The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 23, 1888, Image 6

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    Council Meeting. ,H T" II
. i June 18, '88.
' Council met pntsnant to adjournment.
' Present Mayor Dunn, C'piincilnien Me
C'linig, I'uiue, Friendly and Luckey; absent.
Bilyui, Mai lock and r colder.
A proposition of tbe water company to.
furtiinh water (or lit bvdraiilH at tiUti peri
, uniiuin, payable ruotitbly inn put in seven
ueiv bydruiitH, tbe cily to pay for tbeiu, was
A motion to accept the above was lout (nd
on motion ( Councilman Paine the com
mittee on tire mid wnler whs Hiitlif irit-d to
conduct witb tbe water company fur water
Btipply for nineteen hydrants at $j(H per
a ii ii 1 1 payable uioutbly, tbe city to pay for
tbe LytiniitM.
Councilman Paine, cbnirmnnof the health
com. otrered a report mid resolution in regard
K'ird to dipbtlii riu wliii h wait adopted and
tbe Mayor asked to put the name into effect.
Tbe judiciary committee was grunted fur
ther liuieto conider ordiuauces rufeirtd. On
'motion council adjourned.
b. U. FiuiNULr, Kecorder Pro. Ttin.
( 1 EDiiKNK Citt. June 18, 'ftfl.
Major F. B Dunn, ami Common Council
of Eugtnt t'ify. It bavins been reported to
your committee on health by Dr. Sbelton
tbat tbcie aro two cases of dipbtberbi in tbe
faintly of Councilman J, D. Matlock. There
fore jour coiiiniiioe would recnmiueuil that
tU lioii-w of J. D. Matlock be placed in
quarantine v. i h the usual danger ll iys li
played in the Htnet ou cither utile of aaid
reuli nee and-tbat voil cause publio uotice
to l. tfivi u fiiibidiiiu,' all peraoUH to enter
Raid pniuists, except lboe reipnred f. r
niir i atiil not to permit any clotbiii or
olh. r properly that may luive been exposed
to inietiiiiii, io be removed until thoroughly
disiulected; and that the attending pbyai
ciaii avoid exposure to the public of any j-ar-m
its or ulothinn that inay buve beeu lu
iectcd from exposure to tbe disease.
And yi u committee would further recom
menu, as cl, mi tin, hh and veiitilntiou are es
sentially ueciNaary to prevent the spread of
disease, that nil property owners, agent or
occupants of any house or lot in tbe city ot
Kuc,ene, Orejjiin, here required lo cIchii up
all tilth about their prions, 8, to disinfect
uud ileoilmize all cess pools, H'Wcrs, water
ptaH, sinks, etc. And for tbe said purposes
woutii ri couniieiia to wu use ol tiie lollow
inp; disinfectants:
Hull hulphur (biiuistonc) for fumiatinc;;
sillpbale of iruu (copptrimi dissolved in
water; in the proportion of one ami one-half
pound to tbe Killoil. for noil, sewers, etc.
Sulphate of .me uml amuuiuii salt ilissolv
ed.lonetlier in water, in the propurtiou ol
lour ounce of Hiilphnte, nnd two ounces of
halt to the gallon; lor clothing, bed liueu, etc.
Kt ipectlul y Submitted,
1!. D. Paink, Ch'ui Ileal th Com, ,
Omen of Mayor, '.Tune 18, '88.'
To Ike J'uWic: In aecoiilaiice with tliu fore
Kulntf and in view of the fact that a little
precaution at this tune may huvu the city
Horn a scourge ol the diphltieiia.
1 hereby pioclaim the ubove enactment of
tbe common council to be in full foice mid
ethet. I recommend mid ask all cmzel.s to
observe the reconimeuibitii.n of tbe health
committee an near hh possible to the end !
HUH 1 lie general lienltli ol the city lliay hikxi
be restored. Pureuts, keep your children at
home. F. Ii. Dunn, Mayor.
All kinds of Rood, eleun four-font wood
wanted h the Wiuter .Photo Company.
Wood takeu in px.'liau-i for pictures to
auy amount, until Sept. 1st, 'os.
Inquire or A. V. Peters' More." '
' Pliuto-Coiiipatiy.
Best facilities for enlartrintj picture to
uyaiioaiid a mperior quality of work
Has just received direct from New
York and Chicago, the largest
and best stock of
Ever brought to Eugene.
J'ut cnll and price them. ReniPiiilier tli tlapr: flip New Three Siot,
linck, corner ilbuiirtte and f ibth or., Luirnip City, Orpjnn.
Front, First and Vine Sis., Portland, Or.
S.-. AND 1'3
Sole Ayents for Oregon, Washington and Northern Idaho for tbe
Tbese Mnrlilnea are too wll l;nown to need oomnipiil. Thounnnds of rrnier liave used
tluan und ha-nk i I iliein Miili miu.-'. They me tlu onlv llarveslniK Mucluuea
tlial will pve eiiliid batlsuciiou to llie purcliujser.
The Most rn'ectivo and Siiccpsful foniMnatlnn for Threshing anil Cleanins
(jiuiu ever CoUHlrucled.
The fentnira ttmt. rllnllnputh tlila Twlne-Ttlndpr Is ttie I,lvr1itnps of PraH, combined with
lis Kxlraonlluiirv hu reimili Hint I niralUlny. 'l ) ltimler U of tlio Appluliv .hv
lei u, t tin only really Miecesifnl oueyet known. We Imvo twnstvl.n, tlm
LlcuUir liinili-r nnit in-I'lalform Klmlcr-hoili pxccllenl-liot!i
lecoiuiueuded by bundreus of patrons.
"totes.- .---: j--xslSM
Bchuttlor Farm Wagons, Deere rioiyi,
Dccro Bully Tiows, Cock A Co.'s Car.
"Uses, rhcrtonstnd To? Eussioa.Four.
Cpiir.c fountain Wac;ons, EucUboards,
TJucVcyo anJ Euportor Drills and Seed
ers, Corbln Eiso Harrows, Hodge
Caines Eeadors, Haish Barbed Wire
"csra r: c:r.cuLAr.i
rosTii, TeiRorvph. Om,:e bourn on Sn.
rl.iv from 8:00 to 10.0. m. .and from 4:(0
tU C:v)0 p. tu. Week davB.all bu-inp houra
. O. F. Ciuw, Rupt.
Foe Sill lot of nica ghow-cascs, w
tjood as uew, at
E.K. LnciiT k Co's.