HUNTING BENGAL TIGERS. Gentleman from tha Orient Deacr.bef Dangerous Mport. Hit most Intensely fsclntttliijr mid by far tha moat U rigorous wny ,J liunlhip tlio Bengal timers. is tli'Wiiy , of tl natives tin It. Tlwy collucl iu throng of lituxlimls nnd jro lo I lie wood, wiih luilf-brcd bull nnd twin dog", riuV" of forty culibor nml in. nuuii inblu)i i-N mill drive tho Li ; o 1 4 out of their jungles- Tliu vicious dis go In liouml llicin, nml muirl mid bowl lhr!ttenlngly. Tim tigers nru gradually tlrivttn from point to point by tho howling' ilagi and slul king natives, and aro finally worked into a gigantic nnd strong netting, 11 1 no or ton feet high a id wiili Inlorsticus sovon or eight intdius gq-iaro. Tlion tho chcU ties, as thosft qnuor natives aro callo.l, range thonisulves along tho sldo. and when tho ligors luugo at thorn they aro met ntoviry point by glean., jug spear., Such howling and snarl lag. comb nod with tho shouts of tho uulivcs, sounds likn tho wailing ol the damned, ine native woniou an on hand, U10, and lend their aid. and when iho government officer Jtdn iu the fc.iropoan Jmlios aro perched con Tonionlly In trues, to lend a bit o life lo the scene. A Mexican bull. fight Is nowhere alongside of a tiger hunt. 0 one of thoo hunts last June I was pt relied in a tree bv tliu tide of tho netting in w hich tho howl. Jug tigers were. I got out on a limb, ami duln t noticj fr a niinulu that 0110 of my legs was Inconveuluutly oeurlue tigers. A liowl from b! tiger as ho sprang toward it r. minded me of it, however, and I made bns e not only to remove my lojr. but to remove mvself from t ho limb. did it In a mat viluusly short ejiaco of time. too. Tho royal B ngal tiger is about nino foot long from tip lo tip, and I don't know how high ho Is. I hoy aro of gll heights. Jhey are invariably striped, and very -prettily, too, in light snd dark Drown sinpcs. A hundred rupees is now offered by tho govern. nitwt for every old or young tiger killed. Their skins aro wor.h from twenty-live to thirtv rupees each, in the rough. All through tho tiger regions it is v -ry malarious, and dan gemus to hoalth on this account. Muny amusing as 'well a-t tragic things happen in thoso tiger hunt. For instance, 0110 night last A lg 1st I was coming hou-o, near tho edge of n iiikiII town. I henrd a tremendous row near the balling-station, and did not know what in make of it. I went on homo, however, an I about nino o'clock in ranio lint landlord in great glee. Hi had for Rome days had a great trap set for porcupines, and on this particular night ho and several others had bjen sittintr in a truo watching for tigers. They gut a glimpse of ono finally, and firod. The ii;or scampered awav. They didn't liitliini, but ho rati ri 'lit mt. tho po--oupino trap, mil as it weighed 150 pounds ho couldn't drag it to ninko much headway, and they gatlinvd him iu. He was ono of tho biggest and handsomest 1 ever saw. And this reminds 1110 of what I for got to nay before, that a tiger when shot always runs tliu way ho was look ingalliio time, and never any othe way. Inexperienced linn civ, wh have not known this, have ofioutihie lest their lives in conscinience shooting and only wounding tho tiger when, ho was looking at them. All old hunters, on tha conlrarr. alwavs wait till tho liner turns his head Thou they shoot, and if tiioy don' nitppcn 10 Kill, llio tiger goes U10 o her wny. This, all tho time stippusi ig that ho doesn't see the man who shouts him when ho pulls tho trigger. iua trane'sco 'xaminer. RIGHT HERE IN CALIFORNIA. Vh.t Tour Friends an K.fchbor. i.y , Mttr of Vlui Imirtn.. Below will be found a iample of the multitude of letters of encourage- "7- . 7 a' 1r ail"Jr receive. The -....jumeu uusoncitea tcstimoni-di are from yr friendl( Hni neighb( laowg and gentlemen you know and c-r, lor wieir nonor and straight forwardness, and who would icorn tc e a party to any drceiitiotu What h been done for otherg can be done for you, and it is folly, nay guicidal, to r-uiier wnen tne means of re covery ne at jour very door: BjfaCjjr.. wiih good wuluTOT now u,. d-- VS V ,s- I88T--MT wife Is using hwimnri " " J.ui.l "KUUUif Alvibo, Cl.. Jul 6. 1888. T wt "Warner's 8afe Cure" to keep well. 1 think It la a good ineaicine. Sits Francisco, Cat., 1723 Market Rtreet.l Deo. 10. 18S7. We consider Warner's bafe Itemediet Invaluable and would not be Willi' out Uiem. SANFHlNrmm rl (HOI Vnntinin'SI.ll " ' nun narner teste iteuieaiea an mat we couiu desire. Baix's Fkrrt. CaL, Jan. 4. 1888. -I an using W aruer'a bafe Cura" furdlai-aiuiir th ICirtnxvn ana 11 u aaiuK nie guod. Dinvillb. CaL. (Real Kstate and Rualnnu A Kent) Dec. 8. 1867. I have used iouie of "Warners Safe Cure" and believe it to be a good remedy when faithfully luted. Calpbujl CaL Jan. 11 iRSS. I am hannv tn etati- tt'at I have used "Wampr'n f 1 i.i-- and "Warner's Safe Hits ' with the bent results twasiDie mr ueranifca Kidneys and Liter 1 onnnue 10 uie n a feci well. l amer' Bate Curu" although IntlMthrwsttttlr. Oraaaa, Cannes and Ktoa, in r raima, over s.uuu,uuu puunlt or orange Raw traareuaet. annuallr toniauafacturaoila. mm. adi-a, etc. To value of tliU nuruiuua autuuut 01 uuwers u about IJUe.ouu, THAT HIGHWAY OF NATIONS. The broad Atlantic la ever a Mortnj thor- guguiare. 1 rt blow Uia Inili i-r an Aurralr and riile the wave ever u luftllr. aeainrn mint man ma roou amps. tourtnU will brave the paa aire, and eoninierclai traveler and buyers niuiit viait the renin- of foreign trail and niauuraeiure. Tlial atroolom maladr, tea-aiife nea.togt Uerithcilli'ky twlna ami much In ward uurufm-M In ofteu endured when lloa- MJiieri niuniavn Hitler would bav for tilled uie voyaKer airulnit them. K ranulna. aiul In fact all old altH and veteran Iravrlers are equaiuiea wun the urotective value of th a Uuiable preventive and remedy, and r rarely unprovided with It. KinUranU to the fur W eat should uw it a a wf-Kurtl auaim-t malaria. Seek the aid of the Hit er for dyspepsia, con st pat Ion. liver complaint, kidney trouble and all ailment that impair the tiarmunlous and viKuruu action 01 uie vital power. ExeklaJ Matthews, eighty seven years old. resident of Crawford county, lieorgi. walks ik"i uiiius iu a nsn nona every morulng, and catches a mess of flh. THE FLYIMU l)OVK or PEACE. A richly fronted quivering flvlng Dove. A Dream of Life screen calendar. An Im ported Ideal head. An Imported f osted Miow scene and a full set of magnlllcent floral carda. Fourteen artlstio piece. Sent to anyone who will huy f-oai a drug Klut a box of the genuine Db C. M'La.nk's Chlkhratkd Livkr I'iuji (a-ice 2 eta.) and mail us the outside wrapper from the box with 4 cents In stamp. Write your addrea plainly. Flkmino Bros., Pitts Bl'ROB, Fa. The output of PltUburgi gla valued at tlU.0UO.000 year. Industry Is WHY LA I' It A LOST HEIt BEAU. Ijiura onc-e had sn atlluent beau W ho called twire a fortnight, or so, Now she sits, Hunnay evo, All lonely to grieve. Oh, w here is her recreant bean, ,, And why did he lave Laura so M hr. he saw that Ijur. wa delicate girl, auhject to sick headaalien, aeust- u.o nerves aim uncertain lempera: anil know ing What a llfe-lunir trial U a frotfnl lii-Llv wile, he transferred liln attnilmi i lurl.... iui ni-Hiiiiy cousin, Kllnn. The secret is tlial uaumv iitaiLn nun mrenirin a-A umyu hv chronic weakness, peculiar to her sex, which r.neu avens ana avoids by the tne of Dr. l'terces Kavorita 1'ra-icrlnMiin. '1'l.u II.. only remedy, for women's peculiar wcHkneues nml allmeiila. sold bv rtruirxistH. iindi-r a uye guaraiuee irom the manufacture-, that it Will give tatlttfnction in everv cans nr iiinm.r will be refuudel. tee guarantee on bottle wrapper. Cultivated Long Island trout are futchlnir It apiece iu New York. QHC5E:ACHES Jimfas eam RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA OR KINDLED ILLS.Ct CuV svx ITS' as: rMcCsA,AVoapitCo, 6ALfU.,M0. ELY8 Catarrh CREAM BALM.TLY's'V! mm sTHAVFI ii vondrrftU hoic quick-lit A'V Crarn Halm Aim he ptd a.d cured in. For auxtkcit a time I could not . lutftrtd from acute in- nammationxnmu nose and head -Mr. (Jtitraie S. Judon Jlartord 'VFD WH iru 'Miav; rr Mm Z. X. P00T OP M0RKIS0N 8T, P0ETLAOT, 0B. Dealer In Mperlaltlea and Urneral Agent for HAY-FEVER A partlel Is tppUmt Into Mob sortrtl Dlburwiahl. rl 00 80 Ms .1 diimtatd b riik.l .L-i.tM...T a mm KI.V I'-KirTHKHH bsflmnwlohht. N.w Viwl MANY PEOPLE K10HSK TO TAKE COD Mver Oil on account of It unpleasant taste. This ditllculty has boon overcome In Meott'a Kuiulninn of Cod l.lvertJIl with Uypophos phitus. It being as palntablo as milk, uud the most valuable remedy known frirUietieatniiil Of Consumption, Scrofula and llronchitlx, tlou eral Debility, Wasting Diseases of Children, Chronic Couiths and Colds, has caused hIivkL clans in all parts of the world to use it, l'livsl eians repol our little patient take It with plas.ure. Try Scott's Kuiulaion anj be convinced. The Charity fund for New York hoaDital amounted this year to over tiftOUU. OK ol STRONG-MINDED MEN. tome ot the Advantage if Thinking Well or Oneself. SclMnvo is a cup without a bottom, nisi- lends to epoltstn and genera1 es a craving fur pi-ivonalilics. Iliink ol tlie let cts ono rcc-ivus each day by l"St. Onc-tcnih juiri of tho praise Wuuld hrin Llnshes if ono were not 11 "celebrity." A succcs-ifiil author' 'I'M not nil a blazo of glory or a bed u r'8o leaves. In tho lint lilac, ho is snpnnsi-d, of cotirso, to b i a million ii'e. D.ius he not sell his books? A aj,'oii-ioad of solioitalions, innlti 'iiilinmis subscriptions and never-end- nn p'lcs of mnnusct'ipts come dnily 'o li s door. Sometimes it U tho poor P"ct Hint wants to bo shown tha way Winnie. If he docs not answer he is wled surly. He is public property. Dust attend celebrations, make Peedies, and in fact live in a glass fuse for i he edification of a goncial public, whose property he is. "I have grt-at confidence in young ""en who believe in themselves. When 1 brave fullow steps up to that groat ""Ny. the world, and takes him by the rd boldly, he is often surprised lo "I'l how easily it comes off in his 'ml. t jg ony pllt 0, (0 frig,ten ''"id ailve::inrors away. I have seen Joung men come to a great ci J with nt a friend and without money; have them fight the great battle of life. . s'i'j!: down every obstacle that stood ,B 'I'cir way. There are horso ;aniers. nm n tamers, before whom the fair bow down in silent worship and erB aro also wotl I tamers men who ejn iimke the world bow down to their """-ft'iitr U ende'l Uolmts. -A woman of H.ui ptou County. Jut1' Carolina, forty-threo years of i8" 'l'"ov,e'l 1,18 pl,w n,l pn I ;'J in the nsn.-il round of farm r lor thirty years. S1i9 has dug .''ll. built five chimneys and "ntly a,,iit one hundred rails a XH ''ft K'H" l",ni'- eJys ,ti'1'nt hpalh, and is sending hor "ren to Cl,0ol regularlv. Jackson. Cal.. ScdL 28. 1R87. I.wt n,.mw one of iny boy., aifed ilj years, w'as troubled w un w nar. seeinea to he a bad cold. Ilu g: ew woi e and I called adiictiirnhni-ulinH n and beuan to tit at my child for it. Ho con tinued to (trow worse and I (rot another doctor wno anunzen ma urine and P'oiinunccd it Hriutit 8 lliseace in a had fnrm. Ail ih .1. ,.. cam my ooy wouiu oie, ana ne looned as if he purely would. I beKn to Kive my boy "Warner's Safe Cure" without saying anvthinir to the doctors. In three ilavs Imh 11111,0 l...a achunKe, and an analysis mado three weeks Inter indicated a perfect condition of his urine Every doctor who heard nf Ina rnHM buIH il.u. ne wouiu me sure, uui oetooK W arner s Bafe Cure" and is alive, if not welL which Is more man conm nave neen said it the doctors had occu leu 10 Biun mm. West Buttk. CaL Deo. 28, 1887.-My daugh. wt lias taken Warner (-are cure and re ceived (rreat benefit therefrom. I am never without it in my house. Under the auspices of the Wagner tree Institute, f.f I'liiladclphia, which devotes a portion of us income to the encouragement of original research, a scientific exploration of FlorMa was made last year. A report of tho work done, which was chielly geological, has recently been published. The investi gations did not tend to support tho opinion of Agassiz as to the coral for mation of Florida, but indicated that the coral tract of the peninsula is con fined to the south and southeast. Tho fossil remains examined by these and earlier explorers show that Florida was once inhabited by the llama, tapir, caujt'.L rhinoceros nnd mastodon. m m Nocturnal Photography. Various methods have been Intro duced for the accomplishment of noo- turnal photography, and some of the most beautiful landscape views taken at night by the light of the full moon have been produced in France, the time of exposure of the plate being one hour; the clearness of the photograph is do- scribed as being wonderful, and, except for the lights in the buildings and on the bridges, ami their reflection in the water, tlie picture could hardly be dis tinguished from one taken in the day time. Another photographer obtains ry excellent views of bis library at -lit bv ordinary gas light: in this case the time of exposure was only thirty minutes, an achievement somewhat re markable, in view of the fact that the old-fashioned wet collodion plates were almost entirely unaffected by the light from euch a source. IV. V. Sun. Mistook the Meaning. Cowboy to Photographer "I want my pictur'tuk." Photographer "Its itr; sit right here, please." "Aico day." "Yes; look right here, please." "You bet" "Now sit perfectly quiet. Give me a good expression and wink when you have n mind to." "What was that last remark, pard- ner?" Wink wink when you feel like It. "Durnetl if I"d tuk you fur a drink- In' man." .St Paul Ulobe. . I LIVING ON THE TtEPl'TATIOX OTHKllS. "Take every thiiiR that I have but my good name: leave me that aud I am con tent." So paid the philosopher. So sav nil manufacturers of genuine articles to that horde of imitators which thrives up on the reputation of others. Th aod name of Ai.i.cock's I'okous PlastuksIi's induced ninny Hilventurers to put. iu ihe marKct imitation that are not only lack In tho t est elenien'a of the Kenuilie article, but are cf ten h irmful In their of fects. This in not only theft, hut inhjit well be called nialpraclL-e. Such a thing ought not to be. Tim public should be warned ag.iint these frnii'lH, and. when an external remedy Is needed, be sure to insist upon having Ali.cxh'k's I'okous Plasters. W'i-i'-ptw 11. IIALL'H PULMONARY BALSAM a suriHiua aiMsiiT roa C0UOHS, COLDS, INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION And all Throat and Lung Trouble. Mold by nil lrua;;lNt for SO Crats, J. R. GATES A CO., rRoraisToas, 417 Nan-one tit.. MAN Kit AXCIKCO Qs.SPINNEYI iiJ&Dr. Spinney & Co.K N ERVOUS F.?i"tI:":ify.,.r' dency, &o., due to exceuor abuse, cun-J,' YOUNC MEN siHferltiir from the effects " T . 7 . oivuHtliliilliilllcsor null cn-tion snonld avail thuun'lvej. el our treatment. cw. pyihillt, unnatural du- AiraiiiiTCnin iinaranu-ed in every cane. Hyihill, chaiyes, prumptljr and afeir cured. MIDDLE-ACED MENS?!".trrn- fM VIA n.-j ... . . IIIB V11.111.-1l I or neaa linen, ervl lability, Wtinir of bexuai BlreuKth, etc., cm and restored to healthy viiror. ou ell r-it I'enons unable to vllt na may be treated 1 ",rlr n""'". or eorrennondenee. iledlelnea and liistruetlona sent by mailoreii-rens. L'onnultntlon t'v- nenu cents In atamnt for i ho Youua- Mau l rrloud or II uldutu Wedlock. When oon or sheep collect, together as If thr-y were seeking- shelter, a a 01 111 may be expected. lie ate green cucumbers; Thoy nude him quite siek; But be took a few ' diets'' That cured him right quick. An easier physio You never will find Than Pierce's small 'Pellet, The Purgative kind. Small but precious. 5 eta. per vial. Ohio baa now coal miners. over twenty-one thousand "IlrotvB'n Ilronehlal Trorhesi-' are ex rellent for the roliut of Hoarseness or Hire Throat. They are exceedingly effective. Hvld only in boxei. Price 'ii cts. It is a singular fact that of all Christian na tions the United Hiatus la alone renresentiul hv Pro Ua taut Christian missions in Persia. A FLAT CO.NTItADICTION. 8ome one ha told vou that vour catarrh la Incurable. It 1 not so. l)r. Sage's Catarrh Hemedy will cure it. It is pleasant to use and it always does it work thorouirhlv. W e have yet to hear of a case in which 11 did not aocom- usn a cure wnen mummy user). 1 atnrrh is a isease which It is dangerous to neirlecL A certain remedy is at your command. Avail yourself of it before the complaint a more serious form. All druggists. this There are five plate-glass factories in couulry. Honn'8 Nrhve-Tonio Pii.iji are com nosed of just such element as enrich the blood and strenguien uie nerves, uue pill a aose. The craze In collecting and savins emntv 5c. Cameo Cigarette boxes is assuming vast proportions, and the elegant pictures of Lang try and Mile. Theo-wlth their elaborate gold frames, will pass Into the possession rf 1,000 persons on the 'aciflc Coast who return the largest number of empty Cameo he. bxe to . Duke, Sons & Co., No. It) Front St., San Framisco. J. II. riMK. Anaayer and Analytical 1'heinlnt. Laboratory. 10H Unit at, Portland. Or. Analyses made of all substances. Kales for assaying gold and nilver ore $1.50. 1'uc.t ages sent by mail or express promptly attended to, and returns made. The Van Monciscar DISPENSARY. fJRJLAND, OR. Toanc. mtdlla-airM tnl kLalojIeor married man and ll who autre with LOST MANHOOD I Kerrous Debility, Bcenna torrhea, Hemlnal lonas Hoxual DsoaT.FaulngMem orj. Weak Eyes, Laok of Knarsy, also Ulood land Skin DLwaaes, BihlllU Eruptlona Hair Vllln Bone Pal as, B WbUlnjii Bora Throat, TJloert, E feeti of Mercury, Kldnuyi . ..s tl l..f. ip,.i,til. T7eikRaoc Hnretii Crine, Ooaorraea, Olest Utrk-1 r.r- tiroinpl relief aua eure for Ilia lioth Kcxes) Conttalt Confidentially O(fFI0hJ-18a & IS4 TUIBD tiT. Dlf a Has (Iven untvtr sal satisfaction In th cure of Oonorrbrsa and Oleet. I prescrlhs It and feel safe In recommend Inf It to all sufTerer. k.i. STOSKB, M.Ph Dacatur, III, . Bold by Drui'iftsts, JliHiOATXNU PUAtl'B, 8TKAU KNtilNFH ANO l-'OILEKS. CoMvi.rrc I'owkii, and Pcmpino Plants. f ' JM TjtW Itrti.M .l..ll...u "-.V-' Write for (Irculiirs. BYRON JACKSON, SAN FRANCISCO. f 1 sir- - - in ADVANCE THRESHERS, ENGINES, ilUI.K VOOIIIIl'RV POHKHH, The Advance is not guaranteed to be equal to others, but guaran- wou wueiar .superior ana Detter in every particular. If not it costs you nothing to try it. KricicI Ensines, Stationary and Marine. Lannflry Maclliiery. ACME ENGINE, the best Coal Oil Engine in the world. No Engineer Needed VKItY Kl'OXOniVAL. The WeatlnRhouse Kntfnea and Hollera, Farm Knulne Tank Pump several varletle offctiKlneofalllieandfi)rallpurpoH.. Farm, Cburch and School Bella. lunrine ora or an ainu. 1 reamerv ftlachlnery, llan -ock InaiiiratorH. i'ark Injector, all the Intern Tateiit Wrem-he-. H'ark-iiuith AuUiinatic and Farm Drill, Holler Feed and Duplex rump. Steam FlttitiK liooila. LuhrlcatliiR Oils, lleiliuR and Hoho, Self-lleatiiiK Hath Tulw. ORME Safely for Marine aoi staticmry Engines. aflo;tei If me CoTerDmcBt. THE LINDGREN CHEMICAL FIRE EXTINGUISHERS, For Villages, Stores, I'ubllo llulldlntrs aud Itesldcnces. THE RAWSON MOWERS AND REAPERS, MKR IsRPARTMK.inttlTlKlis'F ALIa KIIM. An I reprcHKiit tho niantifartnrer direct, I can and bargain. Semi for descriptive circular of what you And many other di-Hlsable goods, wih give you (rood goods at a want. 11 wiwiy X2 jf jrCarlala f, 3tOm DAT. J r6aaraati im Hi tJ saiaaBUMan. f3 Uriaelrarlhs I ! Cniu Btianleal Oa. V Clnalnnatl.fT "VJ ompound For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. tel.-ry ami Cue tho prominent l rniiliMH, nro the IhkI nnd n;frvt Ai'fve Tnuk-a. It stn-mahens 11ml nuicls t'mi iiiTvoiii nvin;i. eurlnj heryijj'i 'SBkUCM lljstcriB, Kiinjv., AH ALTERATIVE. JUrlvvs nut the poisonous hmnorsof the blood purli')iiiund enrii-'ilns it, and so overcomliiit thou dUaws ri-sultlnir (Vora iuii.ure or lmuover Lshi'il liUiod. LAXATIVE. Acting nindlybutnm'lyonthenowels Itcuro.i liiililtunl cointlpntlnn, and protnotunnrrynlarhnblt. ItMn-tiKlh-ens tho 1 tomuib, and aula dlirestlou, DIURETIC. In lis composition tlie best and moid ai'tivudlun-ticsoftlie Materia Med lea aronnnliincdHCli-utltlesllyirltli other rtreetlvo reinllrs for illwan-s of the kliluevs. It can bo n-lled on to give -tun n-iii'i iiuu oi:uy core. Ilunitraitaiil twt Imntilnl. har bn nwlnj mini rinii.iH who 1ut uvl thin rwnwlj Willi wmarlcnl'liii (ipiiJv.iroiroulAra.iioa luU iMrrlui'Un. Frlca l 00. Sold bf DraiilaU. WELLS, RICHARDSON a CO., Prop IIIIRI.INOTON.VT. To lloiirkrrntrani Farmer. It Is Impor tant that the Soda or Balrratus you nsathonld be White and Pure asm a all similar suhatanms naedfnrfood, Toinaurs Obtaining only the "Arm A Hammer" brand Mod or Halnrat is, bay it In "pound or lia'f pound" earloona, which bearour name and trade-mark, as Inferior Rood are asms tlmeaaiihatltutril fisjth "Arm A Hammer" brand when bouftht In bulk. Parties ualns; Baking Powder should remem ber that ita sole ruing property constats of bi carbonate of anita. On teaspoon ful of the "Arm a Hammer" braud of Bod or Halerntua mlied with sour milk equals ODU TUADti MAIltt ON ETEKT riCKAOE. four teaapoon fills of the beat llaLliig I'owder.aar lriM twenty times It cuat, lmnidea being lunch healthier, lieeaune It dues nut eon tain any Injurious substanin. suohaa alum, terraalb eto... if which many Has lug Powder are mad. Iiairymen and Karmer shoiihl use only the"Arra Hammer" brand for cleaning and keeping H Ilk Pan Uweet and than. Catrnow. Re thai rcry pound package of "Arm and Hammer Brand" contains full 10 ounces net, and th V pound paclugeaWll 11 suncs net, Hoila or H&leratua same as speci fied oa saea packs-. J80RE HIS! Wbrjn 1 oura ! do not mesn merely to ttftii thAtn ffrrii lime nndthfn hart 1 1 if in ri'tum k'H. 1 inn n n rn.lii-jl curt. I barn nijul tlm dinaiuoof FITS, KI'll KKSV or FALLING blCK.Nk.HtS a Hfn-lonji nlmly. 1 warrant mjr rHinwdjr to our the wont cam. 1ohuh ottmra bavv failed ta no rattwin for nut now rcw!?in a cur, hnnd at unua for ft tra'iiwand ft Fn llottl Oi mr lntaliiNA i II mr lnliliiMa rvmrHif. Ciive hiurtm and rtmt O'lic!. II. CJ. UOOT..U.C..lM3rurlHt. Now York. Packed in Card Board Boxes. Always keeps Soft M.MHHslsaWnMBHAsaWsBUlBtsiafesisl rJ-. . ... --i See Antlsetl Piano advertisement. Trv Ocrmei for breakfast. Beauty SkirjaScalp FESTOfEO Tho Oregon National Bank, or roim.AM. (RuccBSWifSto MetroooUtaa Harlnmdlank.) OArrrat, paid in. TruinuctsaOfineMl riant n g llualuas. AOCOUN'l.S keiitwilijwit tooliHCk. SKhUi KXCIlANdboo Ban rianotaro and New Turk. MAKKtt OoU.KCI'lilNH -w fat.irahle twina. VAJ B DkLAHUMUTX Ko 11 BiAliKLR. Ja- anmiuth Tir-r I) P flirPRMAl" fkulUt NOTHING 18 KNOWN TO PCIENCR AT all comparable to th Cl'TtcvRA Rkmkdiks in their marrellous propertie of cleansing;, purifying and beautifying the skin and in curing torturing, dixtliruring. Itching, scaly and pimply diseaees of Uie skin, scalp and blood, with In of bair. CCTIcl'RA, tbe (rreat Pan Crita, and CtTl Cl'KA .-oap an eiquisit hkln Intifier, pre pared from It, enomally. and C'i tk ir oLVEtT. tbe new Iilood Purlrier. lntenuilly. rnre every form of skin and blood disease, from pimples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Prioe: f'tmccRa, S0c: ItE aoLvr.VT. $1: BoaP, 85c Prepared by tbe Put tkr Intfo aND I'Hrvtui, (o luisioa. Mass. Kenrt for " How to Cure Skin Mmhiws." i-T I'linpltti. blwkheads. i liapt--d and oily 11 s -kin rri-V'-nt'-d bv Cnn-i'iia miap. lea r llol fw.Patantl iii Paia 1 liull A'iiw. I'uiiin and Wnaknraees In- r relli-VL-O by tl" t.l'TlefH Akti- PLAaTaa, the mmj ahi k-llui uUmUt 'At 'I ho NHpi-ct of fiirilii-r exploration In the direction of tlie Smith Pole grows brighter. Tho Prime Minister of the Australian colony of Vietoria proposes tin appropriation of fifty thousand dol lars for the stimulation of Antarctic; research on the part of navigators, pro vided that the other colonies of Aus tralasia will join in the enterprise, N. r. Ledger. Of the various geological collections in the British Museum, the oldest is tlie Sloane collection, which was acquired by purchase in 1763. The fo.sila were then regarded as mere curiosities, and the original manuscript catalogue, still preserved, contains inny curious en tries to remind the readers of the rapid progress pt the science of geology during recent years. Arkanmw Trav eler. k magnificent gift has been made to the Kaiural History Museum, South Kensington, liy Captain Wardlnw Ram sey. Tlie late Marquess of Tweeddale had perhaps the finest collection of birds In Great B:itain. and had in ad dition a very valuable ornithological libary. This collei tion and the library were bequeathed to Captain Ramsey, who has assigned the whole to the nation, together with many rare or nithological specimens obtained by Linihclf in tho far East The value of thi present it 15.00J. THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE! MKUVE I I'JLLH For the Blood and Norvci llobb'a Ni-rra Tnnln -Jl'tlls make how lilili gj HIoihI end c-res Aniotiilii, 3 Hcriifoln, l'iiiiti a, ilu. E mors. Had, 3 nml a l inniuntii of tlie Mood, os wull ii i i tin follow. S itiir norvoos (llHeuai a, vlx.t y Nervous nnd I'hvsloal lie ujlillltyi Vital Kxlmustlun, d I'reinatuie Decay, 1' p tallonof tbe tlem t, Flut x terlii);, Treinlilliia;, Ilya 0! terlu, Nervoiianeaa In nny S form. Nervous llemlnrhe, S Neurulfflii. ild Mundsor 3 ri-et, l ain In the Jlurk, x ami any oter form of Fe. m iimlo VekncK.'J'h"yl)rniK n. the rosy tint of liullh to tha snllow cliwlc. Wi nk net vnus ej peopl should tukothia areiit a. neiiewer, rlgi CLOSim OUT 0 Uit LMlll'.NHI'. STOCK OK M'MVKIl al.BlUQ. UAN i:Nlii:.iUEA:i, ut ft and 81.W) per suit. Utcat I'enlKin in PEllCALK HII1IIT8, three stylo L'ollais and uu pair Cults, LM each. HABERDASHERS, 232 Kearny St., near Bush. tT Bend for I Mil trateil (atalcvua. Ilobb's Nerve aiiflnrniK for Tonlo I Ills If you are uat errors will rare yon. Try thein.and you will loin th tliouannila of huupy men and women who ilmly bit-as Dr. itubli for bis great work in their boliulf. They lire auiar-cisu-L Only 50 Cts. it bottle. All druggists or by mail in pliiin wr- pper for raah or stamps. Bumple of Pills nnd ''Dr. Hono's HtMUliooKof LmEFUL I MroBMATTOM " liy lollil r'urs on receipt ot I'oai.i Card witk your address. HOEB'3 MEDIDHE CO PROPRjnDRS. SAN FRANCISCO. CA WELL DRILLS FOR EVERY PURPOSE. Sold on Trial ! A ox 1 1 IX K-a . - "t I nTMimmt im, prnflu ir. rU-ml (On fur maJilhf larva liluitraud (.'mtJ irua ith full pftrUcuUi-i. Mjuv ufsU'turvd by GOULDS & AUSTIN, 167 A lea Laks at., CHICACO, ILL. ALI-EN'8 IROW TOMIC BITTERS. i b) (rttt Ti'c, ii va Pnnhsw, AppsHiswr and Livr 1rtw.Tt nrst t 4. h .1 AlUrt HI Pltl itt. jiooo: REWARD! Will IW tskltl for mrh utd errr tnin of Ht on'tia vtitsatancM foufitt m Vi tttdo u i Lobar stria. Yuwulrm tcirci tut'ei rcr p-ulucitd for Uwutlrxtui wl ttnfTfivg trim mr'lejjio. mwtt ln( tkVt, nulurn. rfivc h'.U b M AntnU. mt W mr p-r Imttl. W n KV,h. M.Q.H-ciiT-l try W. M. WlhUoM f. k. u. Na. ta -a. r. n. u. No. sun TlOJf KKVICK, tnmr.n s. DiviMnrj, vunr t-r 12 yeara (')M V. 8 Hreirt rk-itlie. - 1101 C Hirwt., D. C. hklilrd Afeiita at all uuluts Huiiuusi with all 1 .lutiueuts of (lotaruuiful a ajKnUty. it;iicUvniicn unt noit Bremen, titrrf ,l!cntim,Ki.'tfr!liaMi nnl ir':"iuT! Orflrrtft, trr tcjiwlj, Una ... . Mr)ft, toiwaia 3. J. !U(tnlf It Pj., 0l nol'fcntls Ctrak,, g Jran lks SBritlrl., fljflaf. vnb rfMti-n ble'diaft. 8 nay. Samples worth 11. M, TREH. nut nmlr th hones feet. Write Haiv- STra's SAnrrr Pais HoLnra Co . Hoi I r ,H Irh. UnllllKal l"l IMMUtVKhm mm W arras O I kill II n I i HA II. Oabler, Itoenish Planoa; Burdett Oraana. band Inatrumaata. lWiaal stock of Hbsat Muue and Huoka. Iltuila supplied at r.aateni Prlna. MATTHIAS UBAV CO.. !ju Post Htnwt, Baa PranntaiM CTh. OLDEST MtriCISS In th. W0HLDTX Is Probablf Dr. Isam Tkompson's U b'LEBRATED EYE WATeII Tills artMa la a ar-fully srepartd phyaiclan's pre. acnp-kin, and has Iwa In eonaum uaa fur many a mutury. auj nolwIUiaUiulInf U aiaoy U pn sura 1M Uiat kata Wn lutrohirpd kilo tlx aiarkrt, ilia aJoof tkla article la mluill; Incmuloa- 1' UkiII.' r eil..a are followed It will arrnr fall. We partlco. "l inviiA in aneoiKin oi pnymciana u ita nwrtla. oon u inomson, Sons Co.. THOY. PIANOS - lire, in uau iu h-i ulnar Piano, by i n. y. ma, zn,000 la tra. -UtJi.lieU. Kt bfotl Tunmir D- whlch nur 1-humsi Unil la tune to ;ra, nl f..r luo ; not ailectcd byclltnats. 'o il to anlit. break, sviwll. alirmk. crack, ilway, or wear out ; wa icuaranlae iL KU- yant KiiMiwoud t'aM-a, S atriira, double n-ialina;; rlntat Ivory kfs: ttie r'anmoi ANTIsKI.I. ('ill or ante t I lVtal jrue, tree. T. M. A.N'riHKIX I'iA'.'ICd , Maiintui'tiiic.a, (Ml Frihma' IUII, aia kat and K-miiCinliteU, t-.n Fran(l.o.