The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 03, 1888, Image 3

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-.Ilarltles f Terlallee Foand In the
KmI Indian, Country.
In an article by Rer. J. E. Tenlson-
Vbl1M)liigo, he obsorvea hut the cobra
VTer exceodi the length of about til-
Lb nd tlmt I8rger ,nftke
.i.h which It U often confused Is a
different species, called Jlamadryas
tphioiMgut. The hamadrya, which
-Lmhla the cobra In bavin a bood or
dilatable neck, attains the length of
fifteen feet, and feeds chiefly upon
lirarJs and snnkos. It Is arborinl In
inhabit, but shows a great pdrtlality
for water, to which It will readily take.
It ii very fierce, and is ready, not only
to attack, but to pursue human beings.
Iu tenoin I nearly as deadly In iU
effect as that of the cobra. Mr. Tenl-jon-Woods
has heard of many instances
0f Its ferocious character that is to
wy, of Its turning on those who at
tacked it, and showing tight At a
picnic party (he says) some officers
,f the Twenty-seventh regiment
rjve chase to a large hama
dryad; but they had not gone very
far when it turned on Its pursuers
and quickly scattered them. It thon
took to the water, whore it was follow
ed by two of the party In a boat; but it
oon tried tho effect of boarding, and
made the rowers exert their powers to
got away. Mr. Tenison-Woods makes
mention of sca-snakes'as being won
derfully numerous in all the seas of
India and China. It is difficult, he
savs, to exaggerate the numbers one
teeion the surface of the wator on
calm day. "When off the coast of
Borneo In her Majesty's ship Pegasus
tre had some very tine calm days, when
the sea was like glaas or oil. On every
aide we were surrounded by specimens
of these reptiles between two and three
feet long. I have seen the same thing
on many different calm days; in fact, I
don't know any place where they seem
more numerous than the Bornean
coasts. I frequently saw nearly a.
large an assemblage in the Philippine
seas. I should say that bathing was a
perilous business in these localities, for
the serpents are very venomous, and
there are many authentic records of
disastrous results from their bites."
Mention is then made of the Python
retkulatus, or boa. This species is said
to be very , numerous and has a dis
agreeable habit of coming to live in the
thatch of houses, emerging at night to
take its prey, in pursuit of which it is
got particular whether this is some of
the rats and mice of the house or the
chickens and fowls of the poultry-yard-Mr.
Tenison-Woods proceeds: "Re
cent writers have described the fear
which the natives have of this reptile
on account of its sometimes attacking
man. This lean not believe, and wher
ever I have been in the Malay penin
sula, Java, Celebes and the Moluccas,
I have never found the natives much
afraid of them. As to theirswallowing
a man, or even a large child, the idea
is too preposterous to be seriously enter
tained. Neither do I believe that its
muscular strength is so great as gen
erally believed, though no doubt its
crushing power is considerable. There
was an instance of this in the
Battles Museum at Singapore. A
large living python was kept in the
show-oases of that museum. It made
its escape and was found on the floor
by the attendant in the morning. lie
t.ied to put it back into the case, and
a long struggle ensued. The serpent
wound itself round the man's body and
tried to crush him: but the man's
strength enabled him to unwind the
coils with much effort and make his
escape. I think ho said that the length
of the snake was about eighteen feet
If its strength was of the usual kind it
willie hard to believe thoso stories of
its prodigous crushing power. Among
many specimens brought to mo at
Perakjtlie largest I met with was twenty
feet loqg. It had been captured with
scarcely any violence, so that as a
specimen it was in beautiful preserva
tion and full vigor. The Malays brought
it up to me in an excited and livid
state, dragging it along by a small
bamboo loop fastened behind its head.
The creature was active, and constantly
getting more of its head through the
loop than was safe for the man who
held him. Whilst I was making a bar
gain with the captors, it writhed far
out of the loop and savagely bit ono of
the Malays on the calf of the leg. As
Its teeth are all recurved, they could
not be immediately disengnged, and so
the Malays, excited by their comrades
cries, fell upon it with their long
knives and hacked it to pieces. The
head of this serpent, though the reptile
was of such great length, was not as
big as a man's hand. The result of my
inquiries leads me to believe that
pythons invariably fly from the face of
man, and are formidable to no larger
animal than the deer and small wild
boar of the jungle." St. James' Oa
tette. It Brought the Ice.
"Confound it all," said machinist
Makepenny. "the steam pipes in the
office are all frozen up! Confound the
cold weather, and that office boy, too.
Between them both, they'll break me!"
"I's all your fault, anyway," said
the office boy.
"All my fault, is it? Why. confound
it all, you young pie-eating rascal,
what do you mean, anyway?"
"Why," said the boy, looking wildly
toward the door, "you wanted some
ice yesterday, and told me to hang the
ice card in the window, and there it is
"What's that got to do about it?"
"Lots, you bet! You'vt got all tbe
ice you want, haven't you? '
"1 haven't seen it Where?"
"In the pipes, of couse!" Tableau!
Boston Budget.
How tha Aagar Wh Dlacovered and How
It la Maaantetared.
The principle of the augur now in
use all over the world, is said to hav
been discovered by aocldont In 1680,
Benjamin Pugh, an Englishman, while
watching soma boys working endeavor
ing to bore a hole in the ground with a
piece of Iron barrel hoop, noticed that
after the hole had been sunken some
distance into the earth, and the pliable
metal of their improvised tool had be
come heated, it twisted and carried the
dirt up to the surface nlcoly, and he
oonld not see why the same principle
should not apply to wood. The inven
tion of the augur was the result
The screw-augur was an American in
vention, and was invented about one
hundred years ago by Thomas Garrett,
who lived in the vicinity of Oxford,
Chestor County, Pa., where most of
the black augurs are still made. Most
of the bright tools are made in the East,
bnt one of the principal manufactories
is in Philadelphia. The old-fashioned
pod augur is still used in England and
Germany. The single screw augur is
also an American Invention, and was
discovered by accident by a Philadel
phian. It is the only augur that can
be used to any satisfaction in very hard
woods where the double screw augura
become clogged.
In the olden time, and until less than
fifty years ago, the feature of the
manufacture was the excellence he
could produce in quality, and as nearly
every thing was made by hand, it did
not receive the beautiful polish that at
the present day, adorns the cheaper
and inferior Implement. In preference
to a polished surface, the Inventor and
manufacturer of double twist augurs
made the twist black and unpolished.
It thus showed the handwork that had
been put upon it and it is still a well
known fact that hand-made tools nre
far superior in quality and workman
ship to all others. As manufacturing
industries increased, augurs began to
be made with a high polish and beauty,
but the consumer soon found they
were of inferior quality, and would in
quire for the black twist augur, know
ing it to be the old-fashioned, genuine
Although every one is perfectly
familiar with this commonplaco to 1,
but comparatively few know the pro
cess of its manufacture. In making
augurs the iron which forms the main
or spiral part is welded into the steel
of which the tip is made before forg
ing. The bar then is put under ham
mers and forged into shape. It is then
put Into what is called a "wringing
machine" and twisted up in a rousrh
shape Into the spiral form, after which
it is passed through "crimpers" giving
a uniformity of twist Tho augurs are
next put through "straighteners" and
revolved, them per
fectly straight when they nre
ready for putting on the head, which
is the most delicate operation in their
manufacture, and requires the work of
a skilled artlsnn. They are then sul
jectod to a "grinding out" process,
which consists of putting ihem through
two rubber wheels to rough polish the
twist. The "fitter up" then takes hold
of them and "lightens" or fits the head;
then the filors rile down and sharpen
the heads, after which they pass through
tho hands of the polishers, where they
are polished and hardened ready for
market Stoves and Hardware.
Tha Awful DIucami Heine Gradually Prop
agated by Chinese Emigrants.
The warning voice uttered by the
rector of Grenthain, as to the spread of
leprosy, brings us faoo to face with a
terrible danger, as littlo understood or
experienced by Englishmen as Is tho
black death or sweating sickness. To
most of us lenrosv is happily only a
name, associated mainly with Scrip
tural incidents which seem scarcely
more remote from ourselves than the
disease itself. Yet thero can be no doubt
that this nialadr. one of tho most hid
eous that afflicts mankind, is actually
among us at this moment that its lenu
encv is to keen a firm foothold wher
ever it shows itself, and that it is con
stantly widening the area of its dread
ful Influence.
According to Archdeacon Wright, the
disease is being spread all over the
world by Chinese emigrants.. They
have carried it to California, New
the CaDe of Good Hopo
nnil the Sandwich Islands, where it was
previously unknown; and either they
havo brought it into fcuropo inemseives
or it has been brought by Europeans
who have been in contact with them.
All the specialists in skin disease In
Paris are said to have lepers among
their patients soldiers, sailors, mer
chants, sisters of charity, missionaries
and others. Epidemics of leprosy have
broken out in more than one of the
provinces of Spain, the disease having
been brought home by sailors. There
,.r Innfirs in the hospitals of London,
Ihiblin and Glasgow, and Archdeacon
Wright mentions, on authority he does
not doubt that a short time ago there
was a case of leprosy in an English vil
lage. In fact, the two points to be
lnrn in mind are themselves sufh-
ninntlv siiD-ffestive of grounds for
alarm, tho first being that the disease
itself has of late years increased in ac
tivitr. ami the second that in more or
less degree, it is to be found all over
the world. Any accidental circum
.t iii.'A which mi trht develop its viru
lence would at once produce a world.
wide epidemic. Hie train is laia ana
needs only to be fired. t James"
Fit Brown fwith indignation)
Sir. you have broken your promise.
K.;nsoii (complacently) vn. neiw
namt, I can make another. Sxhana.
Why tha Distinction of tha Former Moat
oa Older Than Those of tha Latter.
uu the monuments of Egypt more
than four thousand years ago, the
Libyans are representee with tho same
fair European complexion as that of
the modern Kabyles, and the painted
tomb of Kukh-ma-ra, a Theban Prince
who lived tn the sixteenth century be
fore our era. portrays the black-skinned
negro, the olive-colored Syrian, and
the red-skinned Egyptian with all the
physical peculiarities that distinguish
their descendants to-day. The Egypt
ian language has ceased to be spoken
even In Its latest Coptic form, but the
wooden figure of the "Shelkhl-beled"
in the Bulaq Museum, carved six thou
sand years ago, reproduces the features
of many a fellah In the modern villages
of the Nile. Within the limits of his
tory racial characteristics have under
gone no change.
I see, therefore, no escape from
the conclusions that the chief distinc
tions of race were established long bo
fore man acquired language. If the
statement made by M. de Mortillet is
true, language is thus a characteristic
of community, and not of an individ
ual. The ncgloct of this fact has intro
duced untold mischief not ouly in phi
logy, but into ethnology as well. Race
and language have been confused to
gether, and the fact that a man speaks
a particular language has too often
been assumed, in spite of daily expe
rience, to prove that he belongs to a
particular raco. When scholars had
discovered that the Sanskrit of India
had belonged to tho same linguistic
family as the European languages,
they jumped to the conclusion that the
dark-skinned Hindu and the light
haired Scandinavian must belong to
one and the same race. Time after
time I have taken up books which
sought to determine the racial affini
ties of savage or barbarous tribes by
means of their language alono. Lan
guage and race, in short have been
used bs synonymous terms.
The fallacy is still so common, still
so frequently peeps out where we
should least expect it that I think it is
hardly superfluous, even now, to draw
attention to it And yet we have only
to look around us to see how contrary
it is to all tho facts of experience. We
Englishmen are bound together by a
common language, but the historian
and the craniologist will alike tell us
that the blood that runs in our veins is
derived from a very various aiicestry.
Kelt and Teuton, Scandinavian and
Roman, have struggled together for
tho mastery in our island since it first
came within the horizon of history,
and iu the remoter days of which his
tory and tradition are silent nrchioo
logy assures us that there were yet
other races who fought and mingled
together. The Jews havo wandered
through the world, adopting the lan
guages of the peoplo among whom
have settled, and in Transylvania they
even look upon an old form of Spanish
as their sacred tongue. The Cornish
man now speaks English; is he on that
account less of a Kelt than tho Welsh
man or the Breton?
Language, however, is not wholly
without value to tho ethnologist
Though a common language is not a
test of race, it is a tost of social con
tact And social contact may, mean
indeed, very generally does mean a
certain amount of intermarriage as
well. Prof. Sayce, in Nature.
Why Cold Weather Need Not Entail Idle,
nous on the Farm.
Much valuablo work may bo done in
winter; and by a proper and judicious
division of farm duties the hurried
labor of spring may be somewhat
avoided. One great source of loss in
winter is allowing , the shocks of corn
to remain in the fields to be injured by
tho weather, as well as affording har
boring places for mice and vermin, in
stead of hauling the same to the barn
thero to remove the ears of corn and
husking them under shelter, by which
means the fodder will bo brighter and
better, while every portion of the stalk
may be conveniently mnde of some
value. The straw-stacks should also
be carried to the barn; there along with
the cornstalks, passed through the fodder-cutter,
to be reduced into very
short lengths and either fed to stock
or used for bedding. This may cost
something for labor, but when it is con
sidered that unemployed help costs as
much as that which can be put to ser
vice, the real value of the labor is very
little. Every ounce of fowl saved by
careful preparation is a clear gain, and
the winter work in that respect is but a
continuance of that left over from the
falL The manure heap is another
winter-work shop, as it is the most im
portant material on the farm. No
matter lmw cold the weather may be,
there are certain times when the ma
terials of the manure heap require
turning over, not only to prevent over
heating, bu' to throw the coarser por
tions to the center, where they may, in
turn, be reduced to a fine condition.
Without entering into the details of
the necessary repairs required for the
farm buildings and fences, and for the
inspection of the machinery -and im
plements, the fattening of stock is a
winter occupation, the work of which
should be done completely before
spring in order to be in readiness for
the plow when the frost shall be out of
the ground. Fanning is an all-year-round
business, and permits of no idle
time, if rightly managed, as it includes
the growing of crops during favorable
seasons, to be manufactured on the
farm into milk, butter and meat dur
ing the periods when little can be done
in other respect, for winter can really
be made a busy season if the farmer
chilli so desire, Pltiiadelphia Bocord.
Cremation and Inurnment of a Buddhist
High Priest.
A month ago the high priest of tht
temple across the creek from tho for
eign sett eniont of Yokohama died and
his body was ere in a tod. His ashes were
placed in an urn and then in a pine box
in the shnpe of a miniature temple, and
the priests from all the diocese were
summoned to take part in the funeral
sorvicea, Tho long Interval between the
death and final rites robbed the affair
of any exhibition of poignant grief,
and every thing was given up to the
exact forms and elaborate ceremonies
of the Buddhist funeral ritual. The ton
of the high priest succeeded to his
father's ofllco by inheritance, and he
prepared himself for the services by
days of fasting and prayer, ami at the
ceremonies knelt below the officiating
priest and wore the plain white robes
of a mourner. He had no part In the
sorvlco, and was like a statue until he
tvse and, taking the mortuary tablet
from the altar, walked behind the cas
ket from the temple to the graveyard.
The priests came from near and far,
some arriving by train on the day and
at the hour of the funeral, and, hurry
ing to fie temple with servants carry
ing bags full of ceremonial robes at tholr
heels, slipped their brocades on in the
ante-room and joined the solomn com
pany sitting In rows like so many im
ages. The hii ml red and odd priosts
sat at either side of the altar with the
casket and for goneral effect
nothing was ever more dazzling than
that row of smooth-faced, shaven-headed
priests in superb brooade garmonU
that glowed with all the richest colors
and glistened with gold thread. The
services consisted in chanting by all
the priests in chorus, and in responses
to the intoned roadings of the high
priests. The big temple drum was
struck at stages of the chanting, and
the priests played on an instrument
that resembled the bundle of reeds or
pipes that the god Pan played In Greek
mythology. The noise was a harsh,
shrill wail, combining tho worst of
bagpipe and flute melody. They
chanted from open books, and, stand
ing, held plates of pierced brasswork
from which they sifted the loaves of
the icho tree at regular intervals, those
leaves being prayer symbols in the
Buddhist service. While the chanting
and pipo playing was going on, the
friends of the deceased came forward
one by one, and, kneeling at the edge
of the mats, prostrated themselves in
prayer and sprinkled incense In the
largo bronze burner. Later the in
cense burner and tho box incense was
passed before tho priosts, each one mut
tering a prayer and dropping a pinch
of fragrant powder on the coals.
As the procession of priests wound
out through the crowded court yard,
passed under the heavy gablod gate
way and down the long terrace steps
to the street it was a brilliant and
dazzling spectacle. Tholr rich bro
caded robes shone with gold thread,
and many of them wore fifty, sixty and
more years old, heirlooms handed
down from one priest to anothor, and
now priceless and impossible to dupli
cate. The-rich, soft old colors, toned
by age, are as different from the gay
ish colors of tho modern dye pots as
possible, and except In temple sorvlces
and at tho great theaters one seldom
sees these old brocades now. An at
tendant enrried a large red umbrella
over tho head of each priest and as
tho lino of rainbow color and glisten
ing bullion threads came down tho
long terrace steps, It was a fine pic
ture. As tho procession wont out the
long street crowded solidly with Japa
nese, every thing was swallowed up
and hidden but the red umbrellas, and
these flamingo signals alone marked
tho line of the funeral train. At the
graveyard there was more chanting.
Incense food and aViwers were laid at
the tomb, and the asbo of the high
priest were finally at rest Yokohama
Cur. N. r. Bun.
Mr. Illxby's Superior Method of Selecting
and lluylng lieefsteak.
"The trouble with you women Is,"
said Blxby to his wife, "that you talk
too much, especially when it comes to
business. A man can buy and sell a
cargo of whoat while a woman is order
ing a pound of steak. You ought to
hear me give an order for meat and
profit thereby." '
Mrs. " Blxby did beaWsIm the next
day. She walked down town and heard
him say to the butcher:
"Ah, Blood, got something In the
way of a nice steak U-day, something
rich and juicy for me? Can't palm off
any stringy, gritty meat on me. And
you want to cut it the right way,
Blood. Half the steaks are ruined in
the cutting of them. What's steaks
worth to-day? Twenty-eight cents?
Great Scott! You can buy beef by the
car-load out West on foot for six cents
a pound. Somebody's making an out
rageous profit Beef ought not to be
worth a cent over fifteen cents here,
and there'd be ni'iitey in it at thirteen
cents. No, I don't like the look of that
piece of sirloin, it isn't the right color
to suit mo. Beef to be tender and
sweet should be let me see that piece
banging up there."
In something less than half an hour
he has bought two piundsof steak, and
as they walk away he says triumphant
ly to Mrs. Bixby:
"There, my dear, that's the way to
do business, that is." Tid-BUs.
A Hudson man hue invented a pro
cess for making hollow brick. He
claims sucriority over ordinary brick,
becauso they will not retain moisture,
hence a hollow wall will not be necea
ury. Michigan Farmer.
A Harvard senior has thirty hand
kerchiefs with lace on the edges nallod
up conspicuously In his room, each the
souvenir of a distinct summer flirta
tion. -The very core of healthy and hap
py disclpleahip la the willingness to
dony self and to let the Master have
his way. This principle runs through
the deepest richest experiences of the
consecrated beliover. Cuyler.
Prof. Drummond and his co-laborers
have induced a band of athletic
young Christian men to devote them
selves to work among tho tenement
houses of London. The professor
thinks that this spectacle will do more
to inspire a belief in Christianity than
a whole library full of books on dog
matic theology.
At Hartford, one day recently, a
little child told his papa that he could
name the first five books of tho New
Testament without looking at the
Bible. They were, he said: "Matthew,
Mark. Luke, John and Hatchet" and
then, thinking people looked queer, he
hesitated and added: "Well hatchet
or axo, it's about the same thing."
Two ex-presidents of Yale are still
living Dra. Woolsoy and Portor. Of
the two. Dr. Woolsey has the greater
power of recollecting the names and
faces of Yale graduates. His memory
is wonderful, and he ofton astonishes
an alumnus by recalling some trivial
detail of tho past which had entirely
paasod from the mind of the younger
In New York there is one Metho
dist Episcopal church to each 25,961 of
population; in Chicago, ono to each
16,304; in St. Louis, one to each 2S.000;
in Cincinnati, one to each 10,500; in
San Francisco, ono to each 17,500; In
Cleveland, one to each 13,888; in Pitts
burgh and Allegheny, one to each 7,
675; in Milwaukee, one to each 16,500;
In Detroit one to each 8,750; in Indian
apolis, one to each 6,000. and in
Columbus, one to each 8,306. Public
Tho Southern California Advocate
riports anothor magnificent donation
of lands to the University of Southern
California by Mr. D. Freeman, the
owner of the Centluella ranch near
Los Angeles $600,000 in all given to
found a school of applied scleuces.
$100,000 for building and apparatus
and $500,000 for endowment The
buildings will be in the vicinity ol
Inglewood, the new and beautiful
town on the Ballona branch of tht
California Central
At tho recent Episcopal Missionary
Council in Philadelphia ono of the
speakers said that he knew a wealthy
New York Episcopalian who paid $300
for an opera box, and who in church
on Sundays drops five cents into the
alms basin. The Christian at Work say
that this recalls the family who, aftet
making a trip that cost $800, and re
turning home because they couldu't
take into the car with them their dog,
for which they had been paying $5
day board at a hotel, gave as thoir
united contribution $5 for foreign mis
sions. Plymouth Church, Minneapolis, Ii
enlarging sevend lines of its mission
ary work. In its Bethel Mission there
are two daily kindergarten schools
with four teachers, a day nursery and
a dispensary, a sewing school, besides
the Sunday-school and. evangelistic
services. The young men are about to
establish a new mission, including a
Sunday-school and preaching service,
reading room, a coffee room and an
industrial school for boys. The church
attributes a large share of the support
to the regular city mission. Christian
We've known soveral womon to be
outspoken, but we're still looking fdr
one that's beenouttalked. Duluth Par
agrapher. Mother "You must put your dollie
away to-day, Flossie; it's Sunday, you
know." Flossie "I'm Just playing
she's dead, mamma, and we'ro having
a funeral"
"We've got a hen that laid two
eggs in one day," boasted a six-year-old
girl to a companion. "That's noth
ing! My papa has laid a corner-stone."
Philadelphia Times.
A new style of carving-knife has
been invented which works on the plan
of scissors. If it can find the joint in
the leg of a duck, we'll agree to buy
one and join the church Life.
Central Market,
Fisher &Wntliii8
Will keep constantly en hand a fall supply el
Which they will sell at the lowest
market prioes.
A fair share of tha publlo patronage solicited
We will pay tha highest market prioe lot tat
caiue, nog ana sneep.
Bhop on 'Willamette Street,
Meats. Aetveret k any earl of tha out fret
oishargo, Jaaia
li MtJbt flint and third WedneadaTS la aaak.
'PENCER BUTT" LolMJK NO. a, I a 0. T.
J Meets every Tuesday availing.
Meets on the eeoond and fniirth Wedaaa
days to each month.
'j Meets at Mason lo Hall tha second asA
fourth fridars la each month. M. W.
el s at Musculo Hall ths Ural and third Ifri.
dsji of each mouth. Br order, CoMaUNDaa.
srerv Uatuxdar olht In Odd Fellow
Hall. W.U.T.
J at tha C. P. Church every Hundar after.
noon at IJU, Visitors made welcome.
a a e. nut tabix
Mall Train worth, 4:14 a- M.
Mail train aauth. 9M p. M.
Kuireue Local -Leave north 9:00 A. M.
Kiiifnne Looal Arrive 1M p. M.
ornci hovks, zuoehx cm ronomct
General Delivery, from 7 a. M. to T P. at.
, Money Order, frem 7 A. M. to 4 p, M.
Rriristcr, from 7 a. m. too p. m.
Mails ror north close at 8 IX) p. M.
Mails for south clore at SM) p. M.
Mails by Local close at 8 JO a. at.
Mails for Franklin close at T a. m. Mondaf
and Thursday.
Msils for Mabel close at 1 A. w. Moadar aaA
Eugene City Business Directory.
BETTMAN. O.-Dry Roods, clothing, i
ana ffeaerai merchandise, eoulnweal
h uuunetteaud tlglith atresia
CRAIN BR03.-I)ealers In Jewelry, watohea.
oiocu ana masioai instruments, u
street, between Berenlh and Kiahth.
FRIENDLY, B. H.-Doaler la dry goods, cloth.
ww aim maorai meronannira, nuiamaiaa
street, between KiKhlh and Ninth. '
GILL. J. P.-Physiolan and surgeon, Wlllam.
etie street, between Bevenu and aughto.
HODKS, C-Keepa on hand fine wines, liquors.
cigars ana a pool ana oiiuara tame, tv iuana
ette street, between KUchlh and Niuth.
HORN, 01IAS. M.-Ounmlth. rifles and shot-
Kins, oreecn and muzile loaders, for sale,
eaalring dona In the neatest style and war
ranted. Bhop on Niuth street
LUCKKY. J. S.-Watohraaker and Jeweler.
aeeps a nne Sloe or kous in nis una, v uianv
slte street, in Kllsworth s drug store.
MoCLAREN, JAMES-Cholce wines, Ilqnora
ana cigars, Ulamette street, botween Ughui
and Ninth.
POST OFFICE-A aaw stock of standard
school books Just received at the post ofnoa.
RHINEHART. J. B. -House, sign and carriage
painter, n rs guaranteed Hral-clase Blaoe)
sold at lower ratoa than by anyone in K limine.
Physician and Surgeon.
calls day or night
OrPKia Ud stairs In Titus' hrlcki srauta
found at K. If. Luckey & Co s drug star. OtBoa
hours: a to U at, 1 to 4 p. M., 6 to 8 P. M.
worg warraniea.
Laughing gas administered for nalalaaa am.
tracUon of teeth.
J ustice of the Peace.
and farms. Collections promptly at
tended to.
Brnahee, Palate. (Haas, 011a, JLeada
Physicians' Prescriptions Compounded.
Practical GunsmitL a
Fishing Tackle ana UatesUhr
Sewlu MatoiailMlejor All Liu ror Silt
Repairing dona Ik the neateat atria and
Ouni Loaned and Ammunition Fnraiahti
Shop oa Willamette I
Boot and Shoe Store
A. HUNT, Proprietor.
VUl aanafter kep a oompUW atoek of
Ladies', Misses' anil Ciiildren's S!m!
Slipper, White and Black, Sandal,
mi no shoes,
nd In tact everything In the Boot and
lioe line, to which Iluteud to derote
m jr especial attention.
And guaranteed aa represented, and will
be sold for tha lowest nrlosa that a good
article caa ha alforded.
A. Iluntaj)
Practical Drngast i G&einist