The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 03, 1888, Image 7

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0OW They Brought Together Thalr Owmi
nd Fair Nor O'Laa.
Ocb, but the hull brood wut a pretty
lot. There wuz Mister Speckle wld bit
top-not gold ez a dollur. an' Missus
Speckle wid her tin bllssed feathur
tou. An' niesilf ei wuz proud on them
But Jist acrosst the strata wuz me
foine-lookin' naybur, Miss Nora
O'Lane, wid garden an' flowers ga
lore, an' sez she: Mister Kerry, I hate
thj olght ov yer cWckuns!"
She flurted her curls loike the French
leddy she wuzn'L "Sheen Kerry,"
she sed, "yer leather troibe are a bould
get ov thaves an' robburs! They've
scratched out me plants, an' cat up me
fmit and wegtables."
So sez I: "Wat's the damage?"
She thinks a bit an' ansur'ed wid a
twinkle: "Misthor Kerry, I'll take the
speckled hen fur me dinner, the mor
row." "Out wid ye fur a hertliss wunl"
crold L "Wud ye tak' tho muther of
ten blissid orphuns? Faix, an' there's
niver a chicken asylum in the hull ov
But Nora jist lafft her purtiest, an'
sez: "It's the hen, Misthor Kerry, or a
grate debt lift unpaid."
An' sez I: "I'll niver pay It wid
the loife ov a innercint feller-craytur,
an' that craytur a hilpliss muther
"Thin," sez Miss O'Lane, "your'e a
Lit ov a robbur yoursilf!"
"But I'll mak' rejtytushun in the
mnrninM" returns I, wid emphvsis.
"You shall hav' som'thin' that's a hape
better thin poor ould Missus Speckle!"
"An' wat's that?" she said wid a
"I'll jist bring it over in the tnarnin',
an' il'a yersilf es wull do well to be on
the watch out"
"Better bring it to-night," sez
he comninndin', "fur to-morror, I'm
off to the fair, wid Teddy Farnum."
"Thin," sez I, "I'll cum crosst at
tho clock stroke of night, an' moind yo
be in an' awaitin'."
An' I jist kipt me worrd loike a
Nora wuz pickin' pears by moon
loight, whin I opened the gait.
"Hav' you bro't Missus Speckle?"
she axt, with pretinded cruilty.
"Och, Miss Nora," sez I, "tho poor
hen is slape in the coop wid the tin
chicken-babies under her wing! I can't
bring her, an' troth, I won't!"
"Thin where's your restytushun?"
"Safe in me p ckit"
"It's not money I'd be takin," sez
she, thinkin' I wuz 'bout to pay forthe
mischief dun her crops in dollars an'
An' sea I; "I cou'dn't offer that
same, be jabers!"
She handed me a great, roipe pear
an' her purty w'ite fingers along wid it,
an' I jist gathered the hull into me two
stout lists.
"Let go my hand!" sez Nora, "an'
tak' tho pear loike a gintlemanl"
"I'm not nadin' it!" crois L "We're
a peir alriddy!"
"Yis," sez she, "fayther wud call us
a pair ov geese."
"Iwudn't objict so long cs Miss Nora
O'Lane wuz wun ov the flock," ansers
I, wid the rale dude gallantry, an' thin
1 kisses ivery wun ov her fingers.
An' nary a bit did she moind! So mo
bould arrurn steals round her waist,
loike .the cap ov a climax, an' we stud
fur a hull minit widout speakin a
"Misthor Sheen," sez Nora at last,
"I'm waitin' fur the restytushun you
brot me."
An' wid that I grabs a bit of a box
frum me vist pocket.
It wuz full ov a rale gold ring wot
glam'd loike a sky star in the blissid
Siptiniber moonloight An' quicker
thun half ov a minit 't wuz clappt on
Nora's purty lift hand.
"It's a gold tinco complete," sez I,
"an I've got ye safe on the inside, fur
there's nary a bit ov a bars."
Her swate blue eyes were fixed on
my face. "You luv me, bye?"
"Better than ony wun else.Nora dar
lint; forgiv' Missus Speckle, an' prom
ise to be my futer' Missus Kerry."
An' she jist snugged up close loike a
lubbird an' whispered low an' lovin':
"Dear Sheen, I promise." Detroit Free
Plantation Philosophy.
Bof fear an' kin'ness is love. Kin'
ness is love for udder folks; fear is love
fur yerse'f.
We kain't wholly 'spize de pusson
whut likes de same things dat we does.
We mout hate his ways, but we 'mires
his jedgnient
Dar hab been some mighty truthful
men, but dar nebber wuz er man dat
would tell de 'zact truf erbout hisse'f.
He is ap' ter try tcr make yer think dat
he is er little better ur er little wus den
he is.
Some folks has er better way o'
showin' dat da 'pre-herates yer kin'
ness den udders does. De long-tail
houn' ken 'pear tcr be er heap gladder
den de stump-tail dog. w-'en de truf is
dat he mout not be ha'f so g!ad. Ar
kansaio Traveler. ,
A Little Too Hasty.
"Oh! Charley," said Mrs. Sharpleigb.
to her husband, "here is an awful story
about a young man who committed
suicide ou the day of bis wedding."
"Humph! His action was, to say the
least, premature."
"What do you mean?"
"He mi2ht have given his mother-in-law
a few days trial." Merchant Trav
eler. One bad example in a town is like
a rat-hole through an earth dam.
Valuabl u,g..tont on Matter That
fasti Maoj Housekeepers.
Every housekeeper has her own way
of doing her housework, and the
cleaning of silver Is no exception to
the rule. Some part of -a day every
week or every two weeks is set aside
for this work, and no matter what may
happen this is seldom neglected. All
that in every-day . use, and usually
that which is used very little only on
certain occasions, is taken out and
given a thorough cleaning. If proper
attention were given to the every-day
care of silver, there would be no ne
cessity of scouring it every week or
even every two weeks. It does not im
prove silver in the end to clean it too
often. If it is solid metal and yon
should like to pass it off as a family
hicrloom, by all means scour it as often
as you can and wash it in soap suds,
and in a short while, if it is of an
tique pattern, any one will readily be
lieve that it belonged to your srreat-
grandmother, and excuse its appear
ance by remarking: "They used a
great deal of pewter in those days."
If it is plated, which is generally tho
kind most in use nowadays, the plate
will wear off soon enough without any
help from you in scouring.
Do not use the same towels you wipe
your dishes with for the silver. The
coarso crash, though very nice for
crockery, is not lit for silver or glass
ware. The checkered toweling which
comes especially for this work, and
can be bought at any dry-goods store,
is just the tiling, and a half-dozen of
these towels, at least, should be in
every house. After each meal gBther
all the silver together, have ready a
pan of hot water, in which put a little
borax or a few drops of ammonia; into
this put all the small silver and let it
stand until you have all the things
cleared away and are ready to wash
the dishes. While going back and
forth give the pan a shaking, now and
then, so as to separate the silver and
allow the water to get to every part of
it. By the time the table is cleared the
water will be cool enough to allow the
removal of the siver without barboiling
tho hands. Take out of the water and
wipe it thoroughly dry. In the case of
egg, acid lruit or vinegar stains it may
be necessary to give stained articles a
slight rubbing, but unless the stains
are very deep the bo"ax or
ammonia will do tho work
of scouring and no rubbing
is required. Silver treated in this
way will not need to be cleaned more
than once a month, amllmt it shall be
cleaned as often as this will be at the
option of tho housekeeper. I have
known silver that had been cared for
us above to go for one year without a
thorough cleaning, and then look
bl ighter and nicer than that which had
been cleaned every two weeks. When
silver ice-water services and tea-seta
are in constant use, each piece should
be thoroughly washed once a week in
hot borax or ammonia water, which
will keep them blighter and nicer
than frequent scourings would ever do.
To be sure, tho cream pitcher will have
to have a daily washing the same as
the small silver. When there is no
imnionia or borax at hand use clear
hot water. Never on any account nso
oap in the water unless you want
your silver to lose its luster and look
like pewter. In using the ammonia
x half-teaspoonful to a large pan of
water is plenty for a large quantity of
silver, and usually a quarter of a tea
spoonful is sufficient It is with
ammonia as with many other things, a
little of it does a giett of good,
but a great deal of it may do more
harm than good.
For the general cleaning . use
ammonia and whiting. This can be
bought already mixed, or may be pre
pared at home by mixing in a dish
ammonia and whiting to the consist
ency of cream. Make only a little at
a time, as it dries very quickly. Have
a large and a small piece of flannel, a
piece of chamois and two tooth-brushes.
With the small pieie of flannel ap
ply the mixture to the articles to be
cleat e 1, rubbing but very slightly, as
the mixture does the work with only
slight assistance. Ui-e one toothbrush
for applying the mixture between the
prongs of the forks and into all rough
and chased work, and the other brush
to remove it when dry. As each ar
ticle is cleaned lay it aside without
wiping until all are done. Commence
with the first article cleaned and wipe
thoioughly with the large piece of flan
nel, using the dry toothbrush for all
chased work and crevices. When all
.re wiped well go over them again
with the piece of chamois for a final
Silver not in general use can be
cleaned in this way, wrapped
tightly in flannel, or, that lacking,
newspapers will do, packed away in a
iry place, and when wanted taken out
as bright and clean as on tie day it
was put away. Boston Budget.
m m
No Cause for Complaint
"How are times. Uncle Jerry?" he
asked an old colored whitewasher on
the market yesterday.
"Very fa'r, sah very fa'r."
"Then your business is rushing,
"Seems to bt, sah. My wife has
aimed ober fo' dollars at washin' dis
week, and' de chill'en has picked up a
suit of clothes an' a basket of vittles. I
can't complain' sah can't complain."
Detroit Free Press.
A force of 2,000 colporteurs dis
tribute sermons among the non-chnrch-Coing
people of Berlin. Germany.
VIoru than one hundred thousand er
tuous are thus distributed each week.
The 60.000,000 people in the United
States consume weekly about 6,600,00(1
bushels of wheat, thus using up all
but a small percentage of the crop.
Europe needs about 25,000,000 busheli
a week, or 1,800,000,000 bushels s
year. The European yield in 1887 wai
about, so that there will
be about 100,000,000 bushels to be sup
plied by other countries.
Boston is at a loss to find a dumping-ground
for the several hundred
thousand cart loads of dirt that are
annually gathered from her streets.
Heretofore it has been deposited on
the low land about the city, but this
ts now nearly all tilled up. The send
ing of the dirt to the suburbs is con
sidered out of the question, owing to
tho great expense attached.
There is on exhibition in a Pitts
burgh show window, an image which
vas dug up by a farmer who Was plow
ing near Montgomery, Ala. It has a
human head upon a bird-like body,
with a fantail, and is carved in stone.
The face is purely Egyptian, and acrosi
the head is cast something resembling
an amice, placed in such a niffnner at
to leave the . entire forehead revealed.
The figure is 12 inches long and 9
inches high, and weighs 21 pounds.
A new occupation recommended
for semi-invalids by a Philadelphia
writer is the making of artificial flies
for fishing purposes. The tools re
quired are a small pair of sharp scis
sors, a pair of spring plyers, a long
pin, and a small piece of cobbler's
wax. The materials are breast and
tail feathers of fowls and game, with
silver and gold tinsels, a little fine
sewing silk of all colors, some Berlin
wool, stained gut and hooks of vari
ous sizes.
Jack McCloy, the noted Niagara
Falls guide, accomplished another ol
his daring feats recently by removing
an advertising sign on one of the small
islands above the falls which the reser
vation commission has long wanted
removed. McCloy crept through the
water that was rushing along at a
twAvtj-five mile rate with the aid of a
spike and rope to the island. It li
stated that Jack will be presented with
a medal for saving the lives of scveraj
persons by tho Government
The introduction of the incan
descent electric lamp hr.s offered the
means of providing the diver with a
better illumination for his work under
water without adding any great addi
tional complication to his dress. By
means of a small lantern screwed to
the upper sight-hole of the helmet a
fifty-candle incandescent lamp can be
carried in any way, which leaves the
hands of the diver perfectly free and
at the same time insures that the rays
of light shall always follow the direc
tion of his glances nd fall upon his
work. A powerful reflector concen
trates the beam. Public Opinion.
Guest (wildly) to Arizona hotel clerk
Sat, there' a man under the bed in that
room you gave me. Clerk (kindly) That's
all right: he's dead. W just left him
there till his friends could come fur him
to morrow. Frontl Two whiskies for 39.
Awaits that countless army of martyrs, whose
rau kg are constantly recruited from the vic
tims of nervousness and nerveus diseases.
The price of the boon is a aistematio conrse of
Hostetter'a Stomach Bitten, the finest and
most genial of tonic nervines, pursued with
reasonable persistence. Uasier, pleasanter
and safer this than to swash the victualing
department with pseudo-tonics, alcoholic or
the reverse, beef extracts, nerve foods, nn root
ies, sedatives and poisons in disguise, 'Tired
Nature's sweet restorer, balmy sleep.'' is the
Srovidential recuperant for weak nerves, and
lis glorious franchise being- usually the con
sequences of sound digestion and increased
vigor, the great stomachic which insures both
is productive also of repose at the required
time. Not unrefreshed awakens tho individ
ual who uses it, but vigorous, clear beaded
and tranquil. Use the Bitters also in fever
and ague, rheumatism, kidney troubles, con
st! pauoa and biliousness.
The Illinois corn crop of 1887 was the
smallest since 186), the total being lift,
(KX'.OUO bushels.
All the art sad taste of the beet sittrts seems to have
been combined In U uisguinceut package of Imp-rted
Oleograohlc and Chromatic Cards which It being offered
by the well knows Ann of Fiemliif Brothers, of Pitts
burgh, fa
To procure those elegant frosted and utla fringed
cards, buy a boi of Dr. O. McLane'e Celebrated lioer
PUlt for '& oeuls from your di uggist and mall the out
aide wrapper with your addrwu (plainly and
lour eenU worth of stamps to Fleming Brothers, Pitt
burvh, Pa. You will be surprised and delighted with
the beamy and variety of the cards Jou will rewire.
Ilenreforth Mexican silver will be ac
cepted at the Cuban treasury at 80 cents
on the dollar.
The newest fashion in ladle' baU will
doubtless cause a flutter of pleasurable
excitement among the fair sex. Ladies are
always susceptible to the changes of a
fashion plate and the more aUrtling the
departure, ih more earnest the gossip
over the new mode. Dr Pierce's Favorite
Prescript iou is a positive cure for the ills
which afflict females and make their lives
miierable. This sovereign panacea can be
relied on in eaees of displacements and all
functional derangements. It builds up the
poor, haggard and dragged -out victim, and
gives her renewed hope and a fresh Jesse
of life. It is the only medicine for wom
an's peculiar weaknesaea and aliments,
sold by druggists under a positive guaran
tee from the manufacturers, that it will
give satisfaction In every case, or money
refunded. Read printed guarantee on
bottle wrapper.
There are 3,00 faith-healers in the Uni
ted btfttea, It is said.
('Baptlosi aad Waatlas; In Chil
dren. Mratt'a Esaalla of Pure Cod Liver
OU with Hypophoephites, is a moat valuable
food and medicine. It creates an appaUte for
food, strengthens the nervous sysutm, and
builds up the body. Please read: "I tried
Scott's Emulsion on a young man whom Physi
cians at times gave up hope Hlnce he has
been using the Emulsion bia Cough has ceased,
gained flesh and strength, and from all appear
ances his life will be prolonged many years."
J. Hi LUV ax, Hospital bteward, Morgauxa, Pa.
Sulphur sprinkled in the dust famished
hens at this season for bathing will help
to prevent lice, '
M id. soothing audihealing is Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy.
Charcoal ground to powder will be found
to be a very good thing for polishing
knives. m ,
See An Use I) Piano advertisement.'
frff.Tiih knproTes and waar Us aoaaptoiloa.
Persona who stay indoors all the Urns
and lean over a counter or a desk, sooner
or later discover that their lungs are giv
ing out Editors are often thus afflicted.
Erastus R. Sutherland, editor of The East
ern State Journal, Whits Plains, New
York, writes:
"1 Esvs used Allcock's FoRors Pias
ters in my family since IrbU In that year
I had,an attack of pneumonia from which
I was not expected to recover. My lungs
were left in a very weak slat. I com
menced using Ai.uota s Pokocs Plas
ties, wearing them constantly three
months, two ou thA.breast and two on the
back. The result was surprising, at least
to me. The pains in my lungs bad left me,
and I felt like "a giant refreabed with new
TJntTiatA reUgloua literature sent free on anpllee
Uon to Mia B. 1 iJaTtaon. P. O. Hoi HO Portland, Or.
w sabtns-toa eorreapundaiils ado. Mua SL DsVoo, Seattle
SvarroMS-lldliiiu-e; Intones Itching and stinging,
most at sight; woree by Mrelohlng. If allowed to eua
tiuue tuiuore torn, which often bleed aud sloetala,
beeoining tery ture. Swataa'a OihTaiaiaT topi the
Itch ing and bleeding, heals uloeraUoa, and la many
eaees remotes the tumoia Itleeuuaily edloaeiooj is
caring all Skin UUeaua. DR. SWAVNK 4 SON,
Propnetoi, Philadelphia, bwavas's Oistmsnt oaa
lis obtained of druggieu. Bent by mail (or 40 Cents.
To the Editor !-
1 lease inform your leaders that I have a pos
itive remedy for the above Banked disease. By
Its Uiaoly use thousands of hour cases have
been permanenUy cured. I sMU be glad to
jieod two botuee of my remedy riou to any of
your reader who hav consumption if they will
send ma their Kipr-oas ana P. 0. address,
V. A. BLOCUM. iLC IB! Peart Bt, Nsw You
Llbby Prison is to be removed to Chicago
for an exhibition.
"Cute"! he echoed. "Well, I don't know
as the adjective would have on urred to
me in Just that connection. Rut if you
mean th t they do their work thoroughly,
yet make no fuss about it: rause no pain
or weakness: and, in short, are everything
that a pill ought to be, and nothing thar it
ought not, then I agree that Pierre's Pleas
ant Purgative Pellets are about the cutest
little thing yolngl
Frozen plants can best be restored by
dipping in cold wat r.
For Thront DliteiUMMs Consrbn,
Coldst, etc, effectual relief is found in the
Me of Br oxen' it Bronchial Troches." Sold
only in boxes. ts cts.
Thr griatkbt BUoi-PtTRmEit and ner
vine in the world is Uobb's Nerve-Tonic
TryGermka for breakfast.
Wakelee'a Squirrel and Gopher Mxterml.
nator Try it, and prove the best is the
cheapest. WakHee & Co.. San Franrtaro.
wmmm vnVtwa
Its superior eirellenoe pmien In millions of homes for
more than a quarter of a oentury. It Is used by the
United states Uorernuent. Kudonrd by ihe heads of
the Urrat Unlreraliles as the Strongest, Purest and most
Healthful. Dr. Price's Ureain Baking Powder does not
contain Ammonli, Lime or Alum. Hold only in osna
saw YORK. vhjcaoo. ST. touts.
Y OtltiCl PKBHO wishing tocngagslaa light,
pleasant, aud, perhaps, prontabls amusement,
can learn the art of cWy Making at home, aud while
giring amusement to their friends and UiemselTes, dis
ooTer whether they hare a tasks for th work sa a busi
ness, and thereby maks a fair living profit from a very
mall Investment Beoelpta, and full Instruotioos In de
tail, sufficient (or several lessons for to making of
twelve simple varleUes, and amply sufficient (or home
amusement, sent for ons dollar. Tools neoessary may
be found In any kitchen. Address, OKO. M. PEU
CIVAU 121 Kills Street. San Krsuclsoo.
Cl eanars the
Naaal a-anaages.
AllayaFala and
Heals the ttorea,
Kestsres the
Henaea of Taate
and Hasell.
Try the Cure fey-f EVER
A particle Is applied into eaah aostrtl and Is agreeable,
Prioe 50 ets s druggists: by mad, registered, tU cts.
ELY BHOTHEHa 16 Greenwich Bt, ltew Vors.
Tho Oregon National Bank.
I frneeeain MctronoStsn HsrlngiBack I
Truss. a OsnsssI Banking Business.
AOOOUNTrJkli subjwt to atwek.
SKLUt KXCHANOB on Ben kmnokw) sad New Tsrk.
Wai ITtt Ot iT I VTIi iM hiinhli fans
Th beet PIANO on earth J
Maine Bra' PIAHOf
PATH'S Dttferenoe.
v : 1 r . . s V. A Cn TU.
moved to lXt Post Ut.. Han ITraneiscu. Cl.
To S Day. Samples worth gl.M, FKEE.
Lines not nader the horses (set. Write Bsrw.
rota's HAnrrvHEisHouKaUo.,IIolly,Slleh.
Qm 6.000.000 people use
Br admitted lobe! ha
Araeet asmn
lr th world.
For IS8S
rtn be suited
pplloants, sad
so last season's
Dstumars ella
e aniens tt.
Keary parens auk
O. IS. FERR T At3O.,00U0lt,MICh.
X Cardan
Misery. T U instructive to note from the
cataloffue of disrats that nllie-tcntlut of
fatal utses reach their chronic statu- llinniKh
a stupid Indillcrcnc to a correct treatment
when iheavstem is find assailed. It is vuily
shown that thousands of lives could be saved.
Torturi. Vor Instance : Bciatica, which so
sorely alllict the human family, and which
is denued to be nt'tirulKia of the sviulii
nerve, rheumatism of the hip-joint, or purls
sdjolning it. hip Hunt, pains in the loins ami
hl, even in us mildest form never seiiu
its pn-y without due warning.
Acute. Sudden snd acute pains in the hip
and loins; redness, sweliiiiR, tenderness,
soreness, fever, lumemw Slid sometime ex
cruciating iiains. The ilwa-He rapidly devel
ops Into chronic or inflammatory stiitfe.
Cure. Rab the parts atUvtcd thnrouKlihrnnd
vigorously with St. Jaooit Oil; crtiite a
burning sensation by the friction of rulililng
on the Oil; apply warmth; nauncl wrunj
out lu hot wuU-r,
Hold oy DngjiMt and I leufcrs ftrryvVrs.
O I tin n l I . UACH. Oabler, Ttoenleh
Pianos; Bnrdett Orsans. band InslnimsnU. Laigeet
slook of Hbeet Musio and Books. Bauds suvplied at
Rastera Prices. MATTHIAS UKAV UO ' Post
Hum, 8u Kraaokno
Alfalfa, Onloa Sets, Orssa, Clover, Tegetsble and
Plower Seeds By (ar 'he largest and aw eucupset
stock oa the Paclno Coast
Large Illustrated, aeeolptlvs and prloed CalalofU
Buukd, tree, to all snulicauia,
M Front Htreet, Portland, Oreaoa
Or, 816 snd S17 Sanson 8L, Ban Francisco, CaL
1 Should Tak this Orat
Hobb'a Nerv Tonle
Pills are oorspoaed of
Just such elements as
Knrlch th lllood and
atrna;thea th Nerves
snd elastlrlty of youth.
Men and Women suffer
from Derangements of
th Nerves ana pover
ty of th Blood. We see
It in th whitening hslr,
th untimely wrinkk-s,
tnkof form in (set,
in all the slung of prema
ture old airu.
Men, aad Young Old
Men, you need lfobb's
Narva Tonle Pills. It is Hraln Food. It
lsamnsnlelnvlirnrabari builds UD the Waste
Places makes the weak strong and vigor
ous. Are you suffering in sucrot tor pssi
errors T We will indorse lor you if you try
the Nerve Tonle Pills. Even If you are
weak and nervau with loss of vital power
your manhood almost fled, leaving; you pale
faced and hollow-eyed Hobb'a Nerve
Tonle Pills wer mad for yon, and all
persons with th following complaints.
VIS. I raiptiauon or in neari, iuii-r-Ing,
Trembling, Hysteria, Nervousness
In any form, Nervona Headaohe, Neu
ralgia, Cold Hands or Feet, Pain In the
Hack, or anv other form of Female
Weakness which w do not care to enu
merate. Trv tbem. and vou will loin the
thousands of hsnpy men snd women who
dally bless Dr. llobb for bis great work In
liio ir DenaiL
Thav drive awav Pimples and Blotches
from the skla, cause a dull yellow skin to be
replaced by a Clear Complexion, and leave
tb brightness of youth. They are sintar
oated.andoulyouepllladose. Price Moots,
a Bottle. Bent by mall or all Druggists.
HanU Her hare. Cal., a place for curing DiabeWe,
Mellitus, Sugar in the Urine, and all other diseases sub.
lect to curs by tnse Hpnu suou sa, allecvlous of the
Llirer, HUiinach, Bowels, LurutH, etc., on the Carlsbad
plan, under the direction ot lift. HCHNKE. the cele
tinted Physician, who hasctiml thrw allnieutslnamoat
Mtonlsbing nisuner. IV HO ll Z, N. It . t'hysiclso.
Burgeon and Aowiucheur. Cor. Htat and (Vita Htrweta.
Big a bss given univer
sal satisfaction In the
cur of Qonorrbo? and
Oleet. I prescribe It and
feel saf s In rsoommsnd
Ing It to all sufferers.
s, J. STOKER, I.D.,
Dssshir, lit. .
Bold by Druggists,
This eminent Specialist still continues to trsal
with His same suoosss aa of old all Special, Chronic.
Nervous and Private Diseases of both sexes, band
lor the " ladles' (Jnids to Health," sod his book on
" 8wcial Diseases,'' whujh are free. Call Biion og
sxhlress P. ltOHOOE MlKULTY, M. D., 11 Kearny
Htreet, dan Franctwo.
When 1 ssy cars I do nut mean merely to stop them
raUiueandtheshsN thein return sln, lni"sn
radical cure. I hse rasde the disease of tin, tru
kPHV or KAI.L1NU SICKMKSHallla-longstnay
Miiers bars (si led is no rasaoo fi,r not now rsoemng
core, fvind at one for a treatise ansl a Free B"t tie
m my intslhhle remedy. le Ksprees and Pust Oitto.
U. U. UOOT. AI. C., 1 89 Pearl M.Nwl erk.
.mnt Hiv ntniMO lA aura lbs WOTSt
ins. a a Lsaesaassa Osu Means.
A flTiial Tesw, Hlso4 Parit.r, Aseetinr ssa Liyer
ISTigttrstor. Oeaaise as4s by J. P. Alt... St Psal. at las.
By rrtnrn msll. Fall Description
Hmt1! New Taller Hystaes mf Ureas
baltla. II00ST 00. Cincinnati, 0.
f yOsfsslatl
f fc ssassSirtaaia,
iJ vrtealykytV)
l"Jrui Cksaloll fla
II a rr
a wr est W Ibe
r inn
URXS Nsrreu Prostratlea, Nsrveu Hsadach.
' Msaralgla, Nervoos Weakness,
aad Liver Disease, Kasamatism, uys
'pcpsla, and all affsctioa ef lbs Kidneys.
infill Will be paid 'or earA and mrj grain of pnls.
1UUU euous subslsncos found Is Wisdom's RobsrUaa,
acknowledged ne saosl dsllghtrtd and eery really
hsnnlsss lotlet article or prvduonl (or besuUrylng
aud pree string Uie ooB(UeiUo. reuMnlng tan, sunburn,
freeklas and aQ blemtstMS aad roulfaaeae of the akin.
Used adtt uulutsed by the elite ut society sod tb
Mage. Sold by all druggists si 60 osata iwf bottle.
White sad Fleefe. Msnaiutund by W. M. WISbOM
S OO Chemists, PurUsud, Usegoa.
Tho 'Van Hlonciscar
TeaacaWMIssssd sad
Id. slants of asanVd sua
and alhwaosaflerwrth
ar twuiita
tk travrisa, aVasslnsi Loan
TTSS Swsnal iDaoay.raiilng Meal
org, WsaTKyas. Lack of
yj Energy, also Blood an4
N h Bkla DiiaasM, Syphllns
rapnons, UAU raiung
Voa Pains, walling
Bur Throat, TJlasrs, sk.
tacts of Meteory. Kldnass
and BladdM Troable
(Teak Bsc LnrBus Urine, Ooaorraea, Qleet SUIoS
sr-vromns rsUef and sua rn Ilia
Balk Stoies t'nanlt (nfldentlaUr
OfriOH-llMl c. 184 THIRD BT.
IT'ts.i-nasa lor Scalo.
Stsn 8Ttira roit iuci lam toM. orit
KsN, CMIonwmKl. Hhwta (VHinty. t'al , fruit belt
of Upper HacrainMilo Valley ; or, toH. OKirPIN.Tulo,
Jackson County, Or., center ft Kogue lUrer Valley,
-" uiihi climate and orwiiH"? 'esa.
have now ready their handsomely illustrated
which eontains a nio-t compleis list of latest
styles in Coaiiimes. Wraps, Millinery, Novellie
inUreOoils,HhiKs.elc.,eto.,hoth Foreign and
IKimastio, whieh ar sold at such low prices as to
mak their nam renowned throughout the
Union. ,
This oatnliunis is Issued for the benefit of per.
sons residing at a distance f mm New York City,
snd enables them to make their purchases with
th sam f aoihtu a and at the same low prices aa
Uionghtheycall' d in iwrmm. A copy of this book
will be mailed FDCC to,nT person nnon ap
plication by I II C C postal card or letter.
Mnamlngdale Rrnlhrr.
MaaafHrtnrrra, Imporlrr. Krlallers,
Ihlnl Avenue, new work.
HtND roa A Latalouuk.
Hardy Northern Grown
from attnnearnla, Hinncsota, si th best, beoaus
thay ar earlier and tb mosi productive. Take n
otlier until you try them. For sals by all loading
dealers on the coast throughout th country. Trad
supplied by
Seed Ifcrchsnts, 404 and 408 Sansoms B tract, San
Franclaoo, CaL
Ttili SSLT er Btrreersterts
Vssds sisrHly tor IS surs ef
SrsQStisou er IS. fssrsttT
erssu. The continuous Mrosss
tf KUICTKHHT Wtmestlng
ikmg' is. psri. inul mure
isesl tottMltbysoUoa Desol
eoalsejiatklsvlMi KlMtrte Sous
Sd.rlU4 I ssre si 1 1 1 Is tram
kesStelM. IllstsrUsOSa
Ver slrsslsrs gtrlsg fsH 1a
trBMUoa,.ldreMOhMTr glee
rt Oe., LI Wisklagtea
from a common nloteh, or Eruption,
in wio wuibi v.. .. -
Fewer - aorea," acaly or Hongh
an in, m MirTr:3,,i'.,L
blood are ootiqiHwd by this powcrfuL ptirl-
iv tig, ana iiiviKniuiiK ... C
EaUiiK Ulecra rupldly htti tindor Its bo
nlgn liifliicnoo. Ksptf Inily has It uiaiilfcstwJ
Its itotfiicy hi t'lirinir Teller, sloao llaah.
Holla, Cfarbuticfca, Bore Eyea, Seroi
ulotia Sorea aud Mwclllngs, Illp
lolnt Dlaeeae, White Sjvt'llliigs.
Jjolire, or Thick Ncek, and Enlarged
Uluitde. Bnd tin cents In stnuis for a
lnnre trt-atlse, with ctilnrt-d plutts, on Skin
Diseases, or tlio siune uiiiotiiit for a treatise
on Hcrofuloiis AffiJ'tliins.
Tlmroiitfhlvcltwiirie It by using Or. Pierce's
(Joldcn Medical Ulaco very, and f opdl
dUeatloti, a astir k I it, bfjoyaul i;lr.
Its, aud vital strength, will be established.
which Is Scrofula of the tiittg, is sr-
rcsted and uurvd by this rutuedy, if tiiken be
fore the lust stiwes of the dlM-nse ore rtiithed.
From Its nuirvfloiis power ovt-r this terribly
fittal dlseo, wImii llrnt nITi ring: this now
celabrntod rciti'dy to tho imiIiIIo, Dr. I'irhci
tlioiigUt seriously t'f oillfng it his "Con.
sumption 'tirct" but nbiimlonrd that
name us too limited fur s incillclne whloh,
fruis Its wonderful voinliliisllnn of tunic, or
strt-tifrtlicnliig, Bltenitive. or ild-cleiiiisltig,
sntl-lilltoiis, Ketoml, and tuilrltlv prtiper
ties, is uiiWiiiuled, tint only us a remedy tot
consumption, but for all Chronic .Bis.
eaees of tb
Liver. Blood, and Lungs.
If 1 feel dull, drowsv, debilitated, have
sallow color of skin, or ycllowlsh-brown snots
on faoe or Ixidy, ftxKiieiit besdatdio or dlui
nes. bad bwto In mouth, Interim) heitt or
Chills, ttlteriiutllig with hot Hushes, low spirits
snd gloomy ftiivlKKliiigs, lireguliir nppetlte,
and cootod Knigue. you uro suffering from
liidlgestlon, nysprpala, and Torpid
Liver, or "llllloueiirea." In many
cast only part of these symptoms are expe
rienced. As a remedy for nll such rnst'S,
Ir. lOerce Uoltlen iricdlcal I)l
co very Is unsurpassed. .
For Weak Lunaa, Kplttlnf of
Blood, khorlneaa of Brrolh, llron.
Chill, Aalhma. Severe Cuuugha, and
kindred alfoctlons, it is sn efficient remedy.
Bot.n nr Dmiootws, nt $1.00, or SIX
BOTTLE for ti.OO.
ttend ten cent In stainn for Dr. Pwroe
book on Cousuiliption. Addresa,
World's Blapenaary medical aaso.
clatfon, OK) Main btreet, DiirrALO, N. Y.
Is offered by the proprietors
of Dr. Bago'g Catarrh Itemed y
for a case of catarrh which
they cannot cure. If you
osvs uiwusno V i
nose, offensive or otnerwise. partial us
smell, tusto, or hearing, weak eyes, dull psio
or oreasure In head, you have Catarrh. Thou
sands of casi terminal In consumption.
Dr. Bage'g Cata hhh KsstttnY enresthe worst
eases of Catarrh, "Cold In Ihe Head,"
and Catarrhal Headache, 60 cents.
P. N. 1.1. Sn. 120 -R ! W. IT. Vn. JgJ
Para's Ctixav OosrrouirD Is s Frrv Tonle
which never fail. ContatniiiaT Celery and
Coos, those wonderful nerre stimulants, it
speedily suras all nervous disorders.
ramg Cixiav Costiworo rm rifles th
lood. It drive out the lactic acid, which
cans, Rheumatism, and restores the blood
tnakinir orsans to a healthy oonititloB. It let
lbs true remedy f or lilicumsusm.
PsnnTs Cturav CowrotrwD quickly restore
tb liver snd kidneys to perfect bealUs, This
curaUve rower. eomblnM with Its sarv
tooios, make. It lb best ratudr for all
kulnay couiplsllits.
PAmrs Crurar ronrotrirB stranrtnens lb
stomach, aud quiets the nerves of the dures.
tive oivsna. This Is why it suns even Ui
worse cases of liysuepai.
Piurr-s Cn rav Cowrcmrr) Is nns esthsr.
tia ItisslaiatlT.rvlnee7andnatnral
action to the bowels. lU-rulanty suraiy lul.
lows Its usa
BccMsmsoded by nmf't"iisl aad business
sm Bend (or book.
Prlo $1.00. Sold by Drusgisu.