The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, August 18, 1888, Image 5

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    A For Toilet Use.
Aycr'a Hair Vigor keeps the hair soft
nil pliant, lmparti to it tho lustre and
-eiOini'KS of youth, causes it to grow
ixuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures
nil sralp dUcases, Is the most clean-
y of ail Lair preparations.
I&VFR'Q II"'r VIpflT has given me
Jr S k.1 I O perfect satisfaction. I was
Ult'AI'lv lmtll fnruiv Trara Tiifinr nliipli
tinie 1 used many hair preparations, but
, vVithout success. Indeed, what little
y Iiiiir I had was growing thinner, uutil
i tried Aycr's Hair Vijwr. I used two
'otiles of the Vicor, and my head is now
.veil covered with a new growth of hair.
- Judsvu B. Chnpcl, I'eabody, Mass.
I AID that 1)3 become wealt, gray,
mm ami failed, may have new life
imd color restored t; ft by the use of
Yyer g Jiatr vigor. "Mytiairwasthin,
ni'.ei!, and dry, nnd fell out in large
iiwntities. Aver'a Hair Vigor stomiod
tiie falling, nnd restored my hair to ita
ir ginal color. An a urenslug lor tho
mir. tills tire narat ion ban no ennui.
Mary li. liauiuioud, Stillwater, Minn.
iJfifiP ynwth, nnd beauty, In the
llUUf! appearance of the hair, may
to preserved for an indefinite, period by
die. use of Ayor s Hair V igor. "A dis
ease of the scalp causod my hair to be
intno Laish and dry, nnd to fall out
freely. Nothing I tried seemed to do
mo nny good juitil I commenced using
Avers Hair igor. rnreo nouiea 01
this preparation restored my hair to a
heoltliv condition, end it Is now soft
end pliant. My sealp is cured, and it
m also iroo irom uanuruu. am. c. u.
Koss, Milwaukee, Wis.
Ayer's Hair Vigo",
Bold by DrugirM and rrfuraer.
Perfect Safety1, prompt action, and
wonderful enrativo properties, easily
place Ayer's Pills at tho head cf the list
.f Donular remedies for Sick and nerv
ous Headaches, Constipation, and all all-
meuts originating in a disordered Liver.
I have been a great sufferer from
Headache, and Ayer's Cathavtio I'ilh
are the only medicine that Iim ever
given me relief. One doe of these Pius
will quickly move wy bowels, aud fn u
my head from pain. wiuiuiu u.
liiehmond, Va
Ayer's P!l!s,
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Aysr ft CV.. Lowell,
Sold by all Dealer In Medicine.
Tha Wert Shorn in tho onlv illustrated maint
ain p lUtishoil on the Pncillc count and aside
from 118 creel lnt lilnmrv featnrM. ItJI ohlcct ifl
to convey information, by both pen and pencil,
of the great resources of this region, ami lb
prog- em of their development.
Biiecial Illustrated artlclea appear In each
Issue ; also, several page of notes of the pro
rrem being made la every section. Oreron,
A'anliln'ton, Idaho, Montana, Alaska, Utah,
'oliforiiia, British Columbia, and the Faclfle
Northwest in general, are lieinff Illustrated.
The subscription price Is only 4..W. It Is not
only the cheapest illustrated mueiulns In the
Untied States, but eon tains articles and en-(ravin-"!
of great Interest to every resident of
this region, which cm not be fonnd tn any
other publication.
Subscribnra for J(W receive large supple
ment every month. The first one la a beauti
ful oleoeriinb of the " Entrance to the Colnm
hla River," printed In r.ine colors, awl each
of the other represents some feature of our
in'iliini) e'-enerr. The ttipi.leTicnl are alone
worth more than the price, of the magazine.
Try It for Ism), and after reading, eeixl It to
your friends eUeivhere. You will tad it boti
antertaiuing and Instructive.
L. 8AMCEL, rnbllsber,
171-173 Second St., Portland, Oregoa,
School report of district No. 33: Those not
absent during the mouth cooiiuciug June
5th and eudinj Jiihs 20th were Millie
Howard, Maud Howard, Muttia Fountain,
Lillie T.illumn, Harvey Duckworth, Krnest
Duckworth, Jckk Fountain nnd Lewis Tall
man; i.nd those not absent during the month
commencing July ICth and ending August
10lh were Millie Howard, Maud Howard,
Nellie Howard, Villa Taylor, James Taylor
and Frauk Taylor.
Icli IJ. Bkadi.t, Teacher.
KratiHso & Khin carry the largest assort
ment iu Indies, opera and Oxford ties and
button slippers of any bouse iu Eugene at
prices from UOo upwards.
The Novelty Store has just received a
lurge stock of good KU j invite the public
to cull ii ud see thtm.
UiniiT L Bond,
Chew "Eicort" if yon want fine tobacco.
So say we, Sluddcu & Son.
1 make a specialty both for quality of goods ami prices to
suit the times. Countrv orders solicited. Liberaldiscouut
' fur cash accompanying orders. Orders promptly attended to
both by mail or telegraph. Satisluciioil Ulltirsilltrcu
ji i
BOO Tons of Hay Wanted.
Frm k Rnnkin wniita COO ion of hay for
judibewill e.hngo the finett photo
.vaphic work, C me nni see him.
T.TVir.OB' !
riinitiTiinr -Wfr
Call and see ms. J. R. REAM.
Corner Willamette nnd Seventh Streetfi, Eugene City, Or.
And Implements!
Having purchased the entire
slock of
Belonging to Pritchett & Forkner,
we shall sell the same at
Bedrock Prices I
A share of the trade solicited. Op
posite "Guard."
One of -the Seven Wonders:
10 Cent Counters