The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 21, 1888, Image 1

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    lira u r SyiUet
n cm
V.';.. 20.
NO, 51
I I. (WVPHKl....
nblMier mi. I'i:rielor.
i ! it1.. ' e ' :" wi;'.aii!,.t;
. : U-. vefU N't! ''I All-: Eighth Mints.
,::ms oc i"rM-!:irn.iN'.
V St. I'M'
hue lien:!.-'. .
. .. " 1. 1
. i oxi.i
Advertisement invited fl...w: ;
imu iutv. ten line r !e, us' inset tioii i'.1;
, -u-li ...bsequi-nt iiiwrtiou id. Cah re-pured .
i(i advance. , . , ,
Tim advertiser will 1 txir,'! at tin- fol
low ing rat:
ii.. square three month. wi
, ,.. . j-.n-ir lll.llth ?l 00 .
I 'lie square one year i-w
'j'ransieut notice in l-sai column, '.M "lit
ir line HT ft u " ;" " i
,vrti.iiu' hills ' rendered quarterly. I
All i"b work must l I'aiii .on s 1'KLIVekv. j
Attorney and Coun.sellor-
ii-ill pit vc tick ix the cjckts
of the Second Jiidieiil Distiiet ami in
n. Sapp-me Court of this State.
Special attention given to collection ami
matters in nnoate
-Attorney and Counsellor at Law, -ecgexe
fi'i'V, op.ego.v.
n.vcri.,E.s is ai.ltiie conn's of
this Sute. Will give special attention
I , collection mil Ir,liate matter.
Office--Over Hes lin k i's bank.
Washburne & Woodcock
r'.C'iEXU CUT. - - - OliKCON
OFFICE At tie Court House. jvSm3
OtO. A. Do UK 1.1.
H. W. I'i'MHiN.
Office Over lkobiusou i Church's hardware
IWzrzij ani Ccurssllor-at-Lax,- asi
Ileal Estate Agent.
Ofl ice formerly oc .upU-1 by Thompson &
tUGEXE city ui:ia;ox.
Secialatteiiti'iii irivi-n to Frobate business
and AbsUacts of 't itle.
Office Over Gran'o Strnv.
Physician and Surgeon,
Wilkin's Drug Store.
Kwsiilcuce ou FiitH rtreet, where 1 r Slielton
onnirlv rei,le,l
vyiJence whuu not mifesioiially e'tae.I.
Kesiileiue on Ei,'ht!i stre-'t, i; ".-iie Tre.-by
enan Cliun h.
J.J. V ALTON, Jr.,
?T t'rtiiru of the State.
Secial attenti'iri 'iveu to real estate, fn!
ectinu', an,l probate iuatt-r'.
t-'ollectiiiL; ail f c);.iins against the
'Jniteil States GoVerLr.ieiit.
I b'fiLW in Walton' brick rooms 7 ami 8.
KaniH, IiMirow,l ami I'liimprov,-.! I',n
pr,,rty for sale, !) eay tenn-i.
Pr:pDrt7 Sectcd zzl ?.cnt3 C:H::t-;d,
The lii-;iranre Cnmpaiiits I rpr-M-iit ale
niii'in,' the oMet aii'l i,i,,.-t Kfli ible. nn-l in
the 1'hhmit am! E-''lT.n'.E ii-lj i-trn -Tt of thir
os.neH StanIi Sk.oM' to X-'NE.
hare of yotir patron i ',li 'ite,!.
Ottice upstair, over t!je Grai'u" Stof.
li. F. ! liilll.v
I --
Merchant Tailor.
Street oppwte the S ; Hakeri, n'.rie
he i. prepared t!, do a'.l kin is f w,..k ..f.-r-t
in his line.
A Lvye stock of Fine l'I.-tln nn h,ntl for
customers to sileet fro,,,.
Repairuu and cleaning done promtt!y. Sat
Ufartion nuarantewL
Eugene, Nor, 0, 18'.. tf
Day & Henderson,
House in Euuene. Comut 7th and Vil. Sts'
Ss.9 Agcsts fcr
V'e are .-till nt the !,!
au.l can ell yoii aiiytlmi,
or wear,
tlieaiui' Than
Have removed to
Marx' New building
The y have a complete .stock of
Watches, Clockj Jewelry & Musical Instruments.
A larc invoice of CEirittmat soori.
MS BACKER. Expert Gun
iimitn Stock ot Guns and Am
munition on hand.
i:k;i:m; -' - - oiu:.o.
C Marx,
! Barber Shop and
Hot ar.. 1 ivU bulbs :.iways rca iy , hiring
the Wn-k.
First nurih of D iun's ne 11,,. k.
that are fretful. p"evi,h,
cross, or troubled with
Windy Colie, Teeihing I'ains, or
' Stomach Disorders, can be relieved
at once by using Acker's Baby Soother,
j It contains no Opium or Morphine,
hence is safe. Price 0 cents. Sild by
Ostium i ',
, . , tT ,. , c
OrHCE:-At Court House, f.ouuty Sur-
Yfyor s room.
. , , . , . . ,,
I for .! i A U-1 b li,. - J P.p. r-
)' on Willam -reel, o;i h.. h tn- br.y.r
can double h , :u r. tj n'l.iu I 1 y-urs.
G10. M. Miu.'K
Zrgin Citj,
l .e "I -ran.-e
it von want
tlie Cheapest.
. I). i'ui'Iiran & .Son,
lioal Estate Agents.
V.v.i ill' CHy. Orcffon.
Will alUu.l to uiftal Kinl Estate luiiiuoa
such us ii.g, celling. Icasiun nn.I nutini
farms ,iud city propirty, etc. Oilicv on south
siik- f Ninth stiti t.
H. F. McCornack, M. D.
T II AYE n( j;m;!1 oCT A Lai: ;e AND
.1 S-lect St.s k of j
misi'Ki.l vxeocs goods, Etc., !
V. I,i, '-. I intend srilin.' ut Faih ami l;e.i.N- i
AliI.E I'lliCt.. j
fi n'.'l Misni.ic. ;,(,',',,'!;, K't'jti Ci'y, nr,
il. V.. GAKlilSOX. I
Orders for Spencer Ilutte fruit tress may;
be left ul the liraiio store; ulso Mr. llrown,
on Ku:hth ,tr. . I will I. are ihi-ui for sale, j
Three yi ar old bar.lett p ar trees will be il i ,
a hoi: led, su.a 1. r out iH. Other tr.-i j
-he;:p. OtIVILLE PllELPS, l'rop. I
V- r. wou' DiJ y0"' dinner !
J .1 w nd are pre vented by Dys- '.
pep-ia, use Acker's Ihrpvpsia Tablets.
Th y nre a posi:ive euro for Dyspepsia, In- (
digestion, llutulency and CoDxtipation.
e guarantee them. 25 asd CO cents.
Ol urn ft Co, E'icene.
yes.' r
St.. re," 471
to eat Z
, i:r;K.E city, OKEooN.j
Batii Rooms.;" 7 . , , ;
: IrocBFies s Provisions
i f j 1 inif 11 1
t"ure of Cancer and riocrs.
1--'coT. C. S!cU '3 1 - a wr.! to tt
Sw: S,v.So Ca : "About nnN) yr
Jerr-, haj a oaa-erv-.t
'.-. an fac, EOur tio r tye. It
c-a .-vj t.a a proa: Jtal cf pa u, ar.J ta
kit ts j.ih: ,f v ext. b;t w.. f.ia'.'.T
f:ivl tr tn-s i of V.T.fV StyviCc
1'U; cjh' 1 we.l kaowa :a W... Co..
Oa. w.T- ..TeJ."
Vr L C . of Artabct:.!, Ta:o Co,
5- . nr :.- "l auSerwJ rr at dal
Ir.i 1 u.ovra l3r yarv Y u.r a;cu.
c 'n Jexl, and af:er t:s.r
x b '.t ,-s 1 wa;v cureO.
a-r -T.iu. .-.:. d v evca morv'ttao voa
ci :j f r .:. I rive known it to euro
wh. -h won? thoucht fco;.ea.,
Mr. A M. G. J.-:i.;h. .Vv t", N rn
r: . r-.--.,y,i, .S Y , wr.t.-s: -I va
CioM .35 S S s, aUut trteveara
i laat u .rv wi-.i a aora t'aroat
r r over a y-ar. ItwJ a frrat cant
tier rer.Kst.c4 no fco-l rvavlta.
j!yl.;t e c ri. a:o, had acre fircvm; it
ccii.taeiuxvl from h c,u;k, r.d then
toe ca..-. ou:.i ojx r5. We doctorwl
her forever tnr vear, ard when I com.
Cienci A s. s I t.-.ouatl wvuM
aeoWia; .t ,v.;:j j, for tltr j ata
taar.iful tJ m, that .: entin-ij- eurel
ter l: :4 t.'.e, U4t remciiv I knew
rf f rt. a t csm. I rca y Kleve
u wa4 tb- B:an4 ef navis rr.y U'e.
The d-.v.or to. A n.e I had a throat d..
eat ni.Iar to General Grant . I
cneerf u: y reeoriin -en J it to a.l iui-nr.if
fn.'tad r,lereJ b;,xi
Treat so 0:1 P.o.1 a:-.i S-:m '
ttai.ei frco. T::k sw,rr Srrcino tc,
I'rawtrS, Atlauta,Ga.
What Is It'
Th:',-. that Unutif-.:'.;y soft ci-'ii-:
ph- n at-,1 h..s 1:,, tract of it n; p!i,a
, ti.-B i-r iuinrion ::,-t? Th. ai, r, Wi
j ilotn's lU U rtine n,v. u-.j !;!;, , all th.s, n,l
j i I r i:Mit:cel by la u s of ta-to ami n t'mc
t UHl.t t-' be the tin -I ,h lichtful (oil. t article
1 ever J ro.hc 1. WarraiitrJ lnrr.i! an.l
untc'.::-K. M. Wi.kiu, a . a:. F;i. ne
Iy !:: st n:-thisl iu r.e 1 y F.tirn
K nt:-: hiua in the prof, i 01, II n,- rs ,;i is
, ft: il 1 -1 to pro.!u,-,. i ijr.aily as sirable re-
Ui 111 r.i.e ;o, 1 tii.ii-s. ii'iice s.t;ne place,
1 H.iv,'K,vk.
E. 11. LIVELY .t; CO.
, AkitN.S tvn Ik ki.ickk A: So keck rr.rkin-
I Ttc-Ns.
j Fuit.h Mother Tincuires sup, rioi in
preo.i'.atiou to any iu the market.
! Hy lra, tine Tonic one of the find com
, poiin i lor d. bihtv ,111.1 losl vitality.
I Houuopsthic mother tinctun s and Tiitu
1 ratii 1,, i-O p. r en! stn'iiptr than lltii.l x
I tries: pricts the same as Eastern tslablish-
j Ule'.ltS.
I Special att. 'atiou iscalh.l to the IS. ,fc S.
tinctures, p.e sure and mention 1. ,v S.
when prescribing, A full supply always on
uaa.l at L li. Luekiy A Co s.
I. i-nbert ,t Hcudersnn are the sole aci nt
lor i to- ciieiT-ite.t sup. nor stoves, jak
V0".i- wife an-,1 look at tin 111.
111 app liniment with Heivlerson
1:1 1 hive your operations p. rforiutsl
f-l ! tn ml,, r
,u a -' Ul lllUer.
Mo ,r s lb vealed lb m dv r filiates mid
bui! ! up nil the orvntis of the hiiuittu sis
teni. Sold bv F.ueene IMui,'oist.
Ir. Taylor's 7 Oaks Conipoun 1, purely
Teg, table, iMsilively cures rheiiiualism, neu
ralgia, too'.hache, sich hi attache, cramp col
ic, choh ra m.'ibi-.s, complaints peculiar to
(einal cohl or eotiijli, luv.-s, chilis uml fe
ver, pains around the heart, erysipelas,
phlhUie. Gk iniE Taylor.
S.ihl by Osluirn ic Co, druggists.
Mr Geo F Craw has the sole aenev for all
brands of the celebrated Tansil l'tineli Cigars
The Appetite
May bo increiLsod, tho Digeativo orRans
streugtheued, and tho bowels regulated,
by taking Ayer's Pills. These Pills uro
purely vegetable iu their composition.
They contain neither calomel nor any
other dangerous drug, and may bo taken
with perfect safety by persons of all ages.
I w:vs a great autTerer from Dyspepsia
and Constipation. I bad 110 appetite,
and was constantly alllicted with Head
ache and Dizziness. I consulted our
family doctor, who prescriU-d for me, at
various times, without alTonling more
than temporary relief. I Uniilly com
menced taking A vera Pills. Iu a ahoit
time my digestion and appetite
my bowels were regulated, and, by the
tune I finished two Nixes of these Tills
my tendency to headaches bad disap
peared, and I became strong and well.
OuriusM. Logan, Wilmington, Del.
I was troubled, for over a year, with
Loss of Appetite, and General Debility.
I commenced taking Ayer's Pills, ami,
In fore liuishing half a box of this medi
cine, my nmx-tite and strength were re
stored. (J. O. Clark, Daubury, Conn.
Ayer's Pills are tho best medlcino
known to 1110 for regulating the Uiwels,
and for all diseases caused bv a disordered
Stomach and Liver. I sintered for over
three years with Headache, Indigesiion,
and Constipation. I hud noap.tito,und
was weak and nervous most of tho time.
three boxes of Ayer's Tills, nnd nt tho
same time dieting myself, I was com
pletely cured. My digestive organs am
now in good order, and I am in perfect
health. P, Lockwood, Topeka, Ivans.
Ayer's Pills have benefited mn wonder
fully. For months I suffered from Indi
gestion and Headache, was restless at
night, and had a bad taste in my mouth
every morning. After taking 0110 lsix
of Ayer's Pills, all these troubles dis
upeiired, my food digested well, und
my sleep was refreshing. Henry C
lleuimcuway, ltockortt Mas.
I was cured of tho Piles by the use of
Ayer's Pills. They not only relieved inn
of that painful disorder, but give me in
creased vigor, and restored my health.
John Lazarus, St. John, N. 1J tt
i'rrpared by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, Msm.
Buld Ly all DruoiU and TXukn lo Uudlclue.
A Kip 1 With .1 lVar.
A c . ! ; ry i !,!,! of Hu.k V i-.ihan by
) u;., h l.iv-i,c, !i:'v o ce ,!wu ftiii
I U 1 art of th iMi.titry II u.k a j resented
.:n.. true iti.-e uh a ni.v, i;.hhI .i. 1 He t,vV a'-.cahir ,, liht in his
pi.s.r.t, ai:,i U 11 t-.r ,1' v f ,i-.r,.( animal,,
u. ! .11:, a p. t of brui'i One ,1 iv ,:,k
k.:c.v ho.ue s.-Bi.tshat !.:. r,e 1 r li.pior,
1 n h-.s rr:v..I at t':., h.r.s.. u:, t In,
i!;. 1. 1 , ct.;:; , hi r inti l.ti. n i l bavins
i.!!'.i at vl -v. k, he , v.hl i.,,t t, ;n ,m 0vr.
:;vtd lin k v. ry mu !i !., ,1.,-i.le.l
to i,hl a ,1-.-.. 1 with brain .1:1 1 k:'.l or p t
ki!'. ! S- h. ,-.-ir..l his 1 ,,vMt. Vinfe
ml .bj..rt.,l f.irthwita to (uve brain for
Mil - x. The Is ir jot his opf.c on the b'.td,
,'.:.l appr lat.d the pr..j o-:ti -n thoronhlv
1: o.'. 11 ...': up hi, nii:. l that th.- bear shoiiLl
b . .. , !!., a.i.,nt.ce n. . telle,. I him of
hi, c!i .1-1 aii.l ,s. liar. Then the l ittle eon.,
in, i..-,i. but brjiu was too .piikkfor him
if..! .1! U,iii mu a'lack on the north
ea,t s. cti, n of H ink's j-ati!!oor.. r.,l maJe
.puck au I .:V ctiv, .,!S of it. il;,,, Hank
cot it on t! v. vtt :l,e h,:(.l and under
.heihm. 1 0 Is- bn- f. f r II n. k was brief,
he ,!,,! not ,tay loiikl. liriiiu won the tiilit
411 1 t:.e vti.y iy in 1! u.nik e-t ,-n w.i, to
'tiual th'iu',:iii, win.h-w 1111 t take a
, hot at the "b ar.'' H ink's wife tlunk a
klteat il. a I lucre of him now than r,r
! I'ottl.OKl ..
S. 1: .tor Ihite 1 f l't ni.cst f h ,s a p. ciliari
ty 111 that he invariably app, :ns w uh a oijjui
in hi inotitli, 1 lit 110 one bcrr has jet seen
him Muokitik:. While he iisid to be an in-
vet.Mte smoker, for the past ;, titv vears
.. ... m-.t utiKti ,1 i,k.,it
with s. uie of hi, seu.ilv'lial tn, nds rrv'eutlv,
he to hi then) the story. Iu a Utile duruij
the late war Si nalor' F.-.te i.nd hi biolbi r.
I'okmil llale Wi le together. They Were III
conversation, when the Senator drew (10111
his p.ket ciijar, and siru, k uiatch with
which lo lioht it. A he did so, a cannon
bail toie hi biothi r's head completely fioin
his body. The ciar was uot ln;li:ed, and lo
this day he ha never lit on.-, and probubl)
invei will. --Atlanta I'ou.stitiilu ii.
I How would Gli.lstoue vote if lie were in
I Anieiica this Fali .' Fu-'lish an 1 American
politics are ieo.inlo aio'l apart fiom each
other, but he pos-ihly iniht vole with tin
party ill,. Liberal pally, the leum
ciatic party. His own, the London News,
says it has uo sympathy with the Kcpiibli
can party, ant that j.nuuiil clost y relhvts
the views of l.lailstotie.
Oucklcn's Arnica Salve.
The best .ilve in the vvoild for Cuts, l'.rtii.
Sores, I' leer. Salt l.'lieiuu, Fever Sores
l etter, l'hpK , Hands, I'hilblains, Corns, nn,.
all skin eruption -, and positively cures piles,
or 110 pay required. It is Kuamiteed tngt
eile.t satisfaction, or money refunded. 1'iir
sale by IM111.-11 & Co.
IV WW W ''10 ff00 'bings of this
vvv )ife Br(t orri,w(ully ,,t
alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's
iiyspopsia iauicts will euro l'yspopsia,
Indigestion and Constipation; sold on a
positive guaranteo at 25 and 00 cents, by
O-buru , t'o, Iv.ueiie.
Don't Believe It
When told that F. M. W ilkitis, th? druggist,
is not selling "Wisdom's lloberliue" for the
complexion, the most elegant and only reallj
harmless preparation of its kind iu th
world, and giving a beautiful picture card
with every bottle.
Wood Want I'd.
All kinds of good, clean four-foot wood
wanted by the inter Photo-Company.
Wood takeu in exchange for pictures to
any amount, until Sept. 1st, S.
Impure over A. V. Peturs' store.
1 Minto-( 'oinpiiuy.
Il, ,t facilities for enlarging pictuio to
any size and a superior ipialily of work
Eugene City will in a few years have a
population of I'.O.lico, The railroad from
Coburg will lie 1 vtt n, b d here, thence to
Florence nnd the West road will lie extended
from t'orvallis to Eng. lie, Huntington nnd
Crocker have been here, looked over the
ground uml said this is so. Look ut what
you missed by not buy ing a fi w years ago
You are missing just us tuiieh by holding oil
now. liny ten lien s of the Humphrey tract
for $1,00(1 and in live it will be
worth Ull, (KUl. Don't wail for a lioomaudpny
Ikiohi prices but buy NOW.
(iko. M. M11.1.KH. It al I'.,tnte Uroker.
Absolutely Pure.
'I his p-)di-r nevpr varies. A iituriel uf pur
i'.v. stren.lh and w I oleann -lies. .Mere reo
lo luteal thsn the ,,, inary kinds amleaiinot be
1 in com;,, titii.n with th -niultiiu,1 of low
t-', shor weight 1 Inru or ph.phle p .wders.
Sold only in enns. Kotal ltiklNH PoaoiH
' Co., M Wall St., N. V.
r ROYAL til'"? 1
i 'jr
1 Tlie l aud l..s.
! rnmirriivlw.tni. il, wi los, nnideiii and
1 di tt rttsl w ives, are over Iu t t:tv-in
j years, are etit'.tltd to ail liie rihl,, rivi-
!, gt-s and K iietits un.b r the h 'nie,teu.l l,n
I Ih it csn be 1 lij Vi,J bv ui-li.
j lho mother of a liMi-g child, t-r children,
, 1.. tht r i low, ,!t ,. r:td wife t'r msfeitiin.-ite
! single pi rxn, may ac-.piirw title lo land as
j th. head of a family, though under the age
! of :w. ntv-one.
i Widows of d. c, as, 1 entvvmen sileoeed to
the lights of their luib.inds, and may make
tin il pref an, I take title iu their own 'nam, .
It is not ibs, lately 11, cc iry that they
,b. onid the land afti-r the dtslh
of tlie Ini,b,ind, as re, id. nee or cultivation
l. r the preset. Vd time i all that is ruiuired
of widows ami minor heirs.
Tue widow of a person who served uinely
.1 ivs or more d-ir-ng the war of the rebellion
in the l inte l State tinny, navy or marine
cvrps, and died without miking an entry,
may nuke all entry the Mine as her hn,haud
if living, might do; and in making final
proof receive creilit 111 lieu of re,i,b lice on
the land, for the peritsl of her husband's
service, not toevcesd tour years.
T he dis rttsl wife of a homestead Vntrv-
uim insy make final pro,d as his ngcul, and
have patents i,su,d iu Ihe name of her htia
b iu,l, or he tn iv (smlt'st Ins entry on the
ground of abaiikloiimeiit ol the claim, and
sfter cancellation "liter the land iu her own
name. The latter is the miser course for
many rcaous.
Au iiliinarrit d woman, widow or other
wi,e, having luiti.itid n entry, may marry,
without alb cling her rights lo Ihe land, pro
vided she complies with the legal ropiire
ment. Should she marry prior to the time
lien ,hu might make her proof, and perfect
In r cl iiin, and leave the laud to reside with
uei husband el,ew here, th entry would be
liable lo cancellation for nhatidotinicnt, but
not mi account of the marriage.
Win re a man and a woman each make a
lioiiie,tc id entry and marry before making
final proof, one of the entries must be re
linquished or commuted at their choice. If
iht y live together on one homestead, the
entry covering the other homestead will be
liable to contest for abandonment, even
though the hind be cultivated mid improved.
The homestead law requires three (lungs to
give final title; flist, honest residence, see.
oiid, good cultivation, to crop or otherwise,
nd third, fair improvements in the matter
f buildings, fences slid the like. Com
pliance with only one or two of these re
quirements will uot satisfy the la. Full
compliances with nil three requirements
must be satisfactorily shown for the entire
peiiod of the date when final proof is made
The daughter of a deceased soldier, sailor
or marine, if otherwise qualified, may enter
land iu her own right, notw ithstanding au
entry may bavo been made by her guardian
and perfected for her bcuelit during her mi
nority. She can thereby secure two home
steads. A widow, as the lejal representative of her
deceased husband may continue lo cultivate
his linnit stead mid at the same time makeau
eniy iu her own name. A woman has this
advantage over a man. She can thus secure
two homesteads while he is allowed only
The widow of a deceased eiitryniiin'mny
purchase under the uot of June lo, ISsil, the
land embraced iu cases w here that act is up
plicuble. HttxiiY M. Corp.
Tim Height of.Mt. Hood.
Tho Aneroid barometer which the illumi
nation paily took to the summit of Ml,
Hood indicated an altitude of 1 3, 025 feet,
Mr. W. G. Steel, who was with the party,
thinks this number too much by about 600
feet, his estimate of the height not exceed
ing l j 500 feet. HopfYcr, it revives au old
I line belief that Mt. Hood is higher tbau the
government figures make it, 1 1,225 feet, mid
in a measure sustains the views of (hose who
have held out for a higher altitude.
I'ntil some rears ago, Ml. Hood was gen
erally believed to be about 11,000 feet high,
Lieut. Williumsou cut Ihe figures down to
their present sie by his triaiigulation of the
height. Mr. Steel nays tho height of Mt.
Hood will never be definitely settled until au
actus.! measurement is takeu und the height
triangulated. The If st plan to do this, he
ilniiks, would be for the stale to eo-oprnte
with the C niled States geological Biirvey.
Co-operation with the government survey is
quite common in other Slates.
Oregoiiian, June 2:1; (1 W Hunt returned
yesterday from Albany, where he made ar
rangement for shipping lo Wall ills, the
stores 11 lid powder, tools, elc, which have
been brought in from tlm scene of his con
tract on Ihe Oregon l'acifie. lb) says some
of his powder is spoiled, and of course, all
the potatoes, onions and such like stuff is
worthless. When he looked over the sup
plies brought iu and thought of all the money
il cost and the money and time wasted
111 hauling it out into the mountains nnd
and back again, he was a tittle wrathv. Ho
expresses bis opinion free in regard to the
people ho will lead a man into such
cntim liv repivat utiug themselves to have
money which they have uot.
llcttriiuii will take all kinds of produce.
eggs, bacon, butter, chickens and everything
at belter prices than anyone Isu lu town.
Military Cknsi-s Last year a census of
"all able bodied male cili."V between IS
mnl t t years of age not otherwise eiemptrd
I . v law was taken ly law, nn, I here is the
result of it: Jackson, 1 Jn.'j; Wallows, (in-2;
Wasco, 1121'.; Yamhill. I5I.I; Douglas, 1IM;
Linn, 2l)J'.i; Giant, 1273; Malheur, ISO;
Cllion, 1222; Milllnom.ih. W.if,; Clatsop,?!:
linker. Too; Columbia, f20; Tillamook, Dili;
Crook, 01 1; Curry, 'Am ; Morrow, 7'1'J; Coo.
U:i2; Josephine, -t'15; Gilliam, .Isil; Washing
ton, 112:1; Lak, 112'',; Klamath, 311; Lane,
17:10; llentou. HS5; Marion, 1''2; I'maiilla,
150.); Polk IPiO; Cliickam.i-, 120. Total,
UJ.&i.i. As th" total vole al tlm late election
was t;0,2li7, it would look as if a great many
men were missed.
The principal sawmills of Oregon formed
a ''combine" last year to keep up prises. It
leaks out that die dealers in sash and doors
III Portland have formed a similar associa
tion, ami if any member i caught in the act
of violating Its term, he is to pay a forfeit
of $ UH). I.uujIm t sells nt f :l.5o per M less
in Mslleoiine than iu San Francisco, lu
such ways ti e faimers and workingmeii are
plundered. Tin re is a tarilT of 2 per M on
for ign lumber to assist the plundering.
Fob. 8al. A lot of nico show-cases, as
good as new, at
E. IL Li'cirt fc Co't.