The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 25, 1888, Image 1

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W)L. 20.
NO, 41
alte (Eugene (City (Ouard.
1. L CAM 1'JJliLL,
Publisher and Proprietor.
OFFICE-Oii the East of Willamette
r Ireet, between Seventh and Eighth Streets.
Per niltiuiu f'-' j?
Six Monti...... L25
1 lire months
Advertisements Inserted M follows:
One square, ten lines or lei one insertion ?3;
each subsequent itiaertion 1. Cah required
in advance. .... , i
Time advertisers will he charged at tne fol
lowing rates:
One uare three months SJ "JJ
One square six month t jj JJJJ
Onesqtiare one voar I-
Transient notices in local column, 'JO ctvU
utr line toresc-h insertion.
Advertisinn hills will ho rendered quarterly.
All joh work mutt he paid iron on dcmveky.
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
V of the Second Judicial District and in
he Supreme Court of this State.
Special attention given to collections and
matters in probate
J .
-Attorney and Counsellor at Law, -
this State. Will give special attention
to collections and probate matters.
' Officb- -Over Hendrick & Eakin's bank.
Washburne & Woodcock
OFFICE At the Court House. 1v8in3
Office Over Robiuson & Church's hardware
store. -
attorney and Ccunsallor-at-Law, and
Real Estate Agent.
Oillce formerly occupied by Thompson 4
Special attention given to Probate business
and Abstracts of Title,
Office Over Grange Store.
Physician and Surgeon.
Wilkin's Drug Store.
Residence on Fifth street, where Dr Shelton
nruierly resided.
widence when not professionally engaged..
Resldeuce ou Eighth street, opposite l'resby
e -inn Church.
J. J. WALTON, Jr.,
eugenk City, oregon.
will practice in all the
t 'ourta of the Stat-!.
Special attention givcu to real estate, col
ecting, ami probate matters.
Collecting a!l kinds of cliiinis against the
United States Government
Office in Walton's brick rooms 7 and 8.
Farms, Improved and I'uimprov.'d Town
property for sale, on eay terms.
Prapsity ert:d and Sents C.llected,
The Insurance Companies I represent are
among the Oldest ond most Reliable, and in
the Piuwpt iiJ Kyi ir.Mr.t adjustment of their
i vases Sr.ixn Second tu None.
share of your patmnnt," is solicited.
Office up stairs, over the Grange Store.
Merchant Tailor.
Street opposite the Star Bakery, wheie
h. is prepared to in ail kinds of work ottered
in his line.
A large stn-k of Fine Cloths on hand for
customers to select from.
One of our rUltirt is the cuttinir and
akin of Ladies Cluaks.
Itepairinfc and cle-uiin g done promptly. Sat
isfaction frnarentmL
Eugene, Not. 6, 188i. tf
Day &
House in Eugene. Corner 7th and Wil. Sts
( .llcClnng SJflkasDii,
- ClL Sols Agents for Eagcns City, h ' ,
kn We are still at the old reliable "Grange Store," I
1 tsB and can sell you anything thnt you want to eat "LJ I
Y" Cheaper Than the Cheapest,
Have removed to
Marx' new building.
They have a complete .stock of
Watches, Clock, Jewelry 8. Musical Instruments.
A larsc invoice of
MS BARKER. Expert Gun-
bmith Stock of Guns and Am
munition on hand.
0. Marx.
Barber Shop and Bath Rooms,
Hot and cold baths always ready
the wetk.
.1... ... ..fl naoficli
,11.1.1. AlCklUl, . lOtl,
v cross, or troubled with
Windy Colic, Teething Pains, . or
Stomach Disorders, can be relieved
at once by using Acker's Baby Soother.
It contains no Opium or Jlorphino,
hence is safe. . Price 25 cents. Sold by
Osburn & Co, Eugene.
Attorney atLaTT.
OFFICE:-At Conrt House, County Snr' !
veyor's room
1 j
I offer for ade 4(lil')0 feet bn-riiiwi proper-!
ty on Willum. tie titieot, on which the buyer
can double his nmuey within two veaxs. 1
Qeo. M. Uhxib.
Christmas goods.
R. I. Cochran & Son,
Ileal Estate Agents,
Cugene City. T)icon.
Will attend to general Real Estate business
such ns biij iiig, selling, leasing and renting
farms and cit property, etc. Office on south
side of Ninth street.
Land Office at KosFnuRo, Oh,, 1
Jan. 31, IKK.
JA the following-named stttler has filed no
tice of I, in intention to make final proof in sup
port of bis cbiiin. and that srid proof will lie
made before the judge or clerk of the county
court nt Lane Co., Or., at Eugene City, Or.,
on .Saturday, March 17, 1HKM, viz: Emm .fone,
Hniiimteail Entry No. 4ii for the S W 14 of
Sec li, Tp. 18S, II 1 We.t. W M.
lie names the following w itnexHes ; tn prove
bin cm:tiiiiioiis renideiice upon, and cultivntion
of, n.dd Iuud, viz: James Wallace, Elijah
G'.mi, Chas Urosner, Sipiire Cain, all of Jas
per, liue Co., Or.
'has. W. Johnston, PiogUter.
H. F. McCornack, M. D.
Delinquent Tax Notice.
Notice H hereby given tnall owing taxes,
now delinquent, that the County Court at its
" 1M"i'u "V,."r,.,,.Vle coU,.'ct ,h,,l,8n,11
forthwith. This is therefore to notify all
fonc rnul that if tby wish to save costs
th'y lunnt eome forward at once and pay
the ame or I will be ob'ied to proceed
agiiuM them Wally.
J M. Sui, Sheriff Lane Co.
Willi. KvrrMIiis;.
Mr: M.S. llainlin.oiiu of tne bent known
insurance men in North Carolina, writes
from Winston, as follows: "Evsr since I
wasscveu j ears of uro I have hi.d what,
the doctors call hip disease, und which I
call white swelling. My hip wus drawu
ont of place. There was a iwullirg at the, where Uiure is a profuse run
ding, which has been thero for years. Of
course this has greatly depleted ray sys
tem, tojri iher with surgical operation ou
the leg th'fik I tried every known blood
purifier to build up my system, but none
did me good until I took S. S. S. I use it
every spring. It always builds me up,
giving me appetite and digestion, and ena
bles mo to stand the long, trying, ener
Tating, hot summer days. To me there is '
no such medicine for purifying the blood
and building up the wasted sysU'iu as
S. 8. S. On using it I soon became strong
of ,rrj.. nnd easy of mind. My color
changed trom a pale, worn look to a
healthy, robust complexion "
Mr. G. N. Fiu.el, of Farmcrsville,
Texus, writes : "About August 1st, 1HUA,
an eruption appeared ou my arms and
legs, width pained me much and seemed
to affect my physical condition generally.
On the advice of a physician at this place,
1 finally commenced u-iug Swift's Specific
I am glad to say that after using three -large
bottles the oies have all healed "
Treatise on Pdood i.nd Skin Diseases
mailed free. TllK SwiKT bruciFiC Co,
Drawer 3, Atlanta, Ga,
Thnt produces that beautifully soft com
p'exion und leaves no traces of its applica
tion or injurious efl'ccts? The answer, Vis
Coin's ltobortine Accomplishes all this, and
in pronounced by ladies of taste and refine
ment to bskthe most delightful toilet article
ever produced. Wnrrauted harmless and
matchless. F. M. j Wilkins, agent, Eugeue
City. (
Delays are Dangerous.
You say, well, 'tis'only a slight cnltl, hsik
out, it may lead to ah iiitiamation of the lining
imr.of numerous air cells of the Lungs this is
Pneumonia. Or to spasmodic contractions of
the fibres of the air passages, which is Asthma;
or the inflamation of the lining membrane of
the throat and tubes which puss through the
Langs, which in the first stage is called Bron
chitis, and may lead to consumption. Santa
Abie is delicious in flavor, certain and perfect
in its result, A few doses will relieve, a thor
ough treatment cure the above named diseases.
Every bottle warranted by all druggists.
Fob Saii. A lot of nico Bhow-cascs, as
good as new, at
E. It. Luckki & Co's.
Lnmbort & Henderson are the sole ngents
for the celebrated Snnerior stoves. Take
your wife and look at them.
Santa Abie soothes and heals the mem
branes of the throat and lungs when polsou
onod and intlumed by disease It prevents
night sweats and tightness across the chest,
cmvfi coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia,
whooping-cough and all other throat and
lung troubles. No other medicine is -so suc
cessful in curing nasal catarrh ns Califor
nia Cat-It Cure. The enormous and increas
ii'?, demands for these standard California
remedies confirm thoir merits. Sold and ab
solutely guaranteed by all druggists at $1 a
package. Three for $2.50. '
harm for bale.
I have for sale 220 acres of .land know n as
the GilShin farm; 25 acres good timber and
the remainder all prairie. All under fonce;
good house and barn; good orchard and
other improvements. The place has an
abundance of good spring water and is sit
uated one. fourth mile from the Pleasaut
Hill school house, one of the best school
districts iu the county. For further particu-
ars apply to 1. ti. iikndhioks.
II the Liver be
comes torpid, If the
bowels ore constipated, or if the stomach
fails to perform its functions properly, use
Ayer's PUls. They are Invaluable.
For some years I was a victim to Liver
Complaint, in consennence of which I
suffered from General Dobllity and Indi
gestion. A few boxes of Ayor's Pills
restored me to perfect health. W.T.
Brightuey, Henderson, W. Va.
For ypars I have relied more upon
Ayer's Pills than anything else, to
my bowels. Those Pills are mild In ac
tion, and do their work thoroughly. I
have used them, with good effect, in
cases of Rheumatism and Dyspepsia.
G. F. Miller, Attleborough, Mass.
Ayrs PUls cured me of Stomach and
Liver troubles, from which I hail suffered
for years. I consider them the best pills
made, and would not bo without them.
Morris Gates, Downsvillo, N. Y. '
I was attacked with Bilions Fever,
which was followed by Jaundice, and
was so dangerously ill that my friends
despaired of ray recovery. I commenced
taking Ayer's Pills, ami soon regained
my customary strength and vigor.
John C. Paulson, Lowell, Nebraska.
Last spring I suffered greatly from a
troublesome humor on my sido. In spito
of every effort to cure this eruption, it in
creased until the flesh became entirely
raw. I was troubled, at the same time,
with Indigestion, and distressing pains in
The Bowels.
By the advice of a friend I began taking
Ayer's Pills. In a short time I wafreo
from pain, my food digested properly; the
sores on my body commenced, neuling,
and, in less than one month, I was cured.
Samuel D. White, Atlanta, Ga.
I have long used Ayer's Pills, In my.
family, and believe them to be the best
pills made. S. C. Darden, Darden, Miss.
My wife and little girl were taken with
Dysentery a few days ago, and I at once
began giving them small doses of Ayer's
Pills, thinking I would call a doctor if the
disease became any worse. In a short
time the bloody discharges stopped, all
pain went away, and health was restored.
Theodore Esliug, Richmond, Va. ft
Ayer's Pills, .
Prepared by Dr. J. O. A yer fc Co., Lowell,
Sold by all Dealers la UedlctM
I'lilim'i Hi Mil Flood.
A Catastiiophi Eljuai.lkd Only nv tux
Dklchk of Holt Whit.
Tlio London Times of January 11th con
tains au account from its Pckiii. China,
correspondent of what was probably the
most appalling catastrophe iu the world s
history since the Deluge nf Holy Writ. The
Times letter is dated Noveiulier 12. 18M7.
The correspondent savs:
itie lloaug Ho, or xellow ldvrr, has re
cently given fresh proof of its right to the
title oi "i nina s sorrow. leaf after year
this great river is the cause of nncea'sing
anxiety both to the public and to the Gov
ernment. For several hundred miles from
the sea its batiks are marked out into short
sections, each with its allotted guard. Offi
cers of the highest rank and the greatest ex
perience are appointed to superintend the
whole. During the Yi'imer und Spring
when the waturs are .low, necessary repairs
re carried out assiduously ut the cost of
vast sums. hen the season of the bum
mer and Autuiuu freshets comes round a
numerous army is employed' vigilantly
watching the conduct of the Bt renin, and,
with materials stored at humf, is ready to
strengthen at nny point in the banks which
may snow signs oi weakuess. Hull year by
year, almost without exception breaches oc
cur at some unexpected spots, und wide
tracts are overrun by the waters which carry
away all hopes of the autumn harvest, aud
perhaps also the very homes of the peasant
iaruiers. But the sufferings caused by these
common and partial inundations, severe iu-
.i i.i. i. r. i i ,i - . , i.i
uecu muiigu it ue, is uoiuing ooinparca witu
what has befulleu the land ou a few terrible
occasions, among which the preseut one
must be numbored. within the last few
weeks the river has broken its banks at a
point about 300 miles from the coast. It
Las entirely deserted its former bed, and its
waters, swollen by Hood, have poured down
upon a thickly inhabited plaiu, spreading
death and desolation to Jin uupnralled ex-
tent, and forcing an entirely new road for
themselves to the sua.
During tho past 2000 years the Yellow
River has changed it course five or six times
discharging its waters by a new mouth, dis
tant trom the old one as much, perhaps, as
three or four degrees of loiicitude. For
500 years up to the middle of the past cen
tury, it euturea the sea a little to the south
of the Shantung province whose bold prom
ontory catches one s eye instantly ou the
map, projecting far into into the ocean be
tween the Yellow Sea aud the Gulf of Poch
ili. In A. D. 1852 it burst its northern
bank about 250 miles inland, and cut a new
bed for itself throughout the northern part
of Shangtuug into the gulf of Pechili. Of
the particulars of the calumitv, and the vast
amount of suffering and destruction that
must have ensued, we know little or noth
ing. Inland from Shantung is (he provinco of
Honan, with Kalfcug, its capital, on the
south bank of the Yellow river. About
forty, miles west from Kalfeng stand the
second-class city of Cheng or Cheng Chou.
The hitter half of September was unuusually
wet aud stormy in Northwest China. The
local streams were tilled to the brim and
overflowing, und a heavy freshet was com
ing down the Yellow-' River, which in Ho
nan is something over a half mile broad.
A little below Cheng Chou there is a bend
iu the river where the stream is borne against
the south shore. The embaukmeuts were
sodden with ten days continuous rain, aud a
strong wind blowing down the beach added
to the force of the current. The waves
dashed .violently agninst the embankment,
curried away first the protecting fascines
aud not long after the eurtheu witll behind
them. The breach at first extended for
only a hundred yards, and the main body
of the streum continued to follow its own
channel. Frantio efforts were made to close
thgap but its sides rapidly crumbled
sway till it widened to a breadth of 1200
yards, through which issued the whole con
tents of the river.
Parallel with the Yellow river, between
it and Cheng Chpu, run the Lu-cbia river,
a water course of no size. The escaped tor
rout poured into the valley of this stream,
rushing down it toward the east. Twenty
miles trom Cheng Chou stood Chuugmoii, a
walled city of the third rank. Iu the dis
trict of which it is the chief town 100 vil
lages were swallowed up etirely, aud the
lauds of 300 more were inundated. The city
itself is reported officially to be utill stand
ing, encircled by the waters, but privute ac
counts represent that both it and its popula
tion are buried beneath the waves. The
flood, still keeping the lino of the Lu-cbia,
then turned, southward, a mass of water
from 10 to 20 feet deep in the uiidKt and
stretching iu width thirty' miles, without
counting less important offshoots which in
vaded the valleys of adjacent streams. Chlih
sicn ('hen, one of the principal trading cen
tres of China, lay in the direct course, but
fortunately being on higher ground, escaped
with the loss of a few suburbs. Seventy
miles due south of Kaifeng Lu-cbia joins a
lurger river coining from tho west. Nut far
below the point of junction the flood, aggra
vated by the accession to its volume, rose to
a height even greater than before. The
country there traversed by it is low lying
aud very fertile, and the population corres
pondingly dense. In a tract which must be
Jess than thirty miles square as many a
1500 villages were submerged. Not far be
yond this locality the inundation passed into
the neighboring province of Annul, from the
Government a) which no reports have yet
been published'. The people there must
have received warning of the impending dau-g.-r,
end it is bvlieved that the Hood, though
spreading very widely, bus been less deep
and violent. The loss of life, should, there
fore, be much less, but the destruction of
property must be immense all along the val
ley of the Huai river to the sea. "The num
ber of persons drowned in Hnuun can never
be reckoned with any approach to nccii'scy,
and cuu hardly even be guessed. Haaiding
a conjecture, i will say that it cannot be less
tban 1,0011,000, and probably is not so high
as 2.000,OvHJ. Still the European in Pekin,
who by his relations with the Chinese Gov
ernment is in a position to be better in
formed than any one else, has put the num
ber at 7,000,000. Official reports stute that
j very few escaped of those hose home were
in tne miusi oi me noou, tnougn a smau
number were rescued iu boats from tree
I tops or high monuds.
( There is no intention on the part of tht
: Government to allow the. river to remain as
it is. Unlets have been issued to close the
j breach and confine the water to its old chan
i nel with all jmssihlc speed. With this ob
' ject the Imperial Treasury has been directed
to forward IjOo.ouu to the local authorities,
aud so furnish further funds at they may bt
required. As (he water diminishes wonder
fully during the Winter months, there is
reasou to hope that tho attempt may lie suc
cessful. Should it fail, the inhabitants of a
densely populated tract of country nearly
100 miles iu length will be Condemned to
years of hopeless misery, till most of them
have perished off the face of the earth; and
the task must be begun of emhutikitm the
river on both sides for all this distance.
Mcsnwhile the Emperor Is not forgetful ' of
his duly toward his suffering people. Be
sides the private gift of the Empress men
tinned above, a sum of 75,000 has been ap
iiriated for the relief of distress. Also
32,e"Oi0 pounds of rice, which should be
sent iMt Spring to Pekin from Central
Chiua, is to be dispatched as soon as possi
ble to the Hooded country instead. A num
ber of soup kitchens have already Iwen
established, each of which is besieged by
several thousand refugees. Mat sheds and
warm clothing will be provided in the Win
ter; and the Governor, miudful of the possi
bility of rebellion, proposes to keep as many
thousand of able-bodied men as he can out
of mischief by enrolling them as laborers on
the repairs to the embankments which are
shortly to be undertaken. Lastly, should
any of the officials engaged Iu distributing
relief be found guilty of malversation, their
superior officers are authorized to apply to
ttirm tne short and sharp penalties ot mar
tial law.
Found Out loo Late
A physician who had atteuded a man dur
ing several weeks of illness, called ono day
and presented his bill.
"1 can t pay this, said the ex-patient.
"Why? It is correct."
"I don't doubt that, put I haven't any
money. Had to pay a life insurance as
sessment this morning and it took every cent
I bad."
"What, is your life insured?"
"Yes, aud at one time when I did not ex
pect to live but a few hours longer, I told
my wifo to see that you were-paid just as
soon as the company paid the amount of the
"My dear man," the doctor suggestivoly
replied, "I wish I had known that. I think
I would have gotten my money. "-Arkausaw
nil Easy Place to Find.
A sympathetic female visiting the Texas
penitentiary at lIuntBville, said to one ot the
"Uufortunate creature, how did you oome
here?" '
"I didn't have no trouble martn, finding
my way here. I couldn't have lost the way
if I had been at blind at a bat. Two deputy
shoriffs brought me here on the cars, one
holding on to each arm. I never had less
trouble in finding a place in my life."
"Did whisky have any thing to do with
your coming?" ,
"Yes. Both deputies were druuk.'? N. Y.
No, Patti has no babies. The family have
decided that thev can't afford it. When
th( y realized that it would cost the young
ster 100 every time he wanted his mother
to sing him to sleep cash up or no confert
thev decided that no bubv could stand it
without mortgaging the nursery and fittings.
London nu-uits.
The symptoms of Bilionsuess are unhap
pily too well known. They differ in differ
ent individuals to some extent. A Bilious
man it seldom a breakfast eater. Too fre
quently, alas, be has an excellent appetite
for liquids but none for solids of a morning.
His tongue will hardly, bear inspection at
any time; if it is not white and furred, it is
rough, at all events.
The digestive system is wholly out of
order and Diarrhea or Constipation nmy be
a symptom or the two may alternate. There
are often Hemorrhoids or even loss of blood.
There may be giddiness and often headache
and acidity or flatulence and teuderurss in
the pit of the stomach. To correct all this
if not efft'ot a cure try Grten's Auiput Flow,
It costs but a triile and thousands attest its
i 1 . .
Turesh Mother Tinctures superior in
preparation to any in the market.
Hydrtstine Tonic one of the finest com.
pounds for debility oud lost vitality.
Homoopathio mother tinctures and Tritu
rations to per cent stronger than lluid ex
tracts; prices the samo as Eastern establish
ments. Speciul attention is called to the B. & S.
tinctures. He sure and mention B. & S.
when prescribing, A full supply always on
hand at . It. Luckey & Co's.
Real Estate.
I shall continne to push tho real estate
business with ell tho vigor its profits will
justify reports to the contrary notwithstand
ing. I sbull continuo to do all in my power
to advance the interests of Lune county. My
head office will remain at the old stand on
Willamette Street, Eugene City and Prof.
C. F. Houghton will have charge of the bus.
iuess in inv absence.
Gko. M. Miixkb.
Fabm fob Bale. A farm continuing J'JU
acres, situated Vt miles from Eugene and
1 miles from Irving, is offered for sale at
$20 per aero. There are 130 acres nnder cul
tivation; 80 more is open land. The rest is
timber laud furnishing abundance of wood of
ull kiwK close to market.! There are three
good orchards on the place. The soil is very
rich and well adapted to fruit raising. Will
be divided to suit purchasers. Apply to
J. J. Waltoh, 7b.,
Having perfected arrangement with par
ties in I'orllauil, 1 am awe now to nnu pur
chaser 'or lands, more readily than
heretofoi. If you have land for sale, im
, proved or unimproved, you cannot do bet
i ter thun to entrust your business with ns.
lerms reasouauie. xour wn"Kr .
B. F. Dobws.
Fob Sale. Tbirty-Bve dollars win nny a
Parker shot gun.twelvc bore; alo nve uozen
metal shells cost If 50. Inquire at this