. Re vi! n;n betw-en L'u.t:ll. Or., aud Dan, V.T. wahtt.d. 1 w.ini 0.1S.V ponrns 11 n-n plain and hihtat p.ice paid at lWllunt ,s. Brevities. School honks at Collier's. Considerable siekuess reported. A few w ild gi-es h.ivr passed ovi r. Read the CiCVKD nil pleiueLt ill this issue. La lies dress goods a speciulty al Frieud- ly's. Tin Ciiibolic school building is nearly in closed Charley Wood will st.nt a restaur mt at Piineville. Henderson, Dentisf. Vint, walking h its lit the Rami R.,x and ihe I.it-Kt attraetimia. Take your produee to the Pacific Tea Co and get ihe best prices. Henderson, Dentist. Hot and cobl baths every day in the week at Jerry Horn's barber shop. A flue line of silk plushes iu all shades and Ljradis at F. Ii. Drum's. Colisidi li.ble fn itl.t has hee:i received by Lugi uc men-hunts this wick. Lots nf fashionable tur'Mis at the Misso Walt-.n's. full sad se( them. All kinds of job and conimerci.il printing iloue ueally at tbe UCAltl) otbee. Marshal Day has moved into his new resi dence iu the southern p u t of town. Teas, coft'i es and choice groceries cheap lor casn at .Mosiirjuo & iihikis. The Governor has commissioned A. R. Rudolph, of Florence, a notary pnblin. I'eforo storing or selling ynnruiits ne A. V. Peters. Clean Chevalier barley wanted Tbe Prineville people have hut one hotel now, aud that is kept aud owned by a China man. Quite a nnmhor of Euu'cne people have been in attendance at the Mechanics Fair of Portland this week. The firm of Keney & II.inds.iker nt Jas per has dissolved partnership. Mr. Keeuey w ill continue the business. Oats aud barley at highest market rates taken iu exchange for lumber; allowed mar kit price at the Springfield saw mill. University books, public school supplies, ink, blank books; the very latest papers, novels, magazines aud reviews atColliei's book store. Ry fair and s'qunro dealing we hope to gain the conhdence of all. Wrkklkr k Cooudoi?, Abstracter and Real Estate Ady's. Tbe writing school nnder the direction of Prof. Garrison, is progressing aduiji-nbiy. The attendance is large and the pupils ami teacher enthusiastic. Goldsmith, the grocer, has just received from the East one of the largest assK'iim -uts of lumps ever draught to Eugene, lie will sel! iheiii at pi ices that defy competition. W F. G 1 in !!'. of Fralikl ll. adreilised in the hist is-r.e of lln GcaiiD fi-rahore llmt bad been lost lei a month. The paper bud bar l! left ibe oflice whin a response enine to th," adveitisement. By .using on!)' the best materi lis to lie had. and having had years nf actual experience und-r the best instruction, enables Hender son, Dentist, to obtain the finest results known in Dentistry. F innns and otlurs come in and see th rineH roll' clion of fruits at d grains ever ex hibitvd in Lane county. 1 Vhkilki t Cooi.iook, Matlock Block. 'Old King Cole was a j illy old soul," so are those wl-i, buy lh ir spring suits of lvist land A Wilson Their prices are the lowest: their g mils are best. In a cheap or high vri eiil suit- ihi-y dpi .icc-imniodaU- you. , Prof Rorli. of Iieliiin, d-livered a Pro hibition soeeeh to a fair an In in-e Saturday ev-ningat Rlimeliirt's Hill On Snnliv- he Iccliired to a well lill-d bouse taking for his subject "Laws of Life." . Joe Ripstein, the little h-iiiipk".cked man, who liss sawi d wood and done odd jobs around Eugene for several years past, died at the poor faitn Monday. He hud been hi. inm-'te of the poor farm for h.t past six months, . " The campaign text bonk of the Democratic persuasion can be purchased from F. W, Osbnrn for !0 cents. It is a book of OoCi pages, and is unanswerable in its argu ments for tariff reform. Secure a copy and investigate the subject. St. John ns';s the question, "Are yon for the saloon or the home," The answer given is "you bet your lito." Rut whi n you are asked where yon can get the best goods aud prices on tea, coffee, groceries. On sale at the PaciMo Tea Co., Cor Oth aud Oak streets Murr'OK licenses issued siuce our last re port: J W White an I J Moad, T S Winfrey and Leona Shelly, II C Wheeler and Eliza C Bond. C W Znmwalt and Kittio V Baker, H 0 E Schraib r end Alice M Rristow, John S Blnnton und E E Horn. Jnsf received a full line of Henrietta Laine and Marrietta cloth dress goods iu the folow ing shades: Goblin Blue, Morning Blue, Myrtle, Hinerai, Harrnn, Paon, Cresson, also llluks which the Indies are invited to call andxnmiue at S. H. Friendly's. The time for holding the regular meetings of the W. C. T. U. has been changed from the 1st and 3d Mondays of each month to the Ond and 4th Saturdays at l p. m. Ex cepting Saturday tut 2Uh inst., at which time a regular meeting will be held. Dming a performance of Sells' cirens at San Diee-i the other day Bogardus, Jr., while firing eighteen shots in eighteen sec onds, missed the target aud--sent a bullet thtough the leg of Miles Silverthorue, 23 years old. It is a bad wouud. The Charier Oak v the lest stove, manu factured. Ii is the pride of every house- Messrs. Starr and andcnmirg have r-cr Titty received from the manufactory at Si Louis a car load of them which they are n.e ring at v. ry low pr'ces. Call and exam ine the. 11...- Tin- Aloiii'- club of Portland is ciiculat- ing a peiiii.-n praying the lcgi-liitnre to pass a m ire siring- n law against the killing of .l.r fi.r th- ir hides. Such a law sb"iilil be lleer lor Ill-ir U ie. n-ILU u"-e ' , ii u ,i,,i. ,. tutsseil a ii urn r iuc phi' i'-i i"oui"" ! . . A , :. . Iimiters lue ileer e uecomiu i ncaicer rifij ; Tctu ! us-ill d.l-. i oiir p.-trooaiie solicited. B. F DoB l is, t I . . . .1. . C-..n.,.la ,.irMl B nir i. .., . I, ..redout ..,. Lstc ' (, )t ibis fad I" tie- able on the notth jjlM, r v ,,, si, ru ami northern sides are I fr-e of rii"W rl the way up, excepting two! ' or tliri ji t.-h' s, which have the eppeir- ! sure of mud gl ich r n vierd fn-m Priue-i . vid-. y Keiiislon. whtav ife was dtowmd noe wite was (itowniu , ir. the Sri ' in sii ther aw. n iwconnt of which sptiears .-lum'. ill our Florence i-orres- p.-i, h iice tlli.es si; - lerii n victitn of cm- m'sfor s ur. i, .i in ir-v.'ii about two lie .'l two chihln n bv datb, in. I one :ii.t'..r-d for a lim lime wiih a Lr-1-11 hip, and tioW bis devoted wife is t.sk-n from. He i an hoii-st hard working r.,n. l-swung of lt tt- r ireatmeiit troiu in- 1 j t-....raL!e fate See notice to creditors of the Goodchild estate, L idied, v-m can g-t a gon.l vrset at Rett man for 3o cents. Th" Cilemsn hnnsn has beo rented ta Mr. Lefnive nf l.imi I Call at the Pau l anil lnieet the nice, new vainniil ihe Miwes alton. Ill dis ss g umIs lb. Indies say that Rett' lunii k-es ibe la'eat an 1 fluent In town. Th-i n iveltv store b is just received a large assortment of m-h-ml T ddets and "selN em ch'-np, too." Call see them. Sep th" P'irionn on first paye in which Prime Mil iiti r Blaine, tnk-s the part of lo fi in the Kepuiiiie-in Mikailo. Hon t Inrcet llmt if vnn neecj a la-hes or Misses' jieket, or N'.wmarket, latest and ch-iip 'St. Bctt Man's is the place. Leive y mr Ian Is fur ssle with Wheeler ,fc Coolid M tlock RI i.-k. Thev have the onlv set of shstra ts in Line county, Krins.' Si Kl-dii wsrrant all Imots and shoes, an 1 will new up all rips on boots and shoes bought -it their store free of cost. .1 stove lengths 75 cents per load Good ,ty-k mi hand. You c-tn get a load w'n never oil come, at ihe Springfield saw mill. Boots a-id shoes of nil kinds includillil Porter, Slesinger ,fc Co's, make. Every pair warranted at way d own prices at Uett msn's. Hardy ,v Bond expect to put a "twenty five cut" counter in their nnveltv More. Come inriv and pet ome of the rare bargain that will be found there. Tb'-re are a f' w men's on its (rVat, Test and pants) left at Bettman's for Jo, an nntrlt good ennngh for anv man to wenr. Come and get one before they are all sold. Dr. Sharpies has contracted several thon and bushels of potatoes wised on his Pleasant Hill farm to a San Francisco party. He delivers them in San Francisco for 110 eta per cental. mmmm- The ew High Ann Vertical Feed Davis Sewing Machine will do a greater variety and rani' of work th in any oilier machine. Prices reasonable. For sale at Collier's book store. Sitslcnts for your fine dressajiiU achoo' shoes KiNuIvirtlase ileiTTsTas they can give yon iWMJrsnoo end at le money th'ittjMTTore mSuioene. Call and see the i ilillcrcnt stvles, Rev. A II Lackey, D D , of Pealmdy. Kansas, is assi-tini; the Pastor of the First Presbyteri.iii Church in a series of mectinu. He wilt preu-h each evening of next week and will hold an nfte.-noon Bible study. All are invited to attend tha meetings. The improvement on the front of the Orange store building ate neatly finished. A cement walk will be built around the corner an I in front of the drug store, and will pro biibly be extended to connect with the walk in front of Baker's, hotel. At any rates new si.h wilk of w ond will be built. Personal. Miss E-iiini Be m is visiting in Eugene.' .Mr. Ella Williams is still dangerously 111. dipt. Cox. of Aeinc, was in town Monday. Hon. S. B. Eakin went to Portland Friday morniiu'. Dr H EMaorth has returned from a visit to Eisti in Oregon. Mr Jos M Widmer lins been very sick with t ph dd fever. I.ee C.unplell of the railway mtil service was in town M-uu'ay. Geo. Forrest is Conyalescent after a severe ittuck of tvphoi l f. v-r. t ;,. Vr"' W'tt mr-- rftirned hern thv Mw-liaii-ies F -ir Sunday evening. - C. I) Osluini and wife lnve returned to th-ir home In Itrownsiille t S un Withr i.v ii recor- ring front a severe nlt'.ek of the typhoid fever. Phil W i tin in and wife arrived iu Eugene tin- tiist of th- w--ek, visiting. Mr. It 'bt. Ciili--y, of Col'sgn Grove, Went to Finn nee last Wednesday. Mr. Geo. Gibson bit for his home in Crook county the first of the we(k. Mr. Jane s Dyhee, the veteran horseman of Poitli-nd, " as in Eugene this week. Dr T. W Sbelton and fanW have moved into tin it handsome new residence. Miss Minnie Scott who has be' u ill with typhoid fever for some time, is improving. Harry Baxter was in town the first of the week. He returned to Corvallis Wednesday. Mr. A. J. Pickard and family are conva lescent ufnr a severe attack of typhoid fe ver. Mrs. Cbns. Raker and children have moved to Portland where we understand they will reside. Judge R'-im returned from Roselmrg, where he had been holding circuit court Wednesday. Miss Bes-ie Day went to Portland Tues day to tnku a course of instruction in the Holmes Business College We are infnrrned that Miss Minnie Scott, daughter of .liuh'e Scott, is in a dangerous condition fieiii typhoid fever. Mr. Hatiibergcf, a Portland drummer for the tit in of Dilteiihoefer, Hass Si Co,, gave us a pleasant call this week. R D. Paine, J. M Sears and AI. Churchill got th-ir hounds together and started for the Pine Openings on a deer hunt Monday. Rev. C. II. Wallace is at work at his trade in II rulirnok, Siskiyou county,. Cat. He expects to remain there during the coming wiutcr. Mis. I. K. P ters came hero the first of the week from her home iu OaklinJ,. Cal., to attend the la.t ill:u ss of her brother, J. F. Heudcrsou. Mr A M. Hulery, a Lafayette attorney, wash-re looking for a 1-iciitiun this week. He was fiivorubly impr- ssid with Engene, lui' has not yet decided to locate here. ' Mr H .initio Selfiidgn und wife b-ft for California to spend the winter hist Tours- day eveuing IVe Lope Jir. rtellrldge s . , , ,, t , ! heulth mil imitove under the ch-nge of ,. - - I c lui.ve. n.li e Dr -I. J. M' Donald intends soon to move fu ui La Grande aud locate in Kiifc'-ue f0r the purpose of practising bis profession. Mrs McDonal-', formerly Miss Hattie Ells worth, is in hnuene at tl-e present liuie. S.ll.L AMI CoMH.KS.OX HoCKf. Eu','ent hi.M .,t:j i.eeiteil m va -lit lnisSit '11 Slid iTelieml sule I ,t,,rr. Il,e want bs Isen ui-ilied by Mr. I '1'li- Uii Oial-pel, who leu. I'llilt m lare l-iiil-iitiif en Wi lametU street, south of the T '"' ''" "I'd w.ll (test in hay, Kr am, Wl and nil her kin-ln "t iinsluee on ounnii-nvn i.d nth-rwi-e.. Ho aiso will wll and buy le-rseK, niiiim nd other live mock. If iyu t,Ae..iitliii: in il. ai Ii ue to w-l:, tall un Air. C'l.rp;iri. Sitca1-m WNT1).--A comiietiiut geuile U,ni, wno can Me goon r n r-ui-, wiuea a -itu.iiioo in a -tote Ciers. or would c- 1 c- i-t i iiinoac 4,1 ol any kind. A Idtyss J V . E , cute Ocwip Ofiiee. M 11 ;m Ii. Vt ll.e Ih:Vj)Hi House Thllfa ,l.,y mug. f.-t. l"th. by Rev. C. M. Hill, Mr John h. Buutuu to Mi Eupheinta t. H-'iu. TheGlAi.D force wish the newly 1 . - 1 ... ., i .1 tusi mo colli le ni.iij nappy jiar.oi wru.iru Political Speakings. During th coming two weeks Ijint county! will lx thanuhly canvassed by Democratic iwak-ra. We give appointments as follows, H .n.. JuhnBii rnett and R. M. VeaUh will address the chiieiis of Juuction C'ty, Saturday, Oct 27, 1 p. m. Umi Tutu, Monday, Oct '."J, 1p.m. Smitlifield, I'liemlay, " , u Irvih, VVe.bies.lay, " 31, " i'rewwell, Thiiralay, Nov. 1, 1 p. ni. Uisl Valhy, Friday, 2. " 1 Vtij,'e Omve. Satunlayt Nov. S, 1 p. m. Euneuo City. Monday. Nov. ft. 1 p. m. Hon. L Bilyeu and C A. Dor, is of Eu- Ken. . ny will tpeaK at tAittas-e Onive, Salunlay, Oct '.7, 1 P- m. Cresswoll, Monday, Oct 1 p m. Cobiir, I'uesday, l)ct 3t, 1 p. ul Mohawk, Wcsluesday, Oct 31. 1 p. lit. i iuuri.-lil, Tliunnlay, Nov. I, " l'aitii Creek, Friday, Nov, 2, 1 p. iu. luudion City, Satunluy, Nuv, 3, 1 i. 111. ludg-.l. J. Walton, aud J. K. FenWn E, of Eiue-ie and Il 'U. H. C. Huston ot SH;U(.-er will be at Greeu Door Schisil House, Monday, Oct 29, 1 p. 111. ' S-necr, 1'uesdny, Oct St, 1 p. m. Chei-hire, VV ednexlay, Oct 31, 1 p. in. Sinithheld, Thursday, Nov. 1, 1 p. 111. Long I'mi, Friday Nov. 2, 1 p in. Irtimt, nuterAlay, ov 3, 1 p. ui. CoL VV. H. Elfin ;nr, Denna.-ratlo can.lidaU l. Ir.!.l-n,t .1 l'l-e . itl a,l.ll,. l lli- I reus of Lauecoiiutr, at the Court House, Sat urday , Oct 27 at 7 o'clock p. in. Col. Elfin- ger is a talented and logical and his audience will be well entertained. Everybody iuvited to attend especially tlie ladies. We besaak for the gentlemu alsive announced, a conslde'-a.e hearing from the ieople -f the couutv. They will present the issues of the day, fairly, and a they really ex ist Local couni'ittees will make arrange ments for halls where necessary. Summary of Asscsnmcnt. The following is the summary of assess ment for the year lBd8: No Improved acres of laud, 406,814; total value, $,oG(i,842; average value, $tl.U09. Rai'road land, 48.3114 acres: value, o6, 610; average value per aero, if 1.375. town ioi s, i i.-i,oo. Mortgages, 5b'J,8;i3. Improvements, M,hT)2. M-rchaudise and implements, f 591, 50(1. Money, notes, aocouuts, shares of stock, - etc, fj'5,07. Household furnitnre, carriages aud watches, $i(S'.,050. No horses and mules, 5,569; value, iVJ,- 731; average value, f4.49. No cattle, 17,963; value, i60, 3'Ja; average value, $14.88. No sheep, il,8C8; value, $36,335; average vanie, ft. no. No swine, 7,C.2; value, $14,925; average value. $1.93. Gross value of properly, $3,989,013. Indebtedness, $1, "7 1,008. Exemptions, $.i2'.),857. Too, I taxable property, $4,187,543. No polls, l.GTo. Tbe tottil taxable propcrtv shows au increase of f 1 12,000 over that of the previous year. Cottage Grove Items. MOM OUB SI'F.C'ULCOBBKSPONIII'.NT. Oct. 17, 18K8. Rained again last nlht; hut clear to-day. Mr. Darwin Rristow went to Altny Sun day the liws-. '-k- m-,.4s-.;- - - Onl: a lot if irraln is being hauled daily to this place from Siuslaw val'ey. Mr. John Ciiln left here Sunday morning. We understind he went to Albany. Mr. Shelley, once sheriff of Lane county. was at Cottage Gmra one day last wek. Mr. Hanson Is here uallhiK on her sick ilaueh'r Katie whn hss lsen quits ill for the past ten riaya. Mr. John Scott and family were visiting at R. VV, VeaUh's on Silk creek Saturday and Sunday last Mr. J. W. Harmes and daughter have Isith been quite sick for several days but were let ter when last heard from. A ililtle ilautthler nf Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kirk of 'hrisman irot one of Its arms broken one dav last week. Dr. Martin of this place was called. VKItlTT. Letter List. Letters for the following persona remained uncalled for at tbe nostofUce in Eugene City, Oregon, Oct. 19, 1888: Rrem. Jaa L Lambert, Frank Cbeesmen, R L Landers, Mrs L F Dotson, Mrs Elizabeth Mason, Mrs Frank Elliott, John R Smith, Miss Angie England. J M. Stewart, Llizibetn Jones, Harry Wolf, W Johnson, R "M Worts, Rev D 0 Vogell, Mrs W. ' A charge nf one cent will be made on each letter given out. Fersone calling for tbe above will please say advertised, giving date. V. W USMJBM, r lu. Anarsrr.D on Rkqum'T'om. Sheriff Rloan obtained rean'a'on no the Governor nf Cal ifornia f'om Gov. Pennoyer, last Friday, for tbe arrest of Peter Pierce, charged with obtaining money oader false pretenses, tbe requisition being given nnder conditions mat tbe state shou'd be liable only for $5 per diem of officer and actual expenses of bring- ins the prisoner back to Oregon. Sheriff Sham star led for Sacramento Sunday night and returned with Pierce Wednesday morn ing. It is charged that the prisoner seenred $200 advance for hop picking money, Bfter contracting his hops to S, H. Friendly, and then skipped out leaving Mr. rnendlv to save the Irons as belt be coold. 1( will be given ft preliminary e'sm'.riatlou Monday. MiKHAmMU-.T-fiorjae one, Ihe Republican onnnty central committee, we suppose, were guilty of a r etty deceit this we- k. After tbe arrival of Mr McLean, Republican candi date for preaidential elector, posters were printed and distributed announcing a joint debate between Mctau and t. It tsklp worth, a Democratic candidate. McLean knew al the time that Skipwnrth could not he present, as he ha been unable to fill his apiioinlmnts by reason nf sickness. Rather a small business to engage iu in order to secure a crowd. Lost His Suit. A Tacoma dispatch says "The i try found for the defendant In the esse of Rev McLafferty against th city of Tacoma. to recover damau lor Iravnut stieet excavation unguarded, by which tbe plaintiq Las been iauiied fur hie. I be tes timony showed that there was a femi-aronud the excsvutioo, and llmt tbe plaintm must bare cliuibed under. MmitlKD At Pleasant Hill, Sunday. Oct. 14. by W H Biinnhman. J. P.. Mr. Sieg. I Winfrey to Mis Leona Shelley, all of Lane county. Maaatro. At AlUny Oct. 17th.' by Rev W-bli. Mr It. F. Pierc to Miss Emma Arui-piger, both of Ilarruhnrg. Political Speaking-. Hon. L. B. Cox of Portland will address the citizens of Eugene Iu favor of Cleveland and tariff reform at the Court House in Eu R(,ne City on Friday evening, Nov. 2d, at . 7:30 p. ro. Political Speaking. 1 IU11, .1. D. Whitman, of Jackson county, hut recently from tin End w ill address the cit Uens of I, sue county iu favor of Cleveland and tariff reform as follows: Cottage tirove, '1'uesday. Oct 23, at 1 Oct 23. 7 r, m, j .1,,,,,-tion t 'ity. We-ltie.dav. t ct Z4, 7 P. m. En .-cue I ity. .iionil iv. Anv. oth. 7 n. m. - The tfentleii un hss the reputation of bring a fills talker and should 1st crvt-ted w ith K(ssl aiidieiKvs, LiK'al eoinuiittees ar expecteil to make the necessary an alignments tor halls, etc. JasptT Items. Oct. IB, 1N88. Frosty mornings, Mrs. J. M K-i-ney aud Mis Dora Wallace went to Eng. in- this nioiiiiug. E. B. Il.ui'ls.iker, of Eugene, was visiting relatives lore last We. k. Mr. E. L. Smith and wife visited ftieuds 1 111..... 1 1 . 1 1 t... Ts 1 ... - " All" 1111,. Illll TV lUr IUP lll-W RTIHI mill, IW' j longing toC. R. Sylvester & Son, baa ar- rived, and is being placid in position. Mr. Wade Martin, of Cotlaue Grove, baa rented the hop yard just ncioss the river from here la-longing to Mr, John Shelley. The school w hich began beie on the 1st with a u enrollment of 36 names is pi-ogress-iug nicelv under the management of Miss Lllella Handsaker. Ttiis being her third term at this place we predict a successful School. Bears seem to he quite plentiful this Fall. Jaa. VV'nlliice killed one a few days ago, which first managed to kill a valuable (log for him. A son nf L. M. Castleman, on Fall Creek, also gave chase to a large one this week which has been killing sheep and feeding in the orchard, but so fur has not been killed yet. JasI'hr. Oroffou Hunt 1st Anniversaries. The annual meetings nf the Baptist churches of Oregon will be h- Id in this city at the Baptist church beginning Widuesday, Oct, 2tth, at 3 p. in., aud holding over Sun day. The exercises of Ihe Ministerial Con ference como fli st. The following subjects will be discussed: Wednesday afternoon, "SsnctilVation;" evening, short addresses on "The Bible." Thursday morning, 'Scriptural Law of Divorce,1' and "The Second Coming ot Christ." The State Con vention meetings follow. Thursday after i. ......... , i-""i, sn-".". -' , e.T-ii..(, ni.iiu.il neiill-'li. I'lesnlei.t T. G Rrnwiiion, ad diets nf we I I colli.-, slid respoi'se, Hon. F. O. Me- Cowi.. F-id'iy morning, Business; al'tctiinoti and evening, ilo-no Missions. The evening ineeliiig will be devoted to addresses by Rev. G. J. llurchc'.t, Rev. J. C. Rend and others. Further aunouiici nu tits will tie made next Week Tbe inihlio will be cordially wel comed to all llicse meetings. National Surgical Instltnte. Two or more surgc-ns representing this Institute will be at the Hoffman House, Eu gene City, Nov 5th. They come fully pre pared with nil the npparatns necessary for tin- successful treatment ot their special lies, cnrriiiiire of the spine, disiasea of the bip and knee joint, crooked limbs, club fi et ami II ho-lily deformities. Their success In treating these troubles as well as all sexual and chrome d- ens. a hss made for the Insti tute a iiiitinii.il reputation. I'pon applies t Ii ill, references will be lurliisbcd from pa tients in all parts of the United States. All persona who are sufl'i-rimi from any of these complaints, should not fail to take advantage of this opportunity for relief. Jury List. I he following is the list of jurors drawn for the November term of Court, Ihn8: Mack Moriiaon, Gideon Mill, tt, Marion Roum-tt, J II Winn, 11 D Edwards, Chas Kissinger, J E Richardson, W II Baiighmaii, 1) M irkley, Fiank Skinner, J C Church, W II Abraius, Wm I'lanton, VV I Coleman, It B Hayes, Jat Cainjibell, 11 N Grain, N P Cbrisuiall. A G Hovey, M M Gillespie, R P Allison, G W Oimeiit, Isaac Senders, N B L th-, Isaao Darueille, J II Goodman, R U Fowh-r, J ACastetd, C Mulkey, Wallace Sweet, Win Validuyiie. Jliglihatik Items. Oct. 15th, li8S. Items few aud fur between. A beau i Iful fall and thus fur without frost. Mr Thomas Edwards moved to Eugene lust week. The reporter aud his parly seem rather tardy in making tin ir arrival. Mr. Jo. Woods took bis departure first ot last week for an extend, d visit in Kentucky and Missouri. We wish Joseph safe and pleasant journey. llKADKB. Commissioners Court. A special term nf Comni'ssiotiers Comt was held in Eugene Oct. 18, 1818. Tbe following supervisors of road districts were appointed to hold until Jan I, IHH'J: District No 75. Pnlmer Ayers; No i, J T Whitmore; No 54, S Diury. At this time tbe Court alluwtd C A Davis for bridge work $325. The Court examined and approved the as sessment of property iu Lane Vonnly re turned by the assessor for the year lHMt). Am Oi.n OrrrsDKH. Jstui-s McFarland, who was arrested by Deputy Marsbal Coch ran for aelliim whiskey to an Indian, was niraigned in Judge Demly's court last Satur day McFail'ind swore that he bad been in court on a similar charge but once before, but the cb rk found his name registered in six different whisky caws. Tbe party to bom be sold the liiinor was a rustic Uantv by tbe name of MallnlA. The defendant did not think it any barm, he said, to give a wotuau what she desired, but nevertheless he pleaded guilty, and. was fiuetl $'20, ill default nf which he was seut to, juil. Bcsinkss PnoPtBTT Solo. During tbe past week two desirable pieces nf business property, U'lU hru-ks on Will.mette street, titye UirO sold Geo. R. Dorria sold the two story building occupied by Robinson's restaurant ! J. H and Mary O.Klinan for o.lssl. R. F. D ims aold the building nc eupied by Starr Sc Vniidenhurg for $3,600, FlMD. A C(.nide of studeuta Mined Bioustigh and Brown had a row in front of tbe fMisinflU- Mombiy, Thev were both arrested and tin-d l each sndcoais The Facnlty of the University retired Rrown.who wus from Astoria, he U lug couaidered the aggressor. Cabu. If yxi want a nice furnished roo-n in t.nvate re.i.let.ce, eH on Mr. C II- Cot- I tie, four blocks went of the M. . Church. STAT R UNIVERSITY. Aonxs M. Grxxni.. ., . . . Editoi. Society is progressing. "Beware of entrance to qnarrel " Tbe extra session i abroad in the land. With the eomplimenta of Rahy, Estelle. Miss Veins Adsir was initiated on Friday last. Still they como; several more new stndonti this week. Cleveland and Harrison pins are the order of Ihe day. Mlsa Matthews will present her "Regrets" at next public rhetoricala. Meekly do we protest at the disorderly state of ihe society h ill. In Greek: "Isn't it an anaootutbou?" "Oh, no! Worse than that." Prof. Carson Is elected an honorary mem ber of tbe Eutaxian Society. Miss Moore of '88 senda fcer "Love with a capital to all the boys and girls." We have not heard of a sinule serenade yet this year. Ottmptrn! 0 mores The uamea of Misses Levis, Hnp,hee and . Rrai keu have been proposed for member- snip. Rchold. (mm tbe slays of Olin nnlil now, there hsth not arisen a gn at( r poet than P. Smith. The new chandeliers hung by theLanreans in the society ball last Saturday are great improvement. Judge Washbnrne'a brother saya th Ju dicial Di paitment consists of the President and his cabinot. Tutor: 'Are you giving attention to the explanation?" Student: "I am listening as well as I can see." Clyde sometime geta excited and th plnrals of his Latin adjectives are rattled around promiscuously. Several studeuta have climbed Skinner' Rntte to see the new observatory. It will be a lovely walk to take on a starlit evening. Prof. Carson visited our society last meet ing, and gave the members some timely bints which they will try to utilize this winter. Why was Thilip II nf France oslled Philip Augustus? "Because he took after Angus tus (Caesar)," is what one ot the History' class thinks. Come out to our C. A. meetings held at 3 o'clock every Friday afternoon in Prof. Bailey's room. Alt students are welcome whether they join or not. Scene I. (Place, old bnilding.) Act I: Students shivering around stove. Act II: Professor piles in the wood. Act III: Very hot; students take the hint and raettnf omne. Mr. Davis wishes it known and distinctly understood bv all tin- uirla that he ia not en giigrd yet and Leap Year is almost gone It is an omission. Phase send In v-mr appli cations al unco aud relieve bis ensp. nse, , A senior young lady was nff. red a ride on a mule tbe other day along with most flatter ing company. Being nf an independent turn nf mind, aa they all are, she said aba thought she preferred to walk. Thus we are cruelly deprived ot a most interesting item. We have it from good authority that th Lanrean editor was mistaken in supposing that Mr. Forward had something Waity nn his mind. Mr. Wait is Inclined to be For ward. Resides, how can anything be at the same time weighty and light? and yon all know that Douglas is light. Found A nice alpaca nmhrella with long wooden handle. . Owner may recover the same by calling at this office, proving property and paying for this notice (adver tising rates ten cents a line), but if It make no difference we wouhf just as lief keep it ourselves, Last Friday th Enlnxinns were favored ith readinis by Mis Elva Oillnway and Miss Kiln I Hunter The question, Resolved, That Education should be Compulsory, wa debated by Misses Roberts, Greene and F Condon on the affirmative, and Misses Dor ria, Straight and Snodgrasa nn the negative. Chair decided in favor of the affirmative. A cnnimtinicntion from Mis Sharpies to the Eutaxian society waa presented last week. It Invites all members to spend Fri day evening, the tilth, at her bouse, where they will doubtless have nn enjoyable time, (lis. hers, sometimes vulgarly csldd peanuts, will be served, it is said, to Ibe memory of the Liiurenns. Resolved. That writing fall poetry ia not ft feminine weakness. We suggested this not aa ft question of rhyme but s a question of tbe time, lor nn our (less; lie a list ni Laur- ean poets lurnished ny an onuging sub scriber, aud as long as a Lnurean open ses sion. Of course we have not space for it publication. The system nf rhetorical this year is more comprehensive' than that of last, gath ering In its meshes all from the greatest to the least. The Hub-rresb will appear wttn recitations at public rhetoricala, and those below wilt write composition. Another new feature 1 that each class baa choice between four lubject thus giving greater variety. OMVIIISITT. Hnsicat, DEPARTMENT. Th musical department has a goodly number of pupils in attendance sud fair prospect for tbe year. The clasa in theory and musical history ia doing good work and even the yonnger pupil seem interested aud anxious to acquire musi cal kuowledga. Rhythm, aecent and tempo have been studied, and also the history of musical no tation from ita rise to tbe time of St Am brose. Something has been learned ol tbe live of Beethoven, Schumann, Bach and Haydn. The lesson are varied occasionally by vocal and instrumental music. The class iu sight singing, composed of children, has made a fair start and is now being dilllcd on the scale aud intervsls, pitch, time, names and easy rote songs. Tbe first render in tbe Normal schools of Roston is used. It la tbe ( pinions of the highest musical autboritiea that every child could be taught to aing and enjoy music if taken ia hsnd at a sufficiently early age. , "Notbiug can be accomplished in music without enthusiasm." Is it right to give all the bright hour of tbe day to th study of mathematics or language and crowd music into a few dark minutes when you are too weary to study? Music calls for time and study and will not bear alighting. Uusio wid brighten the motning of the everyday life that ia inclined to be a rather dull affair anyway. Music will send light into the deep recess, a of Ihe haman heart, will paint ia tbe bright, rh color among the darker shade bi our short livea. If yon are study ing niuaio why not give It an equal chance with your other studies? "What a marvellous thing is music! How Utile are we able to t thorn it deep myster ies! And yet does it not live in tbe very heart of man? dues it not so imbue him with iu grace aud beauty, that hi mind is wholly engrossed by it; that auolher and purer life seems to raise him above the shallows and misene-hereon earth." Hoffman. Miss Mary McCoruack, instructor in tbi departmeut, will have charge of tbe mnsio at lb KhetiKrcl exercise to be held in Vil tsid 1U1 Oct. 26ib.