The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 21, 1888, Image 5

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    Winter on the Summit.
A Stalmman rf porn r a day or two nince
fell hi with a young man Chas. llnut
who had jiiKt come ilnwu from beyond tlio
mtnuiit of the CawauYs on the linn of the
Orepnn 1'ai'ilic railroad, wbtro he had b.-i'U
Mute liiHt Uctub :-r in charge of Contractor
(1. W. Hniit'a supply C(iini. The camp in
located about twelve mill s cM and tour
miii K imrili i( Fish Lake, in the vicinity of
Mark Untie and Tlirre-tinic red Jack, with
ilt. Wiihliiiiu'tiiu anil tlic Tlireo Sistt ra not
tar away. Ilu fonml it a dreary, lonely
) rmiiiye, and says money ronld not hire
lit iu tnngiin imprison himself away f n m man
kind fur hk h a long time. The miow did not
(.ill in sui'h profusion in on the previous
winter, tin trcadst il pth bring eleven fctt
while in lh.S'J-7 it rtiuhul a depth of nearly
thiriy f i t in that name neighborhood. The
road ilir'uigh the niouiitain thin yeur were
p h; at the iiiid lie of May, much earlier
than is common. n:id w-re in very pood older
w hen lie came down July 2d. The tempera
ture i n the mnttiiKiu wan not ah tlisngrcea
Me in uiir,ht lia expected, btin quite mild,
iih lliD eseepliou of a few w eeks when it
Kt'ini:e'. Contractor Ileniielt has a lnro
amount of stuff on the nioniihiiu yet. a few
luileK from HiiiiI'h c.tuip! whi h it will t ike
lam two months or so to (el out. Mr. Hunt,
who is n eai'did, reliable yotiiif; man, told
th it about the beginning of December three
ineii, who were working with oue of lt.-ii-r.eit's
btib-coiitrnetors. started down the
mountain on the Miuto trail wiih one pack
hore and ho is atruid they perished. It
h.'ol cotnmeiipi'd snowing before they started
nn I continued until there were four feet of
in the nn untiiiiiK. lie had made diligent
uupiiry of persons p lading along; tlio tiail,
and can tiud no one who saw them pacing
t ti ruu;'- They were yonny men fnm ISril
ish Columbia, and he thinks owned some
properly near the city of Westminster, but
domuot remember their names,
P.iitelirrcd by Ills Brother.
Col Tallin Times July 17th.
About 4:30 this afternoon Lew am Win.
McVny, two brothers started in a w.i;oi
for Ed. Tb'iytr's rimeh about four mile
liortli of town, where they hud been enenpod
to harvest. In the;on was also Estel,
the nine-yeiir old boy of Geo. Maddux. The
McVny blethers were somewhat njider the
iuftii' nre of liipior, and when about one and
a half miles below town la gan to quarrel.
William lias a wo den leg and was sitting in
front driving. His brutal brother jumped
.from the waon, and in n rage reached for
Hie cnpple inul ilrugjed him to the ground
while be pul'ed a dirk out of bis pocket and
b'an f tabbing the hi lph ss man. The boy
in fright inn to the nearest house nlid gave
the alarm, JSrfore nsM-tntice anivcd Lew
r in into a w heat Held and has not yet been
raptured, although several "Dicers re on his
track. W in. SIcvav is in a ci ilieal condition.
n he was st ibln d I' ll or twelve times about
fie h ad and body. The extent of his in
juries are iiiilh iili to ascertain nt this writ
ing, but from the looks of the ngly gashes
CHpeci illv tli"se in llie head, would seem as
though the eli'iiiers for recovery wero against
bitn. The hoi sis and wagon belonged to
1M. Thnver and win n the fight began ran
away breaking th- wagon severely and tear
ino the harness to phves. After the cutting
MeVay lay by the side of the road in the hot
sun for over an hour lieforo being removed
to a house, suffering and bluediug terribly.
Not ice, '
Farmers if yon want money bring all your
oM iron, copper, brass, etc., to W. Sanders,
lb' pays the highest cash price. New York
Knnsse.v. Klein carry tli largest assort
ment iu ladies, opera and Oxford ties and
b lit n slippers of any house iu Engi ne at
prices from SMi- upwards.
fil I i 11 IB
i H la W A f
Has just received direct from New
York and Chicago, the largest
and best stock of
Ever brought to Eugene.
CAnn. Having decided to withdraw from
the crocry business and go npou his farm,
C. 11. Cottlo offers for sale a h ilf interest iu
the stole ktiO n as the "City Grocery." Or
should the purchaser desire, the eutirc stock
can lie bought. 1'arlies desirous of engag
ing iu grocery business should cull and get
Com.K k How ard.
Krnnw Si Klein have a genuine Peble
goat button slew for $2.10 iu nil sizes from
2l;to7K E.
I Hi
Hut call and prko tliein. ReinrmW tli plnee: The New Three Stor;
Brick, corner Willamette and Ei-lilh St., Kugun- City, Oregon.
From the Cheapest to the Best at
prices according to quality.
From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can
be suited either as to Price or Quality,
Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up tv
the Finest; can suit you if you give us a call.
Fresh, ili'cw and
Look us over; if we do not save you money, we will make some one cl
k II to you low.
If you want to buy or s.'ll a furm or town
lot, call nn
They have the best facilities for malting s.ilcs and are constantly in cnrresKn
dence with Kastern partu- seeking invest
ments in Oregon.
No charge unless they do you good.
Office iii Vn!f ou'? Ulock.
Staple ant Fancy
Everything new and fresh. Goods d- i
livcrfd free to any part of the city. !
In Tobacco and Cigars,
Yol ill find the best Positively the finffl '
Aiupui ii-u vyiara ju lue cuy
'ComA mill EM mt nti.l t,a f,vin,r..l tiAl
nn can save nionev br bnvini? vonr rroodf
It the Willatnctto Store. Onposite (icARf
ifH.B. I rtTiu rnui!i'T;il