The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 14, 1888, Image 6

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    EUGENE CITY GUARD, j telegraphic.
Proprietor. I ij
A Ruhhiak law forbids (he use of
exclamation point id newspaper ar
ticle in that country.
Thbri are 000 beet sugar factories
in Europe. France manufacture 600,-
000 ton of lugar, and Germany 1,024,-
000 ton.
. mi i mm
am Atnenr (Ua.) paper mill la re
ported to have turned out a theet of
manila paper nix mile in length and
Ive feet wide, without a break.
ae of the Principal Evcotj Now
Attracting PaLIic Intertill
Devoted Principally to Waahlngtoo
Territory and Cali&rnia.
The iteamer Cannonbnrg, wrecked
at Nantucket, valued at $160,000, ii a
total low.
The French government ha de
clined to accept Italy' proposal for a
commercial treaty.
Willie Jack, aged 12 yean, wa ac
cidentally (hot and killed at Butte,
Montana, by a playmate.
The C. B. A Q. B. R. paint (hop
building at Aurora, Illinois, wa de
stroyed by fire. Low, f 200,000.
Ex-Lieutenant Governor Wm. Dor-
Palouse, W. T., ha incorporated.
Rufu Ford shot and killed himself
at Bilver City, Nevada.
A Christian Church Society ha been
organised at Colfax, W. T.
About 3,000 tons of wheat are stored
in the Colton, W. T., warehouse.
A large barn, it content and nine
hows, burned at Vacaville, Cal. Loss
A rabbit drive near Selma, Cal, re
sulted ia the slaughter of 12,230
Ia Germany very nearly twelve
pound of sugar are now made from
100 pounds of beets, the cost of the
production being only two cent per
Tk T)Anl..T)AH.l( .
B..eimer,oiewiora, puDii!.neroiine three week reitlired 68,000 t 8u
ior aw, aiea at Bavannan.i -,.,.;
Albert Murrish, a farmer living near
Kearney, Neb., shot his wife dead and
fatally wounded Thomua Patterson,
who was employed about the farm.
A terrible explosion occurred in
Tub pig iron induct of the United coal mine at Rich Hill, Mo., imprison-
BUte in 1887 was 6.417,148 tons,
much the largebt on record. The next
largest production wa in 188G, when
1,683,329 gross tons were turned out.
ing thirty-five miners. Those not
The east bound train was detained
at Stampede, W. T.. about four hours
by a landslide.
T. J. Abbott, aged 55 years, a resi
dent of fianU Ana, Cal., was thrown
fiom his buggy and killed.
A Mexican attempted to steal a ride
killed outright were so badlv iniured on ,rei8nt "am at Beaumont, Cal.,
that thev will din. and was run over and killed.
Niar the town of Soleure, Switzer
land, a bird' nest was recnily found
which was constructed entirely of the
imperfect watch springs thrown out
from the workshops. It has been de
posited in the IocmI museum.
Tho statement of the Philadelphia A,
Reading Railrosd rnd Iron Companies
for three months ending February 29.
loon, compared with the same period
in loo, shows a decrease in gross
earnings of $2,222,140. .
Legislation Pertaining to the Interest Evtrythinj of General Interest in Devoted to
of tho Pacific Coast
Condensed Form.
the Interest of
tad Stockmen.
Tellor introduced the following
amendment to the bill to forfeit cer
tain railroad land grants : "That in
all case where any of the lands for
feited by this act have been sold by
the United State for cash, or entered
by homestead or pre-emption settlers,
or selected by any state a part of the
grant to such state in aid of any pub
lio work which has been fully com
pleted, the right of all persons so hold
ing lands shall be confirmed."
Tramps in Roseburg aro put to w rk
grading streets.
Milton is already arranging for a
Fourth of July celebration.
county amounted to $7,654.68.
In Douglas county, Volney Oden
killed a lurge eagle measuring seven
feet from tip to tip.
1 he census taken by the city au
thoritie shows Medford to contain
over 1,000 inhabitants.
Crump, convicted
Care of Poultry.
If the hens can be fumii..j . .
sufficient variety of fowl, n(J
with green food, and th
The O. R. fc N. Co's taxes in Union ae Ir ?? wa'm &ey will do
ii cununeu in inptn a 1. ti. .
th. dtf .r " z " ' wm. k
with snow until the weather k-1
warm in the spring than if .t,...
few cold or stormy day. and Ihco ,?
their liberty a few days. Of 51
they require more care in feedineV
at Hennner of nloeea kpnf nWn ,h .0WliJ
Farren's bill to prohibit selling or manslaughter, was sentenced to fifteen if out of doors, but the mo,."",'
giving away Cigars, Cigarette or to- ve.' imnritionment and t r.v a fine hernf xrir. hm.U - ,.c".Ba"Ull
bacco to minors was parsed with
dissent. The Senate has been deluged .,, . . ... 4 ... Li nr V wee iU
wun petition irora me women s -uu- -n... v in i.n : "'
Under the bill it will be a misde-
meanor for a father to give his son
under 21 years of age a cigar.
Mitchell introduced a resolution ia
the Senate directing the Committee
on Territories to inquire into the valid
ity of the act of the Legislative As
sembly of Washington Territory
providing that tho next session of the
ilnvid Wilcox, of New York, has
been appointed Receiver of Public
Moneys at Walla Walla, W, T. .
L. B. Cornell, of New York. Iiah
been appointed Receivor of Public J ' brgin on the second Monday of The State Board of Immigration has
egislative assembly of that Territory Mentally taken
ratus for heating cars. . I stalks which may be obtained C
A man named Sawyer drodped dead marK gardener who are trimm;:
on the Sandy road abou a mile and a c?lery I0.r ma"et are excellent. F0'
half from East Portland. The cause ",0 i" luea OT UbU " some &,
of death was heart disease. "ar,y everJr daV through the wini.
Wm.E.PinksUn was found dead "fT0 rL J".0" is
in bis room in a hotel in East Portland. V. , "u f i u a ,? Ire,h
The jury returned a verdict of dea.h u "t!TJil? hB,Mo1.1" C
from an overdose of morphine, acci- '",,U Py 10 take 8011,6 P&,n with ft.
' 1 IIIWI.
Thb largest cotUm mill in the world
is said to be located at, Kranbolm, in
Hussia. The es'ablishment contains
340,000 spindle and 1,200 looms, dis
pose of a force of 6,300 horse-power,
and give employment to 7,000 hands.
A male child one year old, and
weighing only one pound, is on exhi
bition in Minnesota. The midgot
weighed sit ounces at birth. It bed
--Maaoii cradle, which resti upon a
stand at the side of the mother's bed.
The child is hearty, lively, intelligent
and playful.
Fob the twelve months ending De
cember 21, 1887, the total number of
immigrants arrived in the United
States was 609,281, as compared with
386,631 ierson arrived during the
preceding twelve months. Of the
above number 12.1,742 were from
Great Britain and Ireland and 85,926
from Germany.
Moneys at Spokane Falls, W. T,
H. W. McNair, about 60 years old,
committed suicide at a hotel in Ta
coma, W. T., by taking morphine,
Twenty-five logging camps and
seven canneries will be in operation
in Pacific county, W. T., this season.
What Fruit (irowen Should K...
1 IT- .1 I I 1 "
i. no riiuuiu oe ucniiuinin
E. F. Willman. formerly local editor
of the Leadville Herald, and at one
time connected with the Denver Tims.
suicided at Salt Lake City. He left
a rate stating that he was tired of life.
JIiJ was thirty year of age.
Iih arrived in Hu Francisco. 143 dav ,und necessary to finish up the col
from Swansea. On the inn nut ii. at Colfax, W. T., for use this
vessel lost her third mate. He fell
from the main-topmast rieeinir. and
striking on his head was killed.
Twenty-five convicts mutinied at
the Birmingham, Ala., prison. Officers
attempted to suppress them and two
of the necrrn COnvict.a worn Irillnd Tlia
Coroner's jury returned a verdict that Cl. e ai nonomisn, v. l., Dy snooting
the s lootnitr wm lnn in tl. nrrnrm. unnseii in vue ueau
lun nurir NNl l iaoiio1 a nn ll i i onnai, f,-,m . i K w . . i att n pn
The Senate parsed a bill permitting " in Tertiing the resource, 01 XZhTJ? U (hi l
.he constructiL of a bridge over th! on,. They deire to expend "L
Columbia river above Vancouver. monmiy i-r inai purpose,
Dolph offered a resolution, which The Stockmen's Association of Long
was adopted, culling on the Secretary reeK, urant county, elected the fol
of the Treasury for information as to 'owing otlicers: 8. Reynolds, presi
M.I.- A-n . v. . I don I V.A P Allan Hint.nMMn.t T
T?nv,.. u..: i- . .u. me neessny ior loriincauons in rucci - iivt-uiwjucui,
i iuIH.u-iiKiMiVtVKu.ii lne knnnJ o.i'..i " i W. Keener afifiretjirv : O H I. Hmiffc
necessarily the scientific ones), thei
lujuurs niiu uieir naoiis.
2. He should be able to detect .
insect pests, so that he could nrntnwi.
submit them for scientific study. '
3. He should be able to di,ti,i.v
between insect foes and insect frij
! so that in fighting the former he w '
Hamuel Kiowart. a well known resi
dent of Colton, W. T., committed
suicidd near that town by drowning
him jell in the lake.
A young man about 24 years old,
named Joseph Greer, committed sui-
Ru'Rebkntativi Hermann has re
signed from service on the House
Committee on Manufactures, in con
sequence of an understanding with
Buchanan of New Jersey, who had re
signed his place on the Committee on
Ia&ftfl4)t)redUon Claims. Hermann
wa assigned to service on Indian
depredation claims.
Th statistical return at the Agri
cultural Department for March show
the cern crop to be the Bniullest since
1884, estimated at 608,000,000 bushels
a decrease of about 100,000,000 from
last year. The indicated stock of
wheat in the hands of farmers is 132,-
000,000 bushels, as against 122,000,000
k-ushels at the same tlmeone year ago,
A new British industry is the prep
aration of basio slag for agricultural
manure. The material i pulverized
by machinery to such an extent that
the finished product will pass through
sieve of ten thousand holes to the
square inch.- The fertilising proper
ties of this slag are due to tho large
proportion of irou and phosphoric acid
which it contains.
ance of the prison officers' duty.
Capt. Charles R. Barnett ha been
relieved from duty at Los Anceles and
ordered to Baltimore. Md.. relieving
Mai. Gilbert C. Smith, who has been
ordered to Helena, Mont., to relieve
Capt. Charles Bird. The latter has
been ordered to Washington, D. C.
A dicpatch from Gila Bend, Arizona.
says that one of the Mexicans who
asfaasinated Supt. Grilible, of the
Vulture mine, and two companions,
was shot and killed while resisting ar
rest at the Gila River Irrigation Com
pany' camp. The $7,000 bar of
bullion was recovered.
Sound, and as to the practicability of w Keney secretory j G,
fortiying the entrance to the Sound. treasurer.
A bill reported in the Senate to per- Jmes Brandley, convicted of firing not destroy the latter.
feet the (quarantine service provides tne town ot Lexington, was sentenced 4. He should be able to refor a
f. . . 1. - I. 1 1 : i . I m hva voara' imntno trtwiA.. T I . i . . . , . ""CU.
iur me lunuwiiia wiuiuunai Quarantine " ",w imuiiuiiiinui, dbuicb
stations: At 8an Dfego. Cal., $55,500; cannons esse was postponed. He
was muiciea ior complicity in the
burni2j; of Lexington.
All the registers and receiver of the under the name of "bues."
inn r i i f u .. l i.i i .,
fonuuo uuu umuea m vreuon nave euuuiu unov ice mmni, .i
sent a pewuon to ine secretary of the msoci ieeamg, whether by means ui
biting jaws or with a proboscis.
to be able to employ the nroner du..
: -
oi luseGuciues,
San Franoisco, 1103,000: Port Town
send, W. T., $55,000. .
to each ne of the several orders tc
which they may belone. so that ho-.
sieak or write of them understand
ingiy, wunoui grouping them
A bill to amend the nntlirnliotinn
law so as to reauire would-be-citizana Interior, requesting him to urge Con
to make oath that they are not polyga- 8reM 10 mHke an niple appropriation
mists, anarchists or communists was Ior 8Urvey 01 puolio lands in Oregon
The list of salmon canneries on this
coast now number 103, a considerable
whenTg? ,Z, IZLCa J9$t inLrodu(-ed S" George Barker, a Portland painter, 6- He should experiment with such
, , I h Hrnin 111 nnM a rainlnlmn r.t I Inut. all tha flnirura r.1 k .i... I remeoies ana nrevnntivps n 1.;
1 he town of H Helta. I !n1 . w.i nor. I i .: .. .. i . ..... I l.un,.., ;n :
tially burned. 1 he charred remains nf Pout acrainat iwn, uni;n k ,i.. . i
.. i :.. .1.- j l .... -o ... .... ....igw,,, iuiu ,-."6 . uiwguuur nature ui me TU, ... .u... ennnnnn t
ui a iimu wtrie iuuiiu in liib uumu. i mm. .iiuti... .1 1 A..fn..;.. 1. 1 . . . . 1 whj .wui u.vjj.jni iRrmi in
. , ..... . ........ ui.un, buuuiiiiiuK me rigm "uiumyo ho ucKan w pica at it with I k tt:.j o. . . ... . . "
The origin of the hre is not known. 0f r0Bt, the siltintr member a nocket knife with iL .w Lu the Un ted 8tate,, of which 1,500,000
In a saloon row at San Bernardino. Tla. ri.or .nh.rU km u.J v.. mw: . :.u - rre wor"eu unuer lease or on shares.
ril- completed bv the nnmmittA Tho nVath
Cal., Henry Wilson and Oliver
nth were fatally shot
and a Mexican were
,uimi DnnCien, Mmnger in po- California - Humboldt, $150,000:
- .,,,, ou.moiiity uHKiana, io,uuu; Wilmington, f'JO,-
, , "uuu "cwuenwiiy in- uuu; Yuquina Bav, $120,000; San
flirted while in a state of intoxication. JoHquin, 25,O0O ; Redwood, $74 000
i r. i..: i "uire b""H viiiiiinen were M""oiuuiue, oan L,U18, JZO.-
Wh touTrr and Feather river,,
,i.. n.i. i... i i ' .i r iitw unves, uai., vne Dank gave way,
killing two and breaking the leg of
with a fearful
lie mno
. Officer Codoria appropriations for rivers and harbors fractions horse by 'a rope attached to X!i1:r0S
also badly hurt. on the Pacific Coast are : his wrist, when the animal became S". J?e
frightened aud ran away, dragging
iuex,win unui ne was luUliy injured.
Congress has appropriated $5,000
wun wnicn to replace the cable be
tween Astoria and Fort Canby. For
iiyruuninea smooth hairow ,
the wheat-held the vonnc nlanta .;n
rrow will
not injure the wheat, but will assist in
covering grass seed that may have
been sown early in the year.
uo not omit the warm water for
cows because of modiiratinn in
weather. So lone as the
Thk House Committee on Pensions
estimate that the payment of $3 per
month to survivors of Indian wars,
from 1832 to 1842, and their widows,
will amount to $600,000. There were
63,963 meu engaged in the Florida,
Blackhawk, Cherokeo and Creek wars,
ef whom 47,520 were volunteers, 1,110
regulars, and 3,000 sailor. Eight
dollar will lo paid to all who served
twenty days.
The tower which is being erected
by the Russians on the highest jHiint
f the Mount of Olives is already sev
eral etories high, but one more is to be
added. The object is to make it so
nigh that both the Mediterranean and
Dead Sea may be ee n from the top.
A number of bell will be placed in the
tower. In digging the foundation
even Christian graves were found,
together with an inscription in Greek,
in which the word "Stephauu" could
yet be deciphered.
due their husbands from the govern
ment, and besieged the oflico of tho
Minister of Finaur.e. The minister
was secreted to escape the fury of the
nrob. The mob killed a woman who
was advising them to make their de
mands quietly.
The Emperor of Germany receives
daily reports concerning I he flood.
The damages are estimated at $50,-
WO.uuO. 1 he towns of Betxenburg,
Domitt and Damenburg are still
flooded. Twenty-nine live have been
lost and 10,000 head of cattle have
perished. Thiity thousand people are
homeless on acoount of the flood.
Donver had a errand six-days' cele
bration on the opening of the Pan
handle routo. It is estimated that
76,000 people witnessod the parade.
The streets were a wilderness of flags,
at mo it waa thnnirhL ll.o ,.1,1 u" ' 7.,"
$20,000; San Dieeo. $10,000: Nan. oonlJ be raiaed TnA 7" 'UZ cuBnu,.u e.weftlfterchan.Keable, n
lima. 2 tl(W- .a fnrf t i. i . " Y . . nar,uf BnU
$7,500; Petaluma, $2,000;
mooring, f IWJ.UW,
Oregon Coquille river, $20,000;
nay, ;u,uuu; Uascades, $175,
was found to be impracticable, as in . "CuS f, "V "na,u e. ,TI
.1 .. . , ..-Bv vi urn wm ue lliailiiainea
places the cable was found to be cov- t.hohv - '"nmw
ered with sand to a depth of ten feet Any of the potash salt m, i
or more. .
. . , , io6e u mi mm crops, id
Articles of Incorporation of th the earlv snrino- ia n.n ic ...
. .? . I 1 UVDB IfllllU IV
Northwest Industrial Association have apply them. If 200 pounds of super
been filed in the office of the count phosphate be Hnitlipi-i fit iha ouma fim
clerk of Multnomah county. The its effects will be very marked at the
asfociation has a capital stock of UlfKl . harvesting
000, and its object is to purchase land Cut potatoes to two eyes. If they
At Chico, Cal., a 2-year-old child of
Vfw.. M... ...., .1 I i
. ., , . , ., - r-i i.i i.i v dm umwucu in a waBIl-
hunting anil banners, while the pave- boiler containing threi
monts for miles weie one mass of The mother left the child for a few
humanity, so closely packed that all moment, placing her near the boiler,
travel fin. I tt I... ui, u. ...... I... 1 f i I i . . " . . '
ana wnen tuo returned she found her
In the superior court at Sacramento.
Cal, George A. Turley and Frank
Abbott were sentenced to three years 000 ; Upper Columbia. $10,000; mouth
each at folsom for voting illegally at of the Columbia, $350,000: Lower
reueuv cuy meciion. w uiameiie, ; Upier Wilanv
The iwindhouse at Stampede.W.T.. elte $ls-00; Coquille, between Co-
with two encines. were burned." Th quille and Myrtle Point. $2,000: eau
ironwork will be uken to Tnnma t..r i"g the water of the Columbia. $2,500
repairs. Only one man was present Y wnington bhehali! river, $2,0(X; and erect buildiags in Portland in be desired early, for home use thin
when the tire sUrtod. and he could da P.01"11 "ver, $2,500 ; Skagit river, which to hold fairs for the ,.f out the riant. - .s-i- ! - 7J T
nothin- r1.1... . mechanical, agricultural, mineral and hill.' This will trive .rli urr,,
The ship J. D. Walker reports that .ZrJL an appropriation of other products of the State. more uniform ootatoea. ht
f 'llto.. tattto K ' kind eJer'Sou'.l t in 1Srge f Th -oll daughter of 1" b a8 when two pfanU
iiuinirwi, one lUBi iwo men rr.i.. . . . . .. ueo. wm. a .rm.. i .. io -n w uio niu.
nvnrhiianl nomc.l 11..., V...l "d iuiopiooiuui river irom Minilft- . .. . "--
.""".'".u," ",1U sola to the Onlf of M0Tinrt,i.0i lrora' wa8 wwiiy burned. Accom
rnT,,r- 1Ue were. wept 385000. St. Mary', n8 children, the
" r u;..: tiocn. ' ' ' ' nine Eiri weni out in t m ti,i,i n.l,o..
uioduui i inni. sit Zii inni i -w ovm niivic
Missouri river, $625,000.
Felton introduced a bill to nnOwv
rize the admission, free of duty, of
iiiuuiimery ior the manufacture of
beet sugar.
travel had to be suspended for several
M. De Lessens writes to the finanoial
correspondents of the Panama Canal
Company that 108,230 new obligations
nave neen subscribed for ulacimr 60..
. O s
uw.tmw irancs in the hands of the
company. He regards this as satis
laclory : but authorise correspondents
to continue to receive aubscrinl ona.
He hoped that the government would
now authorise a lottery.
A New York man has invented a
device to save hone in case of fire.
It can be worked either by electricity
or hand. At a certain temperature a
bell will ring, and the moment the
bell (hall ring the door will fly open,
the horse will be unhitched and two
mall stream of water will strike each
horse in the face. To escape the wa
ter the horse will back out of the
alalia, and once out of them they will
have an opportunity of tcing a way
f escape through the door. i
severe explosion was felt through
Westchester county. New York.
Door aud windows in houses
rattled, and people thought thev had
exwriencea a shock of earthquake.
a large quantity ot jHwdiT exploded
in the Styckney powder work. nar
Ashford. At the siml where the mills
stood there is a hole big enough to
bury a house. Two workmen were
blown to atoms. They were the only
nten in or near tho works.
The French court of appeal- has
reversed the decision of the lower
court in the case of M. Wilson, who
waa charged wbh ci.inolieitv in tl.
decoration sauilal, and acquit Wil
son of acainiit iiim. Ilia
comrades in the same ease were aUo!
acquitted. 1 he judgment of the court
severely condemns acts imputed to
nson ana others, but declares that
mining taws no not apply to the of-
warn cnargiHi against them.
a terrible wind storm struck the
utile town of Amnescah. Mo. Itch
sUoyed everything in It Path. Ipavincr
"j miiw iiuiiM'i sianuing in the
whole place. Two churches, five
store and fifteen dwelling houses
were absolutely torn to piece, and the
flying timber caused the death of
wree auu tho maiming of seventeen
citiien. The dead are Mrs. J. C.
Williams, her infant and George HaV
utaij. 1 nose niOSL MVfroIv hurt -
James Williams, both leca broken ..,,1
severely bruised, and will nruhal.U din
Charles Gonlon. injured in tha la-k
it is supposed fatally. ,
According to the report of the com
missioner of navigation, the tonnage
oi the 1'acitic Coast, on June 30. 1887,
was as follows : State of California
Number of vwsels, 864 ; tonnago, 254,
0!)2. Oregon Vessels, 188; tonnage,
52,621. Washington Territory Ves
sels, 165 ; tonnage, 49,460. Alaska
Vessels, 19; tonnage. 630. Total
number of vessels, 1,236 ; total ton
nage, 357,445.
Contract were sicned bv parties in
Fresno, Cal., aud a man has cone to I
iorin Carolina to ship to that county
w negro lamiiiea. Most of these w ill
replace Chinese in the orchards ami
vineyard. It is said that the women
and children in vineyards do httpr
than chinamen, while the men in the
sweat and drying houses learn the
business of curing raisins much belter
and faster than the Chinese.
Fancy roll, if ft
Inferior grade .
Pli kled
California roll . ,
do pickled i8 (A
Eastern, full cream
Oregon, do
Kog8 Frexh
Dkikd Fruits
Apple, qrw, ska and bxs.
QO Lalilomla
HO a
Ira Hummel, formerly a waiter in
restaurant. at Seattle. W. T.. shot
and dangerously wounded John Mi
chaelson, a laborer. The two had
beeu drinking heavily, and Hummel
took Miehaelson out on the street to
show him Kime real estate whiih he
owned, and to buy which Miehaelson
had previously said he had suthYient
money. It was evidently to obtain
this that Hummel shot his companion
ine wtundeU man wa uken to the
Apricola, uew crop 18
Reaches, unpee led. new ... Uiig
Piars, machine dried
8 (4
Dr. J. B. Zancerle. of Virtrinia Citv
T . .. . . " . . - V.
iev., was arresteil lor concealing seven
rases ot small pox. The President of
the Board of Health discovered the
cases. Zangerle violated an ordinance
which require physicians to reimrt
all caxes of contagious disease to the
lioard of Health. The ordinance im
pose a fine of $jO0 and imprisonment
for sixty day for a violation of its
provisions. It is probable that the
extreme penalty will be imposed in
Zangerle's case as the discovery of the
concealed case has cau-ed a general,
entiment of intense iudiguation.
4 00
4 00
8 80 ft 3 75
Ml g 7S
1 fc-'ifS) 1 25
1 15 (g) 1 ai
1 Ui
20 Ot $25 U0
47 (A M
46 W 47
10 I 25
Fi-ars, niaolilne dried
Htted cherneH
fitted plums, Oregon
FI(ra,Cal., in bga and bxs..
CaL Fruues, French
Oregon prune
Flour -Portland
Pat. Roller, bbl
Salem do do
White Lily bbl
Country brand
Wheat, Valley. 100 fta...
do Walla Walla
Barley, whole. ctl
do ground, p ton
Oats, choice inilling If bush
do reeil.Knotl tocholc,old
Rve, luO Ifca t
. .....
r ii
Bran, ton 10 On 17 00
i.horta. 'U.n W DO 19 00
L,on' bled el800
Uiop. ton . . W f fci-. UU
Oil cake meal f ton Si 00 (giiS OC
Frsui Fruitb
Apples, Oregon, box 1 21 0 1 50
v-uciTirm, fans.,,
Lenionn, California, tfbx..
Litii, 100
RlvenUde oranges, box . . ,
Loa Angelea, do do ...
Peackea, ? box
Dry, over 18 ft. ft ,.
Wet salted, over bfi lha
Murrain hide
CabhuM. 0 ft
Carrot. aack
Cauliflower, at do
PiXatoes, new. If 1C0 lbs ..
Eaut Oregon. Spring clip.. M 18
Vailev Oregon, da .. 18 0 SO
4 00 4 50
1 25
tl 8 12
7 0
10 1 25
1 CO
the farm hands were burninc nn nh.
rubbish, such as dry grass, etc. Her
dress caught fire, and before proper
assistance could be given her, sje was
burned so badly that she died the fol
lowing morning.
Fire broke out in the upper story of
the Eureka hotel at Porrvdale.-Pollt
county, and soon enveloped the entire
building. The flames spread to other
ounaings, ana notwithstanding the
great exertious of the citizens and
many people from the surrounding
country who had been attracted by the
mo, mo uuiei, uirniiure Btore, machine
snop ana grocery store near by burned
to the ground. With great difficulty
"iimiiiucr oi me town was saved.
The lepers confined at the poor farm
near roruam . some tn r
- -. k " VI 1 V
frequently leave the farm in a bodv
luiuaiiu auu aemanu money of vuuuirj meu. iuey are not
iiiuuesi. in tneir flemands, Kenerallv
...f. ,.w ui fjw, mis is usu
ally paid, but the last time the Chines?
merchants refused the demand and
the Chief of Tolico herded the lepers
in the joss house and induced them to
tviura vo uie poor t trm by promising
to send them a supply of food and
Fire broke out in the Stahley chair j
.v.iijr st, oaiem, and in a few mo
ments the entire structure was in
"niB. uonsmeraule difficulty
experienced by the fire department
Seeurinc i.t. I'm..
B ..-.v.. J110 tuctory was
"u.uou entirely to the ground, except
the engine and dry rooms, which were
vi u.u, na me root of which only
vu. uo reiauusnment and
machinery were the property of the
A M m -it t lnem- Men- Mount
- i.iuuin, lessees, had heon . .
ing the factory but., hort time, and
they lose several thmi.nj a..
,""""vl,ull,p "Pon wheh there is
nsurance of $1,500. This wa. the
only factory 0f ny Importance i!
Salem, and about twenty-four bands
men and wamen-are thrown out of
employment. It U Uted the owner,
will make an nffr m t
A chunce in food will hn relUliP,! hr
the sheep just a. well as by any ani
mal on the farm. Nature is a pretty
sure guide in such matters. There
may be and is a choice of foods among
.iuo inai Biieep will eat with a relish,
but it is a mistake to feed what they
do not relish.
There are many new' varieties of
vegetables offered in the catalogues for
lb8, and some of them are' probably
valuable acquisitions, but it is best to
experiment with new varieties the first
year of their exietence, as it is not"
always advisable to discard an old and
tried variety for a newer kind.
Work in the garden is alwavs well
besic w-d. If the value of the vege
tables grown be not equal to the labor
applied, the advantage of having fresh
vegetables and of a superior quality
will more than compensate for the cost.
Very often ihe labor given pays for
itself in promoting health and impart
ing enjoyment.
The cond
t . w liJl ii iw
simply a symptom of d iMPd at unA in-
8'e"d f directing medical attention to
the horn the practitioner should make
haste to look in other directions for
the disease: for the vv . fw
horns are insufficiently supplied with
blood is proof that flu.
hlood somewhere else, and Lpupa a
stite of congestion.
The best rule i in b0n fo., tu
housed when not in use. The wastage
insure ei costly implements each '
year is enormous, and it is responsible
for considerable of the hard times that
some larmer complain of. No matter
how soon tools are rusted out, the
farmer cannot escape paying for them.
Anyone with a little practice can
learn to graft. If peopi, vou!i only
study the principles involved in the
operation we shonl.! hoar 1. uuA
luck, in crafting. Onn nf tha main
elements of success consist in having
both scion and Stock in the nrnner
condition. To eocure this, scions
Should be cut earlr htrr !,
begin to work. They must then be
packed in some soft material an-h Aft
sand sawdust or mrwu. onH ,i'uH In a
cool temperature. Some prefer wait
ing in the spring until the buds on the
stock commence swelling, while other
perform the operation very early, but
n both eaaea tha , ;n nnlu if
. ii- I ' F'parvu apa inorouenj;
th esUbluhment. protected from the air.