Vancouver Barracks. 1 ftir load of Iron pine has arrived over i. 0 R. t N.. from Pennsylvania, to be teJ in constructing the system of water jiki for tbe garrison at Vancouver. This uprovement by the government will be n nous blow to tbe city of Vancouver, as it ill cut off a monthly income of $51)0 to tbe :ir. This establishment calls to mind the ivcott which was inaugurated by the sol I !inst the town some two rears or ir ago because of the shooting of a soldier .mrirnte citizen. The soldier bad just Lb paid off, and, Imbibing too freely. itrtfri to go lo a nouse wuere uc wm wen quainted, but made a mistime nnn got into ., Irenidence of a Mr. Connor, to whom he u almost uuknown In walking through eb.illway he awakened tne owwr. wno 'm down stairs and ordered tho inebriated idier out. The order was not obeyed, and ;e soldier, it is claimed, made an attempt strike Conner, wuen tbe luttnr pulled a rnlver and shut the drunken man. Tiiin occurrence was looked nj on by the 'fliers of the Garrison as an outrage, and it for the most rigiij enforcement of mili rr discipline by the officers, Conner would ,obtless have been lynched by a mob. touner was acquitted of the charge of nnlcr on the ground of justifiable bomi- f, This verdict enraged tne soitliers lust the business portion of the city and ey concluded to withdraw their patronnf W tuem. lOimeqiieuiiy a store was pin it the narrison, known as the "Canteen," orre the soldiers cmld buy anything they uled excepting wninuy. uooKiiieniig mai re are over OUU coimers at me post, ana irsverane pay is $15 per month, the dix. alinnance of their patronage so muteiially Med the town that several stores and a je number of saloons were forced to close p. Tho water worKs in question were oe njibont a month ago.although the artesian Jon the hill back of tbe barracks was Lied much earlier. A larce reservoir will .'.mi, and will be kept filled with water the use of a very powerful pump. ADont ,n) feet of six inch main pipe will be 4 with all the uecessary branches and ,ad pipes. The total cost is estimated at Kruse A Klein carry the largest assort ntiu ladies, opera and Oxford ties and ilton slippers of any house in Eugene at licet from OUc upwards. Notice of Dissolution. Notice is hereby given that the copartner lip heretofore existing between George liilgely aud Wm. L. Dysinger, nnder the rm name and style of Midgley A Dysinger been dissolved by mutual consent. ' All ultbtedness of the Lite firm will be paid by he new firm of Dysinger & Baker, and all ccoanti are due tbe new nrm. Gkobqk Midgley, Wm. L. Dyhinokr. Dated at Eugene City. Or., Aug. 6, 1898. Notice is hereby given that we have en red into s conartnershin. having purchased !. buniiieBS foriuerly.coiuiucted by Midgley Uyunger. We ask a continuance oi me 'aniuess so liberally extended to the lute km. W. L. Dysisoeb, J. 8. Bakkb, Ecqeni Cm Aug. 6. 1888. J.CHAS. MOSBURG DEALEB in Staple and Fancy Everything new and fresh. Goods de red free to any part cf tbe city. In Tobacco and Cigars, on will find the best Positively the finest Imported Cigars in the city CANDIE8, NUTS AND FBUITS. Come and see me and be convinced that 'o can save money by buying your goods ' 'he Willamette Store. Opposite Guiid J. CHAS. UOSBCBQ. Fair Postponed. Owing to the late rains, and the probabil ity that harvest would not be finished by Sept. 1st, tbe directors of the Lane County Agricultural Society have changed the dotes of the fair to Sent '2fi. 27. 9X on,1 on m. raencing on Weduesday and cloning Satur day. The catalogue and premium list is out, and may be had by making npplivaliou to J. It. Campbell, secretary, Eugtue City. Chew "Escort" if you want fine tobacco. So say we, Sladden k Son. Don't Believe It When told that F. M. Wilkins. ths druggist, is not selling "Wisdom's Bobertine" for the complexion, the most elegant and only really harmless preparation of its kind in the world, and giving a beautiful picture card with every bottle. PosTiL Tm.F.OBAPH. Office hnnrn nn Run. day from 8X) to 10:00 a. m. .and from 4:C0 hi p. ui. nees buMuess bours. G. F. Chaw, Supt. One of the Seven Wonders: 10 Cent Counters .A.T HA.RDY -BOND'S IAEDWAEE ! And Implements! Having purchased the entire stock of HARDWARE & MACHINERY, Belonging to Pritchett & Forkner, we shall sell the same at Bedrock Prices I A share of the trade solicited. Op posite "Guard." LITTLEFIELD & HASKELL. Has just received direct from New York and Chicago, the largest and best stock of IFALL AND WINTER GOODS Ever brought to Eugene. THIS IS HO IDLE BOAST, But call and price thpm. Remonibrr the place: The New Three Storj Brick, corner Willamette and Eighth St., Eugene City, Oregon.