THE EUGENE CITY GUARD. 8ATUUDAY BEPTEMHEI1 8, 1888. Deniocnitic Ticket. Fur ProbiJi nf : G ROVER CLEVELAND, .. O.' New York For Vied rrcniJi nt: ALLEN' 0.THUKMAX '. . . . Of OI,.. ; For F.IivIiiihi W, II. EFFINGER. . . Of Mu!ti..ii,.il, E. It. KKIPWOUTIL Of U.imtill.i' W. R IilLYEU. .. . Of Lh.i In Ih7ii. in llm inil-l of n lime win H tin turiff wim liinlicr lliiiti now. innl, bo luiit ri'ilnrtion w ik pr.ip.Hi'.l, 2,Ii00.imiO iiimi wir out of work. Eiliiy n iim in-'ti lil' killcil urn) one hmiilri'il n I m v.-m t v-f.n woiunlvil In liilior rinN, Tlie i-pirit of 1 1 miplnjif rniiy bf liiftrnil from remark' iiMilf lit I mil a tin id I i 4 t) y llm ntli.rin y nf tin Oliio & MiHiHiipi ltiiiliiiiiil, iiiic. lli-rijunii Iliirri 'ti, 1 1- miiil tlmt if li mux Guy r rmr of tin Hiute lin woiiM mil out tlw mili tin mid olioot down tint xlriki rn, lluil adoll.x a day wmt f iimiuU wiijir, and tb il bn wool I wmln in bloi.d to hix tiller tip- to make ih' Hirikem o buck to work. Fifteen oifiz"ii of IiidiiinnpoliH art rcmlv to Iniikn nfll lnvi tliat IInrriHon nnf.1 ilicse wurdg. Mr. Mar rh"li voted (j.i iii mid nina til Ilia U. S. HeniitH to inlroducii Cliineic jumper lidim loin llii country . Ynt hr in company will Hnnki r Morton, wliu only last year, iinpor' eel pitnpcr litbor frum Eumpe to tnkn tin til'ice of ArneririiiiH, nr pomg ax friend i lubor. Tb it ninii ix doltixh who docs no we tbroiiKh tbxxu iiicu'a net what ninnm of men tiny are. The following H,ccial from Beyuiour, Ind , exnliiiim itself: Wo, tbo iindcrxiuiicd nol.1 i rs, liavint served ill tlie following cotiipniiiHx and rei int'iitH, and never liaviiiR voted any but tb Republican ticket, desiro to any (lint vrT . after having entiimed the vetoes of 1'ieai dent Cleveland in l'rivnte pension bills, up prove of bis online, mid wish to iy to on comrade that wo will ench of nN voto foi Orovcr Cleirlund and the entire Democratic Htnte ticket .'or tlie first time. D. I.. Pkacock. Co. C. 3.1d Ind. O. W. MirciiMx, li2nd Ind. John Smith. Co. K. 22nd Ind. Johkpii Diniiman, 7tli and ll'.lth Ind. Wai.uu Kiumkb, Co. D, 4th 0. Cuv. Tlie ;fiiblcnn U. S. Senate, navine tni ked an unimportant ameielini'iit to tlie new Chinoxe as to be in opuodiion to Cleveland wul to ivi .'tO.OOO Cliiiiiuni u a (.'lumen t piiine back, th treaty b.el to lie sent to I'ekii f'-r npi ri'Vttl tlit-re. Cliiua would not uive it mi tlie irnnind iliat. Ani.rulia was ileinniiilim a tienty jnxt like (') vt'liind negotiated. A' Min as the reus reached Wa.iliin-.-ton tie (.tlonmt Hliti ('Hume bill ever coimUereil wn sent from the v'fit Department, was in trnlureil Into the Iioiiki', illljililii.ilily pHuse-' anil sent to the Sena e, where it will lie weak euro n i lint the Chinee limy be let ill by l.'a imblliiin Ju'le. China has lieanl of Ilei lliirriann, run. Tburmiin, when shown tlx President' message on the fNlinrjpi cjm stiou aiiid "Cli-vtdand h is not only shgwn bis aajiacil) nnd courage, be ii not only a great slntea ni'in, but this piper prove biiu a preiil poliiii t .n in an tun rut ucy." A prom ineiit Di uiiK-iMt lio wns in consult, tion with the vice picaidci'tiul nindidnte. ib elnre.1 that the muxie wns better tlmu a letter ol ncoeplnnce, hiticc it would put mi end t axairtiotn tlmt the Demoeratin p.irty i trili klini! to Ellhllld ill endeavoring tOi'lTiM" nforin of the tin ill. Elwudll Amuilowu, PrcHlleut of tin Am. riitin Protective Tariff Leajne, einpl ys iiuportod IIiiiiUiiriiitiH in hi mauiifaetory at f I per Week. He gels ill" vleaieNt lubn'i be can. the very lowi st pnnper labor of Eu Tvt, wliich poni from the biKhext protee. ted stale on Unit continent Aiiiuiidovin ix at the heail of the reatext unsocial on f baiiiled eupitalixls in the country, ho lup ocritioallv pretend their nruuiiii dinu cxisti to fiirni-Ii yood wau-a to Ainericaii workinu men, One inoru lb publican iiuiuufactiirei Hhown up, 4 The Orivoni in is busy enplaining why prof, ctioii beneflla Rut a short time sine' it gave pogeut reason ami aigunienta wh the lanir whs an onerous tin on the fnrilie and laboriuit man of Oregon, Then then was tin political canvass in progress, and Urother Kcolt oonld upeak hia Keiitiuieiits. Now a presidential cimiintgn la nu hand Hint it has become a pn t cal proa'itute, aubonli natiug pi iucip a for the love of gaiu. N" Republican paper can produce e iples of tin I.ondi-n 'l imes. News, Swctutr, Pall Mall (Jnzette, or ntlnr Knelish lisai, contalnlni: iwsertli.ns, such as the Repuhliean press have ere liteil to them The Hies of these papers contain no statement such the Republican journal print, and Everett P. Wheeler, mer chant, UriMiklyn, N Y denounce them a foi. Keries and lies, and ntreni JUVH) to the man who will pmdiice the Imdon paper", contain ing them. If there was free trade in these United States, which no man nor no partv propose, only seven nu n In every one hundred would be brought into couipetion with foreign la bor. A it ix, th ee seven man get lower wager than tho uther niuety-three nnpro ted American. It is aaid that after a careful poll of Indi nna by Republican! they find themselves J7.000 votes short of enough to elect Hovey and Isiost Harrison. Yea, and the funny part of 'it is that every day increases the bhortse. Winchester, Ind., Democrat. Th. Nast, the world renowned cartoonist, Is exercising hi biuch In favor of Cleveland. The report that be would start a paper to support Harrison wa false. We notice hi cartoons in several Democratic journal, and they a ow his old "irne vigor. A veiy -hallow falsehood Is the. assertion that Ex-Senator M. Donald of Indian would Dot apeak for Clevelntid, Mr. McDonald having spoke In Indiaimpol Aug. 7th for Cleveland. Jtetter stick to the lying f jrger iea attribnttd to English paper that uever appealed in them. The OreKonlan is tn.w 1 borb uxly engaged Id contradicting every thin., so far a eco nomic politics it has' aul during the ln-t teu yeaia. It is a bald job; but plenty of 'stuff" will aweeti n almost any pill to a (disciple of Venxli v.- E. t,regoe'iau. Mexico has hull prnectiv tariff, and ialsir is ao well "proieo.d" theie that in good Uui. lalnners are able to oommand wages ripial to twent-flve cent day, ar ibe Vlig.ulaCitv, Nit., Chiouicle. The bag trust is still iuuu eg up the price f bagx on the farmer. Ami atill some of them pay the four ceuta a bag tariff (a aud burraU lor ptotectlon. E. O. nuiauer me Wiiu bill ix tb price of Ml JaeJ. stated the Wbjrr house The Condition Remains. It i not true that "there it) no surplus," no matter who kh a so. The defenders of tma'ion for surplus and a biritf for bounties, alarmed at the strength of the popular npri-ing against them, are one und all crying out m gb e that Ihtre is no surplus Congress bus squandered it ami broiiKht it down to (UNI, lit 'II basis. If this were true it would be the atrongest poaxihle reason for tal reduction. For it ould show that the temptation of a surplus is irresistible that no ujatter how excessive 'he revenue may he, the pol j'icians will find ray to sD' lid it. Uilt the claim is not true. The estimate of the clerk of the, Appropriation Committee explicitly s ivs that "po account is taken of he surplus in I lie Treasury." tt dealt wholly with estimated appropriation and eveuite for the current year. Hut th sur plus in the 1'reaaury ou llio 1st of Augiixt as $l3.,ulJ,iKK). If thorn wvie only f 15,. 0 I.OoO surplus for the current yar, the iiuoiiut of lockeil-up moiii'V beloiiieg to the t opic would be $147.01)11,11011 at the end of he year. This is a dngeiniiK snipliia Rut the need f mX reduction goes beyond Unit. It ie I it a to the coiiliinioiiK surplus, which has voraged over HoO.O o.OtKt a year beyond the eal need of the Government fur seven ear pilHt. Because nil extravagant Coll r en can spend this tear's surplus, if not necked, mid the next Cougreis can make Vay with next year's excess, shall the peo ,le consent to be thus overtaxed? Scarcity of Tonnage. Kkw Yoiik. Sept. 5. Freight rules from hi port to Europe have advanced beyond ill preced.-nt. The acarcity of tonnage is ao real that steamers have been pressed into lervice to carry petroleum. Freights have idvanccd 4 to to cents per bushel for train. About (iOti.tillO bushel of corn per veek are now leaving Atlantic ports for Eu ope. The advance ou com in England has dl been absorbed by increased freight and t I estimated that the increase of freight is lasting shipper of corn alono S12,0(i0 week y. All gram freighta have advanced and i lao those on cotton and general merchan lise, hhlpinent of wheat Lave not in creased in the aatiin proportion a corn. A further advance in grain freights is not xpectod now. In 1857. under th. low tariff and without hipping subsidies, Ibu United Stale bad !,3lin,PJ0 of tonnage engaged in foreign rade and fl ing the stripes and star. Now vn have only 'J(i9,41'2 of tonimge. It i now proposed (.revive our flipping by paying lionnties to make it pay to sail our ships in ballast, Mr. Blaine i still defending trusts, Per 'laps Mr. Rlaine might remeinber, if be votild rnusack his memory, that the people ejected him fouryeaiR ago. If they bad the ipportunity, they would reject biiu again by in immense majority. The people will deal with the tariff robber trusts. Ex. Misprint on occasion are of a very pain ful nature. The editor of ft ti.'inpeiaucv pa p. r who wrote "getting drunk is folly," wax horrified to read in his sin et next day that citing drunk is jolly." Needless to any Arkansas went Democrat c last Monday aud Vermont gave a Repub lican majority the next day, Adininintrator'8 Sale of Real Estate. In the County Court of Lane County, Orei'iai: In the matter of the ext&te I of liooill li, I Deceased. ) VJOTICK IH HEIiERY OIVKX I HAT ,1 pursuant to an unltr of the Cnunty I 'ouit of Lane County, Oregon, nnule. and ent'-rcl of record at the reifiilar September 'IVrm, ISA thereof, in the matter of the extate of John (jiNidlin, iluceaxed. the .undersigned, Aduiinix trator of sahl eiiale, will on Mouilay, the Mil day of llctob-r, lh8, st 1 o'clock i M. of ae! day at the ('unit llon.e Door in' Eugene t'ity, Lane County, (lr-unn, sell at pnlilic auction to the hiKlie,t liter for cash U SoM V.OHI, ine tolloHing itexeij I real e-tatii situ i ale in ,ii t l.uiie t 'oiinty, Oi.on, and Ix hm.' ! big to said estate, - to wit: Fractional I 1 a of S W 14 of .S, u 7, in Tp. lfl H, b 4 W ext. I couluiiiiiu M !i acres; aUo couuiieM iiig l.'ij I cliaiiM Wist of S U corner nf mil ,Sec. 7, thence North 40 cliuinx, thence Wext 1S.7' chain, thence South 411 i.hx, thence V.asI IS..") tn piaue 01 oenooiiu', coniainuu,' j, aer.-s; alxo oiinneiicMi at X E corner nf Donation claim of .1 K P t'row, NotiriiMtiou in .Sec. I, Tp. 15 S, R4 Went, thence Smitn a 75 cha, theiicf Went 8 clix, Hence Noitli 3.73 chs, them e Eiisi 8 chi to place of h.-uhmiiii,', containing 3 acres; the above .oescrihed hue I containing in tbe agL'rexate llii'JU acr. s. Term" of sale cuxli. Dated this Hth (lav nf September, ISSrt. DAVID UiiO.'LIN, Administrator nf said et .te. Adininistrator'H Sttleof ReuTl'roiu'i ty. VrOTICU IS IIERELY' GIVEN THAT jLi by viitue of an order of the County olirt of Lane County, Oregon, rr:le at the Septeinher term thereof, lJxHS. 1 will sell ut public auction at the (lourt 1 tonne door in Eu gene City, Lane county, between the hours of nine o'clock a. in. add four o'clock p. m. on Saturday, the Clh day af October, 1SSS, the following described real property belonging to the estate of William Cainey, ileceuxed, to wit: The East half of the .South East quatter and Lots Nofc Four, Five and Six nf Section I hirteen, and lot No. One and' Six of .Sec tion Twenty four, in township 18 S, It 3 W, eontaining 10 acre of laud in I alio County, Oregon. , Term of sale cash in bnd. MATTHEW WALLIS, Administrator. Notice. Farmer if von want money bring all your old iron, copper, brnss, tic, to W. Sandors. lie pays the highest cash price. New Yolk More. The highest cash price will be paid for wheat by F. 11. Dunn. The Labo Day paro le in Now York City wa the most ui posing (or year. Niuetj oer Cin' of the men wore Cleveland bulges Sborwood Burr, Mortgage Loans AND Insurance. V Islmfscf liilt li nislinl. Farm loan Negotiated t 'ouveyaiii iug done. nnd all kinds of Monri a lira j a on hand. FINAL ACCOUNT. NOTICE IS HEREBY (itVEN THAT the uuilerxigiied, Administrator of the estate of 'I. W. Lawn nee, ileceaed. has tiled Ids Kind account therein, In the County Court of Lane Co., Oregon, and the name ix let for healing on Momlnv, Nov, Dili, lSSrtat 10 o'clock a. m. LEO Ol'llillAKD, Administrator. Asttni liNti v Wooih'ock, Attorney. Dated Sept. 8 h, 1H88. J. OKAS. MOSBURG UKALKB IN Ctaaceisitig. Evciylhing new nnd fresh. Oood tie. liver d free to uvy part f.f the city. In Tobacco and (iirais. Yon will tlnd the Is st Positively the finest Imported Clgunt in the city CANDIES, NUi S AND FRUITS. Come und see me mid be convinced that you can save money by buving your goods at tbe Willamette Store Opposite GrjAUD oDlce. J. (. HAS. JIOSULRO. Plum and 1'iid.nks Wamku. Mr. S. p. Sladden desiree to purcluisn for cash all first-class plums nud prunes offered. They niiiKt be large and free from bruises. 8JBMM0!M pUB pOO pUB S3U30OJf) JO JJDOJH p.)iOHS HO sd.lrf)( OtiH OTl 's-HiEirasaioo IV sujtjnq )oS pus unj 58 ')no8 jog S HioiUiuj joy SC 1sti8Vy 05 jog j3J gaqntp nouwt; 25 "' (llUr Of JOUUjp )3y 09 BHontw pau sdiw papuiuj Of HjaonuH pim sdiu unid ng OS J ! 'M 93JIU nj 'S80TIJ 9S9qX 90IJ0fJ i warn ill m if i I i i 1 i h iKwrr i .: .n.M- .-jc-,- v'M I I I I I t it l us - rrp-! r k i i l . . r : - - "lafe'JF PLACE TO BUY CLOTKii'IC AND CENTS FUR- rmm roops. j. w. cherry. i Pi fl H T 1 1 fill M Has just received direct from New York and Chicago, the largest and best stock of FALL AND WHITER GOODS Ever brought to Eugene." THIS IS NO IDLE BOAST i ooo0 g o o o leipa aLJ',i,' r.ut call and pt-i,,.,),,.,,,. llenioiiiber .1,.. plco:T!,P New Thr.-e Ston - ?" , r.iigi lie ny, uri'o eooil BE ON T S3S 9 C2SSZSSSZS3 California - Manufactured Goods. rOUTEli, SLESSINGEll & COS 1 5f4 to m 1 W AXKIKCPHAST Cash for Wfieat Tlie higliost market price paid at Eastland WiIson On ?)th street for Wlieat. Shoes, Hats, Caps and Clothing aA NEW GOOBS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF BEAUTIFUL DRESS GOOOSfr From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according 10 quality. A LAUGH STOCK OK be suited either as to Price or Quality, From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up u the Finest; can suit you if you give us a call. ouit sTociTis K-if Free New nsl St ylis-B.,; Look us over: if wn do tint s;,v.: von 'numi'v. will hoiL-m ,., i. sell to jou low. -A FULL LINEOFGROOER'lES F. i!. DUNX UN DERTAK1NG! I a specialty both for duality of jmoils nnd urn-, tn -u t ih) tiiiKN. - Country ortloi's solicited. Liberal discount oi o su accompaiiyiiig orders. Orders proniptly attended to both by mail or te legraph. $utiaclion iiu ranted complete ; " - 1 rfH " ;kf. Wy '. : '.V. l'-f' AT LINE OF K:-:-:::.:;.V Call and see ms. J. R. REAM. Corni'r Willaini'ttp nnd Sovctitli Stri'i-ts, Ecrnc City, Or. vi i. v ai t u w r; u "ii-..ii i.-..w.... J.:f,,,' .-.'..-.v':..-'-r'' . .0'i-1 for Infants end CVr'rcn. ",4f-. "Castorla is go well adapted toehMrM that . i-ifomnicaa Itaa importer to any pn-scripaon vowa to mc." H. A. achr, M. D 111 8 Oiford L, Lrooklyn, N. T. Psor!. "''lis. CoanHpntlrxi, Toi r K -.;. : . ' jOriK'tmon, Kilis V I'.-...,, bi.. u, aad inuiiotet dl- Wiluout uijcioaa medication. Tin Cuntacb Chhp..v, '7 Jliirmy Street. N. T. THE EEASOF, Why all who want Bargains go to 3 vV I i ;,' K X, SOLID SOLE LEATHER SOLES. BEST CALF UPPERS. SOLE LEATHER CDUNTPRS P, SFm RnTTn-w j Is tllat )"ou 01111 lnorc Goods of First- The Greatest Lcailer ever Prodjrcd ub (he Paclfir Coast Jourlagf7 fr 'eSS mCney thne,sewhere as ISPRIKC AKD Wmm STYLES tOne I'rtir will Outwear two Pairs Eastern-mado SI Sinn's. Manufactured by us from the best qualihi WALKER ' i Of I nrlloc rVfl icrne nrrl riL!Un r: PLnno onrl I V .uwid, I IHCOC o anu VIIIIUI CM It I I C OIIUC9 C" I and Slippers have arrived and we are prepared to show the i public, the LAMEST ASSOItTMKN T or' 15i.ots and Shoes ever tro:iq-ht to hu-ene City. K V K H.Y P A I R AV A 11 11 A X TED. i CiMom work and Uej.airini: neatly :i:id pioniptly done. j No trouble to show poods" C.-ul ami 1-convinced. For Sale In this City nd in ou the Pacific Coast. KRAUSSE & KLEIN.