The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 11, 1888, Image 1

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    I.I ip
C1! IPPMir
11 Mil
OL. 20.
NO. 40
Juf (Sugcnr (City (Guard.
2'nblisiier ami Proprietor.
OFFICE-Oit the East hide of Willametto
Mrect, between Seventh and Eighth Streets.
Tut annum ?2 50
Six Months L25
Three months.......... 75
Advertisements instrtod as follows:
On square, ten linen or letni one insertion 93;
each subsequent insertion 1. , Oah required
in advance. .... ,
Time advertisers will be charged at tne fol
lowing rate:
One square three months .' .. ? JJJJ
One square nix months. jj JJj
One square one year 1- (l
Transient notices in local column, 20 cents
tier line tor each insertion. " .
Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly.
AH job work must be paid koii on demveuy.
! ' TT
CEO. B. D0R3IS, .
Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law,
of the Second Judicial District and in
lie Supreme Court of this State.
Special attention given to collections and
Biatters in probate ,
and Counsellor at Law,
this State. Will give Bpecial attention
to collections and probate matters.
Okkick Over Hendrick & Eakin's bank.
Washburne & Woodcock
OFKICE At the Court House. iy8ra3
OEO. A. D0HR18.
Attonicys-at-Laif ,
OmcE Over Robinson Church's hardware
Attorney and Counssllor-at-Law, and
Real Estate Agent.
Olllc formerly occupied by Thompson 4
Special attention given to Probate business
and Abstracts of Title.
Office Over Grange Store.
Physician and Surgeon.
Wilkin's Drug Store.
Residence on Fifth street, where Dr Shelton
ormerly resided.
,idence when not professional engaged.
Residence on Eighth street, opposite Presby
aan Church.
J. J. WALTON. Jr.,
( 'ourts of the State.
Special attention given to real estate, col
ecting, and probate matters.'
Collecting all kinds of claims against the
United States Government.
Office in Walton's brick rooms 7 and 8.
Farms, Improved and Unimproved Town
property for sale, on easy terms.
Prop9rty Edited and Eents Collected.
The Insurance Companies I represent are
amonL' the Oldest and most Reliable, and in
the Pkojift an-l KoriTAB'.E adjustment of their
OSses STAND fcECOSD to rsoNK.
A share of your patnag is solicited.
Office up stairs, over the Grnnire Store.
Merchant Tailor.
II Street opposite the Star Bakery, vbeie
he is prepared to do all k'uls of work offered
in nil tine.
A large stock of Fine ( In tin no hand for
customers to select from.
One of our sim-ialties is the cutting and
akingnf Lh-s Cloaks.
Repairing and cleaning done promptly. Sat
isfaction guaraote L
Eufene, Nov. 6, 1S8. tf
Day & Henderson,
House in Eugene. Corner 7th and Wil. Sts
f -S3
H Mai S Johnson, jj
Sola Agents for Eugene City, I' ' ,
btmmj We are still at the old reliable "Grange Store," VTA I
1 I--- and can sell you anything that you want to eat I
Cheaper Than the Cheapest. ,
Have removed to
Marx' new building.
Tliey have a complete dock of
Watches, Clock, Jewelry & Musical Instruments.
A larsc invoice of CBii'istnias srootls.
MS BARKER. Expert Gun
Smith Stock of Guns and Am
munition on hand..
0. Marx.
Barber Shop and Hi Rooms,
Hot mid cold baths always ready during
the week.
T v p e. that tre Jftful, peevish,
XI VXV3 VVT cro8Si Qr troubled with
Windy Colic, Teething Pn. or
Stomach Disorders, can be relieved
at once by using Acker'B Baby Soother.
It contains no Opium or Morphine,
hence la safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by
O-lmrn & iU, Kuicne.
Attorney" at Law.
Or FICE-At Court nous-, County Snr
veyor'i room.
I oflV-r for aids lOi'.CO feet busin 'proper
ty on Will.nnette street, on which th boycr
can double bis money within two years.
Geo. M. Muxes.
It. I). Cochran & Son,
Real Estate Agents.
Hug-enc City, Oregon.
Will attend to general Real Estate busineps
such as buying, Belling, leasing nnd renting
farms and city property, etc. Oilico on soutu
side 01 INintu street.
Land Office at Kokpiiuru, Oiu,
i .Ian. 31. 1KK8.
Xl the followinc-mimed settler has filed no'
tice of his intention to make final proof in sup
port of Ins claim, and that seid proof will be
made before the judne or clerk of the county
court of Lane Co., Or., at Eugene City. Or.,
on Saturday, March 17, 18K8, viz: Enos Jones,
Homestead Entry No. WJ for the S W 1-4 of
See. 0, Tp. 1SS, R 1 West. W M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz: James Wallace, Elijah
Gum, Chas Grosser, Sipiirs Cain, all of Jas
er, Lane Co., Or.
Chas. W. Johnston, Register.
H. F. McCornack, M. D.
Delinquent Pax Notice.
Notice is-hereby given to all owing taxes,
now delinquent, that the County Court at its
late session nrdertd me to collect the same
forthwith. This is thetefnre to notify all
concerned that if they wish to save costs
they must come forward at once and pay
the same or I will be obliged to proceed
agtinst them legally.
1. M. Sloak, Sheriff Lane Co.
Champion fttiort Hand Writer.
II r. A. b. White, the well-known author
of " White' Phonography," famous a
the Champion Shorthand Writer of the
World, rereived the first prizes in the in
ternational contests at London, Edinburgh,
Paris and Berlin ; he came near bving per
manently disabled by rheumatism. II ui
recovery br the ns of a remedy infallible
lucuriiig rheumatism and all blood disease,
is told iu aleltcr from his ol'.ire, ( Wash
ingtou st, Chicago, dated June SO, 1887.
lie writes:
" Your tvmcdy has done wonderful ser
rico for tuo. tor the past five yenrs I
have been troubled with rheumatic pains.
"My right hand had become almost use
less nnd 1 was gradually losing speed as a
shorth iud writer. A frieud of mine, Dr.
Dcd' rich, advised me f your remedy. I
used a dozen bottles of 9. S. and am now
jl.irNdir icoveKu. I shall n vr cease to
& i:iniend your txicllout i. ilr.nie., ami
wish you much suci ess.
"Yours truly, A. S. Wiiitb "
Asd here is another witness:
"Benton, Ark., August, X.'nb, 18S7.
M Last spring I nasdungerously iilllicted
with erysip. l,is, and my life was despaired
of by my physicians. As a lust hoje I
tried 3. S. S. nnd soon found relief, and
in two weeks was ahlo to attend to my
, business. I used five bottles
"S. H. V miKMtNK.Ld. S!iimeCnr,
Treatise on Bloo I and Skin Diseases
mailed free. Tlltt Swift SruciKlC Co,
Drawer J, Atlanta, O i.
What Is ilf"
That produces that beautifully soft com
plexion nnd leaves no truces of its Applica
tion or injurious effects? The answer, Wis
doiu's Kobertine accomplishes all this, and
is pronounced by ladies of taste and refine
ment to be the most delightful toilet article
ever produced. Warranted harmless nnd
matchless. F. M. Wilkius, ngent, Eugene
Delays are Dangerous.
Yon sav. well. 'tis only a Biiulit cold, look
out, it may lead to an iuflamation of the lining
ing of numerous air cells of the l.uiigs tins js
Pneumonia. Or to spasmodic contractions of
the fibres of the air passnees, which is Asthma;
or the Iuflamation of the lining membrane of
the throat and tubes which pass through the
Liiul's, which in the first stnue is called Bron
chitis, and may lead to consumption. Santa
Abie is delicious iu flavor, certain and perfect
in its icsiiit A few doses will relieve, a thor
ough treatment cure the a'jove namod diseases.
Every mittle warranted by all druggists.
Fob Salk. A lot of nico show-cases, as
good as new, at
ti. 1W L.UI.KET (Jo s
Lambert k Henderson are tho sole agents
for the celebrated Superior stoves. Take
your wife and look at them.
Santa Abie soothes and heals the niem
brauos of the throat and lungs when poison
oned und iullamed by disease. It prevents
mglij sweats and tightness niross tuo chest,
cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia!
wuoopiuz-coui'u and all other throat and
lung troubles. Ho other medicine is so suc
cessful in curing nasal catarrh as Califor
nia Cnl-lt Cure. Ihe enormous and increas
ing demands for theso staudard California
remedies confirm their merits. Sold and ab -sclutoly
guaranteed by all druggists at $1 a
pneknge. lhreo lor Sr-'.&U.
harm for bale.
I have for sale 220 acres of land know n as
the Gilfllau farm; 25 acres good timber and
tho remainder all prairie. All uudor fence;
good house and barn; good orcbnrd and
other improvements. The place- bus an
abundance of good spring water and is sit
uated one, fourth mile from the Pleasant
Hill school house, one of the best school
districts iu the county. For further particu
nrs apply to T. O. lUNnnicK".
Sore Eyes
The eyes are always In sympathy with
tho body, and afford an excellent index
of its condition. When the eyes become
weak, and the lids inllamcd and sore, it
is an evidence that tho system has
become disordered by Scrofula, for
which Ayer's Sarsaparilla is the best
known remody.
Scrofula, which produced a painful in
flammation in my eyes, caused me much
suffering for a number of years. By tho
advice of a physician I commenced taking
Ayer's Sarsaparilla. After using this
medicine a short time-1 was completely
My eyes are now in a splendid condi
tion, and I am as well and strong as ever.
Mrs. "William Gago, Concord, N. II.
For a number of years I was troubled
with a humor in my eyes, and was unable
to obtain any relief until I commenced
using Ayer'r Sarsaparilla. This nieili
cine has effected a complete cure, and I
believe it to be the best of blood puri
fiers. C. E. Upton, Nashua, N. II.
From childhood, and until with a few
months, I have been afflicted with Weak
and Soro Eyes. I have used for these
complaints, with beneficial results,
Aver' Sarsaparilla, and consider It a
great blood purifier. - Mrs. C. Phillips,
Glover, Vt.
I suffered for a year with inflamma
tion In my left eyo. Three ulcers formed
on the ball, depriving me of sight, and
causing great pain. After trying many
other remedies, to no purpose, I was final
ly induced to use Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
By Taking
three bottles of this medicine I have been
entirely cured. My sight has been re
stored, and there is no sign of inflamma
tion, soro, or ulcer in my eye. Kendal
T. Bowen, Sugar Tree Ridge, Ohio.
My daughter, ten years old, was afflict
ed with Scrofulous Soro Eyes. During
the last two years she never saw light of
any kind. Physicians of the highest
standing exerted their skill, but with no
permanent success. On the recommen
dation of a friend I purchased a bottle of
Ayer's 8arsaparilla, which my daughter
commenced taking. Before she had used
the third bottle her sight was restored.
Her cure is complete. W. E. Suthir.
land, Evangelist, Shelby City, Ky. tt
Ayer's Sarsaparilla,
Prepared by Dr. J. C. A yr k Co., Lowell, Mass.
Bold by all Drug girts. Price 1 ; tlx bottlee, S.
Vicwril Ihe Siskiyou Scenery.
Ashland Tidings.
When the Southern Oregon wenther began
to "get in its work" on the new railroad
over the Siskiyous, afwut the first thing it
did was to suspend indefinitely the time card
of the Mt. Shasta division of "the C. & O. It.
U. The sides of the deep cuts began shap
ing themselves to the angle most pleasing to
nature, sloughing off the surplusage of
rocks and alluvial deposit and piling it upon
the truck; the big fills begun to settle aud re
adjust themselves upon a more solid Imsin,
and in many places along the roadbed the
enl of Ilia unballasted track had to perform
the unnatural duty of holding up the ties.
A heavy rock slide at Steinmnu prevented
the H. P. trains from coining auy further
north than that place after Tuesday, and the
0. C. sent up a train from Ashland to
1. -aitsfer passi,gers, mail and express nutter
at that point, rndny the railroad boys km id
to the Tidings editor: "You ought to go up
to Ihe slide and see the road aud get au
item for your paper." The editor thought
so loo, and boarded tho special train which
pulled out for Steinmau Friday about 11 a.
m. At the slide the south bound passengers
were transferred to a C. P. train and soon
started up the mountain. Then we were
ready to come back to town that is the
editor was ready, but the traiu wasu't.
Looked at the scenery some. Kock debris
and liquid adobe in the foreground, and
cloud banks, fir trees and an occasional spot
of wet sky in the distance. Man in telegraph
cur said no prospect of south train rouching
Stciuiuan that day. Ready to go home
again. Conductor hadu't time to run down.
Looked at the scenery some more wetter
and muddier and darker. About
midnight heard the south bouud train Just
above us on the second grade, the engines
snorting nud puffing and the conductor
thinking himself in luck that be had made
five or six miles in ten hours. The passen
gers, including the Uncle Tom's Cabin Co.,
didu t nave anything to eat on tne train so
far as we knew, but tbe donkey and pony
and the two blood hounds. Next morning
we heard that they had reached Cole's with
out having to butcher the beasts. A good
not breakfast again improved the situation
Saturday morniug, and about 9 o'clock the
welcome order to pull out for Ashland ar
rived. Took a farewell look at the scenery
at the train started off two miles an hour.
Hadn't gone a mile till a telegraph messen
ger afoot overtook the train and stopped her
with a dispatch "return to Stuinman aud
await orders." About this time the Tidings
representative coucludcd they shouldn't
force any more of that scenery npou him,
and in company with the news agent struck
out down the road in a gentle Italian drizzle
to count the ties to Ashland. Walked Over
half way to town when along came tbe train
serenely rolling toward home. It stopped
and took us iu out of the wet, and before
another telegraph messenger could get in his
work Ashland was reached and the editor
made his escape. No, thank you, no more
railroading till next July.
' 1
A Rare Coin.
Some time during the year 18SG, says the
Jacksonville Times, E. Hendricks, of Apple
gate, cut a large pine tree near his bouse
and found in its interior a rather anoionl
coin. The tree was a very large one, aud
his ax was not the first that had been used to
mtr its symmotry and grace, for, encircled by
forty-fivo rings of poarly growth, were found
evidences of a previous assault clear-out
marks of an ax, a small cavity and a pack
age of cloth or paper containing a copper
coin. No writing or other marks could be
found on the covering to relieve the curious
in respect to this event. The coin is about
tbe size of a nicklo, is composed of ooppsr,
is dated 1790, has on one side the lion and
the unicorn struggling for tht crown and on
the other side a monogram composed of the
letters V. O. C. The tree stood on the banks
of Applegate river, near one of the trails
from Oregon to California, was a largo tree
in 1811 and had held its secret forty-five
years, vviiose secret did It noldf
Ship Lost.
Aiikhpkkn (via Olympia), Feb. C The
British bark Abercorn, of JUiiysport.r.ngiati(i
loaded with steel rails bonnd for Portland
was wrecked ten miles north of Gray's flur
bor bur on the 30th at 6 a. in., and twenty-
two lives were lost. On the 25th she sighted
the Columbia bar and took on a pilot from
the tug Astoria, but was blown out to sea
and iu the storm and thick weiithur which
followed the pilot lost bis bearings. At
daylight on the 30th a sea-otter hunter, Chas
Mclntyre, and some Indians taw them, but,
an they bad no boat, could not help them
A little after noon the vessel broke up.
Mdntyre and the Iudians made desperate
effort! to save the drowning men, nooiy risk
ina their lives in the surf time and again
but were able to save only two men and Ihe
cabin bov, who was unconscious for ten
hours after being rescued.
A cannibal chief in Madagascar ate up an
English missionary and died an hour after
Two funerils were therefore necessary. The
body of the distinguished cannibal was first
taken to the mission chapel, where the Eng
lish burial services was performed on bim
This was for the missionary inside. Then
the natives took the body and had a celebra
tion with it all night. This was for the can
nibal outside. Townsend's Life.
The Devils Lake Inter Ocean consoles iti
renders on the great mortality of life in that
territory (Dakota) by freezing, by calling
their attention to the fact in New Orleans
when the yellow fever is ruging, death from
that disease are greater than by freezing in
Dakota. Rather pool consolation that, for
a poor Devils Laker passing in bis checks
with tbe thermometer down lo to below zero
A Creston (Iowa) lover, who addressed
love scented letter to the object of his affec
tions asking the young lady to become bis
partner through life, inscribed on one cor
ner of the envelope "tealei proposal." He
was not awarded the contract.
Fabm ros Sale. A farm containing 390
acres, situated V. miles from Eugene and
2V. miles from Irving, is off.-red for sale
$20 per acre. There are 130 acres under cnl
tivation; 80 more is open land. The rest ii
timber laud furnishing abundance of wood of
all kin4-t. close to market. There are three
good orchards on the place. The soil is very
rich and well adapted to fruit raising. W i,
be divided to suit purchaser. Apply to
J. J. Walton, Ja.,
Matt farpfnlrr'i Qnnkrr Siory.
The fol'owillD Slorv ill fnllu.rr.l nnnn
the late Senator Mutt Carpenter by the Mil
waukee Journal: A (JimLi.r i..l. a
- - -v " I I llivv
saloon in Philadelphia to refresh himself.
the first glance there seemed to bo no one
attendance, but. nnon sterminp nearer the
counter, he saw a boy, tbe top of whose
ad was barely observable from tho frout.
I'hen." nid be. ''wilt thnn reach ion flint
tumbler, nointint? to a lni-ire nnhlet. Tho
boy set it in front of him, when tho Quaker
i:j: "i last ttion any good w UiskyY ' "We
uve," was the reply. "Thon mayest turn
if I
that into the glass until I fell theto stop."
poured iu enough to till about a quar
of the Fnaco. "ow."sniil tli Onnkor.
hast thou any good gin." "Fine," was the
ply. "Well, then, thou mayest turn in
that till I tell thee to Mop." A quarter
pre of the spuce in the ti.niblir va
d. Thru, -said be:' ''-;H.ast . tli(
IS util-
iGti nnv
mm?" Excellent." V tl r.nlv
Thou ma vest then turn in of tlml till I I. II
thee to ston." Another fourth of th
ss occupied bv this fluid before th dime.
Hon to hold up was given. "Now, my lad,
hast thou any pood brandv?" "None bet
ter," was the reply. "Well, thou mayst
turn in of that until I tell lima in linn "
The tumbler was tilled nearly to the ton.
'Now, my son, hast thou anv leuiouy"
We have." said tbe vouth. "Well, thou
mayst squeeze into the tumbler a few drops
of the juice." The order was obeyed. The
Quaker then lifted the glass, and looking
iovinclv at the cnmnoniid. KwnlWrH th
whole without taking breath. Turning to
the boy in attendance, he said: "My lad,
thou art a small boy, but thou dost make a
great lemonade."
A Long Fill Nrcil.
A long-rumored marriase between a dmla
and a twenty-seventh street gill who van
dance was being discussed in the presence of
a near relative of the former. The usual
twaddle had been talked and then the rela
tive arose, saying:
'I hope the marriage will come off. She
would bring some brains into the family,
and, Heaven only knows, we want 'em.
Shameful Waste ofOpporlunitut.
"Mr. Editor, did von road that nrfinla T
handed you yesterday?"
ice bit.
"What Would von think after reiilino (lint
if I told von that T bad lint nftn voitr a
schooling in my life?"
i woum mink that you wastod your time
most abomniubly." Nebraska State Jour
nal. Baker Tribune. Fubv. S : A boot (lnn taut
Weduesdav evenino two mnatlAit man
ascended the stairway leading to the private
rooms of Mr. It. Molntosh, over his furni
ture store, and demanded money of Mr. M.
i-e iauer gsuuemau at nrst thougtit it was
but a joke by some of his friends, never
dreaming that anyone won'd sutor bis pri
vate apartments with evil intent. The rob
bers quickly convinced him of their earnest
ness oy xnocKiug mm over the bead with a
revolver, makiuil several aealn wounrlu unit
felling him to the floor. As he fell he yelled
Alurderl,' which caused the robbers to leave
hurriodly, they jumping from the top of the
Stairs tO the cmnnil. a rfiulnnna of onma
twelve feet, and made thoir escape iu the
aarx. xneaniur created a profound sensa
tion, and is the boldest attempt at robbery
ever pernetrated in this citv. The an.
pected parties are now in jail, and if they
cuu ue Kienunea, oi wmcn more is little
doubt, they will be apt to receive a just pun
ishment for their deed.
Shasta county is beginning to feel the ad
vance wave of the California boom. A cor
respondent at Anderson writes as follows to
tbe 'Jhronicle: Over 100,000 trees will be
planted in this vicinity during this planting
season. Samuel T. Alexander will alone
plant 10,000 on his place in Uannv vallev.
six miles west of Anderson. An avenue six
miles in length is now being laid out and
cleared through the above land, the entire
diHtuuce of which on either side will be
planted with English walnut trees. A firm ,
of land owners is planting .sixty seres of
French prunes on bottom lands near town.
Captain Thomas G. Taylor is planting flf
teen acres, while the Fishers are adding to
their large orchard, which already contains
200,000 trees. The planting that is now be
ing dono, with tbe large acreage that has
heretofore been planted in small orchards,
ranging in size from five to thirty acres, will
in a short time throw Anderson in the lead
of the fruit-producing districts of Califor
The rewards offered for the apprehension
of tbe murderer or murderers of the two
Chinamen at Monmouth, Polk couuty, a
month or more since, now aggregates aloiit
$700, and tbe people of Monmouth thirjk
that this is not enough. They have drawn
up a petition to the governor to offer an ad
ditional reward, and it will be presented in
a few days by District Attorney Belt. The
folk county people- propose to oner every
inducement to officers aud detectives to fer
ret the mystery to the bottom and punish
tbe murderers.
Mrs. Paran Steven, who owns the Victoria
note!, in New York, was in her girlhood a
waiter girl in a Lowell restaurant, while ber
busbaud began life as a stable boy. She is
now worth f C.Ot'O.OOO and her hotel is head
quarters for the English aristocracy in this
country, but for all that her .(Torts to break
into "society" in New York have been mer
cilessly snubbed.
The Portland & Willamette Valley and the
Oregonian railways have resumed through
freight and passenger traffic. Tbe line is
now open from Portland to Coburg on the
east side and to Airlie on the west side. Tbe
steamer City of Salem has gone to Fulquartz
to do transfer work between that point and
Ray's Landing.
Having perfected arrangements with par
tie in Portland, I am able now to find pur
chasers 'or lands, more readily than
heretofore. If you have land for Bale, im
proved or unimproved, you cannot do bet
ter than to entrust your business with us.
Terms reasonable. Your patronage solicited.
B. F. Dobbis.
Fob Salx. Thirty-five dollars will boy a
Parker shot gun, twelve bore; also five dozen
metal shells cost $50. Inquire at this