Chsr!e Oo.T i.'.. v.- HT'i -rj . 4 MJ 0 'I. I ... l.'liU' -i rT --tt ESTABLISHED FOR THE OlSSEHlSATIOS OP DEHillBATlC PRINCIPLES, ASD TO EARS IU nOXESTLlTISC BY THE SWEAT OPOtR BROW. J; EUGENE CITY, OR, SATURDAY, MARCH 3, 1888. ; '1. .J t 4. VOL. 20. 1 J ; IT ah (gurjcne (City Guard.1,'. (PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY.) 1. L CAMP15ELL, SMiblUher and Proprietor. OFFICE -On Dm Es nide of Willamette ; treat, between Swveiith and" Eighth Streets. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Per annum W $j) Six Months , L25 '1 lire month. ...... s OC R ONLY jUTES OB ADVKHTIS1NG. Advertisements inserted m follow: ' One square, ten line or less one InRertinn 13; each aubseqneut hie.Ctiou, 81-Cl.rlUirt.d in advance. ' . , Time advertiser will be charged at tne fol lowing rate: " One square three month w One square ix month " One square one year ' Transient notice in local column, 20 cents imt line for each insertion. Advertising bill will be rendered quarterly. All job work must be paid fob on deliveut. CEO. B.D93RIS, Attorney and Counsettor-at-Law, tiHLL PRACTICE IN THE COURTS W of the Second Judicial District and in he Supreme Court of thi State. Special attention given to collection and matters in probate L. BILYEU, -Attorney and Counsellor at Law, - EUGENE CITY, OREGON. PRACTICES IN ALLTHE COURTS OF this State. Will give special attention to collection and probate matter. OmcK--Over Hondrick & Eakin' bank. Washburne & Woodtock Attorncy-at-Law, tSUGENE CITY, - - - OREGON OFFICE-At the Court House. iv8m3 GEO. A. DORRIS. 8. W. CONDON. CONDON & DORRIS, Attorncjs-at-Law , EUGENE CITY, - - - OREGON OmcK-Over EobinBon 4 Church' hardware store. - CEO. M; MILLER, fcttorny and Ccunssllor-at-Law, and Real Estate Agent. EUGENE CITY, - OREGON. Ofllce formerly occupied by Thompson 4 Bean. J. E. FENTON, Attoniey-at-Lav. KUGENE CITY OREGON. Special attention given to I'robate business and Abstract of Title. OmcE Over Grange Store. 1W. HARRIS, M.D. Physician and Surgeon, OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. KvBidence on Fifth street, whore Dr Shelton ormerly resided. Bit. JOSEPH P. GILL, .1 IAN BE FOUND AT HIS OFFICE or re yidence when not professionally engaged. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Fresby oriun Church. jTj. WA LTONi J ' ATTORN KY-AT-LAW, EUGENE CITY, OREGON. WILL PRACTICE IN ALL THE I 'ourts of the State. Special attention given to real estate, col ecting, and probate matters. Collecting all kinds of claims against the United States Government. Office in Walton' brick room 7 and 8. B. F. DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ACENT. I HAVE SOME VERY DESIRABLE Farm, Improved and Unimproved Town property for sale, on easy term. Property Eented and Eents Collected. The Insurance Companies I represent are among the Uldest aud mint Reliable, and in the Pkonpt and Eo,uit.1)!.e adjustment of their owe Stand Second to None. share of your patmng is o!iuited. Office up stairs, over the Grane Store. a F. DOURIS. J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. HAS OPENED A SHOP ON NINTH Street oppmite the Star I'akery, where he is prepared to do all kinds of work offered in his line. A Uri;e stock of Fine Cloths on hand for customer to select from. On of our sixH-iHlties is the cutting and akim; of Ladies Clinks, ttepairiiu. and cleaning doue pmnut'y. Sat isfaction TisranteL Eugene, Nor, 6, 1&& tf Day & Hen dersoh, -THE LEADINfJ- House in Eugene. Corner 7tli and Wil. Sts if P KcClwg i" Johnioi vj1 I 3 FOR THE JUSTLY CELEBRATED hmm( GCLD AND S,LVER SH,RTS g) I W re 8tiI1 ' the oU reliab,e "fiMnSe Stor'" I I A and can sell yon auy thing that you want to eat I 1 fA or wear, ffj J V""5 Cheaper Than (he Cheapest. H 7 Have removed to Marx? new building. They have a complete stock of Watches, Clockf Jewelry & Musical Instruments. ALSO A large invoice of 'liristma goods ISA It KE It G'Ufl WOltKS! MS BARKER, Expert Gun' Smith Stock of Guns and Am - munition on hand, El'CEXE - - - OREGOX. 0. Marx. Barber Shop and Bath Rooms. Hot and cold bathi always ready during the week. T Yv Dtt that are rotfa'' reel's11. 3JVV3 cross, or troubled with Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or Stomach Disorders, can be relieved at once by using Acker's Baby Soother. It contains no Opium or Morphine, hence is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by Osburn k Co, Eugene. . C. M. COLLIER, AttorneyatLaT7 OFUCE: At Court House, County Sur veyor's room. I offer for tle .10x100 feet business proper ty on WilUm-tte street, on which the buyer can double his money within two years. Gso. II. Muxsb. R. 15. Cochran & Son, Real Estate Agents. Eugene City, Oregon. Will attend to general Real Estate business such as buying, selling, leasing and renting farms aud city property, etc. Office on south sale of Mutn street. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Ofkics at Robfburo, Or., ) Jan. 31. 1888. f XTOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT .j the fullowing named settler has filed no' tice of his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claim, and that seid proof will be made before the judge or clerk of the county court of Lane Co., Or., at Eugene City. Or.", on Saturday, March 17, 1HK8, viz: Em Jones, Homestead Entry No. 4079 for the S W 14 of Sec. C, Tp. 18 S, R 1 West. W M. He name the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivntion of, said land, viz: James Wallace, Elijah Gum, Chit Grosser, Sipiire Cain, all of Jas per, Lane Co. , Or. Chas. W. Joh.vmton, Rjginter. H. F. McCornack, M. D. PHYSICIAN AI10 SURGEON. EUGENE CITY, OREGON. Delinquent Tax Notice. Notice it hereby given to all owing taxes, now deliuqnent, thxt the Connty Court at its late session ordered me to collect the sum ..!. -ili Tl.iu iu iV...f ... .11 lunu- nil. iuin in luririm MJ UUIUT all concerned that if they wish to save costs they must come forward at once and pay the same or J will be ob'iged to proceed against them legally. J. M. bu4X, Sheriff Lane Co. A HlsUnraliliMl Cl.rKrmi.ii' Tsstl- ,, Rev. 11. il. fiukin, Trcsideutof the VrtliodUt ri-olesumt Church of South Caroliu.t, urju-M ttwm Greenville: . , "AIhiiii fuur ynr ago I was attacked .with hut., (lie , physician prououueed neunlj in ilieumutisMi, aucouipiinud with eryii'i-ias. ITy nppi lite failed me entirely, nd I hud an inU-rmitting pulse'nud very irregular pulsations of the heart. A ter Tiblo puiii MKn me into my cheet and shoulders, and I becime so Lelplos that I could attend to no business at all. The pains wero movable, and would sometimes pns from one part of my body to another. Finally the erysipelas broke out on my left hand mid arm, and produced much swell ing. I wa (or eixhtiea mouth afflicted in this way, and of course used a great nJtiry lout's of medicines, but nothing guv mo relief. Friend finally perauaded me ' to try Swift's Specifio I noticed a decided impiorement while taking the first bottle. I continued its use until I had taken about one dozen bottles, when I found myself sound and well again, with no sign of dis ease left except stiffness in my hand, a result of tli erysipuiiia, Whilo taking the medicine I gained on an average two pounds of fieth per week. I think 8. S S. valuable medicine, and I frequently recommend it to my friends." Write to the Swift SrKciFic Co., Atlanta, Oa., for a Treatise on l.lood and Skin Diseases, mailed free to auyemo." ""What Is lt! Thnt produces that boautifnlly soft com plexion and leaves uo traces of it applica tion or injurious effects? The answer. Wis 'dom's llobertine accomplishes all this, and is pronounced by ladies of taste and refine ment to be the most delightful toilet article ever produced. Warranted hnrmleas and matchless. F. M. Wilkins, agent, Eugene City. Delays are Dangerous. You say, well, 'tis only a slight cold, look out, it may lead to an inflamation of the lininx ing of numerous air cells of the Lungs thi is Pneumonia. Or to spasmodic contractions of the fibres of the air passages, which is Asthma; or the inflnmation of the lining membrane of the throat and tube which puss through the Lungs, which in the first staee is called Bron chitis, and may lead to consumption. Santa Able 1 delicious In flavor, certain and perfect in it result A few dose will relieve, a thor ough treatment cure the above named disease. Every bottle warranted by all druggist. Fob Sale. A lot of nico Bbow-cases, as good new, at E. R. Luckky & Co s. Lambert & Henderson are the sole agents for the celebrated Superior stoves. Take your wife and look at them. SOOTHES AND HEALS. Santa Abie soothes and heals the mem branes of the throat and lungs when poison oned and inflamed by disease. It prevents night sweats and tightness across the chest, cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia, wnoopmg-cougb and all otuer tnroat and lunu; troubles. Ho other medicine is so suc cessful in curing nasal catarrh as Califor nia tat-lt Cure. The enormous and increas ing demands for these standard California remedies oonfirm their merits. Sold and ab solutely guaranteed by all druggists at $1 a package. Ibree lor $2.5U, harm for bale. I have for sale 220 acres of land know n as the Gilnlan farm; 25 acres good timber and the remainder all prairie. All under fenae; good bouse and barn; good orchard and other improvements. The place has an abundance of cood spring water and is sit uated one. fourth mile from the Pleasant Hill school house, one of the best school districts in the county. For further particu- ars apply to i. U. ukndbickh. The First Sign Of falling health, whether in the form of Night Sweats and Nervousness, or in a aonse of General Weariness and Loss ol Appotite, should suggest the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. This preparation is most effective for giving tone and strength to the enfeebled system, pro moting the digestion and assimilation of .food, restoring the nervous forces to their normal condition, and for purify ing, enriching, and vitalising the blood. Failing Health. Ton years ago my health began to fall. I was troubled with a distressing Cough, Night Sweats, Weakness, and Nervous ness. I tried various remedies pre scribed by different physicians, but became so weak that I could not go np stairs without stopping to rest. My friends recommended mo to try Ayer's Sursaparilla, which I did, and I am now ns healthy and strong as ever. Mrs. E. L. Williams, Alexandria, Minn. I have used Ayer's Sarsaparilla, in my family, for Scrofula, and know, if it fit taken faithfully, that it will thoroughly eradicate this terrible disease. I have also prescribed it as a tonic, as well as an alterative, and must say that I honestly believe it to be the best blood medicine evereoni pounded. W. F. Fowler, M. 1. I). V. 8., Greenville, Tenu. Dyspepsia Cured. . , It would be Impossible for me to de scribe what I auuered from Indigestion and Headache up to the time I bean taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. I was under the care of various physicians, and tried a great many kinds of medicines, but never obtained more than temporary re lief. After taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla for short time, my headache disap peared, and my stomach performed its duties more perfectly. To-day my health is completely restored. Mary Uarley, Springfield, Mass. - I have been greatly benefited by the Jirompt use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It ones and invigorates the system, regu lates the action of the digestive and cuts imitative organs, and vita tea the Mood. It is, without doubt, the most reliable blood purifier yet discovered. II. I. Johnson, 383 Atlantic avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. tt Ayer's Sarsaparilla, rreparad by Dr. J. O. A yer fc Co., lowU, Hats. Pries ! Sis botU, W. m nia Own LtgOlf. ;' !,, " V f Fond da Lao Reporter. IT A woodsmau belonging to a little town in Wisconsin was oaucht while felling trees in a neighboring forest, by a falling trunk, and one of hi legs was pinioned and held a if in a vice just below tho knee. . The nufortn- mtte niA'i was alone, and too tar from the nearest camp to make his voice heard. His axe had been dashod from his hands and he could not reach it. - Night was approaching aud hungry wolves wre . oommenciug to bowl about him. He recognized that to re main thers was to die, and the prospect of becoming a helpless victim to wild beasts nerved him to desperation. Removing" his suspenders and binding them as tightly as possible about his imprisoned leg, u in serted the blade of his jack-knife atth kues, cut away his clothinc and flesh, sevtrrd tb Joint aud raised himself from th deathly trap, leaving the lower limb as the ghastly evidence of his cool determination. lis managwd to crawl to his axe, with which be cut a sapling aud made a rough crutch. With its aid be made his way slow ly te camp, nearly four mile distant, fre quently lying down in th snow to rest. It was a long and very painful journey, and lie hobbled iuto camp just as his strength was sbont to leave him. Mvdical aid was secured and the self-amputation was given proper dressing. The man is still alive, and the de tailed statement from bis own lips of what ho suffered physically and mtntally during his experience in that releutless tree-clasp aud of the thoughts that nerved him np to carving bis own leg, are of an exceptionally tuiiiiiu tiatuio. tuvuiuiuiufj iuuuhiu iu. injured woodman's arrival in camp some of his companions visited th spot where he met with his accident. Th wolves had been there, torn the covering from the foot and leg and gnawed away the flesh, leaving a smooth polish on the bous. - k Future Life for Animals. . Our Dumb Animals. John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, thought there was A future life for animals, So did those eminent Christian liishops, Jeremy Taylor aud Bishop liuller. Cole- rulg advocated it in England, Laniartiue iu France, and Agassiz iu America. Agns siz, the greatest scientist we ever had on ibis continent, and a man of profound relig ions convictions, was a firm believer in some future life for the lower animals. A Professor of Harvard University has com piled a list of one hundred and eighty-five European author who have written on the subject. Among tne leading clergy of Boston, who have publicly expressed their belief in a fu ture life for animals are Joseph Cook, Trin itarian, and James Freeman Clark, Unitar ian. Soma ten years ago a man left by will to Mr. Bergh's New York Society about one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Rela tives contested the will on the ground that he was insane because he believed in a fu ture life for animals. The Judge, in ' sus taining th will, said he found that more than half the human race believed tho same thing. Female Labor in Grrmany ami Here. It appears from comparative statistics, just complied on this subject, that in the Pots dnuf District of Germany the employment f female labor amounts to 35 per ceut., in the Kingdom of Saxony it is 33, in Upper Swa bia 31, and in the Breslau district a little over 30 These figures do not differ greatly from the American statistics, which gives 37 per ceut. for New Hampshire, 33 for Rhode Island, 32 for Massachusetts and 31 for Maryland. The states just cited, however, include a smaller proportion of the total population of the United States, and there is uo other American State- with a percentage of female labor of over 27. The agricultural districts of Germany, as might be expected, show a much large proportion than similar districts in the United State. Particular in dustries also show a higher percentage of female labor in Germany than in the United States. For example, the percentage in th textile mill of the Black lorest district is 73, while in Reuss, a small principality south of Leipsio, it actually rises as high as 90 per oent. 1 Clrcui Jinn Before King Umbundiui: St. James Gazette. -It is not often that circus "artistes" find their way into the realms of a South African native chief, bnt whan tbey do it would seem that their reception i likely to be very en thusiastic A "strong man" from a Cap Town circus recently journeyed to the far-off : o. . , ... , a, . regions oi Aiaa Dwaziiana, ana mere gave a display of his power end tkill before the Chief Umbandiuiat his "great place." So pleased was Umbandini at the performance that he forthwith dictated a testimonial gratis. Here it is: 'We gladly certify that you have performed" at oar Royal Kraal, Swaziland, on rings, poles chairs and sticks; that yon hav also played with an iron tree, and also carried a large caunon on your back and fired it off your back in oar presence. We were astonished and gratified at the wonderful acts that you aud your lit tle son have performed. We do not believe thafyou will ever die. Given at our Veyal Kraal thi Dth day of December, 18ttf. Um bandini, (his X mark) King of Swaziland." Tacoma Ledger: Governor Semple is of higher birth than any executive in the coun try. He was born nearly 90W) faet above the level of the sea in the city of Bogota, South America, where his father, once a Senator from Illinois, was U. S. Minister to New Granada, now the United St.ites of Colum bia. While the Governor is not "to the manor born," strictly speaking, he i elici bin to the presidency, if that kiud of light ning should ever strike him. Iu a talk with bis half-brother Hon. L. B. Misner, of Cal ifornia the gt.' ileuiuu said: "I was four- loin years of ago when Eogcue was born. I well remember that his fnlher ordered the flag mu up on th con-tolate earlier than usual that duy, and the slurs and stripes were nvliig ou tne amies wben be came into the world." A "poverty dince" in Nevada City, Cal., is thns described by the Transcript: Invita tions printed on straw-board and enclosed in cheap yellow envelope are circulated. Tickets for th ball re 40 cents and supper 19 cents. No gentleman is allowed to par ticipate who has less than two patches on h' clothes; the ladies are dress, d in calico, and refnhiient are served on wooden plates. , . ., Lake Superior' Icy Waters 1 ' " " St.' Louis' Globe-Democrat. How cold the dark water of Lake Superior is. , One evening when we .were steaming across the lake I arked the mate wlmt was done when a man fell overboard. ' He coolly replied, "Nothing." :"Why," I asked, t.Htoniidjed at his heart lossless. ' "The water of Lake Superior is so cold that a man ounuot live in it during the time it takes to stop a rapidly moviug vessel and lower a boat he repliod. Then he added : "I have sailed on this lake for twenty years. During that time I have known only who escaped death. He was saved by scratch.' The others were appar ently killed by the shock produced by fulling iuto inch cold water." He picked up an empty oaix, to which a long string waaattaohed, and east it over board. The can skipped from the crest of one wave to another for an instant, then dipped and filled. The hoary-headed mate drew that full can np end handed it to me, saying: "Take a drink of that, and then say what yon think of yonr chances in swim nuug in Lake Superior for ten or fifteen minutes." I drank deeply, and it was as liquid ice flowed down my throat. "It is alleged," the mute said, "that this lake never gives np its dead; that to be drowned in Lak Superior is to be drowned for all time. I do uot know whether this ia true or not, but I do know that I have never sen a corpse floating ou the lake," I won der if that is true? I doubted it, but I could find no sailor who had ever seen a dead body floating on the lake. Fruit Growing. Dr. Plummer writing to the Oresouiun rel ative to fruit growing as a mouey making business in California, says: "In regard to returns, uiv nephew, from his prune tret realized 1081.35 in 1880, and in 1887 sold CO. 151 pounds of prunes, 174 of plums, 47,854 pounds of apricots all for 2 cent a pound delivered at a fruit dry er two miles away by a level road. Then be sold 11)00 pounds of cherries for 4 csuts and some peaches besides what ho gave away and reserved for his own use. . The total ostluy for htbor in picking was $173.85. Some orchards but six year old did not probably pay. as well, as this one shows that it has bad good care, and the return has paid well for it, with the almost certainty of largely increased returns in the immediate future, . . ...... As an example of the reveune from orch ards in full bearing, I learn that Mr. Henry iiooEson, Sr., has an orchard of thirty acres in the same district, the trees consisting of peaches, apricots and egg plums, which re quired the employing of fifty-seven men throuch the picking season and yielded 400 tons of fruit, which bo sold for the princely revenue of $14,000. Sample Yields. An idea of the productiveness of the North Pacific soil may be gleaned from the following: The Horticulturist published at Tacema, says A. J. Burr, of Oiympia. W. T., raised five barrels of cranberries on a bed fifty ft square. W. T. Wright of Milton, Or., sold this season 12,000 pounds of grapes from one aud one-half acres of land. One acre of straw berries produced 3000 pounds; 1000 pounds of blackberries grew on one-third of an aore. Robert Locke of Uillhursf, W. T., raised over COO bushels of potatoes to the acre. A. W. Hidden, Vanoonver, W. T., has a three-acre prune orchard that gave him a net ineome of $1800 In ono season. James Biles of Oiympia, W, T., has raised the Royal Ann cherry thnt produced from 400 to 500 pounds to each tree, after they were twelve years old, and peaches that pro duced as high as eight bexes to a tree. Setb Lewelling of Milwaukie, Or., hns 24 chtrry trees from which be gathered in one season 11,000 pounds of chsrries. Beginning Young. "Mamma, if you were to be taken very 111, I should feel awfully bad." "Would you, dear?" repliod the mother, drawing her boy to her heart. "Yes, and if you were to die, I would die too. ' "O, Johnny, do you love momma so?" "Ys, Mamma?" "What, darling." " "Gimme ten cents." - ' Bltbied in Ons Guave. Pilot Malcolm who went over to Gray's Harbor last week to look after the body of Chas. Johusou, the unfortunate pilot of the Aberoorn, has re turned to Astoria. The body of Johnson was given doent interment by the people living rear there, and will probably be taken to Astoria in a rbort time.. The remains of the captain and twenty-one of the crew were buried in one grave on the beach, which will long bo marked as a reminder of one of the most awful disaster which has happened on this const for many years. " E.R.LUCKEY&CU. Aokkts FOB Boebicxs & ScBSCX Pbipaba noMS. i r Puretth Mother Tinctures superior in preparation to any in the market. Hydrastine Tonic one of the finest com pounds (or debility aud lost vitality. Uomeopatbio mother tinctures and Tritu rations 50 per cent stronger than fluid ex tracts; prices the same as Eastern establish ments. . . Special attention is culled to the B. & S. tinctures. - B sure and mention B. & S. when prescribing, A full supply always on bund ut E. R. Luckey & Co'. . Real Estate. I shall continue to push the real 'estate business with all the vigor its profits will justify reports to the coutrnry notwithstand ing. I shall continue to do all in my power to sdvance the interests of Lane county. My head office will remain at the old stand on Willamette Street, Eugene City and Prof. C. F. Houghton will have charge of the bus iness ia my absence. Gso. M. MlLLKB. Having perfected arrangement with par tie in Portlaud, I am able now to f.ud pur chasers for landi, more readily than heretofore. If you have land for sale, im proved or unimproved, you ounuot do bet ter than to entrust vour business with ns. Terms reasonable. Your patronage solicited. B. F. Dobbis,