in I GENE V4 JJ J X. M .si -bs! c TY A' ?( d ah Si 1.1. JJ 0 ESTABLISHED FUR THE DISSEMINATION OP DEMOCRATIC PRINCIPLES, AND TO EARN IS HONEST LIVING BV THE SWEAT OP OCR BROW. OL. 20. EUGENE CITY, Oil, SATURDAY, MAY 26. 1888. NO, 51 j tic tfttflfnt tfitjj (tad. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY.) I. L CAMPBELL, lnllilier mid Troyrit'lor, ir'FICE-On the East side of Willamette ivet, between Eiglith Street. TICUMSOF SUBSCRIPTION. 82 W) , 1.25 .73 . inmii... ?;jx Meths. . . Iiriin moti tli . OUROXLV KATKS OH ADVKiniSlNG. Advertisements lus-rtwl an follow: ilnesouare, ten linen or less one insertion Ws ... .1. .,,1 .e.iuent insertion 81. -'ah required env" "Tinie advertisers will be charged ut the fol- lowing rates: 0Ue square thretMiionths One Hiire six month One square one yoar. ............ Transient notices in local column, ?ll 00 8 00 12 00 cent r line-tor each insertion. Advertising l.ilU will I" rendered quarterly. All job work limit lie paid kob on ukuvehv. CEO. B. D38RIS, Attorney and Counsellor' at-Law, . TXT fPiri? ml TUTS V ,.f the Second .Judicial District and in t,e Supreme Court of this State. Special attention given to collection and matters in probate L, BILYEU; i -Attorney and Counsellor at Law, - EUGENE CITY, OREGOX. PRACTICES IX ALlniE COURTS OF thU State. Will give special attention to collections and probate matter. OmcK--Over Heudrick & Eakin's bank. Washburne & Woodcock AUoraicys-at-Lsiw, ElMENU CITY, - - -OFFICE At the Court House. OREGON jv8iu3 GEO. A. IIOUHIH. 8. W. IO.MION. CONDON & DORMS, Attoriicys-at-Lsnf . KUGENiiCITY, - - - OREGON OrriCE-Over Robinson 4 Church's hardware store. -- GEO. M. MILLER, attorney and Ccunsallor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGEXE CITY, - OREGON. Ot1U formerly occupied by Thompson & liean. J. E. FENTON, AUorucj-nt-l.""'. KUGEXE CITY Special attention given to OREGON. Probate business and Abstract of Title. OFFICE Over GrantfO Store. T.W.IIA1UUS,M.D. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Residence on Fifth street, where Or Shelton ormerly resided. .DLL JOSEPH P. CALL, i VX BE FOUXI) AT HIS OFFICE or res Videnee when not professionally engaged. Residence ou Eighth street, oppose l'resby ttriau Church. J.J. WALTON, Jr., ATTORN KY-AT-LA-W, EUGEXE CITY, OREGOX. tTILL PRACTICE IX ALL THE 'ourts of the State. SoeoiM attention uiven to real estate, col- ecting, and probate matters. , Collecting all kind of claims against the United State Government. Otlice iu Walton's brick-room I and s. B. F.DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE AGENT. IM WE SOME VERY DESIRABLE farms. Improve,! and I'niinproved 1 own iipi.trttr mile. l,n I'll'tV terms. Property Eantai and ?.cnts Collected. "i'h Insurant Companies I n-preseiit are j anew the oldest and most Uehable, ami in j the Prompt and EynTMC E adjustm. ut of their osses Stand Ski osp to Xone. K share of your patmnng' i soiieiieu. Otlice up-stairs, over the J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. HAS OPENED A SHOP ON MVTH Street pp.ite the Star Bakery, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work offered in hi line. , . , . . A Urge stock of Fine Cloths on hand for customers to stlect from. at RepairiiiK nd cleaning done promptly. Sat isfaction guaranteeiL Eocene, Nor, 6, 183ti. tf Day & Henderson, -TlIK LEADING FURNITURE & U1BERTAKIIG House in Eugcno. tn W -I O. Sole Agents fur Eugene City, FOR THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED GOLD AMD SILVER SH13TS.- t-- - ; We are still at the old reliable "Grange Store,' and can sell you anything that you want to eat or wear, Cheaper Than v illll BB0& Have removed to Marx' new building. Tlicy have a complete stock of Watches, Clock, Jewelry & Musical Instruments, -ALSO- A larsc invoice oi UAIlKKIt (,U. WOltKS! BARKER, ExDert Gun- Smith Stock ot Guns and Am munition on hand. EK.ENK - - - OltEUOX. C. Marx. Barber Shop and not and col 1 baths always ready during the week. First door north of Dunn's new block. Tl o a that are fretful, peevish ' JVV3VT crnM or troubled with Windy Colic, Teething Pains,, or c. 'i. n!0tBra can ne relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or hence Is safe. Price 25 eents. bold by - Ostium Si Co, Eugene. C. M. COLLIER, 'Attorney -Law, OFFICE: At Court House, County Sur veyor s room. I offer for sale liixl'iO (, proper ty on Will.un tte st.eet. on which the buyer can double his money sithiu two years. li"o. -i-"E'4 Corner 7th and Wil. Sts the Cheapest. a. tvy Christmas goods. U. It. (oihran & Son, Ueal Estate Agents. r.uircne Cit v. O eson. Will attend to general Keul Estate business such as buying, Helling, leasing nnd renting farms and city property, etc. Office on south side of Ninth street. H. F. McCornack, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURCEON. EUCEN'E CITY, OREGOX Fred W. Benedict, Real Est:e and ene ! gent- Improved rd Unimproved Property, Houses, Lots, Etc., tor sale at Prices. Houses Rented and Rents Collected. Kesi oritefrriMifeN Furnished. Titus Building, tor Willamete and Ninth sts.. up stairs. HAVE OPENED OUT A LARGE AND Select Stock of groceries, cicars, tobaccos. MISCELLANEOUS GOODS, Etc., i Which I intend selling at Faib AXl) P.easo- AllLE J'KICKH. I . - I GIVE MB A TRIAL. iy Oid Mammie Ilaildiruj, Euger Ciiy, Or, I G. G. GARKISON. BrsceriesS Provisions i A Horrible lahorttanco. The transmission of the fearful effect! of contagious blood po.son Is the most horrible Inheritance which any man can leave to his iuiux-out posterity ; but it ran bo certainly nnliirated and la the majority of Cuses, prevented by the use of tlio antidote which Nature fur nishes, and which is found In the reme dy known all over the world ns Hwifi't, Kpecilli'-commonlv called "S. K. R " Mr.J.II Brown, ot lloi nellsville, N.Y., writes: "Thrio ycara 1 suffered with this horrible diBcaoo. Swill's bpeciflo cured mo comploielv." I'rof. Edwin Haar," 'J:i4 E.K.'nd st.N.Y., write: "Sw.ft'i SpeciHo cuitnl me of a fearful ewe of Itlood I'olson." Dr. B. K. WuiKlielil, of the Soldler'a ITomp. Richmond, Va., writes: "iswift'i Hecillo cured ma of a severe cuseof Wood Poison." 1). W. K. Brigsa, Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: "I was a perfect wrock from Blood Poison. Swift' HieclHc restored hcuilh and hope, and 1 am well to-day." V- W, Languid, Savannah, Ga. : I auffflred loiiff with Blood J'oiHon. I tried bwift's Specific and am perfectly woll. A. W. Hucll, of i'ower's Hotel, Koch ester. N.Y., writes: "It is tholiest blood remedy on earth. I cured invself w th IV 1 recommended It to a friend and tt mado him well." Mr. V. L. Stanton, ot the FmPhvllle, (Oa.) News writes that a friend was afllicted with a case of Blood I'olson, and two bottles of 8. 8. a offocted a complete euro. Treat so ou Blood and Skin Diseases nailed froo. Tuk Swift Si-koific Co., Drawer 3, Atlanta, Uo. What Is II! Tlmt produces that beautifully eoft com plexion and leaves no traces of its applica tion or injurious effects? The answer, Wis dum's Kobcrtino accomplishes all this, and is pronounced by ladies of taste and rclinn nieiit to be the most delightful toilet nrlicle ever produced. Warranted harmless and matchless. F. II. Wilkius, nojent, Eugene City. E. R. LI CKEY & CO. AdEvra ron IIckhickk Sc Schkck Fbkpara iions. ruresli Mother Tinctures superior in preparation to any in the market. Hydrazine Tonic one of the finest com pounds lor debility nnd lost vitality. Homeopathic mother tinctures and Tritu rations "id per cent stronger than fluid t x tracts; prices the siuuo ns Eastern establish ments. Special attention is railed to the b. it S. tinctures, be sure and mention 11. Jc.s. when prescribing. A full supply itlways on hand at 15. It. Luckiy ic Co's. Lambert & Henderson are tho sole, agents for the celebrated Superior stoves. Take your wife and look at them. Foe Sale. A twelve horse power Wood, Tabor nnd Morso onizino in first-class condition. Also genuine Freuch burs -twenty-four inches in diameter for chopping. Also 00 foot of ten inch beltinc. Will be sold cheap, Impure at tho Gitabd otlice or of John Holland at the Hill farm four miles below Eugene. would enjoy your dinner and are prevented by Dys pepsia, uso Ackers Uyspepsia 'lauieis. They are a positive cure for Dyspepsia, In digestion, Flatulency and Constipation. W e guarantee thorn. S3 and CO cents. Oshurn & Co, Eugene. Mnlin nn annointtnout with Henderson Deutist, and have your operations performed in a skillful manner. Buckeye mowers and bindors at Pritchett k Forkner's. The First Sign Of failing hnulth, whether In the form of Night Sweats and Nervousness, or in a seuso of General Weariness and Loss ot Appetite, should suggest the uso ol Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This preparation is jiost effective for giving tono and strength to tho enfeebled system, pro moting tho digestion and assimilation of food, restoring tho nervous forces to their normal condition, and for purify ins, enriching, and vitalizing tho blood. Failing Health. Ten years ago my health began to fail. I was troubled with a distressing Cough, Night Sweats, Weakness, and Nervous ness. 1 tried various remedies pre scribed by different physicians, but becuuio so weak that I could not go up stairs without stopping to rest, My friends recommended mo to try Ayer's .Sarsaparilla, which I (lid, and I am now ns healthy und strong as ever. Mrs. K. L. Williams, Alexandria, Minn. . I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, In my family, for Scrofula, and know, if it is taken faithfully, that it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. 1 have also prescri!sd it as a tonic, as well as an alterative, and must say that I honestly believe it to be the best blood rnediclno ever compounded. W. F. Fowler, M. D. D. D. S., Greenville, Teun. Dyspepsia Cured.- , It would be Impossible for mo to do scrilie what I sullered from Indigestion and Headache up to the timo I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was under the care of various physicians, and tried a gTciit many kinds of medicines, but never obtained more than u-niporary re lief. After taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for a short time, my headache disap peared, and niy stomach performed iw duties more perfectly. To-day my health is completely restored. Mary Jfarley, Springfield, Mass. I have been greatly benefited by the prompt nse of Ayer's Sarsajwrilla. It tones and invigorates the system, regu lates the action of the digestive and assimilative organs, and vita, res the Mood. It is, without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier yet discovered. If. I). Johnson, 3M Atlantic avenuo, Brooklyn, N. Y. tf Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Prepared by Dr. J. O. Ayer Co., LowsU, Mat, rrlc all sis txrttli, 5. Camp Crook Item. May 17, 18 8. School at district No. 70 is progressing , j lluely under the itllcieul iiianagcnt of jih-s iaie I'arriiigiou. A bridge was recently built across the creek just below the mill. Mr. T. J. Dunteu relumed last Friday from a week's sojourn in Douglas county. Mr. Hamilton, who started across the mountains via the McKeiuiu route, was after repeated efforts lo cross, compelled to return on account of the depth of snow. He will start lu a lew days by rail. Mr. Geo. Uitchey icceut visited in the vicinity of Phnsaut Hill and Trent. An eicelleut address was delivered here Sunday last at 11 a, m. Services were also held in the veiling. Mm. Robt. Hawley, of Crt iiwell, is visit ing with her parents, Mr. sui -" M.J. Ilillegms, this week. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hawley and Mrs. S. J. Kut ledge, of Eugene, visited this place Mon day and Tuesday. Miss Lulu Matlock, of Eugene, visiWd frieuds at this place last Sunday. Martin Mooru has been slaying iu Eugene during ihu past week. Mr. P- A. Wegucr and Mr. Limebaugh spent Tuesday night in Eugene, returning tdnesday . Mr. Limebaugh has let the contract for the erection of a new lutru to Mr. T. 11. Hunsaker, of Dexter. Ho wil1 bvgin work ou the building soon. From reports it appears that E l II. now makes fortnightly visits to the cottage on the hill. We uudersland ulso. that he will Boon be iu possession of a quit claim dsed to property given liiiu by mutual consent. Lost, Last Sunday, somewheie between sunrise and sunset, oue mustache color of solid black. No reward is o tit-red for their return, for they are gone forever.. We di rect imputing winds i. Geo. R. On the '.'Oth ot this month the M. E. church will hold quiu'terly coiitoreuue at this place. Ou the Sunday following there will tie services both morning and uvmmig. Basket dinner Will bo had on the. ground. The crop outlook, both hop and grain, in this part of the country is very (Uttering. Vegetation of all kinds were uev,-r more for waid than now, bill a few refreshing buow era are needed. Ella Leonard aud Mrs. Jas. Alien are re covering from the injuries sus tamed by the overturning of a wagon some three weeks ago while returning home from a party. Several iu this aud the immediate viciuity contemplate electing new dwelling houses during the coming summer. The Mill Co., art sawing considerable quauity of lumber at preseut, and aro re ceiving a great many orders for lumber; probably more than they will be able to fill. We understand that Mr. Geo. Hilleges has iu view the office of Deputy Assessor under the present Prohibition nominee. This solves the mystery as to why he fre quents tho borne ol tue nominee. Since our last Mr. Clark aud family have moved to Eugene, where they will perhaps peruiautly rulo. Stbanokb. Money Used. Chairman Bush of the State Democratic Committiie writes to the Oregouiau as fol lows, which will show how much there ecu orally is in such matters as aro referred to: "Please give me space to say that the dia. patches repeatedly published in tho Oregon, lan to the effect that the Washington admin. istratiou is causing money to be sent to Ore sou to be used iu our peuding election, are untrue. If President Cleveland aud his ail ministration is taking interest in our eleo tion, the Democratic State Committee bus not been mnde aware of it. With the tx ception of (2(H) from a California fund that committee has received no assistance from outside of the state, and very little inside. Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pur ity. strenuth and wholesomeness, More eco nomical than the ordinary kinds and cannot 1 Jold in competition with the multitude of low test, shor weight slum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Rotal Bakino Powdkii Co.. KHi Wall St, N. Y. Notice of Final Settlement. TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the nndersinned administrator of the estate of of T C Spain, deceased has filed ill the County Court ot Lane County, Oregon, "is final account of his ,oliiiinitiHti"n of said estate, and raid Court has fixed Mondny, the Und day of July, lrtSH, ut 10 o'chs k in the fore nsn of said day, ut the County Court nsuns in EiiKene City, Lane County. Oregon, a the time ami place of heari'mr the same. There fore all s-inons interested in said estate are hereby notified to Risar at said time and place and snow cause, if any there bo, why aid rstaU he not luiaily settled. lino. A. Dokkis, Administrator. Dated at Eugene City, Or., this l'Jth day of May, Vm fi ROYAL K5J N WUIC(fl The Mills Bill. Cong ossmsn Scott eiueses Iho opinion that the Mills Hill will pass the House with out radical change. Olio r supporters of the measure am not so sanguine. l!ul in view of the coiitingeucv, and of iho general en dorsement of the bill by Democratic Conven tions throughout the country, it is well to recull jnt what it proposes, iiie .Mills liiii proposes to cut oil, in round uiiiiiUts, 7rt,(iiKi,nii(l of tho sin plus revenue. Of this union tit $."4,('Hl,IKMI is taken from the tariff and 'Jl,t U0,i (IU from the interim! laws on tobacco. It adds to the free J i -1 rial, hemp. jute, suit, till plate, wool aud a few other articles, The present average rate of the tarift on dutiable goods is C7. 10 per cent. The Mills hill would leave it at 40 per cent, llie present average rata on articles affected by the bill la Ot 10 per cent. The proposed rate would leave it on these nitidis ul MM per cent. And this is the bill that is culled the "Free Trade" measure! It leaves the average duty It) per cent, higher than it was under the Morrill Tariff of 1SC2, aud within two points of what the average was in 1M1 when a Re publican Tariff Commission recommended aud a Republican Congress pretended to umke a reduction of 'M per cent., which would have lull the average duty 33.GU per cent. The schedules of luxuiios in the preseut tariff aro loft untouched. All the reductions aro made on the essentials of maiiiifactures the necessities of the people. If the cham pions of protected monopolies shall difeat this moderate revision they will see some tarltl-smashing iu earnest next time. Gourlu Is Iu Hotter Health. John M. Gearin, the Deiiiocintic nominee for congress, returned to the city Saturday. Last week he spoke at Roseburg, Corvalli and Newport to large crowds. lie aud John P. Irish jointly addressed tho Rose burg people Mr. liearm was taking things easy in his law office when a reporter called yestoiday. Ills lace was ruddy and he looked as If ha was enjoying good health. In reply to a qnestiou as to how he felt, be said that he was still weak but in much belter health, and had almost fully recovered from his re cent illness. He said that he iuteuds t tluisli the canvass. He will leave to-day (or Lafayette. 'Wlnit do you think of your chances of election, Mr. Geariu'r"' asked the reporter. '1 am not uiveu to boasting, r, piled the Oiimlidato good tliiluredlv. "However, I will say that I am very hopeful and feel that I shall be successful. I am coulldeut that I will poll many moro votes than the Demo cratic nominee for congress did two years ago, aud that I shall come into Multnomah county with a handsome majority. Where I will loso one vote I will gain ten. Th, r Is a feeling among the people that (he stats slioulil be represented iu the nouse by a Democrat considering that Oregon hat two Republican Senators. Oregonian. Tarlll'on Rorux. Tho firm of W. T. Coleman & Co, failed a few days aince'in San Francisco. Among other asset Is the house owned borax mines of the estimated value of $J,(ltlO,0(IU. There is ut present an impost duly of throe cents per pound ou borax, which the Mills bill pro poses to lift. The San Francisco Bulletin makes this condition of things the subject of a long article warning the people of Califor nia that if the proposed le luclion will kill to great au establishment as Coleman fc Co., an incalculable amount of injury will be dons if the bill becomes a law. This is but a fair sample of the argument used by the protectiomsis to bolster up their theories. The Bulletin iu the same issue states that this borax is laid down in San Francisco at a cost to Coleman & Co. of but live cents per pound! With a selling price of over thirty cents per pound, showing a net profit on the woiking of (heir fields of OiXJ per cent., the house ot Coleman & Co. bad better clone its doors if a -protective tariff is required iu their business to pull them out event As a matter of fact the proposed reduction of tariff duties hud nothing to do with the failure of the great commercial house of Coleman & Co. as the illogical Bulletin kuows. An Illustration. Madison (Wis.) Democrat In 187'J quinine was put on the free Ibl. There were then four manufactories in this country. They just rose up and rugedr agaiust the bill taking the duty off their pro duct. They preached the usual tariff doc- . trine, It would ruin their infant industry. When they were crushed tlleir loreigu com petitors would control the market sud qui nine would be dearer than ever. Now mark the result. In 1S8S there are twelve manufactories, The original four are still in operation and prospering. The price of quiuiue in the high tariff days was per ounce. It is now but 55 cents per ounce. The consumption is uow double what it was theu. This is a fine illustiation of meddling with the tariff of an over pro tected industry. It shows the value of the predictions which high tariff men like to make to scars peoplt from meddling with an iniquitous tariff framed Republican fashion to rob the people. Carrie Bradley Murdered. The following item from Tucson, Arizona, under dute of th 9th inst., will be read with interest by many persons in Oregon. It shows the truth of the scriptural text that those who live by the sword shall die by the sword, or similar words: "Carrie Bradley, the notorious bagnio keeper of Portland, who was sentenced to the penitentiary five years ago for murdering s man in her deadfall and was afterwards psrdoned out with the understanding that she should leave the state, was murdered Inst night by her niacque John Wadleigh. Wadleigh came to Bradley's house in an in toxicated condition and insisted ou entering, but was refused admittance. This enraged the brute to such an extent that he grabbed the woman by the head, pulled her out of ihe door and cutting her throat from ear to ear. Wadleigh was at once placed under arrest." PosTai TiLEOBxra. Office hours on Snn day from 81)0 to It) Ma. ni., and from 4:00 to UxX) p. m. Week davs.all busiuess hours. O. F. Caw, Supt.