frl I PI? m f -ITY ESTABLISHED FUR THE DISSEMINATION OP DEMOCRATIC rRINJTLES, AXD TO EARN IN IIWXKST LIYl.ti BY TUB SWEAT OF OCR BUOW. VOL 21 EUGENE CITY, OR., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1888. NO, 11. U Eugene (City Guard. (PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY.) 1. L. CAMPBELL, PublUber and Proprietor. OFFICE On the East side nf Willamette Ftreet, between Seveutb aud Eighth Street. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. per nnum.;.. Sii Mun tin.... Three months.. t2 50 . L25 . .75 ODE OKLf KATES OF ADVKKTI31NQ. Advertisement Inserted as follow: 6m square, ten Rues or less tine Insertion ?3; Mch subsequent insertion $L Cast required 'iinTadvertisers will be charged t tin fol lowing rates: One square three months One square six months One square one year. Transient notices in local oolumn, 20 cents per line tor esoh Insertion. Advertising bill will lie rendered quarterly. All lob work must be faiu roHQW deliveht. CEO. B. DORRIS, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, WILL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS of the Second Judicial District anil m be Supreme Court of thu State. Sptoial attention given to collections ana matters in probate L. BILYEU, -Attorney and Counsellor at Law,- EUGENE CITY", OREGON. PRACTICES IN ALLTHE COURTS OF this SUte. Will (five special attention to collections and probate matters. Orricc--Over Hendrick & Eakin's bunk. Washburne & Woodcock Attoriicys-at-Law'i EU15ENE CITY, - - - OREGON OFFICE At the Court House. iy8ra3 GEO. A. D0RB1B. 8. W. CONDON. CONDON & DORRIS, Attorncys-at-Lan , EUGENE CITY, - - - OREGON OrriCE Over Robinson & Church's hardware store. GEO. M. MILLER, sUtorney and Ccunsollor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - OREGON. Office formerly occupied by Thompson & Bean. J. E. FENTON, Attorncy-at-Law. KUGENE CITY OREGON. 1 Hntian I'ivpn to Prolate business and Abstracts of Title. Orrici Over Grange Store. T.W.HA1UIIS,M.D. Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Residence on Fifth street, where Lr Shelton ormerly resideiL DR. JOSllPU P. CALL, C1AN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE ..r res idence when not professionally engaged. Residence on Eighth street, ophite Presby rian Church. J.J. WALTON. Jr., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE Courts of the State. 8pecial attention (riven to real estate, col ecting, and probate matter. Collecting alt kinds of claims against the United States Government Office in Walton's brick rooms 7 and 8. B. F. DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. I HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE Farms, Improved and Unimproved 1'nwu property for sale, on easy term. Proparty Eented and Bents CJloctsi The Insurance Companies I represent ;e among the 01dtt aud ni'Mt Keliable, an.l if the PaoxPT and EgnrrAB'.E adjustment of theii oasee StaKD Second to None. K share of your patronage is aolii-iteiL Office no-stairs, over the Grange Store. a F. DO UK Li. J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. tth nppvvn a simp nv VIN'TH t ' ' AMI--' AT . S V vw ' - " " M1 Street oppnita the Star takerv, vhi preparea 10 oo au kimta n worn oaemi Ui US U)J A large stock of Fine Cloths on band for customer to select tmtn. Repairing and cleaning done promptly. Sat- aracuna gnwwoiaea. Kogwa, Nov. 6, lis, tf Mothers! Castoria is n'onuimt-ndeJ by phvioiuns for children tft-tb ing. It inn purely veritable prcpanilidii; i(k ingredii'iitii nre puldikhed around each bottle. It' w plonsaiit to the tiiKte and absolutely harmless. It relieves coliKtipntion, rcuUttH the bowelx, quictt pun), cuies (hiiribceu Ht'.d wind colli", iiiiuyr ffverishwari, desiroyx worms nud preveuU cnnvulioiiH, KOothiH the child mid giveii it rvfri'slun nud aleep. t HHlorni is the children's panacea the motherx' frieud. 3o duxes, 'io cents. Lnuibert & Uendfrson arc the aole nccuU for tha celebrated Superior stoveH. Take your wife nud look at thetn. Fob SALE.fvFour voka of brokeu work oxen and rigping for hkIo cheap. Cattle and owner are at EUuir.i, Lane ennnty, Orcgou. Alkx A. IOhTKI. Moorc'H R"venled Remedy reoiilatea aud bn ill in np all the otnnn of the hum mi sys tem. Sold by EiiiR'iio DniKKisU. What Is It! That pi odiu'cs that Wiitifully soft com- plixiou mid leu vt'H no tracen of ittt applica tion or injurious effects? The answer, Wi dom's Robertine nccnmpliKheB all this, and is pronounced by ladies of timte and refine ment to be the unwt (leligbtfiil toilet article ever produced. Warranted uaruiliHR and matchless. F. M. Wilkiue, ngent, Eugene City. By the Intent methods in use by Eaatern lentista biub in the profeRaioh, Henderxon is enabled to produce equally as desirable re- ultH in tine olil blimps. Utllce same place, Hayea' block. Attuviling man, Biniipiiii' at the Lee House, ( atnplellsbur(, Iud., on harniin.' that n Lidy iu thu village waa sunVrin terri bly with cramp colic, cave the landlady h bottle of medicine, which he had with' biui aud requested hei'totake it to thexick wnillall I ho medicine relieved her promptly nuu slie believea saved her life. It waa Chaiuber laiu's Colic. Cholera and DianhoeH Remedy, the promptest mid most reliable liiedieine in ii-e (or Uowi.-l i'oiu"laiutH. Sold by Osbiirn Co. Cholera Morbus is one of the uiost painful and daneroux iliscascs, many deatha reanlt- m from it each year, usually because it is not properly treated. The most severe cases may be cured by iisino Cbaliibei Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, Sold by Ostium iV Co. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy was used with great micces .lurina our epidemic of bloody I'lnx, I do not know of a ease that was lost where this remedy was nsed. Olio o( uiy friends, about six miles from here, had a child that was liiven np by the two doctors who attended it. tie tlieu used Chamberlain s I. nolle, L uoiera and Diarrhoea R' liiedv, and the child re- overed. All who have nsed it speak of it in the highest terms. Wishing yon abun dant niu'cchs for the good you are doing, 1 tin. Verr Truly Yours, P. E. Lankndkb, P.M., Chestnut, Auiberat Co., a. hold; by Osbnrn & Co. j Davis, the t iilor. has just received a large stock of imported and domestic goods of the latent Spring nud Summer styles. Call anu examine his stock. Kransse & Kb in have just receive 1 the. Uncut 1 French kid shoe ever brought to Eugeue. Ladies call nud see them, we have them in Opera and French toes. Bettmau will bike all kiuda of produce, ent's, bucou, butter, chickens and everything at better jiricts than nnyoiie else in town. CI Ccle Agents fcr FOR THE JUSTLY y. Mm S Johnson, -GOLD AND SILVER SHirnS. We are .till at the ol.l j. j t ..- i ...... 'l ...ii uMttl.iii. V' fvt or er, (he a per Than I Don't Believe It vi g-Ulile, positively cure rueuuiatlxm. Den A hen told that F. M. Wilkins, th? dnv'u-ist, ralBia, tis.tWhe, su b headache, cramp col is not ;iio--Wisdom's Roljertine" for the ir, cholera nwrbat, pomphuiiU peculiar U comt h-ii- u. the ne-t eh gant and only rully feiual- . cold or coogh. hives, chill aod fe-h.rih-s pr.pirati .n of its kiii.l 'D the ver. ptint around the heart, eryipel. ... I I. so l nv.. 5 a beaotifcl picture card ph'Li-ic. Ge.eoe TatloR. with rrerj bottle. ; SoIJ by 0biun 4 Co, draggiau. 'Truu Lava no place in a 5 oft j. I . ii 171 i mmmi a'MSiKiil n7n7i7nTTlTrriTTT---T--r- ! f li Eh 1 - '.- ' I ft cr uOBie 9em 0 P9sbjh i jnq 'qooadi pew 0) ejq l ,,'g tu&o x9T$ M eioq) lyjv THE TRUSTS tlT HE "KO-KO" 1TUT. "The trust! that bloom in the States, tra-la, Have nothing to do with the oaie, tra-la, I've got to take under my wing:, tra-la, A most unpopular old thing, tra-la." ;) Zrgciv City, CELEBRATED n luble " Jrai.fc'e St.'re, 1 T 1 Lhul vitu w.,l.t tu ei.l ' ' (lie Cheapest I Dr Taylor' 7 Onka Compound, purelj 0) mi national campaign." "If thero Kotico. Chns. Baker has leased the Baker bouse from Mrs. Baker nud purchased the busi ness. All bills previous to Aug, 15 ure pay able by and to .Mrs. Baker. Notice. Farmers if you want money bring all your old iron, copper, brass, etc., to W. Sanders. lie u 13s lue uii!lll'Sl casu ll lie. new 101a Store. Wood Wanted. All kinds of good, clean four-foot wood wanted by I lie Wiuter l'lioto C'ompaiiy, Wood taken in exchange for pictures to any amount, until Kept. 1st, 'hH. Impure over A. V. Peters' store. PlHito-Cointiany. Best facilities for enlarging pictures to any size and a superior quality of work guaranteed. Absolutely Pure- 'I !.! po "Vr filler vsrie. A man el of pur iv. tr. and bo"imn. More eon iiilcal than tl r innry kiiels and cannot be Id ia coni:ti'ioii with th inaltiueU of low -t, .le weil t a!ern i-t pi ph.t p..wilr. S"Id mdy in ixif. Kohl Baklk; l'oiia Co., iw; Wall m., N. Y. r I ROYAL til'M J N K'i i.iimn rlV MM be erili connected with then Dyspi'i ila is dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good na ture. The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and woiideiful things In exi.t'i.C'-. It is easily put cut ol order. Greasy food, tou.h food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, Isle hours, irregular habits, and many other things that ought uot to be, have made the American people a nation of dyspeptiea. But Green's August 1' lower bus done a womietiui won in reforming this business and making the American people ho heiilthy that I hey 0in enjoy their uieiiU ntid le nippy. Retiiem ber; No happ n s without With. But Green's August Flower brings health and happiness to the dypeptin. Ask your drug gist for a bottle. S vent) .five couts. Why ye T-Tea-T. We ask you to n te that we carry the largest and best sloek ol Tea south of Portland. We buy direct from the importer. We allow you to are, (curie or unell what yon buy, or will give you a sain pie to let you find out just what kind you want. All favorite and tried brands always iu stock. Pricei to suit the times (mm 2f i ts np. We aUo have full and fresh i took of groceries etc PAcirtc TrA Co. Direct from tho Front. KNOXVIM.F,, Juiy a, 1888. The Swift SDciific Co.. Atlanta. Ga.: Gentlemen I can cheerfully and truth f jlly say that S. S. S. i$ the greatest blood purifier on earth. In 1884 I contracted blood poivn. Physicians treated me with no good results. I took a half dozen differ ent kinds of blood medicines, but, without receiving any permanent relief I I was In duced to try S. S. S. I began the 6rst bottle with the gravest doubts of success. I had been so often deceived. But Im provement came, and I continued its use until perfectly well. I have since married, and have a healthy family. No trace of the disease is seen. Swifts Specific did all thia for me, and I am grateful. Yours Uu'y, J. S. Stsadfr. 118 Dale Ave. Kimp, Texas, June 33, 1888. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ga.: Gentlciien A sixteen-year-old son of mine was alflictcd with bad blood, and broke out with an eruption on various parts of his body. I put him to taking S. b. S., and a few bottles cured him entirely. I live at Lone Oak, but my post-office fa at Kemp. Yours truly, W. S. Romnsom. Three books mailed free on application. All druggists sell S. S. & Tui Swift Smcific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ca. fcew York, 736 Broadway, Wool for the Eyes. N. Y World Mr Blaine 1 n ti mis to he horrified ni the sngestjnii of pulling wool on the free list. Ex-Congressman Converse aaya the bhat 0! th shu p ill scon be beiird no more if the Mills bill becomes a law. The protec tion (rgm cry out that the wochn mills will all slop if the raw malt rial is not taxed! This is nil wool for the Totem' eyes. The United Slates hud no tariff on wool for Iwi ntv five jtars lifter the adoption of the constitution. The flock increased and Ihe price nf wiad was higlo r than it ia now. Ill 1HI7 the highest tariff ever knovn wag placed on wool. Ill two years the farmers were killing sheep for their pelts and tallow. Free tiiide England maintains on high priced land 3 .tsjO.tKM) sheep, agaiust 44, (XKi.OiK) iu this nnt country with its cheap pasturage. In the tree-trade Australian col ony of New South Wales ihe number of sheep increased I'J.GOO.IHH) iu twelve years, while in the adjacent profi ctionist colony of Victoria ihiy dwrisstd 1.000,000 The Utiiti'd Slate is Ihe only manufactur ing country that taxes wool. Iu all the rest wool grown g is relatively greater and more profitable limn I is bete, 'Cheaper wool, cbtiiptr woolen, larger niHikit-, tiior product, gttater 1 mployiuent, latirer pay." This la Ihe sum of ihe whole matter. Ex-Si'crctury McCulloch Supports (It'volund. WashinhtoN, October H. Hon. Hugh Mo. Culloch has ei me nut for Cleveland and Thuriiiau. IB- w.ts n tnnff nfoimer when he win Secretary of the Tieasnry under Lin coln, Johnson and Arthur, and he rt fused to change bis vies uiuhr the crack of ihe par ty whip. He regaids the position of Freaidcnt Cleveland 1111.I the D. ni' t-r it 10 pal ly most marly in hitoiiI wiih bis view, and be th r fore nuihoiizi'M the tnti meiit that if he he able to g t to the polls oil November Uih he will vole for ihe Cb v-lntid el-ctors. This iiifoimalion is not in tin nature of a Kir prise t ' those ho luiie known Mr. Mo Cnliocli's opinions and 111" honesty with which lie has held In ll His public lie. claralioii, h"W' v.i, seives to i inphiisi anew Ihe distance uliieli tin- Repiildican orguiiisi lion has drifted under the wires of small poliiies fiom Ihe position ol its great leiidrs of the wi.rHiiil the r. oiiHlruetioii pinoils. (live TIiimii a Chance! That U to s iy your lungsi Also all your briathiiig machinery. Very wonderful machinery it w. Not only the linger air pasag' S. bul ilit- Ibousaiiils of little tnla'S and cm ill' s lesdllig (10111 tin 111, When Ihi se are eh gg.d and choked with m dler which ouh'ht not tu be there, your lung can uot do th ii work. And what they do, they cannot do Weel. Cull it cold, cough, croup, pneumonia, ratal lb, loii-unipliou or any of the family ol throat and nose aud bend aud lung obstructions, all are bud. AH ought to lie got rid of. There Is Just one sure way to get rid of til. 111. That is to take Bos ehee's German Syrup, which any druggist will si ll joll lit 7') cents a bottle. Even if everything else has failed you, you may (its peuii upon this (or c rtain. State superintend -lit E. B. MfElroy ia now engaged in the work of preparing a school teacher' register, w (licit will conform In Ihe blanks end public school syslt tu uf the slate, the Use of whicli wilt bt uiade obli gatory 1 is every snhool district in Oregon, lie has also placi d ill the bands of the elate printer Ihe copy fur 11 compendium d iufor umlioll to the country superintendents, giv ing llieiu information iu regard to the keep, iiigofiha county Superintendents register issmd from that olhVe last spring, aud othur instruction of u uselul uharaulur. A. B. Flmlley, a farmer 00 the Imanaha, In Wallowa coiintv, lis succeeded in raising a minister .quash, welshing 1H3 pounds. He took It to tlm town t Joseph (or exhibition, oid no sismer had It arrived them thsn it wa uisdii thr tnilijei t of a julilicnl bet. H t'leve Unit Is elected a promitient buiness man nf dosepb Iihs anieeil to mil the iiiah to Enter prise, a distance of several tnilesi and in case llini-oli l.eleileil t lollies Alllllllll n:i. s'reti, to da ths same thills'. n . .r,t nnUiiii. 1.I111 liissev. men em ployed ill H-hiiig Hi the vicii.ily of Taitotn, leporls tu the Oregoliiali lliHt a day or Iwo since when he was over there at one haul of 1,1a ..lam! ions of m a trout, us they are called, . re caught. People who eauie long were given all tliey walnut euu air. Guistin salted a lot and mill many were wasted, although the lend line whs lilted sud many allowed to escape. It ia the general opinion that these so called trout aie young salmou. . After January 1st, any ppei In New York uiblishiug the delHilsof an tX-cntion, will ... uiiliiudl til SI flllM hikI Inii'MHOiini lit under a uew law. But the managing tditorsof the 11. raid. Times, Mm, world, nisr. riesa anu Morning Journal say Ihey will not obey it, but will continue to publish whatever tbey can get concerning execution a of every tliu.g else. What was the matter? The Prof, aked me how the Gieek heavy armed soldiery w. r. a med nud I said I thought they had musk' ts. Th"U the Piof said the next thing we would read of tlnir taking 'ho north bound train alnl the boys all laughed, but I dulu'l e anvlbing funny. Mr. 8. The ynunu mn with his best gbl, the old mail ami W"inu. the farmer and latsi er. when tlt .sane to town to Eugene to purcbane should not delay but pr.iceed at once to Frlenolj 's "tore, wli-re I. kept a largs t.k of n..n, boys and cniMrm clothing, ladle .lo ss gissls, fancy articles, hats, caps, booU and shoes, o.irpdts, etc Bolh Oermiin and Aiithmetie were a litthj out of joint, when the following translation Was given iu Ihe first year Gennau: "How many are nineteen less fie? Ten." The Chinese are not verv long-lived. Out of a population of 3t;'J.iHKJ.0"J, the census show on'y lour ceutciinrinjis. PoaTAL TfLd BtrH Office hour on Snn .1 u.ui ,.. 101 n m. -and from 4:(0 UV Itviu w'w - ' " - - to tl.vU p. tu. Week dajs.all bu-iue. hours. O. F. Cbaw, Supt. Mr Geo Y Ciaw ha th. sol. aeency for all brand, of th. celebrated ' Punch CV&ra.