THE ARCTIC REGIONS. Astoalshlng Kklll l'iMrsri by th Natl of tha P.lglil Zone. The n stives of the frigid .one know, too, how to tt effective trap for tWt, wolves nnd other niiiinn) witlimit the aid of wood or whiu-n'g implements. A deer trap, for Instance, in muilu liy digging a Imlo in tlie deep snow and covering it with ".now block held in position by rettting upon each otlier. For bait lilt lu line of suited water are led to the center of the covering of the pit, and following up one of these tlm uiiHUApecting animal falls in and bo come an easy prey to the hunter. A wolf-trap In made by coiling Into as small a paee as possible slender strips of whaletxHie about a foot in length, and tying them with thread made from sinew. Each coil is then imbedded in a small chunk of meat and thrown upon the snow, where it is subsequently found by the wolf and bolted without chewing. In a little while the frozen meat thaws, the sinew is wet and slips the loosely made knots, the whalebone straightens and pierces the stomach and intestines, and the animal dies in torture. In winter the northern native knows how to find the blow-hole" in the ice fields, whero a seal comes up to got a fresh supply of air for his lungs. This "blow-hole" is very different in reality from that which is usually pictured in the illus trated stories of Arctic travel. (ienerallr tney are represented as irregular openings in the ice from two to six feet in diameter. The fact is. one unfamiliar with the habits and haunts of these marine mammals would pass directly over a blow-hole in winter or spring and not sec it, as it is not usually more than from half an inch to nn inch in diameter at the surface of the ice. Tho native seal-hunters are greatly assisted in these searches by their doirs. whoso keen noses scent the odor of seal meat and guide their mas ters to places on tho right and left of the line of search that would otherwise have escaped the notice of even these keen-eved hunters. When found, the location is marked for future refer ence, and at some subsequent time, when meat is scarce in the snow-hut that shelters the hunter's household. he repairs, with snow knife and spear, to one of the places previously marked, and, building a shelter or break-wind of snow-blocks, sits down to await the re turn of the seal. Sometimes these vigils aro prolonged not for hours only, but for days, at a sitting. In the snritr'. when the seal comei out upon the ico to bask and doze in the warm sunlight, tlio hunter approaches him by lying down nnd advancing cautiously, at the samn time imitating the motions of a seal, keeping his feet and leers, which ho crosses at the ankle, close together, so that they much resemble the hind-quarters of a seal. Indeed, when at a distance I have fre quently found it difficult to tell which was the seal ;iml which t lie man. n !. the ' early training of the northern savages that has taught them to do all this skillfully.' Cosmopolitan. ABOUT TIGHT LACING. Oscar Wllda Denounce, tlm :nreonab1 Dictate of Fashion. Miss Lefller-Arnim's statement, in a lecture delivered recently' at St. Saviour's Hospital, that "she had heard of instances w here ladies wen so determined uot to exceed the fashion, ionable measurement that they had actually held on a crossbar while theii maids fastened the fifteen-inch corset," has excited a great deal of incredulity, but there is nothing really improbable in it. From the sixteenth century to our own day there is hardly any form of torture that has not been inflicted on girls, and endured by women, in obedience to the dictates of- an un reasonable and monstrous fashion. "In order to obtain a real Spanish figure," I says Montaigne, "what a uelienna ol suffering will not women endure, drawn .in and compressed by great coches entering the flesh: nay, some times they even die thereof!" "A few days after my arrival at school." Mrs. Somervillo tells us in her memoirs, "although perfectly straight and well made, I was enclosed in still' stays, with a steel busk in front, while above my frock bands drew my shoulders back till the shoulder blades met. Then a steel rod with a semi-cir-1 cle, which went under my chin, was clasped to the steel busk in my stays. In this constrained state I and most of the younger girls had to prepare our lessons;" and in the life of Mrs. Edge worth we read that, being sent to a certain fashionable establishment "she underwent all 'the usual tortures ol backboards, iron collars, and dumbs, and also (because she was a very tiny person) the unusual ono of being hung by the neck to draw out the mii-eles and increase tho growth," a signal failure in her case. Indeed, instances of absolute mutila tion and misery arc so common in the past that it is unnecessary to multiply them; but it is really sad to think that in our own day a civilized woman can hang on to a crossbar while her maid luces her waist into a iifteen-itich cir cle. To begin with, the waist is not a cir cle at all. but an oval; nor can there be any greater error than to imagine that an unnaturally small waist gives an irof grace, or even Of slightness to the whole figure. Its effect, as a rule. 1 to simply exaggerate the width of the shoulders and the hips, and those whose figures xsscss that stateliness, which is called stoutness by the vulgar, "invert what is a quality into a delect yielding to the silly edicts of fashion "0 the subject of tight lacing. Horn "' World. The lime 'of tho oce:in teftinshii ,s;in.w (, bfon reduced by more tli:u "'p Imlf Mni-e 1810, and by more tlnu; loity iier cent since I86a FOREIGN GOSSIP. Thn women u( Russia do all tha harveciiig; the grain is cut wiih sickles, as It was 3 000 years agi, and Is threshed with a flaiL "The great American doer- stalker," Mr. Wiraan, now controls 230,000 acres f deer forest in Scot land, and employes several hundred keepers. It Is stated that more than 2.000.- 000 glass eyes are made every year in iirmauy and Switzerland; while one French Iioiisj manufactures 300 000 of them annually. Tho city of Buenos Ayros, with a spirit of enterprise superior to that of many cities i.f greater pretensions, is about to establish a pneumatic postal serv e) on thu European plan. Sea ot:er has only boeu known to Enn peans as a fur for about one hun dred and lifty year. It is the rival of seal in fashionable favor. M never. or gray squirrel, is a very old fur, ami was at one time the special favorite of royal y. Thero are whole towns In Germany that do little else but make dolls for American children. They aro mostly simple country folk. E igland's chil dren spend almost a million dollars for French and Titian dolls, an. I America's children almost double that. An Englishman has invented a bmke by which any person in a co'ii piinmeut enn turn a lover and stop the train. At tho same tim a white disk will nppoar outside of the com partme it to notify the conductor in which carriage the brako has been used. Tho heir presumptive to the BjI gian throne, Prince Baldwin of Flan ders, receives with the newyciir a sep arate and independent court and household, and officially takes his rank nnd place as successor to the crown. The P.inco is now in his nineteenth year, nnd is a son of Prince Phillipe. Count of Flanders, the only brother of the present K nc m .. "1 wontit pornnps say yec," said H:e gentle maiden to her dude lover, if you had mote push, more energy." "1 could hnve more push, more ener gy." ho sail, "if I had a mind." -If you had a mind! Yes, that's just it." Sweet Girl "Isn't Mr. Fortune hunter splendid? He's been such a traveler." Rich Widow "Spl ndid. Indeed! He's the most unmannerly f'llowlcvsr met." Unmannerly?'' He's posiiivuly insulting. I n vr vmit to speak to him again." "O i, I'm sure there's some mistake. What did he say?'' "Ho askol mi if Id ever hoard Jenny Lind." . p COMMON' IS CALIFORNIA. I siiffured for years from caUrrh till It destroyed my ipiietite and weakened my system. No riuue dlea gave rue relief till I commenced ualug Joy's Siniaparilla. I began taking It last aprlng, and am so entirely free from disgusting disease. Mohave, CuJ A CANDID CONFESSION. For several year I suffered from DyepeP' and Kidney Complaint, the latter being so severe at times that I could scarcely attend to my work. My appetite was poor and I was much emaciated, but through tue free one of Joy's Vegetable Baraa parillamyappetite anddlgeatlonlmproved 'till my health was perfectly restored. Bedding, Cal. Ask for Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparllla. Unlike most so called blood pnriflera It does not employ mercurials or other dangerous minerals, but is a compound of powerful eitracts and con. centrated juices of vegetable alteratives indige nous to California. It ia a fortunate combination of the very flnfat blood purifier, liver and kidney remedy and alomach regulator lu eiiateuc. Pre wired only by the Euwih W. Jot Co., Han Fran ciaco. For sale by all druggists. Price 11.00 pel bottle; six fur8.uu. TOOK ALL HIS FAINS AWAY. A. M. Chisholm, of No. Stoddart Street, St. Louis, Mo , writes: "During my long residence In Canada I suffered for y. ars from severe pains In my back, across the region of the kidneys, and by the constant, use of Ai.i.cock's tkrb Invariably obtained great relief. Upon removing o St. Louis I was again troubled with the same complaint, and was advised to use Magnetic and other ktuds of plasters, without being relieved of pain, so fell back to my old friend ALL cock, who glv-s me more relief than any other I have ever fled. 1 always recom mend them to my friends and all who suf fer from pains and aches of any kind. ITCHIRO HtE8. 8VH"TOM- -Moisture; Intense Itching ana aunfini. moat a. nlnht; wuiae " llSilus r sore- BWAVsre Ojmmskt .U,pa the Sui lod blredto. healt ulceration, d in m.ny ."'renCea the tuuiu.a It lae,, 'Zs curing all BklD liUe. P R. BW VMS H Pruunetora, Ukti..lul..lilk be obi Mined of dniMliU. 8em by maU tor oo ui Trv Okrmka for breakfast. Sktr & Scalp rESTOFED CUTICjre fAdifs, - - . ... orrrvrir AT all comparable to th. Ci-ticuka Kkmbdim in the"? nrvelloua properties of clewslnp. nurifvinil and beautifying ibe skin and in ?"2:.Veturinir. distlurinB. ltchinff. sea y and curing U.rtun..a. U.-..KU. a. " D'lowd. Dimply mseaiwa u. ' pimply with loss of nair. " "T,"-..t fi.f Ct-BB. and CUTI rrRA JoAP an equisite bkin Beautitler. pre cuba roar "'.,, ..a ciuticuba K- parea iroui h uTS inHd..r. Internally, eevlry fo'rrn o7.kin and blood diaea. from Hnel 'oe " now m mijo-i -- torn 1'iiiililca. OI aura., v.kk -.i- ana ony ski (n nmvPiilffl UT l I i v ' i...n a -I iainki una v ik names in- liuu nv- tT"r; iwt ui AWT1 aTfsiTlnt PIFASURI OR PROFIT, Za'imZ faull'"'; pro' ZilZZLZ T-irlpU. and full lnrt.o in da- tlVAU L3 Lu- Bina MO nUACfO m i nuiri man ura that ha recently went Into the wood, painted a black circle on the end of a log, and when he went back to the k n hour lalar he found three hundred dead rab bits there, the animals earing niieiaaen circle for a hole In the lotf. and dashed men aulve to death (gainst lU THE DEVIL FISH DESIKIBKD Ul 111 GO, Is not a more tenacloua monster than malaria, whether it take the form ol chills and fever, bilious remittent, aitue take or dumb ague. L'ke the octopus of the story It cl the vic tim In IU tentaciilie. and folds him closer and closer In a horrible embrace. Attacked with Jlo-telters Slowacb Hitlers, however, It grad ually relaxes Its tremendous grip, Dually ehuu don li, and the quondam sulfurer, liberated al hut, rejolt e in the sense of new born freedom, engendured by the restoration of complete health. l)p"piia, too, and constipation. tho old and remorseless enemies of the humau fam ily, give ground, and are Dually driven from the rleld by this Napoleon of remedies, the greatest, the purest lu the family vhaiuiaco-pu-la. lthemuatism succumbs lo it, so do kid ney troubles. The nerves, when overstrained, regain quietude and vigor by its aid. and the ability to rest tranquilly and eat with test are Increased by It lUeoi t to it in time and avoid unnecessary suffering. Fir alwava burns brighter and throws out more heat lust belore a slorui. aud is hotter during a storm. THE FLY I Mi DOVE OF PEACE. A richly frosted quivering flying Dove. A Dream of Life screen calendar. An tin norted ideal head. An imported f oated now scene and a full set of magultlcent floral cards. F. urleeu artistic pieces. Sent to snyone who w 111 buy I out a drug irista box of the genuine Dit C. M I, asks Cklkukatiu) Livkh (price ' cU.) and mail ua the outside wraum-r f'otn the box with 4 cents In stamps. vt rite your address plainly. Fleming Bkos,, Pitts BLHUII, f A. The avenue Mexican liberally support hit family on leu cents per diem, invested iu corn and beaua. HI M BIO. Harmitn said: "The American People like to be humbugged." Ti is may be true In It.e line of eiiUirlaitimeiit but not where life is at stake. A man w th cnnsumntlnn. or airy lingering ais- eaue, looking Death hi the face and seeking to evade his awful group, does not like to be trilled with, bo with confluence we place oeiore our readers Nature's great reined , Dr. Heroes (iolden Medical Discovery, a sure relief for that long train of diseases resulting from impure hlnod, such as Consumption. Chronic Nasal Catarrh, IJver Coinplaiut, Kidney Disorder, Dyciisia. Sick Ueaduche, fcrofula and Oen rral Debility, 'l ime-tried and thoroughly tested it stands without an equHl! Any draggist. The output of Pittsburg's gl industry is valued at S10.000.UUu a year. FOK KICKET8, MAKAMMl'A AXI) WA8TINO DISOKDK11S OF CHILDREN, Stent EmulMlon of Pure Cod Liver Oil with HypouhoBphltes Is unequalled. The ra pidity Willi which children gain fleh and strength upon it Is very wonderful. Head the following: "1 have used rjcott's Kmulsion in cases of Rickets and Marasmus ot long stand ing, and have been more than pleased with the result as in every raae the improvement was marked."-J. M. Min. M. D.. New York. Indian meal should he purchased in small quantities and kept well covered. "NOT BILK, Bl'T BVSIXESS"! is the way a Western man put it In expressing to a friend bis complete satisfaction in the uxe of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets. Ko tmall and yet so elt'ectual, they bid fair to sup plant entirely the olilntyle pill. An ever-ready remedy for Siok and Dillons Headache, Hilious nesH, Constipation and all blood disorders. Mild in action, wonderful in etfect! Put up In vlalu convealent to carry. Their use attended with no discomfort! These sterling merits ac count for their great popularity. 8 dt dissolved in alcohol will remove grease spots from cloth. Havk vou tried Hobb's IJttle Vegetable Pills) If not, do so at once, aud you will ever after sound their praise. See Antlwll Piano advertisement. Oamelllns bnprovss and preserves the omnpleiVia. Catarrh is a dis ease of the mucous CatarhH membrane. Kenerally originating In the na sal pasagesand mala tninlng Its strong hold in the head. From this point It sends forth a poison ous virus into the stomach and through thedlgestiveorgaus, corrupting the blood and producing other troublesome and dangerous symp toms. Try the Cure i aTlnCflJSI rT(Jfa,'Wrt.',.yi. I HAY-FEVER A particle la applied into aoh aostrll and I. frable. Prloe 60 eta at dniaTf isU by mail, wintered, 60 cu. ELY KKIITHKKH Hieenwion n. j.w ...... -" It. MALL'N PULMONARY BALSAM A Sl'l-EHIOK HEM SPY roR COUGHS, COLD, INCIPIENT CONSUJtPTlOH And all Throat and Lung Troubles. Hold by all lrpga-ltsi for 50 teats. J. R. CATES CO., llM..MlsaNt. HA KRAXIIWO auk voi; OI. If SO, TAK THE- OREGON SHORT LINE AND Union Pacific Railway. GENERAL TICKET OFFICE, rirat and Oak mreeta, rgrussu, ti ll mat ma no anore money to pa-s through tha old hlro.lcal, iuit densely pupula-ad. richert aiul brrt port'oniot tlie eouoiry, iieg , V the AiUntlc. than It alll lo be Un tlirouiih that which i. ruled, desolate aud unlnterMling. Go Through the Heart of the CoDtioeot . bt wAy or (K1DEN, SALT LAKE, UENVKR, OMAHA ANI KANHAH CITY cuiCAtt ask nr. ioiih And all points East and South. .O VUAXUE Ol' LAKH Tbtween Portland and Council Bluffs, ar between . , , i roruano aim iv v .. . Pollanaa Palare mlrrplng Cmrm And OomfortabU F.mumnt BLfEss on all train. $5 To eS a Day. Ham plea worth fl.SO, FHKE. r nnJer tha nomas lear. tncnarw. srra'a Hinrrr Ki HouaCo..lIollv.Wlrh. Hi rwtnrn mll. Ymtl DMrrtlofl mvvU 1 Wat VUKUUtaui v MaataaaMaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawa - FEVER i; FA V3k There ar flva plate-glass factories In thl couulry, Phe acolili and fret. She's full of pet. She's rarely kind and tender, The thorn of life Is a fretful wife' I wouder what will mend hert Try Dr. Heree's Favorite I'rveoripilon. Tan to one, your wire is crues aud trellul because shn is sick aud surferlng. and cannot con I nil her iiervuimneas when thiugn go wrung. Make a health y woman of her and 'he chances are you w ili make a cheerful and pleasant one. "r av orite l're-crltiou" is the only remedy for w oniau s peculiar aliment, sum or uruggixs. under a positive iruatantee from the manufac turer, that it will give satisfaction lu every cams, or money will be refunded, bee guaran tee on botUe wrapper. Large outuua, li. on for Ohio has now over twenty-ou thousand coal minor. Th roat hi eaatf commence with a Cough, Cold or Sore Throat. "flrwM'i Jiroiwluil Tr 1 1 Urownuil I to xoid only in boMt. (tut" give immediate relief race a cu. COKBUXPTIOK sVRIT CD RID. To the Editor i . rieaae inform your rradura tnat t nave a pos itive MMiiedr for the above named disease. My it Utuely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. 1 shsJl be glad to send two bottles of my remedy vkkk to any ot your readers who have consumption If they will send me their Kiproaa and I'. U. auureaa. T. A, 6 LOCUM, mTc Ihl iearl 8L, New York Plso'i Cure for Consumption Is the bet Cough Mcdiciue. If you don't believe it, lake a dose. liy di uggUis, 2oo, a bottle. Wakelne's Suuirrel and Gopher Kitermlnator. Try lu and prove the best ia the cheap. U Vt akelee & Co.. Kan r rami wo. ItM inArtnv vmI1iuum mot en In oillllons of homes for mura than a quarter of a eeulury. It la umxI by the Fnlted ttlatea UoTernment. Kiidoraed by the heads of the Ureal UulveralilM as the 8tnuiet, Pureat and uioat liralthful. Dr. Prloe a Ureaiu uakiua Powder dues uot ountaia Ammonia, Lime or Alum Htild ouly la PKIL'E UAKI.NU fOWUhK to. MIW TOR. VUICAOO. ST. to U IX THE POPULAR ROUTE Fom Portland to the East. 2 TRAINS A DAY, ft A JT WB No Change of Cars of Any (lass. Other Line Runs Palace Dining Cars BETWEEN PORTLAND AND THE EAST. THE FINEST EMIGRANT SLEEPING CA11S IN THE WORLD Ar Bus on all Through Train, Dy and Might, Without Chang and Free of Charge. THE FINEST, BEST AND SAFEST IN USB ANYWHERE. SEE THAT YOUR TICKETS READ ia the Northern Pacific Railroad,! epot Ticket Ofllce, cor. Flrtit nnd G kU. A. I). CHAKLTUN, Assistant (iencral Faiaeniirr Agent, Northern rv.oltlc K. n., No. 2 Washington tt l'o Hand, Or MEN'S FURNISHING COODS, 232 Kearny St., San Francisco ShirU, Underwear, Suspondirt, haiery, Gloves, Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs, Etc. SHUTS TOJRDER, 11. nitiatrated Calalruc, with Rulua for self Moaaursiuent, uaiieu rrea. Big a tias liven onlTa. sal sallafactloa In th curs of Gonorrhoea and Gleet. I prescribe II and feel sat lnrecoinoiand. luc It to all sulTerars. A.J. bTOKKU, Dsestur, UL PRICE, $1.00. . Sold by Dru aetata PIANOS' lut rremlunia. W.000 In naa, XO years EataMi.hed. tiew uatentea Hieel Tuning v vice, in ua In no other Piano, by which our ruuius rtand In tun lie ) ears, good fur PW ; not aBecMa by climate, do wood to split, ureas, awen, aurma, rra-k. datav. or wear out : ws guarantee It. Me- jant Koaewooa uaaea, s struma, ui rr-i..,. A.rfl,. An-. Ivnrw liava- tlia IllDHUI AW I lr.l-l. (VII or writ for CaUlouue, fre. T. . An iinr.i.u I'lANOOll., Mauiltacturera, OIU fellows iuh, ai.i- aet and Haventli HtreeU, Han r raiiciaco. (ax-xrxsB ior IB ale. k.-e.,ip hi MTtrm run . ibii a.aat wo m. uair- a. . mm Mu .... K ......... . mm . . . m O KIN, UoowockI, HhaaU County. Cal . fruit bait oft'pt Haeraiueiilo Valley i or, to H. OKIKKISI.Ti.lo. Jackaun County Ur, oenter of Kus Kliar Valley, miul dimala and praductifeiiaaa. KNABE! Th best PIANO on earth) Maine Bra' PIANO PAlTrS preference. Miuinal IVnartnutnt A. L. Raneroft t Co li snored to 12 1'oat Ht.. Han granciaoo, 11. PERFECT MWjjJ rt Mm f f TO OlTS.XJ 'enaw4 aM iaa ii aaaaaSulaun. " k MreaatykyOls l a mm ekaalcal 9a CTn-1 "1."' . X. Ohio. J)A I I I St 11 I .(lIWll Mm Iff Hi M iiii i i, 1 s MaaUj Na a a Laaaeaail Caw aia,.ii JJTJACOBS OH, FOR rt'Rra rots, Swellings, llrulaea. Sprains, Galls, Strains, Lameness, Stlflueaa, Cracked lleela, scratches Coutraetloua.kiesh Wounds, Htrlnghult, Sore Throat, Distemper, Colic, Whitlow, Full Evil, riatula, Tuuiur. Splints, lllug bones and Spavin In Its early stage. Apply 8U Jacob Oil In accordance with the directions with each bottle. Invaluable for the Use of Horsemen, Cattlemen, Stablemen, Turfuieu, Itancuiunn, Mockmau, Dro ve r, l-'aruier. FOB FINE HERDS, CHOICE STOCK, C'oiuiuuu llerila. Sold 6y DnojuU and lkalrr$ XVrryvAer, THE CHARLES . VOQELER CO.. Baltlmors. Md. LdHtS KhlHl ALL tloC I BostCoiiKhByrup. ' totes guud. lu time. nr (inu-irKW. ,r I Udiove riso'a Cure for ('oiisiimptlon saved niv llfo. A. II. DowKi.L, liditor Kuqnlrer. I-Mon-ton, N. C, April "O, 1887. The bkst CotiRh Moili clne ia Piso'a Cuuk ron Consumption. CliiUlrou take it without olijoc.llon, liy all druggists. c. CuRFS WHIRE 111 ELSE IAII! Bestlkiuith Hymp. fsaleaoiKHL 1 In time.. Hold or driurglai. 7w?i.-wsia The Van Honciscar DISPENSARY. K) a. 'LAND, OB. Toonf. aakUla aasd and Id, stasia or maniad bmd and aJI whosuflec with LOST MANHOOD Kerraus DetSUty, BDanna iurrbaa. Mamioal Loana Suualbaoai.Valllni Mem Weak Kye Laok of KnarsTi also ao uioou and Hkln Masaaea. Hrphlllia Xrapilona. Hair Valllot Hiima Palm. B wallloa bVm Throat, Cloera, a ' feots of ataraurr, aioiM) and Bladdar froubla WsakRaaL Hitrn urn Crioa Oononbsa, Olaas Htrky ii". -promrA relief aud aura foe Ilia Math sanaea t onauu t snnnraiiaiir oviriGK 1HU Al 1B4 TUlrlU Hi. The BUYEBS' OUIDE is lssuod March and Bept., leaohyear. It is an moy lolopedla of usoful nfor. 'nation for all who pur. chase the luxurlo or the necessities of lite. We can olothe you and furnish vou with all the nooeisary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, donoe, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in variou siie, atyle and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these thing COMFORTABLY. nl rou oan make a fair estimate of the value of the BUYEBS' GUIDE, which will be lent upon receipt of 10 cent to pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Miohlgan Avenue, Chicago, III THE BEST INVESTMENT for th Family, the School, or the Profes sional or Public Library, la a copy of tha latest issue ol Wsbller 'S Unsbrldgsd. Besides many other Taluabl featursi, It contain A Dictionary of ll,0rj0 Words, 3000 Engravings, A Gazetteer of the World locating and describing W.OO0 Places, A Biographical Dictionary of nearly lu,ono Noted Persons, All in One Book. 3000 more Words and nearly 8000 more Illu.tra tlons than any other American dictionary. Bold by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. G. A C. kURRIAM CO., Pub'rs, Bprlngflald, Mas. ftf The OLDEST MEDICINE In the WOBLDTk 'MaUaV II U ITEll I It Probably Sr. baae Tbompton'i UELEBRATED EYE WATE Thli srtk-1 la a carefully nrenarsd phydclan'a pra- aurlptlun, and has 1en In ooiiaUut uaa fur iieurly a owDlurr. aud nnlwlthaundlns th Many otlier lirepiira- timia tliat Late Iwvu lulMduoed UiUi tlwiuaikit, Ui aaleof Uila article laoiiiaUiitlr locreaalug If Uiadi r clloaa are fulluwed II will aerar Ull. we irueu larl j Invite the attention of phnlolaui lo Ita uierlta John L. Thompson, Bom Co.. THoY. N. Y. AN AOKNT WANTED IS KVKItV TOWS' on the I'sclllo Coast for Kimball's l.louid Ulu. Nemled in eery fauill,. ValuuclaHt..H.K ,Oai. ALLEN'8 IRON TONIC BITTERS. " Tlia iraat Tnaio, IIWhI Putin. r. Apr!"" and I.irat laTlfarahir. O.auia. nadaby I. Y. AlUa.SI. rani. Hiaa M :i A m i M i'i I To llotuekrrpmani , ran jt C vm nr. sVJ 11',, li K H IE -raii-js 74 (mo OCR TKADE MAKK farmrrn.' i.-Ills lnipor- tant that the Hoda or Baleraluayou naeahould be White and Kuraaam as all similar subsUnon mdforfood. Tolnaiire obtaining only the "Arm at Hammer" brand Hoda er Balerati. bay it in ponnd or half pound eartoona.whlch bearonr name aud trade-mark, aa I Inferior goods are same. meaanlnlllutrd fiWthe 1 Arm a Hammer'' brand when bouiitit in bulk. Parties ualug Baking Powder should rem em ber that Its sola rising property ennalata of hi. carbonate of a ode. (me teaspoon ful of the "Arm at Hammer" brand of Vidaor Haleratua mlied villi sour BilU eooala OX ETEBT Packed in Card Board REWARD! tmnn w") t14 ""r ini ot eo wlUUU oa iu ulataacM round In WMousKobntlna, aaaoowlsurod Uu umt dallshtrul and oo'r nollf hanoleai toilet arUcIs r iiih1ugm1 fur liaautlfriiig aud hmartlug ilia eoaipleiluo, remoruif tan, unburn, trUa and all blamlalirs aad roiujhnM of tha akin. Ued and IndoiMd by tha allts of aeity sod lb Mc hold lil ail drotftteta at W aati per hnttln. While and meik. MuiuImXiitM by W. at. WlSiXlat t OO.. Uhamiiu Pnttlaixt Onaoa. Trio Oregon iwtttional Bank, or roinrLAxn. (SkieMSursto MatluooMlaB KattogtSlaiik I CAPrtAlpAlO IN, ISXLOOO. TrkUawU a Oenaaal Bank h UualDaaa, AOOODN itt kept wilo hi ctinik. hum EXCllANtiKontlanr'MiiPiMnsndNOTTark. MAKUI OiaXMTIiiNS fsnnbl Ioti. AJl B. DaLAHilMUTT . M AllKUI. J, MH, 'we-rw O F. BMK&MAlf Northwestern Detective Eureau, 8KATTLK, W. T. era It. lectlft Bureau. Inortr Dora ted li tin lawa uf W.huuiui lurrlt tT in luS, puuuei U XaUime.1 al all iniluitani poiui All detect. It bualueaa of etlher ortiuiual or clll ohracter iiromnilf atletuiMt to. Wa ilalr asvllta and eomwD(lenu la ' e.MT M'y ami kiwa lu Ins I lilted nutea awl l anad All Ixullieiw Hnaur Cih Bcimual auunwa ail a-lten ia NoaiHwaxTss Dusmva Uunatu, Hratilt. W. T. I irxnRiB srnDt ini sr r snnn-n a trnpTAni F li LITTLE V PILLS N ron THE LIVKU. H rerfoct digestion accom-M pllshcd by Inking Ilolili'a tittle Vegetal. I fills. Thl Wonderful Itenirdy cureaNIck lleadnrlie.Dya-pt-pala, Indigent Ion, and all Dlaeaae of tha Liver and Htimiach, The following symptoms result from disease ol the Incentive Ovinia: C'tmatl. 1 nation, Ilcnilnclia, I Ilea, J Deiirtburn, Uad Taste In J lltiiilh. Naiiara. Nnur U Stmmeli, iintrd Tongue, 1 eiinwueaa or nam, i Kin In the Hide, etc. Hobb's mi V..n. tl,l 11 1 la III -'DI 'rt' lho Sstctn of all these Hand many other disorder. a They are purely vegetable, LJ augnreuatcd, very small, easy to take, only i.lll a doae. but Used with fit-rrrw I wniidurfiil rcsulta. Try them Li vm. will recommend them. Price SA CI, a visl, or ttve tor $1.00. Bent by mall or all druggist. HOBB'S MtoioiNl uo., e-rop , Pn Francisco, Cal. OVHKH AI.I. llllMOUH, from a common nlolrh. or r.rnptloti. ... . 1... wnnl Nrro rolula. saltrli eum. Itonghi ... ... i.. ull rilia-iim-a miuxd by bed fvlnir. and Invlitorntlng tiHilUino. rc I alliig I'lcer mpl.Tly heal under JIJh; ii.JllJ tutrbiiurrea, More. I yea, la. moil klnrAB nnd sweniiiRai ail ' - ' . . . I . 1 JloUrc, or TUU k Ki vH, nnd KnUriied iWlWltTfs THE I.1FF.J ThoroiiglilvchiniBflt by nainir Or. '"' ; ldoii iricdlcol lU ovory,and gopd rtlgealioi., flr akin, bo -nut pir ll,aud llul eireti'.'tij, will bt-islublWied. CONSUMPTION, which I Srroluia or lho Luiiva. toe. mated and oun-d by H" n-i.ieily. If iaken be. foiv tho Inst BtHirc of the dln'iise nrr. mirlirjl. From It nuirvi'loin power over this fenlliiy fKlul illiiN wlnn iliU '"'T,1"L,hl? ' tbiiKht wrionslv of cnllliig It lil "t oii auinptioii I'uro," but almnilonefi mill , nam us t limlli o f"t" HMtliftns? wlilcU. -liiiin lis wotidi-vfiil niuililimllon of Unuv, strvnirrlirniHK, iilUTallte. i lihv)'l-t;l'itiialii, . anti-bilious. ttontl, nnd nutrltlvo piit;r. tlos, 1 HixHnmU-d. not "''!v "'imdy for consiiinptloii, but lor ull tkronio eaaea of the Liver. Blood, ami Lungs. it - -. .i -I..II An-mv (tntnl. have IHllow wilor of skill, or ji llnwlsli-brown si-ot on laoo or binly, tnnuont IiihiIiicIh; or dlwl. Ill'as, bnil tUMO III llioimi, iiiktihii uhilla, nltorniitllig with hot Hindir. low s r It and gloomy toivlKxIliii:, Inidiiliir pp;tt, nnd oout4Kl tongiio, Jim iv siillrrmit frota liKllacatlon, lpcpln, nnd lorpltl Liver, or "Blllouam-aa." In many rM only part of tlnsu symptom nre rip.', rliincifl. As a n-modv for nil jnirh oiisKe, II r. IMcroc'a liolUen JUcdU'ul IIIim covery Is iinHiin'n"sl- . .... lor Wcnk I. una, tplttliiy ot lllood, Kliortnoaa ol llrontli, llron Novoro Co im ha, aud rlillla, Asinmoi 1. 1 ... i .1 .,ir...,il..,,. It la un ..flli-li-nt ILUlll'ltV. aiNiii.4 n,u. .", . - - v . 'a v ii n v Hold nr DimuoiHTs, nt fi.ou, ur saja. iiottm: for 5.oo, Bend Umi n-iiu In tuini for ur. Plnroe'i nn t 'nnnlimlll 1(111. Yinnrti1, Worlil's Ulapeiianry niroirai elation, IKIU Jluiu Mrort, llitrrALO, N. Y. $500 REWARD Is olfnrrHt by the prorriotori i.f Dr.huuo'sCulurrh llcmedy tor a uute of calnrrb which iwy cunnot cure. If you i..,.'A a illai-harirn from tbe . . . 1 1 ....... I .. 1 I. ... nf I nose, onvnsire or fuii.'rwun, fmuu mull tiwt, or lirarlng, yonk fyt dull r In ! or onwoire In IkikI. you Iwve Catarrh. 1 hou ' aiinti of onw tontilnat In ooiisuiiiltlon. I Ur.riH(re('ATAiiiiH HBMRnr ciirvfhewom I ca-of Vatnrrli, "Oold In Ihe Head," anil l aterrlml sieaaacnei. i ocuia. LIFE SCHOLARSHIP, 970. RKNO FOK CIKCTLAB. 1 CURE FITSj When 1 aar cure I do m mean merely to stD tkma foratliuandtliBhae tln again . i cure. 1 have nia-le thj "I r 1 1 n, ; ".ir W'HV - wmmmA tit .nr. tlia viorst oaaM. .V . ...i.t L L.r m.a mim. raMii.ina a aiiutra ua. iinu m ii" - : u ,,, aura. Hend at uaoe f a treat lae and a Krea Hl II m mi talallil.iirrraifc tlire Kiprena and Huat Oftoa. U. ft. UOOT, Jf. G.. lMUI'rarlWt.Nawrlwk. P.N. U. No. 120 -A. r. N. II. No. 303 tTT3lT?TTl ril 1 1 H fonrteaapoonfalsof tbe beat Baking l'o w deleav ing twenty tlmsa It cost, beaidea being mneh healthier, berauaa It does not con tain any injurious substanoes, such as alnm, terra alba etc., of which many Bak ing powders are made. Dairymen and Farmers should use onlr the-Ann A fiammer" brand for cleaning and keeping Milk iana sweet and Clean. Catmoa. 8e that every pound packag of "Arm and Hammer Brand" contains full It ounces net, and tha V pound packages mU fl aaae net. Hoda or Haleratus aame as spect Aad oa each packag. PACKAGE. Boxes. Always keeps Soft ; aa i iaaawlsJ' I