The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, April 07, 1888, Image 3

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l it nn i".o.
ti... bullet l)r"
v.ill Iw paid fur !
wheat by I'. " .
Vouch, l-.l. l.a. watches
0 Wall ("'" l'"""1 "I'""'
at J.
,, .. w.,m hardware "I reasonable pllcc ;
II at the store of Frilchctt it lofkuer.
i-iMhe latest method in lino tiy Eastern
ii ts lii"h profession, iihikIitmoii ih 'eiopmeut ti imiustriul tutei prists
I I a to'ir'lii- fiinully fin desirable re. j ' Many uregiviug up sheep in tuvor of
,u., :.. J gold filliugs. Office same place, horse, mi l the tcii.hucy iu all the State is
i)r 1 in for Spencer Butte fruit tress umy , purpose, Clyde uud French breeds predomi
i I ft lit the Grunge store; uIho Mr. Brown, " iu the improvement. In IST'J the
l'i 'lith wtr.'t-t will have thru) for sal... lavcriig value of horse was 32.4l pur bead;
Thr,!hvuir obl bartlett pour will Imi f 12 ' ll,J' 'be average ut the present tiiue ih u.mly
1 mi.lri'.l smaller one sfS. Other trees I S'3, an increase of J2U..W per head, which
u" ' OuviLl.K, l'rop. make the. value of all tho horse within tho
l)r Tavlol' 7 Caks Compound, purely J I'll' il State ahil leiritoric iiiiiouiit to
.. ...I, , tllMHIVl
' . 1 . ..1 a.....
noHlllVliV eill.'S llieil'.lliiiinni( urn-
T : . ii lui. Mi ll heailat lii'. crallili ool
i" eliol' Mil" 'fbll-S colliplaillt peculiar to
....!.. eiihl or conuli, hiven, ehilN ami
aroiili.l tbtf beatt, erysipelaH,
... , ..... i.
tvr, pii"
Gk .mi IavloR.
1 ,v O bum A- Co, ilriiKtfibtH.
Important Auction Sale
Of fanning hunk Hloek, cattle, household iiiiml . r of i-h. ep lit i pet cent, tho average
fnriiitiire. tanning inipleiiieiitn, and other value per head. There ha been ati uv-t-ffefts
MI'l" W'Kt of Kuuen.' ami l)'t j eiayij iidvuliec in the value of Hwilie of all
mile south of Lewellyn postoflice. i ao. s from $Us to $l.'JS. Notwitlmtamliny
lr.viim leeeiveil lll-tructlolm Iioin .nr.
Horace Conk, who ia absent, I (.hall Hell
i... niililic auction on tho prtmist pill
ncr.H rich fanning land, HI wile west of
u"en anil i;,nilltH souiu m i.'-winyn irofpect ol an lulvaiico III price at ail tally
nosioftiee. There i on the. land a nood period, if no liiom taiy ciixis or biitiexs
inbutantial double dwelling bouse, built on a couvul.j iii should, intervene, of which there
brick foundation, with two nood bed rooms, are no at iirent iit An interest
sittim,' room, kitchen, dining room, an I an j that repiesi iits $2,4tHl,bU(i,()il,l including
eicelhlit brick cellar. Also a five acre hoim sand other uiiiiiiaU iu citie not far
orchard, with an abundance of clioh o fruit from ;!,li(Mynju is our of the very first auri
tree all bearing fruit, comprising apples, ' cultural importance, that demands tho most
plums, peache. pears, theiries, etc.; a yoo.l intelligent emk'avor of farmer to obt.iiu ihu
Lain, chicken house and wood shed. In ad- largest possible animal iucouio fnuu such an
ilition to the orchard there is a shriibln ry , im. stiuciit. GkoiioE liKL&lUW.
patch of choice berries. Also 15 a. re in ! -
eraiu and 15 aero of KUinmcr fallow, and i Goshen Items.
splendid outlet for cattle for miles. On the
place i n Rood HprllJK "f I'"1'" ll'. Ill10 "
j-nod well. This is a splendid opportunity
to secure a g'od home on which uneasy
living can be made for n family. Also the
following stock, cattle, horses, etc.: 21
head of yearlings number of cows, number
nl hogsnumber of thicken and luikevs,
farm wagon, span of horses, Kelt of double
harness, farming implement and tools be
lunging to the farm: bonselii.ld furniture,
consisting of beds, mattresses, cooking stove,
kettles, pot, pans, crockery ware, and other
article too numerous to mention.
This place must be sold to the inglicsi !
bidder. Nile to take place Tuesday mom-j
lug. April iu, i.n. at u o ciixa.
Terms cash.
For further particuhirs apply to owntr,
who lives on the premises, Vt mile Koiilh
of Lewellyn postoffice, who will be pleased
to show 'intending purchasers around the
piopeity and give them all tho information
they desir., ix to Joo Guideline, iiuetioneHr,
at W. Sander's store, opposite the poslollice,
Eugeue City.
Jasper Items.
April 2
April fool !
Sunshine and shower.
Whooping cough in abundance.
Miss Cora Smith is visiting lur
mar Cressw.-ll.
par. nil
Bom, to the wife of M. Wallace, April 2nd,
a son. Mother and child doing well.
Mr. E. I.. Smith. who ha- be. n eolilin. d to
his room for more than live months, is able
to be around again.
A son of William i.nd a daughter of
M il ion Wallace, of ibis place, are cjuite lii
wiih hphoid pneumonia.
The H' publieau primary for t hi preeiin t
was held last Saluiday. Messrs. W. 1".
Smith, .1. F. -Smith and 1). Jacoby were
elected d. legates to the County Conv. ution.
Miss Mra Noi l is, of Eugene, passed here
lust Saturday on her way to Lowell where
she goes to teach the Spring term of school.
Miss Ella and Master Johnny Handsaker,
formerly of Yaipiina City, w ere "here last
week visiting their sister, Mrs. J.. M.
On account of whooping cough, which is
very prevalent at this place, school did not
begin this week ns nniHiuncf .1, but was de
ferred until tho 8th.
Mr. John Hills, who spent the Winter
here, left last week for his home on the Des
Clinics. His father accompiiiii: d him as far
as the Pine Opening.
Mr. J. 11. Mills is t listed culling logs for
the Springfield mill. Jasper means biz , for
lie has two crews of men at work, one near
Mt. I'isgah and the other a few mile above
Lowell. This is txpectxl to be the lalge-t
amount oflogs ever run in this liver iu one
season -three million feet.
"Another wonderful discovery has been and that too by n lady in this country.
Disease fastened i!s clutches upon her and
for seven years she withstood its severest
tests, but 'her vital org itis were undermined
and death seemed imminent. For three
months she coughed ineess ititiy and could
not sleep. She bought of ns a bottle of Dr.
King' New Discovery for Consumption and
was so much relieved on taking the fust dose
that she slept all night, and with one bottle
has beeu miraculously cured. Her name is
Mrs. Lulher Lutz." Thus write W. C.
H mirick k Co.. of Shelby, X. C. G. t a
free trial Uittlo at Ostium k Co', drug
St. Mary's Parish.
On Easter Monday iu accordance with the
article of iiNsociiit'io'n nfter morning prayer,
the elector of St. Mai v' Parish chose the
following to hold ofliee until next Easter.
Wardens Rector'. II. It. Clark: Heople's,
Win. J. Miller. Vestrymen II. Ellsworth,
Joseph Davis, W S Xash, Christiau Holland,
Wni. Skeltou. Del. gates Messrs. Clark,
Miller, Ellsworth. Substitutes Messrs.
Xash, Davis, Skelton.
A. L. Paukeb, II. R. Clabk,
Rector. Secretary
Postoffice Rules.
, Hereafter the HistoCice will be open on
Suuday from 8 to 10 o'clock n. iu., and will
"ot be open for distribution any inoie that
Jj.v. Mail for north and south train will
be made up Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock.
F. W. OsBcas, P. M.
Shootixq Maicu. A number of rill men
hot for a beef just across th river from
Eugene Friday of last w, ek. Robt. Camp
bell of Springfield" won first aud second
choice, J is. Ellegp thirl and fourth. C nup-
uuai. iieiuinck lien n.r mm fu
-aw, tossing for it was
H'rse and Other Stock.
A Vfiir iiffn flu iiti.fU.t ... a ..i .1
state in horse lr.,ling m,i i,,.,,,,, ulu
grcutt v Htill during ihc wnr, irauliiii" in un
enlargement u( unuilu r mill i-h)iiiiii.iiiMtit
! of Hie i(,'rt ynto vidiu.. No clas of iloiu. it.
I tic tiniii,i4lK increased in such proportion
I .n-jtiii. iuv Mitvuiice average .
ptr ccut, distributed inoro largely through
, t lie western stale, itinl in quit,. marked on
tho Pacific CuiihI. n uatuml result nf il...
I rapid increase of population there, unit tie-
for larger horse more suitable for ilruft
.1 111 I Til. Itl. 1 h..
- mumiu unit uici HHCl! uie
uom reiiiiiveiy liili, all'l turuiHhlii( a Holm
' r'linoii for I he ilitieaM' ill lIUluberH, nbowiux
that th.i raisiiii; of horse Dav th Htock
grower U tter than any other clam of am
mill s.
ine improvement ulso m (uality by
better bl. Mi.) Hllil ehpeeially tbu ilicleahu of
Weight by lliu iliMllbutiuu of the Scotch
Clyde, Knulixli Shiru boiao au.l I'rciu h draft
borne. The decliua in cat tit) in 10 per cent,
within li e last vear. a further decline in the
tlif) l.iViiL'L'H of ili.s.-uso in the several Mati n
which bus been very st-vere, the Htock inter-
Htn ol the t inted bt.itu mu at present iu a
couipiuiilively prosp. rou condition with a
April 5, mi.
Fred Dillaid had returned to Goshen. He
brought with him a line bicycle.
Mrs. Puis ba been visiting friends at
I'leiisalit 11)11 for the past two Week.
lt' l.iiiv.'s Imni California have Iwn visit
ing with the family of Mr. J as. 1'arker.
. I.i. l'tirkcr has been employed to leach tho
tin-In n school al a of 'S. , per
A social d nice was given iu the vicinity
last Friday and there are Haiti to be several
others on the tapm.
Matthews Hios. are'gi tting out timbers pre
naratoiv to buildim; a larue barn on their
father's fiiriu known as the Alex Patterson
Mr. Levi Berkshire and family are at pres
ent visiting with Mr. It's parent at this
place. They will soon remove to their claim
near Florence.
Those farm. rs of this section who were
not fortuuuie enough to f'liu-h their seeding
before the rain ih anxiously looking for a
a "spill of weather."
Mr. Geo. Kniinlcy has rented his farm to
Mr. Lamb who is leceully from southern
Kansas and is the oldest sou of Dr. E. B.
Lamb, of Pleasant Hill.
Perhaps 'twould bo lifting a burden from
the mind of a certain young miller of Dexter,
to inform him Unit the young man and In
dies who drove up lust Sunday and enquired
of said miller's nude tho whereabouts of the
Dexter mill was only "Tommy and the
eirls" of this iilace who who were out for a
j ride and had got lost. 'T was all fool's day,
I you know. Eavksiuioitkh.
j Coburg Items.
j April 3, 18SS.
I April showers.
I The city is vciy ipiiet at present.
j Mis Jennie Holland has g mo to I.oa-
i caster to leach school.
W.Wiightand B. White of llaiiisburg
were iu the village Monday.
- Sunday was Easier but there were no ser
vices held at this place.
Several sportsmen brought in fiuo siring
of mountain trout yesterday.
Miss Emma Vauduyu and Etta Owens
were visiting relatives last week.
Miss Tessa Williams will commence teach
ing scholl ou Mohawk next Monday.
Tho Masquerade was as nil others a grand
success. Several wire present fiom Eugene.
Miss Flora Young returned home last Suu
day after quite ft visit with her sister, Mis.
The tiaiu chaug.d time the first of the
month. It will now remain in Coburg
over Sunday.
Coburg was visited by quite a severe wind
Siituiday morning. It tore tho roof otl'Kloiig
the south end of the warehouse. foimer resident of this
pi.e . i . vi .iling friends and from the nppcar
aiu of things there must be some attrac
tion at the hotel, ft lie spends most of his
time there.
City Election.
The city election last Monday was lather a
tame allai' the only contest
being between
450 votes were
the candidates for .Marshal
cast as follows:
Count ilineii
J. II. McChmg
11. D. Paiim
J. 1). Matlock
J. G. Stevenson . .
Frank lleisner
Resulting i 'be ekctiou
Paine and Matlock.
. .. 24U
' i mcoi:iKtt.
' F. IS. Doi ris
H.J. Day .....
j (.'has. llobrrts. .
F. W. A. t rain
The P.imiries.
The priiuaii s in North a"d South Eugene
l tin caiets wiil if neiti io-.;..y t i - "
i. i.. il. north precinct at the C ity Hall
1 and in the south precinct at the Court House.
LVeryDemocratw,.li those intem.ii g .o
ui.i.tuir't the ticket nominated,
IK i II I' I or
r. s'..t and In In to select 1ood men for
I""- '
Difd. -Ralph Garrison, son of Mr. and
Mis S mind Garrison, died in this city Sun
day. April 1, Ud 1'e"ll.v d"vu years,
from a complication of the nieal. . I he in
terment took place to the 1. 0. O. I. c. uie
t. ry Til. s lay at l'J:3t o'clock, a. m.
SriTS Tax Paid. -The balance of the tax
...... r ,.,imiiv to the Stale of Oie-
lue ii"iw
on for the vear lss was pnni ow
to t fie
" " " ,: k hv Treasurer
.;'; 'joW amount wa, I21.1U7.B1
Preston for jour harness oil.
' Choice Cal. peaches are hoM liy Sladdrii A
Son 5 cam for 1.
Eugene, Springfield and Hours are
k. pt by Sliiddcii ,V Son.
1 Day A" II. n l. rson have had some huge
aigns painted on tin ir business house.
Henderson, Dentist.
' School book at Collitr'.
I Carpets and shade all Uew htock, at Day
: & Henderson'.
Csh paid for eg,M and poultry of all
kind at Sla.kl. n & Sou'.
Hot nud cold baths every day in the week
at Jerry Horn' barber bhop.
A fine line f silk plushes iu nil shadei
and gra.k at F. It. Dunn's.
Go and see Preston's single harues.
School book of all kind at George Col
lier'. Price them; buy them.
The directors of the Lane County Agricul
tural Society meet ill Eugene to day.
Mr Gen F Crw ha the sole aeney for all
hr ind.. of tho celebrated Tamil Punch Cik'ar.
Two car loads of stall fed cattle were ship
pad to Portland by Mr. Walker Yonug, Tue
See PicMon's buggy harness.
The largest stock of flue chewing tobaccos
is kept by Slildd'. ll k Soli, who sell tll9
Henderson, Dentist.
I I'enio. ratic primaries to-.lay. lie sure
au laifiml. All invited who txptct to vote
with the Democrat.
About twenty members of Irving Lodge,
I. I. O F. paid the Eugeue Lodge a fritter
nd visit Tuesday t veiling last.
Moore's Revealed Remedy regulates mid
builds up all lhi orgaus of the human sys
tem. Sold by Eugene Druggists.
Bettuiau will take all kind of pto.lucc,
cngs, bacon, butler, chickens and everything
at better prices than anyone else iu town.
Julius Adlcr, a brother-iu law of Mr. S. II
Friendly ba composed a march for the pia
no and named it the Senator Mitchell march.
A carload of four inch pipo for tho water
company has anived. They will commence
laying tii siitiie toward the University im
mediately. The funeral of Ralph Garrison Tuesday
was attended by about 30 of his schoolmates,
and teacher Miss Minnie Starr from the pub
lic school.
Davis, tho t iilor, has just received a largo
Ktoek of imported and domeMlie goods of lbs
Int. st Spring and Summer style. Call and
examine his stuck.
Ladies call at lieltmau's and see his tine
assortment of kid glove just arrived direct
from the factory. Latest shades will be
sol 1 at a great bargain.
Tim Firemen's tournament has beeu
eh mged from September to June 20th, (it re of the Portland firemen.
Miss E. J. Lowry bus removed her dress
making establishment to her residence on
7th street six blocks west of Willamette.
Will sew by the day when desired.
We call atteiitiou of the renders of the
Gi'Aim this week to Mr. G. liettiuiin's new
nd. He is progressive, and i bound to stay
in the lead w hen it come to selling merchan
dise. A special train caiTyinglluntiiiglon, Crock
er and other olliciul of the Southern Pacific
railroad passed dowu over the O. & C.
Thursday in the early morning, inspecting
the road.
The new city oflicer will take their posi
tions next Monday evening. A night watch
will be elected. Mr. Chas. Witter has mado
a very efficient oflicer and will probably be
Mr. I. X. Duckworth of Elinira was in
Eugene this week circulating n paper for tho
relief tho of John Dolliiian whose resi
dence was burned recently. He nut with
very fair success.
liy using only the best material to be hud,
aiicl'havitig hail years of actual experience
under tho best instruction, eiiabk ;( Hender
son, Dentist, to obtain the finest result
known in Dentistry.
A slight cough often proves the forerunner
of u complaint which may bo fatal. Avoid
this result by taking Ayer's Cherry Pectoial
the best remedy fer colds, coughs, and all
throat and lung diseases.
Messrs. Starr ,t Vandeiiburg carrio one
of tho largest stock of stove and tiuware
of any firm iu the Willamette Valley and sell
at exceedingly low prices. They also have a
large line of plumbers' goods.
Friendly keeps the largest and best assort
ment of carpets of nil descriptions in tho
city. Also ladies' dress goods, clothing,
boots ami shoes, bats, etc. Go au.l examine
bis large and well assorted stock.
We cull attention to Frank Brothers' ad
vertisement iu this issue. They cany tho
largest stock of reliable agricultural and oth
er machinery, wagons, etc, of any firm in
Portland. Mr. J. M. Ileudrick is their
agent in I'.ugeuo.
The ladies of St. Mary's Guild held their
election of oflicer on Easter Monday with
the following result: President, Mrs. I.
Hunched: Vice President, Mrs. Mary
Straight; Secretary, Mrs, Geo. Craw; Treas
urer, Mis. S. Titus.
There is ft uew feature prevailing in Eu
gene lately, that is to fasten the gate with
wire on n Sunday night. This is piobubly
done to encourage, athletic sport, as it make
the person wishiug to get through the gate
very active iu climbing over the pickets.
Energy will do almost anything, but it
cannot exist if the blood i Impure and
move sluggishly in the vein. There is
nothing so good for cleansing tne blood und
imparting cneigy to the system ft Ayer's
Sarsaparilla. Price 1. Six bottles, $5.
Sold by druggists.
Why yes T-Tea-T. We ask you to uote
that we carry the largest and best stock of
Tt a south of Portland. We buy direct from
the importer. We allow yon to art, twite or
sintU what you buy, or will give you a sam
ple to let you find out just what kind you
wuiit. All favorite and tried brands always
in stock. Prices to suit the tiiiiK from 25
cts up. We alio have a full and fresh stock
of groceries, etc.
A half-brtied woman of the town named
Alice Hoover was arrested lust week by the
I'. S. authoiili. s charged with telling liquor
without a license. A preliminary examina
tion was htM before Commissioner J. J.
Walton, and she was remanded to the I'. S.
Court. Deputy I'. S. Marshal Cochran took
. f ...-.1 ... ..-.1 ..V...
. - -
. - - . .,
w its reuianue.i 10 jan.
Capt. Chas. F. Powell, United States en
gineer, ha been instructed by the lighthouse
board at V, asnuiglon, to report on trie auvis
ubility td building a lighthouse at the mouth
of the Siuslaw river, it is understood that Powtll will recommend the construc
tion of a lighthouse ol the first order, to
cost klsjiit f 7s,ii('0. Tb?re i no light be
tweni Cape Foulweather and Cape Aargo, a
distance of alxmt ninety miles, and it is on
account of this long unprotected stretch of
lea. h that it is intended to establish another
light. The nioutb of the Siuslaw is uot par
ticularly dangtroai.
XIiss Emily Bristol has returned to Por'
land. Mrs. Cruw and daughter returned Mon lay
from Portland.
Mr. P. G. Chrisinan o(I.nkeview Ins
ill Eugene this week.
Mr. Marion Wilkin aud his entire family
are conliui d with the measles.
A brother of Mr. C. Hodes from Corvallis I
visited him iu Eugeue this week.
Judge Wnshburne ha been at Salem ttiis
week taking testimony in the Munch,,
Wsshbtiruu mill case.
Geo. Cruw our accommodating exprrs
agent has returned from Ruuey' springs,
aud is again at hi post of duty.
Knox Huston, Ed While and D. W. Al
dridge were the delegate to the Democ ajtic
state convention from Crook county.
1. L. Campbell of tho Gi'akd, I.. Bilyeii
au.l James Nolaud attended tho Deuiocriitio
Siato Convention a delegates at Peiidli ton
this week.
Mr. Christian Doiuegys the the first of the
week supplied A. Goldsmith with 200 lb of
new cabbage raisvd near Eugene. The first
home product of the season,
Mr. John Henry who bus been super
intending the woik iu the Gray X Edris
mine in Southern Oregon returned Thursday
morning and expects to remain in Eugene
several days.
M. T. Walters, of Lakeview, made us a
call Friday of last week. He wuaou his way
to the Democratic convention at Pendleton,
aud stopped hero to visit his son who is at
tending tLo I'uiversity.
Miss Ella C. Siibiti, lata principal of one
of the Portland schools, has been appointed
to the position in the Stute University, now
held by Mr. Spilkr, the, to take charge the
first day of uext school year. Miss Sabin,
w ho is spoken of a a qualified educator,
formerly lived ami taught school in Eugene.
The English Course.
As the reader of the Gi'Aito were inform
ed last week tho Regent have prepared a
course of study for student who do not wish
to expend tho time required by the classical
and scientific course. We believe tins ad
dition to the curriculum will prove popular
with a largo number of students. Tho fol
lowing is the course adopted by tho faculty:
Term I. English Grammar, Priutical
Arithmetic, U. S. History.
Tti.uu II. English Grammar, Commer
cial Arithmetic, Elocution, Drawing and
Term III English Grammar, Commer
cial Arithmetic, Elocution, Drawing aud
hiicond YKAn.
Term I. Elementary Algebra, Book
Keeping, Ancient History.
Term II. Elementary Algebra, Honk
Keeping or Addison and Shakespeare,
Mediieval History,
Term III. Elementary Algebra, Book
Keeping or Elements of English Literature,
Modern History.
Term I. Piano Ge 'tuetry, Botany,
Science of Government.
Term II. Plane Geometry, Commercial
Lsw, Physical Ftatures and Physiology.
Term III. Natural Philosophy, Piano
Trigonometry, Botany or oology.
Term I -Natural Philosophy, Survey iug or
Stenography, Rhetoric.
Term II. Chemistry, Solid Geometry or
Stenography, Mineralogy.
Term 111 Political Economy, Chemistry
or Stenography, Moral Science.
MtmiiKi). Tho Prinevillo news 1ms this,
the lady concerned being well known in Lane
county, where her parents reside: At the
Jackson House, March 28, 1HS8, Charles M.
Charlton and Miss Mamie McCarty, Recor
der Luckey officiating. Charley is well
known in this vicinity, i now staving hi
si eon. I teim a town marshal, and is a young
man of exemplary character and sterling
qualities of heart and mind and is curtain to
bring to a glad fruition tho plans of the
young couple for a bright future, assisted as
he w ill he liy his bride who is one of Priue
ville' fairest daughters.
Stkuck ut a House. Whilo Mr. Harry
Harper was engaged Monday morning iu
slio. ing a horse iu Geo. Melsou's blacksmith
shop, tho horse reared nud struck him with
both foro feet, one on tho left shoulder anil
breast, and the other on his head, breaking
the shoulder blade nud rendering him uncon
scious for a timo, It was thought for a
whilo that he would not recover, but the iu
jurks were not so bad as supposed nud ha is
now able to be around.
Xkaiii.v Drowskd. Wo are informed that
Mr Win. Williams of Lost Valley precinct,
while crossing the Middlo Fork at Stevens
ferry was nearly drowned by his horse fall
ing upon him whilo fording the river. He
washed down about 2(H) feet when he forlti
tunatcly caught on a projecting rock nud wus
rescued by a companion who threw him a
rope. The river is very swift and rapid nt
that place and be was fortunate to escape
Ei.kciion. Tho Engeno Hook A Ladder
Co held their annual election last Monday
evening resulting a follows: Pr.-sidont,
Geo. A. Don is; Vice, Geo Midgcly; Secre
tary, P. E. Snodgrass; assistant secretary,
C. E. Lockwoood; Treasurer, J. L. Page;
Foreman, Elmer Cleaver; 1st Ast., J F
Starr; 2d Asst., J. Kiinmer; Sergeant nt
Anns, A. C. Woodcock.
Unanimity. The Republican priiuaiies in
North and Soulh Eugene precincts developed
a p. ciiliar unanimity. In the uoith precinct
each ouo of the delegate elected received
from 21 to 20 votes of tho 23 cast, and in the
south out of 50 vote those elected received
from lit to 4(1. Of course there were u few
scattering votes from those who did uot
know the piogramme, and had not been
given their orders.
RknU'Mkii. Mrs. M. P. Spiller, who has
held a professorship in the State University
since, its organization has resigned her posi
tion and will retire at the close of tho pres
ent school year. Mr. Spiller by strict at
tention to duly gave entire satisfaction to
the Regent and Faculty and gained the ro
sin ct of the student over whom she was
Corvrv Convkntions. The prohibition
county couventiou will nominate a ticket in
Eugene for Lune county next Wednesday;
the democrats Friday and the republicans
A Cabk. We desire to return our most
j heartfelt thank to the many friend who so
j kiinllv nssisled us during our late bereave -
no nt.' Ma. and Mu S. O. Galih i!(.
i Diki. Near Spencer Untie Sunday, April
' 1st, Mrs., wife of It. F. Wilkes, aged
about 31 year. The deceased loives four
! small rhlldri n.
Fou Slk. A lot of nice h-caef as
i good as nt w, at
E. R. Lucitt k Co's.
Circuit Court Docket. 1
The following is the docket, so far ns cases
are docketed, for the April term of the cir
cuit court of Lane county, which eonvtnu
Monday April 10:
1 State of Oregon v Aaron Larch; ob
taining money under false pretence.
2 State of Oregon vi Aurou Lurch; for
gery. 3 State of Oregon v I) A f)odou aud J F
1 lardy; larceny.
4 J 11 Armstrong v W T Campbell; to
roover money.
5 E J Aims ts Julia A Bryan et al; fore
closure. tl W 8 Chrisnmn et al ts Peter Q Chris
man et al; mandate of supremo court.
7 J W Cherry ailiur of F Dudley deed vs
Wm Skeltou et al; confirmation of sheriff's
.S Fannie Coplin v 8 P Gilmore; action
for damage.
'.) Win Cummin v A Montgomery et nl;
fuiiliruiation of slieritl's sale.
10 K Eberhard vs II C McGall'oy; to re
cover money.
11 May Davis vs S P Sladdou; action for
12 Sarah Frazer vs Win Frazer; suit for
1.) Mux Friendly vs J C Goodale; to re
cover money.
It J C GoodaU v W T Campbell; to re
cover money.
15 l-ouisa llylaiul vs Bonj Hylaud; to
correct deed.
10 Beuj Hyhiii.l vs Louisa llyhiud; tore
cover personal property.
17 A G llov. y v Johu A Lawrence et al;
to recovsr nioiiey .
18 Hovey, Humphrey A Co v J R Pur
kesou el nl; confiruiatiou of she ill's sale.
ID M lloguii vs J C Yale; actiou for
20 W E Hurd vs O A Lock wood; to re
cover inouey.
21 Hovey, Humphrey A Co vs R M
Blachley; to recover inouey.
22 W S Lurst u vs Emmii Larson; suit for
23 Susie Mnlkey v Phillip Mulkey; suit
for divoice.
21 J D Matlock v E E Schneck et ux;
confirmation of sheriff's rale.
25 McClung A Johnson vs Wm Horn; to
recover money.
2ii Marx A JorgeiiHon vs J W Major: ap
peal. 27 J W liayburn vs J W Mahon et ux;
28 MaryG Uitchey vs Josiah Craig et al;
suit for partition.
23 T J Smith vs J WGowdy; tor possess
ion real property.
30 J P Schooling vs John 11 Hanks; to
recover money.
31 Mary E Taylor vs J A Roach; suit (or
32 John Whiteaker vs W It Gilfrey et al;
suit for foreclosure.
33 Fannie Watkins vs J W Eastorhruok
et al; suit for partitiou.
31 E W Whipple A Bros vs S P Gar
rontto et al; to recover money.
35 Peter Wycoff vs W 8 Miller et ill; to
recover money.
3G Charles Wilson v Al Shoves; to re
cover money.
37 E W Whipple A Bros vs A C Huff et
ux; confirmation of sheriff's salt).
38 E W Whipple A Bros vs Luanda
Hill; to recover money,
33 Chas Phillip vs J D A B F Howard;
to recover money.
40 State of Oregon vs S Brauton; assault
with dangerous weapou.
U Ella Lyno vs Geo E Lynn; suit for di
vorce. Cresswell Items.
School will start iu the near future.
Mr. G. S. Miller and sou went to Coburg
the 4th.
Mr. McCollum is very ill Ht her daugh
ter's, Mrs, Bowers.
Miss Ida Redford is visiting relatives and
friends at this place.
Mr. Slockwcll und children are visiting
relatives at thin place.
Mr. Johnnie Davidson made Goshen a
flying visit last Sunday.
Messrs. Franklin A Close are going to
start a real estate office at this place soon.
Born, to the wife of R. L. Hawley a
daiight'.r; April 4. Wifo and child doing
Mis Mollie Redd ha returned from Eu
geno where she has beeu staying for the
past fow weeks.
Mrs. Bettie Scott returned to this place
April 2d, ou a visit but will return to Walla
Will la, where she has beeu staying, soon.
An TiiKiiR.
For Sale.
We have for Hitle cheap for cash, 1 separ
ator, traction engine, Diamond feed mill,
wood saw, au.l two water tanks.
Mi:Clanaiian, Wabbkn A Buiui.
Died. Mrr. Stock well, daughter of Ira
Hawley, died at hi residence, in this city
Monday, April 2d, aged 32 years. The re
mniu wota on tho evening of the same day
tukeu to Divide Station for inteimeut.
Bund d thb Rksui.t. We nsk that some
Democrat in iu each preoiuct send us by
the ftrat mail a list of delegates elected in
their respective district at the primaries
held to day.
Militia Diuix.-Co, C Oregon National
Guard, held a drill last Saturday evening
when they were inspected by Col. T. C.
Smith of Hafiin.
Chimi Diiownkd. A child of Mr. Knox,
living near Cresswell, aged ubout two years
was drowned Thursday by falling into a tub
of witter.
The Guaiid received this week from the
wholesalo house hundred dollars'
worth of printer's stationery, note letter aud
hill heads, statements, shipping tngs, cards
of all kinds, Hat, book and poster paper,
wedding card, envelope, etc. We can fur
nish you neat printed stationery nearly as
cheap as you can buy at retail.
For Sale.
Good upland farm containing 130 acres, all
under good fence; 55 acre iu cultivation,
balance good pasture; building in good con
dition. For further particulars enquire of
Wm. Williams,
Dexter, Lnue Co., Or.
The Revised Version
A stormy day,
A fox astry,
A "Concord" grape vine iu the way.
'Twai picking time,
The grape were prime;
Kir Fox mudu a frantic t tl'oit to climb.
A dangerous feat
And pluck and eat
The topmont bunch. "That isn't weet."
It hung too high.
So, by slid by,
The lowest bunch he chanced to spy.
Ha, b! laughed he,
The Fifth Trustee
I what I was after before. "Te, be!
D'ye ml"
Jci.tA Hamilton Editob.
Hurrah for Equal Hichts in tho
Tho seniors have handed iu their orations.
President Johnson went to Portland on
business lately.
"Woodworth please, oh please, dou't shake
your list at me." Pat.
There was a grand military drill Saturday
evening. Of course tho boys played a very
conspicuous part.
The Corporation is indulging in real
estate. It has come in possession of a
Greene, a Hill uud a Greenfield.
Mr. Mulligan evidently forgot to turn tho
tables on the Laureans, as heiutriided to do.
People will change their minds, you know.
We do not like to say good bye to many of
our schoolmates who will stop school this
term. We hope to see them hack at no dis
tant day.
Henry MeCluio. a graduate of State Uni
versity, now a student in the law college at
Portland, was visiting relative in Eugene
thi week.
The question, "Resolved there should be
n legal rate of interest," un debated at the
Entitxinn society last Friday. It wa decided
ill favor of the negative.
So Milt ha quit school, Piohahly he in
tend to engage iu Home employment w ith an
eye to future happiness. Milt has found it
impossible to serve Minerva and Cupid nt
the same time.
The Constitution of the Etitaxiuii society,
lately revised, was accepted last Friday. It
is nil improvement on the old one. The
committee showed considerable judgment in
preparing the new Constitution.
Scene iu Laiirean society last Friday even
ing: Mr. Wing. "Mulkey where is that dollar
to pay my due?"
Mr. Wise. "Mulkey spent all his money
on tho other boys; I'li lend you a dollar.'1
Behold, how the fame of the Lnurean
society has spread, a the following clipping
from the Astorian show: "The debating
club nt the State Uuiveraiiy ha met and
RoUmuly debated for three nights and It is
announced that they have decided in the
affirmative that 'virtue is its own reward.'
That settles it. They propose to tackle
other questions next week. Tiny might
chew on this: 'What is the tangible ill'ect
of a chimera rovolving in a vacuiim'r" "
Tho Lauroau gentlemen who were racing
mound Saturday morning screwing tho
weathercock voter so as to point i 'at ward
have loosened tho screws again nml now nil
the weathercock have w hirled around enough
to say they never did point to any one hut a
Entaxiau. Another duty of these gentlemen
wa to Anpply bnck-bouo and intellect to
thoco having uo.mind of their own. Rumor
says the bandy of both tin commodities
ran short and owing 'to the uniuoi edviitod
demand very high price prevailed. .-.
We wish to express our heart-fnlt thanks
to many of the Laureans. especially Messrs.
A. L. and J. M. Wise, for their ablo
assUtaiic to tho Eiitaxians in electing a Cor
poration Presid. lit a member of the Eulaxisn
society. We fully appreciate the valuable
services ol these geutleuieli and respect tho
principles which actuated Iheui iu thi move
ment, that i equal right in the Corporation.
As it was very stormy on the day Corpora
tion meeting was held, those gentlemen with
the greatest kindness secured a cab nt thuir
own expense to transfer tho Etituxiitn to the
I'uiversity. Such generosity on the part of
the Liiiireiuis toward the Eiitaxians is unpar
alleled iu the pusf history of the Corpora
tion. Professor Straub was bndly fooled last
Sunday. Mr. Straub the day before picked
several hole in an egg, took out the con
touts uud filled it with salt, then covered the
boles over with plastor-of pari until they
were not visible. On Sunday morning it
was heated with the other eggs und brought
to the table. Of course Mrs. Straub managed
to let Professor get the stalled egg. After
breaking tho shell Professor Straub began a
wild siege of discovery. IIu dug deeper in
the egg until the salt fell out. The Pro
fessor was greatly astonished, thinking for ft
minute that he was the possessor of a hen
worth her weight iu salt, but hi delusion
wa soon dispelled by tho merriment of the
other uivmbi r of tho family. Ho realized
he was April fooled.
In the sixteenth moon of the leigu of King
Mulkey there was assembled in tho court of
this king ou the thirty and flist day of the
third month, two score and nineteen cour
tiers.'aniong which were the elders nud pa
triarchs of the two kingdoms, the I-aun tiu
from tho boggy uud muddy swamps, mid the
Eutnxiiiiis from the fertile plains and valleys.
They assembled in thi court to nnfjoiift a
successor to tho good King Mulkey, jwho
having reigned four unhappy moons linger
than any of his fathers, had resolved to ab
dicate hi throne, despite the remonstrances
of his councilors. Sir Allau Forward, Count
Smith, the Marquis of Brattaiu,Lord Woods
worth aud the Duke of Lock wood. These
councilors prevailed upon Princo Patrick to
battle with tho Eutiuian Queen for the
throne of his fatheis. When they bad gath
ered together to do these thing there aioie
among the elders and patriarchs olio Lord
Woodnworth, who cried in a loud voice:
"Hear me, oh yo people, while I call nnto
you to aniioint Prince Patrick, king iu the
room of hi fathers " And some few of tho
people hearkened, but iney all hearkened
when the Princess Emma inose and spoke
these words: "Hearken unto mo while I toll
you of one the Princess Agues, a Eutaxian
who sittelh with ns this day; behold
she is wise nud powerful; make her queen of
all these people." And the words of the
Princes Emma prevailed, for the people did
make the Eutaxian Princess queen over all
the people, and she was annointod aud did
sit iu the throno where King Mulkey sat no
more, au.l she did rule the people wisely
while they did choose certain ones from the
Eutaxian and Laurean people to sit in tho
other place. Tho people did choose for
scribe Sir Herbert, whose surname is Con
don; for master of tho treasury, Lord Jesse,
the Wise; for to guard the books, Sir James
whose father's name is Greenfield, aud they
did choose as n helpmeet unto James while
guarding the books tho Princess Melissa.
And there was eli.'ii two other law-givers,
the kuightsSir Guy do ll.,vey and Sir Louis
Davi. Then the peoplt, ds. n ted, the Eu--tnxians
to thuir vhIIi y and tho Lsuteans to
their swamps, aud all the land v-'as filled
with rejoicing because of the Eutaxian