The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 30, 1888, Image 8

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The young man fell dead I
i friend had pointed revolver at him.
He didn't know it was loaded!"
We often hear it stated that a man it
not responsible for what he does not
know. The Uw ptesupposes kuow lede
and tlierefore convicts the man who ex
cuses crime by ignorance !
ll I hail only known" has often been
an unfortunate man's apology for some
vil unknowingly wrought, but in a
matter of general interests as for in
itance that laudanum is a poison, that
naphtha j a deadly explosive, thatbiood
heavily churned with a winter's accumu
lations of the waste of the system, it is
one's duty to know the fact and theconsu
anences thereof. Our good old grand
mothers knew for Instance, that tho open
ing of spring was the most perilous period
of the year-
Beeanse then the blood stream Is
sluggish and chilled by the cold weather,
anT u not thinned a good deal and made
to flow Quickly and healthfully through
the arteries and veins, it is impossible to
have good vigor the reHt of the year.
Hence, without exception, what is now
known as Warner's Log Cabin Santa
parilla, was plentifully made and
religiously g!ven to every member of the
family regularly through March, April,
May and June. It is a matter of record
that this prudential, preventive and re
gtorative custom saved many a fit of
sickness, prolonged life and happiness to
a vigorous old age. and did away with
heavy medical expenditures.
Mrs. Maggie Kerchwal, Lexington,
Ky., used Warner's Log Cabin Karsa
parilla "for nervous sick headache of
which I had been a sufferer fo years.
It has been a great benefit to me."
Capt. Hugh HarkiriH, 1114 S. 15th St.,
Philadelphia, Pa., says "it purified my
blood and removed the blotches from my
ikin. Mrs. Aarea Smith, Topton, Berks
Co., Pa., says she "wus entirely cured of
a skin disease of the worst kind." by
Log Cabin t-arsaparilla. Bad skin imli
cates a very bad condition of the blood.
It you would live, add be well, goto
vour druggist to-duy and get Warner's
lig Culun Sun-aparilla and take no
other, there's nothing like it or an good,
and completely renovate your impaired
m-stcm with t! is simple, old-fushiutiud
pTcpuration of roots and herbs.
Warner, who makes the famous Safe
Cure, puts it np. and that is a guarantee
of excellence all over t lie kniuwi world.
Take it yourself and uivo it to the other
members of the family, including the
children. You will Im nstoiii.-died at its
lallii-giving and life prolonging lowers.
We Kty thin editorially with pe feet
confidence, because we have heard giwil
thing's of it everywhere, and its name is
a guarantee that it is tirst clans in every
- following are someof the high dwell-ing-liotbC'
in New York City : Osborne
flats. 171 fe ! in height; Dakota Hats,
1;V feet: Minim ll.iN. l.wfe.'t; Navarro
flats. IP.' feet, lim measurement is
from the curl) level to roof. X. J'.
Harlem has a base-ball club called
The Giris." It is doubtless! referred
to as tho Feminine. Xorriiburj
Soda fountains generally do a
rushing business. The fountain no..lo
is an orator in its way. The nioro
wind and froth the more noise. A'. V.
S'.ie (sentimentally inclined)
"What is your favorite flower, Mr.
Pitt? Ho (commercially inclined)
"Well, we handle various brands,
but there is tho biggest margin in red
winter No. 2. Epoch.
A youthful applicant for gradua
tion on being asked the other day
"What does history teach?" answered,
That the United States has never
been whipped and never will be."
Ltxinqton (Ky.) Press.
Physician (to Mrs. Colonel Blood,
of Kentucky) "How did your husband
pass tho night?" Mrs. "lllood "Ho
seemed quite comfortable, sir, and
asked for water several times." Phy
sician (with a grave look) "H'ui
still flighty.",!;.
Jaggs" No, sir; no two persons
think alike, and" Haggs ' O, yes
they do. I oweyoit two dollars. " Jaggs
" Don't let that bother you. I never
thought you'd pay it, anyway, so"
Hoggs " There you are; my thought
exMly."Phihde!phia Call.
Citizen (to leader of little German
baud) "Here, Dutchy, is a live-dollar
bill if you will play for an hour."
Dutchy (highly pleased) " Ah, you
vos fond of dot music!" Citizen "No;
but a L'.jO-pound enemy of mine occu
pies the second Hour front and lie is too
big a man for nio to tackle myself."
A'. J'. Sua.
A middle-aged but rich widow,
who had a very disagreeable temper,
being iu fact a perfect virago, com
plained to her son-in-law that she was
annoyed by the attentions of a certain
man. "How shall 1 get rid of him?"
she asked. "Marry him," laconically
icplicd the son-in-law. "I'd see him
hanged first." "Just marry him, and
it won't be Lug before he'll hang
himself." .'
The good Fortune which followed fall
San Fnnclaco, February 29, 1SSS.
Hui Sib: It affords me gmt pleasure to lend
yoa this TolunUry statement of my experience In
testing the merits of Joy's Bartaparllla. For the
Past fire yean I bare been troubled with an ex
edlagly sluggish liver, and within the past two
years It has brought within its trail a thoroughly
niaordered stomach, Including lues of appetite
end distress after eating, pains In the back and
kidneys, and bolis around my neck and face. I
we tried aereral remedies which are adTertlaed
specially for the liver, and could never get more
naa teaipnrary relief of about a week or two. I
was recommended to try a bottle of 1 oy 's Vcif table
ansperilla aa a test, snd while taking the first
bottle 1 became convinced of lumeriia forlcould
'eel It via vurklng a change In me. I bare taken
botiiea, and daring that time my troubles bsve
kftme. E-nytbtng la working lull and regular,
In fact it hsa cleansed, rnriued and brn-ed me up
enerslly. I f ! like a t.ew man. Yon ire at per
feet liberty to use this aa you see fit, or joa lan
eftr heia you pleaee to
go?, uta-.
"IU Beamish, corner Third and Market strei ts,
au Francisco,
They Kat
I'p V.rry tlraaa Thi h '
'.cava ths Earth itaanrrt '
- , , j
An ami) ol locusts is a wonderful i
nu an interesting sight to the travel
er wno tines not own
a yard of soil 1
and U a niern riiiliiiiL'ni. u il...i ..t..i.. i
f,.i i . . . , " "e.
in uctasiailoll. It Is Atttla and his '
Innumerable horses rushiii. a over tl,
'"o "ir tun
lojrotable world. To-day the wide
plains ate shining preen with dense
foliage; to-morrow nothing but brown
twigs ami bare branches when the
legion move off on their combined
mission. As they arrivo the dense,
dark clouds
III! fenm is '
horizon. .l ,.f, i.f.. ..-
ravs. nroebiim ll. . I.
.... i
mei-urcadea scourge. Ihe alarmed ,
villagers congregate on tho expected
line of march, heating drums aud
brass pots, shouting aud lighting bon
lires and making all kinds of hideous
noises. On ono occasion, in Sotnh
Africa. I drove off tho enemy from a !
i,i , i . , , 1 1 iTK " i
irit nu a ganlen by making four heaps ,
of damp rubbish one' at each corner '
-in preparation, and then. lWhtimr
h... . .i "c"l,"n
tnem at the proper moment, wo dts-
persed tlui advance guard, our col-
limns of thick smoke beimr en. rinil hv
the wiml upon the main body, which
, ,' ,
altered its route. Horses nnd oxen,
their heads and nostrils tormented by
the clinging limbs of tlie swarms,
were bolting away to the woods,
kicking and plunging in their hasty
flight. ' A hissing, crackling sound
arose on all sides; the whole air
seemed to bo occupied by the
falling mid Hying imps of mis
chief. The "locust birds" (a
kind of crane) hovered in small
pai tis on their Haul s, ami subsisted
on a very small purer t!:tgc of the in
sect hosts. In desert localities, the
hungry pests actually pitched on hones,
malting, sticks, etc., aud sailing in a
meal, attacked and devoured each
other. O.i another occasion 1 drove
for miles along a sandv tract, the
Wheels ot thn VellK-Io crushing
liivi'i-nU nf tin. li it..i,.,l iiw....
my 1 i.ius 01 tlie new h In-d nivicts.
all crawling Alld creeping, with mi-
irr it..i.o iiwii.,..f (..,. I il , ....... I
h",v,"J ...-,.. i.inuiii 1 u.i uu I .mill ;')0
tracts. l'i India, locnsi visits arc:'
1 1 , ,
fillther belwci . but far more for- I
iiiulaljle, owing to the overwhelming
masses. Sometimes a series of clubs, j
coniposcil of their Mights, cover sever
al miles siint'ltatieou'lr. Fortiinalclv
there are sivral hin'-s and beasts in
tpiest of their hodies, iiml 1 have even
seen them salted; dried, and sold in
the markets. 1 have often inspected
a dish of curried locust, but could not
bring a sulueient amount of curiosity
to bear on the tasting epci im -nt,
though a piawny odor went up with
tlie steam. The lishes are great ilc
vourcrs of these winged visitors, for
they fall into lakes mid river during
changes of wind and weather, lie
sides tires made of green rubbish nt top,
1 found gunpowder explosions very
useful in searing them away from t'uo
vicinity of my garden. When several
successive hordes alighted on my grass
land I loaded my gun with dust shot,
and, stooping low on the ground, dis
charged tho contents of both barre's
into their midst. Having douo so
several times, 1 enjoyed the welcome
sight of seeing them rising into the
air and going elsewhere. I have no
doubt a small cannon on such oc
casions heavily loaded with sharp sand
would hasten their flight English
Kxtnnt of a Comparatively Young;
Auierleiin Industry.
"There is hardly a trade in the world
th.,, !.., ,-... eiitihllvr ,lei.,r tlt
r "l n " :
past few years as the cloak trade,"
.said a manufacturer. "A few years I
it w:.4 I.1..I.1 almost ..nliiolv uu- !
known on this side of the Atlantic. In
this country alone now there are hun
dreds of houses devoted to ils inter
est, "
"Can you live 1110 any lijures as to
its proyre-s?"
"Accordiiii; to returns made at the
last census, welini! that the amount of
business transacted i:i the matter of
women's clothing f' t d up nearly
IfllO.O'Hi.OiiO. and it is likely tli.-t t ho
greater part tif this was for outer ;ar
ments. About two-thirds of this, or
H 9. 0(1(1, 0(H), is credited to New York;
to riiiluleiphia, (-'..VIO.Ol'K); Iioston,
$l,8t).i.0l): i; fliicn;o, Jl.i iOO.000; Cin
cinnati and San Francisito about $1,
000,000 each. According to the samo
returns the amount of capital employed
was about $7,500,000; now it must bo
about $10,000,000."
"What is the center for mantifactur-
lug cioaKS in r.iuoper ;
, T- 0
..rl.n. probably bee is o th )
cheap mr.uncr nwh.oh the an be ,
put u.g,ancr there A number o ,
cloaks used to be ,n. ported here from
Berlin, but the .Importation 1 m largely
fallen off and domestic goods arc now
used. The foreign nianulacturcrs can
not mako garments to iu our ineti
can ladi.'s well."
Whera do tho various styles come j
from?" , I
Taris stands at the head of the list
of cities furnishing designs, although j
we are every year advancing In that
lino ourselves. Nearly all the cloak j
imiwca have representatives abroad, 1
who visit London. Taris Berlin and
Vienna. Thev buy samples of what !
Vienna. liu.J '"J I . .
ttioir think would be a popular SlVie ,
and send them over to be copied" I
ana senu tiiciti inn tuuv 1 1
A. J. MiM anu Aiprcss.
--ass- '
Overloading Himself.
Customer (to art dealer)-lf that is .rp!
, . T ,.,: 1 ilnnt1 Bold every where. Hrif,rTlcfRA.SOe.;noAP,
a genuine Corot, Isaacstcin. 1 uou 1 l-wT:!T.l. Prepared by the Hon kk
understand how you can sell it so r,B,.0 ajiDf'nEsiicALCo.. Bhtom. Mawi.
uuul1 J I .nd for "How tfnrertaln irtseaaea.
. . ;7yVyK.nwidS.lppresrT
Art Dealer (in conliuentia. wnis-
per) My frent, I vas new in dot piz-
ness, lino I uongiii. "-' I
ness, una 1 00"
dot wake. -A'. I. Sun.
llr. J. l Atar'a widow i reporUxl to tat I
worth 1'i.VlXiO.MU. ll inuat te a tdeaaaiit com
'rl In loose who In (lava g no by furveal the
''"'8 u'' "' but' rneas iinwn their reluctant
KulirlH to reflect thai they wore ouiiLribultiiK u
th Wl'im" l umeuidy.
Sometimes falli of Ita murderous Intent. Tho
Inaiduiiiis and daataidlv aliacka made utron the
refutation of Hosteller's Momavli Hilar b I
-rua who seek lo palm titr cheap ami nVry I
tunics luldenllial with it, or "the sauio llilnu!
uii.iur aiuitlittr iiaim. ' or 'v.iuii v aa iruod. Ill
most l....u,i react iliUonaiy u,..n Hi. uu- i
.'"V.. .1 '.' ' wr'V W . r.J ".. 1
w lioli Mime anil Ihoiouuli nieilU inu, atla'eil to
tin toial eurr and preveulioii ol ( vernlulai(iie, 1
liilloua rcniitlei.l, ilytnia, roiiatipation. bib.
Iimaiicaa, itrblllly, iirrvou liei-a ami kiilney 1
SIIIU I Ullli'll IUIIUIVB, I lltj JtilMlal t pill , i
t'liilhles. IUetery luuTiili. nl, unlike thoae in j
mil'""" "a "i . i ui an aHTfimiini a. .u..-
'.rv' ?"l "J"1.1 '7: V. ro" ..r
Ilia bruin and nei vou. ayalem. of both tl.oae !
uremia ll ia a aeilaUve ami inviKoranU llofiuw i
U these hanniul linitations.
The fireal Northern Kailwar Oomnsnv of i
KiiKlaml inalMa iliat lla tiiKimera almll tnke at
Iraat nine l.uum' rent beleen one ilaj 'a latair i
A "-ichly froHU-d quivering flying Dove.
A Dream of Life screen i aleiular. An liu-
ported Ideal head. An imported I onied
-now net-tie and a full set of magnificent
"oral. cards- F'.urwen irtltic pieces.
bfut to anyone who will buy f om a drug-
Kt a box of the genuine Dk C. M'Lanb's
Ci:i.i:hhati:i Livkb I'ili.h (rice r ct.l
ana ,"fu' UH l,le ouiBtrte wrapper nom uie
oox iui rt-uie in aiuuiua
Write your
artrK plainly.
Fi.HkiiMi Hkos., Pitts
A woman In IVrry county. Ky . hasarln-ular I
hul-in one ot lier vyehila iIiiuiikIi winch uliu
eau see wlieu bolh e)t' arc cIohsI. 1
lio you have 1I11II. lu-avy lifaibclie. otmlriie.
linn ( lliu IniMil i.ikk.ik'is. ilmclittrxi'S IhIIihk
Iiiiiii the IiihU into Inn throu', wain tiim-a
iroliiie wttiiry. nn.l airiil. nt oII kis. tliiin.
it'iiacious. inui oils puruli'iit, IiI hhIj- anil put
rlil; i-)va "ink, nalitry. anil inllniin ll: nnmi.K
In lliu inrs, ilia luMi. liai kinv ur t'o.itchnnt lo
rleur th lliiunt, expt-i'lmaliiiii ot uileiis'.ve
inutier, tots tlicr It Is kcuIis 1 10111 lib era; t olce
ilinnu'i'il ami na-iil ln; leraih ottciivi-;
win 11 and tuMe iinpaiM-it; i lln rrt u m-nstiiuii
of dii lion, uilli imlilul 1I1 pi'issiim. a Inic Kloi;
couth uiul Ki ii' ial 1I1 bib') I It you liuve ull,
or any t ou-iilir.lilu niiiiilu r or thei-e k.miiii
loniH, yim are i-iilb rinif Irum Nasal t'nUrrfi.
'Hie 1110 e i iiinpliruU ii yniii ili-i aso tuts become.
Ihe Heater Inn lillllllaT lillil' of
symptom. 'I IioiimiihIh of e-mes aauunlly,
Hillioul nni!iiiiliiii halt ef the nlnn--h
111 iii lima. I'etiiilt 111 eoiiMimuliiin niui ml in
I ll- llMVf
.Nil illC:IKC IM hU eolllllHMI, lllll e ill-
I... ,1 u .... I...U l,','Wtl,.Ul III-
re iiiimn'cc-fuliy tienleil by ph ticnius.
'I be liiiiiniliictiii'e'a o' I"". Kes falnrrn
, 11K.(h 0, r. , k,mm1 (Hi,,. u rew.nd of Sf.0.1
for ttf-e of thi-i iliMa,e hieh Ihey cannot
ciiiv. 'I ne Ki ineily la wild by druKKita.ut only
CLlltt I
' r".-1 ., ., 1
A New York aiiake-tleafrr saya tlmi lie Imn
, 811Hk(.B ,iliH ,.,. ranKinu m prUxs.
irum 'S)iuiieaeii.
always Ki'.M' tiik
MM' Kit
or ni Mi am-:.
Cliandi's of temperature are apt tx cause -
danizerous hiclviit-Ks; in the full-hlooiled .
i,,, ju ... l. f,.,r,.. Wlu-H VOll h'lVe
apopleX) IS to be lean ll. ."Illlljou r I in tli head, feel dizzy, feverish,!
j rheumatic or sick at the atomaeh lak at j
' once three to ten of ltnAXiiliKTll's l'n.l.s. :
j Such blight alleetioim are only ihe har-1
I liimjer.-. of tliescnr suiideii pros ration,
.and the thing to do in lo master !--'
I trouhleat one.-. Never let a litllo-ickne-" !
p'l the heller of yon. Urivo it out of
1 doors iiiinieiii.ilely. Let there he no com-1
iromise, alaH have wilh you a liox ol
' iiUAMUiKin's I'll r.s, and you are pre-j
! pared to Hunt Ihe worst lurm 1 f aickuess ;
in Us iiutpifiicv. j
There are 77 pupils, of wl.oniU'J are beys In :
Ihe lnliHii si biMii ai W nliaili. liul. cauy uu
of them are ot the Cloux nirje. j
The rews was received with Iho iitmo-"t wit- j
isfHi t on bv Hie eoiiiinuiiliy tluit lie ImU lerror-
iznl; but tlie an est of a disease mat ia stealing
awuv a !oed Hint valued lile. Is an aeuieye-
l lillliness, cold exiieinities, depi-ea-eil spirits!
. . . ... . 7....1 i.....i.i.. u t,..,,M u-iih hiIh- i
: wail features; 'are the results ol the disorder,.!
kidneys anil liver. Arrest I lie cause at once by
mkiiiK lr. ri-.rce's U 'lilen .Medical liiscovery. !
I It is a ittiralv vetiuluble detective, llml will.
lerrct out and eaiuure Ihe most siibtlo lunK orj
blood disoriier. in ukkisib.
Klovrn thousand nine hundred and forty-.
Iti-iiiali Koliliers in India are iiiiiiiIh-is of ,
he .Soldiers Total Ab-tlnenee Association.
On account of their iiiahllii to diaest food,
will llud a most marvelous food ami raiiiedy
in Meott'a Kinulxlon of I'ure t od Liver
Oil with liypr.pliospbilcii. Very palauilile and t
ensily diKiwUMi. Dr. ts. W. C4111KN. of Waco, I
'lexiis, says: "I have used your hmulsion in In- j
'' WM,"K V'"'. "V.k . S
reslores waiieil iiHsues, oui ni;a". "
Increases uie aiipelite. lam Kind U use suet
reliable article.
'""'" .";, ' " .," . ".V .
Olnn l.-Ki-luiiirc nrnviiliuKtlialeoiiileuiiiirdnieii
aliitll beecutisil byele.ciiiL-ity. ;
When fragile, woman aiitlis deploriiiK
The charms that quieKly fade an,
What powt r. the lilnom of henllli retorlntr,
l liu elieek the priurirss nf decayf
Theonlvaid llinl'a wo'th alleiitiiui.
Kur iwinsund ills "f such lUneniilion,
'1'iioiiMinils of women itlic'ly liieminn -"I'm
' I'lfren's Favorite I'lvserliill'iii.
The price of this rojal ri iienlv, lr. I'i-rees
Kavorile rie-cripiion. is lull imeilollur. (Spccl- j
lie for all tlns-e chionie ailiiteius mill "ink-,
nesaes peeiiliurlo nuuit-n. The only medicine
for un h mill nlil s, solil Ity druuniiK under a '
ponilivo iiunriiiiteB from tlie iinuiiitncluierH, I
thnl it will iiive tuitisfnrtioii or inoney re-j
funded. See Kiinriinti 0 011 bottle WTUiier.
Ijirh'O tsitlles (fl. finfort.i. i
It is a common practice in France
io coat tho beams, tho j lists and tho
under side of the fl wrin of builitins
with a thick coating of limn-wash as
a s!ifi'itard against fir. It is a pro
veiitive of primn Ignition, nltbough It
will not chock a fire when onco under
headway. Public Opinion.
An excellent egg-producing food
,.. onrn m, twn n:.rla bran.
v ).irta nd ' mo
d moat ni one rt ni,(,lllinsSk
ft gmaU
in thn n,nriHg.
5kiq tv Scalp
.cured by.V
t beaulifylntt the skin of children :and InfanUi
and cunne torturing. disflKurinK, Itchintt. acaly
. -i-.,. aiaca 4f the skin. c1p and
blood, wilh loss of hair, from infancy loold ae. ,
the t?tTict'KA Kkiikuiks srs infalliblo.
ClTtci.-RA, Uie fcrvat rain yun.
and Cl'Tl.
ccka toe. an e.quiaite Hklrt rteautifter. rs-
trnially. and Ci net RA Kkmiiakkt. the new
lllood yuriller, Internally, cure every ronu 01 1
i.t. -h Klnt it tfiaa fmrn uinmlna lo
by cttk hoak .-m
L'riAi i P.iva. Backaclieann eaanex ,
- -- . ; .. . 1
Xiiuununoeus paui-sulxlulna plaster, ix, .
AiyurriiiiK lu I he H.iiikI.ui tKau.l Tribune In
itnkma tin- Moll (or the snicarwiirka at that
tUit a etratuiii uf live trtK wait struck t
lifiy (est. "
HllhHH I.ITI't.K Vk'UKTAHLK I'm s aresmnll
in sise, siiKiir-coatcd. i aa) lu lake and act ill
revtly uu iiw liver. Try tlwtn.
For Throat Ileca and 4'oilalia.
use "Hnmni voiieml ''m'V. ' I'rlcj ii via,
.vdiwty in twi.
. ... .
i trrnt ut'ra""rv IU1 M " l IW UuA
tur aaayiiix a-,1,1 ami aUver onw tl.iU. J'aca-
,. Li. " i, ..r.n.t lit- -tfairwliiH
lo. anil return mwln
In illiiatrati'n of how fnt a popular
111 eft ca tl travel nnr ntfetilton in ralleii to fl
,.ii1U itlHIlll . hat llai 1) lieeil all OMIT
for a Ian lot of Cameo Cbmrette. abit
h"g their ileslre to adopt the bratl.l am
analim to be allowed to compete for one of
the t-lewnnl pieturea of l.angtry or Thw)
recently Naiieri exrltiHivelv lur those oer
sons who would be one in a nartv who re
turn the largvat liunilier of einpiv 5-.
. f il.i t,r,..,,l .,f ,..r,.ruii..a In l.sSM.
BVHrroHa-Mulnllirr; iuhniiu. Ucliina ami itiiiiriut,
muat at nUlit; autae b 0'RMliliti(. It ll,iwol to wn.
tliiue tuuiera tnrui. auh'U wflna hU anil nlfiaiata,
taosiihi frr' ail. S iTSK'a OlsTNtCr l.i Hi"
lioliloa ami MiV'Iiiik. huaU irn-ratinii. anil In iuu
cmM nmoiMfii Uu tumu.f. It in iiiiiaC , tiicaolmv lu
cnriin all aklu PlN-wa. DK. hVVAYMK. SoN.
1'nipnrUini, I'm L.I hta. tAVK Ointment taut
ha uliUluml ol tlniwtMa Hem by uall Uit SO ivnla.
Bee Aotim-n llano adverllacioent.
Its sliimrlor I'l.s-llenrr iiroren In uilllinui of liunnii for
in.iii' tl.411 a .iiHri. r of a wuiiiiy It lii iim-i1 l-y ill"
I'niliil htat-s tli'tiriiint'iit. l-',iul..isil liy 'lie liiuilinf
lilt- nr.-i.fc I invri.i' ir. m. . ,
Heaithliil. IT Tllui' lu am linkiiiK caili-i u. uin
cniualu AiiminnU, l.ime nr Alum H..M only In ftum
Iotlitlo i I'otllMN.
It mrrs RiiRi'MtTisM, Nm'Ki.niA, Hn",
I- il....t i '..lii, in Tuiimr. Htt'l Itlit'lllli. .nut
! Mt-rt-uriul iMoim'. It riirltum me IIIikkI, lu-.tuii-. ti.n
I.lver hi il Kiilnnys to lieailliy action, and u-.ioii-i lliu
t:on,,,li.,n liruhi and CU-a.-.
J. R. CATES & CO., Proprietor.
4 1 7 KnuMOitie M.. Mill Fi'iiiietaeo.
nrtn 1 lr Tl 1 t If
I suffered fl
t'ered from
. ( thrMl( ,rn.f
'",..,.-,. uu
nausmnna. aiy
nose bled almost
(lain. if
first day's vse ol
1 r .
'f " ...
lMVe nomerd-
fhf itl
rniiir.'V wnt.-Jt.
..' i(.,ro;,',Kr
' """""' "'
A nartlt-Ut I aiiiilleil into tiaali nimtrll iiml la itH'Ml .Iil. I
Price 60 wills at liuinila'a: Ity rrnll. r"1f tered, Ui ouilta I
KLV lUtllTllKKS IU Warrsn Htnmt Nhw Vnrk J
on Trial !
liiTi-itinient .mall, prnrlra
.iiira. Kt'iiii viii fur ntatnuu
ar'tt lllu.tralt-il Ontai irita
nil lull iniruuulars. Mali.
fai-tlirisl by
167 fc lev Lake tat.,
Tfcffc yoii bmolce a pipe?
f vou do. take the
advicre of thousandsof
old smokers that have
tried it, and smoke
'Seal of North Carolina''
Plug Out.
will find it the
best Smoking:
Tobacco ever sold on
this coast. It is made
from three year old To
bacco, smokes soft and
cool, and will last twice
as long as the many
cheap imitations that
are flooding the market.
r Seal of North
iil. Carolina ana
VOU at OnCe S66 WhV it haS
wa-wwu.w .
t n o larfTeSL SaiQ Ol ailV
TobaCCO On the COaSt.
If your dealer doe not keep it ha vrill
nt it for you, It h vaIoh your tntla.
PlAiuat; Kiimrtt flrzaiia. naaq naniw"ia
. . u. a u,t,. iw..u nr.lint at
ausas, Saa VraoslaM
THY Gkxmka for hreakf'uit.
HALLg .... jj
1 n s
Hog Cholera and all
Diseases of Hogs.
In the hug swill. If they will not rat drviic h
with milk Into which a small quantity of
lb Oil Is put
Sold oy Inijyifj ami Denim fiYTywVr
trcVa N' V- AV 1 1. H' S T I! A T E 1
lkclZ3l CAT A LO til' E OilASlI
Tho Vineat and inot t'ompV'to Shoe t'ntn
Ihkuc ever published iat'10 t'nitod S't ite.s. It
will onuWe you to buy yu.'.r ftaitwaar us intel'.l
(.niitly and profitably as thoiurh you ia".ted
our atore and poisoimUy tniule your ptiieti.uia.
Sent Frco to any address. Scad
for it now to
s Dr. Spinney & Co.,::;:
f Via
iIi'ih v, tt., ihtp ti
young MENsvr!;:
cretlon silnnlil nvnlt Ibir.i -im , i t ei:r to
a m. it 1 ye i-iir.'U-.i-iriijt. i .1 !i i-M-i-y 1 -. - ; r :i,
t rmury iiT.,t i iuti .iI Jii..'iii. a nil luiiiu'.uti ll.k-
i .'inii-H, prompliy and uii- yi-ur.-il.
1 in' of Ki'lni'va er lllinlil'T. W ink I i. k. Neiv.-it
I'i'liililv, el h, mI bil.-iiglli. to'., elm il
nnd rentorril In lu-ulihv vit'.ir.
N. 11. PiTimnii umil'io to vt-lt Uti ni'i'-.n- tn ui--,!
n. trii ir h-nni-. Iv rotr.'iioii.Si-ri,-... Jll. .In it,- tuul
ii i rut-1 H.iiii fin liy nail ori-M'iv-a. ii.i.eUnlion
1 1'if . LmIuM eeuts iu uliit'ieil let a lit u'lliit .Mnu'l
rii'iid or UulJu to Ve.ilucJ.. ,
lt I'leiiiluini. f.'i.iKH) In icti,
SO veaia KiaMi in- l. Ki-w i
Flallt "L Wl rfi'iuvd Steel Tun in; lu- (
v.i-ii, lit II..I-IU lei i-leir i nuin, nj ihnoi i-ui i i.,.n.
iiiiid lu tune 'M M'lirs, Koi'il t r lmi ; nut aife li-il .
l-y elimalo. Ko wiwil l anil', I -,-ni ., swell, Hhriiik.
ria.'k, dui-ar, or wear out; e piiiiraiiUu iu Kle
;nnt fuaes, S "tinii- il'niUe re, eullne
.,-tUin; tliisnt Iviirv k- ; tim l-'.iun'iK AN'I'i-I.II
1 ill or wriiu fer 4 Wa:. aue, in. T. M. AN'1lsi:t l
l lANOCil., Miuinfai'tiaera, ' ill Kellnwa' U..P, Hal
1 t anil S eat It Streets Siw i'minin o. '
M.le by "an Fundu' Tml i'i
, i. rii. .11 Htn , K V. s.'lnl f.- ill
,. W. rS, Kli.a a
.irll''it niliil'-mli'
To KS i lny. 8tinip!"S wmtli fl.M. I' 1
I.ine. not'r die liorni-fri-'. V r'tn lli:r'-
rr'aS4rrrv Itniv lloi nvn ro . .I'"ll e . i leu
My ri'turn inn'l. I''utl nerrfv'li4i
.!.' I allur svim i.l l'rr
ulUaa. MOODY k CO., (Jiiioimiau. U
iiLD SORES AM") ULCE5.S curt.i l.) 4l.l.n-h l i.l l ii i .4. i .
all. by Mail.ii.Ni. MaJc Igr J. r. Alli-n. m. rmi
TO Till: fjADIICS!
Jacobs & Co.,
MiiiiutitcttiK tK ul liuiturtrin ' I
Ladies', Ctiilflrcii's anil Infants1 Wear.
Ilii lienniej Hlieei. St. I .
Illustrati'il CntulnKiins sent free on tipi'Ucistlon
53. T. WRIGHT,
K:h -:C fi::;:
( '':? si'- 'W
General Agent for ADVANCE Threshers and Engines
' OAV VNhlV.lWKAH. at H and fl.SO per suit, In I'tltr.u.i; MH.iT I, tbree latest
lo I'ullirs in I una ulr I'u.Ti, H.W ta. li.
Gents' Furnishing Goods,
232.-Kearny St., near Bush.
tT Kami for Illu trCc '. ( n .l-vm-.
Issued Maroh and Bept
loach rear. It is an enoy.
Jolopodia of uaoful inlor.
"tnntlou for all who pur.
chnso the luxuriea or the
necessities of life. Wa
can clothe you and furnish you with
all the neoesaary and unnecessary
appliances to ride, walk, danoe, sloop,
eat, fish, hunt, work, ro to church,
or stay at homo, and in various sites,
stylus and quantities. Just figure out
what ia mqulrod to do all these things
COMFORTABLY, and joa oan make a fair
mttuinte of tho value of the BUYERS'
GUIDE, which will be sent upon
rocoipt of 10 conts to pay postage,
m-lU Michigan Avenue, Chicago, Hi
met ?. its.
Ol.ll ll.K V 11 1-i s
IVriect dlKotlon ni-ompllsliei!
I.v ti'il or I'ulj'i's l.f'tto Veirn.
I;iMo I i'.ih. 1 u.i t. underfill
?.'eiiiefi- rn-ra f'.leic liend-
pe'l, I i h,m 1 hl'.t, 1 .'iltliTi'stloll,
:ie9 u: t :io i.ivvr
Tvjf 'v-t f ryr-i'ot n-'iilS
.ij Ii; :"n:ivo
; a-: e'.'iistli-ittlon, ilenil-
I - f
"iitin 1 1 I nt
:- -, Mo.,rtiiurn,
r. .' 1 ii, in e:l, Moi. ?
1 4-ii t
0 . :r st
t-- oV.
f in ..1. " ,.,
i. 1 f-i ':s vi
,11 V, '.'ui-fe rl'ieiirne, ' el
art vt ril.ll, ".i lit III til")
4 1 1'. t'.iii'a M tic eii-
1 li'., .1 I iree ll'i vi.-.i
tli- o r 1 I lent V o'.lier dii
. .' " .r-ci.utcil,
-ii !1 , i-.i 'v l tl ;.e,only
- I
;.t ", I'.o-.i', leu' .ii'i ii ita
' r ! T ;il'lii. r l.rel v iere-
t Mo ; ...,p.i l-.ileil front
A ,-;. i. 1 1 1 - -' 1 vl- i.Hi- 'ilKfo!'-
It '. Hi ,1 VI,'-.. ' 1. 'X.f t!.l-.l IIIICO
1. i .-I't..': ru.iMil! ieioiii
ii .'ii i :!i -Mi. j'rii 'ii '. nta a, if t! j f'-r l.l.. . U Cn
1' sts or eiit :-v 1.1 .1 1. r 1 .1 11 or . Ur,
Ui liii'3 Viu'.ioi l.-eil.l liifo-'.iillioll he) t Free.
tiOUC'S R'rr -!- co..rv'T. fi t :vr ;m.cau
ellt '
ft:ffiZiy '
ri 10 i havs.
1 , ure 111 iinuiirrun-a anu
! lileet. I pi eserlbr It and
JGiartll!! B.l to
r sauN ntricwra.
feel aaf lu reroiunisnd-
I lirSaiilJ hylks , n.ffcMa,
, - it iinoinnaii,r.- o
Clnolnoail.Kl r, .... iil
Held by Drut.lllk
I Viio Orcn rJtiofitl Uank,
; or r4iHTJ...Ti!.
1 l". lUo'4 iu.:ii' hnvtiS'i I'anM
n flirt i, l Aio in yum,"
T".,i0.irswi.onfwl TineVu liititeaa
M'l'iUIN i.s 1 1 hi Miiim iiiii-lBilt
Si. ' I At I rimaw-o flirt New YiatT.
V.AKI.S ('I l.l,l Till .N 4 m fmiaalilil ITIlav
Va) IS In-I.)MIMl IT '") It I'ALKl.R.Ja
Pnwileut. 1'iuauuui,
U 1'. SHEltMAJI Wia
A i inn K iiiiiii 'K ) era nlil, Willi a .veiiranil a
'' eM" i i ne" in " II ' l iii' Sili ''k' lnr'. a'a
.a iimiion. Si.inli- Hiiillli. t" i limn ami
, Kr in Ii. It -t of n l'i "'i i en. Vi r ne dentin
'iil-.r ouitil. Aii'ln anl'. I'. II., cure I'uliuer
.V U'-.V. I Intnl. in.
w III Ik
I inr taioli and -err train of pots
t'tliuw I Hi sUii..'i
toiiinl i wia.ii im , iioii.ruiis.
,.-.i,.i.i'..VHd the li'i'l diillnliMi.l anil enif fullf
l.ajiulitw l.'.i't udlCie 4Tsr pf'.iliiiei lui '.fluuwiyiiia
.11. 1 iiraarf :i,: tii ihuiiiiIii4i. 11, iihiiotIiik '.an, iiu.liuru,
(l.Uik . .all I.'hiiii-iii unit riii.lo.rt of Ilia alio,
r-fd ami lu.tiim 'he illl.i .if kH-' and Uis
.sl h. .1.1 '11 I tlr tltU a'- oaina twr Uilt'.o.
Wi'm anil !. Van awM n W M wiauiiat
a -n. . iu. i,-m
kiwrS'., Mil I
mm hi