."(TY AND COUNTY. Speiieer Unite Items. Kept. 1.1, 1SSS. Mr. I'Hwlpt is building a new house. 1'aruiis ' '"'V '"'" K,u" ik11, ....... Th' "l"re K'-U'Ukw w.'iu 1.1 :in niusiaw Monday- ... Mr. will Mrs. Unburn recently maue a mp to Ilobur. Mr Watters livs movtcj 10 me nureiiinrm, hicli bo recently purchased. u Hn.'h R.-nsha and daughter Lulu vi.sittil rt-lotivc hero lust week. Mr Edgar MeClure, of Eiigcuo, visited his aucle. Luther Dillurd, hist Sunday. rhMtvt Oiilmrn, of Eugene, spent Inst Sunday at bin home in ar Spencer liutte. jr. Saul KcUhhaw Iiiib returned from n..:....t.;tl. nnJ will r main until after the ii... 1 'jlr. A. 1- B'Hiil end family have iut-.l to Mi'. li.iimMiker's t'lriu. which is located mar V.' m. 0burn diut'd t.i-.lay in ir'ili.if Mix k much. He ill 1'C t0"' .IL.1,1 or tell dllJ'S.' Soring, and 'h U not forgotten by the pen pe of 111 w neighborhood, has returned. A ('orn'ction. September 12. lS'-'.S. 1..I1 JollllBOll. ' N' lllWiiruiHUit ..in. V.n. fir-Aim. Au ltrm irtmeared in your heme nf Sept. 1st taken front the Prim villi' News, to the effect that Mrs. Minnie Wash- burne, wife of llou. ti.-o. . vi astumrne, claim to havo traveled up the McKenzic river to a point nuircr the source of thnt Htrt'iiui thnt any other white woman has ever been. Not wishing to dispiruge Mrn. Wnsh bnrae's fortitude, but believing she will ac knowledge the justice of the udnge, "Honor to whom houor is due," I will correct the statement us regards the priority of her achievements. The first ludies to visit Clear Lako from the Belknap spring were Mrs. Geo. Frissell of McKen.ie Iridgc, nnd Miss Lettie Taylor of Monroe, who left the springs June 30, l!71, camped all night at the laka July 2nd. caught fish and roasted them ou forked sticks in the pioneer style, nnd returned to th spring July lth. The lake was again visited by Mis. Geo. Miller of Eugene City, aud her sister, Miss L)n Etta Cogswell, in July, I think, 182, in both of which pnitics the wiiter was a member. With the kindest regard for -.Mrs. Wnshbiiine, who, if hbo placed any high value upon the thought of being the piimeer lady, would not knowingly do so at the expense of others. Very llespectfully, R. Thief C'aiitured. Thos. Eaton, o young man about 21 years old, whose parents reside -on Union Fiat, a few miles from the city, was nraested at his home on Tuesday by Sheriff Sloan, of Lane county, on il charge of grand larceny. It seems that young Eaton, at Junction City, u short time ago requested a saloon keeper to sllow bim to write a letter on his desk underneath which was the safe. The pro prietor consented, leaving the safe door un locked, and left the room while he was thus engaged. Presently returning tho saloon man tumid him gone and also t'80 in cash. Hushing to the street he collared the young gentleman aud forced him to disgorge, but while a warrntlt was being procured Eaton escaped. Ha was traced to this place and captured as mentioned. He was lodgediu jail over Tuesday night, the sheriff departing with bis prisoner for home on Wedtfesdny's trsiu.-Colfiix, W.T. Commouer.Sept. 11th. The preliminary examination was held Iv'tovo Justice Hiitler iu Junction last Satur day. The defendant was bound over in the Bum of 500 to nwnit tho action of the grand jury, which ho furnished Messrs J. K. Parker mid J. J. Eaton as sureties, Cartwrijjlit Items. Sept. IS, 188'!. Little firacie Wnlkhy has been quito sick. Hiss Ella Mocie is visiting at this place tnr fsw wrks. Mrs. M. M. Cartwright has returned to her home at Draiu. The Sunday School picnic was a success, for all it rained the day before. Master Earnest Doty was thrown from a horse Monday and seriously hurt. D. B. and Ed.lie think they accomplished the greatest thing of all their lives last Sat urday, w. u. c. Local Market Report. ElOFXF, Sept. 21, 188& Wheat 75 eta free on hoard cars. Oats -20ft 25c net. Barley 25 and 30 ets per bushel. Kirus 20 ets per doz. 1U:TTKB 2.T ets per II). Hops-15 ets. Wool. 18 and tOcts. Lard 12(n 15 ets per lb. Potatoes 25c la-r Imshi'L t'l.oi'R 1st (,'ra.le, $1 per blil. Bacon Sides UKJ 12c;anoulder 8 to 9 ets; hams, 12W'"14 ets. Chickens -Yountf, S2.Wi?2.M; old, MAM, ?3.i0. The Small J'ox. McMiSNviixK. Sept. 27. No new rases of small pox were report.J to day. The town is nearly 'depopulated. Dozens of fam ilies left j est! rday.nnd to-day many buMness houses are closed and the proprietors nre taking a vacation. The greatest care is be ing exercised to prevent it further spread. A pesthonse is built out of town, ths three patients have been placed therein, and ex posed parties are kept under strict surve il laoce. Siuslaw Fair. The Siuslaw Fair will be held iu the Sius law valley at the Grange Hall, on Friday and Saturday, October Otb, aud Oth. Every body invited. 'At the same place the Linn County Business Council will meet the Sius law Orange, October (hh. By order of W. 1. CoLEMAX, President. Wasted. Information by Geo. W. and Kichel Curnes, who crossed the plains with thir grandfater, David Carues, in the year lS'il, regirdiug tho whereabouts of their Bis ter Eliz ibeth Ann Carnes, afterwards Mrs. Joseph Burt; also of their uncles John nud William Carues. Washington Territory pa pers please copy. Addreu Geo. W. Carnes, Terriice, Boiclder Co., Utah. Gold Scales. The First National Bank cf this city the first of the week received a handsome and accurate pair of gold ecalcs. Those having gold dust for sale can now de-1 by takin.' the aatue to the above named bank. Varkikd. In Eugene City, Tucmhiy tv; ing, S, pt. 18, ls, by Lev." Humphrey, A. Williams to Miss Ella 11. i.ey. Crrr TaiNsrrTjs. A. W. Mn.-jr to Al i Matthews, lot iu Shciton's addition; cou-sil-er.Uion, 200. l'.revities. Cotiiity fiir Wi dncsday. County Fair next week. The Salem Vidette is dead. School books at Collier's. Ladies dress goods a sneeialtv at Friend. lyV ' ' The s.-re and yellow leaf of autumn is tip on us. Henderson, Deutis!. vro to i-attersoii ,k LUnstian lor your scuooi hooks. Tako your produce to the Tad i.i T j v C and get the l-st prices. Henderson, Dentist. Hot and cold baths every day in the week at Jerry Horn's barber shop. A fine line of sill; phi'.hes iu all shades and grades at F. II. Dunn's. Lane County F.iir commences September .tun. Tin' University column the CiL'AUn this week. a;; nil appea rs lu Send your children to the Postoilice Book Store for t!:lr school books. All hinds nf job and eourm rcial printing dune neatly at the Gcai:i olllce. All kinds nf school b.ioks and writiug ma terial at the Postoftice Hook Store. A largo number of Lane county people have atteuded the State Fair this week. Geo. W. Cable read to a fair-si.i'd audi ence at lihiiK hart's Parlors last Saturday evening. P. K. Watters took sevetiteeu head of hit fine cattle, and his Hatubletonian horses to the State FhIt Saturday. A dhow, r of rain, tho first since the 12th of July, fell last Saturday evening char ing up tlm dust and smoke. The contractor for the University Observ atory has hail a considerable part of the ma terial delivered ou the butte. The public school and Statu University commenced Monday, and the rush of schol ars on the streets is noticeable. Steamboat Inspectors McDormott ami Fer' giiM n will l)!' at Nuslaw next weeK to in speet tli j boats Favorite, Mink and . Mary Hall. Geo. S. Washburue has been elected tho Lane comity member of tho executive com mittee of the State Leaguo of ltepublicaii Clubs. At Oni ih i a Harrison man h is just wager ed his wife against a cow that Harrison will be elected. The individual is a fit subject for an insane isylum. Several of the moneyed Montanians pres ent at tho races offered to wager from $10,(100 to $."0,000 ou tho election of Clove land with no takers. Portland Welcome. Aaiou Lurch, who was sent to the li.-ni- tentiarv from Lane county iu Dec, 1X81, has aptdii d for a pardon, the advertisement for wnicli uppears in mis issue oi mo uuahu. Persons wishing puhlio school books and writing material will do well to call on us, ns we will keep a complete line of fine stationery, school books, etc., with prices to suit tho timfis. Pattxkson & CimismN. Miss Hendricks and Min Parker will open cl 1 in the haeini'iit of the Presbyterian church mi the hrst Monday in Oct. 1 lie hool will be conducted much on the same plan ns the school taught by Miss Earns last Winter. Oats nud barley at biuhest market rates taken in exchange for lumber; allowed mar ket price at the Springfield saw mill. By using only tho best materials to be bad, and having had years of aotual experieuce under the best instruction, enables Hender son, Dentist, to obtain tho finest results known in Dentistry. The Presbyterians will hold a sojial for their Sabbath School in the basement of the church next Saturday evening at 7:iM o'clock to which all members of the school anil their fii. nds are invited." Those from a distance will bi given spec ial attention at C. Go's ball. Bo sure and ..... ;n. .1 ,l 1 come. A lull uress military uriii oi ouo hour bt fore dancing commences, rreo for all. Don't fail to attend. "Old King Cole was a jolly old soul," bo are those who buy their spring suits of hast land & Wilson. Thoir prices aro the lowest; their goods nre best. In a cheap or high priced suit they can accommodate you. Tho Jnuctiou tlour the best flour on tho market. Only if I per sack at P. I. Co. St. John asks the question, "Are yon for the saloon or the home." Tho answer given is vou net your me. jui wncn you are nsked where you can get the best goods and price ou tea," coffee, groceries. On sale at tho Pacific Tea Co., Cor Dth and Oak streets. A tcli'.'ratn to J. C. l'ovd, of Grant's Pass, informing him (bat f 0,01)0 cash was nt Gunst -Co. 's store Cleveland money waiting for him' to cover with a like sum elicited no answer from that sanguine Ileptibli- inn. Portland Sunday Welcome. Marriage licenses granted since our last Issue: J. W. Horn nud Annallitehey; Frank 'Miles lied Emma Pasley; Albert Wardon au'l . Chastain; F. E. Hylaml ami 31. J. Biehnrdson; D. Linbaugh mid Mary J. Shi. Ids; Jus. A. Williams and Ella Boiiey. All accounts, notes and claims due the la o. linn of Prilchett & Forkner have been sold and transferred to G. W. Montague aud the same are now in my hanils tor collec tion. All persons indebted to paid firm will cull at my office in Eugene nnd settle and save costs. L. Bn.vf c, Attorney for G. W. Mntagne. July 2(5, If.SS. The Charier Oak is the best stove manu factured. It is the pride of every house hold. Mcssis. Starr nnd Vandciiburg have recently rcccivdl from the manufactory at St. Louis a car load of them, which they are offering at very low prices. Call and exam ine them. Willard Voung, United States engineer, has gone to Tillamook bay to outline a plan of improvimeut of tho buy nnd bar in ac cordance with the provisions of the new river and harlmr bill, which appropriates $.",'J00 for the purpose. No official plan has ever been made for tho improvement of the bay or bar. Having perfected arrangements with par ti, s in Portion 1, I am able now to find pur chc ers 'or lauds, more readily than her.I.'o.ie. If you have land for Kile, im proved or unimproved, you cauuot do bet ter llrm to entrust your business with ns Terms r.-asonnble. "Your patronage solicited. B. F. Dobws. A public office is for public use, not abuse. The Eng. ne postofiice is for the accommoda tion of The people generally, but should not be used for n place to loaf aud lounge. Tb parties doiiiu' business iu the building have rights hich houM I respected, and no i nut- eh inl.l loiter lucre aio r meir u'.t 1 to. James Slater and Sheriff Combs le.urnea ion luulS'lay irotn t.igen uu I iih n I his i.iirtuer. Heed, who took a 1 numlx-rof T. B. James' horn from this ! cor.Ltv hit July. Mr. Slater located Li I men above E'leue uud h id them arrested by ! Shi r.iSl. an, of Lane county. Smith and U.ei lll hve. elimination ls-fore Justice I Luekfy as soon as witm-si-es can be had. 'Prineville tteviiw. Mr. P. K. Watb rs sold a St. Bernard pup at Salem for tho sum of f 50. A good attendance is reported both at the State University aud public schools. E. F. Stiles of Seaton has been appointed a notary public by Gov. Penuoyer. In dress goods the I ndies say that Bett man keeps the litest aud finest lu town. The finishiiin touches are being put ou Dr. T, W, Sheltu'a handsome residence. The mm work and plnte fc-'C" for the ix-w front in the Grange stole have Ist'ii re.vived. We keep a complete line of school books, Paitkilsom ,t ClIllIsNIAN. Before storing or mi Uinn your oats see A. V. Peters. Clean Chevalier barley wanted. Fun begins Sept. 'JS, lsss, by C. Co. pv. ing a grand ball at their armory. Tickets, 5ll cenls and f 1.0.1. Henry Simon has opened a ci ;ar and to bacco store in Silcni ou the corner opposite the Chiuu. ketu hotel. The novelty store h is just received a Isre assortment of school Tablets and "sells 'em cheap, too." Call see thi in. Don't forgst that if you Heed a ladl a' or Mis' !' jacket, or Newmarket, latest and ekeaprst, Bettmau's Is the place. The brick masons on the Lane County Bank buildile; have Ihcii d. layid this week on account ol the scarcity of brick. We notice many new faces in attend nice on the University this year. A large num ber of the old student are also on hand. Krausse A- Klein warrant all boots and sh ies, and will sew up all rips ou boots and sum s lionglit at their store tree of cost. Woo 1. Move leliijl'is 75 cents per load. Good slock on hand. You cm get a load wlicm-ver vmi come, ut tho SprinylleM saw mill. Oscar Co .per. nil old till).' Eugeuu bov, is with tlm M alloek stable at Suleui. I Iu has been with the Matlock Bros, for the putt two tears. Tli road from the county road to the en- tranen of the Masonic cemetery will be graded an 1 graveled. Mr. H illenbeck has tho cou tract. University books, public, school supplies, ink, blank bo ks; the very latest papers, novels, tmia.ines aud reviews ut Colliei's book store. (.'has. Ben lie's hop house near Springfield caught fir Friday evening of last week, but foitnuatelv will discovcr.id III tunc to save It ti'oiu the tl un 's. Hardy Sc Bond expect to put n -"twenty-live ant" counter in their novelty i-tore. (.'nine early and get some of the rare bargain that will bo found there. Tho Mount Shasta Herald informs us of the marriage at Dunsinuir, Cat., of Dr. Geo. II. Flett, formerly of Eugene, to Miss Geor !;iann Cochran, of that State. M. Wiikins has been elected President of the Oregon Agricultural Society. It. 11. Hayes and John Simpson represent Lane county in the board oL managers. John Belsliaw has inu exhibit of grain atlheStato Fair consisting of nearly 2i HI different specimens. The Belshaw exhibit ivver fails to take first premium. The New High Arm Vertical Feed Davis Sewing Machine will do a greater Variety nud range of work th in any o:her machine. Prices reasonable. For sale at Collier's book store. A race advertised for Tlmrnday at the State Fair wherein Itimmck Belle and Bingo were entered fa'lcl to comn off on account of the society refusing to otter a p.irso they had agreed to. Students for your fine dres and school shoes go to Karusse & Klein's, as they can give you a better shoe and at less money thnu nny store iu Eugene. Call and see thu dill'ci'eut styles. Two prominent attorney of Eugene made n wager of $100 each on the general result of tho Presidential election, ouo day this week. Times must bn hard when the legal profession commence ou eaidi other. There will bo thfl usual services nt Baptist church Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7:3(1 p. in. The ninsie. will bo under tin) direction of Prof V. K. Midard. Voting people's meoctiug ut .(';:!'). Sunday school at 10 a. m. J u at riccircd a full lino of noiitiettaLaine and Harrietts cloth drsss goods iu the tolow irg shades: Goblin Blue, Morning Blue, Myrtle, Himrai, ll.irron, Paon, Cresson, al.so Blacks which tho ladies are invited to call aud examine, at S. II. Friendly'. Arrived at Krausse & Klein's tho largest assortment of Waverly School Shoes, iu all sizes from Child', Children', Misses' and Womens', ever brought to Eugene, and will warrant every pair, and at prices lower than any house in the valley. Call and seo them. The County Fair will be hero noxt week and everybody should attend. While in town take a look into the grand pavilion presided over by that genial aud liberal hearted gentle mnu, Sam II. Friendly. He sells at "way down" prices. The Lauo county fair.coimnoucc Wednes day. Notwithstanding croakers the county fair promises to be a success. A county fair only enn be successful by united effort ou the part of the citi.ens. Bring your pro duets, nnd by your piescme help the fair along. . ' See the GrAUij supplement iu this issue. Hereafter, when wo are compelled to issue supplements tin y will be filled with solid reading mutter, placing nil ndvortiseuieiits in the body of the paper. Tho space we have is too limit, d to meet the demand without issuing a supplement. It i not settled yet about the fata nf tho Chinese ex. 'I. :i n bill, but it is settled that Friendly will atify purchasers of mens, wo men and children clothing, carpet, hit and caps, etc., thnt no better bargains or superior style and ipiality ot goods can be secnr"d else where in Lane county. Give him a call and examine his stock of merchandise. John Belshaw, of Lalio county, whose father, George BkIsImw, took the first prize at tho centennial for tho finest wheat on exhibition there, has a display in the pa vilion, of about 170 varieties of grain in ihe bead. M. Wilkin, also of Lane county, ha ou exhibition a very fine collection of grass-ei, of about 100 kinds.- Salem States ULin. The young man with his b-t gi I, the old man and woman, the farmer and laborer, when they coiiid to town to Eugene to purchase goods, should not il. h.y but prn.we 1 at oniw to Frien. Ill's store, where is kept a large stock of mens, bov an I children clothing, Indies dress goods, fancy articles, hats, caw, ls.U and hho;s, carpets, eta The northbound express train ran into the rar end of tlm fr. i'ht at Shed. Is Tuesdav morning, making kindling wood of the rear cars of the freight, besides ditching the pas sender engine and breaking it bully. The freight engine proceeded with the express to Portland. No one hurt al though many were badly shaken up. The engineer attributed the accident to a heavy f ig hut it looks more like carelessness. S ind iy and Monday Spoknnn Falls, W. T., bad incHidiary fires and the losses amounted t about J i0,(Kt(). The citizens orgtbiel a coruuitfee of s .ff ty and "t'.r..i" i I all gamblers an I dissolute persons from t!iu e.v I tm tioli re a i or. ere.l a l ousiuessi ho'ises toe! oo between the hours of 11 p. I m. and 1 a. m. And all n. rwm were pro- hibittd from being on the bt.-tets betworn I th'j above named hours. Ladiei", yon can get a good corset at Bell man's for do cents. We understand that (he Carter boy has b eu placed iu the Vancouver Catholic school. II ots and shoes of all kinds including Porter, Shs.iuir & Co's. make. Fveiy pair warranted at way down prices at Belt man's. . There are a few men's suits ("coal, vest aud pauts) b it at Bettmnu's for r "i, an outfit good enough for auv man lo wear. Cuiue and get one before they are all sold. An oight horse team with two wagons ar rived iu Eugene from Silver Lake, Lake Co., via the Milit.uv road Tliursdav loel.sl with wool. The owner, a Mr. lived, will dispose nf his w.s.l nn, I take hack his wagons lo.i.k-.l witn supplies. Lam1 County Kxhihits. Lano i omit v is w.ll represented at the State l air as these extracts fiom tho Oregon- i.m attest : Tho ilisplny of grasws made by Hon M. Wiikins ef I- ugciio Citv, is u surprise to nil beholders. It contains between ii.HI AS. I t'.t'O speeitiietis of gr.,s taken from the ground, rooti un I al!, wh"ii full grown and bfAring seed. Th lie iaeln le all the im!ijt.nns vs riii.K tlnc!i kin th.v most mimerousi as well as those imported for cultivation. The doubU row of these grasses, there being eighty van. ties, extends along titty (cut of space. The stalks range from one to sevf n feet ill bei-lil',1, tlm tallest being timothy, which is liitol throughout the world as the king of itr.ihsps for hay. Mr. Yv ilkms txhibited to the r. poilira small sized specimen of what he calls native timotliv that gjows iu nolittiel localities; an. I hich is principally found in black billy hinds and along the skills of Inula l. He co. aiders il to Ix) a valuable pasture grass, and knows it to be indigenous, liecanse wherever the black soil lands are drained it springs up at once, dose together and not in bunches, i.nd retains its greenness later ill the unison than any other kind that is kuoivn; h'iice he calls it the evergreen timo thy, lu bis opinion it is destined to become one of th leading grazing grasses lo be grown on (hut kind of soil. It grows but few long stalks and they aro but eighteen inches hi;;h. He claims that a lesson is hero taught, that it is not thu tallness of grass which give it value for gming, but the nutritious aud Holid (pialities. FINIS STOCK. Mr. Walters of Coll.go Hill farm, nenr Euoeiiu City, has somo lino Holsteius and also two still finer shorthorns. The Hol steius consists of n lot of fourteen altogeth er, among which are two cows imported by Messrs. Smith nud Powell of New York. Th. s. are Damsel and Albrach, tho latter having the preference for sire, form and ex cellence. I Ur record is seventy-six pounds of milk a day. Mr. Walters values this cow, with a calf two weeks old, nt $ IH0, having refused an offer of jiJoO for them. The rest of the cows, 2-year-olds and yearlings, by his own bull, are all good but do not cull for ii ii v particular mention. The bull is I'eii dragtin No. 2053, by Melhallah No. 2CI2, dam Cottage Girl No. '2C8H, registered 18S0. lie is 2 yeais old and weighs IrsOO, The shorthorns of Mr. Watters ant vtny line animals, one cow being perhaps the best bred and most valuable animal of the kind ou the coast, Tho bull is Secret Hero, regis tered in volume 'S.l, is by imported Spartan Hero, dam by imported Saxifrage. Hero is a deep red, 2 years old, and weighs 1500 pounds. He is perfectly docile. A.culf of Hero's, ou the ground, fivo mouths old, weighs 5011 pounds. There are also four shorthorn cows, in cluding the valuable roan heifer referred to of the Pen brunch of thu family. The Peri branch is the bead of the shorthorn family, and it is the roan heifer the owner considers so well-bu d aud valuable. She curtaiuly is a marvelous bounty. Belonging to this exhibition aro two thor oughbred short-haired drab St. Beruiud dog with a little puppy. These nuimals at tract much attention. Mr. Watters visited Oregon for the first time Inst December. He immediately fell iu love with the state, and leaving bis old homo iu Iowa, he at once determined to immigrate with bis family and stock mid settled here Inst May, purchasing 1000 acres. Ho and hi family aio delighted with the country, aadhitfviiti mjn It dees sstJi lo atraig to have more fruit of all kinds than they can consume or preserve. How many in the old states would feel the same, and how many are there not who will souu follow this family example. Thurston Iti'iiiH. Sept. 17. 1888. Born, to (ho wife of Stephen Castleaiau a girl on Sept. Olh. Sttvo is doing wsll. Thurston has a postotllce. Martin Iices is postmaster and who is assistant? Ulrss. EIUIia Gum had 'Ji bushel of oats from one acre ou the mountain back of Fred Gray's. Thurston has a new school house 20xJt!, rustic outside and in aud finished. School commence. October 1st. Dr. liiissell not 12 stalks of corn with two cars on each stalk aud 12 large ear of corn, all from six bills planted first week in June on ground not grubbed, and hoed only once. Who can beat iff Letter List. L. Iters for the following persons remained uncalled for at tho postotlico 111 Lugene City, OlegMll, Sept. 15, 1,8X: Abrahams, Max Moore, Hannah Grumlti -Id, Mauiicu palmer, Frank Kelly, Mrs Sarah C Sellers, John W ' Lorn', Liona Taylor, Florence Marvib, litv Waltir Walton, Ira D. A charge of one cent will bo made on each letter given out. Persons culling for the above will please say advertised, giving dale, F. W Osuunw, P. M. Superior Cook Stove. V.vuKst CtiY. On.. Sent. 11. 18X8. This certifies that I have a Superior Cook Stove that I have used for ten years, unit tiiat it h is never cost me u cent for repairs, the fire back is in good condition yet and the SUA..- is iroing good woilt. Mblvii.i.k Taylor, Cuburg, Or. For side by Lambert k Henderson, Cut This (Hit. It iu Worth 81.00. F.rmrsK. S -pt. 12, lSSs. We promise to pay one dollar to any cus tomer buying 10 worth or over of Groceries (eXccpliiij; sugar) of ns between Sept. 17th and Sept. 22nd inclusive, upon presentation of this adv. rtis. nmut at our More. KuoliEN Sox. DniKrrtji-s Mki.tixo The Board of S hool Dist. No. 1 in. t at the ollice of J. E Fetiton, a full Isjnid and c! -ik pre-eut. All the teachers having pres. ntiid their cerllli cat' fiitiilitiK them to teach, th'-y thirefore kmiied contracts with Ihe board to teach for l ine nioi.tin nt the salaries heretofore tiV d. The following bills were ordered p4id: Will. er II for s. tiiiu "p seats, $15: Sherwood D.-k Co., il.s.l '; Starr k Van.leuburg, M 25. Wuirii. I want tj.tKO pounds dried plams aud highest p:ice paid at Bettmsn'i. Personal. Andy Titus 1ms returned from California. Bi v. G. M. Whitm y is visiting at Albany. SamT Goldsmith spent Sunday in En g. ne. Mr, Will Expcy and wife visited here thit week. Frank Stewart it in Eugene on a two weeks vacation. Mrs. Viola Hudson is visiting at The Dalle C. E. Robertson has moved to his farm in ar Coburg Mis. L. G. Adair has gone to Sau Fran cisco ou a visit. Mrs. W. H, Wntkin has returned from a visit to Bonneville. Rev. Ollield, of C.fni Bay visited Eugene several daS (his week. Mr. Peery. a Portland attorney, was hero a couple of (lavs Ibis week. Mrs. J. R. Ream has returned from her visit to Albany aud Lebanon. Attorneys Bilyeii atid Fenton went Salem last Thursday liioininu, Mr J. I. IUU will leave for his homo California the first of next week. Geo. Haves of Vancouver, B. C,, was to in iu town this wsek visiting relatives. Sherwood Burr. R. R. Hayes and Ja. Abrams returned from Portland Monday. Mr. .1. E. Fenton appealed tho county judgeship to the supremo court last Saturday. Mr. .1. R. Whitney, of the Albany Herald, visited relatives and friends here this week. Mr. E. F Stiles, of Senton, has been ap pointed a notary public, by Governor Pen uoyer. J. ('. Church and son. J. II. McCIiiiil' and C. M. Horn ar having a hunt iu tho Cas cades. Herbert link in and Alex Cooley of Cot tage Grove were in (own the first of the week. Hays McCall, formerlv ot Lost Valley but now residing nt Silver Lake, was iu town (his week. Conductors Guthrie and Nash havo been nt work this week running tho trains from Salem to the Fair grounds. Hon. P.. P. Coleman bus returned home alter an absence of several weeks, nt his stock ranch in Crook county. Miss Belle Coleman has so fsr recovered from her recent illness that the physician iu charge has been dispensed with. Mrs. Chas. Whileaker and mother went to Jefferson Friday. Miss Ann Whiteaker returned lo Portland (ho same day. Frank E. Dunn, wishing (o toughen up some, has unit clerking and will work on the trucks for J. W. Clark for n while. 11 in L. M. Rin 'or and family have remov ed from Colfax, W, T.. lo Oakland, Cnl. Mr. liinger uud family are well known iu Eugene. B. F. Dorri went to Salem Monday and pincvd on exhibition samples of the Blue river ore of tho companies in whieu be is interested. Mrs. S. L. Lytic nud family, of Priuovillo, havo ngain taken up their residence in Eu gene to enjoy the benefits of our educational institutions, Mr. J. IP Goodman is Buffering from n spliutei in (he palm of his right hand. Hn bad it split open to thu bono but failed to find the splinter. Mr. Chas. Lauer was confined to hi rcsi- deiico several days this week with sickness. We were pleased to see him on our streets' again Friday morning. Mr. Geo. M. Miller left Monday evening to spend a few weeks ill California. During his nbscniin he will visit his brother, Joiupiin, who tins a tine Inrin near Onklauil, Lai. Hen Owen, John Cogswell, Henry Hoff man and wife, II C Humphrey, R R Hays, Geo Vanduyiii', P K Walters, John Belshaw, Jas Hoffmau and wife, Marion Wiikins and wife and several others from Eugene took in the Stale Fair this week. Dr. Geo. M. Miller and wife of Ottowa, Illinois, are visiting at Rev. E. P. Hender son' in this city, Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. M illrr ar sisters aud (hi week tiy met tke first time la SI yars. It Is needless to any that the meeting was a happy one. Sterling Hill leaves Saturday next under n contract as advance representative of the Hudsou Eckert Juvenile Opera Co. He will represent that company as far as Chicago, when ha will return with the tragedian, Frederick Wardo.- Mr. II ill is an energetic young man nnd will be successful. Largii Sale. The large tract of land occupied for many years by Geo. lUlshuw, four miles west of Eugene was sold by Mr. Belshaw this week to a Mr. Smith of Sun Jose, Cal., for the sum of $10,200. The land complies 1280 acres of good prairie, and on it has been raised wheat that look the premium for tho best wheat raised by any nation at th Cen tennial Exposition, nt Pin is and many fairs held iu Oregon. The purchaser iiflends to divide it into 10 acre tracts and offer it for sale. Ho started for California Monday to make arrangements for tho sale and coloni zation of the laud. This is un important move for Lane county as upon a tract of laud which has had but a few people resid.ng on it will be occupied by many families. Tho Willamette valley is capable of supporting an enormous population in comfort should land owners be content with small tracts of land well tilled. (ieo. W. Kinsey, Auctioneer. When you want your goods, household furniture or land sold at auction, call on Geo. W Kinsey, the pioneer and most suc cessful auctioneer in Lane County. Ho will attend to all sales on a reasonable com mission. Run. Satnrday night last a light shower of rain fell, nnd on Thursday commencing at noon rain fell most of the afternoon. There was not sufficient to give grass a good start, but it has laid (ho dust effectually and (lis poseo of the uviial summer smoke. From present indications wo may expect fair weather. Hoes Wastkii, From present indications a considerable amount of the hop crop of Lane county will not be saved on account of a lack of pickers. It is a lamentable fact that numbers of unemployed men, women and children wonld not go into the bopvards and help save the crop at fuir pricei. Lcckt A'iam. We havo been informed that Ike Vocnm, who mado nearly f 10,000 during (h" year of big hop prices in this county, h is a hop yard In Puyallnp valley and says he will clear 10,000 thu present year. Aax Biiokc.v. Mrs. Hii -'hi s, of Cresswell, while climbing a fence at Linton's hop yard several days siucu fell and broke ber right arm. Dr. Sharpies set tho injured member. Mnstn). At the Court House, Suturday, Kept. 15. IhsS. I.y E. May, elder of the j Christian Church. Albeit Warden lo Ar IminJi Chastain. STATU UNIVERSITY. Ada Sii iiii'LM . . . EorroB. Next uicetiug of society will be nomination week. Tho minstrel, Jimiuio G., has not yet re turned. Wonder if Eugenia knew when Central' was coining? Vacation is ovei! Tho blest newi Is school has begun. Compositions ucxt week are to bo handed iu to Miss Carson. The text books iu surveying and chemis try have been changed. Miss Etta Moore, a graduate of lust year' class, is now iu Portland. There were not enough scholarships in Washington county to supply the applicants. Miss Litma Holt, after a your spent In Tennessee, has again uiiterod tho Univer sity. Out of flflin ii in the Senior and Junior classes, only four were ready to report Mon day. X.xt wsek Horace and Walter McClura and prol b!y Id McAllister will enter the Junior class, The ohm in Webster which has forniorly recited to Mr. HiiU'er will recite to Professor Hawthorne. Wonder what bos become of the original of tho photographs for which Fletcher Linn was tg canvass? Minnie Uieu is teaching a school in Wasco Co, snd will not return. Neither will Jesse M. Wise b expected. Melissa Hill has accepted a position iu the public school in Tho Dalles and has fifty scholai under her care. Miss Ma Hendricks, a prominent member in the Kutaxian society, will start next week to teach a Kindergarten. The Senior class this year will be small, the next one ipiite large, chiefly made np of (his class' backsliders. The rain we have had has done mucji to settle the dust aud make the long walk to the University mora pleasant. Paul Brntlniu and another Paisley student arrived .Monday after a long journey on horseback through the mountains. Will McCo'rnuck, who so uurrowly escaped a serious accident on his way borne, iu April was ablu to return all safe. Miss Matthews, of Dayton, W. T., aud Miss Bain, a gradual., of thu Portland High School, have entered the University. I'liomns C. Todd has returned from his home in the Ciilapooya mountains, much to (he delight ol some nf the young Indies. A great ninny new students have started in the English course. Some of the old ones are changing their gotirse to the new. The first meeting of the Etituxian society was hold yesterday. As there was no 0,110 tion for debate, it was necessarily wanting. Milloli Butterfield, a former student, has accepted a position for two years in Port land. He has joined thu Militia company iu that pine. The University lawn and surroundings give great credit to the euro of tho janitor. It is a surprise and a pleasure nnd looks in viting to all. As we gather together it is plain to be seen that some of the young gentlemen have spi ut their vacation raising iuastach.es. Their success calls for praise, The guardian angel of tho Senior class re turned Monday evening. Tho American eagle of the class returned Wednesday, Th Princess has become the class Queen. Most of the young gentlemen that have been canvassing for book this summer have fob ml their work so profitable unit interest ing that they will be late iu entering school. Mis Carson, our newly fleeted teacher, occupies the room formerly used by Mr. Spillcr and has taken her work and is also to have the classes in Rhetoric aud Compo sition. Miss Greene of Seattle nnd Miss Hamilton of Rosebitrg have returned and each brought a brother. Mr. Hughes and Mr. Young have both brought their Butters. Fletchsr Llnu was r.il left far behind for he brought a brnthr. W will miss from our society this year soma of our most prominent ineinbor and are very glud to see so many young ladies among the new students from whom we can hop.i to gain somo valuable member and fill up their places. Gill'ont Nush, a former student, arrived lu America some time in July and reports hav ing experienced much pleasure and having seen many things ot Interest during bis ex tensive trip through Europe. He promise to be in Eugene for tho introductory socia ble at th University. Among tho students assembled this week there are many new faces which goes far to show that our University is gaining in favor. Somo have com from distant parts of th Statu Throo from Washington Territory and several from our own town. To all wa extend Welcome as' well as to the new teach er who has como to labor among us, . During vacation a Laurean, very brave, ou a bicycle, whilst making tho trip on hi wheel from Ihe sea coast to Salem becaiu tired with lis motion and sought rest in a pasture without asking previous permission of jts long-horned proprietor, who a soon as he saw thu intruder, came iu groat haste to eject him. The Laurean, vaulting ovor the fence with more speed than precaution, tore a rrnt in his clothes more than the length of his purse which obligtd him to ride into the capital city under the cover of night and deposit himself with a tailor un til he could draw ou his' bunker, then he wisely concluded to finish up his journey in side of Ihe curs. Cociitkous. A soon as the Lauo County Agricultural Association discovered that their annual meeting conllicted with the Statu Fair its directors promptly changed the date. This was courteous and right, and this journal believes thnt for this act that society will be rewarded by a suecessful meeting. During the past two weeks we have had more inquiry as to the time- that association would hold its meetings than of any other. Portland Rural Spirit. For Hale. A good stock ranch of 3C0 acres, two flue comer lots iu Eugene, and one extra Jersey cow. Applv to Frank Rankin. Sept. ll.'lS'iS. Tub Ckciju's, The Blue River Mining Co. havo forwarded a ton of rock from the Cnesus mine to reduction works iu San Francisco. Several assays have been mado from this mine the lowest of which showed $1.75 per ton and the highest UlUO. Maiiiukp. Mr. John W. Horn and Mis Anna Kitchey wen) married bast Wednesday by Rev. Geo. A. McKinley. at the residenea of the bride's father on Cn mp Creek. They will make their home nenr Pendleton, Or. Fob Rknt. House and Vara on Eighth street, opposite race course. Iaijuirtt on pnniUes. Mabiiikd. At Shoshone. Idaho Ang. 21, Geo. Wilcox to Edith Wiuters, both for merly of Eugene.