The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, July 14, 1888, Image 1

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VCL. 20.
NO, 51
M I 1 IU H
tt rl . ul SH
u ii ii
jHc tfugcnc tfiuj Guard.
I j. CAM ri'-KM-.
I!ii:l'r Ipirlor.
I (in tli'' "'l'e Willamette
''' ' ,,.,';,-.,, S..' and KLjIitu Street.
S2 .m
. .75
obit OSl.i
xThVt OF ADVKlt'l'IHl.VO.
Wl.!vertieiiK-nt inseie,l as follows:
oi . i re, ten line? lr. one insertion .t
Zequent itierti-.l. 1. tVu required
"S"Jvertie will be chared at tlia 6.1-
Cthreeu.onths . WOO
lu4ll,uaretirr w
six month (Q
1 TrlSnt n'otu i Wal 'column, 20 cents
Attorney and Coimscllor-at-Law,
V of the Second Judicial District and in
iJInireiiie Court of this State.
spi'iT"tt,mti',;' give" C"nut't"""'
fitttera in lr..lute "
I, MU'M,
-Attorney and Counsellor at Law, -
r thi State. Will give Bpi-ciul atteutiou
to collection ami prolate matters.
OKCICE--Over Hendrick & Eakiu's buuk.
Washburne it Woodcock
grjGBSKcrry, - - - oukgon
OPPlOfi At the Court House. iv8m3
810. A, OOllUIS,
(t. W. I'OMM'N.
OrriCE-Over llobinson & Church's hardware
i'.torno7 and Ccuns3llor-at-Law, and
Ileal Estate Agent.
EcoEXEcrry, r mikgox.
OflU'e formerly occupied by Thompson k
Siiecial iitteiition iriven to Probate business
inJ Abstracts of Title.
Office Over Grange Store.
Physician and Surgeon.
Wilkin's Drug Store.
It-siuVnce on Fifth street, where Dr Shelton
"rmerly resideiL
viilenue when not professionally tu'aged.
KmiuVnce on Eighth street, opposite Presby
fun Church.
' Courts of the State.
special attention given to real estate, cnl
wtini!, and probate matters,
(Wl,.,. t;,,,, n ,.i t, ,;,,, ...:-. tli
--n.. .-.uurs uovernnieni.
"Sice in Walton's brick rooms 7 and 8.
"-. Iinproied ami I'liiinprmt-d I'own
y-r-7 r.nt:i and C:lloct,
Ii!--.r.i!i.v 4 '.in;.:iiii.- I r'" ''r
'"''lU I!.- nM,..t . ,.( ,1,'., , ;ni. in
1 "'"in i ;:,,, r.Mr f n.ljn.-t:a- :.t -f th- ir
"-"i-.s:isi: W, i.. ,ne.
iw""r" "f v"lr pili' lKi.-e ih 'ilii'i'ed.
i;. i'. Di)i:KIs.
Merchant Tailor.
I "H;vri) -mi;p ox NINTH
, -pnhSt..r t'.ali-rv. wheie
il,i"p"'" 1 ki.rU of work olfer-d
' lit .
I ii,, on hm I I f
i'nip iriilnlt.y. Nit
ay & Henderson,
THE 1 KAP-lXii
W T "W mmm wu, t.. .
House in Eugene. Corner 7th nnd WH. Sts
fill : fit
Sole Agents fcr
kl. We are still at the old leliuMe "!riiHj,'u Store,"
I;JJ and can sell you anything that you want to eat
jjfcfjl or wear,
theapor Tlian
Have removed to
Marx' New building
Tliey have a complete .stock of
Watches, Clock, Jewelry 5; Musical Instruments.
A larsrc invoice of Chrittina sood.x.
iJAiiKKii uvx woitKs! j
MS BARKER. Expert Gun
Smith Stock ot Guns and Am
. munition on hand.
i:ia:.K - - - okko.v
Barber Shop and Si Rooms,
Hot an 1 cold baths alway ready durilio
the week. j
First diior north of D mu's u-w hi n.-k. j
1. -.i f,f,iT rinnr!t;fl
Vvn p,j nr trnulileJ WttU
;Yindy Colic, Tett'hinff Pairs or
at once by using Acker's Baby PuutLer.
It contains lio Opium or 3Iorpl,in,
hence is safe. Trice M cents, bold by
Ohu 1. i -. Eu;ei.e.
Attorney - at -Law,
OFi ICE: t Couit Hon-' , County Sur
vejor's r""ni.
I ,,ff. r f"r '"' 1 f" ' br.-iii-.- prop. 1
tv ..ii ViU..m f e:. on which t...- buy. r
caQ .i...,!.,. uioury ntbin two years.
Oko. II. MifcLH;
Ergcn City,
(lie Cheapest.
R, , co'cliran & Son,
Real Estate Agents.
i;us'iu' cny, oic.,roii.
Will attend to general Tu al Esiutf businosa
such as lmyiiig, hi lling, leasing nnd renting
faruiHand city projierty, etc. Otlicc on suntb
side of Xiutb street.
H. F. McCornack, M. D.
S-Iect Stuck of
Wi.h'h I intend nelliiiK at Faih anh Kkahos
a n l k Thicks.
tVM .Vmomo tin ;'.';, Euan City, Or,
Orders fur Spencer liuttc fruit tresn may
be left at Hit Grange store; also Mr. Brown,
on Lvuth street will l.ave tbein for sale.
Three ytar old bartlett pear treei will be 12
a buuiireil, Mi a U r out s Other tret
cb.-:.p. Oiiville I'uEUff, Prop.
"T-P r ",ulJ enjoy yonr dinner
J lv,vv and are prevented by Dys
Tjia, nso Acker's Pyr.pprcia Tablets.
They are a positive cure for iiyspppsia. In
dication, Flatulency and Constipation,
0 goamiteo them. 25 tai HQ cebt&
Ofhurn & (.', Eiu'rnr.
bdd Provisions
Inherited Discuses.
' Ko fact of nuturo la tuoro pregnant
vrlh awful mcanhif than tuo fact of tho
Inheritance of disease.
Moilern cienco, which hailllutiiinated
0 many dark corners of naluro,tius shed
newliclitun the ominous word of llio
Hcniituros, "Tho sins of I lio fathers,
shall bo visited upon tho children
unto the third uud fourth fienoru'lon."
fifty per rout, of rnaca i f consumption,
caucor and scrofula, run In families
through inheritance. Insanity Is hored.
Hary 111 a marked divreo, but, fortu
nately, hko manv other hereditary
diseases, tends to wear itself .out, tho
uecoininif extinct. A tlistin
KUisheu scientist trulysavs: "Xoorpan
orU'xluroof tho body U'cxeinpt from
tho cltanco of boin tho subject of
hereditary disease." Probubly mora
thronio diseasos, which pormnnontly
, modify the structure and functions of
tho body, are more or less liable to bo ln-lieriu-d.
The Important and far-reaching'
practical deductions from such facts
lire obvious to retlertlnir minds, and tho
best menus for preventing or curing
theso discuses is u subject of Intoiihe in
terest to all. Fortunately nature has
provided a remedy, which cxH-rieneo
bus attested asmrulliblo, and tho renie
Uy Is the world-famous Swift's ISpecill;',
a puro vegetable compound naturo'
antidoto for all blood poison. Totna
afllicted it Is A b!e,uiff of luestimubis
vnluo. An Intorcstiiif treatise on
"Wood nnd Skin Disease" will bw
Diuilcd flee by addressing
Ths BwirT tii-Ecirio Co., 1
Drawcr3,Atlauttt,lia. J
What Is It!
Tlint produces that benutifiilly soft com
plexion and leaves no traces of its applica
tion or injurious cllccts? The answer, Wis
doiu's ltidic 1 tino RiTomplihln h all this, and
is pronouiici d by ladies of taste and reline
ineiit to be the most delightful toilet article
ever lirodueed. Warranted harmless and
matchless. F. M. Wilkius, agent, Eugene
- - - -.- -
Hy the latest inelliods in use by Eastern
dentists high in the profession, Henderson is
enabled to produce equally as desirable re
sults in line gold lilliugs. Cilice mime place,
Hayes' block.
E. 11. Ll'CKEY A CO.
HONS. Puresh Mother Tinctures superior in
preparation to any in the market.
Hydiastiiio Tonic one of the finest com
pounds lor ih bilily and lost vitality.
, lloineopalhic mother tinctures and Tritu
rations o(l per cent stronger limn fluid
tracts; prices the same as Eastern establish
ments. Special attention is called to tho It. ,v S.
tinctures, lie sure and mention II. A S.
when prescribing, A full supply always on
hand at E. It. LucUey A Co's.
Lamb, it A Henderson are the aolu agents
fox the celebrated Superior stoves. Take
your wife and look at tlieiu.
Mt'tc 111 appointment with Henderson
Dentist, and hivo your operations, performed
in a skillful manner.
Moon 's Kevealed Hi mody rogulates and
builds up all the orgutis of tho human sys
tem. Sold by Eugeno Druggists.
Dr. Taylor's 7 Oaks Compound, purely
vegetable, positively cures rheumatism, neu
ralgia, toothache, sich headache, cramp col
io, cholera morbus, complaints peculiar to
females, cold or cough, hives, chills and fe
ver, pains around tho hoart, erysipelas,
phthisic. Gr jiuir Taylor.
Sold by Osburu A Co, druggists.
Mr Geo F Crow has the sole BKeney for all
brand of the celebrated Tansll Punch Citfius.
For Toilet Use.
Ayei 's Hair Vigor keeps tho hair soft
Rial pi! ant, imparts to It tho bistro and
f.T.-dn:. ss of youth, causes it to grow
luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures
all sculp discuses, uud is tho moat clean
ly of all hair preparations.
AVpP'Q Ha,r ''Knr "0'' Riven tno
ri I LI) O i feet satisfaction. I was
nearly bald for six years, during which
time I used many hair preparations, but
without hiicfcss. Indeed, wbut littln
hair I bad was growing thinner, until
I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor. I used two
bottles of the Vigor, and my head is now
well covered with a new growth of hair.
Jud.-oii Ii. Chupul, Peabody, Muss.
H AIR 'ia '"ls ocomo weak, gray,
flMin ami faded, may have new lift
and color restored to it by tho use of
Ayer's Hair Vigor. Mr hair was thin,
failed, and dry, and fell out In large
quantities, Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped
the falling, and restored my hair to its
original color. As a dressing for the
hair, this preparation has 110 equal.
Mary X. Ilumiuoud, Stillwater, Minn.
VlfinR youth, and beauty, in tho
V lUUIlj appearance of the liair, may
be preserved for an indefinite period by
the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. A dis
ease of the scalp caused my hair to be
come harsh and dry, and to fall out
freijv. Nothing I tried tweined to do
mo any good until I commenced usinsj
Avcr's JIair Vigor. Time bottles of
this preparation restored mv hair to a
healthy condition, and it in now soft
nnd pliant. My aculp is cured, and it
h nlo free from dandruff. Jr. E. K.
1'oss, Milwaukee, Wis.
Ayer's Hair Vigc,
Hold ly DruKgiiU And Perfumers.
Perfect Sakktt, prompt action, and
wonderful curative procrties, easily
place Ayer's Pills at the head of the list
of popular remedies for Sick and Nerv
ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail
ments originating in a disordered Liver.
I have been a great sufferer fi"n
Headache, and Ayer's Cat hart in Piils
are the only medicine ihut has -jr
given me relief. One dose of t!ie 1
will quickly move my Uiwels, und fr.'j"
my head from pain. William L. IV.- j,
Richmond, Vs. U
Ayer's Pills,
Prctstred by Dr. J. C. A jr er k Co ., Ix eU, lis :
tkiid by sil lWn to Uitllciixs.
j Grnii'tlior's (inimlsnii.
j Now let the rockets skyward rush, the
' trumpets blare and toot,
The iiinnoli's Forakeiiau mouth give deep
j mid hot salute;
j Take ell your bills, Ann rii iins, j our voices
j niisli ami lute,
j.Vnd bend you lowly down before th' ances-
tnd candidal.
; If you ask us what the deeds are that in
I pence and war he's done,
I lie is the gtau'rhcr's grandson, another
I Harrison;
Would viiii seek to know his titles to place
and gloi v. whv.
He bad a great gland father, who signed the
l...f I.
Why should he be elected.' liccuuso of his
If high birth were not respected the people
would be sad.
His gruu'lher licked tome Indians nigh
ighly yenis ago,
And on William lb my's shoulders yiandson
!'( 11 to fame w ill go.
Then bring out your seat fs and bad.;es and
raise 11 wild huiroo,
We aie going to light over the battle of Tip-
pi ealioi.
How iu the people's hearts deep joy and
pride n well
To think lliey've got a candidate whose an
cestry is' swell.
The time has passed for Lincolns, for plain
mid common men;
TheG.O. P. will sliudu itself 'ncalU the
family tree of Hen ;
Young Tippecanockius is the ma 11 to set the
people wild.
His gnat-grand, lad. ly's great-grandson, his
grandfather's grandchild.
New York Sun.
Hash Hall Aiviukst. Sunday afteruoou
a young mail by the mime of Cat Gibson,
met w ith an accident near Tinner that prom
ises to prove fatal. He whs keeping th.
score iu n ball game, and the bat slipped
from the bauds of one D. Osborne, striking
young Gibson a terrible blow in thu fore
head and mashing iu his skull. He was re
moved to the lurner hotel where medical
aid was summoned as ouicklv as possible.
John M. Smith, living south of Turner, for
w hom the young man has Ik en working
since July 4lh, stated that the doctor hail
told him that there was little chance of Ih.
young man's recovery.
The weather iu Alaska, according to re
ports must be agreeable, as a Sitka papei
says: the present remarkable weather,
warm all day long, uud bright up to 1I):JU p.
111., followed by three hours of twilight aim
succeeded at 1 JO a. m. by llio dawn of da)
makes thu consumption of coul oil ami
cordwood very limited. Hoth these articles,
so neeesbary iu the w inter mouths are s
drug in thu market just now, and promise to
be so long us the present delightful spell
W ivv ' tue S" things of this
VV if8 Bra B()rr(,wfully let
alone on account of Dyspepsia. Acker's
Dyspepsia Tablets will euro Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and Constipation; sold on a
positive guaranteo at S3 and CO cents, by
Osburu iV. . o, Kn.ene.
Don't Believe It
When told that F. M. Wilkius, tlu druggist,
is not selling "Wisdom's Itobertine" for tlu
complexion, thu most elegant and only real I)
harmless preparation of its kind in tin
world, and giving a beautiful picture card
with every bottle.
Woml Wanted.
All kinds of good, clean four-foot wood
wanted by tho Winter Photo-Company.
Wood taken in exchange for pictures to
any umuiiut, until Sept. 1st, '88.
Inquire over A. V. Peters' store.
ISest facilities for enlarging pictures to
any sio aud a superior quality of work
Eugene City will in a few years havo s
population of liD.OUO. The railroad from
Coburg will be extended here, thence to
Florence and the west road will be exteuded
from Corvallis to Eugene. Huntington ano
Crocker havo been here, looked over the
ground and said this is so. Look at what
you missed by hot buying a few years ago.
You are missing just its much by holding oft
now. liny ten acres of the Humphrey trad
for $1,M)0 and iu live years it will bt
worth HO, (Kill. Don't wait for a boom and pay
boom prices but buy NOW.
Gko. M. Millku, Itcul Estate Ilroker.
' 1
; Absolutely Pure.
I This povder never varies. A marvel of pur
' ity. strength and wholewinnirM. More eco
nomical than tin ordinary kinds and cannot he
solo Id oometiti.'ii with the multitude of low
tst, shor. weight alum or ph.aphat. powders.
. Sold only In cans. JCtal ISakinu Powdcb
4C'o.,10ttVllM.,X. Y.
I.llllilll'tll lllUlo-eil.
Monmouth Observer.
The prisoner was brought over from Sa
lt 111, arriving a I Dallas 111 charge of the
hhcritV and deputies at 10 o'clock a. in. Im
mediately he was taken to thu county jail,
iu front of which bad been t reeled the scaff
old where he was to be ex-euted. The en
closiuo was a fianio l.'lll'i (01 1 all 1 boarded
up feet high and nrouii.l this eiic'osure
was a space aUiut 10 feet in diameter sur
rounded by a rope. Th crowd was not per
mitted inside of this circle, Sheriff Smith
ordered diuuer brought tor the prisoner at
11:10, when Landreth looked upon the
dishes containing this, his last meal, ho
brxku completely down and died like a
child; ho was verv nervous and ate nothing
more Ihan a small piece of pie nnd cake;
immediately after dinner ho culled (or Mr.
('tow of liiih peudi lice, to whom ho gave
his bible, Willi a request that it be giveu to
Mrs. Landntli; a leaf was luiiinl down at
Matt. 11:JN and the following enclosed in
heavy hues ol black: "Come unto 1110 all
ye that labor and heavy laden aud 1 will
give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, aud
learn of me: for I 11111 meek aud lowly of
heart, and ye shall liud rest unto your souls;
lor my yoke is easy and my buideli is light."
In the book was a icrap of paper signed
Wiu. Landreth, giving account o( a "fuss"
about a wash tub unintelligible to tho pub
lic; this couunuuii'iilioii was addressed to
the cilizetis of Independence and also re
quested them not to cast any rcth ctiotis
upon the name of bis family us lie alone was
to blame; that this was the truth and was
his last writings ami contained his dying
words. Iu the interval before the linai
sc. nu the repoiters asked hmilrelh w hy he
had murdered his daughter, he answered,
"because she has ruin, d me," when asked
how she had ruined him, he said "by talk
ing about nie;" he repeated this over several
limes and immediately after would mutter
10 himself, ns though iu prayer. Thu jury
doctors uud reporters were admitted to the
enclosure at 11 uiO, the jury was called by
name at l'2:'2o: I.T.Mason, T. J. Graves,
t hus. Farley, P. W. Haley, W. W. lliooks,
J. O. Smith, Geo llouck, Cuss Sargent, D.
J. ltilev, J, D. Ellis, W. W. Williams slid
C. C. Doughty. Thu prisoner was brought
out of his cell nnd upon the scullold at Vi:il
leaning upon the srius of ilwpuly J. F.
(roves, ex-slicritr of Polk, and sheriff E. M.
Croisan of Marion who assisted in thu hang
ing; thu procession was headed by sheriff
Smith, who conducted himself iu a culm and
digiiillcd manner throughout the trying
scene. The wuriunt was now read by the
sheriff iu a clear aud distinct voice; he then
asked the prisouer if he had anything to
say, thu answer was simply no. This was
all the word Landreth spoke idler being
brought upon the scullold uud ho n uuiined
seated until the sheriff ordered thu deputies
to bring hitn upon the trap; he was now
pinioned; it is doubtful whether ho could
have stood without assistance while the black
cap was being placed over his face and the
rope udjustV'd around bis deck. This same
rope was used iu hanging threo other men,
Murry, Drake uud Mai pie. Thu w ord was
now given "all reudy," and the drop was
sprung at 12. 30. Laudrcth's neck was
hrokeu uud without a tremor hu hung mo
tionless; pulse 120 at 1 minute, 85 at 2, lot)
at -I, 1 10 at 0, at 7 intermittent uud tuo rapid
to count, at 8 onc.u iu ten siconds, pro
nounced dead by the doctors, L. N. Wood
and T. J. Loo at 12:50; he was now taken
down, tho rope and black cap being re
moved ho wus placed in his coffin, lie
looked very ualuriil and had very littlo color
in his face. Thu agony that ho suffered
.mil that was so plainly depicted ou his
lace while upon the scullold was nil gone
and he seemed to bu at rest. Thu crowd
was permitted to pass through the enclosure
to view thu corpse; we uotieed quite a num
ber of ladies iu the procession. Landreth
will be buried by ths county iu the old grave
yurd south of Dallas, by the sidu of Tarr,
(hu suicidu, who shot a woman at Dallas
about seven years ago aud supposing he hud
killed her he then shot himself with futuk
effect, so thu suicide and murderer will rest
side by sidu until the juugu of ull tho earth
shull cull them to their thud account.
One of tho miners employed iu the Dond- -holder
tunnel recently took out a solid uug
get of gold weighing within a few
pennyweights of fifteen pounds, which,
whuu dressed aud denuded of ull other sub
stances will tip the scales ut slxiut thireen
pounds, ud is worth about $3,000. The
nugget was found in the face of the tunutl,
at u place where tho crevice had wideued
somewhat, and very near the point of con
tact between the slate und a quartzitu diko
that extends across thu claim in a northeast
erly und southwesterly direction. It is be
lieved that on the lino of this contact larger
quantities of free gold will be found than
liuve been discovered on Farncomb hill.
1'tiis is the second lurgest nugget that has
been found in tho camp, the largest being
what is known as "Torn' Ilaby," which was
found about a year ago in the Goldtlake,
just below the lioudholder, and probably iu
the same vein.
As an illustration of what is sometimes
culled "luck" is instanced in the fortunes of
purser Downing of the Idaho. Hu aud two
others left their native Massachusetts hills
at the same time, and struck thu Columbia
river at tho same time. They ail got steamer
employ. lis happened to be put on the
Idaho on the Alaska route. About two years
ago he, with four others, put f 125 in a ven
ture in the shape of what was Is lieved to be
a gold mine. Last week tho five partners
sold their mino for $2,000,01)0, gold coin,
purser Downing' share being $5tK),0lU. The
other two are still rustling here for so much
or so little a month. That limy not be luck,
but it looks verv much like w hat home folk
would deem luck to bo. Astorian.
Grandson of 1j t-t Grandfather.
When asked whence conn s our candidate
Our soul reply shall be
ne comes from Indiana
And his famous auces-tree.
Kansus City Star.
O. F. Wegener, formerly a prominent
anti-Chinese and laboring mail's leader,
has instituted suit against sheriff Cochrane,
of Seattle, for $1200 for services reudtred
during the lust campaign. The items cite
seven political speeches, at $1 10; two nights'
instruction in cbirography, ti'i; running a
German cs" 'ii'n t'.t-r, jUIOO.
Fob Salb. A lot of nico show-cases, as
good a new, at
E. It. Lctirr k Co'.