The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 14, 1888, Image 4

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VrDKUAY. ..... I .T.THa PltlT U, "HH
For CutturoM
JOnS M. GEAItIN, of Multnomah.
For Supreme Judjje
JOHN LURNETT, c( llti.toii.
For ProHeiilin(j Attorney, 2nd Dinlrii t
J MEH W. HAMILTON, of Dmiyhwi.
Fur 1'rc-ni. Jiuliul Ett-clnrn
W. If. EFFINCKK, of Miillnniimli,
E. R. SKIPWOIITII, A tWtill.i.
W. K. J1ILYEIT, of Ui.n.
Tne Brauiiri or Hit Turiff.
A laborer work in (lie wind, ruin nii'l cold
ono week fur 17.23. ll then kch '
clothing bouK (i rul pny out bulf of it for
cout tutl lljo other hn!( to tltt inuniifiictiirer
of tbe Binterinl of which the coat i Uiude,
Thiii ii the way tlm laborer in proteeUd
under the high tnrilT law.
Th ami tlmt tli liUirinif ninu I'liflm A'-m
for $7.25 could be bought f..r bulf tlmt
amount if it wit not for (bo timir. 'J he
government doeN not nt the increinttil
union lit IIihI U puld im tiiritt, but it L'e4 to
rich the miiuiifiictiirer, who um-n bin ill-
f otti.u woiilih to buy up eoiicri'KHineu hud
ntluciics thm t vole fur u Lij,'ti tunfl'.
And Mill there ere mime luboriiig uien who
will tola for turifT.
The Providence Journal (It' p.) ht:
"There in t cood tlt-iil of lnisr.-ireiientiitliili
in the current talk about KiikIiiiiiI bchiK de
lighted at the propowd clmtiK'H in our tnrilT
lnwi. Thefm'tiN tlmt intelligent Kili-h
luerchnnte nud iiiHiiufacturerii ee with per
fect clei:rnKM ilmt if our rtriciimiM on for-
who. trmle are iiiiiiUrulely mid wisely ilIi. t
ed, their own lniMiie.4 U likely to'bn mri-
oumjr injured hy American couipetitinn. A
rucenl Iinjul Coiiuuinittiiiou, fur example,
feportei that Untiling except the peculiar
tariff arriin"etiieiiln of (be United Stale
kept England from loning to nu tbe (renter
portion ,f her foreign trado in woollen
gondii. "
Tbo Anxtralian h'eep farmer, who could,
(were It not for tb turifT' lay wool down in
Han lViinniu..A ... 1 It.
. miiun ir, n. I'niui, iur meil null rlylll
ceuiH m-rpounil. reiidleton Tribune. W
bae Mulbotiriui, AuMiulia, pnprr of date i
Here inner 'Aitb, wlm-li (five eiile of tliuim
ami ol hales of wool and price paid. An
xanln i1ion of tbem hhow that price of
AuHlmliori wool were on that dale bhdiur
than tbe Honton market price for wool. 1 he
bet Etern Oregon wool ia not aold for eo
luucb per (Minnd nu the Auatralian grower
kuih ror nia pnnreH itiulity wool, Nome, one
liaa been deceiving the uulliblu IVndlutuii
Our County Tirkrt.
Tb neuiocnitic county ticket hue been
pluud ill iioiuiiiatiun. It ia im excellent one
and will be elected. Owiliu' to the Intclixx
of the hour we are compelled to forego an
extended notice of tbe aurue until next week
The Ili'iiuhliciin in Slule Convention n!
Portland hint Wedneaday, iiouiiiiateil thn fo.
lowing ticket: ('nn;;rcaNinan, Hinder Her
mann: Kiiiireiue Jndup, W, P. Lord; l'runi-
I 1 1 1 in I Elector, Win. Kapu of Kant Port-
I land, C, W. I'ullonof Astoria, Kev. Jiotx-it
SI. Lcmii of hlainnilr; ProKeculinu Altornev
H-rond Ditrict, II. S., Newpoit
Tbe following (blr'utea to the Cbicago Cole
Petition Were aideeled: . F. llooilv, Itilfoa
Mallory. J. E. Hean. F. P. Maya, J. W.
( iii-i k mid J. lioiirne, J T. Harin, of
Oregon City, wan cbown chairiiiuii of State
Central Ominittcc, and Mr. II. C. llumpb
rcy wbh chimen the member of that body
for Limn county. Tim platform ia a fliniHy
one and ilnli' n every ikuu before the peo
ple Jud'O WiethburiiH received U t votea for
hlector, lacKiiiK only one of eleclion.
We are aorry to notice the ouiImkioii in the
Hcpiiblican Ktute platform of all matter alum!
the payment of the rcU-1 debt; tli p,ivinut
for the former al.ivcn; the re-eiiHliivi-mi nt of
the colored people, nud tbe "Map-doodle"
about the LVmocr di Ht.-nlin all tin in iiiey
in (lie treaHiiry. We inoM In- counul-d fur all
tllcso thin'H by a faint threat of biii-iucK4 lie-pio-xi'Mi
if the war lax of 47 per cent, ix cut
down to ,'IH per cent. And yet Unit it what
Doliib's parly culla "free trade."
J. M. (o-ariii ia young luuu and a brill
iant apinker. He will awaken an eutlius
iaKin in Huh Ktute nui'b im no one h .x ever
been the nubji-cl of bebcu. , J
For Sale.
ciuod upland farm containing Ml) acre, all
under good fence; 05 acre in cullivution,
balance K""d p'Hiuie; buil I in n in good con
dition. For further parttciiliit euipiire of
Wm. Wii.i.umn,
Ili-xter, Lane Co., Or. v
Ktatk of Oi:kiov, TiiKHUi.i:n'a Oln K I
Sii.Ht, April ii, U-H.
oTicEis !ii:i:::i!Y cjiven that
tlii-lH are. nulHcici t fulidr on li tlnl to pay
all nut'Unu' warraiitx ilraun on tlie general.
Miuteiitiurv. iiii'iili-iiiul, Hi-.ii.i- mul iilintic,
executive, ju.ticid, l.-'-i-lati v, c-uii :c', nui-
tive, printing ur indigent, whii ti havo
been eii'lurnwl, "iirear.nteil and not puld Iur
want of fuuilii;' tlo- fnlluwin warranto
ilruwii n the militia fund: Warrant num-
la-red 'J7 Vi, 'HU'i, '.'".Vi. TiM Mid iffiVI. and that
all of the uliove war'antii w ill l paid on prex
entntioii at tlux oltice. Int-rc-t will nut be
allowed lifter the date of thix notice.
(. W. WKIIU,
State TreamiriT.
Lank OrKK E at Koxkbiiio, ()., t
A pi it 10, 1W. f
i the f..Mowflltf ri:lllfI nettbr him hied
imtier of hix intention to uinke final prixif in
iiplrtof hix claim, mid that wiul pKX'l win
I made Ixifore the ju.lce or c.erk of tin conn
iv nit of Lime Co., r.. nt Eugene
City, tjregmi, on S itunl.iy, Mav HHh,
ii- I.. I). Atlo-rtoii. Ilmiientead Entry No,
.VW (or the X. E. I I, Sec. I8,T 17 S, I
Vr.t. W M.
lie name the follow in,' witnexxm to prove
l.ix coiitiiiuoiix rexldi-nee noon end cul'Jvatliin
of ai.l I iil viz; .loxephWhixiiiali, .inlui W Ilia
ii. in and 1'i t'T Halo, of Di ailwood, Lain) Co.
dr., .imI John I'lloe of Hale.
I 'hah. W. .loitsxroN,I Ke'intcr.
IMPORTERS Hamii.ton.
been hunting
It la a aigniufiiut fact that, wljila the
woolen liiiliixlrv lanituixhe and lb man ii
facturera fail not only to export good to any
Binoiim, urn men k, control a largo fraction
of th honiH umrx."t, Ilia. boot and nIio and
leatimr Induxtrie are in nu active, buoyant
mate, liiiiiiopolumg the bo iiih market and
exporting to a coiiKidcrablu extent. W.kiI is
taxed, while India ere on the free list.
Sbipmeuta of boot and aboea In noiiitx
ontaidfl of New England urn larger than ever
ueiure, aiiiinngii lactoriua are liemg built m
other aectioua to aupply (be locul dmuand.
rollnwitig Ii an Himlyai of tbe popular
inn wr irexioeni in inn; iNort'ieru )em
ocriitle o(o, 3,IUI,8;I2; aouthein I).inocratio
..,i'to, l.7lll,H;l; iioiibern Upiihliciui vote,
il,fi81l,(i"il; aoullieru llepublican vote, 1,L',i"i,.
WW; Deinoorntio vote ill Deinocriitio Htale,
2.71!.0'.J8; Deinocralio Vola in lU piiblii-Hii
Hlutea, 8,111,777; Itepublican vote in lltuno
emtio atntca, a.'JIli.fiNlj Kepublican vol.. in
llcpublicnn Hlutea, n,22!l,:i:il.
About tbe tuoat uuauawerablevretort to the
claim which ia made Unit revenue reform
mean reduced wage for the laborer i that
made by nu Irixhuian, In whom a mill owner
, laid: "Pat, don't you vote thu Ilcinocratic
ticket, ltixa fie trade ticket. If (hat
party wiiiH, your wage will lie reduced."
"Divil Iruxtyo, now," exclaimed Pat; "if
tlmt'a o, yu'd vote it yourself." pt ix
lty the way, nay lb H. F. Altn, (lovernor
Altjer apoke hopefully of the manufacturing
Industrie! of thix city. These iudilKtriea Uxe
ileum power. They are to-day paving $17
per ton fur Hlcam coal. It ia a pint 'of their
raw material. What dot e the governor .;y
to taking llm larilf tax oil' and removing the
rcaliicliona which foxier the coal comer?
Each of tbe nine trmteea of tin. Standard
Oil Truxt rec. ivea a lalurv of S '.'i IMH) u
and the preaidciit $:lll,(HiO. Tbo hiiiii of
I'J.'ifi.Ot 0 year ia not ao bad for ten men,
Hild they ought to be able to keep tbe wolf
from the door, conxidering that it ia $2.0,.
MI more per year than the average pay of
ten workiugiurn.
Will McX'oni'ick will bf.ive Ffi.I i .
Mis Veil a Adair Inn gone to Port! aid to
Hpelid the vaci.lloii.
Siiveral of tlm laiy ba
during the vacation.
Mexaix. lirattain and linttertield
Portland tin we. k.
n.t ... .....
i no r.utnxian aociety l.cld an open kcxmi n
riumy evening ol inxt week.
Several of Ihu Hliidelil were ulli iidinu the
political meeting Wcdnexday afternoon.
All thoae pn-xeiit lit the dunce report bnv
iug bad a Very aociablu mid enjovable time
It ia tlm proper xeunoii fyr boat lidea
and it now being vacation the Htuilciita uie
enjoying Ihi pleaaure.
George M. Hruwu cum.) up laxt Friday to
attend thu dancing party. Mr. Ilrowu at.
tended tho I'niveixity bixt year. All hi old
friend were delighted to are him lutck.
Homo time ago tho EutaxuiL framed the
Luureuli acceptance to their open nexsion
uml bung it over the. clock. Tlii compli
in. lit wax returned last week by thu Laure
nn who put down noiiio oil clo'tb in front of
lh alovc.
The following xtudentx went homo for
vacation: Meaxra. Hugbca, Porter. F. M.
Mnlkey, I, E. Woodworlh, A E. Forward,
Alliert Mitcln-11. Jeny llronailgli, Llovd
I'ocld, Lewix Wing, Mixx.-a Kiln Levi, Annie
"iiiicrx mid Mixty 1'ortcr,
Tbu cbcxlnut party win aaucc. sx, c mid
ring Initrli caino niim'ier 1 jot it on. All
lltoxu pre-uut were ut'iinuiuted with each
oilier mid just Hint, d to r. Ii-b cbexlnnts.
.Mjxa llolierta wu a complete chestnut. Mr.
1'ilvi ouldnl bimxilf aa bust, waiter, inn
Mcian and chcMiiul. Everything wa chest
null, aioriex, aonox. ciunex. refrushiiii nt-
ami iveii tbe bauilabukv waa cordial but
How Nbiill wo dexi'iilie it? Iloit i ;..
Tueaday Uelity-imu youilrf lieonhi alurled
out to the picnic ground kiliiated about two
unto iiortli of town after uieandriiiL nut
tbe road, cliuiliiim nine fence and
three Hlrealux the wiilideriiig ceax. d mid the
iigrim hut down ul twelve to a lunch on u
oeautitul niiot l,y aide of the Willamette.
Everyone did justice to tlm luucb which
having been eaten tlm parly scattered
around. Homo bunting lilly bulbx, hoiiio
wand.iicd up and down th hiiuka of the
river, hoiiiu talktML other Hung or read
while one Hindu rWinuul iniisi,- with t),.
met. So aeveral hour luxu'd bv until
lit U o'clm k wheti thu party Marled lioiuu
f ROYAL til'31 1 J
. H W. M. lloiiton haxbeiii appointed ad-
ininii-tlalor of the extatf of .lolm X. lloyd,
li-ica-d. All piixonx having (liiium aviunxt
:,id .tafe are berebv iiotihVd t present the
i to the iiiliniiii.trator nt the office of en.
i. Il..rrix in Kiu.-iie Citv. (IreL'on. with the
itaiv vonclo-tJ. within fix month from
ic 'i-.te of thix llotic".
April II, IMS.. V. M. HiU HTON,
Adiniii ixti iitur.
Absolutely Pure.
Thin Miwder never varica. A lnnrvel of pur
ity. atreiikth mul wliolexouienehx. More eco
Uoiiiicul than the ordinary kiudx and cannot l
ld in coinetition with the multitude of low
text, uhor. weight alum or iho"pha,j' powder.
Sold only in e.-inx. llov.M.! Powdkii
Co., UNI Wall St., X. Y.
Vvvd W. Hencdict,
P.3s! Es!aJ3 and General Agent.
Improve.! and l'nim roveil Property, Ibaixef,
Jy.fx, Etc., t 'I xale at Prices.
Houses Rented and. Rents Collected.
lU'-.t )CEcl'''c:M ("t I'lirulsliotl.
I'.cM axli wood foK-ile, $'l.0 per cord.
ttneenss rannnu
Select Stock "f
S'Tf.- ::.::":- -. x , ; w.m
i iaaiav J
22, 24, 26, 23, 30 &
From the Cheapest to the Best at
prices according to quality.
Mi.sci:i.LA.::nr.s goods, Etc.,
Which I intend xellinif at I'.ilii anii Kkahon
Mumiwe llnililing, Kiajrut City, Or,
buvuiK apent AVery pleaxaut day.
Tlm EulaMToT open X. Hxion last Saturday
evening. V all reKretted that it ciiiiib oil
wdiile aeveral of tho L uireaiia wcro away,
lleVcllhelaxM b Well aied xitdlt lice win iirr's!
nuaHauarawwairainuaiBi" .a I itoBSMuaa.
. 'I J cffiT- J
If you will give me your attention
a few minutes I will try and in
terest you in the way of
V. I ,
for less money than
I litivc a lai'c lor of J lot its and
i i . . . . . . ti i
oip; in town. ;tti(i cvrrv :ur a 1'aiiTt't .
Clotliimr for .Men and JJoys as low as sl.7" hit suit.
I ha vi' in
tlm nicest I
Hats to
t I'eccivet
rver had.
to lierfeclion; just tlu;
ler yard.
a lot of Spring and Miiuiikt
(iirls thev will show off your
tlress root Is,
tiling' for leat year, and only
Fred Crump, who atabU'd bia brother-in-law
to death in I'malilla countv a few w.-eka
iKi, wax iitdictud by tbe uruiid jurv and lux
iia. iook liac III lleimnvr. I lnrn uux
(real dilllculty iu accurini; a iurv. and much
interext waa niiiuifcxud by tha uiblic nx to
tbe reaut of th trial. The Jury returned
verdict of maiiHluuc;h..r ou thu liixt ballot.
When Hinder Hermanu takca tbo ttiiuip
apiinxt Jobu M. licuriu, it may trouble him
little to ei plain why, wluu tb railroad
laud Hiaut forfeiture bill cam up in tho
Houxe ol Kcprext titalivca for dxcuxaion, be
moved aa an ammidiiu nt that tbo N. P.
railroad b Aeuipt.xl Inuu tba nperutiou of
iur ruler
My stock is complete and I am
r.?, anxious to sell. If your pocket book
wvw uuiucucu unug it uuw ii iiere
and I will clean it out as slick as
David did Goliah.
The hypocrisy and doubltf-facodnex of
the ltci'ulilicttu party ix well by
the. following fioui the N. w York Tiituitie;
"The Liv. r ami Harbor Hill la a big divi.l
for apeiidiiiH the pcoplc'a money in pro
tended linproveuiciita for political pur-poae."
ricjita ol a iing, a yullcr doid th.i feiual
aiiowllnkM t.rt wellaa the luiiinowllake
. . i a .
were irauipieii Uown Hy the cinYl world
inn luuu . imuiix reini nu original poeni
K""ok mi ai-ciiiini ol tne l.tltiiMan sosjety
mr una year, men alter it recexa of live
minntea thHilelnite oiuna oil. Tbo emeatioti
IK- en, i nai i rover i leveianil H viewa
ol I lie tmitl xlioiihl re-elect him." T,. f
niuiiuive una r.-prchcund by Mixx.a bla
I atlerson, Ma lleiiilnekx and Julia,i.
ion; ttie uegativo l.y .Mixxex Ayu.x (lin uc,
.iiiiuxMi inn aim raniiinunuloii. The du
lull., u ..u . I... .1.1... I I.. I .t.
...... -"".rn i'iui ii, iiiiuitn ma aiiiruiative,
men lotiowi .i me iiominatioii of oiliccra and
nisi in an I ihi irci,li nt w ax urex.-nt...) u-iii,
a b-autifiil bonmt tiimmcd iu
greeu mid yellow. The presi'deut responded
mm n loin niei; aim appropriate Hp.-mh ( X
preasing tier tlianka lor tho present.
ilia loitowing per athcu addiox.d tbe
aociety, Pmf. It.,i, v pronounced Ilia open
xexxion g.iod. Prof. Ha tboriu. nuida ouite
a ui.. a.1. 1.. i : .i. i. .. .'
." "" " wuieii ue coinpiiiuenlnl ( lit.
giil-Bitl tlieir parlninientary IrainiiiL', o.iod
"I'f "tT- hlm 0,1 their ability to ke. ii .mill
uer wat ti iitun:. -p., , ....,
mtuorne aaiii tie tint not bum; bin
along In orove Ihexe facia Inn il. u
wcra aelf evident linlha. Mr. Mcl'lnr,. ..v.
preaxe.l liiinx, p,-axed with what be beard
I'.uuiualia, .Mi.x.-h Mime l'nttelxon. J. ni.
Uex riiliiiibliieiitarwi y.arlx
.1.. i- .. . vr
io. ri.i-.iiiv wcia iiury ui
bv tie
The Kev. Elieiu-ii-r Eit b nxin. tlw
Pldelicy of William Colli go in ISI'i. A few
daya ago Preaideut Cartel of ilmt iiixtitntion
received a letter addrexxed to "l'rexidelil"
Jiicb. No one will be aurpriM-d to bain ; lxiureaiix,
unit tne li Iter waa troui PblUd. Iplna.
', Annie i mi, and Alice Dor
ria remarked that the opm aevxiuii wax a
ainvexa and ih a. ci.ey v imp oving.
Su. h wordx of cncourng. loci,! livm the older
I iuenii. i-a oi tne a.iciely Were welcoma in
deed. Mr. Viaie tin. i.r. .i.l. i.l .. n...
i xpiesxcl bix oiiiuioii nf tliHiii,...,
aexaimi. ,t, .11 ,,r,.;.,i
Again comet (bit rcpoit that John
ia inxaiiv. It ia a-crt.d that wbiU
at Kitiidgata rec.-nllv. be Mirebax.d
ner nt Ix-IIh ami apeiil all .lay nuking llum.
H finally U-cauitt ho violeiil ilmt be bad lo
U placed in a private iixylum.
Tjtha l;eulili. d.legalea wbo Unci
to-day iu cuiiveiitiuu: Dia it a eni right,
ill your opmiou, t (-h.-iip.-u wbixkey ami
toUcu iu older to ke.p up the x, t,u
woollen giodx?
i... .i... 1. 1 i. ... . .
- .-J tin- u. nam nun nail oncli He, u taken for a
ltuxkiu ; Lulnviiiii and waa proud to be call, d m e
aliiying 1 W are alire (he Eiltaximi wo.lld bo
a I..IIU-; filially proud to nc-tlii.e Mr. V..,i
a member of tbo . c oty, Mr. Pnt-
tix'Mi lninfi eidlnl upon' roil Uily
Mixed lux t,broxjind renmiked that he
had been iuoukeing arnund the Cuiverxitv
lor Ave j.ara, but nuvrr b, fore b id be en
joyed mi debato io uiiu b be d.d
that one.
Rrank Brothers Implement Co.,
FARt Mill and Dairy Machinery,
From the Cheapest to the Best. Ali parties can
be suited either as to Price or Quality,
Our assortment is Complete, from the lowest Price up to
the Finest; can suit ijou if you jive us a cull.
d&fl'YcsEi, lv.v mid Slylish.jr
Look us over; if wo
sell to you low.
do not Kavft ynu money, m- will nmkf r-iiii one els
i m ike a sju'cialt-y both for tjuiility of goods and prices to
suit the time!. Country orders solidtt'd. Liberal discount
tor cash jicconipaiiying orders. ( Jrders promptly attended to
both ly mail or tHegrapli. NaJEJ;tclcii Cxii;ir:ii!iteel
s rr i (I T n
LfNH of .
Call and see me. J. B. REAM.
Corner Willamette, and Seventh StreetM, Eugene City, Or.
7i- i b" s$ .a' i 1
Double and Sincrfe
Farm ivfl Spring Wagons, Carriages, Carts,
or the
Best Class
Warranted 1
Has just received direct from New
York and Chicago, the largest
and best stock of
CAS I Aim lSflMTErn ftnnnofti.
Ever brought to Eugene.
lut rail mid ptiie tliem. tile nine.'- Tin. V.-.i
iiu k. cniner lllillnette mill lentil t., I.tlo, CitV, Ol.
Tli tee St
Wo havo ou hnn i ct oi timoaf a Comploto Lino of
Lal!olli ami llushfortl Wa:;ou3. ; )Valtcr A. "Wootls Reapers,
Burortl's (Jan?, Sulky ami
Walllns Plows.
Huford's Kitlin- nasi V;ii;.ajr
Havana Tress Prill ..
UcShcrry Dra? or . .;.
McSherry Seeders an
Mr. (iniriii when he )., to l''iir.ii
limy nut I, mi tlneiit iu inlrmlii, 1ml, al
Mr. ll.iiimiin, but llun noiue ul Ihu.e he
liilriKii,-. il
Nu Hutu in the Ktute u U tter
thn ureal iriiKi.l.- of luw
John liuruelt.
For Sale
We lmve fur mi!.- t-lienp tor, 1 N-pun -Ktor,
traction . nii,,-, liinionJ f-J mill,
H-(I mm, u,l two wni.r timkt.
Mcl'l.lSt,M4l, Wh A- Ut .
ii.f..nii.J l, l (,u Suk.- lot uf uvv .ho-c-e,
thatt,giHNl m ut-w, at
I K. K. Lcliu 4 Cu't.
rhouias Haj KuLo
Boyat Solf-Diniin
Way liakr.
Victor (irlndln?
llg'V.ig Ilarro'x.
(all steel i.
Hollow Tootrt
Harrow. i
Mowers and Kimlers.
Hodges Double Draper Header.
Gaar, Scott & Co. Separators
and Farm Engines,
r. tv 0. Cooper & Co.'s Saw Mills
and Engines.
Star Whul Mills & Force Tumps.
Sf:n! and Fancy
II . I
. ... mi . r
Ut Mills.
Hay and lioot
rianct, Jr., Gar
den Drills and
Diamond Tooth
Cultivators, Ac
1 Ererytliii: new nii.l fiv-h. tlo.uls de
: livertd free to nwr jmrt (if the rity.
! In Tobacco and (i;rars,
! You will find the best Posilivi-lv the lin. st
i Iliixrt.-il Cirtm iu the i-ily
j tXI)ir.S, MTS AM) FlU ITS.
I Come Bin! ee ine mill Iw roiviiirt-l tlmt
V'lil cmi hv umney lv Imvino your n 'a
: ul the Willi.iu.tie St., re. (.liioile (iiHKU
office. J. ( HAS. MOSnriiti.
If yon mi,t
to hny
lot, ,
or hh!I a fami
.ill n
or town
They httie t!ie l et facilities for inakini:
lYwIy mi!, ,nol i.n. totiftintly in c:rrion
.leiicv with ICiiMt. ni aitie rekiii' invei-t-ui-
ii t in ()iek-tiii.
No cl arge unless thfy do jcu gcod
t:U f in V'.'iiKcnN IWork.
Our nondsomely Illustrated Catalouo nailed freo to any address.
3 aoJ 6o Front Street, PORTLAND, OREGON.
Don't Eelie.e It
Wbeu tol.l tlmt F. I. Wilkin-, th .IrnNt,
isn.-l B.-llin lMiertme ' for the
Coiii-l lion, the most eh u nit mul only rt allv
hunni.'Mt euiraiion ,4 ii lcii:l !n thip
worhl, Riviri; a l.t a(;tifu! iicture curd
j with every bottlo.
For Sale!
The !
o:r r. d
tr i- at
A .!ei-
. i-.iol r i.'.ein-e Minuted m Oliv'
noiih of th,. l;aTnri- Lrewerv, i
J.-r Siil-Vi. ;..J f. tir.', well, fiuf
il shri.Mk iv; house i:i ymWl r. piiir.
iMe r.Md.iiee iiroiiertv. At'I'ly
this ollie or to J. Iiavjg the tmlor.