The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 28, 1888, Image 3

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I' f
a Sr.
t u
th If1 M" u4 Ars-
' 1
wrry oat anecdotes of Danlal
lllustrati o( tbai eialtad and
tilset wuico u miuu prw-am-
j CkmposU. of Philadelphia,
Pl(ii,'olr" asrfa "
P- t- mIiI thai harln bMn r
Mr rur "
1 m t "
9" j,f m sttr. "bo was detained by
PLlIiwruu dutl" rtlllnfitoa- theon-
upon win. 11 tm Kixd lht Mr
flLf iDould deilr tn closing sjvuuient.
.l" ul Tucker, "day after rtar went
i "t60ut nruiRing in great eipouuaec,
f' 11 im rT ta d t"fop Uu,t 00 "hlch
r" rT.. .n .lMimir I wa slttlns in mr
r0" ' .h. Hotel.
hotel, delating witr mysell
ktfffl 1
ai ,,w
u do.
Mo Mr Webster was au
After tIM Ultl Cirililies bad
ged nie lo tell bun about Um
esed 0
P 11. XVttr ' said L Ml it mwrilil
ttDy.s" 7 '
. . .jnuia of lb caser
J00 . ... wnateeer.' said b TeU me
fl0U' ' - -.,lw ilnmfdanriMl. siuf rmfnt.
l was u 1 1 ' j - '
. ..u rtf bvtimntiT a font dm on thr
f ",. 1 -id Ho aui 1 (O convey au uiai
Una 10 im lltll ,,,,w ttuit u teft u,r
f'jjjBid "Oh. never mind deuula. Give
! Luuawe p-neraJly and the talient points,
j .U, at joarn at Ibe table oppoaiu me, and
l at "P"1 i.T0OPu of tne "
r 10 houn and mora, Oue pouit
j7miall called to hi attention. The op
Luujj eouiuel were bent on eecunng a ooih
Lmnceol tbecaae. wmleour mterert d
Lnd1 an tniniwliaW decision. At a reason
WiMt KnwUng to oontuiuanoe I cited tbe
JJamat Uieotber side bad protracted tb
ioumniation eicwawveiy. ooL-upying m
u a to of oue ltwa.
-Mr Meixlertao me good ulgbt after 1
jaJ wuciU'lwl. aud ent to bed. The next
'rooming be tun into court as serene and
L.itic u Jove binweit. wbile I was ner
jUHltppreUiwive 10 the Uvrt degree. He
! iao ai a.Un to the court itb tbat slow.
rfnim in tbe ouLl of bis forensic efforta.
Uo railually wanned and quickened. I
liawwl iillluiit for in essence it was
'uournt but wnat I bad pumped into bim in
sis t boon and a bair taiE or tu aay t
j (ora nut bow trananiuuxi ana traniiormeu:
IX) (' TM n MlM ' Ui uutt'onuiuus t
vili tstt tbe point to wbicb 1 bave alluded.
BsraoJeretl it Urns.
Tbey a fora contionaocel Why, may
knlMue court, tnev bave taken at this
f hetfmt as mncb tin in tbe croaa-exaniina-
M. s it took tb Almighty to create to
"Toal represents tb differenc between
b ipM-rj and my talk, my simple ux dayi
ptw to tbe colossaJ Bgur 1 bave deeenbed
giioir tot magic loucb of bis genius, and this
ImtAiK was character urtio of tb wbol.
Ktnlsdelpuis Call
A fUre for Dear Ufa.
Some weexa after returning to tb feet
Sea Kniery wbo was in command of tb
iMtnet. ordered m to make a scout as tar
tnr f rVeochmanl Fork, eighty miles a way
laarted alone, leading Joe for my war borse
ui tot run borne if Jumped by tb wild
boyi I struck tbe Fork in tbe night, and.
lading s quiet utile place in tbe bead of tb
mar. I camped. At the break of day I
dimbed s tall ire near by to tae a look ap
mi) down tbe river I bad climbed about
Uirt) tert. when I saw several streaks of
Um tiuoie ruing op through tbe trw
not s balf mile away 1 slid out of
tbat tree migbty quickly, and. running
if 10 Joe. sooo sad bun aaJdied. 1 bad to
lad out tbe site of that village, bowevei . and
nuts oif report to tbe general I tied Joe to
1 tree and crept up a bigt bill (rum tbe top
of arjirb I bad a good view of it Then, with
all of the information I wanU-d, I started tot
I k, hen I espie! a band of Indians coming
up tbe ravine in bicb Joe was tied Tbey
ere out a mile a ay. but bad not discover!
ma Tbe eras, didnt grow under my feet
atiile I was getting down tbe bill to Joe, and
we aero oun mating lively tracks out of
taat ravine Tbe Indians came on quietly
until tbry came to tbe tree to wbicb Joe had
beeo tied. Then tbey saw the fresh trail
running up tbe ravin
In a second they were after me. There
were about forty of them out on a buffalo
sunt and mounted on their best borse 1
tad 00 time to go after the horse wbicb 1
bad tied further off. 1 would soon nave tc
leave tbe ravine and get out on tbe level
prairie, which stretched away for mites, and
where 1 could be easily seen. When I got out
on toe level ground 1 put Joe to bis best 1
kept looking back and when 1 was about a
nile and a balf out on tbe prairie tbe In
dians came in sight. Tbey saw me at one
fid on tbey cams. 1 knew it was to be a
kxig race, for I was fifty mile from any
white man. Tb Indians never got any closer
5 me than tbey were when tbey started, but
tbey would not give up, thinking that my
borse would surely give out But they were
mistaken. Joe held bis own. Tbey cbased me
witbiD about tea miles of tbe fort before tbey
up 1 bad run Jos at least forty miles
with bardly a stop. 1 thought tb run would
kill bim but two dart afterward when tb
troops were ready to go after tb Indians Joe
"as ready to go also. When ws got back to
tbe Frenchman tb Indian village was gone.
I went where 1 bad left tb bora tied to lb
tree some day before. I expected tb In
dians had found bim. but tbey bad not. Tb
poor brut was there and nearly dead for
water He had eaten everything in his reach,
W oouid not break tbe strong rope to get to
water He got well, however, and I rods bim
tuDili ais of miles aJlerwaraa, Buffalo Bill s
A Seen on the riaJn.
Gen. W T Sherman's liking for circuses
tad spectacles is well known. Wben Buffalo
bill u at Eratuna and Madison Square
prden before be went to Europe, tbe general
s frequently present He was talking
ouut Buffalo Bill s day or 10 ago in this
v-"Buftalc Bill's sbowts tbe most wonder
till thing in tbe way of disclosing to tbe people
sow ti e great western country bas been
fettled that it would be possible to present It
b marvelous bow be bos been able to reprs--nt
tbe primeval forest, with tb wild ani
mals, tb wagon trains and tbe camps, tb
Htlementt and tb flgbta witb the Indiana,
prairie tire and all tbat sort of thing, 1
watcbed bim as be rode up in advance of tb
aso tram aii.) found tbe spring, and where
settoo down and took tbe water up with
his hat anil handed op a hatful to bis boras.
"It rennmkd me of many a similar seen
wqicIj I have witnessed. 1 remember just
ncb a sicing away op on tb .North Piatt
ri'er, ano I have seen many a man water bis
bone or bis mule at Just such a spruig. Tb
water is generally deep down In Lb surface
of tbe ground In a assure, where It would b
bninwible for tb an una! to reach it Wben
burtaJo bill jumps on bis bora and swings
ba tat for tb wag 00 train to com on. It is
tbe most natural M-mg Ltt tb world." 2iw
lark TnbuD.
Tb Old raahtooMl Was of Hasina Rnt
mr by -Role of Tnaw'-Th ImtIS
' Krolutloo - Tbe Ooasnery Ida
Taking Hoot Kwrrwhfr.
It Is only a fsw Tears since tb most soul
harrowing and back breaking duties of tb
fanwrt wife werr tb rbunuug. working
and wiling of tb products of the farmer
lairy ThrougO inferior facilities tbey were
subject to kmg churning tbe butler would
not conte. owing to waut of control over tb
temperature it was worked la tbe cellar
where the salty oose mail the bnck Boor
damp and dumus) ureniing It was salted by
pie work, and the results were often dis
couraging. es;eieily wneo it was found by
tmtun; that unwelcome davors had crept in
by exposure to the kitchen or other foul
smells The butter was sent to market all
tbe tame and was bought by the urban Douse
Kner to her own disgust and lb disrepute
of tbe maker and seller Tbe tcberae of co
operative butter making. ITkesll innovations,
was received with keen opposition and die
like, but It has steadily made Its way in
popularity not only witb butk-r eaters, but
-)wcially witb tbe overworked farmer
wive and daugbtert
It Unit obtained popularity In tb New
England states It was pure co-opera 000 st
that stag Half a dosen or more farmers
dubbed their capital, built s small butter
factory and appomu-o s competent penon tc
superintend, ami aunouncvO Uieru.elves ready
to nuiiif tbe butter and cbee for tbe entire
cunumimtv It was wouo found tbat tbe
farmer could mate as much or mors monev
by ending bis crvoro tu the creamery than a
(it t.y oorsuig it into butler ov the aid of
us wife's lair Uale in quantities it could
Oupml and sold in tbe city markets at
iiu.-n l-Kcr rig-.irwi than could be got "in
'rade" at tbe wuntry grocery All bands
rre better satisfied, especially tb farmers
Capital was not long id finding promising
employment in erecting and operating cream
ertea This brought tne inevitable evoJuti
of better businvm maiiavmeut and better
mutual results. A few cardinal ruk bad to
be observed It was desirable to erect tbe
building for butter and cbetse making near a
stream of clear, cold running water A man
of exprneoo In tbe management of milk
was made superintendent and given a tu9)
cient staff of aausianta Wagons started
from tbe factory morning and mgbt col
lected tbe cnm in cans holding from three
to tire gallons each. These cans, on arrival
at tb creamery, are in summer plunged ap
to their necks into tb clear coo watei in
vata In winter this room is kept st a per
fectly uniform temperature by Br beat
foe churning, working, saiting and shaping
of tbe butter are all done under a pertecti)
aniform system, tb same day aftar day aud
year after year
1 "be packing and shipping o the butter are
processes requiring car and skill Tb ship
ping boxes, even wben new ar carefull)
eniided out and dned before tbe bultei s
packed in them, and this bat tc be doo moo
carefully after tney bave been used. Tbe
boxes are shipped in express cars and arrive
at destination with contents as clean and
sweet smelling as when tbey started Tbe
butter jobber knows just what be is getting
and can buy as well by brand as on ulg
ment Tbe consumer purchases witb equai
ivufldence All Is uniformity and busine
management from tirst to last l b tarmei
gel a sliiHilaUsI price per inch for bis crearr
wd gfiieraiiv has monthly settlements. All
tre trrau-d alike and have no cause of com
After tb manufacture of butter went
largely into the bands of tbe creamery men
xeveral advantages to tne cream producer
were rerogniteil All tb bard and dirtv
work was taken out of the bands of the
females of the family The kim milk was
found to be useful either to sell as sucb or in
the rearing of calves. He was able to gauge
tbe value of his cows as milk producer aiwi
tbus to improve bis stock. He could keep s
larger stock and so improve tb quality of
111s land.
New FJngl.ind was th birthplace of tbe
creamery idea, but it was not long in taking
root in all other communities of progressive
farmers. The cost of sucb establishment bas
run from ll.UU) for the cheapest op to flu.
JUU It requires the milk of about 400covs
to run a small creamery, while tbe milk of
wveral thousand cows can be used to ad
vantage In some of tb largest About tbe
largest In tbe country is at Klgin. Ills This
paid its patrons over CJUu.OuU last year, and
its product stands at tbe bead of the creamery
list There are bunrtreds of tbera through
New York, Ohio, Indiana, Iowa and more
western state.
In tbe markets creamery hotter ranks sec
ond only to tbe "gilt edged." Tb latter is
tb product of s few of the notable herds of
Channel cattle, whose milk is noted for lt
richness, Tbe Darlington butter, made from
a herd of Jerseys in Chester county. Fa.,
brings f 1 s pound snd upwards tb year
round. Tbe most of it Is contracted for by
tb year There ar few others of lit
prominence and repute, but tbey ar simply
large establishments whose product Is sum
cient to maintain a creamery of their own.
where all tbe system and devices of tbe regu
lar creameries ar employed witb lik uni
form result. New Y or Graphic.
Cbeetnate of Kegrw Minstrelsy.
A gTeat deal has been said and written
about tbe chestnotiness of negro minstrelsy
Did jokes have been mercilessly lampooned,
and tbe men wbo deal In tbem nave com in
for a large aba re of tb sbuss, It is not gen
erally known by tbe public tbat there ar
not a balf doxe'n men in th United States
capable of furnishing gairt or otber end ma
terial to minstrels, and of these balf dosen
probably not on makes a really successful
gag in six months Tbey can all write songs
or faks up afterpieces or sketches, but tbey
cannot givs tbat delightful ring of spon
taneity to a gag which makes it a "go.
Minstrels often try tbe work of these profes
sional Joks makers, bot It falls so hat tbat
invariably a return to tb old material 1
ecensary Most of tb ga you bear ar
mad by th end men themselves. Some
time newspaper friend furnishes tbem a
local suggestion, but it require In end man's
experience witb iiublic taste to put it in
proper shape, rune I have been in min
strelsy, which is many years, I cannot recall
many new jnke that bavs survived their
birth. U lob- Democrat
Scarlet fever is at Its minimum from Jan
nary to May. and at tu maximum in Octo
ber and November Diphtheria is mors
evenly distributed through tb year, snd is
most dsngerous a little later than scarlet
fever Measles and whooping cougb seem to
bs somewhat agjrravated by cold weather,
Uitar most fatal in May aud June. Hot
weather is averse to smallpox and favorabl
to disorders of th Uweia, particularly la
Ms All a tVsrrot. Arrtie Wasss B ot
aid IWtsiws o4 aihenaa ttowor.
It narUiy uwwi 10 say that acouotn
bK-b b& au are of Brs and s naif millKw
uer uiim. aisJ wbcr extends in latitud
as far as from tb souUmtb exlremilt 01
Ureeuland to the isUDd of Cuba, must prw
ol great diversities of liniate. liifxvrapO)
snd vrvvtatiuu. and cannot tat everywhere s
barren arctic wasta A mere glance at s nva
sulUcteot to show that a eoossderalaW' mr
of western Siberia lies farther souU than
Nica, eoice or Milan, and tbat tb soutben
boundary of th Siberian province of !rn
ireclunsk is nearer tb equator than Naples
In a country wnica thus strvtcbes from th
latitude of lla.y to th latitude of central
tireeuland ou would naturally expect U
ttnd, and. as a matter of fact, on dors find
many varieties of climate and scenery U
soum parts of tb provioosof sxutakthr
mean feinperatur of th month of January
is mors than SO dc below aero f ahr
wbil in tbe province of Semipaiatiosa tt
mean temperature of lb mouth of July a
tegs, above, and such maximum tetnpmaturs
as )A and HJ da in lb shade are ojoipara
uvely oommoa.
On the Tsimyr peninsula, east of tb Gull
ol Ob. tbe permanently froaeu ground thaw,
out in summer to a deotn of only s few
incbts, anl supports tvt a scanty vegetat..
uf berry bushes and m-sts, while in thesoutn
-rn part of wertern Su-r watermeJuo aad
-autaloiijM are a pmrita o crop, uxascco t
.towu upon taouaiida of piantauoos, aud
the peasants barrel aunually mors than Su,
jlu.uUi rxisoels of gram The fact which I
testre especially to mipresi upon tbe mind ot
tne tvu'lcr is that SiUma is not verywten
luifomi and bomvtvua Tb northern
rt of tb country differs from the southern
art quite as mixb as t:.r Hudson Bay tem
ry Ji.-fcrs from Kentucky, snd it n a
rrt s nu.tase to sttnbut the culd ami
mrrent of the lna dvits to tbe wboie ot
iiris a-it w.,ui t? toattnbet the-,"i
uul tirretin nf kling V. j lum Land lu tti
utile of North
ro the suocivms th CraJ foi
be first time iu June i!na; is ur
nsin-; tlian the fervent tn-al of Sitwna;
uushine anl tbe extraordinary imuty aisl
.rolusi-Hi of SibenaJi Dowers. Althousb
ua1 two wrtly pretwu-ed. by our voyage up
the Kama, for the experience which awaited
u 00 tii otb-r side ot tbe mountains,
were fairiy astomsard upon tb threshold ot
western Siberia ty tbe scenery, the weather
aDd the flora. In th fertile, bloaommg
country presented to us as w rod swifti
eastward into tbe proviDC of Tobofek, therv
was absolutely nvtbicg even remotely tosug
est an arctic region. If w bad boen t lino
folded and transpcrted to it suddenly in tbr
mkloie of a sunny afternoon, ws could nevei
have gueweo to wnat part f tb world
bad own t&krn. Tbe uy was ss dear and
biue and tbe air as soft ss tb sky sod air ot
California, the trees were all m full Ira'
birds were singing over tb Bowery meadow,
and in tb clump of birches by the roadside
there were a drowsy bum of bees and a faun
fragrance of flowers and verdure in tb sir
and the sunshine was as warm and bright as
that of a June afternoon in the most favored
part of tbe temperate son. tworg Kennau
in Tbe Century
Ingalls' Command 6f Langwae
The speaker was a general on the Union
nde in tbe late war, a native of New York
state and a graduate of Union college Ht
emigrated to Kansas after bis graduation
from college.
"Tbere was s little crowd of as In Kana.
City Just tfore tne war." said be, "from th
eastern state ami graduate of tbe eastern
-ollegva We formed a set by ourwlres
Some of us were Lawyers, some bothering
ibout real estat.' and town lota, some praitic
ing medicine all doing something actively
ill 1 believe, bave since attained notoriety in
m way or other lupills was a graduate
f Williams coil-ire. He loosed as be does
now turn and spare lie was eccentric in
nis dress, and always wore sumething strik
ng He ud to love b. wear, 1 remeinter, a
ui,; rei necktie, lie was a shy. reserve! fel
iow, and had the reputatioo of being very
-yiucal. It was said dial be lay awake night
:olishing his bitter episTama He wasut
ery popular, and a a lawyer, though be
i considered smart, be bad only s fair
"I think I came to be as intimate witb ln
injlii as auy of tl boys were, and I well re
iienitr bis telling me one night, as we sat in
ny room smoking together, the manner la
rhirD be was working to secure com
uand of language. He said tbat it was
us practice for an hour or so each day
co opeo Webster's Dictionary at random and
-un down a column or so of words, carefully
-t ud ring tbe meaning of each word and bunt
ng up in the lexicons its derivation and so
'orth. You know tbat in explaining th
neaning ot a great many words the diction
iry gives a line or a couplet from r'on or
lobnsoo. or from some one or mors of tbs
lassie authors, snd tbem quotations Ingalls
eould often commit to memory, eKjcisiiy if
:hey happened to appeal to bis Imagination.
I'ben, too, be would look up in Crabbew syn
nyms, th word wbicb meant tbe same, or
'early the tame as tbe word be bad 111 mind,
tiid be would study carefully the nice shades
4 difference between tbem all He told me
bat so far from finding this work lirewom
r duagreeabl be took tbe greatest pleasure
0 it, and that be knew it did bim inesti
aable benefit tie considered this practice far
upenor, for tbe purpose of giving on com
uand of bis own language, to tbe old tradi
nonal one of translating tbe Greek and Ko
man classics Into English and of then trans
lating them back again.
"I met Ingalls years afterward, and b
told me ba was still keeping up tb practice.
1 suppose be is keeping It up now. and that's
where bis facility of expression oomes from."
-New York Sun.
adobe Mansion of Santa Fa,
The adobe house, or "doby ' as it is called,
11 familiar to all western bnta, but it 1
seen st its very bent bera. Tb wealthiest
people live in structures wbicb from the out
side seem scarcely habitable, but within ar
oozy and. in many instance, luxurious.
Judge Thornton, a wealthy mine owner, ha
a "doby" bous nesw tb plaza, or (aibiic
square. In th center of tb building is a
juar courtyard filled with manillo-nt
rkiwers, witb s fountain in tb center The
loors of each apartment in tb bouse open on
tb wide veranda wbicb runs around the
iwurtyard. and tb effect is very charming
Tbe wails of tb bunding are nearly thre
feet in thlckueas, giving opportunity fordwp,
.-usbiooed window seal, Tbeee thick walls
Keep out cold in the winter and beat In tb
viminer. and liier are, therefore, but two
Ire piece in tbe wbol bouse for u-w in tb
rfvent of extraordinary severe weather
The decorations of the dwelling are sorb as
we finds m Atlanta s feachtree street homes
-trautiful picture and statuary. Imported
-arpt-u and rugs, rare bno brao and pot
jrrta, everything that money can buy Of
.vurw. all this mast the change from the
wibud atmuspber of squaJor tb mors
marked. Ju-1,; Thorntons bom is bot tb
n of hurnlreds of others owned by wealthy
Spaniards. Mexicans or Americans, wbo bave
etual here imsim of this lncouiiaralla
finu is.- Atlanta ConsUtutioQ,
last th Uws la Walt saw rll
ks Ibe livirf Mllajw ImHH l
Ikv fl.n ami 14M, Rla saw n
A wild rna.'lard drska. wfU curWd tail
and four snvsa. was quietly lasiruj: ba brews
fast la tbe Urnm of an family th otbn
morn 1 tut anog in emu and willows ou
tne west taws of th Licking river, at the
moots of Kink Lict erws. tueotoo county
a ? Co ous her st neb la worms. s4u
ail tstvtar snoot of aquaoc ve(vuuon. and
fu a time the drake swunf timoelf on his
aits and waKxed bas tail in trie air. wai bis
Ut was iwinenng and suctmg In the
iud soder tt rivers surface with coasid
erable soncentrsUon. It was plain tbat br
bad struct a soft scan and knew it
Onrw, wnea o brought bts bead above
wiiev lo swsixiw a aiug and cart a liU-e
largess of genti quaca inv t barem.
xtaibg smned to lax bold of bis W-o
frau twkiw Hs quacked frautKaily an. I
Ml lb water with ha sms Then Ci
wiu4rs snd S4 lck and his bead went usstei
wnitt Bts four wives exnlediy lifted tnwn
Hv. into tne sj- sod wued their way inU'
aootoer county
"holy !.' Thit ccaa b a big fellow.
rwenarted Kreoctt Henry, a be rowed toward
ttw x w tier the ducks bad bees feedin;
Heorv is a wooiistiian ot wicn fvtKite la tci
.alitude. wnoas a:VbtMo just now is turd
tc turtse barvnt tVita a iil'.reo
ssi3. s oouple of No i frvt trs(. s rVtfvrt
nrUi carrying a ii t.i. a lor.; hand ml abk
tart. t-fi Jaisi a "o.vp, aud baif a
d-.xaen three inch D-tJ a:ctml to as many
strong sea graj Unas, be w as out 00 a turtle
To river at this point is from twenty to
forty yards wide, snd l.r its way over tb
bar of clean sand aud "srel which tliu and
spring (reoeo nave WMuibl dvwn tbe crert
and anctsjewd bera A;t:st unnwdiateiy
teatbers bnran lo rt Irom a aunit
three yard out from m ve. and the Hear
water bream tin;el in p.scw witb a
biuuly streak As the sxilT anew near to tb
troubled point we must nearly make out tbe
form of turti anchored u;.a the sand
kbout three leK Iw.ow tbe surface, and she!
tered from the furcw of the current by a
ledg of limestone His shell kted about
two feet long by a fot and a balf lo breadth.
H tMd the Usly of th mallard under bim
woite be tor it neck and breast with bis
booked laws, working with the eagemees of
s vulture aud mure th same general action,
la bis fifut upon the warsi body of the drake,
as tnal bird lit4a.vs when greedily tearing a
piece of (amon of which b expects Shortly
to t 1iStWMd.
"Tbey will pant themselves lo th mud on
tbe honora of lb river bear snore, those big
(allows will." said Henry, "with their beads
ust peeping out of their shells, and to tbe
jourse of balf sn hour tb current bas dusted
tbem with mud and leaves and bit of drift,
aolil s sunfiso cant tell them from a rock to
save bis soul, snd so be floats down tbat way.
with one er looking out for danger and tb
other for grub, snd all at ooce something dan
out from that muddy rock and catches tbe sun
fish by the side or tbe back or tbe bead or th
tail It dont make any difference wber it
catches bim. wo Ion; as it takes In a good
mouthful, b-cause that thing tbat has darted
out is a snai'ing turtles Bead, and whatever
it catches 11 k-vp Tbea tbe turtle tucks the'
dsb under him. just as be bas th mallard
there, aud tears and swallows liks a hungry
"He will eat catfish and snakes, and almost
anything that Uvea in water, and one 1 saw
o.M out in meadow catching grasslioppers
Sirsigbt goods, sura To sera big turtle 00
.aid is enough to make a borse lau'h. This
one lifted bis head and his tail as high In the
air ss he could get tuem, snd then, raising
tnmielf on the tiw of bis toes, be struggkd
iloog for s few yarls. wbeo all at once his
strength gave out and down be came ker
plunk Wbeuever a grasshopper would alight
within reach of his bend out would go his
'vik. and Is'fore tbe hopper knew what bit
nun it would be bis meat But this aint
catching turtles. ss it
He placed one of tbe pea like bullets In tbe
little rifles breach, and laying tbe gim to his
.Ik .older (ignted along its octagonal barrel
instead of pointing toward th snapfier the
guns muzzle lure on a floating object about
me slat ot a man's thumb which was rapidly
spproaching us from ateva VYitbtb report
f the gun the object disapprareu. and then,
grasping the scoop. Henry leaned eagerly
iver the skiffs side snd looked down into the
ater lo less than s minute th current
:rougbt witb it tbe body of a second turtle
-mailer than the first wbicb Uenry dexter
usly scooped in as it was being balf borne by
ne current and half propel led by IU own dy
::g exertious down the stream. Tbe bullet
ad crushed tu skull while it was swimming,
is is tbe fashion of many inland tunica, witb
ijCi'iig but tbetipof iu bead above water
"N w. then, for tbe duck eater I want to
take bim alive, if I can. as there is not much
-artel for dead tiirtlea, the dealers not car
r.g to take the risk of baring stx-k spoil on
ceir bands, wben it can he kept id a tank for
ii months, at almost no expense. If aliva
I be only way to get barn is to catch bim
u a trap, or a line, or to scoop bim out As
ie bas enough to eat there for a week, the
first two plans will hardly work, and while in
sucb deep water as this lb scoop is danger
us I will try It
Then with an oar Henry turned up tb
'lack earth along tbe rivers bank, sending
it id a cloud down tbe current and com
pletely biding lb turti under lu dark
"Dont be afraid, b Is not lost, a I bavs
sis bearings You see when tbe water ws
Near be could see every motion I mail, and
uad iVried to scoop mm out then be would be
off bef.ire you oould say lior but now"
Henry leaped out of the skiff snd into tbe
cold wster. whicb washed bi thigh VYnb
tne long handle held firmly In tutb bawls be
raxed lb bar with tbe toetb of the cuop
mtil they touched somrthing whicb bis
practiced touch told him was tbe fxme.
With a sudden shout forward be lifted the
.ibstni'tion. and then putting all bis strengtb
into bis arm be cast it fruiu the scoops teeth,
sending It in s clean flight of s dozen feet out
if tn wstet hlgb snd dry on th sandy
bora It was th snapper, with IU sn
lightly closed on th wing of the dead duck
W ben taken ahuard, and thrown on in
bottom of tne buat witb several of its con
geoer. it made no effort to escape or to finish
it breakfast, but remained quiet, with th
wing in IU mouth and IU sharp littiecyws
The jaws of the steel trap were now sprung
and fixed in that lusilion, and after Is-uig
fasmird to on end of a ten foot length of
quarter inch bemp rope, the otner end of
wuM-b was fixed to a peg driven deeply Into
tbe river bank, th traps wer buibsj with
minnows and sunk in likely looking boles
snsHig tbe submerged willow. The fish
hooks wer halted in the anine manner, and
their lines lied to stout willow branches,
alter which the boat waa secured, and with
nothing but th coop Henry art oil 011 a
tramp up tb creek. Newuort iKrj Cor.
New Yoi k bun.
ltm Bums ears hs aw vsxsiwl sallsaa
Tn ost. su au4 ws o swr
v ss asm suuwl ov lawetwa aoer.
VXa aw (vwai eras swO. saw aw susess swsOkss
He wwsss t taousa B eat am reowum.
Re raat wousi wwkssi Bfo -Uxw
smiww ess so as saoaai Jstunc
Tw ai. etd w uial we saw of ror
o Wtta ws w rrowi
Lovw 01
as v as one
rtsm as so out
1 tfwMnas
-awua (Mwosv
Faall l Aswevseaa ttwrkssea.
This is 00 wl tsuil of Amecican week-
men. and lo rwasuo 0T there ar so many
avsrajr um ' vt bew to dav wort M
dotta. itwtead of tatiua a tnerttanioal pap I
snd si tiling down al ttwir own Bom, to
prov their oiitst and keep piwted C what I
is going 00 in U great world around tbem.
tbey rwt avnetbuig after this fashion
"M s poor lanoniut mea bavs no tim 10 our- j
selves, no time for pleasure or rvcrwatwo no j
Urn to ivi ourvsivo ws can I adjrd to
Uk th trad laiwrs. snd era bavs BO Um '
to nessl Uiem if w da M bea our days wort I
is doo ws waul to bav a little Um to our
eivwa What dM this mean It mean simply
this, that in ruao woo mates sw-B so argu
mentis oo woo a asiishwd with being s
Siavs 10 bis own fixtlisnneas, blind 10 bis ows
interests, snd who will spend from on to
tnrs or four hours every evening opoo U
street, in th axxn or out witn tb boy. He
bas plenty ot tims for lists, but no tins
read. B bas plenty of money for sucB eul
turs. but is very po when It oomes lo tn
sabject of menial and moral culture. A. B.
Oruues in tVwtoo bndgs.
rweelws roflalM at Mawarbaslta.
rYofewaor VI u area Smith tells a in foiiti
csl Sneoc yuarwiy som most astootshing
tacts. Of ail tn popuM-tloo ot ataawscea
o only iMl wr ooro of native pa
rxits. wnil VlV.Mb bay foreign parents sod
I1V.7SI ware born of nuxad pareou that v
Maacbusvtb is in fact a loreujs suta. 'or
iA M per cent of bee Mood Is roreigs. There
ar sixty eight ciuea snd towns in ih euro
OJonweajtB 10 wdicB there is an xcea jf
person of foreign peuseulag. Tbes towns
nave per cent of th popnlaUOQ. won
lb remaining S towns, wturn cuntein s
majority of native born parsotagw. reyewseiit
only 41 per rent of th wbo. That sv out
foretgn mflut grsntsua futo lowus and
cities, and Is largely rweaaed Of tb herd
instinct Altboucb bj Massstcbosrtts tbers
ts IU additunai artractlco of (Treat faclorssw,
which opeo 10 vast numbers of foreign orwra
lives, wnst Is tru of klaeawi-cuftn m
equally tru of oo or two of tb north wssv
en. states They ar mmtlally (orsign in
popuistioa iloti Democrat
T Rridg tb F.ncllsh CbanC
Bestd th long roootni project of sub
manii tunnel between Franc and England,
whicb ba Iwen postponrcl to an tndettniu
future, there ba been for several tsars s
srbecD sgiuted for bridging tb cbanoal be
tween Franc and England by a structure of
fsbulous extent This proposed railway
bndg will twgln at Cape Uravo, oaar
Calais, and end at Folkestone. It will bs
nearly twenty five miles too , and rest 00
seventy piers with ligbtbous towers. Four
railway tracks wu b laid 00 this orKig si 1
a height ol l.Vv feet abort th sea level.
whicb will thus givedirect railway conununl
cation between England and lb cotitioeut
and tb dreaded channel paJMS. which M
tb bugbear of arnaiuv trsvsiera. will b B
thing of tb past Tbe cost of lh gigantic
piece of engineering which, wbeo completed,
will tw without precedent or parallel, will
exceed t mUlard of franca -DeoiCJrsstt
Cared by tb Thermometer
The Imuvrtamx atucbed to a cluneal tber
mometer b) in ignorance ot IU otltce
approaches a siiprtitiou They close then
lips tightly Uwn it Tbeir eyes roll wildly
sruund tbe roim. Tbey believ that tu
tube contains som migbty gas ora metal
of mysterious power "Tbers slot muoB
tast to it, doctber," said one of tliese cmlu
lous felk)x "but I spue ltt turnls
throng " Dr. , wbo is aometblng of a
wag. encouraged th man's faith in tbe oc
cult virtues ol th thing, snd with remark
able rwultx After the first "do" the fever
abated. Th treatment was continued
and th patieut actually recovered, cured by
thermometer, administered ter in di. with
out further drugging. A. BL Ward in Scnb
A rifni to to UeatB.
A big spider was placed 00 a rock In tn
ceuter of sn aquanum In a recent sxpen
ment and a larva of a water beetl pat near
Tb beetle promptly seised tb spider and
pulled It Into tb waur. bat after a sharp
struggl th spider brok away and mnt
Tb beetl sooo afterward rsuswsd in st
tack, and fastened lUelf 00 tbs spider by IU
pincers. Tb spider also got a good bold,
and tb duel resulted In lb death of both
It is said that if two of to iarvs ar ptaord
In tb cam aquanum tbey will fight uutil
on or th otber t dead, and th victor wUl
decapitate tb dead oue. Nw York Bun.
Island of Asewoaloa.
Tb British government tt shoot to ahaa
don th island of Ascension. TSI miles sou LB
of8t Heleua, whicb It seised 10 la 11. solely
for tb purpoa of prsvsoung tb posalU
escap of Napoleon.
It Wu Itweosnlng.
Husband of conomicj viws) That's
becoming bonnet, my dear
Wtftwf sarcastio turn--Oh, yea, bationv
Ing vary old and decrepit Washington
When molasse U used In cooking Itki
great improvement to uotland skim It befar
using. Th rsw. rslber uuptaassuil tast of
ttw poor qualities of Duals at much im
proved by this process.
It bat Just been discovered tbat to nabl
on to penetrate thick, einoky places tb
mouth snd Up should be oovsrsd with oo
too wool
If you want to hs well Informed, taxa
paper Eveu a par of pins will i yo
suoj good puuiu.- Youkars Staumiuan.
Braahea. Ialata. 4.1a, 011. !
hraiolanaf PrwOtiptioo CosapoundsA,
. V '- - -JS T
J MeeW first and third Wdaesdars US sawst
erf NfaK BCTTK uukjic va f. i a a r.
O Meet every Tuesday eveaiiur
"IM awhala km-ampvevt xa. .
' ' M.-rU on Ike sewod sad foarU Wsubs
dars la each Dioflih.
rnr.KNK loihik noTiv a. a u. w.
I J Vrels si its. mi k- 1111 the serowsl aswl
fourth r'ndais la each niotilh M. W.
rl al MsKMiir Hall the Aral ad third rri.
dajsof each moalh. Hi order. Commssimus,
everj Saiunlax nucht ia Odd r'cllewa
I i al the l'. p. I'nurvh ererv Sunds sna.
nooa al IX V isilo. s Bia.1 w rUtmie.
0. A C. K k. T1HK T1B1S.
Mail Train 'orth. ru a M.
Mail trsio soulh. .o p. u.
Kuirrue Uo-al Ln e mrth l a. M.
iMfe Isx-al-Arnte x W v. M.
0riC HuHBl rrfipww ctt Mlir.
General lVllren. frii T a. M. to T f . M.
Monet ilrvler. from 7 s. M. lo J r. m.
I'-Vi-ter. from T a. u. toi r. u.
Maus mr north cl al mi r. .
Mails fur south close al Ml r. m.
JUf.s hf Uval c'use al .t) 4. M.
Ms: 1. fur 1 ranklia close at I a. . VimWsj
and Thurtav.
Msil. for Alabel rkw al J . . MosJay aa4
; Eugene City Business Directory.
' BKTTM AX. O.-lirv mssia rl.Mlin
and irrsenil nerrhandise, somhwtwl
1 lusroriie and Kik-lith slrrrU
ICI'-AIX Bljlkt.-Dealers ia jewrlrv. wa4ev
, ."miiiu muMcau IlisiruinrliM, till
rev Kiweea -errnlti and Kuthtb.
FKIKMiLY . 8. II. - Drir la dry (.. ,
I u srirnu niprcnaniise, l ilia
j "". oeiweeo and Ninth.
. I1II.U J. I'.-I'Msician and surveon. tt'l
j rue sireei. mi ween Setcnth and Ki;hUi.
IIODM. C- Kerw on hsn.l floe wine, lluworw,
1 Clear and a pnol and hi llsrd UMe. WUlasa
, Ur street between Kucliui aixl Ninth.
I HOKX. CHAM. M. Ounsnmh. nflesand o
, run, brrevh and inuuie losslers. fur aaasw
Kriairiii( dune in the ncairsi sijle and war
t ranted. Mwn on Ninth street
; LITKKY. J. S,-W,Hhmkr and lewaier.
I keriwa fine sl.vk of ipkhIs in his llne.NvuiaaB-
ile street in Kllsworth s druj slur.
j Mct'URKX. J A MKS-Choice wine. Uqaara
ndc'iysrs. ilUraclle slrevt btwewa kiaaUs
and Ninth.
ITT OfflCK-A new stwk of stai
school books jusl received si th post 1
j R"'"A5f -"'7 '" "?,,crta?
painter. Mora iriarsnisd rt-i-i. ii.s.
... . w'-my-r rmi-m min fit antAnein ixa
Physician and Surgeon.
' calls day or night
Orrrci-1'p stairs la Tims' brick: oreaa bs
found ai h. It. t.uckej 4: fos ilrug stera. OdUss
hours: to 11 I lo I p. M., ( lo I r. at
work wsmuilad.
ltihin gas sJmlolstersd for palaleas asv
ktactiun of teeth. ...
Justiceof the Peace.
It and faruia, Collections prumpUy a.
tended to.
Practical Gunsmith s
s HSiLsas ia
rTshlng Tackle and Materia
V.xxi N:!;s j ill lids Far Si!i
lie pal ring done Ih tli neatest styls an4
Gam Loaned and Ammunition Faniiah4
Shop on WUlamell 8trL
Boot and Shoe Storo.
A. HUNT, Proprietor.
Will karrwriat Sot a siwplst ska at
Ladies' Misses' an. Ctildrca's Sirs!
Slippers, Whit and Black, Saadaia,
mi KID IH0E8,
And In fact ererrthln. In the Boot aad
flioe line, lo which I intend so dsves
my especial alteutiou,
And riiaranteed ss revreeented. and srils
be sold for the low ret imo lliat gosa
an Icl can b afforded.
A. 11 11 lit.
Central Market,
liMluM-AcWfit Ulna
WUl keep eonatantly on hand a full suppljr at
Which Uiey will sell al the lowest
market prices
A fslr sliars of ths public pstroaasra soUolkssl
W will pay the hlirhet market prlos fas fa
cattle, liiwrs and sheep.
Shop on Willamette Street.
Meats CUTr4 k any part of th city
i ehanr. Jat