n 1 1 1 p Fl! i .1 1 E&TAHLlSilED FUR THE DISSKlHVHiliN HP L'i:.H:H'RA1 IC MIX Jim l!l Til MRS IS PNEST LIVING BY THE SWEAT OF WR BiiO.V. OL21 EUGENE CITY, OR., SATURDAY. SELTKMBEU 15, m NO. 7. CI GUARDo hhvushim i : I JO ,rU15I,ISHED EYE1.Y SATUUDAY.) 1. L CAMIMsELL, Publisher a.nl J'roiiriotor. i:1T1CE-Oh the E.wi sido of Villiuiitti . uxet.l Uiweou Sm elt th and Eighth Streets. i'lU.MS Of SUBSCRIPTION'. IVr annum f- U Months Lo luce month i Ol U ONLV KATKS Of ADVKKTIrflN'U Vlvortiseiuents inserted an follows: One square, ten line or less one insertion S3 each subsequent insertion it Cal, requiri;. in advance. , Time advertisera will be charged at tiie fol lowing rates: ( mo wiuare three months tv One square nix months J One square one year........... Trausi-nit iioticeiii local column, -D nut ,r line tor each insertion. Advertising bilU will Is) rendered quarterly All iob work niut-t 1 paid fob on heliveui CEO. B. DORRIS, Mtomeij and Coiuisellor-at-Law, HlHLfi PKVCTICE IX THE CDUIIT9 V of the Second Judicial District ami in In Supreme Court of this State. Spwhl attention b-iven to collections and matters in probate L, BMEU... Attorney and Counsellor at Law, - EUGENE CITY. OREGON'. L 11A0TICE3 IX ALLTHE COURTS OF thin State. Will give special uttcutioii to collections and proliato matters. OKu:E--Over llendrick k Eakin's bank. Washburne As Woodcock Altoruc ys- L: somen;., city, - - - o a kg on j OFFICE At the Court House. iv8m3 GEO. A. DUIUIIH. 8. W. CONDON. CONDON & DORRIS,! Attoraic) si-sit-Sv.au, eugexecity, - - - okf.oon OFFICE Over Robinson Jt Church's hardwar. store. - C9. M. KILLER, ittsnoy aal Couasjllor-at-Lax, ari J W.KN'B CITY, - OREGON. !' Ire formerly occupied by Thompson A Bean. I J. E. FEN TON, Altortjey-al-Laiv. KUGEXEC1TY OREGON. Siecial attention .'iven to I'robato busintss and Abstracts of 1 ule. OtFK'li Over Grange Store. T. W.HAlUtIS,xM.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. U-sidence on Fifth street, where Or Shelton ormerly resideiL DLl. JOS FA1 II P. GILL, 1AX BE FOUXO AT HIS OFFICE or res videiu'e when not professionally tned. Residence on Eighth street, opposito Tresby erian 1,'hureh. J.J. WALTON. Jr., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ECGEXE CITY, OREGON'. WILL PRACTICE IX ALL THE I ( 'ourts of the State. I S)ecial attention given to re.'.l estate, col ectim;, and probate matters. tillectiiii; all kinds of claims against the '.'nited States Governr.ient. Mtice in Walton's brick- Moms 7 and 8. B. F. DORRIS, am AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. i j rllAVE SOME VERY DESll! Afll.E Fauns, foil. r ue, I mid Ceiiuprnved i'lmn . property for sale. ' n ea-v terms. Pr:?crt7 Esalcd and P.snts C.ll::tc3.i 1. .. i . 1. : t .... nr ti,.. oldest ,,,! ni-Mt i.'-ii i!. an I in t'u- P::'. ::vr and Ivj' !nn 1: .djn-tr.i l vi-ir , '"esSr.iNiiSaoNtin. N'oNt a -lureiaf y..ur pitP'1,1',-i s"li'i:-d. j t:fi.M up uir. ovr the Gran.-e Store , U. K. I'RI.i ! lie insUr.Ol s Klio.lllies I re . 1. '"eiii, ;nr , J. DAVIS. 1 Merchant Tailor. v11 0PKM.0 A SCO!' OX NINTH 1 1 Strert t.t. i: tn- Stir IUkerv, wi ' -H;.r-;.irl lo.l.a.il kinds ..f work .efrred one. VZZlV;iZ !;:,,:,.!. lO.MO.. business pr..p. r-' ' T "0 a ; 3 euro for Lysia In Riria. ,,! cVni,,;-doae ,a-,.',.i:y. S..V tv ...1 Wid ::i l st eet. .. wliieh the buy. r fSr CoLStipatlon. u,C.,r,.t.tl. .c'aad.i,: aey wilhia two years. j V. guaxuats. Uam S.J and CQ cents. A Ivr-e st'-c't f Fi'i . Io:!, i.n la ui i f .r Kiueue, X. 0, IS!. U Bay & Henderson, THE l.EAl'ING FURNITURE & O'HDE House in Eugene. Corner Ttli and Wil. St s i H McClung f J('lyiYip ;j ! C ole Agents fcrlvw:ii( City, ' v j FOU THE JCVl l-Y (. la.l.iiliAi l.l .wjf i SOLD AND SILVEu SKlt. -- )a i Mi Wc are still at the nld ndlidde "Cr.u..- t. t , 1 l-A-A and can tell you uiiytiiiu.' I hat you ..nt tn 'A I'lieaprr Than Use Chivies.. 01111 Have removed to 31a rx' New building; Ticy have a complete sfark of Watches, Clockf Jewelry & Musical Instruments. ALSO A liii'c invoice of ('!:i'ii;33a ool.:. 3SB&: MS 3ARKER. Expert Gun Smith Mock ot Guns and Am munition on hand. KKiKXK - - - Ki:t.OV C. Marx. Barber Shop and Bq IIIOi Ho' i:n1 e ii;l b.itls always ready durin; the We' k. r-: . t .1. .1 T ... I.I....V Sl ... 11 '1 111 Ul U lllll l ll i-iwii.. : A3UV)VtS lint .?a frptfnl ivsrUh. fnix tr In, III,;., I whll ' muff LO c leeiuinir 1 uuis m j w i ! ll Stolnaoli JJlsorteW, can oe n nr vu , r.t onco br usinfj Acker's Baby S'sitUt r. I It Mttains no Opium or Jlorphmo, hence is Safe. Trice ij cents. Boldly! , , I Cr aTl,T I IT.M1 ! . M, UU Li L.IIJ li ' 1 Alt prney-at -law. c ; , . . . Ol '. I'. e mi, 1 House. Loutjr.v P.ir-, vevir s r,a',:i: Gno. M. MlIXKU jl -f.vk jl -V a. a iL 1! Keal Estate Agents. KJiS'Mi'i ( ify. Oregon. Will HtU nd tn :' lieral ll-id Es'.iitebllsilH Sh such ns buying, hi Ihiig, lcusinc; ami rrtitini farmsiind eiu nroiu-r! v. rte. (Ulien on south lsidc ()f Xin'li Mini. ' H.F.-McCornack, M. D. PHYSiGIAIl AND SURCECiL KUfJKNi: CITY, OUKfJON. fl I" II YE "i"::X!'.I- uL'T A LARGE AN'l Select, M, rk ..I GQGE!;i'S, CICAJ1S, TOBACCOS 5h.ll LI. a'. I.i 'C.S nonlis, Ivrc, .1 '- :' f 'AIU AX.'I UtASO.S 1, 1 ,.. . . , , K p,,.,s. yIV:- A i-lAL. fl, i,v,,,. ,;; ,;;,,;.,.,, (;,, or t;. OAl. t.fsoN. Or I, is f.,r S; en, r liulie fruit tnss may Ih- left i.t li,.- (i.ai.s,- stori ; nl-o Mr. limwn. fvi Ei :tilj !;:-t ill l ave lie in f,,r mile. lz:a. :"ZT' ' ;:ie,i;i. ij:;vili.k I'HKI !, 1'iop . !? tvrvn WnulJ cnioy yo;:r dinner t nr. 1 aro 1 cvr ntcd 1.V Dv- ( .burn & C . i-as-ne. Out of iiio Crcact.vorks. Tath .cru!(M, Vkxx., July 4. iCSS. T! J- 'i. S,h- i'ic Co., Aibp.la, C:i.:- C.f- Seven v..:x ; 1 1 extracted at- .;'y bad ca c i i '. 1 r-i..-.n. I tn ! .i, the N-m .-it coi:i n.ind, but ten:: I :n !:.,:'. My l!" ro.it K'san to JTt m .r:.l i"v : . .!y c.wrcvl with soro, an.l ,.' ; from I. :d to worse, I fc't ! : :yp.ivc mt be rc.ul: in the nc ir ,:,:;?, 1 .m' up the i! ciors trct w:i, : ! v it '., a I'.'v.irin:; hopo I com mcnoc 1 t..'.;p ; ;,vi;r mcdii' i'i'. 1 lv-;an t impro.c i'mhi ;'.:c 1 ; r s t lotlh, av. ! in a slant ti n. the rkvpi lu-akd, aiu! my sNiiulcarcd i i.I a. id iv.is ci::!:cly well. Ore year ao a tasc of catarr't developed in f l) j:n. T..' phvie'.ui i!i 1 his best, kt'.l Ci'fM ii"t euro mc; I at tw bM'lcs of Swift's S;Ki'io j;.-.vf. me peim.ii;ii relief. J. 11. KOUINSHS. K.mtmav, Trs., Jitrs s.i, i83S. T!ic Swift Sjicel'.e Co., Atl.ima, On : Cicm'.nr.tn I !nvc ben ; li'.ieted with a Un (li-;".isc f-r aiHWit twelve yc.i!, and the bsl nu'di.-.il liv.'.fK !t .'ailed In f ;i c nc re lief. Iam iiuv.' u,i,i ; Swi'Vi Specitie, and hive re.'eivi:! ;he ,;:: ti-t bercil from it j UK'. Yor.r truly, Wm. JustiS. . .it .!: bv dr :hW. Tin Swu r s.-i 1 1. e Co., l)r;;wer i, Atl.i da. Kcw Yoik. y-'i, !roadw.i-. LonJea, Enc, K Srow HilL Vhat Is Itr Th it i'ic. lur i that luaulifnlly soft coin-. plrMnii hihI h u vt s no liaers of its npp'ii a linn or iiijuiiriH i Hi i Is' The iiiikwi r, Win ilmii's liidii -iiiin' iiici'inplishi h all this, and is prmiomiei d by hnlii K of tule and rellin llii III to be the most ih lihlllll toll. 1 uitiele ever I'lodilei il. Wiirraiiti d La lnli -hh and tiMtehlisN. F, M. Wilkius, :ip ill, l'.llelie Citv. lly the lab st ini'lhodi. in U'c bv I'asti in lelitihls hi .h in ihc prof, ssiii , lb n,l rs.ili Ik elmllll d In T.illlei i ipullly'is ill lliil'l" re--11 1 1 H in line yold liliilis. Oilier suni' place, Hayes" block. E. K. LIYKKY CO. AISSW toll ISoKCIi'KK fi Si'l.KCK l'llt r.VIIA TIi NS. I'lire-h .bither Tiiielin-s-snp. iioi' in pn-n. nation to my in the timlk. t. Ilvdia-tllio I .line iilli' of the tlliest coin- iioiinds l(.r ill bdilv mid l..si vit tin v . I ill .( i .i : li i- mi. it In r til:elm. s and Ti'itu rill i. I - .' (I J i : ei M stlol fi r ih.ill Iluiil IX- Irnets; j'liei s t;ie same as in eslabll-li- llellt". Sn. 'i d id'i uli'in is railed In Ihe 1!. S. li'ieliius. I!,. Mm, ind mention II. - S when i'. sciibin ;, A (.ill supply ubniys on iiiual al E Ji. Lueki y it Co's. l.'inibei't ,V ll. li'iersuii are the sole ajrtitH for III- ri lel.l-l rd Superior Sloven. T'ak yo ir ui.rc :tial look at llieui. Mi'i" iii i' 1 1 1 ' ti I no it wiii ." l!'Hon De .li ' a-. I ...i ve ..ur opi r.iii'.iis jiei I jniiiid li a si;, 111 , I iii nn. r. Moore's R -Veali d R lllrdv regulates mill buil Is up all tin ' tiriMiix of tin- hum in Has ten!. Son! liy r.HuellH I)l'll;,'j;lsts. Dr. Tn lor's 7 O.iks Coinpoiitiil, purely Veneliible, )i.isilively cures rlieiimalislil, Hell-rnl-i i, tootli irhe, hu ll liead iclie, crump rob ir, eholi ra inoibns, r. m i .!.i i 1 1 s peeuliur to fi l'.iulis, ml, I or ronoli, hives, chills anil fi ver, piinii around Iho bruit, riysiprlaK, olithisie. Gk imp: Taylor. Sold by O-liurn ,t Co, dniiihts, Mr Geo K Ci viv has the snlr ftifeney for nl. brand., of t! io celebrated Tuusil Punch Cigars, AVoml Wniiti'd. All kinds of im'kI, rlrau four-foot wood wniited liy the Winlrr Photo Cuinpanv. Wood taken in rxelnuinu for pictures to any amount, until Sept. 1st, 'Mi. Impure ovi r A. . rulers store. iiirrri I'lKito-Coiiiiuiiiy. llest fieililiis for rnlart;liiu pletures to any si.e and a superior ijiiulily of woik iiuaruiitei d. Ki'nnsie ,t Kb iti have just received the riiiest f 1 1'rc irli kid shoo rv r I r uiylit to Euoruii. Lobes en' and si o (hetii. We luive them in 0,11111 and French to"S m lliiiaii will take all kinds of produce, e.-gs, liiciiii. butter, ebiclfiiH nud every lung it better priri s than anyone else in town. ROYAL ttr. .'-"imiLVivJ Absolutely Pure. '1 1. ! po 1 I, r 1, tr vara . A in 1 r . . 1 1 ,f pur t'. stun li a,i nl o e. ,i. ;i. .Vo-e eea;a' ., !tiia',l 1 1 01 :; - en'i'iary h iii!- aiei , aioott If hi ill C'l ll'.' t ' it n Willi ill I.ll'lloe f .a iietr. .-.,..i aietn or ,', ol -te ..ai,.ia-r. s "Id (Milv III Kall. UoTAL llvliir.li i'llWIlKII Co., luO WU su.X Y. V C ROYAL MM ) 1. ts F ' v X -a mssm Au KAcitinir Comliat. Jisni Hainillon, 11 fninier, who resides n.'.'t th Case id, ) locks, Mrs, II million and their hiivcl mail, h el n rxs rn tu.-o wilh a elixir a I'riv ii'L'hts since whieli is worth r.-lutii'i:. The II , mill, ,n fiiniiy had a niim ! r i f 1 hick. mis, and tin so bran to disap. pi'ur in-id of one or two ui,,hls in an nlarui in;d rii'id 111 .inner. The coop was almost 1 11, ply ami Mr and Mis II iniiltoii inoiiriied t' el'i iit. Al ',1 o'c'ock one nij;!it a Hoist, was he iid in the 1 o,,p an 1 Mr. ll million and ti;e bind I. liiiin r mi! lied forth li Caipttlir the mat -ind. r. -Mr. Hamilton was armed with a sliolijmi ha,, h d i h l uekshot. while the biri liiii; earrii d 11 tiie torch. Healing their iipptoiieli sour lliin,; ilaitnl from the e op an I look refuse in , 1 in u Mr. Hnlll illoo, li n l,iin: it as a wild eat, elliubi d tin tree and when he r;ot close eiiou.;h emptied his hotjjun into a d ifc (,bj, rt Jierehed on Lie blanches above him. Oovvn cailie the oKj. i t. sinking Mr. Hamilton unit ho canir down bv (be run. I he hind limn hbw that il was a hiioe eoutar and droppine; his torch he tb d like a seared Wolf. Til.' coii'-ar bi nun to fn I for Mr. Hamil ton, win 11 Hie latti r's dotrs took b hand in the lil.t, mid ilisinieted Ml. Cougar's atteii 11,01. Tin 11 Mrs. 11 mi ill on picked up the torch and joined in ihe nich e, which by this Utile 111 I tiecotlia. ilitelestino am) pXcitltlK. The cougar nnnle for Mis. 11 iiiiilton, but that plucky lady burned his ( hill whiskers with the torch and so held It i 111 at bay. Mr. II .million clubbed his c.1111 and struck the coin; ir bie.il.iiii; till the slock. Then he look the bair. b, and with Ihe assistance of Mrs Hamilton and the dor,, soon heal the concur to d. nth. W hi n stretched out ihe animal mtasui'eil some nine feet. The hireli; has In 1 11 discharged, the cougar sknnii d, and tile pelt will bo (umit d hihI made into a cloak for Mis. H.iiiiiltoii, News. The will of the late (1, UPral Shi rid ill, dali d May ls.8. lus been iidlliitnil to pr d'al,' Hi Washiiir-ioli l,.c(tto hiswifi otie thiidnl nil Ins personal property, the - in, in In u 1,1 d,, wi r To ,M is. K ile Sin ri--i.o,, his iiioiliei, since .inense.l, hn lift the Ohm hiiiio st, ad to I. M il to his sou Phil il Sin li.lali, in lee simple All the rest of Ills prnpil'iy he h lives III his wile, for lilt in 1 in 1 in, nee mill eibiciit ou ol his four .tiit.ii Idien. The petit 11 11 states that his ptr 11I estate contisi of 9'J.7'jl ill money, son :S,i)Uo in Klin l,s, tte , t'.'i.ot o in swouls, et 1,11(111 in In u-t hold luriiiliiie, M.lin in horse a,.t eiuiiajo mid S.ViU iii the ho inn at Non- ptltl, Mass. Davis, the I dlor, has just received a lurue sl .ek ol iiiipoi tid and iloiiu stie fluids of Ihe Litest fipniig mid Snuiniei' Hiy.i 8. Call anil . . 1 ! ! 1 1 n his Moek. 1 l'osi'Ai, 1'ki.I' .iitM'ii Oilier hours on Sun day fioui8:iKi to 10.1 (I a. 111, .and from 4:10 loo:. Up. III. Week iIuns, a, I hu-Uies bouts G. F. Chaw, Kupt. AX LXI'LANATIOX. What is 1 Ins "in I'vous litaible" wilh which so nuiiv Keeiil now to lie alllleli d ' If Votl will r, iin nib, r a few vems ao Ihe wold Mil, ilia was eonipuratively linkuowil- to my H ii as e, mm, Mi as m y wold in th. Knlisli laiinuaye ,m 1 this word cuvt is only ihe no aniiif,' of am, lie r wnnl usetl by our ton Iii In is in linns pitst. So it is with nervous ilisi list s, us tin y nial Malaria are , lit. udt d to cover what our itrallilfalllera culled biliousness, and are all caused b troubles that arise from a diseased condition of the liver which in pcrfminiiiK its func liolis 'imliiii! that il cannot dispose of the liile Ihrouli the ordinary channel is pom. pellnl to pass it oil' ihrnnuh ihe pystem, e iUsinK In ill, uis Iroubh s, Malaria, llilioils Fever, itr. Voll who are Hiilb liii) can well .j'pri ciiito a cure. W'e recommend Umen'a A liquid Flowi r It eliri H are niaiveloiis. - - Notice. Farmers if yon want money brinn all your oltl iron, copper, brass, etc., lo W, Saiiilrm. He pays the Jiiohost rash price. New York Store. Why yes T-T'ea-T. Wn ask you to note that we carry the, largest tin. I best stock ol le south of Portland. W u buy direct from the importer. We-allow yon to re, fuse or niie'l w hat you buy, or will give you a sain phi lo let vou find out just what kind you want. All favorite ami tried brands always in slock. Pi in s to suit the limes fiom 'JD i ts up. We also liavu 11 full and fresh slock of yrocerim etc. Pacific Tca Co. Oregon State Fair I THE TWENTY-EIGHTH AN MM!.. STATU FA I II Will be UM in tlif Fair rntuiiN, nar Salem, t'liiimtt'iK'iiu "'i tha 1VTH OF SKPl'KMHEH, An. I 1 , 1; 1 '. n ui laif one week. Cash pre miums to the Hllallllllt of S I.,0M ! Will b" RWardtd for it.'iii'iilliiriil, iieohnnicid aid stock I'.vl iliils, Winks if art und lalicy U'o k, ft.'el for trlaN of ,ee,. The i.reiniiiiiis 1, lb r, d l.ave been inereasetl ii II. .41 1 V cis'-h, .111, 1 iifw el isses havi been ad't e,l, .No nitty fo chaii t in eivisions J,K, L an. I 0. . nr.. nili-e: t fill f liorss are entered, lill l tin r- will l.e p. 11 lid lonlc.-ils of ruimhiK 111, I trottiu.' cell iluy. 1 1 e alii!, 1, ni Muii,rtiiti,iii eotiipaiiies w ill In do- J.laeilil r, .lin:tl..i iliajlo.a, ami freights. .--(t , ial af.eii'ioti is i' .IIh.I to the premium. Ife.e'l fur county rxliiluls o Krains, grua.se .III I I111 ts. Louies will be nc.ivetl in the Secretary' oil iH. in Sa em, leviiiioii., n days larftars the fair, niitl on the fair iroiniiU fmm Fiidsy be f .re the fair. I'ei.ous ilesii imj to exhibit ill : i i.miis .1, K. V hihI l are rturslet to iim-e their . n tries 011 Kri lay and Satur'lay lae f ire (lie f or if si.il,ln. All entries elose .111 M ui ay, ,V t. n.ber ITih, at r.'.Vi p 111. PRICES Or ADMISSIONS Claili.,ll liel.ct fo f-,,iis ii ti, ket for t tic t l for men. ,71 in-ii ("ix t'oys), t'i s1; in. 11 (-U ihi)), 1; day lits; aluy ticket for W11- 1 rte 11, Vi c-itisutiek. ts to the train! stand ' racl, li at k laar limits over i Years , celiU: ' hi 'i to t!i" (,r aa I stuid free. 1 Tlni'c ticsnitiK to piircliavfv Issitln will apply I to the S.'cra tsi v. I S?iii toth. Seetetsty at Sshm for a prt ' miuiii iit. J. T. Gltl.GG, S.cr.Ury. The Protoctod Trusts. Mr. HI, due's ex unpin i beginning fo have ilsiff.ct. Alieudy Iin-niammcis of dixit, publican parly are attemptim to swing the organization awav from the Chicago plat, form 10 die ntw doctrine of tinn-iiiicrffii'iicH with Irnsts. The Chiragai Coiivriiiimi dr. maiide.l thai Coiiguss take action to sup. ores these lawless comliiiiiilioin, Mr. lllaiue aay (hat Coiiitres has nothiiiK lo do with them, and that tho questioii of trusts "should have no place in 11 national cam paign." Mr, I Young, Ihe leader of Ihe party on tlu PacitH Const, has giv. n Ihe word through his piper that Mr. limine' view, and not that of the Chicago platform, is the oue to bo maintained iu the local con test. And now, what aro theso trusts, which the guiding spirits of Ihe lleptibliean party say should he soldi-cled to no control but that of the State Lecislatnrcn that is to any, to no control at all? Tiny arc conspiracies to raise prices mid di press wagon. They roh consumers ami workingiueu nl once. Their operat ions follow a well-established plan. First there is a limitation of produc tion. Fnctoriis are shut d"ti, or run on half time. This throws 11 number of men out of .ork and makes die situations of tho rest precarious. Employment becomes a favor, which must bit w.ccrpte.1 on the terms of 'ihe masters, or not l all. Then wage am reduced, and if the worknn u do not like the change they have tho privilege of giving up their placta to some of the Htarving crowd waiting outside. Meanwhile there is a scarcity of the pro duct in tho market. Consumer aro clamor ingfor an ait He that only the trust ran supply. The price (?orn up as wages go down. The trust gathers in prol'its wuu Ixilh hands. It robs Polcr, but not to pay Paul. Paul hh Well ha Peter-tllK working, man as we Hs the eoiisituier-p.iy tribute to its insatiable rapacity. Now, what connection has this iniquity with the liiiifl? A verv char and ui mis tukable Olie. The talulT reduces the territory which the trusts must cover to manageable proportions. Without the shield of "pro. teclioii to Aim riean indistr" evt rv audi combination would he compelled to face the competition of die whole world. W i h that shirlil.it is Hiifu if it can win over or crush out its rivals m Iha United St iles. S. F. Examiner. Tho DiflVroiicc. Mr. Maine's heedless aasfrtion that "Eng. land is plastered all over with Triisla" has been refuted by the Tillies' London ronrs poiidriit upon authoiity ho competent that no one has ventured to eh ,11, ng,- it . There are a few trade combinations m Kngland, as there urn everywhere, but ihe great Trusts of this country have no parail, I there. 'I he reason is obvious, ami the World sug gested it on the day alter .Mr, Illaine'a re markable deliverance To make a Trust pi rmaneiit'y successful it must he able to comrol Ihe imiiket for Ihe commodity which it handles. The orgaiii. .els of most of the American Trusts are en ahlcd lo do this ihroiiih a tm ill' dial shuts out foreign competition. The Sugar Trust is protected bv a dull of 87 per c ut , the Lead Trust by n duty of G ', (he Hubber Trust by a duty of '2 .,'tlie Luis ul Oil T'nist by a duty of M. And so 011 lo dm end. The Standard Oil Trust is protected by its mon opoly of crude petroleum A few olh.r lesser Tiusts depend upon 11au1r.il advanta ges, hut tL,e great bulk of thciii are plomotvd and protected by the tariff. In England (here is uo such artificial help. If a combination Were formed to put up the price of Itrilish products, France, Germany and the United States would at once, send iu good enough to break it down. The tariff is the parent of TruHts.--N. Y. World. "I have just come to town from Pennsyl vaiiin," laid a young, vigorous, quite well dressed and well siiislled locking young mau to a Tacoiua newspaper man the oilier day. I have traveled ,'t, (KJU mil.s mid nut even paid third class fare on much ol the way; in fact, I have made a very chmp trip." "How did you manage itr1" was asked. "I stood in with the brakvim n 011 fn ight tn l,is. It Is not au original plan by any means. In fact, one brakeman told me it was 110 un usual thing for him to make hs high as $0d a trip. They put such travelers us 1 iu a box car, collect from Into what be can pav, nud lock him up for a trip. The last jilnip I made was from Yakima lo tins city, and for that I paid $1.00. Their Were lllll' teen others iu the car with mi1; nil of us paid the fieigbt braketnau or conductor the sumo amount. The train stopped first out here on ihe flats this side of the reservation, and the car was unlocked and we were told lo climb out ami walk into town. There are hundreds of men coming out here in the same way every week from the Eaist. Prci-Ilcnt Cleveland in three yeurs ap proved pension bills, only Kllii less than the number signed by Grant, Hayes and Arthur during twelve yean. For Rai.k Four yoke of brokeu work oxen mid rigging for sale cheap. Cuttle and owuer are nt Elmirs, Lane county, Oregon, A M X A. Fouku. SIotliiTs! Cssloriu is recommended by phy ii iatis for children teething. It is a purely vegetable preparation; its ingredients urn published around each bottle. It is pleasant to the taste ami absolutely harmless. It relieve constipation, regulates the bowels, quiet pain, cures dhintio'ii ned wind colic, ullaya fevt rishiicHs, destroys wntuis, ntnl preveuts convulsions, soothes die child aid gives it refreshing and nuttir.il sleep. Castoria is Ihe children's panscea-the uiotheis' friend. 'A') doses, 115 cents. I'ity Taxes. For die vear I8SH aro n"W due and paya ble to F. W". A. Cram, Treasurer, at his nfUee. All les not paid by Ihe ,Olh day of Seplemls r, 18(18, will bec.uii" th liuqneut, and subject lo sn additional Int "r cent. It. K Doiikis, K.corde.-. Eugene City. July 2U. HH Don t believe It Whvn fol.l that F. M. W ilkins. th? druggist, is not selling 'Wisiioni's Ilnts-iline" for the complexicn, the most eh gaiil and only really harmless preparation of its kind in the wothl, and giving a beautiful picture card with aver; bottle.