The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 24, 1888, Image 1

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    TO Br
1 illDj
w)L. 20.
NO. 45
jlic (Sugcne tfitjj Guard.
" f il OAMPHKLL,
:nblltlir ami Proprietor.
OlTICE-On the Ease side f Willamette
i,, between Seventh mul Eighth Streets.
riiuMH op suiMcairaox.
I rr annum. .
mx Month. .
'1 nreu months.
'. 60
, LM
VlvertUeioeuts iuferted m follows:
One square, ten line" t I"1 Insertion M;
each HUwel"eiit imtertinti l. 'Cash required
,n advance. . .
Time adverlis-'i-s will le charge 1 ttt tne fol
lawins rates:
Olio nmw tlir tii.intli W
(e square' six moittl "
One square one your...........
Transient notices In local column, 2t cents
,.tr line tor esch insertion. .
Advertisim! bills will he rendered quarterly.
All jub wr'; ni-t-t bi faiii kokon hemvfby.
ceg. 0. DOM,
Attorney ami Counsellor-at-Lnw,
f V of tbfl Sjcond dudici'd District ttii'l in
hi Supreme Court of thin Stale. ,
Spuiial attention glcn 10 collections and
Dial ter in iimbate
-Attorney and Counsellor at Law, -euoene
crrv. oeegon.
thin State. Will give social attention
to collection ami probata matters.
Omen--Over Hetidrick & Eakin's bunk.
Washburne & Woodcock
OFFICE At tho Court House. iv8m3
Attorncys-at-I-si w ,
eugenecity, - - - oregon
Office Over Robinson & Church's hardware
store. j ,
Moray and Ccxmsallar-at-Law, and
Real Estate Agent.
Olllcc formerly occupied by Thompson
Social attention given to Probate business
and Abstracts of Title.
Omen Over Grange Store.
Physician and Surgeon,
Wilkin's Drug Store.
Residence on Fifth street, where lr Shelton
onnerly resi'led.
"mi: JOSEPH P. gill,
Vyidence when uot j)rofessionally engaKed.
Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby-ei-taii
JTj. WALfONTjr.,
TT Courts of the State.
Special attention given to real estate, col
ectini, ami probate matters.
Collectins all kimls of claims against the
United States Government.
Office ill Walton's brick rooms 7 and 8.
Farms, Improved and I'nimproved Town
property for sale, on easy terms.
Property Rented and Bents Collected.
The Insurance Companies I represent are
anions the Oldest and most Reliable, and in
the Piiompt and Eqi'ITABT.E adjustment of their
osses Stand Secunii to None.
share of your patronage is solicited.
Office nu stairs, over the Grange Store.
Merchant Tailor.
Street opposite the Star Rakerv, wheie
he it prepared to do all kinds of work offered
in his line.
A Iwye stock of Fine Cloths on hand fT
customers to gleet from.
One of our wialtit is the cutting awl
akin'of Ls'Um Cliuks.
kisiriut anl clsning lone pmimt'y. Sut
l'rtMn i;nirautecl.
Kurne, Nov. , 1 Srtti. tf
Bay & Henders6iir
House in Eugene. 'Corner Ttlrand Wil. Sts
?a Mu ! Johnsoa,
CL Sola Agents for Eugenr City, H A
M gold m s,lveb sh,fjs (0
We are still at the old reliable "Grange Store," ITI I
1 I and can sell you anything that you want to eat I
I T or wear, rfVl
Cheaper Than the Cheapest.
Have removed to
Marx' new building.
Tkey have a, complete stock of
Watches, Clockj Jewelry Musical Instruments.
A larsc invoice o( dirifttiiia t;ool.
MS BARKER, Expert Gun
Smith Stock of Guns and Am
munition on hand.
IK.KM; - - - ORKCiOX.
C. Marx.
Barber Shop and Bath Rooms.
HA and cold bulbs Hlwajs rea ly during
the week.
T n that are fretful, peevish,
AjVVJW cross or troubled with
Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or
Stowacli Disorders, can be relieved
at once by using Acker's Baby Soother.
It contains do Opium or Morphine,
hence is afe. Price 25 cents. Sold by
Osburn & Co, Eu.ene.
Attorney atLaTf.
OFFICE: At Conrt House, County Sur
veyor' ro'u.
I o!Ter for kiIm VhVM fet biisiTiess prorwr
ty on Will wo- il street, on wbi.'h the buyer
can double his tuouey within two years.
Uio. M. MlLLIR.
J . : s
II. It. Cochran & Son,
Real Estate Agents.
Eugene City, Oicjoh.
Will attend to gencrul Renl Esiiitc business
such ns buying, selling, leasing and renting
farms and city property, etc. Office on south
side of Ninth street.
Administi ator Sale of Real Estate,
Xi by virtue of an order of the County
Court of Lane County, Oreiron, made at the
Mar. term thereof 18HS, I will sell at public auc
tion at the Court House door of said county on
Monday, April 10. ltWX. betwren the hours of
9 o'clock a. m. and live o'clock, p in, the fol
lowing described real property to-wit:
The west half of donation land claim of Win
Dodson and wife bein; Notification No 6527,
in parts of sections three, four, nine and ten in
township nineteen south, raime 2 west, con
taining llil.10 acres of land situated in Lane
County. Oregon.
Terms of sale cash, t
A. J. CRUZAN, Aduiistration.
H. F. McCornack, M. D.
Delinquent Tax Notice.
Notice ii hereby given to all owint; taxes,
now delinquent, thnt the County Conrt at its
late M-ssiou ordered me to collect Ibe jmm
forthwith. This is thetefore to notify ll
concerned that if they wish to ave costs
lh'-y must come forward at once and pay
the some or I will be obliged to prooed
ng tiust them l'-iiiilly.
J. II. Sixaw, Sheriff Lane Co.
Whit. KwrUInt;.
JT' II. S. Hamlin, one of thebcit known
faisurance men ia North Carolina, writes
from Wiiuton, a follows: " Kvsr since 1
wasbcvcii j ears of n;- I fuvo Jitd what
tlie dis tors call li ij liisrase, Mud which I
call white swelling. My hip was drawu
out of place. Thero was swellii. at the
knee-joint, wlure Uiete it a profuse run
uing, which ha b. i;u there for ) CJrs. Of
cuur.e this hat greatly depleted my sys
tem, togrcthcr w ith surgical upt ratioii on
the fg bone. I tried every known blood
purifier to build up my system, but nono
did me good until I took S. S. S. , I use it
every spring. It always build uie up,
giving inc npjK tiio anu (iij,'i'stioii, nudeua
lies me to stand the loliff. trying, ener
Vitinp, liotauiuiiier days. To me there is
.o such medicine ttt purifying tli blood
)id buildintr lip tio wiu-ted yteni as
S. R1. On usitik,' it I vj 'U became troni? j
Kio frnwa ''v-ule, Worn loolS Ho a
ihMtWfftitiao 'i(Wciion " '
b. G.; X. I'f.vsl, of fannorsrille, '
Tejas, wiel " About Aunust 1st, ISoj,
ftujciuptiou appealed vn my unus and
"ligVwMcl pained infl mU'li and suemcd
UaJfivt iity pbjsri'nl eiinilitlen jrtincrally.
i'Ou tb uiiirtie nl a p!i-wtBi', nt this place,
;1 finally fm.m ii(miti-iiH!w''1 sSpvcilio.
I urn j;lad to s:.y lost iil'icr using three
Wuc bottlia the -ot s hive all healed"
t iW ttii H n n'' I Skin Disease
ijnjiiled iti.'' im -vnfv tim-ific Co,
JXX: v. cr 'i, A tljuu, U 1. 1 '
' " whHtTs rt?" . '
that proilnce tUut ;buutilally soft com
liuu nud liyiyvii noVjicrti of ts itpplicn
V'A or ijiii'iiiowit i fTiH? Tbe unswer, Wis
rrt,$lainertinn'ni'c(i)npliBhisiill thin, and
fctyroimunwd by hdies of tn--te and reflnr
mont tu be the inoM-dehVhtful toilet article
ef ur
iiroducisl. Warranted haimlesM nud
less. 1 V, 5f:"Wilkiu, "Hnnit, Fnircna
A. - .. a-- j
. .. .iE.K.I'CKEVACO.
TIONS. ,,. -
, Puteh Mother., i TiBcUiref superior Id
iireparatiAu to any ui tlio umiket.-
Hydrastine Tonic one of the fiui'st coni.
pounds for debility imd lost Vitality." '
' Uomeopathie iniHher tiiKSMireir ami Trilu
rations f0 per cent stronger than fluid t x
traeU; prices the miine, as Liistcyi caiublish-
' Speciid attention is called to tho B. ,v 8.
tiucturus. lie sufu. and mention 11. & 8
wluu proscribing, A lull supply always on
hiiul ut E. R. Luckcy &, Co,s.
' Lnmbert & Ilondcrson nre the solo noenb
for the celebrated Snticrior stoves. Taki
your wife and look at them.
vv jv v would enjoy your dinner
YW " arid are provented by Dys-
TKipsia. uso Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets.
, Tiey are poeitive cure for Dyspepsia, In-
We guarantee them, S3 and CD cents.
Osburn & Co, Eugene.
School Rooks. Parents buy your Heboid
hnnk.i nf Mr. (Inni-int Collier, formerly Mc
Cornack & Collier. Ho has the largest stock
and sella at low prices.
Ruckeye mowers and binders' ot Pritehutt
A Forkner'a.
harm for bale.
T l.o vn milo 9.'(1 ncrps of bind know n as
the Giltllim farm; 25 acres good timber and
tho remainder all prairie. All unuer icnoe;
good house and barn; Rood orchard and
r.l)u.r imnrovemonts. T 10 llblCO llUS ftU
abundance of good spring water and is sit
uated one. fourth mile irora tlie rieasnni
Hill school house, one of the best school
districts in the county. Foi further pnrticu
nrs apply fo T. G. Hknduicks.
A Common Cold
Is often tho beginning of serious affec
tions of tho Throat, Iironchinl Tube's,
mid Lungs. Therefore, tho importance
of early and effective treatment cannot
be overestimated. Ayer's Cherry Pec
toral may always bo relied upon for tb
speedy euro of a Cold or Cough.
Last January I was attacked with a
severe Cold, which, by neglect and fre
ipient exposures, becumn worse, finally
Hettliim on my lungs. A terrible cougji
soon followed, accompanied i'.V imins in
the chest, from which I suffered Intense
ly. After trying various remedies, with
out obtaining relief. I commenced taking
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and was
Speedily Cured.
I am satisfied that this remedy saved my
life. J no. Webster, Paw tucket, U. I.
I contracted a sovero cold, which
suddenly developed into Pneumonia,
presenti'ng dangerous and obstinate
symptoms. My physician ordered the
use of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. His in
structioiM were followed, and tho result
was a rapid and permanent cure.
H. E. Stimpson, Rogers Prairio, Tex.
Two vears ngo I suffered from a sevcro
Cold, which settled on my Lungs. I con
sulted various physicians, and took tho
Medicines they prescribed, but received
only temporary relief. A friend induced
me to try Ayer's Cherry pectoral. After
taking two bottles of this medicine 1 was
cured. Since then I have given the Pec
toral to my children, and consider it
The Best Remedy
for Colds, Coughs, and all Throat and
Lung diseases, ever useil In my family.
Roliert Vanilerpool, Meadville, Pa,
Some timo ago I took a slight Cold,
which, lieing neglected, grew worse, and
settled on my Lungs. 1 had backing
cough, and was very weak. Those who
knew me best considered my life to tx
in jrreat danger. I continued to suffer
until I commenced using Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Less than one bottlo of this
valuable medicine cured me, and I
f.-cl that I owe tho preservation of my
life to its curative powers. Mrs. Anu
Lockwood, Akron, New York.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is considered,
here, the one great remedy for all diseases
of the throat and lungs, anil is moro
in demand than any other medicine of Its
class. J. F. Roberts, Magnolia, Ark. ft
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,
Prepared by Dr. J. C.Ayer Co.. Lowell, Maw.
Sold by ail tmifgliU. Trice II ; sli bottles, ts.
Egg Lake.
A correspondent sends iu the following
communication winch wo present to our
readers without comment. It requires
March 4. 'Mf.
EniMB OrAHn: Your readers will prob
ably be surprised at the idea that nestling iu
tho' midst of the Cascade Mountains there is
a lake having a subterranean connection
with the Pacilio Ocean. And yet, I verily
believe such Is the case, Twelve or fifteen
years ago a party of five or six prospectors
were engaged in exploring the aforesaid
mountains at a point not mors than s thous
miles from Three Sisters Mouutains. In
the course of their explorations, they reach
ed a body of Water, cnTTcd, t Ix-Hcte, Egg
lAke, on account ot cumin peculiarities,
hkh lake lias been for op unknown time, a
ource itt tcmir. to the Lilians j win visib d
His region to hunt, fish and dig gold. For.
. r me ti II veil, dear reader, that this is
wt'tiiVrfirl place for gold. From time im-
meimuiiilth Indian of tlie valleys of the
Willamette and Dim Chutes rivets have tv
keii j;od from tliis station of the country.
W'UMv did Ihey get it? This was thu prob
lem that vexed tlie fliinds ef the early et
(lets, nud the iui'Kiln is tint now satisfac
torily disposed uf. Rut it is in the vicinity
of this hike, for our liltlu party of prospec
tors found rich indications of. (hojirecloiis
llirutl. ( (
' Rut dissensions prevent! d them from' m-
joying the fruits of their discovery. While
here tlicy made nmuy wmnvTlnl discoveries
of strange things ami events, some of which
ill 1 i"ivcu iu this article. X lit) Indians
believe that filial lake is tho abode of His
Saldino Majesty, who makes known his
wweuoe hi strHBCo whistling imd whirl-
poohtfehich take place at staled times, ' lint
which, iu'wtvi r, do not last long ut h tune.
1'nesu occiiianccs the Indians could account
for inl no other hypothesis than that "The
r.Ti! One" was nt work. Hut in tlio light
of modern science wt osu safely attribute
thuiii to natural causes. As tho lake was of
considerable size, our little party concluded
to build a raft to cross on rniliei thaii ulimb
the hills skirting the lake. Having finished
their Taft and cut poles to propel it, two of
the party concluded to try their little cratt.
A fchort distauce from shore one of the men
thrust down the pole, be held iu his bauds,
into tho water, and there suemed to bs a
stroug draft downward, which drew the
pole out of his hands. Filled with astonish
ment, he watched the cV.sceiidiiig pole, nnd
as lis watched, thoughts of Plutonic infill-i-uce
entered his mind and hu called his
companion's attention to tho strange event.
Ilis compniiioti, having some doubts about
about tho matter, performed the same act.
The pole disapieaiud from view, aud the
two men now thoroughly satisliod ns to the
Satanic character of the proceedings, hur
riedly poled their raft to the shore hihI nono
of the party dared ngaiu to embark. While
on board the raft large fish sported around
them, while they gazed on in wonder, not
exnoctiiig to mm such Inrgs specimens of the
tinny tribe. Tho party also noted during
their sojourn in the viciuity ol tins lake,
thai the (ido rises to a considerable height.
This fact leads me to think that this hike
has a connecting channel with the ocean.
If it has none, how are we to account for the
tide rising nud falling, presumably iu un
ison with that of the ocean Then,
again, we can nccount for th pros
euoe in tho lake of such large and
apparently salt water fish in the same way.
Aud wo would also dissipate tho fears of the
Indians with regard to tho whistling sounds
aud tho whirlpools by saying that when the
tide was goiug out, it would naturally cause,
by suction, such whirlpools und tho wind
rushing into the funnel of the whirl, would
make the whistling noise referred to above
and it was probubly this suction that drew
down the poles, as stated curlier iu this ar
ticle. Having reached this point iu our re
searches, let us now consider tho question of
the subterranean channel through which the
the tidal waves of the ocean could affect tho
height of the water. Let us examine the
coast line of Orcgou to sco if wo can Hud
such a water war as will answer our purpose.
Nearly duo west of this lako such a channel
is found in the neighborhood of Cupe Fcr
petna uud aeems to possess all tho essential
for such a waterway. From all the iuforma
I could obtain, whilo exploring the country
near this channel, I am fairly satisfied that
it runs for a long distance under the cape.
From the wall under which tho channel
Hows out to the sea, is, I believe, about one
fourth of a mile. Taking all these facts in
to consideration, I nm constrained to be
lieve that the lake by its location and for the
reasons hereinbefore given, has a connection
with the channel that mingles its waters with
those of tho ocean in the neighborhood of
Cape Pcrpetua. Very Truly Yours,
Honnik Ddndkk.
Real Estate.
I shall continue to push the real estate
business with all tho vigor its profits will
justify reports to the contrary notwithstand
ing. I shall continue to do all in my power
to advauce the interests of Lauo county. My
head cilice will remain at the old stand on
Willamette Street, Eugene City nnd Prof.
C. F. Houghluu will bavii charge of the bus
iness iu my absence.
Oko. M.
Having perfected arrangements with par
ties iu Portland, I am ablo now to find pur
chasers for lands, more readily than
heretofore. If you hnvo land for salo, im
proved or unimproved, you cannot do bet
ter tlinu to entrust your business with us.
Terms reasonable. Your patronage solicited.
11. F. Dokiiis.
Your stomach of course. Why ? Because
if it is out of order you are one of the most
miserable creatures living. Give it a fair,
honorable chance and see if it is not the best
friend you have in the end. Don't smoke
in the morning, jjou t drink in tue morn
ing. If you must smoke aud drink wait uutil
your stomach is through with breakfast.
Y'ou can drink -more and smoke more iu the
evening and it will tell on yon less. If your
food ferments and does not digest right if
yon are troubled with Heartburn, Dizziness
of the bead, coming up of food after eating,
Biliousness, Indigestion, or any other
trouble of the stomach, you bad best nse
Green's August Flower, as no person can use
it without immediate relief.
i Postal Tuleubaph. Olllcc hours on Kun
1 day from 8XJ to lOJHJ a. ui , aud from 1:u0
to CaJO p. ui. Week duys.all business hours.
J U. F. Ceaw, Supt.
Blue River Mines.
The Allmny Herald id a rcccut ditto has
interviewed one of a company of miners in
terested in a ledge in tti i'lu River mining
district, situated between, too headwaters of
lilne river ami the Cahipooia.. A number
of citizens of Eugene ore also interested iu
mines in the same ; vicinity. The Herald
Mr. O. A. Dyson, of Rrownsville, who is
one of a niiping company which has recently
nnule some rich discovei ies on the Calapooia,
was in the city recently. He exhibited to a
Hern Id reporter some specimens of gold
beariug quart and soino free gold taken
from the quartz which required no mining
expert to attest to its richness. The quarts
is ef a seiui-decouiposed character, nud
mall particles of free gold can readily be
seen without tho aid oi a glass, thickly' im
bedded iu the surtace of the rock.
- The l)iue. which isa well di fined ledg
feet wide, is owued by Messrs. O. A.
Dyson, Ni'll Ktamlish and J. W. Moore, of
llrowusville, and M. H. Williams, a miner
of Idaho. Four claims have been located
upon the ledge, and a tunnel 112 feet iu
length bus been exteuded into the mountain.
bout twenty feet more, Mr. Dyson states,
will be required to reach the ledge proper at
s depth ol bi (cel. The mine is siiuiited six
miles from a wagon road, and a trail has
been cut into the ledge.
The owners of the mine are confident of
success and the specimens w hich have been
taken ont certainly indicates that (.old is
there in no inconsiderable quantities, the
only question being n method of getting it
out iu paying quantities.
Orrgon Military Wagon Hum! (irunt. '
The committee appointed to examine the
Oregon Military roads including the road
from Eugeue to the Southeastern part of the
state, has reported. A Washington dispatch
of March lltli yivea the following informa
tion: The secretary of the interior to-day sout to
the president for transmission to congress,
the report of J. 11. McNauiee relative to
land grant wagon roads in Oregon. The
report allows that grants of laud Were made
by Congress in 18(il nud IMiU to aid iu the
construction of these roads, iu all over
a.rlX),(KX)0 sores. The report shows that
none of these roads were ever constructed,
although several governors of the state cer
tified to their completion, On these certifi
cates of tho governors, patents have been is
sued to these companies for l,(IU0,li(lU acres.
Immediately on securing certificates of
completion, the land grants were sold, with
s view of putting the land iu the hands of
uouilually innocent purchasers. Uue grant
is now claimed by Alexander Weill, the sec
ond by the California Sc Oregou Laud Com
pany, of Sail i rimcisco, and tho third by
the heirs of Edward Martin, of San Francis
co, and the Eastern Oregon Land Company,
also of San trancisco. With the report the
secretary submits a draft of a bill to be pre
sented to congress repealing nil of said
granting acts, declaring 'forfeited all rights
slid titles and claims thereunder, nud re
storing to the public domain all lands grant
ed, excepting such as may have been sold to
itiuoceut purchaser, who ore actual settlers
to tho extent of ono section, to each of said
purchasers. The bill directs tho attorney-
general to institute suit to cnuccl nil patents
aud certifications under said acts, with the
exception stated above.
From Grant County.
Bkab Yali.kv, (limit Co., March 1'2.
ElUToBGuAitn: As 1 havo seen, several
uotes from place around I thought I would
write you a little sketch of J scar Valley. It
is quito a nice little valley about lit by 20
miles, fine timber section, no underbrush nt
all, well watered, three streams run through
it, Rear creek, Silvies river and Scottn creek;
Rack of the valley are big bald hi U and back
ol ihem ( iue timber, plenty of good grass
and several hay ranches, All the stock look
well. Home horses have wintered themclves
back iu the mountains and arc iu good
shape. We bad only about twenty inches of
snow in tho valley this winter, aud it is
all gore except some snots. In the valley
there are about 40 settlers and there are
some more coming iu as soon ns they can
get in, There were a few bauds of sheep in
here last summer and a few talking of com
ing in this summer, but they will have to
stay out when the water is all taken up,
Oue or two sheep men own laud iu this val
ley. One man by the name of Jim Small
summered sheep in this valley for sixteen
years. I understand that is long enough
for one mini to control the whole country
but now tha settlers are taking up the
water that will keep them out. Hurrah for
Rear Valley settlers.
Rkar. Vaixky Skttmr.
Coyote Items.
Match 15, 1888.
The C. L. 8. C. met with Vice President
Helen Crow iu the chair. Debated the que
which does tho most to produce crime,
"poverty, weullh or ingorance." Our dutch
judge decided in favor of ignorance, which
created roars of laughter. Select reading,
Lafayetto and Robert Raiker. In the Wood
land, the Deacon's Ride, comic; the Mixed
Train; Warned by o Dream. At the meet
ing to-day Mrs. Mollis llailley was elected
President. We debated the question, Re
solved, That railroads hnve been detrimental
to this country. Our dutch judge was equal
to the occasion snd decided in favor of the
affirmative. Selected: Peter McGrure's
fall from grace; Rich and Poor; Signing
away the Farm; Make thu best of it. Decla
mation, North American Indians. Singing,
We are growing old Maggie. Comic, Two
Old Inhabitants on tho Weather; Ho had to
Wait; Mark Twain's story of the Cut; Josh
Billings on Cats; Widow Bcdot; Sam's Let
ters. These comic pieces made the audience
smile out loud. Our next question for de
bate is, Resolved, That the national banking
system shall bo abolished.
F. M. NiotiswANUiB, Cor. Sec.
City Election.
Notice is hereby given that the annual
i election of officers iu and for Eugene City,
will be held iu the City Hall on Monday
Ap il 2, IMS, at which time tho following
officers are to be elected: Three Council
men, one Recorder, one Marshal and one
Treasurer. The polls shall be opened at 'J
o'clock a. in. and closed at 1 o'clock p. m.of
said day. B. F. Downs,
Eugene City, Much 13, 18s8.