Will pi i In j 0 y a a. ESTABLISHED FOR THE DISSF..U1N.JTI0X OF UEMriUTIC rRlS.'IPLES, AXD TO EARS IN H0XESTLIT1XC BY THE SWEAT OF OCR BROW. EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 1, 1888. NO, 3. pity GUAR v OL.21. Zrt Ghtrjinc (fitjl toil. .PUBLISHED EYEliY SATURDAY.) I I j. CAMPIU'LL, nM'hu'r unci ProprU'lcr. OKFiOK-Ou the Jvwi side of Willamette ,net, between S, .1. til and Eighth S'lvets. rKUMsoFsUBSCKIPnOS. . ... S2 M .... 1.25 75 tr Miiiimii .six Months 1 tnee month ulP, OXL ItVl'lM Oh ADVHltl'ISlMi. Advertisements inserted as follows: One square, ten lines or less one insertion W: each subseimttit insertion SI. Cash required in advance. , . , Time advertisers will be charged a, tne fol lowing rates: , m line square three liiontl.s due square six months " JJJ One square nne year l- w Transient notices in local column, -'.) it nw per line lor each insertion. Advertisins! hills will Iw rendered quarterly. All job work must he paid roil on ukuvkuv. m. B. DOBRIS, Attorney ami Coansellor , at-Law. TIL, PRACTICE IN THE CJUltTS V of the Second .1 udieial District and in he Supreme Court of this State. Sptciad attention given to collections and matter in probate L. BILYED, -Attorney and Counsellor at Law,- EUGENE CITY, OREGON'. Oil VCTICES IN ALLTHE COUIU'd OF J this State. Will kv Bpeciu.1 attention to'collections and probate, mutters. Oms--Ovor llendrick & Eakin's bauk, Washburne & Woodcock Attoriicys-ut- Law , tfUGBSE CITY, - - - OREGON OFFICE At the Court House. jy8iu3 GEO. A. DOURIS. B. W. CONDON. CONDON & DORMS, Attorncya-at-Law". EUGENE CITY, - - - OREGON Omen )ver Uobinson Jt Church's hardware store. C0. ft KILLER, attorney ani Ccunssllor-at-Law, and Heal Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY-, - OREGON. H"f !' formerly ocupbsl by Thompson Si !ean. J E. F EN TON, AttoPKpy-at"I-aw fcUGENE CITY OREGON. Special attention given to Probate business and Abstracts of Title. Omc'K Over Grange Store. T.W.IIAIUUS,M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. lksidence on Fifth street, where lr Sheltou orme rl y resided. , Dll. JOSEPH P. GILL, 1 IAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or res Vidence when not professionally tilled. Residence on F.iifhth street, opposite Presby emu Church. J. j. WALTON, Jr., ATTOHN KY-AT-L A W, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. TTLL 1'ltACTICE IN ALL THE f ( 'ourts of the State. Secial attention (riven t real estate, col ecting, and probate mutters. Collecting ail kinds of claims against the United States Government. Office in Walton's brick rooms 7 and 8. B. F. DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ACENT. I HAVE SOME VERY DES1RARLE Farms, Improved and Unimproved lowu property for sale, on easy terms. Pnpsriy Sated and Essts CIlsctsi. Thd Insurance C'om aides I represent are anions the Oldest and nns-t Reliable, and in the I'Kojii'T and Iaii it.uc E adjutui"i.t of tin ir oss3 Stand Second to None. 4 share of your patron-u" ilicited. Office up stairs, over the Gran-e Store. B. F. D'JRKIS. J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. HAS OPENED A SHOP ON NINTH Street pp.iife lh Star Bakery, line Y. M prepreil to it'i .i.l kiiel 'f work off. tnl in bi line. v Aliro'iUi of Kin Chilli onh.ndf ir cn-tnnni to n- fron. Repiirink and clrniu tlo ie r..liil''.ly. Sut facti"D i:'"raur't. Eocene, No. 6, 1WH. tf Bay & Henderson, THE LEADING FURNITURE " 'undertaking Houso in EugeiK'. Conicr 7th and Wil. Stsj HcCln&g i JokuoBp FOR THE JUSTLY aa,M. aftkk All Lj -BOLD ANU SILVLli bMilld.- W am till l th nl. I andean sell you iinytliirj; JfJ or wear, .... CSRA Have removed to a rx' New building M Tkey have a complete slock of Watches, Clock, Jewelry -ALSO- A I arse invoice oi ISAKKEK VUS WOKKs! MS BARKER. Expert Gun Smith Stock of Guns and Am munition on hand. IXC.KM: - - - OKEUO.Y 0, Marx. Barber Shop and .Bail. Rooms. Hot and cold baths always ready during, the week. First d-jor north of Duiiu's new block. W rv-v c thattre fretful, perish AJVWJ VV cr(3, or troubled Willi Windr Colic, Teething l'uins, or Stomach Pisordere, can be relieved at once by using Aclter'g Baby Soother. It contains no Opinm or Morphine, hence is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by Osburn 4 t o, Eu.-eiie. C. M. COLLIEll, Attorney-at Law OFFICE: At Court House, County Sur-v-jor's room. I off-r lo;- sl- I'H'A'ii f.-et hii-dm s projxr ty on Willaiii' tie stre t, on which the buyer cun doable his roouey within two years. Geo. M. Milleb -I CELEBRATED U( IIPR AIIIKTA ' . . reliiilJe "GraiiL'e Store. that you want to eat ... 1 & Musical Instruments. i'hrlstmas good. It. I!. Cochran & Son, Ileal Estate Agents. l.iigcne lily, Oicoii. Will attend to general Ileal Estate business such as buying, selling, leasing and renting farms and city property, etc. Ofllce on south side of iihtu street. H. F. McCornack, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. EUGENE CITY, OREGON I HAVE Ol'ENED OUT A LAKGE AND Select StiK'l; of CROCERIES, CIGARS, TOBACCOS. MISCELLANEOUS GOODS, En.., . Which I intend wllinp at Faih anii IIkaho.v aiii.e I'llltts, GIVE IvIK A. TKIAL. IV'Ol'l Mifmk HiiMihj, Kifj'nt City, Or, G. G. AliIS(X. Orders for Spencer Butte fruit tress may be left at the Granee store; also Mr. Brown, 1 on Eighth street will 1 sve them for sale. Three vear old bfirth tt pear trees will be $12 a huiid'rt d, smaller on. s $8. OlLer trees :aep. Ouvillf. l'Hn.rs, Prop. rv wj11 enjoy your dinner j and am prevented by Dys- vpsia, USO Arlter's Dyr-pepi Tablets. They are a positive cars for .Dyspwsia, In di;ution, Flatulency and Constipation. YVe guaruntew tlm. 23 and CO cants. Onbura k Co, EuKMia. BEOS. . Cure of Cnnccr niut Ulcers. " JuJkoT. i". JlcLon Ion writes to th Bwif I Spoclilo Co. : "About threoyean p:o, Jerry llrudloy, had a enncerout pro on his faco, Hour tho r cht oyo. It caused him ft irrc.it doul of pain, and ho lost tlia alirlit of tho oyo, but was finally rurej by t!u mo of bivift's Upooitlo. l'liiscasbis wall known lu Wllku Co., U., wiiern ho lived." Mr, L. Cox, of Arknbutht, Tnto Co., Mms., writes: "I sunVrod u crcat lUnl from ol I uhvrs for roars. Your until emu was r'comnionJod, iind aflor usinif i bottles 1 was completely cured. Your modictiin ilocs oven uioro thiin you chum for it. 1 havo known it to euro ciisns which woro thouplit lioi les." Mrs. A. M. Goldsmith, Ko. (IT4 M urrco St., llrooklyn, N. Y., writes: "I com incnced usiui S. S S. about three years a,-o. 1 lul l sufforo.i with a sore throat Tor ovor a year. 1 usod a (rreut many o'lier remedies Willi no pood results. Jly bttlo pirl, also, hud sore Unpers; It commi'iicod from tho quick, snd then tht'iiaiU would como off. Wo doctored her for ovor two rvitrs, mid whi n J com moniMil Usui!; S. S. S. 1 tliouphl I would boo what, it would do for her. I 11 lit thankful to sav tlmt it entirely cured her. It is tlio bc'st remedy 1 know of for tha b'ooil. 1 ron;;y bid f vo It was tlio momi, of saving mv UIo. Tho doctor loid mo I hud n throat, dis euso simihir to Genorul Oram's. I cheerfully rocniuniond it to ail suffcrlnff (romdiRordorod blood. .'realist) on Piood snd S'-in Pisenso maiiod Iroo. Tiik Swirr Hi-kcifio Cu Drawers, Atlanta, Go. What Is It? That produces that beautifully Boft com plexion and haves no tracts of its iipplictt linn or iniinioUH clh i ly The miMVi r. Wis (loin's Roliertine aceoinplishcs alt thin, ami is pronounced Pv ladies of taste ami rt'tmo- mcnt to bo the lum t delightful toilet article ever produced. Warranted lminilesH ami matchless. F. M. Wilkins, ngeiit, Fugeue City. By the latest melliods ill use by Eastern dentists hih in the profession, Henderson is enabled to produce tiuiilly as dt siiablo re sults in line koM tilling. Oilice same place, Hayes Mock. E. It. LUCKEY Si CO. Aoknih ron Cokiiickk tt Sciikuk I'iiktaka- TIONS. ruresh Mother Tinctures superior in prenaratioli to any in tho market. llyilraslmi' lomu one ol tho unost coin- pounds lor lit bilily and lost vitality. Homeopathic mother tinctures and tritu rations f,(l per ft nt strorgcr limn Hind ex tracts; prices the siiinv as haxtcru istablisli- inents, Special attention is called lo the B. x 8. tinctures. Be sure and mention II, x h. when prescribing, A full supply iilwnys on hand at E It. Luchcy A" Go's. Lambert & lleudorsou art) tho solo n"t'iits for the ctdobrated Superior stoves. Tak your wife and look nt them. fi';n nil rintviinhiiniit with II uultirHOll Dontid, and have your operations performed n a hki ill ill in uinrr. Moore's Ib'vcaled lb luedy reiula!es and builds up all the oriaus of the human sys tem. Sold by Enoeno Drii,'oists. Dr. Taylor's 7 Oaks Compound, purely vegetable, positively cures rheumatism, neu ralgia, tootnucne, hicu ueniniciie, cramp cui ie, clioh ru morbus, complaints peculiar to females, cold or conh, hives, chills and fi ver, pains around tho heart, erysipelas, lihthitie. Gk.ikik Taylor. hold by Usb'.ini x Co, tlrii;nists. Mr Geo V Craw has the solo ai'eney for ah brand, of the celebrated Tansil Flinch Clears, Wood Wnntetl. All liinlj nf irnnil eleiin four-foot wood wanted by the Winter l'hoto Company. Wood taken in exchange for pictures to any amount, until Sept. 1st, '&H. , tf ,i. . I . ....... impure over ,. v. rents mur, Pliolii-Ciitiiiiiin v. , ....... , . , . Btst facilities for enlarging pictures to any si.o mm u rujien'ii iiminj ui nw,n . i i; .,.b guaranteed. Krnussti & Klein havo just received the fineut SI French kid shoe ever broiiL'ht to Eugeno. L idies call and see them. We have them in Opera and 1' rench toes, Eittman will tuko all kinds of produce. ejgs, bacon, butter, chickens and evorylhing at better prices man anyone cise in iowh. i Absolutely Pure. '1 his mi vder never varies. A marvel of pur it)', stren.th snd wh(lem"ne. More en nemical t Hn the ordinary kind" and cannot U Id in comtH-tiiion with tbi iimltiiuils of low ..- .l.r. u,l I., .Inm itr till. i.lilitalj, twiwder. Sdii only in cant. KorAX BaK1.SU Powotl Co., mo wan bl, n. z, 7v-"k,''v f ROYAL WWJ N 'A. Mint Minos. A few years au'o a larg ledge of mica was discovered in Idaho, thirty miles east of Moscow, which, after passing through sev eral hands, was tlnallv purchased bv Feck Bros. ,t Co., of Chicago, for SI'.'.'i.lKui. In ls7 one hniidnd and thirty tons of the mini ral were mined, st veil of which were suit to England, where it was pronounced of superior quality, as sheets t ighti en inches h Hi; can In-procuri d. Th" value of mica depends !ari;e!y upon tho M.e of clear sheets whn h can be split from the ledge. Sheets eiidit by ten inches art" worth $11 a pound. The small pieces and broken parti cles are used for vai ions purposes, such as lustre for wall paper, t ic. An extension o this h d;:e is now being opened by another parly. A few mouths ngu n ledge of mica was discovered w ithin a mile of Boiso city, and its value is now being tested. Fatal Aivipknt.--Albany Democrat, Aug. II: Geo. B. Mi Kinney, living about ku tu ili k above Lebanon ju Waterloo precinct, was accidentally killed yesterday afternoon in-lhe following manner. Hn was engaged in h ulling straw into a shrd oil his farm mid while at the shed unloading his team hi came fr ghteued and stinted to run. Mr. McKiimey was standing on the back part of the load, and in attempting to get hold of the lines be was throwu oil' in fiout of the wagon, under the horses' heels, the wagoll passing over his head and shoulders. Dr. Foley was sent for hut Mr. Mi Kinney died be.'ors he arrived.' His fucs and head were badly mashed. Mr. McKiniiey was a highly respected citizen and the bereaved family have the heartfelt sympathy of the entire community. Ho was about fifty years of ago. Hathkii Ukmakkahlk. Our people who have seen the school teachers passing through Albany mornings havo taken occasion to "poke fuu" at tho aged and old niaidish ap pearance of tho school ma'ains. Had they been at tho depot a . few days since they would havo had an opportunity to comment at least in one case. One of tho teachers was 7d years of aije, fiiul had laught school fifty-two years in the saiini room, where she is now teaching, Hero is a chance to talk ibout nn old maid; but it is too serious lor poking f mi. Albany Democrat. Notice. rnriiiitrii if von want tnonev brim all vonr old iron, popper, brass, etc., to W. Sanders. He pays the highest cash price. New York Store. Why vesT-Tea-T. Wo nsk you to note that wo carry tho largest ntnl best stock ol Tea south of Portland, we buy direct from tho importer. We ullow you to rt, taste or iii( what you buy, or will give you a sam ple to let you Ilnd out just what kiiiu you want. All favorite mid tried brands always in stock. Prices to suit the times from li!) ts up. We also have a full and fresh stock of groceries etc. I'At'IPIC I r A LO. Tiik Child lU:coVKHKt. My littlo girl, mini seven years, was ulllicted with n severe cough and cold. She could not sleep I nit coughed almost incessantly. I was in- lueeil by a tricnd lo try Chamberlain s Cough Remedy and was astonished at the immediate relief it gave tier and the enroll produced. I wouM not be without it in (In lioiisH for any price. I have tried many remedies for coughs ami colds, but this is uperior to am thing I havo ever tried. I'rof J. M. Median. Capital Citizen Com mercial College, Dcs Moines, Iowa. Sold by Osburn fe Co. Try St. Patrick's Pills and compare tbeit effect with any other kind made. Tin y eon tain tho good properties ot tne older prepa rations combined with the most vitliui.il. medicines discovered in modern times As a cathartic and liver pill, St. Patricks are perfection. Sold by Osburn &. Co, Before yon start on a journey go and see Osburn & Co. Mini procure n bottle of Cham- berhiin s Colic, Cholera anil Diarrho a Item ed'. It is a great afe-guard for travelers iinl gives immediate relief. There is one medicine li.ditly uamed, that one is Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It is tho best Liniment ever introduced in this country and is certainly a Balm for all bodi ly pains. Anv one sullering with neural gia, rheumatism or lameness of any kind, should try it at once. Sold by Osburn x Co. Try Chamberlain's Cough Itoinedy and you will be convinced that it is a perfect treatment for coughs, colds and hoarseness. Sold by Osburn It Co. Oregon State Fair I THE TWENTY-EIGHTH ANIVUAI. STATK FA IK Will lie held on the Fair grounds, near Salem, commencing ou the 17TK OF HHPTKAIHEK. And continuing one week. Cash pre miums to the amount of !. ,()()()! 15,000! Will Is) awarded for agricultural, mechanical and stock exhibits, works of art and fancy wo.k, aiel for trials of speed. The premium nth red have been Increased in many cwn, snd new classes have been add ed, No entry fee charged in divisions .1, K, LandlJ. A macnificeiit field of horses are entered, iinl thera will he splendid contests of running tnd trotting each day. The dilfereiit transportation companies will make lils-ral reductions in fares and freights. Special attention it called to the premiums dfered for county exhibils of grains, grosses .lid fruits. Enliies will Is) received lu the Secretary's illicit, in Sulem, beginning six days before tin air, ami on the fair ((rounds from Ftiday be lore the fair. Persons desiring to exhibit in livi.ions A, K, O, P and Q are requested to make their entries on Friday and Saturday be fore the fair if possible. All entries close on Monday, Sept- u.lier 17th, at 7:'4 p m. PRICES OF ADMISSIONS Couion ticket for men (six days), 62 50; niiion ticket for women (six days), gl; day ic etfor men, M cents; day ticket for wte u-n, '."cents; tie'.tts to tie Krand stand at nek track for males over VI years, Itf cents; wlit-s to t'i ((rand sUnd Ires. I hi me leiiiiii( to purchase booth will apply .o the Secretary. Sud to the Secretary at Salem for a pre mium hit. J. T. GKLUG, Becrt-Ury. 'Hie Columbia Ciililt'. Mr. II. A. Starrs, who contracted to sup ply and lay the new Columbia river cable from Astoria to Fort Cauby, is on pins and needles over ihe slow progri ss it is making across the continent He has good reason lo btinneiisy. for if the cable is not ill pluco by thii2"ilh inst., he forfeits fllK) for every day that transpires after that date until the cable is in place. As the cable was on the Nortlnru Piicillo lines, Mr. 8. U Fulton was i ho gentleman t give the following ex planation to the News of Ihe cable's delay: "The cable is iu two tanks of water which are lo.uh d on Pennsylvania railroad cars. The two tanks, including ilu-ir contents, weigh t'iS.iiiKI pounds. When it is considered that a freight ear's lo.nl is '.'tl.UUO pounds it will be st eu tlmt the car containing the ca ble is overweighted As a result tho jour nals have been overheated, burning out the brasses, necessitating tlm cars being side sidetracked until lit-w brasses could be put in. In order to avoid further delay the car will be thoroughly overhauled when it reaches Ileron,.iiiid a nit chiinii! will accom pany it to I'ortlaud, supplying brass, s when ever Heeded on the trip. A car lias never p issi d over the road with lis heavy n load. 1 lie cable was Imported from England and is covered with a gutta peicha coating, which protects it from ihe water. If the head cable is exposed to tho Bi'r it becomes cracked and practically useless, which ac counts (or its being transported across the continent in water. Ou the arrival of the car here the car will be run down to the wa ter's edge ami the cable ill he taken out of tho car tanks and recoihd into similar ones on a barge, which will convey it to its desti nation at Astoria. Important Land Decision. Tho Supremo Court has allirmed tho de cision of Judge Boiso in tho circuit court granting a peremptory writ of mandamus re quiring lh state board of school land com missioners to make a deed to John Gleim of ;IJ0 ucres uf school land assigned to him by one Karnes, the original purchaser. The board has refused to make the deed, claim ing that ns the law would not allow them to "sell" more than Uliti acres of land to nny one person, and as they had already sold Gleim Kill iicies, they could not deed him this 320, even though he had become the holder of the laud through another party, Glenn claimed that tho giving of a deed was not the sale; that the land was sold to Karnes, mid that he being a bankrupt, had to either assign the laud to Gleim or lose it with all ho had already paid ou it. The law says that when tho hind is assigued by the original purchaser, tha board shall make a deed to tho assignee when he makes the final payment ou tho laud. The supreme court tlecided that the law was plain, and that tho boa id would have to make the deed. (iimil News for Whoitt ( rowers. London, Aug. 20. Europo will need more wheat than she can raise this year. Itussia is tlm only country having a wood yield. The cold Wet Weather has liloet.d both the amount and tho quality. The estimated deficiency in' Great Britain is 15(1,100,1100 bushels, in Franco 2H.(IO(l,tllll) and in Ger many 111,000.111111 bushels. India will exceed the yield ol 1NN7 by 'i(l,IMll),t)U0 bushels and Itussia by 15,(100,(1(10. No greut demand is expected at once, but higher priues must como, Largo Cattle. F. M. Hyde, of ILirrishurg, sold to Mr. McGregor, of Portland, recently, the finest lot of twenty-two beef cattle that ever left Linn county. One ( year-old steer, raised by E, E. Uptueyer, two miles east of ILirris hurg, tipped the scales at 1.8511 pounds. The animal is part Shorthorn Durham breed, and eeiiainly was a lungnith'ciit specimen. Ho will he saved for exhibition at the next fat cattle show in Portland, The price Mr. Hyde realized for him was $78.40. Almost CAprrmico. Uinpipm Herald: Depuiy Sherill's Miller mid liickh y csme near bagging tint Oakland burglar last Thursday night. They discoven d him en tering the northern part uf town nud order ed him to halt. Instead of doing no, he started oil in a run, the deputies emptied their pistols at him causing him to drop a pair of boots which be Wat carrying. The Inst shot fired is thought to bare lukeu ef fect, but tho thief escaped into the brush in the direction of tho river and further search firoved futile. The boots dropped by the turglar coutaini d seven silver watches, snd five chains and tHii iu silver coin. The watches of Messrs. Itnssell ami Dodge, of Oakland, were among those recovered. Telegram: Most of the adventuresome young folks here are ufllicted with a mania to reach the summit of Mt. Hood, which heretofore has been regarded as a perilous undertaking. It is understood that within Ihe next few weeks eight parties uumberiug seventy-five people in the aggregate, will try to make the trip. The craw is growing so prevalent that it may be expected next lea son a purty will leave here every day. The contagion is likelv to spread among tourists, and none will beliove that he has "done the Northwest," without taking in tho mountain pride of Oregon. i " ' AN EXPLANATION. What is this "nervous trouble" with which so many seem now to be afflicted If you will remember a few years ago the word Malaria was comparatively unknown to day it is as common as any woid iu the English language yet this word covers ouly the meaning of another word used by our forefathers in times past. So it is with nervous diseasts, as they and Malaria are intended to cover what our grandfathers called biliousness, and are all caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condition of the liver which iu performing its func tion finding that it cannot dispose of the bile through the ordinary chaunel is com pelled to pass it off through the system, causing nernons' troubles, Malaria, Bilious Fever, etc. You who ar sullering can well appreciate a cure. We recommend Green's August Flower. It cures are marvelous. Davis, the tsilur, has just received alan;o stock of imported and domestic goods of the latest Spring and Summer styles. Call and examine bis stock. For ei . four yoke ol broken work oxen and ringing for sale cheap. Cattle and owner are at L liana, Luna county. Oregon. Am A. Fostku.