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About The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 13, 1888)
hp it iTP i. j CITY ARB. t rr. ESTABLISHED FUR THE DISSOIV1TKIN OP 1)EHI)('K.T!C I'lUNJi'LES, AND TO E.1RN IN UDNtST LIVING BT TD8 SWEAT OP OCR BROW. VOL 21 EUGENE CITY, Oil., SATURDAY. OCTOBER 13, 1888. NO, 10. Site tfuflcnf (fits (Guard. PUBLISHED EVEUY SATURDAY.) 1. L. CAMPBELL, InbIiKlicr ud Proprietor. oKFICE-Ou the East side of Willamette Mi ect, between Seventh and Eighth Street. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. 12 60 L25 75 I or Milium Six Months 'three months OCR ONLU KA.TK3 OK ADVKHT181NG. Advertisements inserted M followi: Out square, ten line or less one insertion 3; each subsequent insertion L Cash required '"'Vlme advertisers will be charged at the fol lowing rates: ( me square three months J" One square six mouths jj Tf. One square one year u " Transient notices in local column, iv cent ir line lor esch insertion. Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly. All job work must be paid fo on nEHVEBT. CEO. B. DORRIS, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law. Tlhh PRACTICE IN THE COURTS V of the Second Judicial District and in lie Supreme Court of this State. Special attention given to collections and matters in probate L. BILYEU, j -Attorney and Counsellor at Law,- EUGENE CITY", OREGON, fill ACTICES IN ALLTHE COURTS OF L this State. Will give speoial atteuUon to collections and probate matters. Okkice- -Over Hendrick 4 Eakin's bank. Washburne & Woodcock Attopncyi-at- Law. ittJJEXS CITY, - - - OREGON OFFICE At the Court House. iy8m3 GEO. a. noKHif. 8. W. CONDON. CONDON & DORRIS, Attorncys-nt-Lnw, EUGENE CITY, - t. - OREGON OmcK Over Robinson 4 Church's hardware store. GEO. M. MILLER, kttanwj aad Ccunssllor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. KUGENE CITY, - OREGON. Office formerly occupied by Thompson 4 lietin. J E FENTON, Attopiiey-at-l-aw. fcUGENE CITY OREGON. Special attention given to Trobate business and Abstracts of Title. OmcK Over Grange Store. T.W. HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Residence on Fifth street, where Dr Shelton ormerly reaideil D1L. JOSEPH P. GILL, l IAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res yidence when not professionally engaged. Uosiilence on Eighth street, opposite Fresby Brian Church. J.J. WALTON, Jr., ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. WTII.L PRACTICE IN ALL THE t 'ourts of the State. Special attention given to real estate, col ecting, and probate matter. , Collecting all kinds of claims against the United States Government ((lice in Walton's brick rooms 7 and 8. B. F. DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. I HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE Farms, Iiuproved and Unimproved Town properly for wile, on eiy terms. Pr3psr.7 Eented and Bents CJlected, The Insurance Comanie I represent are am mz the ildest and niost Reliable, and in the Pkonpt and Ewitabm adjustment of their oes Stand Second to Nose. share of your patronage is solicited. Oitica up stairs, over the Grange Store. B. F. DORRIS. J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. HAS OTENED A SHOP ON NINTH Street oppewite the Star Bakery, wheie he is pr-pared to do .11 kioiU of work offend in his line. A Uuye tick nf Fine Cloths on hand f customers to .elect fmm. KpirinL and cleaning done promptly. Sat- stactuHi inormnte-n. Kmene, Nov. 4, 1886. tf Day & Henderson, -THE LEADING- FURNITURE UNDERTAKING House in Eugene. Corner 7th and Wil. Sts P V j: t Solo Agents fcr Ecgcnf City, FOR THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED GOLD AND SILVER SHIMS. We are still at the old reliable "Urmie Stoiv," and can sell you anything that you wmit to eat or wear, en Cheaper Than illll Have removed to Marx' New building They have a complete .stock of Watches, Clockj Jewelry -ALSO- A large invoice of ISAKKEK bUN WOKKS! MS BARKER. Expert Gun Smith Stock ot Guns and Am munition on hand. EUGENE - - - OREGON. C. Marx. Barber Shop and Bath Rooms. Hot and cold baths alway ready during the week. First door north of Dunn's now block. iJUUWS croMi or troubled with Windy Colic, Teething Pain, or Stomach Disorder!, can be rwlieel at one by tuinff Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine, hence Is safe. Price 25 cents. Bold by Oiburn 4 t o, Eageue, C. M. COLLIER, Attorney-at -Law OFFICE: At Court House, County Sur- veyor's room. I offer for sale 40x100 feet bnsinens proper ty on WilUmetttt strset, on which the buyer can double his money within two ynu. Gso. M. Muxes 0 I . 1 1 ffl the Cheapest & Musical Instruments Clirittuia roucI. U, IS. Cochran & Sun, Real Estate Agents. Nugent! ( 'lly, Oregon. Will attend to g- neinl Renl Estate biisiiier'H such aB buyiiig, selling, leasing and renting fiirmsiMid cits protiertv, etc. Otliett ou smuh side of Niuth stieel. H. F. McCornack, M. D. PHYSICIAN kB SURGEON. EUUEXE CITY, OltKflOX III WE OPENED OUT A L.UKJK AND Select Stock of CRCCERIES, CICAHS, TC3ACC03. MISCELLANEOUS COOK-',, Which hiritrnd wdling at Faiii a.n'Ii Reason able I'uVts. GIVE IvIE A. TRIAL. i'.''i'i, KJ'jnf City, Or, (i O. GAUl.'ISON. Orders fur net r Iiutte fruit tress may be left nt the Grunge Mon ; u!mj Mr. Drown, on Eighth street will tjve them for iwle. Three year old hattlett pear trees will be $12 a hnudred, Mi.uller oni s tH. Other trees ! cheap. Ouville, Prop. "T-C rV ou'd njy your diuner ar- J r prevented by Dys pepsis, uso Acker's Dvpersi, Tablets, I hey are a rositiye cure lor Dysr-mia, in- digeatlon. tlatulcncy snd Constipation. e guarante tnera. n sua Cents. Osbum i. Co. Eiwene. BBOS; tarisslUiis Direct from tho Front. Kwxvtu.E, Trxv., July , i$SS. The Swift Specific Co., Atlanta, Ua.: Gciitlctiicn I can cheerfully and truth fully say that S. S. S. is the greatest blood purifier on c.iith. In 1SS4 I contracted blood poison, l'hvsicii.ins treated me with no Rixnl results. 1 took a half doren differ ent kinds of MikhI medicines, but, without receiving any permanent relief I I was in duced to try S. S. S. I began the first bottle with tlic gravest doubts of success. I had been so v'wn deceived. Hut Im prove".!', nt came, ai.J I continued its use until perfectly well. I have since married, and have a health)' family. No traic of the disease is seen. Swift's Specific did all this for me, and I nn grateful. Yours truly, J. S. STRADFR. 11S Pale Ave. Kr.vr, Texas, June 1 iSSS. The Sn'ft Specific Co., Atlanta, Ci.i Gentle. ,ien A sixteen-year-old son of mine was aillietcd with bad blood, and broke out with an eruption on various parts, of his body. 1 put him to taliin S. S. S., and a few bottles cured him entirely. I live at Lone Oak, but my post-oltiec is at Kemp. Yours truly, W. S. RolUNSON. Three brrnks mailed free on application. All drucpsts sell S. S. S. TllJ Swikt Sl'M'll IC Co., Ltrawcr 3, Atlanta, Ga. Mctv York, 756 (troadway. What Is It! That produces thnt beautifully soft com plexion nnd It nves no tt net a of its nppliea tnm or injiuieiiK t tlt t ts'i1 The iinswt r, Wis doiu's litibt nine iieeouipliKhiH all this, and is proiiomicrd by lndit s of tutn nnd retlno iiit lit to be the inimt delightful toih't article ever nroditeed. Wiiiriuited hurnilrss and iiiiitelileMS. F. M. Wilkiux, nyeiit, Eugene City. lly the latest iiictlindK in use by Eastern dentists hili in the prob ssioii, Ui udersnU is eiiiibli tl to produce I'lpiully its ilrHirithlti re sults in tine gold fillings. Olllce smue place, Hayes' block. Mothers! Castoria is n eoiiimeiided by ph)ieinn for children teething. It is 11 pure ly veg titbit prt'))ar:itioii; its ingretlients ure published around tarll bottle. It is pliwiHiuit fo tilt tasto mid HliHidiitt ly Imrinlt It relieven const ipat ion, regulates the bgwels, qitietk pain, cures diiii'iliii ii mid wind colic, iilliiys feverislint kh, destroyH worms, slid prevents convulsions, so"lln the ehihl and gives it red', filing mill mttiiritl sleep. Castoriu is the cliil Inn's paiiuce.t the iiuithnia' friend. 3j doses, 33 ceiils, Lnuilieittt lit ulersou are the sole ugenls for th' ct It I r.ited Superior stoves. Take your wife mid look at tuem. Fon Salk. Four yoke of broken work ot u nnd riggieg fur snlt cheitp. Cattle and owner are ut Llmlia, Lime county. Oregon. Ai.kx A. Iohtkb. Mooie'H Revealed Remedy regulates and builds up all the organs of the huuinn sys tem. Nold by Liigeiie. Druggists. Dr. Taylor's 7 Oaks Compound, purely vegetable, positively cures rheumatism, neu ralgia, toothache, Hu h headache, crump col ic, chub ru nun bus, complaints peculiar to females, cold or cough, hives, chills and fe ver, puitiH around the heurt, erysipelas, phthisic. Gk hhk Taylor. Sold by Osburn & Co, druggists. Mr Geo V Craw has the sole agency for all brand, of the cclelirutfil 'nnil 1'iinch Cigars. Wood Wanted. All kinds of good, clean four-foot wood wanted liy tho Winter I'luito Couipany. Wood tal.tii in exeliiiiigo for pictures to any iitiionut, until Sept. 1st, Impure over A. V. 1'etera' More. I riioto-Cniiipany. H,;.t facilities for etilnrgiiig pictures to any si.e mid guaranteed. a superior tiuality of work Kritiisse ,t Kb in have just received the finest $ 1 French kid shoe ever brought to Ellgelio. 1. flies call nnd see tlieiu. We have tlic 111 ill ()iera and Flench toes. liettimui will take nil kinds of produce, egs, bacon, b'ltter, chickens and everything ai Is tter irices Iumii anyone else In town. 1 Absolutely Pure. 1 hie do "Vp neer varW A marvel of nur j " ' eo- - : , , u f Z I shorXil'i t "1 r r Z s..i only in en.. Roru. Baeiku Powdes Co., lOti Wall fct,, N. V. r C ROYAL KS'JIJ N ..a- cc A Visitor's Opinion Of Oregon. Ei qeni Citt, Oct 8th, Itws. Ehitor El'uene Citt Guard: One can hardly pick up a .rsr published an where on this cat that does not have something to say of the wonderful. In Cali fornia it is either the climate, soil, fmit, im mense yield of cereals, or townsites proclaimed to the world under a double-header "Ho-m." 'I hese excitinif times are fast passing away in that state, anil hmnoseekers are now hunting omethiiiK more sulwtiiutial than climate and dewrt lands at fabulous price. The writer is a Califorttian who has been sojourning In this beniitiful city of the upier WillametU for a time, and is satisfied that Oregon Is fast com ing to the front for her share of Eastern immi gration, and feels fiee to express to the public that home seekers will find the Willamette valley the uarden it of the Pacifio Coast The climatic advantages and productive mil of this valley ara cow attracting a large portion of the westbound travel, buyer of land for homes are learning that hrtt they can secure better lands for to tW per acre than they can net in California for f 100 to fOO. Here we have the best soil in the world at a yery low figure, that cannot be bought five years hence for less than 75 to 9100 er acre. The tiniH will come ami that speedily wh.n thwte lands will lie reganM as a lioiiaiiMi with divi dend etpial to the palmiest days of the Corn stock. Never in the history of Oregon hss there been a briuliter or a more substantial boom than at at the present time. Tourists and home e kers are heading for this state, anil every train brings a Urge delegation to some point along the litis of the railroad, even t'sbforiiians, who never let a good thing rscap. tht-ui, are Iweotning quit numerous, and J idg ing fnni the large puroh ses some of them have made lately, they meau business. Esst urn anil California capital Is being Invested all ever the state and Lane county is receiving S large share; she does not expeot a wildcat Immuu. but healthful and permanent growth. Lane county has a large area of the beat lands in the state. Nature has dona a great deal for her; she has within her borders, sea coast, mountain ranges, grstimt Wild, grain, fruit anil hop lauds, fine forests of timber, and excellent water Mwer. lie'r rivers and hrtsiks ire num erous with never tailing, clear, cold water, ' fed from the glaciers of the Cascades and the (.'oast ratiite. Fish are very plentiful In the streams and deer, elk and wild fowl abound in the forest. 1 he cereal crop this year was bt yond the average and the acreage larger than tormerly. Grain is all stored either in barns or warehouses in excellent condition. The hon crop is large anil mostly sold or contracted at prices ranvtiiK I mm 12 to 13 cents. The ad vent of railroads has given OreKon closer Com mercial liitero-nirse with the markets of the world. No, the OreKon fanner teals mors eucouraged than formerly, when the P. S. S. 1 o. took their wheat for freight charge and failed to return the sacks. Under the iron heel of former freight moiioHiies the Oregon farmer retrograded both financially and other wise, many became bankrupt ami the state at Uik vegetated altuiir with aeemlng Indiffer ence. Dut under the r.ew order of the iron horse a chaim Is tukiux place. The "moss backs" are fast itiving way to the enervetiu Yankee. Ere ionir the squatter cabin of ulo- neer days will Iw replaced with more substan lial etlihces. ami those who fail to possess themselves with some of the chean lauds of tie day, will s -on lose the itoltlen opportunity. till recently it was but little known East that other fruits than the aimle itrew to perfection north of the Slsklvous. Rut since the com pletion of the N. P. Railroad, Oregon fruits nave taken tneir place In the oominercial world at figures over all ot uiimtitors, ami It only re quires further competition In freights to secure Hie trim grower hautlsome profits, in quauti ty, quality, size ami flavor, the Oregon staple iruiu exuiw me admiration ot an visitors. Eastern people express astonishment and de clare them wonderful. I have often heard ex pressions ef admiration over certain stiecl meiis men tinned. Such praise falls to do jus tice. All varieties of cultured fruits reach the nine perfection nowhere els attained. I find that all cultivated orchards are overlmnlened with choice fruit and naturally show the best results. Fruit raising is destined to be the leatling Industry of the Willamette valley; It is the home of the prune, plum, (tear, apple, cii-rry ami small trills. 1 tie peach ami apri cot do finely along the foothills both east and west ol the valley, fruit never fails here; If cultivated they grow in great profusion. It Is useless to sMak of single branches or clusters, when every well cultivated orchard In the val ley is a mass ot fruit ami every tree bristling with poles trying to hold up the overburdened Hinds. Oregon diws not touch the range of emi'tmpicai fruits, but she offers a very healthful anil certain home for the products f 1 he temperate (one, such fruits are not ex . elled in any clime. Oregon offers better in ducements to the homes eker than elsewhere which cannot fail to draw the liest agricultur al citizens of the East, under whisie manage ment she will mmu take her place on a more healthful foundation than from which Califor nia towers. Eugene, the county seat of county, I find to be a beautiful little city sit uated 011 the bank of the Willamette river with a Hipulatlon of oer 3000 Inhabitants. The location is excellent, designed by nature as a site for a city, anil isiexessing superior natural advantages for health and attractive ness. She has the State University, ami an observatory under course of construction by contract to be completed this Fall. The city is lighted by electricity, enjoys fine water worts and water power, lire companies, fine school and church facilities. The citizens are mostly G'i serving and enernttlc, Promoting the educational and moral worth of their chif dren. In fact, the murals of Eugene are such that the most select would not hesitate to lo cate a future home. With the advantage, every d tv presenting themrelvM, is it not safe to predict that Oregon has before her a bright future? EunrEA. Ill Rrief, and to the Point. Dyspej sit is dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion Is a foe to good na ture. The human digestive apparatus i one o th most eomplieHted and wonlifnl t ings in exi t-i c. Itlsessiy put tat ol O'der. Greasy food, ton b food, sloppy IomI, bad cookery, mental worry, late hours, irregular balut", and many other things that ought not to be, have made the American peop s a nation of dyspeptic. Itnt Green's Aimu-t Mower b don wonderful work in n forming tbis business and Disking the American people so healthy that they en enjoy their meet and be Lappy. Ren n-lx-r: No happinea without Lsltb. But Green's August Flower bring health and happiness to the dypeptio. Ask your drug gist fur s bottle. Seventj-flvc ceuts. Sot Ice. Chas. Baker baa leased th Baker boos from Mrs, linker and purchased th busi ness. All bill previous to Aug. 15 are pay able by and to Mrs. Baker. Postal TELEosAM.-OfBcs bonrs on Bun- da, from 8U0 U, 101K .. . .Md from 40 l OaXI p. m. Week days.all businesa hours O. . CsW, Bupt. The Lost Bark "Glcnavon." Astnrian, Sept. 24. Thirteen months aen. to-dav. th British bark Gleaavon asiletl from here to Liver pool, carrying s cargo of flour, wheat and salmon worth nearly 'J00,(MI0. tiom treday of her sailiixr nothlncr was beard of her and as tb months went by and she became due at her horns port anxiety deepened into dread snd, st last the vessel was listed at Lloyds as missing," a brief bnt ominous verdict. On the ill-fated vessel there went a s pas senger s young man ge 83, resident of Salem, named Omega Port, a son of Luke A. rort, of that eity. incidentally s towns man of bis, Dr. T. II. Parks, learned that some of those on board tb bark VilUilta, now in th river, knew something of th lost bark. From the steward snd the cabin boy b learned that th Villalta bound from Aus tralia to Liverpool was in about the same waters as the Glenavon; that tbey sighted her frequently snd probably arxike her. though of th latter the narrator sr not sure. On December 24tb, a terrible storm was raging in that quarter. During th af ternoon it was terrific. A hurricane was blowing at ths rate of eighty miles an hour. The two vessel were then about eight hun dred mile west of the Feole group of is lands. During the storm the Villalta lost two mast, ana (or a while tb captain feared he would have to cut away the third to save hi vessel. The Glenavon was in sight of the Villalta during most of the storm. Though several mile apart the vessels were in plain view of each other. The Glenavon bad all her masts sud rigging carried away, and being deeply laden and totally at the mercy of th wind sud waves she finally foundered. Through tb storm the crew of the other veaiel saw her make the final plunge. It was about six o'clock Christmas when the tloomi d vessel forever sank from eight in the heaviug waters sf mid-ooean. Sh went nnder stern first, a tremeudous lea over- ' whelming her. The Villalta was sbont a league to wind ward at the time, und her horrified crew were helpless spectator of the catastrophe any human assistance being impossible as the wsves were running so high that no boat could live iu that sea a mluute. Be fore th unfortunate vessel went down all her boat had been stove in, and were of no use. She bad been making signal of dis tress tor some time previous to sluking. A Relic of Pioneer Days. Jnnetlon City Pilot, Oct 5.1 Messrs. W. G Pickett sud R. P. Caldwell of this city, who have just returned from Kitsou's Spring, on the middle folk of the Willamette, where tbey have been taking an outing of a tew weeks, report a circumstance which, we think, will b of interest to all, and particularly will it be so to those now old people who were the pioneer of 'C3. It ia this: About two weeks ago a Mr. Wm. Hill, by accident, happened to look iuto a large hollow tree, and to his surprise saw standing In it a guu. which there is svery reason to believe wa left tbere by mistake or otherwise by come of th immi grants ot those early day; probably bv some of that train that crossed the Cascades by tbe middle fork route, sud whose hardships and privations were most terrible. It may be that soma of those people still living in this region will remember something about it, snd it may be that ths owner is still liv ing. It was found at tbs sldo of what is said to b tb old immigrant road, about thirty miles this side of the summit of the Cascades. It was of th old flint lock kind and its mountings were ol brass, snd of the kind the people of forty years ago so much admired, when Mr. Hill attempted to lift it the stock gave way at the grip, having become rotten. The ramrod had all rotted away except about three or .'our inches, which still remained in its po-ition. The stock is supposed to be of maple or walnut, and the ramrod ol hickory or whit oak. There was an Incident occurred at about tbe time tbe gun must have been lost, that must still be fresh in the memory of the pio neers (list cross d tbe cascades by that route, snd which occurred within one lmudr d feet of where the gun was found. We refer to tb drowning of a Mrs, Patty who waa one of that train that suffered so much in rcacb ing tbis oonntry. A traveling man, stopping st tbe Lee House, Campbellsburg, Iud., on learning that s Isdy in the village was suffering terri bly with cramp colic, gave the landlady a bottle of medicine, which he bad with him and requested her to take it to the sick woman. The medicine relieved her promptly and she believes saved her life. It wss Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarihoes Remedy, the promptest sud most reliable medicine in 11 e for Bowel c I com'laiuts. Bold by Osbnrn 4 Co. Cholera Morbus Is ons ut tbe moat painful and dangerous disease, many death result ing from it esch yesr, usually because it is not properly tree ted. The moat severe cases may be cured by using Chamberlain's Colio, ('holers snd Diarrhoea Remedy, Sold by Osbum k Co. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy was used with great success during our epidemic of bloody Flux. I do not know of a case that was lost where this remedy wss used. One ol my friends, about six miles from here, hail a child that was given up by the two doctors who attended it. He then need Chamberlain's Cholio, Cholera snd Diarrhoea R-medv, and the child re covered. AU who have used it speak of it in the highest term. Wishing yon abun dant nucceaH for the good you are doing, I am. Very Truly Yours, P. E. Lasxklss, P. M., Cbe-tnut, Amherst Co., Va. Sold by O.burn & Co. . - Davis, the tsilor, has just received a large stock of imported and domestic goods of tbs latest Spring snd Bummer styles. Call and examine his stock. Li Why yes T-Tea-T. We ask yon to not that we csrry the largest and best stock of Tea south of Portland. W boy direct from ths importer. We allow yon to see, UuU or mmtU what yon bny, or will giv you a (am ple to let von And ont juat what kiud you want. All favorite and trirtl brands alwavs in stock. Prices to suit th time from & cts op. W'e also have a full and fresh stock of groceries etc. Pacrrrc T Co. Notice. if yon waui money bring all your opper, brass, etc., to W. Bandeis. is highest cash price. New Yoik Yinnra I 0 d Iron, copper, brass, etc., to 1 TT Bawl lh riinhMS Mall ntut.. 1 Store.