The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, October 06, 1888, Image 6

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I'Uirl-A M:Conu io committed sulci, le ot
die Urcgou insane usymiu nuuuay. ine
.h-ccase I Rl111 ' Ki.-v. Joseph MeCor-
mac, who " many yearn ago a pastor nt tbe
ftpiscopal cuurcu ut re. rte passm nix ooy-
tioo.l d.y ii iiunt-iif, ufterwurd studied low
w il give promise of treat usefulness when
hi mind gave way. He married Miss Lizzie
Uristow who survives him. The remains were
brought to Eugene Wednesday and iuterred
in the Masonic ceuif tery. The Statesman
( Tuesday gives the following account of
the uiifiirtnuute uffair:
Sunday morning about 9 o'clock Gbas. F.
jlcCoriuuc, an innmte of Ward No 3 at the
asylum, entered the room of Oscar Rutiuel,
the assistant warden, uud asked biui for a
sheet of (J'.per, saving lie wnuted to write a
litter. Runnels complied with bis request,
and during the few seconds he was engaged
in securing the sheet, MeCormao deftly ab-
strucltd a razor from a cast hanging ou the
unit, and put bis pocket. Securing the
i. i i . .i. .
piocr, u" iiiiui-u nun worn uui ui iue room
id.waid into the yard, whore he mingled I
uitli li ik follow inmates in enjoying the cool
ttnd pleasant morning until shortly after 11,
when till were culled into dinner, McCor
uiitc went in with the rest, and stepping im
mediately to the door leading into the water
closet, called out as he passed inside, "send
fur u doctor." The insane man entered oue
of the compartments, sat down upon the
bench', drew the stolen razor and cut his
throat from ear to ear, mukiug four or five
slashes iu. committing the deed. A most
horrible wound was made, the windpipe,
carotid arterieB and jugular veins being com
pletely cut iu twain, and the vertebra of the
neck only remaining not severed. The body
dropped over against the wall, the head fall
ing backward uud disclosing the ghastly
Another patient bad been standing outside
the sen en-door and his tttteuliou was at
tracted to the compartment by a sound like
some one vomiting, lie quickly pulled open
the door, and there the sickeuiug spectacle
preseuted by the suicide, with the blood
gushing iu streams from his neck, was pre
sented to his startled vision. He immediate
ly summoned help, but death hid been in
stantaneous, and nothing was left to be done
but remove the body aud lay it out and robe
it iu its funeral cerements.
McOormuc aged about thirty, and was
fiiimeily a rising lawyer of Portland. He
had been iu the asylum about three years,
having become insane, it is Btated, from
ovcrstudy. His wile now resides in Port
land with her mother. His father. Rev.
Mr. MeCortuuo.hves in Astoria with his fam
ily, iitid is chaplaiu of the seamen's bethel
there. II is relatives we re telegraphed to by
Dr. Lino, uud tin y answered instructing
hiiu to prepare the body for removal Wed
nesduy morning to Eugene, where the funeral
will hike place.
The uct was one of those which no ordi
nary precaution could have prevented. Iu.
mates are not allowed iu attendants' rooms,
hut McCormac's request ' for paper was a
common one, uud as he tetired from the
room immediately after his request was
granted, he wut not considered to have
transgressed thu rules.
Thu y, mile race best two iu three nt the
fair Friday of last week between Bingo, Pup.
poose uud Rimrock Belle, was won by Pap
poose iu two straight beats iu 51', and 51
A y dash was run Saturday between Bin
go and Pappoose and was won by the latter
by a mck A match race wasihen- run be
tween Mole Digger, owned by Zumwalt, and
Gray Juke, owned by Lingo, a i mile for
10 a sido, and won by Gray Jake, This
rli. J the racing of the 18b8 fair.
Letter List.
Letters for the following persous remained
uncalled for at the postollice in Eugene City,
Oregon, Oct. 5, 1N88:
iirei u, Jus.
Dunlap, Mr Adie
Frazer, Mrs N K
Gerotne, P F
Goddard, S M .
McCollans, Ceo
McCullock, Miss W A
Miller, Miss Clo
Pierce, E B
Sukow, John
Hontes, E C
Williams, Lucy.
A charge of one cent will be made on each
letter given out.
Persons calling for the above will please
Bay advertised, giving date.
F. W Osdubn, P. M.
(via Yaquina to San Francisco.)
Of wheat, outs, hops and wool. I am pre
pared to tuke Murine Insurance on all cereals,
imps, wool or any consignments of goods to
and from Francisco. For further par
ticulars address Ala Habbis,
Agent California Ins. Co., Yaquina, Or.
Equalization Notice.
Notice is hereby liven that the Lane
County Board of Equalization meets at the
Court House in Eugene City, Or., on the
15th day of October, 18SS. When any ine
qualities or mistakes in the present assess
iueut now beiug completed will be adjusted.
Chas. Huffman, Assessor.
Farm for Rent.
A good grain farm of 100 acres, two and one
half miles from Junetion, fur rent Inquire of
r a Idress E J McClanahan, Eugene City, Or.
X ) Moms Alarm Felt The feeling of
uneasiness engendered amongst the people
of Sulem bv the oreseuce of H case of vario
loid iu their midst has altogether quieted
down, though a great many have takeu pre
cautionary steps strains! the smallpox by be
ing vaccinated. A report was circulated that
another oaso bad appeared in a family by the
name of Fisher, near the East Salem school
honse, but the case was examined by two
physicians aud found to be a plain case of
fever, ihe city may now be considered in
less danger of any contagion than it has been
nt any tune since the smallpox broke out in
Yamhill county. It has subsided there, and
there is no reason whatever to believe that
the germs of the disease have been planted
here. Statesman.
Stncipg. Mouday at Silvertoo B. L.
MiUter, an old resident of Marion county,
'n found deuJ in the barn, having commit
ted suicide under the following circum
stances: Milster's family went to the coun
try iu the morning and MiUter stayed at
horn-!. Alter they left he got bis rifle, tested
and denned it, and then fastened it to the
railing iu the barn. Lying down he touched
the trigger with a stick and the ball entered
his head ou the right side near the ear, kill
ing him instantly. The body was discovered
by his daughter about noon when the family
returned. The coroner's jury found a ver
dict according to the above" facta. MiUter
Whs probably insane.
Sulep. A dispatch from Sew York
Wlo,-,l..T stated that the steamship i'a-
q iiu.i Bay, formerly known an the Caracas,
cleared fur Baltimore, where she will coal
preparatory to sailing for Sn Francisco,
where she will enter the service of the Ore
gon Development Company.
School books at Collier's.
Millinery at the Misses Walton store. '
Lailies dresa goods a specialty at Friend.
Common Council meets next Jlouduv
Dr. I. T. M :isin, dentist, in now Incited
in Siilein.
Henderson, Dentist.
The brick work on the Hovey block bus
been fluished.
Snow is already reported through the New
Euglund States.
Fisher A Watkius have boU over 100 Ions
of ice, this year.
8. H. Friendly has added a flno large mir
ror to his storeroom.
Take your produce to the Pacific Ten Co
and get the best prices.
Henderson, Dentist.
The Nellie Bovd Co. Dlnve.l beret i A onnd
house Thursday evening.
The Supreme Court convened at Sulem
for t,le 0t;tout,f term Monday
Hot and cold baths every day in the week
at Jerry Horn's barber shop.
A fine line of silk plushes in all aliudc
and grades at F. B. Dunn's.
AH kinds of job and commercial printing
done neatly at the Giutm office.
Teas, coffees and choice groceries cheap
for cash at Mosuuho & Harris.
John Briatnw has been appointed ngent for
Slaver & Walker at Ij Grande.
Several hopbuyers have been in town thU
week inspecting hops heretofore purchased,
Geo. Rinsey has been auctioneering the
Mm. Fitch stock of millinery g iods this
The Portland Mechanics Fair commenced
last Thursday. A number of Eugene people
will attend.
The Woniens Relief Corps G. A. R . will
meet Saturday afternoon at the usual time
and place.
Nine hop buyers were in Eugene Thurs
day inspecting hops that hud been con
tracted for.
Frank Rankin and faniilv have taken no
their residence up e.air in the Bazaar millin
ery building.
The north bound California exprww train
leaves Engine at 4:15, a. in., instead of 4:31
as heretofore.
Hmi. W, R. Bilven, Democratic candidate
for Presidential Elector, is canvassiue iu
Eastern Oregon.
E. J. MoCltin iliHii bought 1!7 tons of
wheat at Junction Weduesday. Ho will ship
overluud to California.
The best goods for the least money at tbo
Tea and Coffee Emporium.
JIosbcko ,v munis.
McCuiic. who shot and killed James Bew-
ley at Sheridan lust week was discharged nt
the preliminary examination.
Several parties from Eastern Oregon, who
have been in Eugene purchasing supplies,
started for their homes this week.
Outs aud barley at Inchest market rates
taken in exchange for lumber; allowed ninr
ket price at the Springfield fa mill.
Mat Hendricks has a grape vine at the rear
of bis residence that he estimates will pr -
dnce over a ton of fine grapes this season.
Starr & Vandenburg are engaged tinning
the roof of the Hoffman House. Lambert
& Henderson do the work ou the roof of the
Hovey block.
Grover Kimnson has been npnnWed assis
taut superintendent of Wells Fargo & Co's.
express for the Montana division with head
quarters nt Helena,
Four cases of small pox with ono death
are reported at McMinnvillo, aud one case
vaiioloid at Salem Ono new cas at Mc
Miunville this week.
Miss Mary Pogue has returned to Eug'nio
and is ready to do nil kinds of dressmaking
at her home, at Mrs. Monro's, on Willamette
street. Prices very reasonable.
The social and financial tniinn of tlm M E
Church will uive an oyster supper on Friday
evening next, from 6 to 8 o'clock; supper ""
eta, childret 15 cts. All are cordially invited.
The Misses Walton have recently refitted
the room formerly occupied by Mrs. Fitch,
and filled it with'a new stock of millinery
goods of the latest styles. Give them a call.
The County Court met last Monday in
special session and adjonrnod until October
lHtu, when they win levy tte conmy nix.
The assessment roll will be completed by
that time.
Rev. Beck, Catholic priest, will hold ser
vices at Cottage Grove the first Sunday in
each month st 10 o'clock a. rn., nt the resi
dence of P. Watch. Mass with sermon and
Mr. Binirswaniror. who wn partner in the
Vnifl brewery in Eugene for a short time, then
went to l'rineville and put up a building for a
brewery, lost the wme by an inceudiary fire
M.oniay niiflit nt lose weeit.
Bv usine only the best materials to be had.
and'having hnd years of actual experience
under the best instruction, enables Hender
son, Dentist, to obtain the fiuest results
known in Dentistry.
"Old King Cole was a jolly old soul, so
are those who buv their spring suits of East
land & Wilson. Their prices are the lowest:
their goods are best. In a cheap or high
priced snit they can accommodato you.
Cooler weather and a frost has checkd
Ihe spread of yellow fever in the South. In
many places the quarantine hus been raised,
railroads have rssumed business, and it is
thought the scourge is iffeclnally checked.
St. John asks the question. "Are yon for
the saloon or the home." The answer given
is "yon bet your lite." But when you are
asked where von cau Bet the best goods and
prices on tea, coffee, groceries. On sale at
the PaciHo Tea Co., Cor Uth and Oak street.
The Charter Oak is the best stove manu
factured. It is the pride of every house
hold. Messts. Starr and Vandenburg have
recently received from the manufactory ut
Si. Louis a car load of tbein. which they are
offering at very low prices. Call and exam
ine them.
Tuesday eveniug Paul Fuhr and James
Humphrey deposited $'O0 eaeh, ss a wager
nn il.o nresid-ntial election, with M. A.
Guust & Co. Mr. Gnnst says that his house
in San Francisco is now the custodian of
Gj 0W, wag: red on the 'unit of the elee
tion'of Sovemltr Cth.-Portland Telegram.
Having perfected arrangements with par
ties in Portlaud. I am able now to find pur
chasers 'or lands, more readily than
heretofore. If you have land for sale, im
proved or unimproved, you cannot do bet
ter thou to entrust vour business with ns
Terms reasonable. Your patronage solicited.
B. F. Dobris.
A Clam rlicnafrb nf Oat. 3d MVS: John
P. McAllister, the youth cf 16, who killed
bis father near Woodville, Jackson county,
lost July, and who was recently found gnil'y
of murder in the second dre-, was biought
down this morning v sb-tiff Bird.f-y aud
i.l,, in nrim. McAllister is small in
suture, even for one of his years, and hi
appearance eertaiulv do not indicate that
be could have deliburittly and knowingly
itted nmrder. He will be placed at
iwork in the kitchen at the pen.
The Missrs Waltou, lailliuers,
Teamsters are vry huy and aie In demand.
1 he tat levy in Linn oeiinty for tliU year U
15 mills.
foundation of ti e Catholic Jio l build
ir.if ha been completed.
Lmli s you can g t a g wd Cvr t at Rett
Uiuu a for o.j c ills.
'I he cTniee has lu'en put on tlio Mcl.'laren
huil.liiu'. .i .N.k nobby.
A marriii:" li.fine was iued this week to
V I, h'is!; and Mattio K. Karhart.
Jas. Hi lknup brought nine fat d.r car
cases from the MeKeiiiie Thursday.
Ass,i.or Hoffman eiect to tinih the coun
ty asaewmi -ill by the Iih of this month.
In dress goods (he holies Kay that Belt
man keeps Ihe latest uud tinest lu town.
The Ma. en bridge across the head nf the
mill ra.-e has been replaced by a new one.
1" (ore storing or selling your oats see A.
V. Peters, (.'lean Chevalier barley wanted.
A son i f Lou Gibsi'n on Coyote fell out of
a wuy.iu Hue il iy lust n k nil. I broke bis
Faran r-, visit the gn at Tea and Coff'e
Emporium of Mosbuig A- Harris, opposite ii;1Uv.
Workmen ara euKi-'ed lavins' briek on the
University nb-rrvatory. It will ba lS.xli) feet,
the side facine the town.
The novelty st re h is just received a large
assort meiit of school Tablets aud "sells Vm
cheap, too." Call see IlleUI.
(leo. Hays shippi-il a car load of li"i; the
first of the Meek to Vancouver, II. 0. He
pai I . cents a pound russ.
Don't fir,t that if yon need ladies' or
Missi s' jarket, or Xewm irki t, latest ami
cheapi st, Bettm m's is thu place.
Lust Thursday the Linn County Court
granted c!iiil:irhi in the State University to
Frank II. and Mary E.-. Porter.
Krauze A: Kl in warrant all boots and
shoes, an I will sew up all rips on boots and
shoes bought at their store Irte of cost.,
Election notice and poll lsioks for tho
ensuing November contest are beiu,' posted
aud distributed.
Ladies hats aud all kimH of uiilliurry
done neatly mid promptly by the Misses
Walton at their store on iVillumcttu street.
Use Oregou Electric Relief for all pain,
iiitirnalorexl A-k your druggist for
Oregon Electric Relief. It will help yon.
Wood, stove I ngtlis 73 cents per load.
Good stock on bau I. You can gM a load
whenever you come, at the Springfield saw
ISoots and shoes of all kinds including
Porter, Slessinger A" Co's. make. Every
pair warranted at way duwu prices nt Belt
mull's. The Jacks'imille Times nf List Friday snvs
that I'. V. Nelson has just returned from San
Francisco to Central Point with n large stock
of itry good", etc.
.. Hall accidentally placed hiuun auuinst
Horn's saw the other day, splitting
the tlesli Is tween the elbow and wrist without
injuring the bono.
Hardy & B ind expect In put n "twenty
tlvu cent" counter iu their novelty tore.
Contj i arly and get sonic of the rare bargains
that will bo found there.
Whitman county, W. T., Democratic pa
pers say that Mr. John MiE'im will lie
elected Shi riff of that county. We hope
thty are correct iu their prophecies.
The Xew High Arm Vertical Feed Davis
Sewing Machine will do a greater variety
and ruue of work than any o her machine.
Prices reasonable. For sale ut Collier's
book More.
lluivor-ity books, publio school supplies,
ink, blank books; the very latest papers
novels, magazines all I reviews ut Colliel's
booK htoro.
There aro a few men's suits (coat, vest and
pants) left nt Betluiau's for 5, nil outfit
good euough for iiiiv man to wear. Come
uud get one bef ire they are nil sold.
Students for your lino dre es and school
shoes go to Kanisse ,t Klein's, us they can
give vou a better shoe uud nt less mom y
than any store iu Eugene. Call uud see the
different styles.
Just received a full lino of Henrietta Laine
uud M. arietta cloth dress good in the Mow
ing shinies: Goblin lilne, Morning Blue,
Myrtle, Ilinerai, Huron, Faun, C'resson,
also Blacks which the ladies are invited to
cull and examine at S. H. Friendly'.
It is not settled yet about the fate of the
Chinese exclusion bill, but it is settled that
Friendly will satisfy purchasers of mens, wn
mens and children clothing, carpets, hats and
caps, etc., that no better bargains or superior
style and quality ot goisls can Is) secured else
where in Lane county, (iive him a call and
examine his stock ot merchandise.
Report of school in Dist. No. 8 , for
Ihe mouth ending Sept. 2!), 18NS. The (ol
lowing persons are entitled to have their
names on the Roll of Honor with the an
nexed results: Millie Kuckow 1)7, Louis
Suckow US, Geo Surkow 'J.'iJi, Bertie Me-
llec !)(J, Jesse M. lice ',).'., Lizzie H.bflZetlel
971,, Elmer Mclb e li;'4', Minnie Habcrzet
lu'M. MvaX LoBKU, Teacher.
The Prohibitionist of this county have
placed the name of 1). C. Filch ou their
ticket for Sheriff. In this, as in all its
nominations, bis parly seems to find very
good material for the office. We have known
Dave Felch (or over fifteen years and know
him as a prudent, prospe.uus fanner ami
intellig, ut tu hi. When this much may be
said ol a m in il i useless to say moro. IV
louse CitV, W. T. News.
llip;libauk Items.
. ' . '' Sept. 2Hth, 18.
The present weather has lather au un
tnmnal appearance.
Mr. Willi am Montgomery intends ' leav
ing ns soon. He will remove to Eugene
wlicr he h is heretofore resided.
A social dance was fjiven "t Mr. Dan U if
kin's last Tlnirs lay evening. Those who
participated report having had a good time.
There li s len considerable sickness
throughout the country during Ihe past few
Weeks owing to the excessive wurm weather.
Hop-picking is Hearing a close. Some
few yards icm.iii yet unfinished, but the
majority of tin- yards have been tlui-hcd or
abandoned ou account of the hops being to
badly sunburned hn 1 unfit to pick.
The report m current that the Johnson-Kambo-II.irkins
party who left for Eastern
Orgiii l.i-t spring swearing by ui! that was
good ibat th. y would not be seen back in
Wibfool soon again are on tln ir journey
home! Oh! no doubt that they have become
wealthy and are co'jiiuug bin k to live ut
their eae! But it is to b Doped that they
will Le received l:l;e unto the prodigal sou.
One of our young men hada very severest
tack of love unite recently and hi case i
indeed a doubtful one.
Oh! what a curious thh.g is love;
It eorin th from above.
It lighicth like a dove on some,
But some U never hits.
Utile's it kivs th m tits
And setters all their wit.
Rut, Eldie, w will never say anything
about it if you will jo-t give man invitation
to the wedding. hn-h she s iv i tj take imiue li.,ti ly t.!t- r hop pickii g.
Cur Tkawir--J S Baker to Anna It
Ol-y, ln 1 ia Eocue; cooiideration, fyM,
Florence Items.
Oct 1, MM.
Mr Philips went t U.Winer to-day.
There has hren 3,000 cases of salmon shipped
so far tliiseaMn.
Th fi.lirrini-n are aveiaglnif sixty salmon a to lbs boat
Mr. Wilklns and wife, and sstster of Mrs
Wilkin., a Ml Waul, from Kugsue, are in
The new sclusiticr Acme is loading with lum
ber to go to San Francisco, where the iiiachiii
eiy will lie put ill.
Misses Huhie and I.illio Montgomery started
to their t alley hoim near t'he.hrr, to be gone
alsint two weeks.
St.' lui ectors McDcrmott and Fer
gurson were li're last week to inect the
Favorite and Mink. Th Mink Is tied up for
wat t of a license.
Willard Young, I'nited States engineer, was
here lr.t week hsiking at the month of the
rivrr. He thinks work will la-gin in the
fpiiii;'; 17 feet of water on th bar
Fl.i'!'M K.
Local Market Report.
Kroesit, tVt. r, isss.
WiifAT 77 to 7S ct free on linaid cats.
0. us-'JO to '.'V.
Barley - 2.1 and 30 ct per bushel.
Egg-2."i eU perdox.
Hi rrmi - 2. cts hr lb.
Ho'-l."i to Wets.
WooL-M and Wet.
1. AHli-l'.'i'a 15 cts pt-r IU
Potit-es-2.V per bushel.
Fl.ol B-lst grade. 40 ivr lihl.
B.u on Sj.Us 1(V i I'.'Jc; slionhlers S to '.I cts;
ham. l'.'Jfc'H cts.
'dickens - Young. ?2.50( ?2..W: old. 83.006?
,. Guardian Sale.
The Guardian sale of the Caleb Davis pro.
ipertv will take place nt Ihe Court House en
Oct'lH, 1SSS, at 1 o'clock p. ui.
Jcxi'Tion Hotfl M. G. Wilkin lias re.
turned to Junction and, in partnership with
Ira A. Mills, will open it hotel. The States
man of Sept. Ililth says: "Ira A. Mills, who
for the past three year and a half has beeu
employed a an attendant at the asylum, yes
terday evening tendered to Superintendent
Lane his resignation, to take effect on Mon
day. Oct. 1st. .Mr. Mill has been an eill.
cieiit attendant, and ha many friends nt the
asylum. It i understood that he intends to
engage wilh,Mr. M G. Wilkins, of this city,
in the hotel business at Junction City, to
which place they intend to move on next
Wednesday or Thnrday, and w ill open their
house to the public on the 7th of October,
alter which they will be able to cuter to the
wauls of the hungry public iu good style.
Catholic School.- The building to be
used for a Catholic school in Kugeim wil'
havM two Behind room ou the first tloor, oue
each for boy and girt. For the Sisters,
who will come iuiinedmtclv after the build
ing is completed, are in the first story two
rooms, viz: a dining room and a kitchen,
and iu the upper story four room The
lower story will be twelve feet high, and the
upper story ten. The Reverend gentleman
wiiti'S that he hopes tbo people of Eugene
and vicinity will appreciate such an enter
prise ol general charity and embelishniHiit to
ihe city, and will encourage and patronize
it with hearty contributions.
Ui naW.U. On Suudy whiln riding In a
buggy a short distance north of Springfield,
Unlit. Day, Miss Bessie Day and Miss Ma
I lendrii ks had rather a close call in a runaway
accident. One of the purses stumbled ami par
ti illy fell, breaking the breast strap allowing
the tongue to go free. The horse commenced
to run and Mr- Day was unable to hold them
on account f his disabled arm. Coining to a
turn iti the rrntd. the huggy turned aver, throw
ing the occupants nut, hritisin Mr, ami Miss
Day about their faces considerably, Mis Hen
dricks eseapirg injury. One of the horses was
hurt uud the buggy miiewhat demolished.
At tiik Mechanic Faik. S. P. Sladden
took Ids fine dried fruit to Portland ami placed
it. on exhibition at the Mechanics fair the first
of the week. The whist exhibited dv George
and .li hn K. Belsdsw at the State fair ml st
the Lane county fair, the graces shawn by M.
Wilkins at the State fair, and the cabinet and
collection of minerals from the Blue river
mines helmming to B. F. Dorris, have also
been aildul to tha exhibit.
In Litiuation. The race mre Pupoonse
has been a fruitful source of litigation dur
ing the past few day. In a suit between
Smith Bailey ami Erwin for possession Tues
day the latter was given the mare. Imme
diately thereafter R. 11, Hayes attached her
ami securnl an injunction from Judgn Bean
enjoining Krwin from diwing nf the mare.
Latest reports give the ownership to N, B.
Political Sphakino. 0. W. Fulton Re
publican candidate for Presidential Elector
of Oregon, will speak In r.iigena iuuraday
evening Oct. 11th, at 7:30 p. m. Robt,
McLean, also a Republican candi
date for 111" same riffleo, will speak here
Wednesday Oct. 17th, at the same hour.
Hops Lost Hardly a tiop yard in Lane
county but reports some loss of hop on ac
count of tad Is ing able to secure pickers.
The acgregate loss amounts to many thou
sand pounds. There was no help for it us it
was impossible to secure pickers.
Oitick Rkmovfu. Mr. Bennett, the uew
nrjeut Well. Fargo & Co., has moved the
offi-e into the T litis block ocoupring a room
on Ninth street with Mr. t oben We are
informed that the Western Union telegraph
will soon be taken to the name place.
Retuiinkp. Mr. lien Rush uud fiimilr,
after a residence of two years in Jackson
county, have returned and took uptheir resi
detu t on his farm at h Ik I'rutrie. lie says
Lane county is good enough for nun.
U.vnrjxncp. The rumor that there would
be another Democratic paper started ill Eu
gene is entirely nufoiinded. Newspaper
men know that the Gcaiid fill the field, and
would t.ot be likely to invest iu a business
that is already over-crowded.
Nkw Lawyers. Cha. F. Rupel of June.
(ton, J. Ditchbiiiin of hugcue, and v. 1.
Feutoii of McMmnviile, all well known here,
were 111110111: those w ho imsxod the eiamin
tion Is fore the Supremo Court Wednesday
f ir admission to the bar.
pAnTSKissHii',- I. C. Mosburg and Dei
ter H H im have formed a partnership in
the grocery business. Their advertisement
appear iu thu issue of the (JrjAiin.
MaRMKD At Baker's Hotel, Eugene
Citv. October. UH'i. bv E. P. Henderson
J. P.. Mr. W. L. Fisk and Mi. M.tltie E,
Earbnrt, all of Luue county.
STniWDKUuiKs. Itoht. Pratt brought us
some fine, ripe strawberries last Saturday
Oct 1st. th it grew in the open air iu his
BatKf Fiud. Mr. J. E. Feutonwentto
Salem Moudv and filed hi brief in the
contested case of the Lane county judgeship
In Modoc ronutv. Cel.. W. W
C..r 111 to Mi Emm I'eierson.
Hok:-. To the wile of Phil Furlong in
Eugene City, Sunday, Sept. 30th, a son.
J W Cherry mad a trip to Portland Thurs
day. Mr, Sum Withrow hat been sick for several
d vs.
Ricordcr Dorrii visited Portland (his
Dr. C. D. Osburn, of Brownsville, i Id
Jan. Abrams left Tuesday for the Foley
A. J. Bubb sprained his ankle a tew days
Mrs. Jerry Horn is quite ill with typhoid
fi ver.
Mrs. G. licit man is visiting in Portland
this week.
Mr, Chas. Laucr and w ife visited Portland
this week.
Hon. S. F.Chadwick was in Eugene the
first of the week.
Perrv IViiiilextcr lift for his home st
Piini villii Friday.
Rev. F. P. Tower, of Salein, spent several
d iys in Eugene thi week.
Andy . f. Br'o-, of Jackson county, is re
irted dangerously ill,
Geo. Hays returned to hi home at Van
couver, B. C, Tuesday.
Mr. Geo Rhitielnirt ha returned to his
home iu Gilliam county.
Win. Lee, the i fill lent postmaster of Junc
tion City, was in town Thursday.
E. W. Whipple and Darwin Bristow, of
Collage Grove wire in town this week.
R Jones and w ife, of Portland, went to
the Foley Spring lust Mouday mottling.
Dr. W. M Thompson and wife, late of
Pbasatit Hill have removed to Ciuwfords-
villi, Or.
Mr. L Dunn, of Puntisylvnnia, is visiting In
Kueeiie at the residence of his uncle, Mr. Win,
Dr. Biddle nnd wife have located in Eu
gene. Ho will engage iu the practice of his
profession, dentistry.
Mrs. Buttertleld will niukn Portland her
future home. Her son has secured a deputy
ship in the County Cleik's office.
Mr. Isaac Stevens has returned from the
Spokane country with ihe intention of mak
ing Lane county bis permanent home.
Hon. L F. Lane, of Roseburg, was in En
getiti Wednesday. Mr. Lano was elected s
Couuciliiiau nnd Mayor of Roseburg re
cently. Mr. John Brady and family have returned
to toko up their residence in Eugene, after
an absence of ubout two years in Union
0. II Matloon, the defeated Republican
caiiitidale for State Senator from tliualilla
county, representing Slaver A Walker, was
iu Eugene Tuesday.
M Levinger, of Rohnerville, came from
California the first of the week, anil com
pleted the payments on the Edwards and
Goodman farina, which they purchased lust
Junies L. Ferguson and Frank McDcrmott,
inspectors of steam vessels (or the Willam
ette district, came up from Siuslaw Mon
day, where they bud been inspecting the
steafu vessels. They rejumcd to Portland
Mr. R. Arctidoif, of Illinois, was here the
first of the week visiting his aunt, Mrs.
Jacob Spores, nnd his cousins. Mr. Orcii-
dorfwaau representative from Illinois to
the Sovereign Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F.,
which met ut Los Angeles a few weeks Ago.
Ho is better pleased with Luue couuty than
Southern California,
County Fair.
The total receipt. nf the Lane county fair
for th Ver lrtiirf were $1, Mil 70; ex uses,
KM. 12. Paid on indobtedn s of 18K7. 100.
Balam-e to apply on premium of IHSS.f'.'yi.&Hj
amount ol premiums, tMil.IU.
ith tins showing the society cannot pay
"i0 per cent on premiums. Outside ol this they
lime a liability nf UblO drawing inteiest, 1 ha
uisiness men of Eugene hsye profited from the
fair for several years past, w hile exlilliltots
have receive I but a percentage of their prem
ii.uis. lo Insure a continuance ot the lair a
arger percentage must be pai A committee
from the Fair Sis iety will call on the business
men of I'.ugetie to-day, Saturday, tor suliscrlo
lions, It is a public enterprise which benefits
hugene almost exclusively. It you wish
another lair 101. 1, turscnne and neip pay
premiums in lull.
For six year the business tnen 0. Eugene
have not beeu called upou to pay a cent in
aid of this enterprise, While experiencing
the benefit, Now when nld is needed, sub
scribe liberally ami put thu H utility ou a bv
si where it can succeed, und make a lair
worthy of Eugene City aud Lnue County
next year.
Tint N r.w SciioiiNKB. -Last week the new
iisuier built on the Siuslaw at the Acme
siwmill was launched, and is now loaded with
Iniiils-r ready to be towea over the bar, whence
he will rail direct to Sun Francisco. Nie will
there discharge her cargo and receive her en
gines and pr"p"ller which are to be of the best
uilitv, costing over 7.000. 1 ins event marks
in beginning of a new and very Important in
tustry for Lane county. The new Isiat is
hrHeiied th Acme, of Han rraneisco, and is
the hrt deep sea boat ever built in this county
aud her 1 ad is the second ever slilpHd direct
to the city. It will not belong 1st 're alili
building will be an important industry in the
wi stern section of the county and the lumber
business will develop into the millions.
Cioab Manpfactoiiy. J. Jasulek & Co.
have renied the building adjoining Oarri
son's machinery hull on Olive street and
propose to start a first-class cigar manut 10
lory, The firm consists of three enterpris
mg young men who w ith tin ir families cams
from New lork, arriving here last inesdsy
They will open for business Monday and
will supply the trade ami pipdtn. lilt
an important industry nnd should be put
ionized and encouraged, they are exper
ienced workmen uud guarantee tbo quality
of their products. No ueed of smoking c that are likely made hy I bincso wtien
you cun buy the genuine urticle.
Naiibow EacAPK. Friday of last week
woman who was lying iu bed sick, in
tent at Walker Young's hop yard, beard
noise outsidit. She wetit to the opening in
the tent nnd discovered a runaway team
coming, hue had barely time to get 0111
thu way when the hors a run through Ihe
tent d rni)li-lni,r it scattering the contents
and killing a dog.
Lahim Missionary Mrrri.10. The Ijuliea
Foreign Missionary Society nf the Baptist
I hiirch will hold a public meeting next nun'
day evening. (In of the ladies will give an
address, and tl ere will be readings, recitations
and music appropriate to the occasion, hxer
cise will begin at 7 o'clock. All ar invited.
Diro In Eugene Cily, Monday, Oct.
of a coniplicotion of diseases, Mrs. T.
lilukely, sged oO years. She was a danghter
ot John Michael and had been ill about
eleven month. The interment took place
Tuesday in the Masonic cemetery.
Vvm ll.b. f 1at fit VhW
Yoik City, has based Ihe south room
. 1. ..,1 ;n ........ ,,t . ,ntu .lock
books and stationery ihsisin.
Kind Rwdkhs: There is Dew nam
at the li'iud of the coluuiu this wk. Psr
bups, you have uotlced it. It is 0I1IS. And
being now cosily curled iu the editorial chair,
intellect expands in ihe genial atmosphere
aud we am moved to make a few remarks.
This chair seems very comfortable but it
may not prove so. Shades of bjgoueeditors
whisper around that it is a big roomy chair
which three or lour editorial wea like the
preseut would scarcely fill. If then "we"
cauuot fill it, do not blame ns, for we can
not add one inch to our breadth if wt
try. Perhaps some beuevoleut Eutuliaus
will help by handing iu all the items they
think of.
We shall try to tell yon all the goings ont
aud comings iu at (be University of which
we are ho proud, aud especially everything
which relates to the literary societies. Per
haps we may tell some of the jokes at which
we laugh aud sometimes we may have sadder
uews. We promise to be as truthful as news
paper men cau nffoid to be, to cultivate our
go d future if we cau find any to cultivate,
aud not to hurt your feelings where it Can
tie avoided wituout too much tucouvtuieiice.
We have feeling ourselves and hope you will
Uot lacerate theui by remarks about frivolity,
Filially, kindly readers (we know yon are
kindly, tor wiij else should you read thin),
here we sit belore you. W have nut the
tuatiile of our pmh cessor did moth and
rust destroy it? nor Jet her quill fur that
has sooed bejoud our reach. There is
nothing h ft but this chair, easy or other
wise, aud iuto it ample depths we will re
tire while introducing sums of our vhuiao
icrs. Lewis Wing is again in school.
Miss Agnus Millicun ru-tuteied school
last Monday.
Why have we not a department of srt as
well as oue of music?
Mus Culet is with us aguiu, as are also her
sister and ht r brut her.
Class iu Modern History brgau work in
the text book this week.
Mr. Royal F. Reaouer of the olaas of '85
puid the Cuiversitya visit Wednesday.
Miss Ida Essen who wait here year before
last, may be aguiu sveu tu the class-rooms.
Alviu McClaiue was iu towu last week. He
thtuks he may be back iu school next year.
MissYeiua Adair, who has beeu ill lor
several days, is ablu tJ resume her school
Mr. Kaspar Kubli snd Mr, George . John-
sou are liteuds of the old-tush timed Damon
uud Pythias stump,
Ed McAllister is back from Portland, J.
. Urerutteld 1 also back uud the Juuior ,
ranks ale filled.
Prof. Johnson hopes that students who
baud him excuses will no longer address him
as "Pruff" uud talks ot ''leavers."
Milton a. ButteruYld is iu Portland hold
ing thuiosition ot Di puiy Clerk ol the Cir
cuit Court for Multnomah Co.
Misses Veiuu Adair, lua McClung and
Muiy Porter were elected to membership in
the Eutuxian Society lust Friday.
Numbers of students atteuded the fair last
week, and several yuuug ladles touud their
fuiicy-wurk had joined a blue-nbbou club.
A certaiu young lady should not be send
ing kisses ou paper to oue ol the seven boys
domiciled togeiber. They are liable to be
dcliured to the wrong pel sou.
The Introductory social or walk around
comus off Saturday evening All students
are invited to oome, walk atouud, gel ao- '
quainted aud have a good time.
We hope "Jimmie" brought the keys ot
the socii ty library with turn. It has already
had two week extra Vacation, because the
other keys are tiuviug in the East.
Society appointment for next week are:
Recltatiou, Elvu (Julio way; Reading, Ethel
Hunter. OuestloU tor debtte is. Resolved.
That E luiMiiou'sUoutJ bit maJa compulsory.
W. Gtffurd Nash wsi iu Eugene last week.
II u has beeu seeing the woudeisof England,
und the Continent, including especially Italy
aud Uwitzuiluud, uud buu,s back many pret
ty souvenirs.
The names of Miasos Lulu Sawyer and
Myru Nurri were proposed for member
ship ut the lost meeting of the Eutaxiuns,
A gooit tniug wilt Dear repeat ng. tail us
buve some mure.
Mrs, Judge Shattuck of Portland made a
trip to Eugene last week (or Ihe purpose of
visiting the University.' Shn remained sev
eral days und expresed herself as both in
terested and pleased.
Senior Biattain" or, more accurately
speuking, IL A. Bruttuiu, A. U., bus leumtd
another aecumplisbuent this summer, rail
fence building, lie intends to go 10 Cali
fornia sunn tu rtudy luw.
Editorial work is severe tax on tha
heulib Both the "expiring editors were
ill after gelling uut tbsir last columns. Hap
ily neither case was Htious and both are
sgaiu iu school. Take care of your "consti
The class iu Iliad think that SmMlitus
means Rough ou Rats. If they were in
Demosthenes they would probably refer to
icoiocrushin pastry. How living the dead
languages become when read witn apprecia
tive eyes.
Tbe X. m. j. u. a. snu ine 1. w. u. u.
A. held a joint meeting last Fuday led by
Mr. Young aud Miss Roberts. Quite a num
ber were in attendance but we wish there
hsd been twice as many. All students and
especially new ones are invited to these
(J Ulcers elected at me last meeting 01 me
Laiircaii's are: Pre., A. L. Veazio; Vice
Pres., Fletcher Linn; Secretary, L, E.
Wood worth; Asaistunt Secretary, A. U.
Hovey; Treasurer, J. Wtdiuer; Editor, Fran
cis Marion Mulksy; Hergent-at-Arms,
Thomas Todd; Censor, A. C. Wilson.
"H ippy is the man who learns wisdom
from the experience of others," says Plan
tu. Former editors have been so annoyed
by their pens that we have decided to do
our writing with pencil. We think it will
make a good a point, and are sure that
however much it may wear down, it will
never be "worn to tbe down."
Prof. Condon's archaeological collection
hat been increased by ihe addition of an an
tique lamp from the catacombs, tbe gift of
Mr. Nssb. W do uot know whether it will
shed any light on tbe arrowhead around it
or nut, but we do know oue thing, snd that
i that such a good example ought not to go
auimitated. Many nf as can add specimens
to tbe Prof's fine collection if we hunt for
them iu our summer vicatious on seaahore
and mountain. ,
EuUxiaii Society elected officers last week
wlih the following result: Pres., Clara
Condon; Vice Pre , Anna Roberts; Kec,
Nellie tiuodgras; Tress., Nellie Straight;
Editor, Agues M Greene; Marshal, Emma
C, Dorris. The meeting was perfectly har
monious though somewhat noisy, and it is
presumed that everyone was happy except
tbe secretary pro Urn. who bad all lb ballots
m U nu was mereny greauy laugueu.
I Now thin in a eood wny to bf uiu th new
1 . - .
nf year verv economical of tune ami ballots,
ouder if it will eontiuue!