The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, September 08, 1888, Image 7

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How to Ilerlve the l.reatest Amonnt of
Uood From the I'm or the Wlionl.
How a bicycle should be ridden do
ponds wholly upon the Incentive for
riding It- If the muohino U ustod in
buiiienB, a possibility now in many
cities, no rules need ba laid down, a
the practical ridor will always go about
it in the moot matter-of-fact way that
will accomplish bin end; and if he ridea
the wheel to win laurels on tho racing
path, he will need no outside advice as
to the hows and wherefores of this
branch of tho sport Those who rido
for pleiwure, for tho sake of the exer
cise, or to get away from the din and
dirt of the city's turmoil, however, may
frequently gain a hint or two from the
experience of others, and looking ut
the matter in this light, I shall be glad
to give very briefly my views upon the
There are two methods of using a
bicycle for pleasure, the first for the
mere exhilaration and excitement of
self-propulsion,' ut a brisk pace, cither
for physical development or to reach a
given point within a given time; the
second for tho more quiet enjoyment of
every thing that pertains to out-door
lifo and nature. I find plcasuro in both
forms of the exercise, and think that a
combination of both conduce to the best
results. There is an excitement in a
thirty-milo dash over good roads that
must be experienced to be fully appre
ciated. My usual gait in accomplish
ing such a run is from nine to ton miles
an hour, with absolutely as few stops as
possible. Tho first ten miles are always
the hardest; then tho muscles stiffen to
thoir work; one gets his second wind,
and even the hills grow less difficult,
and in my experience it is less fatigu
ing to pull stiff grade by dogged per-
sistenco, and to rest in tho saddle after
wards by sauntering for half a mile,
than to dismount. I never drink a
drop of any thing on the road if it can
possibly be avoided, a few fruit, lime
or lemon tablets, which may be carried
in the pocket, usually relieving thirst;
and a bit of ice on a hot day is a surer
relief than pints of water as a summer
drink. Frequent dismounts, in con
nection with a hard pace, are fatiguing,
besides affording capital chance to take
cold by a too sudden cooling off. One
can make a business of resting with
far more comfort at tho end of the jour
ney, in dry clothing, and after a refresh
ing bath and rub down.
, On the other hand, there Is no
greater joy than to take tho road on a
bright morning, with a congenial com
panion or two, lady or gentleman
(though with lady companions I al
ways use the tricycle) and go forth
with no other object than to upend a
happy day,- wandering at sweet will in
the pure air and sunshine. The saun
tering pace, the mad-cap coast, the
'speeding over the level, sand-papered
stretches, the quiet road-side pauses,
and the delightful "browsing and nib
bling," as Maurice Thompson puts it,
about the haunts of nature, all con
tribute to make the day so spent one to
live in the memory. To my mind, the
use of the bicycle making the means
and not the aim of enjoyment gives
the most satisfactory and far-reaching
results. But, after all, chacun a son
.gout. Charles Richard Dodge, in
Chicago Inter Ocean.
A Young Man Decline to Serve as Mes
senger on a Texan Railroad.
A verdant young man visited an Aub
Hin (Texas) express office the other
day, and inquired if they wanted a man
to run as messenger on the railroad.
The boys hadn't much to do that day,
and they concluded to havo a little fun
with the rustic. They said they were
looking for tho right kind of a man to
put in charge of an express car on a
new line that had just been opened
through a very dangerous part of Tex
as, but that they must first test his fit
ness for the position. They wanted to
know whether he had the necessary
nerve to withstand the shock of a col
lision or to resist train robbers. He
said he believed he had the nerve, but
they might test hiin in any way they
thought proper.
Then they put him into a crockery
crate with a lot of stone-coal, old stove
plate, coupling irons, broken railroad
lamps and water coolers, and rolled
him down stairs into the cellar. This
they told him, was to see how he would
behave when flopped down an embank
ment in an express car. He stood tho
flop very well, consider, ng that he was
a green hand at rallroiuling.
As he was endeavoring to crawl out,
they dropped a box of merchandise
marked "Glass handle with care,"
down through a hatchway on top ol
him; and during the confusion incident
to disencumbering himself of the
debris, four masked men jumped on
him with slung-shots, and then bound
and gagged him, pistols being dis
charged in close proximity to his head,
meanwhile. Then they chucked him
into an empty coffin box, stood him on
his head and yelled "fire!"
An explosion of dynamite immedi
ately followed, which blew the box
open and drove the would-be messenger
through a two-inch partition. When
they dug him out he appeared to have
grown twenty years older during the
civil-service examination. He said he
-knew it was a hard life running express
messenger on a Texas railroad, but ha
had no idea that it was as rough as
that. He added that he didn't think
his parents would like him to follow it,
and if they could find some man to
make the trip ia his place he would
prefer to consider himself discharged.
'lhey let him off reluctantly, assur
ing him that his qualifications were first
class. He wai next seen inquiring hi
way to the nearest powder mi!L Ha
said if h'j must work out he preferred a
situation whci-e he would be safer tliiD
in aa expres car. TtX'it i'iflings.
Ay the principle of love U the wain principal
In the heart uf Hie real 1'hrii.tian, so the labor
of love U the main business of the C'hrUtian
The discovery by the Inhabitant of a locality
hitherto uuvisited by the pestilent soourve of
fver and ague, that it exists in their very
oiidst, ia decidedly startling. Such diaoorerica
are made at every stsison. in every part of the
Union. Subsequently, when It ia ascertained,
a it invariably i at auch limes, through the
valuable of tome one w ho baa been
heueilited and cured, that Hoetettor'i KUimach
Hitlers ia a thoroughly edlcaclou eradti-ator
of toe malarial poison, and a means of fortify
ing the systoin against it, a fueling of more
security and tranquility rvlirni throughout the
whole nt-ighborhoud. Heaido the febrile forms
of malarial disease, dumb ague and ague cake
are removed by the potant aetion of the Hit
tern, to which science also gives its sanction aa
a remedy for rheumatism, dyspepsia, constipa
tion, liver complaint, debility, kidney troul'lis,
and all diseases Impairing the organ of di
gestion and assimilation.
Indiana 1 to hare a soldiers' and sailors'
monument Ucot J.'ll.nou
White Elephant of Slam, Lion of Eng
land, Diagonof China, Cross of Switzer
land, Banner of Persia, Crescent of Egypt,
Double Eagle of Russia, Star of Chili, Xhe
Circle of Japan. Harp of Erin.
To gut these buy a box of the genuine
Dit. C. Mi-Lank a Celeuhatkd Livkk
I'ili.s, price Hi rents, aud mail us the out
side wrapper with your address, plainly
written, aud 4 renu in stamps. We will
then mull you the above list with an ele
gant package of oleographic aud chro
matic cards.
Fleming Bros., Pittshcko, Pa.
A boy of fifteen has been killed by drinking
whisky iu Newborn. N. Y.
Would you know the keen delight
(If a wholesome aptietite,
I'tirestraiued by colic dire.
Headache's curse, or fever's fire.
Thought morose, or icy chillut
Then iibe Dr. I'lerce s pill.
Vr. l'ierce's Purgative Pellets -the original
and only geuuiue Little Liver Pills; ti cculs a
The early closing movement 1 a success at
Mitrybvillu, Cal.
llrhllit.v. Max! lug IHaeastesi or Chil
dren, Chronic Coughs anil Hrouchi'H can bo
cured by the use of Nell'n KmiuIhIoii of
Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosplilies. Promi
nent physicians use It and tcst'fy to its grave
value, l'lcuxe read the following: "1 used
Hcotts KmuUlnii fursn obstinate tough with
Hmnurrli.iKO, Iaiss nf Appetite, Knmclatloii,
MecplcsHiieHs. etc AU of these have now left,
and I believe your Kmulsloii has saved a case
of weP developed Consumption." T. J. Find
I.KY, M. 1)., Loue UUtr, Texas.
"Yes, sir," ssid Poppinjay, emphatically,
"Grahnll Is a man of limited means, but un
limited meanness "
r Empty barrels give tho most
11 is hard to personate and net a
part long; for when truth is not at the
bottom, nature will always bo endeav
oring to return, and will pass out and
betray herself one timo or other.
Purity of heart depends much, so
far as our moral agotuis concerned,
on keeping tho imagination free from
tho secret contemplation of forbidden
objects. Keep the door of tho imag
ination barred against unlawful visit
ors, and the citadel of the soul is Bafe.
Weak minds make treaties with
the passions they can not overcome,
and try to purchase happiness at the
expense of principle; but the resolute
will of a strong man scorns such
means, and struggles nobly with his
foe to achieve great deeds. IJenry W.
You can know something of the
inner nature of a man by, noting his
favorite amusements. An evil-hearted
person naturally turns new and then to
some sinful or questionable diversion
and the zest of his enjoyment will bo
tray him, no matter how correct his
ordinary, outward life may be.
Don't judge a man by the clothes
he wears. (Jod made ono and the
tailor the other. Don't judge him by
his family, for Cain belonged to a good
family. Don't judge a man by his
failure in life, for many a man fails be
cause he is too honest to succeed.
Don't judge a man by the house he
lives in, for the lizard and tho rat often
inhabit the grander structures.
Wharton (Tex.) Independent'.
Divorce yourself from fret, worry
and grumbling or talking about your
health. Never ask persons about their
health or stories of pet ailments; as all
scuh talk is a welcome to the com
plaints and a call for thorn to come to
you and abide with you. Nine-tenths
of the ills that bother poople como
from the fret and inquisitivenoss thus
absorbing the aches of action. Trust
your stomach and your brain as friends,
and they will escort you post hundreds
of funerals and to fun, frolic and use
fulness. Advance Thought.
First Railroad in Morocco.
1 The Belgian Embassy which recent
ly visited tho Sultan of Morocco at
Mequinez presented that bnrbario
monarch with the first railroad ever
seen in his d ominions. It was only a
miniature affair, which had been
brought overland from Tangier on the
backs of mules and camels; but a
railroad's a railroad for a' that, and
it was with the liveliest interest that
the Sultan witnessed the first trip of
the tiny locomotive and its one car on
the track laid for them outside the
I walls of the capital From such a
small beginning it Is hoped that In
time a Morocco railway system may
be developed, ll'.uitraled Weekly.
Dnjardin'i Life Kssence ha a marked effect
on the sexual organs, restoring the torpid
nerve, and soothing irritability. It ia the only
reliable ar.d effective remedy that we have. It
is very palatable also. Price Uu botUe.
Ail druggists.
ii i M It I ' U 1.1 riua (Medicated) are
crystalled fruit Cathartlr.
II ATI HI Hi r inn .ig a uuwu; v.
the greatest interest to the medicsl profcss.on.
IIAMHl'Ktt '! are a boon to every
household. , ,, ,
II AMBTRU t'H"J are a most dellciou
laxative, or purgative, prepared from fruit and
vetretsbles. ,
IIAMKI RU riUH are so perfectlr
harmless that they may be administered with
entire safety to an infant.
II AN III IU" Ht-f are so efflaeious to
lults 'hi s single iio- Will prove their value.
II (M III III. f'ls.l are so ticVitiitly pre
pared that they ned only to if pi. -seated to
the imblic to become a necessity iu every house
hold thriinf hout li r land.
IIAlltlliU IU,Zociitiabox. Dose,
cue i'-i.
ii . vhjcu ttu opcu eeci'Ol Una
" Octave Thanet," a uarao signed to
many excellent magazine stories, is a
pseudonym. The true name Is said to
be Alice French, the duughter of Judge
French, of Davenport, I a.
For many year the manufacturers of Dr.
Sage' Catarrh lleinoly have oifentd, iu good
faith, S.IU reward for a Case of Nasal I atarrh
which they cannot cure Tho ltemedy i sold
by druygtsia at oidy to) cent This wonderful
remedy ha fairly attained a world-wide repu
tation. If you havo dull, heavy headache ob
struction of the nasal passages, discharges
falling rroin the head iuto the throat, sometimes
profuie, watery, and acrid, at others, thick,
tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and put
rid; if the eyes si weak, watery and Inllamcd;
if there Is a rinsing in the ears, duafuusa,
backing or coughing to cletr the throat, ex
pectoration of offensive matter, together with
scabs from ulcers; the voice boing changed and
has a nasal twang: the breath olleindve; smell
and taste impaired; sensation of diazlm-aa, w ith
nient 4 depression, a hackingoouKh aud general
debility, you are suffering from nasal catarrh.
The more complicated )our disease the greater
the number and diversity of symytom.
Thousands of rases annually, w ithout mani
festing half of the above symptoms, result iu
consu mil ion. and end in the grave. No di
sease Is so common, more deceptive and dun
genius, or less understood, or more unsuccess
fully treated by physician.
t'hicohasjust Incorporated an electric Unlit
aud motor manufacturing company,
What spei tacle is more disgusting; than
that of a man or woman with a skin dis
ease which shows ItHulf in pimples and
bloches on bauds, arms, face aud nerkf it
la simply Impure blood. See what UkaKU
hktu's k'll.lJt did for a chronic case:
For four years I was In the Mounted
Infantry in Uie U. S. Army, residing during-thut
time principally in lexas. Al
most all of that time 1 had a chronic skin
disease, characterized by an eruption over
t he entire sin lace of my legs and thighs,
anus aud chest. 'Iho doctors termed it
eczema. I had given up all hopes of ever
being cured, when Bkandrktu's Pills
were recommended to me. 1 concluded to
try thuni, and Hid so, atid'I have thanked
God dally since then that 1 did so. I
think X used tlicin altogether for about
three months, and, by that time, was
completely cured ana have never had any
trouble since. My skin is as clear as auv
one's. (Jkokub Chapman.
Prlnrennlng, Mich., Dec. 8, ISrti,
The berry crop of Oregon Is very large thl
When a threatening lung disorder,
Shows its Ural procll ity.
l)o not let II cross I he border
Quell it with activity.
Slany a patient, young or olden.
Owes a tiuick recovery
All lo Dr. l'ieree Uolden
Medical Discovery.
Hrown-Docs your wlfo kocp her temper very
well! Jones t'lu-uin-er-soiuu, but I gel
the most of it.
neuino piles.
8vM!TOi-Multure; lotenss Itohlnf and ithurlni,
nioct sLnUht; wonw by sorstelibm. II sllowsd to ttsi
tinue tuinora form, which ofteu Mart aiid ulomste,
bsonmlni very mm. Bw.VNlt's OlSTaaNT Hops Uj
hctiiuf and bltsxllix bosl uWrstiou. and In many
ous t Kniou the tumors. It ll lusilv rfl.cacloiu in
cnrlm ill (Ala Ulsisvies. DR. HWAYNK HON.
ProprioUMS, Philadelphia. KwsYsa's Oiktt osi
be obtained of dnisnUt. Bent Iqr niall (ur 10 Hunts
"" I -s
Its superior sxeellenos proven In millions of horns for
more than a quarter of a century. It Is used by die
United States Oolemmeut. Kudorsrd by the heads uf
the Great Universities as tli Strongest, Purest aud most
HealUiful. Dr. l'rlue Ureain basins Puwder does not
eontain Ainnisnls, Lime or Alum. Hold only in oans,
Northern Pacific Railroad!
' TO
Columbus, Ohio.
The Northern Pacltio Hailroad will, on 8ept
Sd. tih and 4th. ell from all point in Oregon
and Washington a round trip ticket lo tolum
bus, Ohio, for
good to return to October 31st. Thl 1 the low
est rate ever made from the Paclllo coaat U the
Kast. and the Northern Pacific is the route se
lected bv the department oi California,. Ore
gon and Washington Territory.
A special train will leave Portland Sept, 4th,
carrying the raclllc coast 0. A. R through to
ht. rauL wheiethcy will escort Commander-in-Chief
John V. Kea, to Columbu. 1 hi rale
is open for everybody. Kor information and
fulmian reaerraUoua, call on or address
Ass't Oen. Passenger Ag I . r. n.
No. i Washington bu. oor. rout, Portland, Or.
issued March and Sept.,
each year. It la an ency.
clopedia of useful Infor
mation for all who pur.
chase the luxuries or the
nanaaaitiea of life. W
mti ninths Toa and furnish you with
all the neoeasary and. nnneoeaaary
appliances to ride, walk," danoe, sleep,
eat, Ash, hunt, work, go to church,
or (tar at home, and in various aisea,
style and quantities, Jut figure out
what Is required to do all these things
COMFORTABLT, tnd Ton can make a fair
estimate of the value of the BUYEB8'
GUIDE, which will be sent npon
receipt of 10 oenU to par postage,
IU-114 KUohigan Avenue. Chloago.m.
id r-muiuma K.OOO In nss,
to years EiUMild.
. .,-..i..l kiM.1 Tnfiina
i u"lnT.uii.r Piano, by which our Plan..
... -i ... ..Jit. Im.Ic. seH. shrii.K.
. 1. i. a. - h... nt mm irusrsnle it. rje-
gnt'RorVi m, 3 s'rlnifs, Ui.ui.le "
t.llorsrite rot tirm.
PiA.NlX .. Msnulai-tursi, lw reuo. uu,
kstanil ievtuUiStmu, iu 1'iam.uui,
This magnificent hotel contain a world
of ronifort. It ia noted for the elegance
of its appointment and the excellence of
its cuisine. Wealth, science and art
are here combined, to render vnjuyniuut
of Rueata perfect, Kach department is
managed with the moat diligent watch
fullness, so that the moat exuding guest
cannot full to be satisfied. From the ele
gantly furnished rooms, to the bounliously
supplied bible, everything Is aa near per
fection as possible. The central location
of the Baldwin make it convenient for
thoae visiting the city either on business
or pleasure.
Tla Northern Pari do Kallroad, to Columbus,
Ohm, and point Kast. i lie N on hern TacUlo
ltallmad w ill. on Kept. 3d, lih and Mh. sl 11 from
all point In Oregon and Washington a rouun
trip ticket to Columbus, Ohio, lor S--0. good to
return to October 31st. Thl is the lowest rU
ever made from the l'acillo coast to the Kaat,
and the Son hern I'acidc is the route selected
by the departments o( California, Oregou ami
Washington Territory. A x'inl train will
leave l'oillanil bept. 4th. carrying the l'acillo
coast U. A. It. through to 8t, Paul, where they
will escort Coiiimaiulor-iii-Clilcf John 1. Kea,
to Columbus. This rule is ois-n for everybody.
Special train will consist of I'ullmsn Palace
Bleeping vara, Palace Inning cars, 1'alsce Day
Coacliua, and Jrtf tourist sleeping cars. Koi
Information and l'ullinau reservations, vail on
or address
Ass't Oon. Iassenger Ag't N. '. It H ,
No. 2 Washington bu, cor. rront, Portland. Or,
Try Orkmra for breakfast
Aff f ft A uhscribers already
H-U U jU U U To introJutt it into a
U HUhi
Four Months
on sst sirr or
Republican Flags.
Cleveland or Harrison Campaign But
tons, 25 Cents Each.
Orders tv msll limmptly tllli'd.
Sold on Trial I
It- i - "-Shatn 1 ( J ' 1
fcaW'i. ' 'x liiTwtinent rnnalt. profltt
laiira. Nvnd whi lor inuliiiic
iftrvo liluvtrattrxl OiUiiru
wlib full partiouUra. Man
tifuturd by
1CT dt 16 JLak at.,
We are omiriuii the following In 2a 40, 80 or
100 acre Karim:
Tenama Colony IMMMl
Suasla " 1.S4NI
' 1,40
" " .0M
" " lO.INHI
' I. two
Korn " .4
Han Lois Obispo AM
Tuiaro ll.IMM)
MarUn 14,(HH)
Hoar o thai Colony.
MonltVIM "
Urhrsla "
l.utUrran "
HhliiKlrtowu "
.Mirauionle "
Ursrswoiil "
Point He "
Othor land for Renoral farnilng, fruit grow
ing- or slock ralsiiiK.
1 a home on easy tonus In the country,
whlloretaiiiins your presont residence, position
nil sslnrv: Id. 20 or iiiiira acres of lsnd. wtlh
or without a house, on the Installment plan In
one of our colonies; we will plant the same to
your ordor with fruit trrr or raisin Krnpesand
will keep It Intcood condition until full ovaritisr,
with or willwut lirlKatlon; these lands lie
north or couth of San Francisco, In the coast
or Iuterlor counties, nuar or distant fmin rail
roail or town and vary In price. C. ll.b'l KkKi'
& CO., successors to the liiinilKratlon Aisoo
lation of Cullfornia, 115 MoiiiKotnery struct.
Bend for particulars and lull dracilptlons.
kdecUnl wllb Rreal care from the cholceit to
huwi nstona of North Carolina,
Smoke Cool-Liat LoDB-Doea notl
blow out tho Pipe.
T, I- .V- HJI-nnljut ImmHmP nf Ptllff CU
-tinoklns; Tobacoo UiruuKhout the world.
Big a ba flTCtl anTTSfs
sal satUf actio la lb
cur of Oonorrba-a and
Ulest. I pmcrlb II aod
el af In racoinmB6
Inf It to all sufferer.
s,J.ST0M B, I.D4
Dsestsr, IU.
PRICK, St. 00. .
Bold by Ittuiuist.
R a Day. ftam.trs worth fl.M. Fl'.KK.
nut umlrrtne inss iisjt. rlu rw.
s Hsrm Kris IIum to. Ich.
S. P K. V. 10. H.-S. T. N. U. No SI
V&aVV I I I 11 ' J Vak 11
A? yotssli "sr I
lor TthonmatiaiiA.
S years. im, lit, May II. III.
Trmm IMI Is UI-.kol II yMrs-l laSwM
srltk rk.ssilMi sf la sis. I cm tan by U
a af Si, imtmt OU. I, 0. D0D0.
IS Tears. SUpl. nil. Kits , Msy I. 111.
Mr. tor I. ImItK. In.l.r. MUsl.a, u
stint. all II yura: SU mm vss
SfwwsstW IsisrsM. Sy lv shytltUu, Ssl vss
san sy St. JutM Oil as k.t nsislaW s tws
yMrs. s. Mcoaaaal. Vnviti. .
line ISSS. Ma Sraats, MUk .llsy II, 1111.
rail mt 111! u Mm wllk Istuaaislery
autUsi sa nlm i wmSi. m tans t aas
seUlselM. Jswb.011. at is. J. TASliIciit
V ""h"'thnthChejpril
JAtyfafr rsssr"
l'"ii'- 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 ai i. in, in. ...i.,h liisiiiiition. ,'sliil'
lisped reiiiituiliiu.prowiUK isiniil.itity. Business.
Shi'rlhand, Common School and Ptnm.xxshlp Pi Dirt
sirsti. hliiilenls hiIimiMimI ut any time. ( 11I11
hsiiie nnd "peclineus uf peiuiinrihlp sent fiee.
J. 1. V) Mill. Kre'i. A. P. AliMM HO.Mi. Prls.
O I LllVlln 1 1 HAI M. Oabler. lloeulsl.
Pianos; Hurdell Ortans. band laitrunieuls, Lsisost
took of HhtsM lluilo and Hooka Hands supplied at
Kutera Prions. MATTHIAS 11 RAY Oil., IM r.
Street, Han Praaruisi
Ky return mstl. Full Pesrrrptlna
Blur's New Taller s.i. mt PreM
t'aulac. K00DI 4 CO., Uiaoiaaab, O.
rfstsVsHiiiTiiinii MiiiiitiiitM'?
million familui ut offtrthi PHILADELPHIA
SB as Sk
balance of this year,
W hive tngagrd for thp coming i:moii thft
moit popular and bet known wnurm in
ABtrritii to write tiprcitly for our col
umns, uh;iavt loytitiieii matter.
Elizabeth Stuart Phelps,
Joslah Allen
Mary J. Holmce,
Marlon Karland,
Roso Torry Cooke,
Will Carloton,
Dr. Wm. A. Hammond,
Chrlstino Torhuno Herrlck
Artistic Nstdlework-Klnrlvllluslntrd. F.wry
thing new Slid original. 1'dilrit ly sn rxis-rt. I'it
ttmi gusranlrrd corrrcl jndr.lMl.iu and luclrsrly
rxpLinrd and i'.luttratrd that s nuvicc auuld have nu
ditticuliy in walking tlicm.
lntsrior Decorations- llv Ms A. K. Kshsky,
PixiIukI y Illustrated. New Idea. and ( rlinal 1 Icukiu
New Fsshlons lly Ms. Jahks 11. IkunsaT.
Hints on Horn Drtimkln-
Uy r.MMs M. Hoorss.
Initnictiv srticletoa "How to Aonsar Well in
Society." "How to Talk Well and Improve
your Grammar,"
IH PUP BUI f fM iv a o
j. Durdetto, xnmmy g
R. Parkor. ' I
Upson Clarke, hmf
. John Shorwoodl iWMim WJ I
"as- .sV..vv -J X k.t tfltl. L.aT .?:.',(. .a 'tli;1 V y 'at
Divight'3 Cov-Brand Soda"Saleratus,
D nr that thsrs 1 picture of a Com on your pacltac and you will lure
the belt Bod made, nu COW BRAND.
A Ingcd cat dread the fire. I plead guilty. I am aelllnn a "new fangled" machine
I - . ' 4
I ruarantM the Kfiw.ranlr4 Advaafe toparator to both best graln-aavlnK. fast
est Thresher and moat dursbln Htiparulor ever made, llut, rfaMi-mber, It Is not an rxprrl
Bieatal maohlne, as the Old 'oy machine are. You are well aware nf the time lost (that
you have to liay for) In eswrliiientinir with Old Voty machine. The tiew t'ana;lt-l
Tbrralirr IradH Uie war. The rowlliiK and kicking of tho Old Koicy aKent I only euualed
by the amount of fc-raln klokrd out In the straw by the O'd 'ry mathlne. Of course, if you
wish a cheap maohlne. Old Kovlt will supply you at your own price; but their machines are
dear at any prloe. You cannot llurd to buy a thresher without esamininir the ADVAMK.
DonotbetaTkodlntobuylniramai liliiebwauiieltischeapandOld fr'vif) lull. Ask the Old
Focy a-sila If tnry will set beside the ns-w-fausrlrd mai-hlne and let you see which It the
eijHjrlumital machine, and sold on llssnrrila), 1 have never yet had to call on any court to
help decide the merit of the new-laiiled machine. IMease ciaL.lne the court records In ref
erencetotheOld FoKir'a plan. Msnv year aro a man built a ew-ni;lrd maohina,
called a (team en K I no. Old OBlraj then, as now, stmid back and said they would raid the
roan try. ! oa aot want to b ruined la the aaane way I Itenirmber, the aew
fana-led machine Is past all eaperlraontliis;, while Old f ogy's mschlnee are beinif ex
periiuented with all the time, and at your eiprise, Do not foul with them any longer, while)
ySluemlsrr tl" eCfaaEled maehlae la aold aa Its merit entirely. Re
member, your whole dependence 1 upon your crop proceeds, and af you allow Old ttoy ma
cldnea to waste year grain, you ara Just that much out of issjket. To I re van t Una. sea
Uat tJia party that disa your threshing procure a net. -fragled All A.CK 1 hreHher,
a they are constructed as as to save your grain, and bavs a better record than any old-fisvy
machine. Write lor further partlimlar. I am prepared to prove all my staU-iueuta-l. ., Ihe
AO VA!'K maehfue will da more and better work than any other.
I hereby challenge any eld fogy agent ta name AVV eause where) the
AOVAXt K anaehlne haa failed to do aa repreaeated alaec) Ita latrodnrtloa
on thin 4'oaait. Khew op r ahnt np. ,,..,
ltemember that old foiry amenta saying the contrary doe not mak it so. It will pay yoo to
"""TallS Mil thl V$nMZ$klNOOnnrX POH F.B. A number of mano,
faoturer make them on a royalty but I do not know of any Imitations), bntam always In
clined to look out fur those that talk of Imitation. 1 also deal in l.aanilry and Marine
Machinery, Farm. Church and Hchool Ilell. General Machinery, Hwift Oilers, Oniie hafoty
Valves, Miller Pumps, Hancock Inspirators, I'ark & Kennedy lnji-ators, Aenie and Alliirshir
Wrenciies, lllacksmilh Drills. Helf-iieaUnsr Hath Tut, the WesUw house i-nifinea. bee tha
prlco: 10-horse oa wheels, KH0; TrarUon. II07S; li horse Traction, lli discount for
rash. General Agent for tolburn liyaamoa aud Lamp lor t.lertrle a.Ighliug-3 te
XOO light.
Your vlllsge cnnot do without one. You muf t have one for your mill. You caaiil sffurd lo
be without a small one In your house. For particulars, addrtt
X. T. WRICHT. Foot of Morrison Street, Portland, Oregon.
lDr. Spinney 4 COsfS
N rnVflllA Deoltlty.Issof Vlfnr. Seminal
, a-H IWUO Lows, We.a llemi.rr, Jje.pou
dency, ao., du to nwuu or abuse, our J.
VQUNC PJItcajsiirtrTlnirfroiii the effect
eretlna should avsll themis'lv.-s of onr treaUjictit,
A M.itlvseiiregn.rsnt4sil In every esse. Syphilis,
Urln. nr and Venereal Ihhmim-s all uunatursi dis
oharges, promptly aud salely cured.
ss of Mlilnrys or JllsrtilrT, Weak Back, Nervous
Debility. si.inK of H.-xu.J BueuglU, elo., cured
anil re.torr.l to healthy vigor.
N.'ll. Persons unalile to visit ns may hs treated
at their homes, by rorrespondenot, Mslli'insi sn(
Instructions sent by nisif ore. press, t'onaultsiioa
'rva. Send I oeuti In stsmp tor Iht Vouug Mu l
t'rleod or OulUs to V adlouk.
I Probably Dr. Iiaae Thompioa'i U
Till. ut("l U oarrfulljr prepsuvd phHcliui't piw
mii'f kjn, kml bM bitu In coitiuiil um dr Dtfurly ft
ot.i.i(ury, ftuJ notwHl'iUnilitif IIm tunny other tin itr
l(iu t)ml Kafl Utu itttriilti. Into Uw tuau Itft, th
u)of liiU artlolsj ta t !uitaUitJy Incn'fttuuir If UiUt
r rtlmi m full-twisl II ltl m-vur full. W prUctv
Inly in rit Uh aHfntiun of pliyuioiiuit to It nienV I
JoUa L. Thomson, Soot 4to.,TUuV. N. Y.
Tl.a b....lT,',.ul IIi.hhI I'tt'ttim, 1.1, rr llt.i,ril..l, l.' ...4
Ai.siliw ko.wn. Tit. first Hluerei.oltlali)K lr.. .r its.
Usl Is ABMtlo J. f,A LUI, Ut uul'l A UUuUl. St. l.s.
- ;""'!!OT',' - x"
.Wis, Finest and most costly illus
Pm' trations by the best artists
' 1 ' HI at I mm H.
in the country. r
s-- -V. V''.V '' '
i , '.v.'. ; V. '., -
Breakfast and Dinner Pttles HomeCook
Inn, llaiiiiit-s snd I'cksrrlt. 'less, Supiers, Lunch
run. snd Kei:ciiioiii. t.ivrt eAj.liiltly all die little
dcluils women want to know. 1 elli now to enter
uiu Ku"it, low ,u serve refreshments, what to
lisvi:, ami wud how to nuke iu
Mow Woman Can Mak Money By Ella
RotlMAN i'llt'SCH.
Talks With Mothers fly eminent physician.
Handsomely printed on fine paper I nn
Slid prulusely llluslrsled. rOBf.
taf.'.i f'i... i .n,,,! il hi i.I.
saaaasw i - IT - 1
1 n
I 'JSiaasw.a. ' ..,.-., ),.,, u ... .-, .-.i a