THROUGH THE FOREST. flu Old m4 Toung Danced ill HUrst Our Hsrdy Inoetton. Old men live in the pant. Ferhaps it woulu be better for the young men of the present, if they lived a liHlojbit mooe in the pant, and drew less on the future. The log cabins of primitive times would seem very cheerless habitation to the people who live in the finely constructed, furnace heated mansions of to day. But our grandparents took a great deal of comfort in these rude homes. They were rugged and healthy. The men had stalwart and hardy frames, and the women were free from the modern ailments that make the sex of to-day practically helpless slaves to hired foreign hlp. White haired grand-sires frequently took their life partners and on horse back rode a score of miles through the forests to enjoy the lively pleasures of aj frontier ball, danced till daylight, rode home again in the early morning, then put ki a good day's work. Middle-aged folks of to-day couldn't stand that sort of a racket. To these mud-chinked logcabins doctors' visits were a rarity. The in habitants lived to a rugged and green old age. Sometimes these logcabin old-timers were taken ill. They were not proof against all the exposures to which they were subjected. They found the effective remedies for these common ailments in the roots and herbs which grew in the neighboring uimbis and fields. They had learned that nature has a cure for every ill. These potent remedies ashisted their sturdy frames to quickly throw off disease and left bo poison in the system. The unpleasant feature of modern practice with mineral medicines is the injuiious after-effect on the system. May not modern physical degeneracy be due to this feature f A drug-saturated eystem is not in a natural, consequently not in a healthy, state. If any of the main organs are clogged with traces of the mineral poisons used to drive out a particular disease, the whole machin ery of life is deranged and early decay of natural powers is the inevitable result. There can be no question that rem edies from the laboratory of nature are the best. If they are as tthcacioun, they have the advantage of leaving no after tting. Their efficacy, if properly com pounded, and the proper remedy ap plied to the proper disease, will not be doubted. The experience of ages proves it. Their disuse has come about prin cipally through the rapid congregation of people in cities and villages, render ing these natural remedies difficult to obtain. Progressive business enter prise has lately led to putting these old time remedies within the reach of all classes. The proprietors of Warner's safe remedies, in the faith that the people of to-day would be benefited by using the simple remedies of log cabin days, have caused investigations to be made and secured the formulas of a number of those which long and successful Ube had proved to be most valuable. They will, we learn, be known under the general title of "Warner's Log Cabin Remedies" Among these med icines will be a "Sarsaparilla" for the blood and liver. "Log Cabin Hops and Buchu Remedy" for the stomach, etc., "Log Cabin Cough and Consumption Remedy," a remedy called "Scalpiue," for the hair, "Log Cabin Extract," for internal 'and external use, and an old valuable discovery for catarrh, called "Log Cabin Roso Cream." Among the list is also a "Log Cabin Plaster" and a "Log Cabin Liver Pill." The Only AcSlertf. ' ' ' "Did any of your family got cut to pieces with a ninwing-niacliino this year?" ho asked of a fanner oil the niarket yesterday. No. sir." "Any legs taken off by tho reaper?" "Not a h;g. " "Any one fall ofT a haystack and run a pitchfork into him?" "N.i. sir." "Any one got wound up in the tumbling-rod of the Ihrashing-uia-cliine?" 'No. sir." "Any ono killed by the explosion of a portable boiler?" "No." "None of the womon burned todeath by kerosene?" "No." "Well, you ought to bo thankful." "Yes, 1 suppose so. The only acci dent we had in our neighborhood oc curred to a chap who cnnie out from the city to stay a day or two with me. Hi fell asleep In the orchard and a calf chewed all the hair off h i head!" Detroit Free Presn. f A Trifle Sarcastic. Wife to II isband I can't compre hend how I ever came to marry such a donkey a yon. Husband Don't get excited, my dear. . ' The only explanation for it is that IwnsafuoL a wretched, ignominious fool." "Now look hero, my dear, you may abuse me as-much as you please, but I ohall not allow you to call my wife a fool. You must speak respectfully when you mention her name, even if sh does not deserve iu"Schalk. I do wish." remarked lb wklto Wse, wearily, "tlist ahrn-kaJrd girls would try and ky la iV WsJuiijjbo OrittA VALUABLE ADVICE. a Eminent I'hyalrta Tflla How )tpti thsrla Should Be Treated. Dr. Ceorgo M. Sternberg, in the Lamb prize essay on the "Disinfection and Individual Prophylaxis against Infec tious Diseaser," given by the American Public Health Association, devotes a pago (Tthe methods of avoiding diph theria, Ho says that insuflleiont nour ishment, the malarial poison and un Janitary surroundings, are predisposing fames to the disease. The diphtheritio poison is capable of increase Indepen dently of the slek. in damp, foul places, inch as old sewers, damp cellers, and especially under old houses in which the floors come under the surface of tho ground, leaving a damp, unvcntilated space. At all events. Dr. Stei nberirsavs diphtheria often clings to such houses In spite of the application of the usual means of disinfection. There is no doubt of tho influence of bad hygienio conditions in maintaining tho infection when the disease has been introduced, and it is possible that such conditions may originate diphtheria. Prevention is best secured by complete non-inter course with the sick, the avoidance of Infected localities, and care to exclude all persons and articles coming from such houses from contact with house keepers or children. Tho disease is often spread by thoughtless persons who visit the sick-room, and even kiss the infected patients, and then, without any disinfection, fondle healthy children in other places, and purhaps transmit by a kiss the infectious material that has adhered to their lips. Tiie disease may be transmitted by pot animals. But it is tho discharges from the throat and nasal passages which are especially dangerous. Dr. Sternberg says tho littlo bag of camphor or cotton wet with carbolic acid which the fond mother ties about her child's neck to ward off diphtheria or scarlet fever at school are of no use. Nothing but thorough disinfection of the premises and keeping away from tho contagion will do. All damp and dark places should be aired and cleaned, ventilation should be secured under every cellar and floor. Plonty of good tires should be maintained in stoves and grates, nnd abundant air admitted to every room. There is no specific for the disease; it is not known to bo duo to any special germ. Children should be isolated, put in a room up stairs, or distant from the general liv-iug-room. No public funerals should he permitted. If possible, the sick room should be deserted and fumigated with sulphur every few days. TIih room should bo steamed by a pan of boiling water on the stove for an hour. It should then bo closed tight; the key hole and cracks closed with paper pasted on. Then a tub with an inch of water is set in the middle of the room, and the sulphur is burned in a pan supported on bricks in the water to avoid tire. The sulphur is mixed in with co' ton bi' tting, a pound to a bed room and two pounds to a living-room. Tho cotton and sulphur are moistened with alcohol, ignited and the room closed for two hours or all night. Only in this way is the disinfection thor ough. All rags, handkerchiefs, towels. sheets and srarments near the sick should be burned or boiled for a half honr. The sick-room should be as clear of furniture as possible. Carpets, stuffed chairs and bric-a-brac should be removed from the- sick-room. Friends and visitors must be kept out. nnd tho attendants should be regarded as infected persons. The mother should not care for the sick child and at the same time have tho family in charge. There must be division of labor and household and fSek-room quaratino. IndianauQ'is Journal, THE GRAY SQUIRREL. Soma Habit of Thl Interesting Member or the Kodent family. Although tho gray squirrel lays up soniu store of nuts for tho winter, he is not a very provident housokooper, and enjoys his food as ho gets it. Ho sleeps through the rugged weather in sonic hollow branch or tree trunk, but the warm winter sunshino will sometimes hire him out even when tho snow is lving on tho hills. Still he is not wholly improvident, as tho empty nutshells about his winter quarters testify. His character as a poacher is not above sus picion, and many a bird's nest is rilled af both eggs and downy young when rtiey fall in tho way of his rambles. A rather remarkable feature in the life of the gray squirrel is the irregular migratory movement which numbers of them make tit various times, more especially in the fall of the year. For many years the gray squirrels may be scarce in many sections ol tho country when all at once somo fine autumn morning the woods and trees were over run with thein. Broad rivers offer no barrier to their progress; mountain ranges are crossed and whole areas of woodland are given over to them. These occasional migrations are very similar to the irregular movements of lemming, a ratlike animal of Northern Europe, which at times sweeps over the country in vast hordes, devouring evert- trieen thinr in their path. A tract of country through which such a migration has passed is often com pletely devastated. But happily tho mi grations of our squirrel are not on so large a scale or so frequent, and the crops do not suffer greatly. The cause of these movements is undoubtedly a scarcity of food compelling them to leave, and under a common impulse they unite in one great body and mi grate elsewhere. Philadelphia Timet. Farmer Dickinson, of Chatham, N. J., is a skillful taxidermist, and that he nny have birds to stuff and sell he iireeds owls which he prepares for the market, which a said to be firm. At the fourth annual convention of architect in Cincinnati, recently, a house which was built with flre-DOof wire lath lug, was set on fire in order to show the architect that it would not burn. MAC! OH XAKTK Awaits that countless army of martyr, whose ranks are constantly recruited from the vio- tims of nervousness and nerveus diseases. The price of the boon 1 s sistematlo conrte of Hoatetter's Stomach Bitters, the finest and moat Rental of tonle nervines, punued with reasonable persistence, taster, pleaaanter and afor this than to swaah the victualing department with pseudo-tonics, alcoholio or the reverse, beef extract, nerva foods, narcot ist, sedatives and poiaona til disguise. "Tired Nature sweet restorer, balmy sleep," Is Die Brovidentlal recuperant for weak nerves, and lis glurtou franchise being usually the con sequence of sound digestion and increased vigor, the great itoniachto which insures both is productive also of repose at the required Ume. Not unrefreahed awakens the individ ual who uses it, but vigorous, clear headed and tranquil. Use the Illtters also in fever and ague, rheumatism, kidney trouble, con stipation and biliousness. It I said that England expends nearly $3,000,000 yearlv to maintain her Bpy sys tem in America. THJ BEAUTY OF WOMAlf is her crown of glory. But alasl how quickly does the nervous debility and chronic weakness of the sex cause the bloom of youth to pass away, sharpen the lovely features, and emaciate the rounded form! There is but one remedy which will restore the faded roses and brinR back the grace of youth. It is Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription," a sovereign rem edy for the diseases peculiar to females. it is one or the greatest ooons ever con ferred upon the human race, for it pre serves that which is fairest and dearest to all mankind the beauty and the health of woman. There Is said to be a sheen at Akron, Ohio, which weighs 6H0 pounds. IH 0ENEBAL DEBILITY, EMACIATION, Connumntlon and WaHtlnr In Chll- dren, Mrott'ai Kmnlnloaiof Pure Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites, is a most valuable food and medicine. It creates an appetite for food, strengthens the nervous system, and builds up the body. Please read: "I tried Scott's Kmulsion on a young man whom Physi cians at time irave un hone Since ho bai been tsing the Emulsion hi Cough has oeascd, gained flesh and strer.gth, and from all appear ances his life will be prolonged many years." SULLIVAN, Hospital blewaru, juorgauut, 1'a. It is highly dangerous to use anything but a purely vegetable remedy for the liver. liobb's Little Vegetable Pills is such, and is recommended by physicians, Anne. Queen of Richard II, first intro duced side-saddle for ladles. A BUEE THING. There'are very few things in this life of which we may be absolutely certain, but this is one of them: that Dr. Pierce's "Pleasant Purgative Pellets have no equal as a cathartic- in derangements of the liver stomach and bowels. They are very small and their action is pleaaant. Purely vegetable, perfectly harmless, 25 cents a vial. All druggists. Seven vears ago Mexico h ad but 400 miles of railroad; now she has 4,000. TESTIMONY OF A PAINTER, No. 105 Carlton Avenue, Brooklyn, N. Y. Allcock's Porous Plasters ore undoubt edly the best external remedy manufac tured. I meke this assertion to the public from my own personal experience of their wonderful virtues. Suff ering from severe pains in my side and chest, contracted through a severe cold. I applied a couple of Allcock's Porous Piasters upon going to bed at night The reu t was, that in eight hours after applying them I could get up and walk about with very little pain or ache, when the night previous I could neither get up nor down without help, nor stoop to remove my snoes. x nave since us d them in my family for various ail ments, and have never known them to fail to give almost instant relief. T. H. Backps. Unitarian relhrious literature ut free on apolloa Uon to MIm B. F. Davison. P. O. Hoi Sao Portlaud, Or. Washington oomapondenu ado. Hiss tt. DoVo, HoatUe ITCHIBO 1ILE8, Symptoms Moisture; intents Itchln and stinging, mot at night; worse by scratching. If si lowed to oou tlnua tumor, form. hlch often blood and ulceiaU), becoming rery sore. Swaykk's Ointment stops the Itchlug and bleeding, koals ulceration, and In muy eases remotes the tumors. It Is equally etttcaclous In curing HI okln Diseases. DR. 8WAYNK HON, Proprietors, Philsdeliihta. bWAYNi'a Ointmkht esu be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 50 Cent. See Antisell Piano advertisement. TryGermea for breakfast. OameUln Improves and preserves tha onmpleilan. uWEovr" lUsnpertoraioenenoaproTsnlaaiOUam f nomrsfot mora than au,uattr of a oeotury. It is ssed oy Jia C'aitOstateeitorexoment Indorsedliytheneadflua Orst Cniienltif as the 8lronWt, Puret and a,oJ Hesltbfui Dr. Frlos'a tn only baking Powder bat does not cJOiala Amiaoula, Linisor Alum. Bold only in Cana TltlOa BAKINO POWDER. OO., HEW TOSK. CH101OO ST. topi. a I I trai'O IDOM TONIC BITTERS "h. (teat Tsnle. Ulood Purifier. Aprstifr saS I.rrsr Iarlgerstor. ueaaiae nu, uj . r. jui. . FREE By return mall. FsHI Derlptlaa Hair's New Tallwr aysuas f "aa aUUa MOODY CO., Oiwaanati, 0. MEN'S FURNISHINC GOODS, 232KeamySt,,SanFrancisco SbJrts, Unuerwtar, Suspenders, Nniery, Gloves, Neckwear, Collars, Cuffs, Etc SHUTS THItDER, $1. niustrsaed CaUlogiM, with Rules tor Self Jtesaurenieut. Mailed I ro. (CEME2 him The new Texas State House is the larg est State Capitol building in the Union. TO CONSUMPTIVES. Peade r, can you believe that the Creator aftlicU one-third of mankind with a dis ease for which there is no remedy f Dr. K. V. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discovery" has cured hundreds of canes of consump tion, and men are living to-day health v. robust men whom physicians pronounced incurable, because one lung was almost fone. Send 10 cents in stamp for Dr. lerce's book on consumption and kindred affections. Address, World's Dispensary Medical Association, (103 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Butter and lard should be kept In stone or earthenware, and kept in a cool place. For relieving Throat Trouble and VougUn, "Urown'a Uronchial Tro chat" have a world-wide reputation. Sold only in boxes. Price 2A eta. amsuxFTioir bu&xlt cured. To the Editor :- ltuase inform your readers that 1 have a pos itive remedy for the ahova named diaeaaa. 11 r ita timely use thousands of hopeless case have Kw 11 luimuiuntlv jmimiI 1 u 1. u 1 1 k. ii I a4 tr. unu two nonius or my remedy racst u any or your reader who have consumption if they will send ue their Kxpreas and P. O. address. Rospeotully. V. A. SLOCUM. McT UU Peart St. New Yor Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Jixtermi nator Try it, and prove the bent is the cheapest, Wakelee & Co.. San Franclaco. elys catarrh CREAM BALI.E have usd hro bottlea of El ifii Cream Balm and consider myself cured. I suffered tO years from ca tarrh and cutar rhalheadarheand thit is the first remedii that af IMS forded lotting re lief.- U. I. Jiio ginson, 145 Lake AY-FEVER bt , Chicago, m. A particle Is applied lato each nostril and la agreeable. Price 50 oents at drugKtuts; by mail, registered, 80 oanta. KI.Y BKOTHKHH W Oree mrtoh Btrtwt. New York. PULMONARY BALSAM A aurtHioa rimbdv roa COUGHS, COLD, INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION And sll Tbrost and Lung Troubles. Isold by all IrrugglHt for 50 Cents. J. R. CATES A CO., raopmitTima, 417s3anHoraeMU HAM FRANCISCO CANDY MAKING FOR PLEASURE OR PROFIT. Vl J FI:KM0 wishing to engage in a light. X pieaaaut, and, perhaps, profitable amusement, can learn the art of t'auuy Making at home, and while firing amusement to their frieuds and theiuaeWea, dls oover whether tney hare a tasks for the work as a busi ness, and thop by make a falrllrlng profit from a Tery small inrestuitfiiB. Kooelpts, and full lustrucUons In de tail, suHlcli-ut for serenl lesnnns for the making of twelrs simple TarleUes, aud imply sufficient for home amusement, sent for one dollar. Tools necessary may be found In any kitchen. Address, OKO, H. PKU C1VAU 133 Kills Struct. San t'rancisoo. BUSINESS COLLEGE. 24 Post St., S. P., Oal Bliortkand, Type-writing. Penmanship, Book-keeping and Tulogispby all for S7J. SCHOOL ur rnaunvAu, uuiu. Meohsnloal and Mining Kn. rvn nn . swmwr ' niBt. sineerlug. Hurraying ArohV iteotura. llrawlug aud Assay In BANCROFT BUILDINQ. . 723 Market St., San Franclsoo, Cat, aCBaad for circular, A. VtHDER HinXElf, Prt.dntv WESTCOn BROS. SEEDS Ilardy Northern Grown From Minneapolis, Minnesota, are the best, because tlisv sre earlier and the most produoUre. Take no other until you try them. For sale by all leading dealer on die eoast throughout the country. Trade supplied by WENTCO'IT BROTIIEIM, 6el Merchants, 400 and 404 Sansoms Street, San Francisco, Cat, The Van DIoncLscar DISPENSARY. VJHLAim, OB. Toanf, aldJlsett anS Id. sWe ot marrted maa and sISahosufTor with LOST MANHOOD) Nervous lWlity, Sncma. torrhea, Bamlnal Losses Sexual Deoay.FaUmf Mom or Weak Xyea, Laok of Energy, also Blood land Hkln Dlasaaes, Hyphllll Eruptlooa. Hall Valllni Bon Pallia, 8 woWdki Bon Throat, TJlosra, K -feels of Mercury, Kidney, and Bladder Tronbl 7ak Hot Hrrm dm ITrina Oononbaa. Gleet atrial -pnuupt rellof and ours for Uia AfSJLBt (Kea Mioasil ioanneauaii OfrftOH-lHM os 1H4 THIRD 81.- SELBY SMELTESQ ASD LEAD CO., San Francisco. 1 SH8TGUN CARTRIDGES BUELL LAMBERSON, Cen'l Agent. 7 Mtau-k Nt. Partlaad. Or. JParxxxt for Balo. SEBST1VPH VOtt CIKCI I AK toM.OniF KIH, '.ttonwood, Mhsst (Joonty. t'sl , fruit ImJI of Upper Haoramonto Valley ; or, to H. tiltl I'l'IN . Tol. Jackson Couity, Itr., eontvr of hua Biver Valley, Mn.i . mild oLlmale and prvHruirtivetiess. The Oregon National Bank. or POITTLAXO., v IrJwseessrnto MetrooolUan iiavtngiSlank.l CAPITAL PAU) Of, - tWXO. Tp.oaaeu a ueaam uanni ins BtxK) EXUHANdbi on Bsa VrswSars and New Tat. Ui L' vft il.l.kivir( 1V.4 r&v.nblM Srtlna BtXl WAh VAU B DaLAUUMCTT Plesvlent. Vloesasiiasal. t 9. IHXRMAJI Oashsar. E. J. BOW EN'S SEEDS, s Alfalfa. Onion Beta. Orsa. Clover. Tecetabla and flower Seeua Br far n largest and mo eon.plU Wick on th Paolna Caasl. Lam Illustrated. Oosorlptlv snd prlsel Cstalogn maUco, ns, to au appueauta. E. J. BOWES S3 Front titreet, Portland, Orecoaf Or, 81 and 817Sanom 8L, Baa Francisco, Cal. Hi! m pwlsMrfuavtasaMriv.aar r.wsalUaaU St a Uaaaaasaa A Osw Ssasia. m0& H 1 I J C . . I 5jacobso at vrv jrip-n 4 mm a LUMBAQO. CaTrliflB. w"hy so mnny deviate from a graceful carriage may be accounted for in as many ways as there are mutslmueu belnps. MUSCt'LAB WEAKNESS. Llltl Back. The spinal column Is the main stay of the body, which stitl'ens up the straight man or woman, and nature ha provided muscular supports to bold it erect TWISTED OUT OF 8HAPK. Distortion!. Men and women recklessly twist themselves out of shape, and the re sult is the few standing straight and the many bending down. SYMPTOMS. Paint. Those which afflict the back are the meat insidious or subtile. They come at times without warning; we rise from a sit ting posture to find tlie back so crippled of trained as to cause acute suffering. TREATMENT. tore. KUD tne pans annciea ireeiy wuu Kt. Jacobs Oil: rub hurd snd vigorously. producing warmth, and if the pain is slow in yielding, wrap tho parts in thuinel staepett in Lot water and wrung out. Bold by Druggdtt and Dtalen Eteryvtar. THE CHARLES . V0CELER CO., BiltMiort, Ml Crir 6,000,000 people use sV U.M.FtHRiaCO. ladmtttadtobath Best Seedsmen in the world. K.IVUYaCOS OlaMrsu, Pnrrla. lit as i-rwta SEED ANNUAL For tees aril b msllod' -KCCT0 ALL applioanta, aad So Isat asosoD'a customers with out ordaring it. 1 Invaluable to aU. every perena aauuj sn.FleldvFiower SEEDSr4!: aM. FERRY ACO.,DotTOlt,Mloh, PIAHOS.-t vice, in use in no oilier V 1st Premiums. 15,000 In use, year established. Kuw patented Steel Tuning De ua. In use In no oilier riano. ov waioo our nania stand In tune zo yean, good for 100 ; not aftectod by climate. No wood to split, break, swell, shrink, oraok, decay, or wear out ; we guarantee it Mo vant Itosswnud Cases, S ttrtnro, double reiiantlng si-tlrn Snaat Ivorv kovs: the Famous ANTISKI.U Osll or write lor Catalogue, free. T. M. ANTlSKli. FIANOCO., Mauulaeturars, Odd Fellows' Hall, Mar. ket and Seventh Streets, Hon FraiicuH-o. DR. IV1CNULTY. Thl eminent SpecuOlst still continue to treat with the same success ss of old all Special, Chmnlo, Kervous and Private Diseases of both soxes. Send for th " Lsillos" Uulde to Health," and his book on " SHiclsl blsoases," which are tree. Call Ujmn or aildrew P. HOStJOR MuNULTY, M. D., It Kearny Street, Hsn rTsnolnro. 1 CURE FITS! Whnn 1 mt enra 1 do not mean merely ta tw them for a time and than hava Uuws rvtomsajon, 1 n iwliosl oura, I have nudo tlio disease of Iflln, Ki su- lil'SY Ot riUJIIU a nre-iouc sjuuj. Hrrant nur rwnedir to oara sn worst oases, naosusa sthors have failed ia n reason for not po mi la n iwaaoo ror nos mm mwrmi orua. Hendatonoa lor a tpnausasoa a r ixui KOUT,ajUfl-. N3 1'Vmrl 8t. New Yrjj, mm snd Pust umoa. CALIFORNIA SHEEP CASING- CO, 24 and 28 Ellis Street, BAN FRANCISCO CAt. All KINDS OF S&USAQE CASINOS, BUTCHERS' M loolsaud Machinery, Kvery. rAIMC tiling a Butcher and Sausage WfTTA f Maker need. We oall Seclal V p-r hdiiwuu w wr aiikoius aiiu Boilers, Our Two-Horse Power ACilR F.MI1NR and BOII.KIt cannot be uruasiHd for work- JrliV F .)."J.,lh manshlp and cheapness. Espe cially suitable tor Butcher, iMlrius, Saw M Ills, eto. Cost of running sxcoeulngly cheap. FSICE (all .complete), (205 Write for Dasaription and Cut. CAMFoitxit sntrr caixu co, Jtand26KLLt! BTUEb'T, BAN FRANCISCO, CAL. All sue Krurlns and Hollar alwavs la Itock. f LIFE SCHOLARSHIP, SKND FOR CIROULaB. 70. KNABE1 Tha best PIANO on earth Hainna Hro.'s PIANO? FATTI o psefereuoe. M union! Dflpartment A. L. Banoroft &Vo IU mored to tfi Post HL. Han Fraooisoo, Ol. PBltlYDOYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." Tha Original and Only Opaalne. SsfcsMalwsrsIWlsM. Swsiof worfhlrMlmluUoris. IUdUMUSDIS W LSUItlSl. .-m- - (jhickeater'el (luyup.) to OS Sir psrUtullsr, m ftur n, rviara amsa NAME PAPf ..MTllua-S. CARLSBAD 1M CALIFORNIA milH rKDKItfllONKD HAH ESTABLISHED IS -Hsnta iioroara, usi., a piaos lor curina inaiNKt-s, wmitia, nuw in uio oiiiid, wihkii uui.i uimwu. auu' loot lo cure oy ini-se Bprinirs suun as, aneo.ions 01 tns Liver, stomach, ttowels, Liinr, etc., on the ;arltiail lilan, under ths direction of lilt. HCiHNKK, tlie oela nrsted riiysiclsn. whohsscuriHl these silnientsinaiouat acb, Bowels, Luiirt. etc.. on mo carisisul astonishing insnner I- IIOII ., M. I , riiyslcfan. Hurtreon and Aocmcheiir. Cor. Hlate and Ootantiwita TStt ItRf.T or rttrMurttart m.'la siriMSl tut ias ear of roMuefiU ef lbs liwrsllrs orssm. Tlie ouiitlBuuiis wrtira of KI.Kn-allMTK (HHwailu Uirftoh lb rs.-ts vnut rflwrs Ujsra to hftslthy setkis. to nut soefesiHlUilswUh Ktootrls rtola aJvertUs ts ssr sll tils from bailMIH, Ills fr Iks OSS tpMillo perpoM. ror eireulsfs gtvtsf fall la ISrsMll'iB, srUrw Clxwrsr Klss trts Bsll Oo,, III WsstusfUa USI,01SS(,UI. For The NERVOUS The DEBILITATED The AGED. I 2i5 11 ! 3' t$lHfPr5 Warns (mmpDund REWARD! 1 1(1(111 Will be paid for sack andsvrry train of Bols flUUU onsui ulisUnm fuuud in WlsuousIfotierUne, ackrxivlsiifnl ilia moat dolls-bifid and only tally hanulMs lull artlol aver Lrixiiiord fur bosuUfflii and Meeervtng th soraplsilon. n-siitvtiif too, srsubura, frockles and u Umii labia aad eoushuasa of lb skin. Used and Indorsed by tha alls of anetetr and lb bias. Hold Wj all dnwstsl al 60 out pr hottl. Wall and flesh. St sail nurtured by W. M. WISDOM 00., UbawlsU, ForUaud, Orasua. PEOPLE'S DISPENSARY Acme Electric Belt Agency 171 Fourth EU, bet Morrison and Yamhill, roruaAO, uregoo. ADVICE AND MEDICINE 11.00.'! An auuusasVBy treated. Ohrooio and Kay Vuos Tfuublui a apaowtty lUwumaUstu, Mounlala. QtMieral and I Homme IMMWf , tkuikwi weotoKa and Loot Manhood awssslully araaled vttll too aid ol st UsLaaaaTco A Kxai tnw iialT and oUiureleeMs anullaraea. Hoaual DlaossM Saaan b the omo at roost BwMuuabt rau, a onmpetan rnywaw ana im Irk&w ki attMkkne dally Country patiieirns siaia3invt(naiMaoouiaeBpuMbia Otaresiiooo 'sanna avuair mm CUKES ALL HIMOKS, from a common Illotrh, or F.rnptlon, to the worst Herolulo. Salt.rlieuni, Mleer" sores," naiy or nusia Kktn, lu sliort, all dlstws raimt-d by bait blood tiro coniiiind by this imwrrful, purl' fvlnir. anil Inviiroratliiff nicdlclne. Oreal KaUliaT I'lccra mpiilly Ikiu untW its bo niirii lidliK'nou. ICsMH'lnlly tin It msiiift'stoc ,.ui.- real s bo- nmiilfcstod Its notfney In onrinir Teller, Hose Hash, Its iMitt-ncy In onrinir sener, oe " Holla, carbunrlea, Wore l-yea, Scroi ..I..... H.,ri.a and hwrlllnaa. Illp Holla, Carbuncles, nore i-yea, roi loiiit Dlsonse, Wblle Kwelliiiaa, Loltre, or Thick Neck, snd enlarged ; lull da. 8ond tt-n n-iils in stiiiis fin Inriro ti-ontlsti. with Dlsonans. or tho Sill coUirfd iilntcs, on t-kln mini' atitotint for a trcatlso H u..K..rnl.,iia A IVfw'f lima. 'THE BIOOD IS) TIIE I.IFE. Thoniiiirhlvt liniiBC It by Main- Ur. riorce'; fHoldon Nodical OUcovory, snd good dlaeation, a fair shin, buoyant "Plir- ItapauU Vlsai sarvunui, m wibwuiwi, CONSUMPTION, which la Scrofula of the Mm as, Is ar twl and ouml by tin remedy, If token tm. ftire the liwt stiunw of tlio dift-nao ore rraehf-d). From tts marvilons powt'i- over mis H-rrimy fatiil disoiuio, wlmn first nili rlnir thl novy ocltnitMl rwnixly to tlio ptilillo, Dr. 1'mnca (AotiB-ht seriously of cnlliiiK It bis "Con smuplloii Cure," but nbnndonvd Hint name as too IlinlU-d for n mi-dlclnp which, from Its wonderful ooinbinallim of tonic, or StrvnKtlrcnlnK, nlUirntlvc, or hlcxxU'lriliiBlnH, aiitl-iiilleiis, prHionil, nnd nutritive propt'r fles, ia uiiequnlnL not only ns a remedy for consumption, but fur all throttle Dis eases tit the Liver, Blcod, and Lungs. If jrvl fool dull, drowrry, debllHati-d, have sallow color of skla, ir yflkiwlsh-brown utiots on fitoa or biMly, IrvqiurH ln-iulnclit' or dial nom. bad buttu In mouth, liitrrnitl lient or chills, ulturnutitiK Willi b it tluslK'S, low spirits aud tiiiximy foruUxliiiKS, ii-nirulnr ripiietito, and contd tonifiiu, you on- siflU'rinir from inaiRCSIlUll! SFVat-fwi.,, nuva kv.i'.w Liver, or "nil till ouaiii'ka." In umny cnncs only part ol tnese symptoms nro r.To rli-nofd. A Aa a nmiMlv lor nil ail such cAaea, Ir. Pierce's ti.oldeu ncdicui AllSa eoverr is unsurpiiwed. lor Weak I.uitfe, Kplttlns; ot mood. HWrltie ol llrcnlli, Hroii r hit I a, Aafhniu, Severe CoHglis, sud kindred affoctious, it is on cnictent lemcdy. 8ot.n or Dwuooiwts, nt f 1.00, or UX BOTTLE for .00. bund tou OJ'iits In stamps for Dr. Ploroe book on Consumption, inldnfis, H'orld's lyixpoiiaary Itlcdlrnl Asso clatiou, (JW ilulu tilitx't, liurrALO, N. Y. $500 REWARD Is offered by the proprietors of lir.Siuro'sCtttnrrh Hentedy for a cuho of cnturrb which tltoy ctuinot cure. If you huve a dlHcharire from the noeo, bffonslve or othtrwiw, partial liws of smell, tastu, or hunrlnif, iri-nk eyes, dull pain or nrnsHtire In head, you have Ciitnrrh. Thou, sands of dun's turmlntito in consumption. Dr. Hiiiro's Catakhh ItKMtbv cureefhowonri cases of Catarrh, "Cold In the Head," awl Catarrhal Xloudache, 60 cent. L ri - - -nn i "Hi US mi ssijiii -fTZAZ, rzuvovs PEOPLE Should Take this Great LIFE RENEWER. Ilobb'a Nerve Tonic Pills are composed of Just such elemonts as Knrlvh the Itlooil and atreus;thrn the Kervc glviiiKthelHiilythoirlliK and elHNtJcity of youth. .Men and Women sufTtir from Derangement of the Nerves and Pover ty of the lllood. Woii'O It In the whlteuitiK hair, the untimely wrinkles, the lost of form iu fact, In all the sIkui of prema ture old axe, Men. YounaMen.Old dMen, and Voiina; Old "Man. vou need liobb's Nerve Tonle l'llla. It Is Kraln Food, It Is a muscle, luvixorntor; builds up the Waste Places makes the weak atroiiK aud vlx-or-ous. Are you suflerliiR in seerot for pnst orrorst We will indorse for you if you try the Nerve Tonlo Tills. Even If you sre waak snd nervous with low of vital power Tour manhood almost fled, leaving you pnle fnoed and hollow-eyed liobb's Nerve Tonle I'll! were made for you, and all person wi th th following-complaint, vla.i i'aliiltntlun of the Heart, flutter- Ins;, TrenilillriK, If ysterla, Nervouanes In any form, Nervous Headache, Neu ralgia, Cold Hands or Feet, l'aln In the , ., ,,. n m t i z" r i V . form or Female ' woui wmou wo uu not euro to eiin- merato. Try them, and you will Join the mousanas or nappy men ana women wno dally bless Dr. ilobb for bis great work In their bolmlf. They drive away Pimples and Itlntches from the skin, causa a dull yellow skin to be replaced by a Clear Com pi cs Ion, snd leave the brightness of youth. They sre sugar coated, and on ly one pi 11 a dose. Price 50 ots. a Bottle. BoutbymallorallDrtifc-glits. HOBB'8 MEDICINE CO., SAN FUMCtSGS, OAL $5;' To ltl a Day. Sample worth (1.C0, FHKE. nea not uailer the horses feat. Write Hsxw. STta'sHirmr HsiMllnLDrs 'o., Holly. Mleh. P. N. U. No, tlg-a F. N. U. No. ttt HERVE TOHIC. Celery aud Coca, the promtnont la greilients, are the best aud ufest JScrve Tonics. It Urengthens snd quiets the nervous system, curing Ki orvou Weakness, liysterla, bleep. leaanciu, Ac, AH ALTERATIVE. It drive out the poisonnus humor of thu blood purifying and enriching It, snd so overvximUig those disease resulting from Impure or Impover ished blood. LAXATIVE. Acting mlldlyhut rarely on the bowels it cures habitual constipation, and pmtnoU'Saregularhabit. Itntrvngth en tho stiimaidi, and aids digestion. DIURETIC. In iu mm position the best and most activodlun-tliTSof the Materia Medica are combined scientifically with other efloctive rumeilie tr disease of the kidneys It can be relied on to five quick relief and speedy cure. Raadtvds of tastfraoniais bava been rseslvad from pm-snoa wbo hsva nsnd this rrtnsdr with rnjsrksPto tisajani. Saadforaireuisrs,givuic fail psfUooUra. rrts SI N. told Vy SnMisIa, WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO, Prop's BURLUOTON. VX