OREGON NEWS. Everything of General Interest In a Condensed Form. Staggers among horsps is prevailing along tbe foothills in Marion county. Wild animals are getting away with good many sheep in the vicinity of Dora. There were fifty marriage licenses issued in Grant county during the past year. . A Methodivt Episcopal Church has ' been organized in Albina by Rev. 0. M. Pierce, with 39 membere. Eli Johnson, of Quartz valley, Lake county, has succeeded in killing eigh teen deer and two large cougars tnis winter. j In the trisl at Corvallis, Judge Bean held that the M. E. church south had no interest in the college farm and could not maintain a suit for it. Postmaster Roby, of Portland, has fifty-nine persons on his pay roll, in cluding thirty-one postal clerks, and he disburses monthly the rum of $4,672.80. Dr. William H. Watkins, while at tending the customary Thursday ev ening prayer meeting at the Taylor street (Portland) Methodist Church, fell dead of heart disease. On account of the case of scarlet fever in town and the unpleasant weather, the directors have thought it best to close the school at this place for a short time, says a Joseph paper. Near Crawfordsvill, Sylvester Coch ran killed a large cougar while out bunting deer. He saw a deer lying down and was just in the act of shoot ing it when the cougar jumped out of a tree on to the deer. Governor Pennoyer has determined to Btrictly enforce the rule of the ex ecutive department to the effect that no personal solicitation or importunity will be considered in reference to ap plications for pardons or commutation of sentences. James Brown raised eighteen acres of broom corn in Goose lake valley last season, and while the corn is not 490 long as can be grown where the seasons are longer, it is of good quality. The corn was raised nearly 5,000 feet above the level of the sea. The little 2-year-old daughter of Jack McCullom, of West Yaquiiu, fell into a tub of boiling water during the temporary absence of her mother from the room. The little one sat or fell into the tub backwards, and was scalded tbe entire length of her body. In spite of all efforts she died two days later. State Superintendent McEIroy has decided to appoint Dallas, Polk coun ty, as the place to hold the next teach ers' institute for the Third judic al district, embracing Marion, Linn, Yamhill, Polk and Tillamook counties. The institute will open Tuesday even ing, April 3d, in the new city ball at that place, and continue for three days adjourning the evening of April 6th. The little steamer Gleaner, Captain Captain Peter Jordan, plying between Astoria and the mouth of Deep river, was capvized near Astoria. Seventeen persons in all were on board the craft, and all but four were saved. The vic tims were Jacob Rennell, of Salmon Titer ; Miss Mary Holt, of Astoria, and Miss Wilma and an unknown wood ohopuer of Deep river. ' The steamer sank in 25 feet of water and it is thought will prove a total loss. The State Board of Land Commis sioners, at its last session, reversed the rulings of Jormer boards in one very important particular. It ruled in the ease of an applicant for a deed to 1,280 acres of State land lor which certih oates had been issued for four other parties, who made an assignment of fiuch certificates to the party applying for the deed, that such deed could not be issued to him, as under the law the amount of State land liable to be pur chased by any one party is limited to oJf) acres. A German boy about 12 years of age was frozen to death near the farm of A. N. Brown, in Rye valley. It seems that the bov and his father, who is employed to watch the property in the Gold Ridge mine, had been to Express and were returning borne when they were overtaken by a fearful snow storm. Becoming bewildered they both left the team and wandered around in the snow, the boy freezing to death as stated. The boy's father made his way to the ranch of Mr. Brown in an almost helpless condition, and on learning the particulars Mr. Brown at once took up the trail and after traveling a mile or more, found the lifeless body of tn boy. At Independence, Miss Symmie Antle was mortally stabbed by her stepfather, Wm. Landreth. The mur der was as fiendish in conception as it was horrible m execution. With 14-inch knife the inhuman wretch entered the girl's room, and notwith standing her screams and desperate resistance deliberately butchered her by striking fourteen blows upon the body and head. Any one of four of the wounds would have been fatal. One cut penetrated almost through the head. The mother and two of the boys were aroused and interfered, but too late to prevent the murder. One of the boys (Wilburn, aged 13,) picked up a loaded shotgun, and while eirnggle was in progress between his father, mother and brother, watched his chance to shoot the unnatural father. Landreth fled, and the older brother disarmed Wilburn before he could accomplish his purpose. Land reth was captured, taken before a Jus tice and bound over, without bonds, to await action of the grand jury, which meets in June. He is now in jail at balem. COAST CULLINGS. I I Devoted Principally to Washington Territory and California. Near Lodi, Cal., fatally crushed by him. J. Phillips was a rock falling on Pat Riley, an old time miner, was found dead in his cabin, at Park City, Utah. It is stated that as high as 125,000 apiece has been offered for some of the iron mines of Cle-Elum, W. T. Jean Dorado, a Mexican, was run over by a train and killed at Los Angeles. John Kramer, a section man. was killed by falling off a coal car, at River side, Cal. B. II. McElhenney, a collector, was struck by a dummy of a Sutter street cable car at San Francisco, and died from the injuries received. At San Francisco, Geo. Herman, years old, while playing about a kitchen stove, was scalded to death by upsetting a kettle of boiling water. The people of Pocatello, Idaho, re cently held a meeting for the purpose of petitioning Congress to throw open 2,000 acres for town site purposes. Alexander Black, once a wealthy merchant of Stockton, committed sui cide at San Francico. Sickness and discouragement are supposed to have been the cause of the deed. An old gardener named Thomas Brohany, was found at his house in San Francisco, burned to a crisp, a coaloil lamp having evidently exploded and set fire to his clothing. Police Judge Lawler gave a decision finding Mayor Pond and acting health officer Gale guilty of misdemeanor in maintaining a smallpox tent on the plaza, at San Francisco. John E. League, postmaster at Townsend, Montana, died from poison by strychnine accidentally taken from his hands or clothing, he having spilt bottle of the drug over himself. R. Seaforth, an English laborer at the Cascade tunnel, was killed. He jumped on a rock train going out at the east end of the tunnel and made a misstep and fell upon the track. Four loaded cars passed over his body. The late severe weather killed at least one-half of the oysters on the bay, says an Olympia paper. The beds are bare during extreme low tide for a period of three hours or more, and during this interval the oysters froze. The Supreme Court has decided the local option law in Washington Ter ritory unconstitutional. The decision released some twenty-eight persons held in King, Kitsap and Skagit court! ties for violation of this law. and will possibly affect many other places in the Territory. The queen of the Cowlitz river tribe of Indians died near Freeport, W. T., and was buried with a grand Indian pow-wow. She was over 100 years old. This is the remnant of what was once a powerful tribe of Indians. There are now only a few left. Some of them are very old. At a rabbit drive which took place in the vicinity oi uanersneia, uai., about seven thousand jackrabbits were corralled and killed. Many thousands escaped because of the impossibility a v. nit of maintaining the hue of drivers un broken where tracts of bushy ground intervened. Detective Hume, of Wells, Fargo 4 Co , has prepared a statement of the company s Josses by train and stage robbers during the past year. Ironi seven stage robberies the highwaymen obtained $295, while in four train rob beries the com Dan v lost $13,210. Iwo robbers were caught and sent to the penitentiary. Two bents of the uncompleted bridge serosa Yakima river, between North Yakima and Moxie, W. T., were swept awav. with two horses and two mules, An ice gorge broke suddenly and caused a rise of ten feet. An old lady cooking for the men saved her life by clinibiue a tree and remaining there several hours in the cold, baiefoot. A Territorial Bar Association has been formed at Olympia, W. T. The officers are as follows: President, Judge Dennison, of Vancouver, Secre tary, N. S. Porfer, Olympia ; '.treasurer, W. Robinson. Olympia; Vice rresi dent, nrsi aistnci, jonn d. aucu, . t .J; Tl n ill . Of Walla Walla : second district, T. C Sears of Tacoma : third district, Thos. J. Humes, of Seattle : fourth district, George N. Foster, of Spokane, Thos. D. Ayers shot and killed Eli Joseph in the woods twelve miles east of Kelso, Cowlitz county, W. T. Both parties were hunting, and Ayers seeing what he supposed to De a neer in ib brush, fired his Winchester rifle and sho- Joseph clear through both hips, The latter died in seven hours on the soot where he was shot. Immediately after the shooting Ayers left the wounded man with a companion, to bo after help, and sent a man living close by, since which time he has not been seen. The Supreme Court of California affirmed the decision of Superior Judge Sullivan in favor of Sarah Althea in the Sharon case. The court, however, has decided to reverse the order grantr ing counsel fees. The amount of coiintel fees originally allowed by Judge Sullivan was $55,000, and the amount of alimony was $7,500 addi tional to the annual allowance of $2,500. The Supreme Court fixed alimony at $1,500 and an annual al lowance of $500. Judges Thornton, Sharpstein and McFarland filed dis geuting opinions, finding that Sharon and Sarah Althea were never legally married. It is supposed Sarah Althea will receive about $10,000,000 in alL TELEGRAPHIC. An Epitome of the Principal Event Attracting Pablic Interest Now A Bold Bobbery. Limestone, Ind.Ter. Four masked men, all heavily armed, entered the Citizens' Bank, and presented a pistol at the head of Caahior W. T. Reynolds and demauded that he hand over the cah. While pretending to comply Rey nolds slammed the door of the safe to and turned the lock. He was at once laid out by a bullet from the pistol of one of the desperadoes, which killed him instantly. The bank was then ransacked and all the money in the cash drawer, some $2,300, was taken. An attempt was made to open the safe, but in this the robbers failed, as the sound of pistol shots wts heard, and sevoral people came rushing to the bank. In a few moments the towu was aroused and twenty or thirty armed men hurried to the bank. Tbe robbers were just mounting their horses, and a hot fire was begun, in which Thomas Evan, a ranchman living near the town, was killed. Iu the melee four of the citizens were wounded, but not fatally. The surviving robbers then rode away with the booty, followed by posse, which after an hour a chase caught the desperadoes and took them back to Limestone. The leader was found guilty of murder and Strang up. The other two were placed in charge of a strong guard fend started for Fort Washitt, where they were turned over to the United States authorities. The stolen money was recovered. Fire In a stable at Fort Leavenworth suffocated thirty-six hcrses belonging to. Company I, First cavaliy. By an explosion of gunpowder at Brest-Litovski, Russian Poland, eleven persons were killed, and thirty severely injured. Wm. Durre. a wealthy farmer, in sane, living near wisner, eo., com mitted suicide by cutting the arteries in his wrist Sixteen youths of Dromore, Ireland, have been sentenced to imprisonment for one week with hard labor, for lighting a bonfire to celebrate the re lease of O'Brien. President Aeassiz has decided to send twenty-five tons of concentrated ammonia down the burning shafts of the Calumet and Hecla mine at Calu met, Mich., to put out the fire com pletely, if possible. At 8nowden, Pa., Christian Feick, recently discharged pit boss of the Snowden mines, shot and killed his wife and himself in the presence of six children. Poverty of the family was the cause. At Plymouth, N. C, Jack Blount, Matthew Blount and Patterson Spru itt. the negroes who murdered John Dawson, a peddler, were removed from the jail by a mob of masked men, tied to a tree and shot to death. Otto Purcell committed suicide with poison, at his Brooklyn (N. Y.) home, because" of loss of work. His 18-year old widow was inconsolable, and she killed herself with poison. She left a note saying she took her life because her husband had taken his. ' The boiler of the tug Zouave ex ploded in the harbor at New York. J. Connelly, engineer, Patrick Healy and John McKenny, firemen, and Bernard Booney, steward, were all shockingly scalded, most of them fatally. A Princeton. Dakota, special says a Swede living twenty miles from there killed his wife and seven children, cpopping their heads off with a broad axe. A boy of 14 jumped from an upstairs window and escaped. When asked by the neighbors what he had done, the murderer replied, "What I have intended to do for a long time." Warden Brown, of the Utah peni tentiary, has been removed for, it is aliened, inhuman treatment of a con vict named Miller, by confining him in a "sweat-box" for thirty-six hours, with the thermometer several degrees below zero, causing his feet and limbs to be badly frozen. The almshouse and an adjoining dwelling, located in East Village, near Munroe. Conn., was burned to the ground. Three persons perished in the flames. Numbers of the paupers who were forced to flee from the build ing suffered severely from exposure, they having bad no time to don proper clothing. At Buffalo, N. Y., John Cullen, drunken ship calker, brained his moiher with an axe while she was eettine his supper ready. After kiss ing the corpse he went to a saloon, told of the crime, and did not resist arrest He gave as an excuse that he did not wnnt his mother to go to the poor-house. The steamer Marcos, which arrived at New York from Havana, brought the crew of the bark D. Chapin, of Boston, which sank at sea. After hav ing been in their boat ten days without food or water, and losing by starvation and exposure Capt. W. C. Hall, the cook and one seaman, the rest of the crew were rescued. Three thousand men, women and girls employed in shoe manufacturing were locked out by their employers at Cincinnati. The wages of twelve girls were kept back by ene firm, on the ground that by a mistake in figuring out their work they bad been overpaid, Fellow-workmen took up the girls' cause, and when the firm refused to see a committee, struck. The manu ftcturers claim that by the agreement they could only treat with the general committee on wages. CONGRESSIONAL. Legislation Pertaining to the Interest of the Pacifio Coast HE 31 ATE. Mitchell introduced a bill which pro vides that hereafter any mining com pany incorporated for the purpose of mining shall be allowed to lease, prospect and develop mines in any portion of any Indian reservation in the United States upon such condi tions as may be agreed upon by the Secretary of the Interior and the miners, but tjat no prospecting or mining shall be carried on until per mission has been given by a majority of the adult male Indians in the reser vation, and that all revenues arising from fees, rentals or sales shall be for the sole benefit of the Indians on the reservation. Also, a resolution, which was adopted, instructing the Committee on Commerce to consider the advisa bility of inserting a provision in the river and harbor bill requiring all work to be done by contract Dolph introduced a bill to give the State of Oregon townships 28, 29, 30 and 31, in ranges 5 and 6, east of the Willamette meridian for a publio park. Crater Lake is situated in these town ships, and Dolph wants to preserve the lrnd adjacent to the park to be im proved by the State of Oregon. Also, giving to Moscow, Idaho, land for cemetery purposes. Also, to establish the Sun Dance land distr'.ct in Wyoming, and autho rizing the leasing of school and uni versity lands in Wyoming. Among the bills passed were the following : To authorize Dalles City to construct a bridge across the Columbia river in Oregon and Washington Territory. To grant a right of way through publio lands for irrigating purposes. To increase the pension of the to tally helpless to $72 per month. A joint resolution proposing an amendment to the constitution pro viding that the term, of office of the president and the nltieth congress shall continue until the 30th day of April, 1889, at noon ; that senrtors whose existing terms would otherwise expire on the 4ih of March, 1889 (and thereafter) shall continue in omce until April 30, succeeding such expi ration ; and that (he 30th of April, at noon, shall thereafter be substituted for the 4ih of March, as the com' msucement and termination of the official terms of the president, vice president, senators and representatives in congress. HOV8E. Hermann presented a petition from citizens and taxpayers of Siuslaw bay and Lane county, Oregon, asking tor the establishment of a life-saving sU' tion at Cape Perpetua, for which Her maun introduced a bill in Congress, and which will be submitted to the life-saving board for report Hermann also submitted resolutions passed by the Eastern Oregon, Nevada and Idaho Wool Growers' Association, he'd at Winnemucca, Nevada, pe titioning againt disturbance of the existing duties on foreign wool. Whitthorne. from the committee on Naval Affairs, reported a bill for the appropriation of $175,000 for repair of the U. 8. steamship uartlord. Davis, from the committee on Com merce, reported a bill to reward native Esquimau for acts of humanity to shipwrecked seamen. Campbell introduced a bill fixing the salaries of Supreme Court Justices and of Cabinet officers at $15,000 per annum. PORTLAND PHODIC HABKKT, Butter Fancy roll, f lb 41 16 20 80 80 80 Oregon Inferior (Trade la O flcitled California roll , 27J do pickled WJ (9 Cheesb Eastern, full cream 15 (9 20 16 Oregon, do , California 14 & 144 Eggs Fresh Dried Fruits Apples, qrs. sks and bxs. do California & 27 6 6 Apricots, new crop 18 rescues, unpeeiea, new . Pears, machine dried...., Pitted cherries Pitted plums, Oregon Figs, Cal., in bgs and bxs 14 10 40 12 0 10 M. Prunes. French 8 M Oregon prunes 10 12 KI1UR- Portland Pat Roller, t bbl $ 4 2i Salem ' do do 4 2 White Lllr at bbl 4 v5 Country brand 8 60 8 75 Superfine 2 U) B 75 Grain ttti . ir.li... im inn n.. 1 opt a 1 on do Walla Walla 1 1743 1 W Barley, whole, ctl 1 124 do ground, f ton 20 on Z5 UO Oat, choice milling 9 bush 47 6U da feed. rood tocbolce.old it a Rye, 100 0s 1 1U 1 25 Fekd Bran, tf ton 16 00 17 00 Shorts. f ton IS 00 felfl 00 Hay. it ton. baled to 1 8 00 Chop. ton ?3 00 25 00 OU cake meal ton 82 00 gi)3 0C Fresh Fruits - cfi pies. Oregon, f box 90 1 25 ernes. Ureiton. IT arm... Lemons, California, Ifbx.. 4 00 4 50 Limes. 100 1 25 Riverside oranges. f box. . . Los Angeles, do do . . . Peaches, If box , 9 Hmn Dry. over 16 ft, tf lb U 3 12 Wet salted, over 65 lbs (4 Murrain bides 7 ft Pelts 10 1 25 VlGETABLBS Cabbage. lb 1 Carrots. sak 1 CO Cauliflower, at dos Onions 0 1 25 Potatoes, new, w bush .... Wool 14 a East Oregon, Spring clip.. io A Vallev Oregon, in .. IB ti QUEERNESS OF THINUa. raw r aisles Whl.h No School of I'hll oeophr Can Solve. This Is a sort of topy-turvy world. No one seems to be satistiud. One man is struggling to gut justice and another s flying from it. One man is saving up to buy a house, and anothor is trying to soil his dwell- ng, for less than it cost to get rid of It. One man is spending all the money he can earn in taking a girl to the theater and sending her flowers, in the ope that he will eventually make her his wife, and his noighbor is spending all the gold he has saved to get a di vorce. Smith is drinking imported ale to put flesh on, while Johnson is living on crackers and walking ten miles a day to reduce his avoirdupois. The laborer with ten cliildron keeps out of debt on ten dollars a week, while many an unmarried hank ofllcinl with a hundred dollars a week can't get along w ithout helping himself to tho bank's funds. Itobinaon takes sherry to give him an appolite, while Brown, who has a wine cellar, can't touch a drop of it on ac count of aponloctio tendencies. The octor tells Morrill that If he doesn't stop work and take a rest he will go into a decline, and then tells Blakely that if he does not abandon his seden tary position and go off somewhere and work oh a farm he will die of torpidity of the liver. One man is ordered to eat eggs ho- eauHe they are nutritious, and another Is cautioned to leave them alone bo causo they produce bile. One man keeps a pistol to protect himself against burglars, while his eighbor doesn't keep one for fear of shooting some member of the family by mistake. You will sometimes sco a man plant ing trees about his plnco for the shade; and, at the samo time, you will see another cutting down all the troos about his house because they produce too much moisture. One rich man wears poor clothes bo- cause he is rich and can do any thing, while a poor man wears fine clothes bo cause he Is poor and wants to create the impression that he Is not One man is killed by accident, and another tries to commit suicide and fails. One man escapes all the diseases that flesh is heir to and is killed on a rail road; anothor man goes through half- a-dnznn wars without a scratch and thon dies of whooping-cough. The prize-fighter reforms and bo- comes a preacher, whllo the theological student loaves his university to become a professional base-ball pitcher. Tho man who can make twenty thou sand dollars a year, as a general thing can't save a cent, while tho man who is thrifty and wise is seldom so gifted that he can earn any thing avail. We know a wealthy merchant who keeps half a dozon horses, who rocently stilted that his store was closod on ac count of a "holliday;" and we also know a proof-reador who can spell every word in the English hinguage correctly, and the only time he experi ences any horse is when ho eats horso radish. Good people die and bad people livo, The man who is fat with health can t get employment, and tho man who is makinir money hand-ovor-list has to give up business on account of ill health. Linguists are keeping peanut stands, and monkeys are writing for newspa pers. In a railroad collision tho danc ing-master gonerally loses his feet, and tho mathematioiau his boad. The pugilist breaks his wrist, and tho opera-singer contracts throat trouble. The man with a colossal fortune is usually obllgod to adopt an heir, while the man without a cent generally has a sufficient number of hoirs to satisfy half a dozen capitalists. One man won t touch bacon for foar of getting trichina, and anothor swears by Bacon bocauso some people think he wrote Shakespeare. We wish wo could find out why those things are so, because it would sot our minds at rest and make us happy. Puck. The English 'National Dental hos pital will hereafter admit women to bo trained as dentists In that institution, This Is a significant gain for women for the English have not been so en couragiug to womon In dentistry as the Germans, who employ many in the profession. Central Market Fialiei'ANcWfitkiiiB PROPRIETORS. Will keep constantly on hand a full supply Of MUTTON. PORK AND VEAL. Which they will sell at the lowest market prices A fair share of the publio patronage solicited TO THE FARMER i We will psy the highest market price tot fai caius, nogs ana sneep. Shop on 'Willamette Street, KUCEKI CITY1, ORECON. Meats sVeflvsre k any part e( the dty free of eWga. jsstU iwimw, EUflENK IX) h. SO. a. A. T. AND A. It MAa flnt and third Wednesdays in eaefc hontV. SPENCER BUTTK UHJOK NO. I, I. O. O. F. MouU every Tueiuisy veiling. ylMAWHALA KNCAMPMKNT KO. f f 1ItW on the second aud fourth WedBa days In each month. TUCKNK UH1UK NO. 15. A. O. V. W. XJ Meets at Mammlo Hull the second fourth r'rldy in each month. M. W. T M.OKA11Y POHTN0.4ft,O.A.R. MKKTS (I at Mammlo Hall the Unit and third Krt dtyi of each month. By order. Command. SCTTIC LODO E NO. .W. !. O. O. T. M RETS every Saturday Dlxht in Odd fellows' U. N W.U.T. TEAD1NO 8TAH BAND OF HOPE. MEETS J at the C. P. Church every ttunday after noon at i:30. Vlsitois mails welcome. 0. C. B. R. TIME TABUS. Mali Train orth, 4:16 a. m. Mall train south. Bui p. M. Kutrune Local-Leave north 9:00 A. if. KiiiriMie Local Arrive K:t0 p. M. orricj hooks, euoewe city POBTomcx General Delivery, from 7 A. M. to T P. af. Money Order, frein 7 a. M. to S p. m. UtvUusr. fm:n 7 a. m. tnA . u. , Mailt mr north clone at 81)0 p. M. Mails fur south close at S.-eo p. M. Ma aMa by Local close st 8 JO A. M. Mnllsfor franklin close at 7 A. M. Monday and Thursday. Mail for Alabol close st 7 A. M. Mondav sad Thursday. ugene City Business Directory. BETTMAN, O.-Dry goods, clothing groceries snrt iff serai mtrchan1le, southwest corner. liiametle and Klvhth streets CRAIN rJltOS.-realers In Jewelry, watches. clocks and musical iimtrumcnts. Willamette) street, between Seventh and Klfhth. FRIENDLY, 8. H.-Doaler la dry (roods, cloth- lux snd siuseral merchandise, Willamette aueet, between Kightb aud Ninth. GILL. J. P.-Physlclan snd sunrron. Willam ette street, between Seventh aud Klghth. HODR3, C Keeps on hand fkie wines, liquors. C4t;srs sua s pool suit tillllard tatile, Wlllem- -ette itrfcet, between Eighth snd Ninth. HORN, CIIAS. M.-Ottnimith, rifles and shot- tins, breech snd muizlo loaders, for sale. tepalriiiK done in the neatest style aud war ranted. Shop on Ninth street LUCKEY, J. 8.-Watchmaker and jeweler. keeps a fine stock of goods in his line, Willam ette street, in Ellsworth s drug store. McCLAREN, T 1 UVQ ChnlAa U,l..n. 1nMn- snd cigars, Willamette street, botween Kighth, snd Ninth. POST 0"FICK-A new stock of standard. school books just received at the post otOo. RHINEH ART, J. B.-Hoise, sign snd oarrlaira painter. erk guaranteed arst-class si suit sold st lower rat.w than hv snvnne in Kuvene. DR. L F. JONES, Physician and Surgeon WILL ATTEND TO PROFESSIONAL ?! culls day or night. OrridE-UD stairs in Titus' brick: or can bo found si K. It. Luckey ft Co's drug stare, Offleo hours: to Vi u I to 4 p. M 6 to 5 P. M. DR. J. G. GRAY, "VFFTCK OVER GRANGE STORK. ALL v work warruntea. Laughing gas administered for Daisies e traction of teeth. GEO. W. KINSEY, Justiceof the Peace. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-TOWN LOTS and farms. Collections nremnUv At tended to. F. M. WILKINS. DRUGS, MEDICINES, Brashta, Faints. Ulaaa. Oils, LeaUU, TOILET ARTICLES, Eto. Physicians' Prescriptions Compounded. SPORTSMAN'S EMPORIUM HORN & PAINE, Practical Gunsmith s DSALSS4 1M CUNS, RIFLES, Fishing Tackle and Materia Sewlflu MataMlteilesof All lull For Salt - Repairing done lh tho neatest stylo and warranted. Guns Loaned and Ammunition Forniihei Shop on Willamette I Boot and Shoe Store A. HUNT, Proprietor. Will hereafter keep s complete stock of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Sim! BVTTOX BOOTH, Sllppert, White and Black, Sandals, nirx ED SHOES, MEN'S AND BOTTS BOOTS AND SHOES! And In fact everything la the Root sad Hlioe Jine, to which I Intend to deroto vaj especial attention. MY COO03 ARE FIRST-CLASS1 Asd trnarsntaed ss represented, snd wiU be sold for the lowest nriues that a good article oaa be aJlorded. A.. Hunt. Practical DrngEist 1 Gliemisi