The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 21, 1888, Image 6

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Jlllll'ttttll 1 1 C1I1H.
Pilot, July llilli.
Tin- heavy ''"""' "-i v'v '' '"'I l.v did
.iiiii'l1'"1,1'' ''"""H"' W"J' "' knocking
down hcuv.v
junction City needs a (j. ii mI furniture
Klcire. We think this branch n( business
vim I1 :')' rerun,d)ly i U.
Mr. .lames Crawford unj I). C. Bruce have
taken ill' cuuti act t build a fine residence
(nr Mr- Gailiuguouse near Monroe.
Miss Jennie Hull, nee Caldwell, of Grant's
pdSs, is visiting her old homo tit this place.
Ternssa Akcrs, who linn been a
iettl.hcr of mo nil! at Independence fur sonic
months, is at honieugaiu.
Starr, a teacher in the public school
sl Eugene, in upending her vacation at the
bouiaol her parents, J. W'. Starr and wife,
u thin city.
Col. and r Fulsom, of thin city,
nre in California on a pleasure und business
irip, and '" "ut r,','"'n 'ur K"me two or
ithrefl weeks.
Tim nianv friends of James Li'tailrr, who
was unfoituuatuly sent to the asylum, will
be phased to learn that he has returned
tome and has fully recovered hi health.
F. B. Howard, one of our most substantia
farmers, has rented his largo farm to Mr.
McKeutiey. Mr. Howard will move to
Junction and put up a large building and
engage i 'h business of packing pork.
The Misses McFudden, Jennie Biisliuell,
Ella O'Donuell and Professor J. C. Camp
bell, all of this city, left Thursday on an ex
cursion to Sau Francisco and other Califor
nia points. They go by way of Yaipiiua
Hav and the Pacific and will return over the
0.'& C. railway.
On the first Sabbath in July the following
officers were elected in tho Junction City
Union Sabbath School, to serve the eusuing
six nioutht: Mrs. S. K. String, Supt., Miss
Emma Washburne. Asst. Supt ; Miss Millie
Caldwell, Organist; Miss Olive Pivge, Choris
ter; Willie Washburne, Sec. This is nn able
mid efficient corps of officers mid will cer
tainly insure success.
Wholly Picnic.
Kow is the time when the nvcr.ige editor
-pushes the latist essay on rats into the
waste basket, has the "devil" scratch his
bead with sandpaper, while thinks of a brau
new joke on the picnic. After a half day of
.sweating and sweariug ha kicks the "devil"
into the wheucciiess of the wherefore nnd
.il.spenitely pens down something like this:
"Now It t us to the woodland, where tr es
.their verdure wrap, for spring no longer
lingers in old hurley Winter' lap. In pic
nic garb we'll ninlilo forth and sit beneath
the trees, and have our hide all chopped and
.bucked with stings of bumble-bees. W'e
gaily don our linen coals and thinseeksuckle
punts, and sit bouido the gurgling stream
while o'er us craw l the ants. We'll swallow
picnic lemonade to moisten down our grub,
which people make by soaking one cheap
leniou in a tub. The guileless lemon we
dull eat, devour the clammy, and sit on a
bowl of custard while a tear bedims our eye.
We'll tip the mustard in the jam, the pepper
in the tea, and try with all our might to
show that we are tilled with gli e. Then let us
to the picnic hie, our baskets in our hand,
sod homeward come filled up with woe, and
dust ami leaves and sand."
The Salmon Run.
The July run showed up all right yester
day and the day before nnd the can
neries presented na appearance similar to
that of the palmy (lavs of the salmon indus
try. Atone cannery a reporter saw five
boats come in, the lowest with !5 salmon
and the highest with (ill and the others Hi!,
45 and 50 respectively. Each bout lnd two
or three steel heads among the salmon, mid
some of them had a few salmon trout which
hud become entangled in the nets. The
ineu w ho are seining on Desdemonu sands
ure said to be catching great numbers of
fish. If tho preseut run should continue
through the month tho pick will be about
the same as last year and the fishermen will
have nrido more money than they have for
the past two years. Astoria Pioneer.
A Narrow Escape. F. S. Glandoii, living
tear McCoy, Polk county, nnd a hired man
Saturday hnd a most thrilling experience
and a narrow escape from death from collis
ion with the west side up-bound passenger
train. Mr. Glundon and his man sometime
after ten o'clock, hitched up the work team
to the farm wagon, and started for McCoy,
not far distant. On the way they hnd to
cross the west side in h wheat tield. It up
penrs that they dirt not notice tho approach
of the train, for when they got on the track
it was so close upon them that they had to
jump for their lives. The cowcatcher struck
the two horses and literally disemboweled
them both, and completely demolished the
'.wagon. How Mr. Glaudon nnd his sou es.
raped without injury is a mystery. It is
id that the train approached entirely with
out warning, and that when the men discov
ered it, jt wns so near that they had not time
to save the horses, which were valuable.
Ready to Take Euos. Tuesday evening
thirty salmon were taken nut of the Clacka
mas river, at tho hatchery, to ascertain if
they were ripe enough for stripping. It was
found that it will be two weeks yet before
the eggs can be used. Tho salmon, which
contained lOO.nOO eggs, were then returned
to the river. Prof. Livingston Stone, who
is in charge of the hatchery, says that it is
the intention to begin taking eggs about
August 1st.
MARMKn.-Julv 12, l1, at the residence
of James Belknap, by C. E. Powers. J. P.,
Miss Hertba A. Belknap to Mr. Fred U.
Tepiot, both of Lauo Co , Oregon.
What is this "nervous trouble" with which
'snnialiv seem uow to be atllicted.' If you
will remember a few years ago trie worn
Makru was comparatively unknown-to-day
it is as common ns n uy wold iu the
ngtik Unguage yet this word covers only
ke meaning of auothrr word ued by our
Mathers in tinns pust. So it is with
.unions diseases, oh they and Malaria are
imeoded to cover what our grandfathers
calUl biliousness, and are all caused by
trouble that arise from a diseased condition
of the liver which in performing its func
tions finding that it cannot dispose of the
bile throui'b" the ordinary channel is coin
Veiled to pass it off through tho svsteui,
rising nernons troubles, Malaria, Rilions
Fever, etc. You who are suffering can well
appreciate a cure. We recommend Green's
-August Flower. It cures are muriiloiis.
Tanners if you want money bring all your
old iron, copper, brass, etc.. to W. Sanders
He pays the highest cash price. New otk
Hay for Sale.
U acres of voluuufr cheat and oat hay for
ale HanJint. Good hay. Apply to Gcaio
office or to F. U. Dunn,
Cartwright Item.
July 17, 1nk,
Mr, Yor.m, of E ig -ne, is in the valley.
Mr. Hurry is visiting the vul.
.Mr. Luther Moore is at Colt age Grove for
a while.
Mr. J visiting relatives hue
this Week.
Charlie has traded Dock off for a mowir.
Oh, but you wvre lucky.
Mr. John Fitgentld is looking at laud and
thinking of locating litre.
Mr. Win. Imiiaii made a business trip to
Irving one day this week.
Cap O'Brien is visiting his family at iLis
place but will soon return to Portland.
Mr. Robinson, of W. T , has bought the
laud belonging to Mrs. Caitw right, near the
Crow school house.
Last Wednesday Messrs. Wni. Russell, C.
Russell, L. K. Ward, li. A. Day. R. Doty
and families, also Grandma C.irtwru'lit and
Mrs. lVtre, had a pleasant time and a pro
fitable picnic. They gathered twenty gallons
of biickh lurries, ate dinner, and say they
shan't tell any more.
W. f. C.
Pure Water.
The following is what Judge Davis, a level
headed Illinois man, says of the local news
paper. We publish it for the benefit of some
who sponge their rending or are perpetually
growling because things are not tun to suit
them: "Every year every local paper gives
from S100 to $5000 in free lines for the sole
benefit of the vicinity in which it is located.
No other agency can or will do this. The
local editor, in proportion to his means,
does more for his town than any other ten
men, and iu all fairness, man with man he
ought to bv supported, uot because you may
happen to like him or admire his writing,
but la-cause a local paper is the tcst invest
ment a community can make. To-day the
editors of the local papers do the most work
for tho least money of any mcu on earth.
Sulisciibe for your local paper, not as chari
t v, but as an investment.
Letter List.
Letters for the following persons remained
uncalled for at the postnftice in Eugene City,
Oregon, July M, 1SS:
Coudruy, A.'l'. K"lsey, Joseph
I'oisyili, Mi Alice Mclntire, J. T.
Orei u. Miss Bessie 2 Marpert, Angtlst 2
i.l.i.l :e, Martin Martin, Matlie
Howard, S X Palter, Z T
Young, C M
A charge of one cent will be made oil each
letter given out.
Persons calling for the above will please
say advertised, giving date.
F. W Osni-its. P. M.
A foiling leather pocketbook between
Engi ne and Peter Holer's, on Springfield
road, Tuesday July 17th, containing $10 in
gold, f .'l.'iO iii silver and several pennies nnd
a gold ring, nlsn several papers with my
name on. Will pay a suitable reward for the
return of the same to the Gc.utu office or to
the owner. 0. A. Cami'bkll.
TliiTshiiiff Machine for Sale.
A itnod second hand separator, with
mounted 8 horse power as good ns new, for
Slntl. Will trade (or stock. Call on or ad
dress E. 0. PolTKll,
Eugene City.
For Sale.
Town lots in Packard's and Shehon's ad
dition nt Soil and $100. Also 10 and 20
acre lots of No. 1 fruit land, in cultivation,
I1' mill's from Eugeiie; price It.'i per acre.
Olt. T. W. SllKLT'lN.
10,000 bushels Apples, Plums and prunes.
J. M. IIksihucks.
Thk C'iianok Takks Place. Sunday the
new arrangement went into effect by which
postal clerks are sent right through with
until from Portland to Sacramento. Postal
Clerks W. W. Wesley and C. D. Howies had
the honor of going thiough with the first
car under the new management. Foiuieily
registered letters sent from San Francisco to
Eugene and Portland were carried via Og
deu, the trip occupyiug seventy-two hours.
Under the new management, the registered
mail goes over the O. ,fc C. it. R-. and only
thirty-nine hours ure consumed in tho jour
new Snow Comino. Mr. Peter Sells, one
of the proprietors of Sells Bros', famous
show, nml wife nre at tho Quimby. The
show will enter Washington Territory over
the Northern Pacific, and the first stand will
be made at Spokane Falls on the 27th. It
will proceed to Png t Sound and Victoria,
th' n visit Portland and continue south to
California. The Sells Bros, are fiist-class
showman, as the writer well knows, nnd the
partner bow here gives assurance that the
prisent show is the best they ever put on the
road, nnd this is saying n great deal. Ore
goniau. Sr-KfiAL Ratk ox Hoi. The Transconti
nental Association has agreed upon a rate
of SI. oil per MO pounds on hops shipped
under a valuation of 5 cents per pound from
Pacific coast terminals to through enstern
points. The rate is now in effect and will
expire August 31st, when the current rate
will applv, viz: Sl.C'i per 100 pounds to Chi
ca"o, and $2 to New York and common
points. This special rate was made to en
able the shipment of the old crop eastward.
Runaway. The team attached to the
Coburg stage became frightened while in
front of the Orange store Monday, over
turned the hack, throwing the driver heavi
ly to the ground, and run away, ine wagon
w-ns rather budlv wrecked, nnd the harness
broken. The runaway team ran up W ilium
ette street to Seventh' where they turned.
Fortunately no one was injured.
Thk rit."T. We have receivvd
the first
niiinltt-r of 111'- Pilot
ublished at Junction
rii.- t,v Mr. .1 W. McCollnm.
It is a bright,
,' Kivci.binin folio and deserves pat-
rora.j". While it is not a political pnper it
has Democratic teiiUncies. We with it
To Be Uniformed. In the near future
all passetigT train employees of the O. C.
tn i- ...f A 'I'l u niirrh.isillff Silent
of the comrmny has advertised for bids to
to famish the uniforms, which will be blue
m i-oi'ir.
iiv, nK Dollar. The Eugene
Or ABO nnd the New York H'orV ill be sent
Oi ABD and Ibe .New . or . or. ... .
,o any address un.d after he 1 s,d nn I
,, in i November for the s,im of -l-
Get in and subscribe at once.
The Mill tariff bill will be voted on by tie
HoUseof Representatives to-day at 1 U'W a.
m It w ill pass by fair majority.
Hot weutlnr.
Ice iu demand.
Drummer numerous.
School books at Collier'."
Street sprinkling now iu order.
Oo to Preston's for your harness oil.
Mouiitaiuwurd and seaward is. now all the
Ladies dress goods a specialty at Friend
ly '.
Candies, nuts mid fancy notion at Nel
son A' Ingersoll's.
Henderson, Dentist.
Take your produce to the Pac iflc Tea Co
and get the best prices.
See Preston 'i buggy harness.
Henderson, Dentist.
The highest cash price will be paid for
w heat by F. B. Dunn
School books of nil kinds nt George Col
lier's. Price them; buv them.
A fine line of silk plushes iu nil shades
and grades at F. B. Drum's.
Lots of hay coming to town. Tho ruling
price is about $7. .It) per ton.
Oo and see Preston's single hnrnes.
Hot and cold baths every day iu the week
nt Jerry Horn's barlier shop.
A Eugene party of six killed 85 grouse last
Sunday in the Cayote country.
The State University is being Advertised
in marly every paper in Oregou.
The Junction tlour the best Hour on the
market. Only $1 per sack nt P. T. Co.
A bet of SlOOi) on Cleveland to S'.tOO on
Harrison was niado at Albany this week.
Chew "Escort" for its flavor. Chew "Es
cort" for a lasting chew. Sladden & Son.
Grouse hunting parties are numerous, and
trespass notices are reported quite plenti
ful. "Escort" won't get hard iu your pocket in
drv, hot weather. We sell it, Sladdcn &
Nelson ,v Ingersoll keeps the best assort
ment of cigars and tobaccos in Eugene. Sol
agents for the celebrated Monogram cigars.
Mr. S. T. SMiMen is now drying daily
between three and five tons of peach plums.
He is pnving liberal priocs for this variety of
The Oregon Blood purifier is Nature's own
remedy, and should be used to the exclus
ion of all other medicines in all diseases of
the stomach, liver and kidneys.
For your infant and children shoes go to
KrausM-X- Klein; they have them iu all
kinds nnd styles, and prices that will sur
prise yon.
Davis, the tailor, has just received a lame
stock of imported and domestic goods of the
latest Spring nnd Summer styles. Call nnd
examine his stock.
Ladies call at llettniau's and see his fine
assortment of kid glove just nrrived direct
from the factory. Latest shades will bo
sol 1 at a great bargain.
Diphtheria has made its nppenrnnoe in the
Beaver creek settlement in Clackainns coun
ty and a number of deaths have resulted,
four occurring last week.
The price of wheat is very low, prime
bringing only 41 cents a bushel nt the Med
foid warehouse. Grain raising is not profit
able at such figures. Jacksonville Time.
W T. Kayser, Iine County nuctioneer.
Satisfaction' guaranteed either by job or
commission. Address at Eugene or call at
my residence six miles west of Eugene. a2l!
Kransse ,fc Klein have just received the
finest $ I French kid shoe ever brought to
Eugene. Ladies call nnd see them. We
have them in Opera nnd French toes.
To all whom it may concern: I have re
linipilshed all claim to the minor child,
Wm. Larseu, nnd delivered him to Mrs. Lar
son. Stkwabt Lahsck.
Eugeue City. July 13, 18S1
Col. C. A. Cogswell's majority for joint
senator of Klamath, Lake and Crook conn
ties bv thootllcial count is 113. His major
ity in'Lnke. county was 41, Crook 30 nnd
Klamath 72.
By using only tho best materials to be hnd,
and'having had years of uctual experience
under the best instruction, enables Hender
son, Dentist, to obtain tho finest results
known in Dentistry.
No injurious effects can follow the use of
Ayer's Ague Cure. It contains an unfailing
antidote and specific for niinsmatie poisons,
together with remedial agents which purify
and re-invigorate the system.
"Old King Colo wns a jolly old soul." so
are those who buy their spring suits of East
land ,t Wilson. Their prices are the lowest;
their goods are best. In a cheap or high
priced suit they can accommodate you.
Mr. Littlefield, late of Minnesota, ha pur
chased a half interest in Mr. Haskell's hard
ware store, opposite the Gl'ahd office. We
nsk for the new firm a fair share of the busi
ness in their line. See advertisement in
another column.
No medicine is more conscientiously pre
pared, more powerful, or more highly con
centrated than Aver's Sarsaparilla IN
standard of excellence is the result of careful
study. This preparation is acknowledged
by tlie medical profession to be the best
blood purifier.
St. John asks the question, "Are yon for
the saloon or the home." Tho answer given
is "vou bet your lite." But when you Bre
asked where yon can get the best goods and
prices on ten,' coffee, groceries. On sale at
the Pacific Ten Co , Cor !lth and Oak streets.
The Charier Oak is the best stove manu
factured. It is the pride of every honse
hold. Messis. Starr and Vnndenbnrg have
recently received from the manufactory Bt
St. Louis a car load of them which they are
offering at very low prices. Call nnd exam
ine them.
We have on our exchange list more thnn
150 labor papers. Of this number less than
a dozen advocate a continuance of the pres
ent tariff, while about one hundred nml
thirty-five favor tariff reform. This is a fair
index of the sentiment of organized labor on
the tariff" issue. Indianapolis Lnbor Signal.
Why yes T-Toa-T. We ask you to note
that we carry the largest nnd best stock of
Tt a south of Portland. We buy direct from
the importer. We allow you to tante or
miit-H what yon buy, or will give yon a sam
ple to let you find out just what kind you
want. All favorite and tried brands always
in stock. Trices to suit the times from 25
cts op. W'e also have a fall and fresh stock
of groceries etc.
Parrc Tf a Co.
S. P. Mar-Reynolds, the last prisoner
confined in the Marion county jail has been
set at liberty, bis time having expired. The
, Statesman says: "Mar-Reynolds, despite the
I fo.-uLat he had been serving a sentence for a
I trivial uiitntf, b in7 iciiwit, t,tj
ling Landreth's incarceration was of invalu
fitv I able assistance to sheriff Minto. Landretb
v 1 J i. ,i ... ; .., .
f Lj nfmti ml w mU.
; HrraI)ufInen,s tt by inserting a
,lf0(ldiathl.6T ti the top of
, cg a S blanket to the
lllieilOeU It, U'tUIUll. nt,,,.,.,r b c niac
wood, and then bsngicg himself. Mac
Itevnold dicoveied the murderer' design
land informed the lUriff.
Harvest unna reponea scarce.
Se new final ptoof notices in another
coin niu.
J. It. Harris h is sold his resideuee to Miss
C. S. Raukiu.
I Sells' circus will le here iu the first days
of September.
j The rain last week did but little damage
I to the hay crop.
I The popular aninseineiit with the boys is
I I,, ,i.; . ::. .i...
.'..tiling ill mn ii.i-i.
Several parties from Corvallis nie rnsli
eating ou the
Chew "Escort" if you want line tobieco.
So say we, Sladdcn A Sou.
For fresh fruits, oranges, lemons, bananas,
i etc., go to Nelson .V Ingersoll s.
Three railroad ticket agents of Portland
were in Eugene last Wednesday.
"Escort" is the the best 50c plug of tobac
co iu the Northwest. Sladdcn - Sou.
The Water Company repot t an immense
quantity of water being used these day.
O. Iicttniau is giving nwav Arbuckle coffee
to those buying baking powder of him. Call.
We keep the finest tobaccoes in Eugene
nnd can recommend "Escort." SU.lden A:
It is reported that a young business iiinti
of this city will be married the last of this
There nre ninety-five newspapers publish
ed iu Oregou, fourteen of which are daily
G. Reitmau is giving away Aibuckle's
coffee, to those buying baking powder of
him. Cull.
There will be preaching in tho Presbyteri
an church next Sabbath bv Rev. Win. Eoibet
of Allium.
The immense success of "Escort" every
where causes us to push "Escort." Slad
dcn A Son.
Hardy Bond have au advertisement in
this issue of the GrAiio. Read it and then
give them a call.
The excavation for the new bank building
has been completed. The dirt was taken
out to the gravel.
Mr. J. J. Poill, of Springtlold. gnvo his
baud a bad cut one day this week while
trimming trees.
Tuesday the thermometer reached IK) de
grees nnd Weddesday Sit degrees. Tho nights
ure cool aud pleasant.
CIiuh. Clifford and A R William, since our
last report, have been granted a marriage
license by the county clerk.
Dr. J. C. Shields, ut one time a resident
of Eugene, is now practicing hi profession
at Pilot Hock, I uiatilla coiiuly.
Geo. S Washburne has beeu appointed
nssiuiiee of Mis. N. J. Fitch, aud will close
out the millinery goods iu her store at once.
A. C. Brown & Co. took their stablo of
horses to Rosi burg last Tuesday. They ure
in charge of A. C. Brown and Chus. Croner,
Tho lime and sand are being hauled for
tho llovcy building. F. A. Bellmau has tho
the contract for the brick work ou the bnild
iug. Mr. Graham Glass, Jr., has purchased the
McMiuuville Reporter, nnd Mr. E. C. Petit
land has purchased the Independence West
Two negroi's wuru entertaining ourciti.ens
Friday w ith songs and dances. One of the
men measures seven feet and two inches iu
The Novelty Store has just received a
large stock of goods nnd invito tho public
to call and see thtm.
Hauiiy & Bond.
Mrs. A. S. Patterson presented this office
with a very uioo boquet this we k. One
rose in it measured fivo inches iu diameter,
and was very fragrant.
Geo. Marshal, of San Bernardino, Oil.,
died of small pox, July 17th, nt -Miller's
station, a few miles north of Albany. No
other cases are reported.
Betting in New York City Is about two to
one in favor of Cleveland. Last week a bet
of S'JO.OUO to $10,000 was made, iu that city
ou the general result,
Mr. F. Cohen has opened a furniture storo
for new and second-hand furniture paying
fair prices and selling reasonable. See his
advertisement iu this insuo.
The State Press Association will meet in
Salem, on August 10. It will bo iu the Leg
islative hall, and Govornor Peunoyer will
deliver tho address of welcome.
A petition for a postollice on tho McKen
zie iibout ten miles above Eugene has been
circulated and generally signed. It is need
ed and will most likely be established.
Ladies with lender feet call nt Krausse ,V
Klein's for the cclebruted Hough A; Ford
Chamois Lined and Pebble Goat shoes, the
uicest thing on earth V, C. to 7 I'.. E.
Tim people of Roseburg will build a dum
across the Cinpqun river at that place, nnd
Scotland capitalists will build n woollen mill.
The contract for building the dam was let to
N. I.. Roney.
Stop aud look nt tho samples of Krausse
& Klein's largo assortment of ladies' and
gents' line shoes iu their largo show win
dows. Remember that it's no trouble to
show these goods.
Corvallis Times: W. 3. Hufford, of New
port, got licked last Juno for prosecuting at
torney by J. W. Hamilton, and he got licked
last week by Sam Case for an affair iu which
a woman played a very pr omiuent part.
A total eclipse of the moon is billed by
nstroiiomers to take pluce on the night of
July 'J'.', when the mtelito passes through
the center of the earth's shadow. The
greatest occupation will occur nt 10 o'clock
p. in.
The gang of truck layer on the O. A' C.
R. J!, are now ut work between Harrisburg
and Junction. The company inteud at once
taking up the old iron clear to Roseburg, and
replacing tho sntne with the best quality of
btei 1 rails.
Miss Ella Sabin was elected the other day
superintendent of public schools of Port
land, also to a tirincipahhip, at a salary of
$;), 1)00 pi r year. Miss Sabin had accepted a
orofessorsbii) in the State University, but
we suppose she will resign that.
An exchange tells of a school ma'am who
has introduced a novel system ot spelling in
her school. W hen ono of the mrls misses a
word the boy who spells it correctly ,is per
mitti-d to kiss tho irirl. Tho boys nre im
proving rapidly, but it is feared that under
the arrangement the girls will soon forget
how to spell tui-ir own names.
There is no necessity of patronising travel
ing ugents for enlarging pictures when you
can get better work at home for less money.
Mr. Frank Rankin, the nhotographic artist.
has some fine specimens of pietiiresenUrged
from Photiiuraiili. showing tual no tuor-
ouL'lilv understands his buiu'.s. Give him
a call and inspect his wotk.
A couple of tramps were employed clean
ing tlie streets last week and ou b iiig dis
charged Monday got on a spree ami were
rearrestnl and imprisoned In making the
arrest tho nippers nsed by Marshal Day
broke aud hurt his hand severely. W itter
tramp resisted, too, but a timely blow from a
billv broiiL-ht him to time. They got &
days each in which to meditate over their
No change in market report from lait
The O. Si C, overland trains are daily an
hour or two late. The trains are too heavy
to pull over the Siskiyou Mountain.
The bay mare Hello Hamlin trotted a half
miles nt Buffalo, N. Y.. July 17th iu HV',.
This beats the world, Maud S. included.
Only one prisoner in the county jail the
trump'that broke into Mr. F. A. lumkiu's
dwelling house and stole numerous articles.
Don't forget we keep all high grades of
tobacco as well as Escort." and do thk
tobacco business iu Eugene. Sladden t
John G. Lewis ha been indicted by tho
Portland grand jury for criminal intimacy
with hi sister-iu-law, Mrs. Etta Lewis.
Mrs. Lewis is a daughter of Rev. S. M.
Florence, Lime county, lias a bright fu
ture. A Minnesota company will start a big
saw mill there next mouth which will turn
out 200,000 feet of lumber per day. Coast
Elisha Applegnto was in town the first of
the week.
("apt. Hard, of Florence, was iu Eugene
this week.
J. P. Curriti, ot Cottage Grove, was iu
town Thursday.
Dr. Riddle is in town and contemplates
locating here.
Mr. Jacob Conser ha returned from a trip
to Puget Souud.
The Misses Kinsey visited friends in
Salem this week.
Judge Walton made a trip to Salem the
first of of th week.
Miss Alice Stowell is clerking in Mos
burg's grocery store.
Dr. Portertleld und wife, of San Francis
co, are iu the city.
Judge Washburne and family left for Soda
Springs Friday morning.
Mr. James McDonald is visiting relatives
and friends in this city.
Attorney Woodcock paid Salem a profess
ional visit last Tuesday.
Mr. Geo. Thurston left yesterday ou a
trip to Eastern Oregon.
Dick Rush has returned to Eugene after a
mouth's sojourn iu Portland.
James Woods, of Prineville, has been
spending the week iu Eugene.
Mr. W. L. Arehainbeau, of Portland, gave
this ollice a pleasant call Monday.
M. Wilkins and B. F. Dorris left Thurs.
day morning for the Blue river mines.
Mr. S. H. Friendly weut to San Francisco
last Sunday on business and pleasur.
Rev. Geo. Hill, of East Portland, ws in
Eugene several days during the past week.
Mr. L. G. Adair intended leaving for a
brief sojourn iu the Siskiyou mountains last
dipt. Malonc, of tho steamer Favorite,
Siuslaw river, was iu town a couple of days
this week.
R. M. Mulholland of Junction, was in
town Tuesday soliciting for the now paper
nt that place.
The Mirshal has been doing excellent
work this week repairing crosswalks and
cleaning the streets.
Mr. II. H. Churchill, of SantuRosa. Cnl.,
is visiting relatives aud friends ill Eugene
City and vicinity.
Self-binders nro now cutting fall grain iu
different portions of tho county. Tho yield
of grain will bo heavy.
Deputy Sheriff Swift is at Yaouina Bay
health-seeking. We hope the sea breezes
will givo him health ngniu.
Juiko R. S. Bean returned home from
Soda Springs Thursday evening. He will
return again iu a few days.
Mrs. Jas. lluddleston, Miss Vina Dun
ham aud Mrs, Judge Walton went to Yaqniun
Bay lust Wednesday morning.
H. C. Humphrey started I-'ridny morning
on a tour to be of several weeks duration in
Easteru Oregon with Win. Barnhart.
Messrs. W. T. Campbell, Robt. M. Day
and J. R. Campbell leave on a month's trip
to the upper McKciizie this morning.
Mr. Chas. Lauer and son n turned homo
from the Sound country Tuesday evening.
They report having had a splendid time.
Mr. A. J. Hackett, of Cuion county, a
Normal graduate of tho State University,
gave us a plenaiuit call lust Tuesday evening.
J. J. Walton. Sr., and wife will leave
Monday for Spokane county, W. T., where
they will spend tho summer visiting rcla
Mossrs. G. Redman and It. R. Hayes
started to the Foley Springs hist Thursday
morning. They will be gone two or three
Mr. John O'Connor, who was the contrac
tor for the Eugene Water Works, was In
Eu'eiiH lust Wednesday. We acknowledge
a pleasant call.
Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Hankie and Mr. and
Mrs. I). A. Osburn, all of Corvallis, passed
through here eu route to the Belknap
Springs Thursday.
Aftor several vexations delays our old
friends, Messrs. A. II Spare and Robert
Carey, of Cottnge Grove, left for the Siuslaw
last Wednesday morning.
Prof. W.I. Vawter, recent principal of
the Eugene iiublio schooli, will soon open a
bank in connection with a Mr. lieutley, lute
ly from the East, at Medford.
500 Tons of Hay Wanted.
F'rank Rankin wants 500 tons of bay for
winch he will exctiango ine nnest puoio
graphic work. Come and see him.
Runaway AirmKfrr. On Monday a team
bclonaiiw to W. H. fitrykr ran sway when
near Marion Bounett's farm. He jumped
from the wagon nnd tried to catch the horses
by the heads but failed, leaving his son, a
boy about fifteen years of age, in the wagon.
The horses ran until one ol them became nn.
fastened when tho tongue dropped to the
ground and the wugon was ovcrturnea with
disustrou results to the boy. Both wrist
were dislocated and the bones of the left
forearm were fractured, besides he was other
wise badly shaken up. Drs. McKenny and
Paine attended the patient end he is rapidly
Thk Co nt est ku Jl'uoksiiuv Yesterday at
the time of going to press the lawyers were
arguing the contested county judgeship be
fore Judue Ifenn. Mr. 1-euton was repre
sen ted by Attorneys 1 til yen and Walton, and
Mr. Scott by Attorneys Washburne A
Woodcock ami Condon & Dorris. It will
probably be several day before a decision
will lie arrived at.
A Grxat Ornn. Mr. G. Redman is now
telling a make of buking powder that equals
sny in the market, and at the same price.
To every purchaser of a one pound can be
present a one pound package of the cele
brated Arbutkle's coffee.
Grain sacks for sale at S. H. Kriend-ly'H.
A Remedy Siifrgestoil.
J. II. Albert, of Salmi, some time sinoa
sent to tho government entomologist at
Washington a specimen of the lly which
has been so annoying to horses during the
past spring and summer, and asked him to
examine and name it, and suggest some re
lief to the suffering animals. Ho received
the following reply:
Washington, D. C, July 10, 18sS.
Mr. J. II. Albert, Salem, Oregon Dear
Sir: Iu the absence of Prof. Riley, I beg
to acknowledge the receipt of yours of June
'20th inclosing specimeu ot a lly which i bit
ing your horse. This tly prove to be a
specie of of the genu Stoiuoxys and is so
close to the Eastern species Cuh'ilrans that
I hardly care loiepurale them, especially as
your specimen was flattened and biokon,
S. Caleitruus is a well known luting fly in
tho United States, seldom entering house
except just before or during n rain, and its
close resemblance to a common house fly
has given rise to the supposition that the
house fly bite only'iu wet weather.
The species nre seldom abundant enough
to cause any injury to stock, although the
present spring wo have hud accounts from
Slurylund and New Jersey of considerable
annoyance caused to cattle by them. We
have'found that fish oil is the most admira
ble preparation to protect stock from the
bites of this lly and from the Buffalo gnat.
A reliable correspondent of ours states that
in tho absence of fish oil he uses tallow with
sufficient pine tar added to tuiike it stick the
hair together, tint not enongu 10 uinae
cause the hair to full off. Your truly,
L. O. How a iil,
Acting Entomologist.
A Sew Way to Destroy FcriiM.
M. Mouuier suggests tho following plan
for the eradication of ferns, which h suc
ceeded in his case. Lucerne has a voracious
appetite for potash, nnd so has the tern. He
sowed lucerne on the infested soil, and
found it o disputed the potash with the
fern, that the latter dwindled and died out.
New Zealand could well try the experiment.
And we ndd, why not Oregon? It is only
too well known by farmers throughout the
state that there are largo tracts of otherwise
fertile land that do not yield ono half of
what thoy might, if rid of the fern pest. Aud
when we consider tho fact that lucerne is
also a valuable forage-plant, and nn excel
lent subsoiler. its deep running roots bring
ing to the surface large quantities of fertiliz
ing material, not otlierwiso olitaliialile; it
would seem to admirably supply u long-felt
want. It is extensively and profitably cul
tivated in Europe and parts of our own
counlry.and turineisnf Lane couuy and oth
er purls ol the state would evidently forward
tli.tir own interests by bringing it into more
general use here.
Semite Rill il'JUO.
In the Semite of the United States, July
11, INNS. Mr. Mitchell introduced the fol
lowing bill which was read twice and re
ferred to tho Committee on Commerce.
Making nn nppproprialion for the purchnso
in n suu anil inn cousiniciinu in a hih
house at Heceta Head Siuslaw River, Ore
gon. Be it enacted by tho Senate nnd House of
Representatives of tho United States of
America flu ConirriiHH assembled. That the
sum of eighty thousand dollars be, und the
same is hereby, oppropiiatcd, out of any
nwimivu in llm TrtmMiirv not olborwiso ap
propriated, for the purchase of a site aud
the construction ot n nrsi order oousi ngni
house ut Heceta Head, Siuslaw River, Ore
gon. I'ify Transfer!).
Ellen E. Geary to G. P. Griffin, V, lots
and residence iu Packard's addition; consid
erntion, $3500
W R Holletibeck to Peter Johnson, wo
lots in Packard's addition; con, 100.
Mary E Shelley to W R Hollenbeck, two
lots iu Packard's addition ; con, $350.
Phoebe II. Kinsey to Robert A. Fox, two
lot in Packard's addition; con, $280.
S S Sigel to Anson O. Hooker, one lot iu
Packard' addition; con, f'2'25.
J W Clark to Eugene City, street in Mulli
gan' donation; con, $100.
Allreil llrnttaiu to Josio U Minim, ono 101
Henderson's addition; con, $150.
Ai'ciDKNTAt, Shootino. On Friday night
of last week an accidental shooting took
nlaoe at the residence of N. A. Ward, near
Irving, resulting iu tho severely wounding of
Geo. Satterlleld, who lived in the same
house. Mr. Satterlleld being unwell went
into Ward's kitchen for some medicine, aud
awakened Mrs. Ward who asked who was
there; receiving no answer she called her
husband who got his shotgun and fired a
loud of buckshot into the kitchen, the charge
triking Hatterfield in the thigh, making a
dangerous wound. Dr. Brown was called
and dressed the wound and it i thought
that the wounded man will recover.
Pink Fi.owi bh Wn are under obligation
to Mrs. A. Hunt for a basket or rather a bed
of dahlias of all colors and varieties, form
ing a beautiful nnd pleasant object to the
eye. Mrs. Hunt is noted lor her una collec
tion of flowers.
Land Okkiix at RosKnttmi, Oil, I
duly 3. 1SS8. f
1 X the following named ft tier ha filed no
lue nl Ids Intention to make final proof in sup
port of his claim, sml that naid proof will be
made before the Judge, or hi hi atmence, be
fore the clerk of the county court of Lane Co.,
Or., at Eugene City, Oreirnu, ou Friday, Aug.
10th, 1HHH, viz: Jainc B Riley, Homestead
Entry No 37M7 for the N. E. 14, Seo. 24. Tp.
15 S, R West, W M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous upon, and cultivation
of said land, viz: J If Feriuson, Wm A
Smith, W E Mays, Sam'l Fergmon, all of
Monroe, Benton, Co., Or.
('has. W. Johnston, Register.
Lanii Okimcb at RosKni'Rii, Or., )
Julv lit. isss. I
XI the following named settler has tiled
notice of his intention to make final proof in
support of his claim and that said proof will be
made before the Clerk "f the County Court of
Lane County, Or., at Eugene City, (Jr., on
Sati.rday, Sept 1, 1SHS, viz: Isaao Condon,
Pre-emption D S No .VMS, for the 8 J of S E
Sec 2H, and W J of N E L Sec 33. Tp 17 , R
11 west, W M. He name the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous resilience upon
and cultivation of said hind, viz: James
Slover, William Builey, William Morris, O W
Sutton, all of Florence, Lane Co., Or.
Cms. W. Johnston, Reguter.
1.1 David G McFarland, administrator of
the estate of James II McFarland, deceased,
ha tiled his account for the final settlement
of said estate sad Monday, Septeuil tr 3, 1HHS,
has been set for hearing- the sauio Ly order of,
the court.
David G. McFahuuid, Adinr.