The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, March 03, 1888, Image 2

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Lower CaUFobk u has been made
, Btate o( the Mexican Bepublic.
Bxtubxi from the special "Congres
tional election in Michigan thow the
election of Seymour (Eep.) over Breeee
(Dem.) by about 600 majority.
Fbm Sour baa been a aoarce of
trouble in New York, and ia no longer
provided for the poor. It la found to
bring trampa to the city and to aid the
undeserving poor.
It la aaid that a number of old Call
Jornians, now living in New York in
reduced circumstances, are actually
dependant upon the bounty of Senator
John P. Jonea, of Nevada, for the ne
cessities of life. ' ,
Texas ia probably in the soundest
financial condition of any State in the
Union. There is ft cash surplua of
11,000,000 in ber treasury, and the
already low rate of State taxation may
I further reduced.
The Director of the Mint baa re
ported adversely to the establishment
f an asiay office at Portland, for
which a bill waa introduced by Senator
Dolph. Senator Dolph, however, aays
that the Director of the Mint ia mis
informed in regard to the business of
reducing ores at Portland. lie intends
to appear before the Committee on
-Commerce and show that sinoe the
construction of the railroad to the
Ceeur d'Alene mines and other mines,
and the erection of reduction works at
ast Fortland, the output of metal
every year ia largely increasing, and
will increase much in the future.
The House Committee on Territor
ies has considered the question re
lating to admission as atatos of Da
cota, Montana, Washington and New
Mexico. It waa decided to formulate
an omnibus enabling act for the four
territories, and the preparation of the
bill was referred to a sub-committee,
consisting of Springer, Mansur, Hayes,
titrable and Byrnes. During the ses
sion votes were Uken upon ordering
iavorable reports upon GifTord's bill
for the admisaion of South Dakota, and
Sailer's bill looking to the recognition
of North Dakota as a state. The result
in each case was unfavorable to the
A Wabiiinotoii dispatch says ;
Representative Hermanns bill to place
Wincmale Bidole on the pension rolls,
at the rate of f 25 per month, passes.
it will be the first case in which the
government has ever granted a pen
suon to an Indian, winemalo was
member of the Modoo tribe of In
diana, and when they attacked and
massacred the commissioners sent out
by the government to negotiate
treaty with them, she found Colonel
Veacham, desperately wounded, in the
lava beds, and did all that lay in her
power for his comfort She brought
him food and drink, made him a tern
porary shelter and bound his wounds,
at the peril of her own life had he been
discovered. As soon aa Meacham had
recovered suffloiently to be moved.
Winemale carried him on her shoul
den several miles and restored him to
bis friends. For this service it is be
lieved she is entitled to a pension."
The statement that "Winemale ear
a a a
riea mra on ner snouiders several
miles," is probably incorrect, as Colo
nel weacuara s weight at that time
was about 200 pounds.
Sematoh Doltii has reported from
the Committee on Fwllio Lunds a bill
of great importance to the citisens of
Oregon and Washington Territory,
The object of the bill is to confirm the
titles of widows, orphans and single
women who took claims under the
Oregon donation law of 1850 and am
ndatory acta, and made their proota
and received certificates. He says
their are some forty cases in Linn
county, Oregon, alone, and probably
everal hundred in Oregon and Wash
ington, where donation claims were
taken over thirty years ago by widows,
orphans and single women, and where
the land has been sold and transferred
upon the strength of donation certifl
rates, which are now held under the
ruling! of Land Commissioner Sparks
to be invalid, and ft number of which
have been held for cancellation on the
ground that the parties were not en
titled to take such claims for various
reasons. The Commissioner holds
that widows whose husbands, and or
phans whoae parents, died on the way
to Oregon, were not qualified to take
claim. The Senator aays that the
Jaw was probably very literal 1 con
strued in the early settlement of
Oregon, I
Epitome of the Principal Eresti Now
attracting P&blic lateral
Terrible AeeMeat.
New York. A frightful accident
occurred' in Brooklyn, which caused
the death of three persons and the in
jury of a doaen others. Along Broad
way a section of the Union elevated
road ia now in course of construction.
A huge steam derrick which waa used
in building it waa pulled along the
girders as each section was completed.
The derrick was started, and had been
pulled but ft short distanoe when the
girders began to spread outward. Just
at that moment a street car waa ap
proaching the section, but the driver
did not notice what was going on over
head The derrick panned through the
girders and fell to the ground, striking
the horse car and cutting it in two.
The fire department was called out,
and an ambulance sent for, but owing
to escaping steam and the heat of the
boiler it was some time before any
thing could be done. Finally the de
bris was cleared away, and the dead
and wounded released.
The killed were: Frederick Thomp
son, street car driver ; Charles Kirch
ner and Patrick Clark, two oj (the
injuied, will probably die. The others
are resting comfortably.
Warehouse Csll
Seattle. The warohou-e of the
Puget geund Mill Company, situated
on ft wharf next to the Seattle, Lake
Shoie and Eastern railroad track, and
adjoining the place where an engine
went through the trestle, collapsed. It
contained 300 tons of oats and a large
?uantity of hay and potatoes. About
,000 Backs of oats and 300 bales of
hay went through into the bay. The
warehouse is a total loss.
No lives were lost, as far as known,
although the wharf was crowded and
many were passing in and out of the
Near Eastman. Oa., a negro boy ten
years old got drunk and murdored
three little ch'Jdren, all of the same
family, aged five, four and two years.
The granulating mill of the Austin
Powder Company, near Cleveland,
Ohio, blew up, killing Engineer
Wright. Not a vestige of the mill
A Grand Trunk train which left
Toronto met with a frightful accident
near Hamilton, Ont. Three employes
are reported killed and several passen
gers injured.
Five miners were badly and prob
ably fatally burned in an explosion iu
the Wyoming colliery at Wilkcsbarre,
ra., caused by a miner ler.ving
lighted lamp in a breaker.
D. K. Locke, editor of tbe Toledo
Blade, and author of the renowned
Nasby letters, died of consumption at
his home in Toledo, O., aged 65 years,
lie leaves a wile and three sons.
A chemist named Derby, his wife
snd six children, were found dead at
Manchester, England. The man evi
dently poisoned the family owing to
some distress of mind and Uien com
milted suicide.
Mr. Lawton, U. 8. minister at Vienna
has accepted from Harry Farber, a
rich American relative of President
Cleveland, who is studying law at
Vienna university, an offer of f 1,000,
000 to the American government, with
which to endow a university at Chi
cago on the Vienna model.
Miss Etta Shattuck. the young
school teacher who recently lost her
lower limbs as a result of her exposure
during the blissard, died at Seward,
Neb. Her suffering during her illness
was intense. The Omaha Bm fund,
which has reached over 13.750. will
probably be turned over to her parent.
During a drunken spree at Silver
Brook, Pa., six Hungarians were roast
ed to death. A lamp was overturned
and exploded. The names of those
nested alive were: John Ellas. John
redds, John Kobinko, W. Michael
Jen Kolrtch, Mary Maulick and Paul
Siskowitx. John Maulick and wife
and Peter Menksi were burned so
badly they will die, and their baby
thrown out of a window, will die. Six
others were terribly burned.
A party of eight persona, oolored
consisting of Horace Carter and his
eldest daughter Elisa, and youngest
daughter Hannah, Pierre and Frissie
Allen, Prlscilla Smith, Cecelia Lewis,
and a boy named Ike Canter, crossed
the river from the LaJReusite planta
tion to Dymon's Fairview, place near
New Orleans, in a skiff. The boat was
old, and the swells of a passing steamer
caused the skin to go to pieces, and
seven of the occupants were drowned
Ike Canter, the boy, saved himself by
clinging to a piece of the broken boat.
A violent explosion occurred at the
Dupont Powder V orks, apwallopen
a., and lour persona were killed. The
explosion occurred in the packing
house, where several Urns of powder
were stored. At Nanticoke and Wan
amie, chimneys toppled from the roofs
ol buildings, and school children ran
in terror from the schoolhouses. Men
and women flocked towards the mines,
where they thought the explosion had
happened, and where members of their
lamihee were at work. At Shickshiuny
the glass in almost every window was
broken, and many persons were thrown
to tbe ground. At Wapwallonen al
most every building was damaged or
wrecked. The new Methodist church,
aw teei away, was completely wrecked.
No trace of the packing house was left,
not even the foundation. Rocks weigh
ing over 100 pounds were blown to the
top of the moun'ain a Quarter of a
mile away. Besides those killed, over
forty persons were injured, fourteen of
wnom it u said will die.
Everything of Genera Interest is ft
Condensed Farm.
A tannery is soon to be started
Milton by some Pendleton men.
Douglas county expended over $22,
000 in the construction of bridges the
past year.
Five men announce themselves ss
candidates for rheriff of Baker county
in a Baker City paper.
Much prospecting for minerals will
be done in the Cascades this summer,
says the Silverton Appeal
A quarrv of monumental rock has
been lately opened near Koseburg,
whioh is said to be very valuable.
Fred and Harry Tompleton killed
a large gray eagle near Brownsville
that measured seven feet from tip to
Johnson & Sheldon, of Scio, have
made an assignment in favor of John
Morns, of that place. Liabilities fJo,
Archbishop Gross, of Portland, con
templates building a sister's school at
Koseburg the coming summer, so says
an exchange.
Dr. A. W. Bure. convicted of black
mail at Pendleton, has been sentenced
to two years in tbe penitentiary by
Judge Walker.
Geo. R. Justus, who was sent to tbe
penitentiary for killing an Indian at
Grant's Pass, has been released, after
serving a few years of his time.
A great many farmers report losses
of small patches of wheat and oats by
the recent freeze, says the Dallas Itevtr
iter. One man lost seventy acres of
oats. Taking the , loss of the whole
county it will amount to a considerable
J. W. Grave) committed suicide by
hanging, at his residence on Juniper
creek, Umatilla county. Although
auite wealthy he labored under the
hallucination that he could not pay
his debts. Ha was 60 years old and
lived alone.
The reward offered by the people of
Monmouth and Polk county for the
apprehension of the murderers of the
Chinamen in tnat city recently am
ounts to $700, and an effort is being
made to have the Governor, increase
it to 11,000.
Articles of incorporation have been
filed with the Secretary of State in
corporating the Albany Street Railway
Company. The capital st ck is f zo
000. The object of the co npany is to
build and operate a line ut street rail
way in Albany.
Says a Prinevelle paper : A calf and
colt belonging to J. 11. Snoderly be
came buried beneath a large strawstack
recently, and remained buried for
period of six days before they were
missed. When uncovered both were
alive, but the colt was unable to stand
and soon died.
Ashland Tiding'. Rev. C. II. Hoxie,
of Medford precinct, will in a short
time receive 200 pounds of sugar-beet
seed from Claus Snreckuls, of Cantor
uia, which he will distribute among
the farmers of this valley when it ar
rives. In this manner the soil here
may be tested and its adaptability to
the beet industry ascertained.
Gov. Pennoyer has directed Hon. F,
C. Reed, State Fish Commissioner, to
give public notice of his intention to
enforce the law forbidding the catch
ng of salmon from the Columbia and
its tributaries during March. The
Governor suggests that prompt prose
cution of offenders will put a stop to
violation of the law.
The prisoners engaged in cleaning
up the rubbish around the Multnomah
Bounty buildings uncovered a large
number of live and ten pound cannon
balls and a few small shot. A twelve-
pound loaded shell was also unearthed,
here all these relics ol war came
from or how they happen to be in the
court yard no one appears to know.
Frank Snyder, who lives a short
distance below Buena Vista, discovared
a human body floating in the eddy in
the Willamette, near his place. De
composition had so far advaneed that
recognition was impossible except by
the clothing; but it is supposed to be
the body of the young man who ws
drowned at Corvallia during the noli
At Long Creek, Tom Williams fired
two shots at Peter Connelly, the editor
of the Lagle, one ol which took effect
in his wrist and the other in his hip,
Tbe wounds are severe, though not
considered dangerous. After the shoot
ing Williams attempted to escape but
was pursued and captured by td.
Allen. After a preliminary examina
lion lasting six dav. the prisoner waa
placed under $3,000 bonds and sent
to jail
Gov. Pennoyer has addrewed a letter
to the Secretary cf the Treasury, giv
ing his assent, as far as Oregon is con
etrned, iu regard to the grant of
mouey made in what is known as the
"Hatch bill, it being an act passed
at tbe last session of Congress to es
tablish agricultural experiment sta
tions in connection with agricultural
colleges in the several states, and pro
viding a sum of $15,000 per annum for
each state for such purpose. He fur
ther designated the board of regents of
the agricultural college of the state of
Oregon as the proper board to which
the fund should be paid. This board,
by law, consists of the State Board of
Education, Master of the State Grange
and nine others appointed by Gov.
Moody. Under the law $7,500 was
availablo the 1st of last January to
each of the states. But owing to the
non-acceptance, as yet, ol the college
building at l or v a 'J is, it is feared that
nnlv I'i IXM) m ill fomma vila),l tn
Oregon for this year. 1
Devoted Principally to WashJngto
Territory and Csii&rnia,
Garfield couutys new court house, at
Pomeroy, W ; T, will soon be completed,
The Taooma Odd Fellows have new
hall, with all the modern conveniences.
There are 22,171 more adult males
than adult females in Washington
Tbe total output of coal from the
mines of Washington Territory has
been nearly 2,500,000 tons.
There are but eleven United States
prisoners in the Idaho penitentiary,
The rest are territorial prisoners.
Tbe body of a well dressed woman
was found floating in the bay at San
Francisco. She was not identified.
The Masons of Ellensburgh, W. T.,
have nnder consideration the building
of a temple to cost about $6,000.
C. C. Sands, who drove a stage be
tween Ferndale and Petrolia, CaL, was
killed by the overturning of the ve
Leon Gerardot, a janitor, was found
dead in bed at San Francisco. He had
been asphyxiated by gas. Deceased
was 66 years old.
A logger named George Frank was
crushed between two logs by the train
running inio an open switch on the
Gray's Harbor railroad.
Six men were crushed to death by an
avalanche on the Canadian Pacific,
near Pallaaor, a point in the mountains
some distance west of the Columbia
Milton Santee wan robbed of a satehel
containing $13,000 in bonds and a
number of valuable papers, in a sleeper
running between Los Angeles and can
Bernardino, CaL
The postoffloe salaries of the four
leading offices in Washington .territory
are as follows : Seattle, $2400; Tacoma,
$2300; Walla Walla, $2100; Spekano
Falls, $2000.
The contract for the first five miles
of the Vancouver, Klickitat fe Yakima
railroad has been let to Malone & Co.,
of Butte City, Montana, and work has
An exchange says hat the commis
sioners of Cowliti county, W. T.. will
rue treasurer Martin s bondsmen to
recover the amount lost by the recent
A Walla Walla paper says that it
has it from good authority that the
Northern Pacific railroad company has
no less than sixty branch roads in con
templation this year.
There were shipped by the mills of
Puget Sound to foreign, coastwise and
Atlantic ports last year a total of 206,-
178,673 Net of lumber, and hve mills
shipped 155,731,398 feet.
Six of the stone class buildings at
Leland Stanford, Jr., university are to
be up and roofed in by May 1st, and
nine of the buildings are to be finished
by July 1st. There are 125 workmen
now employed, 60 being stone cutters.
Big Bend correspondent of Walla
Walla Union : Two young men named
Osbourn and Watson tired five shots
apiece at one another at Bhort range
the other day, but no one except a
horse was. hurt. The shooting was
over an old saddle ont worth six bits.
John Turner, aged 17, was acciden
tally shot by Clarence Cope, at Wood
bridge, Cal. They were hunting in the
tules, and jokingly pointing their guns
at each other. Cope s was accidentally
discharged, the shot taking effect in
Turner's face. The latter lived only
a lew hours.
Porter Ashe's celebrated racer, Ed
Corrigan, ran away on lhe street at
Merced, Cal., with two men in a trot-
ing wagon. One man lumped out un
injured, but the other caught his fool
in the wagon and was draged one mile.
When picked up he was dead. The
dead man waa a native of California,
about 25 years old, named John Kelly,
and a brother of Mike Kelly, fhe cele
brated jokey.
At Seattle the piling of a trestle gave
way under a locomotive, and it was
thrown into the wattr, which at that
point is twenty feet deep at low tide,
Tbe coupling broke, and the cars in
front of the engine remained on the
track. The engineer and the fireman
escaped, the former leaping out of the
cab window, Both swam about till
they were picked up by a small boat.
The locomotive disappeared entirely.
The piles were driven only four months
ago, and it is thought that their giving
way cot J I not have been the work of
the teredo. They were driven in loose
earth, which had been dumped at that
point by vessels carrying earth ballast.
and as a vessel had been fastened to
the trestle for some time, it is believed
the piles had been loosened.
A special dispatch from Carson.
Nevada, says "some two months ago
me contractors in boring an artesian
well for Mrs. Lansrtry, the actress, near
tbe loot of the mountain where the
North Carson mine is situated, came
on a formation of rock which lay be
tween the clay walla. This formation
was so hard that the drill bounced up.
i j . . . . .... r
nu u requireu seven ieei oi arming to
penetrate and reach the under clay
waii. mien the debus of the rock
same out it attracted the attention of
the borers. A few ounces of the rock
were.taken to the Bullion and Ex
change bank, where it was assaved
The essay was $510 a ton of rich silver
ore. bince then experts have been
making an examination seeking to
trace the ledge to its croppings and
determine the character of the enclos
ing walls. Discoveries last week seem
to show that the ledge runs all the
way from seven feet to 120 feet thick.
The excitement over the discovery is
now great, and is piobable much of the
ledge runs through Mrs. Langtry's laud
She bored for water and struck silver." i
legislation Pertaining to the Interest
of the Padflo Coast
The Senate passed the Blair educa
tional bilL
Tha ffenitA hill to nrovide for
Indian school at Carson City, Nevada,
was passed.
The bill to provide for compulsory
education of Indian children was Uken
from the calendar and disccssea
much lenirth bv Dawes. Teller, Cock
rell and Vest. Teller, who had intro
duced the bill, declared (in opposition
to the popular idea) that there was no
instance in history where aborigines
were treated so liberally as the Ameri
can Indiana had been treated. No-
whnrs pml had their right to the soil
been recognized. Here their lands
had been bought and paid for. But
the American people bad not been wise
in their dealings with tbe Indians.
thev had been, there would be no un
civilized Indians to-day. Tbe Indians
would have been incorporated in the
body politic.
Piatt introduced a bill to prohibit
members of territorial legislatures from
holding office.
Teller introduced a bill to authorise
citizens 6f the United States to return
estray cattle from Mexico to the United
States without payment ol duties.
Mitchell presented to the Senate a
memorial from Portland merchants,
asking that a bill be passed to autho
rize the payment of drawbacks on tin
kn pored in this country, made into
caus and exported, containing salmon
fruits and other products of general
Mitchell introduced a bill for the
sale of Umatilla reservation to the city
of Pendleton, Oregon, to be used as a
cemetery. The bill provides that the
land shall be sold to the highest bid'
der, and authorizes the city to bid for
tbe land.
Also, a bill to previde for the con
struction of a miliary telegraph line
along the Oregon coast, connecting
Yaquma bay, Coos bay, Alsea bay,
Siuslaw bay and Gardner on the Ump-
qua river.
Dolph presented a petition from cit
izens of Dallas, Oregon, asking Con
gress for the right to use an unoccupied
portion of the town for a cemetery.
Dolph called np his bill in the Sen
ate which appropriates half a million
dollars for the erection of a public
building in Portland. It has twice
passed the Senate. The irst bill ap
propriated 20U,UW, and the second
$350,000, but neither of these bills
were passed by the House. For the
third time Senator Dolph has brought
up the bill, this time for $500,000, and
has secured its passage.
Mr. Hermann has obtained an order
from the department creating a mail
service to end at Fossil, and increasing
the service to three times a week
This is the mail route service between
Fossil and Antelope, in Oregon.
.Representative Hermann submitted
a resolution to the House from the
Grange and the Knights of Labor in
Irving, Lane county, Oregon, oppos
ing .me cnanering ol new banks and
favoring the reissuing of fractional
Representative McKenna has pre
sented a petition, signed by the Gov'
ernor of California and other State
officers, asking the Government to es'
tablish and control a system of tele
graphy in the country.
"VI? I I . l
urarrci, irom me committee on
Mines and Mining, reported a resolu
tion for an investigation of the ques
tion of mining debris in California,
Bun kb
Fancy roll, ft lb
Inferior grade
California roll
do pickled
Eastern, full cream.
Oregon, ds
Egos Fresh
Dhiku Fhuits
Apples, ore. ska and bxa...
do California
Apricots, new crop
Peaches, uapeeled. new ...
Pears, maculae dried
Pitted cherries
20 25
274 90
8 85
16 20
14 16
tit iO
18 28
12i( 14
o 9
8 10
10(e) Hi
4 en
4 00
Pitted plums. Oregon
Fin, Cal., in bgs and bxs. .
cat. mine
aes, French ,
Portland PaL Roller. Sf hhl 1
Salem do do
White Lily t bbl
Country brand S 50 8 75
omieruue 8 60 H 7J
Wheat, VallejflOOfts...
do Walla Will
I 22 1 25
1 15 (st 1 20
Barley, whole, ifeti
An Omiln1 1 ,nn
1 12
Oats, choice milling a? bush
47 50
ao ieea.soodtochoic.o il
Ba uooitt
Bran, a ton ia m si? nn
46 (a 47
aorta. l ton 18 00 19 00
Hay. r ton. baled o- ia nn
Chop. ton . ti 00 &2a U0
Oil cake meal ft ton , 3x00ft83 0C
Apples, Oregon, box
i 00 0 4 50
1 23
H 12
. 5
7 d 9
10 1 23
. 9 1 CO
9 1 50
ernes. Oresron. W Arm
Lemoaa, California, bx.'.
Limes, f 100 .7.
Riveraide oranges, S box . . .
Los Angeles, do do ...
Dry, over 16 lbs, (ftt. ......
Wet salted, orer 55 ft
Murrain hide
Cabbage, If fb
Carrots. t sack
Cauliflower, ft dos
Potatoes, new, f ICo'ibs'"
East Oregon. Spring clip..
vaUeT Oregon, da
14 a
OF THE Riam oiurr.
QallylS7 rr Honorable PoslHoa
A wiry looking man with a set exprss.
lion of countenance walked up to a hack,
man in front of LaFayette Square in
Buffalo, early the other morning and
You can call a fellow some pretty
bard names, can't you?"
Swear some, I s'posef"
Tes. Once in a while I swear,"
replied the hackman, wondering if he
had been struck by a Salvation Army
Get smoking, howling, tearing
mad, rip people up the back, and make
it red hot, all around your neighbor
hood, sometimes, don't you?"
"Well, I can make It pretty uncom
fortable for people when they don't
pay for this hack. I'm a terror to
snakes when they come my way."
. "Yes, that's what I thought. Start
in on me."
What do von mennP You
owe me any thing."
"No matter, go for me."
"What shall I say?"
"Call me any thing; call me a
"You're a liar.
"That's right; go on."
"You're a double-barreled liar."
Good. Go right on."
"You're an cighteen-karat stem
winding, self-cocking prevaricator."
"Splendid. Keep it up."
"You're a mule-eared, dog-faced,
squash-headed lying "Whelp of human,
"Tell mel don't know any thing."
"You' re a fool."
"Make itstionger."
"You're a pimply, blubbering idiot"
"Come again."
"You're a crooked necked, wall-eyed
knock-kneed imbecile." .
"Now kick me," said the determined
"What for?" queried the astonished
"No matter, kick me. I'll pay you
for it"
The hnrkmnn kicked him.
"Now grab mu by the hair and drag
me around four or five blocks."
The hnekmnn did so.
"Now rub my nose in the dirt, tear
my coat, jump on mo and throw me
over that fence will you?"
His Instructions having been carried
fnt,' the setrlooking man slowly
ragged himself to his feet and wiping
the blood off his face, and spitting the
dirt out of his mouth, gasped: "Is that
the best you can do?"
"I never treated a man worse in my
life," said tho hackman, "I couldn't
But who in the dickens are you any
way, and whatdoesall this mean?"
"Well, you see," said the set-looking
man, handing the Imckman a dollar
for his trouble, "I have just been
offered a position ns base-ball umpire
for the coming season, and thought
before accepting it I would like to se
if I hud the stuff in me to hold the job.
I guess perhaps I'll do." And tho set
looking man limped slowly away jmt
as a policeman, who hud been inter
viewing a peanut stand around the cor
ner, came along and wanted to know
what all that row was about Drift.
Companies Called Into Lire br the Mean
new of Human Nature.
Kicking out a valuable pane of plate
glass to spite the owner of the premises
is about as honorable a way to take re
venge as whipping the little sister of a
big boy who has "licked" you. And
yet instances are of almost daily oc
currence. Frequent breakage through
eussedness, carelessness or accident
many J em's ago suggested the organ
ization of insurance companies to tnka
exclusively this class of risks. England
was their birthplace, and they emi
grated to this country about lifteen
years ago. There are now three com
panies doing business in this line in
Chicago. None of these will touch
lire risks, but all insure against any
kind of loss which fire policies d not
cover. 1 heir plan is to take the im
porters' lists of prices, deduct 25 per
cent and chanre 8 ner cent ner n-
num on the remainder. When there
is a loss they pay no money, but re
place the broken glass at their own
expense. On panes that are worth
500 or more tiiey charge 5 per cent
gross, tiking nothing off, because they
are much more liable to breakage.
The charge on mirrors is from 3 to
10 per cent, according to size. The
risks are considered extra hazardous
because they are largely in saloons. In
case of breakage they are replaced.
This plan gives better satisfaction to
both parties. In this city policies are
outstanding to the extent of more than
tl.500.000, but it is estimated that not
more than one-fourth of the mirrors
and plate gluss are insured. The com
panies have an arrangement with the
glass dealers and importers by wbich
iney get glass at a low figure: but even
with this advantigo they could not ex
ist but for the salvage. A mirror
worth, say, $200 may have a corner
broken. It can be-cut down in size
and refrained at a loss of not more
than 25 per cent, and becomes the
property of the insuring company. A
fair estimate of the vearlv losses in
Chicago places them at l.OOQ, a major
ity being the result of pure meanness.
inicago irtbune.
Counsel (to witness, the father of
a family) "Why are you so certain,
Mr. Smith, that the event occurred on
such a date? Mav von nnt h mis
taken?." vVitness "Impossible, sir.
It was tho day I didn't have to buv any
of my rhildren a pair of shoes." -V-
We ns one billion tin cans In tW
country every year.