The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, June 02, 1888, Image 1

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    TO T " 7T KV T
1 1
eugenecity, on, Saturday,, tune 2, m.
NO, 51
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MJ M 14 II J l I Ml
jL iL.lljLJ
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i. ii.iL UAiL
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jTltf (WW (Citiftod.
.PiniLisnED bveuy saituia't.)
1. cAMri-.r.r.L,
IMblUltr atl Iriiit'loi -
nl TH'IC- the Em side of 'Willamette
. lietwe.m Sm-Uli mi l Eighth Olivets.
ivr !Mitii-
s;ix Mui'tlw-..
;ire month"-
Z oh It ONL
Advertisement inserted an follows:
One qre, '""! or "V
insertion Sll
ttch subsequent insertion ci
C'ftli required
inTi,ne advertisers will be charged at the fo
lowing rates:
;e square three months.
One'l"',,,Hix m",,t1"''
-.. ..u wphI
SO 00
8 00
12 00
ffiBt n-'tin local column, 0 eruts
,r line for each in-ert..n.
'Advertising bills will lw rendered quarterly.
All job work l.m-t be paii foin)X ii:i-1Vkut.
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
V of the Second Judicial District and in
he Supreme Court of this State.
SptcUl attention given to collections ami
piatters in probate
-Attorney and Counsellor at Law,-
Y thin State. Will give special utteution
to collection ami probate matters.
(Vrice--Over Ilendrick & Eakin'a bank.
Washburne & Woodcock
OFFICE At the Court 1 1 owe. iv8iu3
cso. A. UOIII1IM.
OmcE Over Rubiuson Jt Church's hardware
attorney and Ccunsclbr-at-Law, and
Heal Est at & Agent.
OH Ice formerly oecupieil by ITjomjwon &
Sieciul attention pven to 1'robate businei.
anil Abstracts of 'litle.
Ol'Flt'E Over Grange Store.
T?W. HAnitlsTMJ).
Physician and Surgeon.
Wilkin's Drug Store.
ILsideiiue m Fifth street, where lr Shelton
nrinerly renided.
yidenco when not professionally t!'a-i"t.
tiid.-nce ou Eighth street, osteite Presby
eriau Church.
rii,L niACTici: in all the
T T Court, of the State.
Special attention given to real estate, col
eetini;, ami pndiate niatters.
Collectiiis all kinds of claims against the
'Jiiited StateB Govtrniiient.
"tfice in Walton's brick- rooms 7 ami 8.
A t arms, Improved ami I'liimprovd I own
property fur nale, on easy terms.
' frcpsrty Rented and Heats Collected,
The Insurance CompanicK I r-prvsnit are
tni'iiiK the Oldest ami most lieiuble, and in
tiie I'kompt nndEgi iTAli'.E adjustment of their
Stand Second to Xone. ;
share of your patronage is solicited.
Office up stairs, over the Grange Stop.
Merchant Tailor.
Strret opposite the Star Pskvrv, wlfie
prp ir-d to do 11 kinds of work c3Crl
is line.
AUr. ;e tck of File Cloths on hand for
''"touim to f lect from.
K'piirini. n 1 denning June pronipt'y. Sat
,,vtin ir,i,rant.l.
'"ene, Nov. C, 1S8-1. tf ,
Day & Henderson
House in Eugene. Corner 7th and Vil. Sts
i --vi-' h
' ' ' '' -'-J
4':: ; ' .o,
K '
O. So19 ASents for Eugene City, rf ,
r,r..W We are still at the old reliable "Grange Store," Tj I
fc'ij andean 'sell yon anything that you want to eat I
' 1 Q'ji "r wear, I
Cheaper Than the Cheapest. fAy
V 4t
Have removed to
Marx' new building.
Tlieyhave a. complete stock of
Watches. Clock, Jewelry &. Musical Instruments.
A large invoice of Oiri.tzaias goods.
M S BARKER. Expert Gun
Smith Stock ot Guns and Am
munition on hand,
- - - okkgox.
C. Marx,
Barber Shop and Bath Rooms,
Hot and eold baths always ready during
the wet k.
First door n irth of Duun'g new block.
Tl r-v r, o. that are fretful, peevish,
13VVj Vis cross or troubled with
VindT Colic, Teething Pains, or
Stomach Disorders, can be relieved
at once by using Acker's Baby Soother.
It contains no Opium or Morphine,
hence is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by
Osbiirn X Co, Euei.e.
Attorney - at Iaw,
OFFICE: At Court Hon1, County Sur
vevor's room. '
I uff. r lor 1h Ihl :o f.. ! li!im " i ro- j
ty on Will .:u t!- stieet, on wl.i. h tne boytr ,
can doat'le hU nif.cey vuM . two yarn.
Gku. M. MilXtB
the leading . '
II. I). Cochran & Son,
Ileal Estate Agents.
j KHgrin ( i(y, Oieon.
Will attend to -lierul Real Estate businesH
such as imyiiig, selling, leasing mid renting
farmsaiid city property, etc. Ofliuu ou south
side of Ninth street.
H. F. McCornack, M. D.
Fred W. Benedict,
Real Estate and General Agent.
Improved and Unimproved Prorty, llousis,
Lots, Etu., tor sale at iU-.inor.ahle i'liees.
Houses Rented and Rents Collected.
ItrNt ofKHVreiioes Furiilsilird.
l itus Iluilding, cor Willaiuete and Ninth sU.
up stairs.
ISelett Stock of
Which I intend -lIin(i t Faiu and liiASON-1
Al l K I'HICM. I
7J"'.J Mtimniii UhM'wj, Eti'j-M CUy, Or,
u. a. galkion.
1 1
, Cure of Cancer and Ulcers. '
JuJgoT. C. MrLon Ion writes to the
Bwift KpodHc Co.: "About turee years
go, Jerry Hriwlley, hud a cum-erous
aoro on bis face, nour tho right eye. It
caused him a irreat deal of pain, and be
lost tne siifht of tho eye, hut was (Wily
rureil by ttio uso of rMVift's himeitlo,
l'UisiMsol woli known iu WUkos Co.,
Uu., whure lie lived."
Mr. L. Cox, or Arkabuthi, Tato Co.,
Stiss., writ: "I sutToredo
from old ulcers fnr years. Your mcitU
cine wus roeoinmnJoil, and ufirr usmif
six bottles 1 was completely cured.
Your modloliio il.H's even more than you
claim for it. I have known it to euro
Cus.m which were thoupht hoisless."
Wi s. A. M. ioldsinith. No. T4 arrcn
Bt,.UiMok!yn, N. V., .vr;tns: "I com
mu.ace.1 iuiuk H. H H. ntiout ihreo years
ao. lhad sufTjre.l with a aoro t'hrout
for over a your. I used a preut uiany
o her romedies vritn no pood results.
MylittloRirl, ulso, bad Sore lliiK'ers; it
coimnoneoJ from tho quick, and then
the nails w ould come off. We doctored
Lor for over two vonrs, and when 1 com
menced usmtrS. s. s. I thought I would
seo what it would dif for tier. I nm
thankful to say Unit it entirely rured
her. It is tho bcit remedy 1 know
of for tho blood. I really bel t vo
It was tlia means of saving mv Uio.
Tho doctor told mo 1 hud a thront dis
ease similar to General Grunt's. I
cheerfully recommond it to all suffering
from disordered blood.
Treatise on Biood and R':in Diseases
mailed froo. Tub Swipt Kpkcifio Co,
Drawura, Atlama, Go.
What Is It!
That liroditci-s that lu'iiiitifnllv knft num..
nbion find Icnvffl ihi trfw,-4 nf Itu nmili,ik.
i ,
turn or injurious effects? The answer, W it.
uoin 8 noiiertine neeouipliKiies all tlua, ti lit I
is pronounced by ladies of tusto mid refine
ment to bo tho most delightful toilet article
ever produced. Warranted hiiiinlesa and
matchless. F. M. Wilkinn, ngeiit, Eugene
E. 1. LL't'KEY & CO.
TIONS. Puresh Mother Tinctures stipcriot' in
prcpnmtiou to any iu tho market.
Hydrazine Tonic one of tho finest com
pounds lor debility and lost vitality.
Homeopathic mother tinctures and Tritu
rations oO per cent stronger than fluid t-v
tracts; prices the same ns Eastern establish
ments. Special attention is called to tho 11. Sc S.
tinctures. l!o sure and mention H. ,y 8
when prescribing. A full supply always pti
hand at E. It. Luckey Si (Vs.
Lambert Si Henderson nre the solo agents
for the celebrated Superior stoves. Takt
your wifu and look id them.
Foe Sale.
A twelve horse power Wood, Taber
Morse engiue iu first-class condition.
Also genuine French burs twenty-foui
inches in diameter for chopping. Also Gt
feet of ten inch belting. Will be sold cheap.
Inquire nt the Gr.uu office or of John
Holland at the Hill farm four miles below
cv wou enjoy your dinnor
J W " and oro prevented by Dys
pepsia, uso Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets.
They aro a positivo euro fur Dyspepsia, In
digestion, Flatulency nnd Constipation.
e guarantee them. S3 and CO cents.
Oi-burn & Co. Eu.-en
Make mi appointment with Hei'derson
De'itist, mid h ive your operations performed
in a skillful m inner.
P.uckeye mowers and binders nt Piitchott
Sz Forknrr's.
The Appetite
May ho increased, tho Dlgostivo organs
strengthened, and tho bowels regulutnd,
by taking Aycr's Pilla. Theso Pills uro
purely vegetable in their composition.
Tlicy contain neither calomel nor any
other dangerous drug, and may bo taken
with perfect safety by parsons of all ages.
I was a great sufferer from Dyspepsia
nnd Constipation.. I had no nppetito,
and was constantly alllicted with Head
ache and Dizziness. I consulted our
family doctor, who prescribed for uie, at
various times, without affording more
than temporary relief. I finally com
menced taking Ayer's Pills. Iu a short
time my digestion and appetite
my bowels were regulated, anil, by tho
time I finished two boxes of these Pills
tny tendency to headaches had disap
peared, and I became strong and well.
Darius M. Logan, Wilmington, Dol.
I was troubled, for over a year, with
Loss of Appetite, and fieneral Debility.
I commenced tuking Aycr's Pills, and,
before finishing half a box of this medi
cine, my appetite and strength were re
stored. 0. O,. Clark, Daubury, Conn.
Ayer's Pills are the best medidno
known tome for regulating the bowels,
and for all diseases caused by a disordered
Stomach and Liver. I suffered for over
three years with Headache, Indigestion,
and Constipation. I bad noapftite,and
was weak and nervous most of tho time.
three boxes of Aycr's Pills, nnd at the
same time dieting myself, I was com
pletely cured. My digestive organs aro
now In good order, and I am iu perfect
health. i Lockwood, Topeka, Kaus.
Avcr's Pills have benefited me wonder
fully. For months I suffered from Indi
gestion and. Headache, was restless at
night, and had a bail taste in my nioiitli
every morning. After taking ono box
of Ayer's Pills, all these troubles dis
apieared, my food digested well, ojid
my sleep was refreshing. Henry C.
Ilemmeuway, Itockport, Mass.
I was cured of the Tiles by the use of
Aver's Pills. They not only relieved ma
of that painful disorder, but (five tne In
creased vigor, and restorcl my health.
John Lazarus, St. John, N. 11 tt
Ayer's Pills,
I'rrjmred by Dr. J. C. Ayer Co., Low. U, Vu.
Bold by all DruggUU sod Detlert U Modiolus.
(iiiard Supplement,
icad and JcflccL
The iu itt. r contained in this appeal was
issmd last Saturday and sent to the voters
of the. county as a supplement to the CituiiU,
It is the honest sentiment of men of both
parties, who urn familiar with Mr. Wars'
r cord and peculiar methods of doing busi
ness. We luk for it u careful consideration
by our rosders,
Ei'oknk City, Or., May 21 1SHS.
Epitoh Euuknk City Ocaiiu:
We are ou the ev of au important elec
tion. The election of the Ith of June next
is important iu s political sense, in that a
congressman, and members of the legisla
ture are to lie chosen to elect a United States
senator, who has u voice iu moulding the
policy of tho nation, llelow those positions
the election is not more important than we
have every two years. It is to the uou-polit-ieal
portion of the ticket, and particularly
to one man ou that ticket, that we wish to
draw your atteution. It is to a man that has
served the county eighteen years, and has
lUrsrn for so serving somo $S;),000 or fJO,.
000 of the peoples money, and who, we claim,
should have iu all matters sorved the county
faithfully and well iu return for the emolu
ments he has received, and for tho confi
dence bestowed npoti him. When we show
you ho 1ms failed in wore than one particu
lar to comply with the law, and that a man
datory law and a wise law, made for your
security and protection, wo certainly think
we have gone far iu showing you a man un
lit for your future suffrage aud confidence,
and that there is no political or moral reason
for supporting hiin. The first instance wo
shall call your attention to is not a new
charge at all, It has been published in the
columns of a local newspaper of this city for
some weeks, aud the party charged has not,
eauuot, aud dare not deny the violation, and
if arraigned for its violation before a oourt of
justice, as the law provides, would have to
liter a plea of guilty. The legislature of
187 passed a law requiring tho county clerk
of each county to prepare and publish n
statement twice a year of tho financial eon
lition of the county which he is serving
Who has ever seen this report? Who of
you kuow what tho financial condition of
tho county is?
Upon thorough investigation it bus been
ascertained and can be established as a posi
tive fact that ou the first day of April, 1H8S,
when the last report of tho clerk should have
been prepared and published, this oun,ty
was in debt over $'JO,(i0), aud you voters and
taxpayers were paying interest ou the same.
It is not our purpose iu this article to place
the blatuo on any one for this peculiar
liuaucial condition of Lane county. Yon
ire fully able to do that, aud it would be a
waste of space for for us to do so. It is our
purpose only to show you that it is so, and
ilnit it tew i dull of ono official of this
county to warn yon of the true oonditiou of
dl'airs. This indebtedness, if indebtedness
it cau legally bo called, was created or con
tracted in ths face of a constitutional pro
vision limiting the indebtedness of a county
to $,r),0(JO. W refer to Seo. 10, Art. XI of
tho Constitution, which roads na follows:
"No county shall create any debtsorliabil
ities, which shall singly or in the aggregate
exceed the sum of $",(K)0, except to suppress
iusiiirecliou or repel invasion."
What reason, pray we, had he for violat
ing a law, nnd keeping the people in ignor
anoe that the constitutional limit had been
psssed? It is for you to draw your own
conclusions as to what influences were at
work (to cause Mr. Ware to conceal this
large indebtedness), aud whether those in
llileuces were ou the side nf law nnd right
aud iu the interest of the people generally of
this enmity. Should ho not as a "faithful
public, servant," and one made rich in that
service, hsvo obeyed the plain provisions of
tho law requiriui' him to m ike a report, that
this open violation of constitutional law
might have been brought to your notice, so
that restraint could have been thrown around
those disposed to overburden you? The law
commanding a report of the financial con
dition of the county to be made, us we have
stated, we will bore appeuil:
To Provide for the Publication of a Report
of the County Finances.
Ik it Ennrtrd by tU Isg'wlntivt AsstmlUj ofi
Hit HUile of Dretji.f.
StcrioN 1. It shall lw the duty of the
county clerk of each county, on the first day
of April end the first day of Octoeer of each
year, to publish iu one issue of a weekly
paper basing general circulation in the
county, a report showing correctly the num
ber ami amount id claiinh allowed by ths
county court, niid on whuf u'-count; the
amount of warrants drawn, nnd. the amount
of outstanding warrants not paid.
Skc. 'i. He shall, at the same tirus and in
the Kiiu e connection, publish a report of the
sheriff of bis county showing the amount of
money he has collected, and the amount of
warrants he has received for taxes, and the
amount of money he has turned over to the
treasurer, and the total thereof during the
past six months.
hrc. 3. He shall also, at the same time
and iu the snue connection, publish a report
of the couuty treasurer showing ths amount
of money he has received and from what
source, during the past tix months, with the
date of its receipt and from whom; the
amount of money be has paid out on war
rant and the amount of money on hand at
thai date.
Sec. 4. The clerk shall prepare and at
tach to said reports a summary wbu b shall
show in all respects the exact financial con-'
dition of his county at said date.
Sections fi, (!, 7, 8, and 1) relate to duties
of officers iu fiiinfc reports, justices' reports,
fees of clerk for recording report and cost of
publication and secretary of state's duties. J
Skc. 10. Any officer wilfully violating
any of the provisions of this Act shall bo
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, aud upon
conviction thereof shall be fined uot more
limn twenty-five dollars for each otleiise, to
be paid in the county treasury for the benefit
of the common schools,
Skc 11. Justices of l lit peace shall have
jurisdiction of all ofl. uses under this Act,
and shall be entitled therefor to the same
fees as are now allowed la I tt by law for pros
ecuting other criminal actum in (he justices'
Sic 11 It being important thut the tax
payers of this state shall he informed of their
county finances, this set shall take etfect and
be in force from and after its upproval by
the Governor.
Approved Feb. If, lSh7.
Mr. Ware has stated that the county
sherilf and treasurer have uot handed in to
him their reports and consequently ho eau
uot make one, and this has been published
in his interest on the streets and elsew here,
and in regard to the treasurer has been put
in print. What a sickening and flimsy
pretext this is for one so long in the publio
service auif so richly rewarded! What a
transparent subturfugo to hide behind! We
wish to cull your attention, those of you who
are at all familiar with the duties of county
clerk. jKtrficiiiiiy to See. 1 of this Act.
Those of you who are familiar, ss we have
stated, with the duties ami the office of coun
ty clerk cau ut once see that our language is
uot too strong in regard to this, and you also
kuow that Sea 1 refers entirely to knowl
edge peculiar alone to tho clerk's office, and
thut those records are under his control, also
that for him to show the financial Condi
tion of the couuty, and comply with the law
cited, tho reports of the shei iftor treasurer
are not necessary, and the statements to that
effect nre false, aud made to deceivo you
and hide his guilt. To those not familiar
with the duties aud o nice of the county clerk,
we will say that it is his place to keep, and
Ware does keep, a complete record of the
outstanding warrants ugaiust the county,
and all the records and data necessary to
give a complete report of the t'uiiineinl stand
ing of this ootinty, Mr. Ware cannot sue
oessfully controvert this statement, and wo
challenge him to attempt it, and ask you,
voters of this couuty, to fully investigate the
truthfulness of ths statements here made.
These facts conceded what are your duties
u the coming election? Is it to vote for
Mr. Ware who has openly violated tho law,
and betrayed tho trust reposed iu him? Not
it is your duty to condemn such conduct by
your votes, so that future officials may be
served with notice that uegligence and wil
ful violation of law will not be tolerated, but
receive merited condemnation. .
This Is for the consideration of Republi
cans, Democrats aud Prohibitionists alike,
You are nil equally interested in the wel
fare of your county, and the protection of
its interest. Will you allow a niun grown
rich in your service to violate ths law with
Another thing wo wish to call your atteu
tion to is the illegal filing of Assessor's
private blanks by the county clerk, and to
ask Mr. Ware whore is ths law to sustain
him iu so doing, aud iu the pocketing of
$30(1 of your money annually for one day's
labor in this matter? We defyhiin to produce
the law, or to show that other clerks in this
State engage in this illegal practice. True,
there is no law saying that he shall not file
thoso blanks. True, ulso, that there is no
law saying (hat ho shall not file lust year's
almanacs, or somo of Dr. Warner's Safe
Kidney nnd Liver euro circulars. These are
as much a part of the publio records as the
assessors private blanks. Are uot the legal
emoluments of his ofilce, amounting to
$50n0 a year enough, and has he not ac
quired wealth sufficient to satisfy bis inordi
nate avarice and greed? Should not one
grown so opulent as Mr. Ware, wjth a cor
rect aud proper sense of the gratitude he
should owe to the people of this county give
them the benefit of the doubt ami kept bands
off this f .'100 a year and allowed it to re
main in the treasury, and been applied to
honest demands against the couuty? We
again call upon Mr. Ware, the alleged
"faithful public scivniit" to defend or justify
bis course in these matters, and leuve the
question to the voters of Lane county wheth
er or not his conduct shall be uppioved or
The statements ubove made aro truths,
and will bear investigation, and we wish to
inform each and every voter of them, and
also give the voter ample time to probe the
matter to the bottom and see for himself
whether they are facts. By thus giving you
tiumly notice of the conduct of one of your
couuty officials, we also give him notice and
full time to not only meet theso statements
but to establish their truth or ful
sity. And we here state that a
copy of this letter shall bo duly
stamped and mailed to Mr. Ware, county
clerk of this county, which will come to his
notice before this reaches many of the read
ers of this letter. And we ak you, voter,
to scau every paper for his denial. We take
this method of reaching ths eople, know
ing thut newspapers may not reach yon all.
Our motive in so doing, we think too, is for
the public good. If wo show yon where an
official, faithful perhaps for years, has
proved unfaithful nt.d recreant to the trust
you reposed iu him. we think we are con
tributing to the public weal.
With this we leave the subject, again ask
ing each and every voter to carefully read
this and investigate its truthfulness.