The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, February 04, 1888, Image 4

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FEBRUARY 4, 1888.
A meeting of the nie'ubent of the Demo
cratic County Central Committee is hereby
called to meet in Eugene City, Wednesday,
February 8th. 1888 at one' o'clock p. m. for
the transaction of inch btwineiia a limy
properly come before them.
R. 1). Cociiiun, Chairman.
The Committee connate of R. II. Coch
ran, F, W. (Jhburu, T. A. Milllorn, K. M.
Vceteh end L. Bilyeu.
The jarplai Uprndtn.
Ae tbe vulture iwonp down npon tbe
tempting carca no do the nrpln-pem1er
rally for tbeir raid upon the Treaimry.
Already half a tboumud bill are prenenU d
or drafted to inandr the eurplui, and not
one to prevent it collection.
Pension crab by tbe hundred, publio
building grub by tbe score, river and har
bor grab necking million, a cbool-ubmdy
bill calling for two-third the urplu tbe
grabber' band everywhere, the pruning
knife uowbrre in eight.
Thi i the history of Congrea for tbe peat
four year. Thi i the record of the preaent
Consrea thn fur.
Let every appropriation be denied until
the revenuea have been cut down to the
need of the Government economically ad
miniatered. Then couple with every extra
oidiuary expenditure the tax neceaaary to
raiae the money.
How quickly that would put a atop to
scheme of reck lea extravagnncet World.
Here i what a plow manufacturer of
Minnenota ba to any alwmt protected steed
and tbe steel truat: "The modern plow i
mostly steel. Tbe coat of Ike materiul in it
other than steel la about fifty o ni. We
get our beam moulded and lays cut to shape
at the mill. You see that the change in the
price of steel muke a large difference in
either the profit account of the manufact
urer or in the coat to tbe farmer. Until laat
year eud for some yeare prior, we have
been getting our iteel at 4J cents per
pound. There wna nothing to iudicate tint
the mill were not doing a proaperou bind
news at (but rate. Tbeir salesmen were ac
tive in soliciting orders, tbeir trade wns
good, and 1 rend oocurionul account of in.
crease of tbe fauilitiw for supplying the de
mand. Ijiat year the steel truat wus formed
tend the price advanced rapidly until now
the steel we bought lust yvur for 4 Vi ceuts a
pound coata us 10 ceuts a pound, au ad
vance of 125 pur oeut. Thi i not due to
any increoae In tbe prico of iron or wage,
but olely to the rapacity of the truat, and
tbe truat being made paaaiblu by the tariff
i more evidence that the war tariff should be
Here is how an extensive woolgrower of
the Northwest view tlit president' meaange:
Daniel Drumheller, one tbe beavivat sheep
men in tbe northwest, submitted to an
interview by a Portland World reporter laat
week, while in (hut city, on hi way from
Bpoknn Fall to Olympia. The gentleman
takes broad view on the tariff1 and sutnmnr
ried them in the expreaaiou "That Cleve
land's meaange i the proper thing for sheep
men, and I have a few sheep myself." Mr.
Drumheller aaaerts that if the turiff wns tak
en off tho raw material, the demand for our
bort staple wool would be inereaied with
out any fear of successful competition from
foreign wool of like quality. "All we need,"
say thi gentleman, "to secure an universal
approval of the nics-inge from our wool
grower le to have the aubjert thoroughly
discussed and vcutiluted iu all it aapecta,
from employee' wages up to the monopoliz
ing trusts."
M. Paateur appear to be in a fair waj to
earn the Urge reward offered by the Govern
meut of Nw South Wale fur a successful
plan of exterminating th rnbit which are
ravaging that rsgion. II boa destroyed a
whole colony of rabita in a locality iu France
by inoculating one with chicken cholera
. microbes and turning it loose amoftg its fel
low. Tbeepidemio raged and the work
w complete. The only aiulaiuia liable to
injury from this procea are chickens, and
they can be kept out of the way. It is to !
learned yet whether the Australian will try
this heroic, but scientific method.
Whon Beuator Ingnll revived the dis
patch reluting tc the destruction of his bouse
aud library at Atcbisoa, Kan., by fire b was
in tbe room of the Committee on District
Affuiraat the Capitol. He read the telegram
aloud aud one Congressman burst into
tears. A later despatch announced the loss
of everything "but the piauo and the barn."
I bad been thinking of tearing tbe old barn
down," remarked the Senator calmly, as
though pondering on tbe strange, freak of
fortune which pertain to earthly existence.
Twelve murders, on suicide, eight high
way robberie snd four stabbing affray iu a
ciiy stmller than Kan Francisco make up a
fair Sabbath' diversion. .That is llavauim's
record for last Sunday. Tbe Kan Francisco
criminal lawyer is uot a nuupproebuhle as
we thought he was. A a promoter of crime
Captaiu-Oeneral Marin, the dictator of Cuba,
j equal to a whole shyaer bar combiued.
The dispatch. anuouuoe that the Supreme
Ceurt of California has affirmed the decree
of Judge Sullivan divorcing Sarah Althea
Hill from the late William Sharon, tbe de
ceased Sun Fraueisco millionaire. Thi de
ciaion will no doubt give Sunth a mi.Iion or
more of tbe esUte.
It i wise forethought that impels Seualor
Hule, of Maine, to introduce measures for
th preservation of forests. The time an-
pears to be drawing on apace when one of
Mr. luhj't Illustrious constituent will want
to take to the woods.
The repeal of the pre-emption aud timUr
culture act and tbe amendment of tbe
homestead aud desert acts will probably be
pushed through congress this sesiou. The
avutiment of congrea seem to U favorable
U) mch legislation. Ex.
Hon. J. C. Leaaure, of Pendleton, Rincer
II rnisnn of Koaeburg. C. W. Fulton.of As
tor. O. O. Holuiau aud M. L. Olmstead, of
bker City ar candidate for Congressional
honor at the band of th next Republican
S te convention.
One eouuty in T.xa last 20.0OI (bep in
th kte itotm. Id tbe next hatch of by
drBulie ram atatiatica thi lost will figure
amoDgsi tn reduction charum! un to th.
liiwaai;. Aita.
lradtre.t ,tlnw tUt th population 0f
the I'UiUd Stale b aaimall, bin auK'nent
t about . two-ptreeat., phi th iiiimixratin.
UO uih rua vut population Jud 80, ISM,,
W JM V4,l VUtfli,
n.rmanUfortv bill, ahe.d l Dol.,1, t
tbe r.cefor l R. Senator, but 1 7.I Z
I prac," Kiv. him th.
Boiintu and Dimocmrjr.
Ruaiues has been steadily prospering
luce tbe Inauguration of a Democratic Na
tional administration and Democratic reform
method iu 1SH3. Here i the proof of it:
In 1Mb! the uambea of buaiutas failure in
tbe country we 11,020, in 1885 it 11,110. in
1880 it was 10,508, and in 1887,
the year just closed it was 9,'JIO. The bus
iness failures for last year Were tbue almost
i.OUO less thun they were durini the year
immediately preceding the inauguration of
President Cleveland, yet the number of busi
ness firm ha increased over Mi,00 during
that time. Th old Republican war-cry.
'The Democrat! will miu tbe btmintm of
the country," will not go for much thi year.
Democracy, lower taxes aud buaines pros
parity go baud in bund,
A New York luborcr, who claims to bav
become insane while working in a rubber
factory at College point, in that state, has
sued the company for damages;, claiming
$2,500 for being confined six weeks iu the
l'oughkeepaie insane asylum. He was one
of several men employed iu the factory who
within a few months became violently in
sane. They all worked iu one particular
department where poitonou acids were used
iu preparing the rubber, and, at the time
quite au excitement prevailed is tho village
over tbe matter.
The miles of railroad constructed ill 1887,
footed up nearly l.i.OUO, aim tbiro la a
strcnu probability that thia rute of develop.
meut will be. maintained this year. There
ate many who affect to believe that railroad
construction baa advanced too rapidly in
the United States, but they ure the same
pesaimiHls, who declared that tho country
could not for twenty years to como ade
quately support the roads then in existence
Since then wo have added 30,01)0 miles to
our system, and, as has already been ul
served, tbe prospects ure that in the next
four veara we shall supplement them with
with 50,000 more miles.
If nny workingman is anxious to work for
free triele wiitfea iie can board the steamer
ut New York and reach Englaud in a very
few days, Mend us word, please, when you
decide to Co. lletroit irilnmc.
Tbe amount of rot contained in thn above
a a "protection" argument may bo inferred
from Hi fact that much higher wages are
paid for labor iu England (ban in any oilier
country in Europe, and it ia the leaat "IW
tected," Oeriuuny is well "protected."
Perhaps some of our workiugmeu would like
to try their luck under Dismarck's benign
syatem. World.
The International Exposition, which will
be held iu Washington lu 1 S'. 2 to comment
orate the four-hundredth anniversary of the
discovery of America, should surpass that o
1870, which was by all odds the most efl'ec
live ufTuir of the kind ever held up to that
tiiuA. Ilia people of the United Mute
should be able to show that they have made
a great deal of progress iu the interval be
tween 187U aud 18'J'J.
Take a piece of paper, and on it put in
figures your age iu years, dropping months
weeks aud days. Multiply it by two; then
add to tbe result obtained the ligures I)i08
add eight aud then divide by two. Subtract
from the result obtained the number of your
yoars on earth, and see if you do not obtain
ligures that you will uot be likely to forgot
An enormous aerolite fell in Cochin-China
October '20, rebounding aud probably dibap
rearing in thn China Sea. It was estimated
by French ofttcer that it weighed 3000 tons
and was traveling at the rate of about one
aud one-quarter miles a second.
The highest wage paid laboring men in
the world I at New hotitk vtuics, Australia
It is a free bear country.
Cure for Smallpox.
Edward Hine. a Travertre corresponded
of the Liverpool Mercury, sends the follow
mg to that paper: ".o disease is so repul
siv as smallpox, and none to generally
dreaned. I am willing to risk my reputation
as a publio man if the worst case of small
poxcuunnt be affectively cured iu three day
simply by cream of tartar. Thi is a sure
aud inver failing remedy. One ounce of
cream of tarter dissolved iu a pint of boiling
water, to le drank when ceol, at short inter
vals. It can be taken at any tim, and is a
Iiroventutiva a well as a curative. It is
mown to have cured iu a hundred thousand
ease, without a single failure. I have my
self restored hundreds by thi means. It
never leave a mark, never cause blimlncs,
aud always preveuts tedious liugriugs. ll
is o effectual that if properly used would dis
pense with the unnatural law of vaccination
uud the costly slsfV of vaccinators, for small
pox never appear without a need, ami theu
ought to bo purifying aud healthful to the
yatem, aud whsn capable of being so quickly
removed need uever be feared above cold
or sb overflow of bile.
The railroad acros the ice at the Pasco
gorge iu the Columbia hud te be abandoned
on account of the thiuuess ul the ice in cer
tain places. Where large cukes tlouted
against the Kenuewick bridge aud were fro
xen iu solid blocks. There was plenty of
support, but betweeu the islands of ice, iu
the interstices, the ice wo only about six
inches iu thickuess, which was not siiftl
cieutly strong to bear the weight of th cars,
Several car were crosasd, however, before
tbe Idea wu abandoned. Manager Ruckley
hud a force of idle meu there which he
wished to put to work, mid remembering
that th Musouii river was crossed in the
winter in thia manner before the bridge was
completed, he made th attempt.
' -
S a diapatch from Coif as, W. T: "Dan
Con ivy, tli man who committed the dastard
ly rap on Mis Millie at Paloti City,
mad hi escape whil-eu rout between Sim-
anno ano i aiou.e. ji was lu churns of I top.
tity Sheriff (.'alliwm. It l reported that wheu
th traiu left Manliall h jumed from hii
rat an I oil th train. Th nheritf endeavor-
ed to at p the train, but instead they incrrtued
tn 111 utiuoat speed until they reached Span
gl. If you want to aiibscrib for any newspa
per, luagatiue or periodical, call onOeo. Cob
lier at the book store, lie will take your
subscription and save yon trouble and ex
pense. Card of Thanka.
DsxTKa, Lau Co., Jan. 31st, bS.
We desire to extend our most sim-er and Ibuukt to ou' friend for their ex
tram kiuduesa, unlimited saiance aud
profound sympathy during our sickuea and
W. R. Raaa, H. A. IUae. Mk. M. J. Jv.
Di. W. E. Joan, F. D. Amu.
Omen Goon. -lUwide having a full
liu of jewelry Mr. J. O. Watt haa just re-
Z,T . ' u,'".' m l"
K ? 7, 'J."-,R "Ua "M "I""1
j , tr hT ' t,! h
I l Horn & Pain.' building.
A Horrible Tragedy.
A tragedy occurred'at Independence, Or.,
lust Sunday morning which for horrible de
tails is seldom equalled. Vm. Landreth
who we are informed formerly kept store nt
Coburu in Lane county, muidered his step
daughter, with whom it is supposed he bad
maintained illicit relations. The Ore-ou-
un gives the following detail:
trom an examination of ubysimanN, and
partial testimony of the mother of tho mur
dered girl, Kyiiiinie Antic, it it learned' thut
lot year thn I'rillal stepfather, win. Lun
dretb, bus made her the victim of bis bes
tial puision, and there is little doubt that the
motive of his awful crime wit fear thut Lis
stepdaughter would become a mother, or
would soon divulge the terrifying wcret
which was the burden of her existence. The
tnnrdor was a fiendish iu conception as it
was borrible Iu e :ecutlou. with a fourteen
inch knife the inhuman wretch entered Sym
mie' room Sunday morning, and notwith
standing ber moat piercing ncreruis aud des
iderata resistance deliberately butchered her
iy striking fourteen blows upon the body
and bead. Any one of four wounds would
iiivo been fatal. Probably the
lust entered the betid just forward of the
right ear und penetrated five inches, passing
almost through. Tbe mother and two of
tbe boys were aroused and interfered, but
too late to prevent the accomplishment of tbe
deed, une of the uoys, ilburu, aged 13,
picked up a loaded shotgun and while a
struggle was iu progress lielween the fattier,
mother aud brother, watched his chance to
shoot the unnatural father. Lmiilreth fled,
aud the older brother disarmed Wilburn be
fore he could accomplish his purpose. He
woe captured by a citizen and turned over to
Hie authorities, uh tlio the night following
the murder Marshal ltoliuuuou ami Deputy
Williams, mindful of the Kelly lynching
which took place six months since, discreet
ly conveyed Landreth to the farm of Lyman
Uayman, lour miles southwest of town, the
precaution wus probably well taken, for the
feeling ot the people was lngli, and another
lynching might have occurred. This niorii-
liik be was brought buck to town, and bis
examination occurred at 1 o'clock, District
Attorney licit appearing for the prosecution.
aud Uenj. llayden for the defense. The leS'
tiuiouy ot the mother, the liov Willis, and
the daughter, Lizzie, elicited no specially
new lulormiitioii, Airs. I.umlreth, oveipow
ared with grief and evidently dazed by the
awful events of the day before, gave her evi
deuce in a hecitaiing und onnfiised manner,
but from th partial statement she made
wus apparent thut the unfortunate girl hud
for years beeu used us u means of satisfying
the step-lather s lust. Defense waived ex
animation, und l.a itir.'tu wns bound over,
without bonds, to await the action of tie
grand jury, which convenes next June.
Sherd! tiroves. Marshal Bohamiou aud
deputy immediately brought the prisoner to
Salem, and lodged him iu jail there for safe
keeping. Lundreth is 03 vears old, course
appearing, aud of almost herculean strength
He assigns no cause for his horrible deed
other than the "daughter wus trying to iu
jure him." Symmie wus between 18und IU.
was very pretty, and notwithstanding her un
favorable surroundings was rather of a re
fined disposition. This is tbe fourth mur
der which bus occurred in Polk
seven months.
county in
Real Estate.
I Blmll continue to push the real estate
business with all the vigor its profits will
justify reports to the contrary notwithstand
ing. I shall continue to do nil in my power
to advance the interests of Lane county. My
head olllce will remain ut the old stand gn
Willamette Street, Eugene City nnd Prof.
G. I. Houghton will hava charge of the bus.
lues in my absence.
Qko. M. Mii.lkk.
5 cans choice peaches $1.00
7 " " string beans 1.00
7 " " pens 1.00
7 " Winslow's corn 1.00
7 " Archer's com 1.00
10 " cbuice tomatoes 1.00
And ull other goods at proportionately low
prices. .au una see tnein.
Si.addkn & Son
f would enjoy your dinner
J l aimareprevonteabyDys-
pepsla, uso Acker's Dyapepaia Tablets.
They are a positive cure for Dyspepsia, In
digestion, Flatulency and Constipation.
mv tjuanuueo lucm. 'j ana cents.
Oslmrn Jt Co, Eugene.
Local Market Report.
Euuenk, Feb. 3, 1S88.
Oats 3."k
Hurley 3."(ii 10 cts per buahel.
Eggs 30 ets ht in.; scarce.
ItU'lTKK 30 cts per 11),
I,AKI)-10 cts per IU
KLot'H-lst grad, tl; 2,1, $3.00.
RAi'ON-Sides KH'i 12c;aiiouMera 7 to 8 ctg;
liama, 1JJ cts.
Pot-tiK?a-(K) cts per bush.
Cheeaa-l'.'i (! l.'i cU
Hop- ,V (H'ta,
thousands auiTcrinc from Asthina. Con.
sumption, Concha, eto. Did you ever try
Acker's English Remedy? It is the best
preparation Known for all Lung Troubles,
sola on. a positive guarantee at lUc, ooc.
OsbiiruA Co, Eiii.'1'iie.
Absolutely Pure.
1 hia powder never vwic. A marvol of pur
ity. aud w holeMtiuuies. More eco
a.miical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be
ul in ami:titin with the mnltitud of low
Ut ahor. weight alum . ple-phata powuVr.
Sold only in eana. Hotal It. two i.. . ..
(Co., 100 Wall St., N. V.
eik. ,
Read thisIt Is of Interest to Every Tax
Payer In Oregon.
ririn Km' Wnnbl anv in reply to yours
of even date, thut the sum of 7 paid to me
by the Columbia Fire and Mariue Insurance
Company, of Portland, Uregon, ior stuoui
tux iu Dist. Ko. 1, represent more money
ti.un dint in il,i office bv all the foreign
insurauce compuuies doing business in this
City. , rKrI). A. VAhT,
Kcbool t:iera jnsirici ixo. i.
This nr,ii nor Hserlnin thut to protect
yourself j ou should give your insuruueo to
tbe Columbia f ire und aiurinu jnsurani u
Company of Portland. Oregon organized
rlli. lawa ,f Oreeon. Has a u 11 until-
toed capital of fotH'.OoO for vonr protection,
which is ten times tne amouui oi ucpomv
required of foreign compauies, who pay no
taxes, and send ull the profits out of the
state, thereby increasing yom tuxes. Think
of this, und give our agent at your place a
part of your insurauce. louts respecumiy,
John a. uhild, neeremry.
J W. Biirtow, Agent, Eugene.
Pureh Mother Tinctures superior in
preparation to any in the market.
Hydrastine Tonic one of the fiuest com
pounds for debility and lost vitality. ,
Homeopathic mother tinctures ami iruu
rutions i0 per cent stronger thau fluid ex-
tructs; prices the Banio as Eastern establish
ments. Special attention is culled to the R. & S.
tinctures. JSa suro and mention 13. & a.
when prescribing, A full supply always on
bund ut E. R. Luckey & Co's.
The symptoms of Biliousness are unhap
pily too well kuown. They differ in differ
ent individuals to some extent. A Bilious
man is seldom a breakfast enter. Too fre-
nientlv, ulus, he has au excellent appetite
(or liquids but none for solids of a morning.
Mis tongue will hardly bear inspection at
any time; if it is not white nnd furred, it is
rough, at all events.
Ibii digestive system is wholly out of
order and Diarrhea or Constipation may be
a symptom or the two may alternate. There
ure olten Hemorrhoids or even loss of blood.
There may be giddiness and ofteu headache
and acidity or flatulence and tenderness in
the pit of the stomach. To correct all this
if uot eflect a cure try Ureen Anqw& blower
it costs but a trifle and thousuuds attest its
Postal Tcleuraph. Office hours on Sun
day from 8:011 to 10:00 a. m., and from 4:00
to b:00 p, in. eek days, all business hours.
O. t . Craw, bupt.
. or P c Blood Elixir la the only
-IVV,S.VA Biood Kemedy guaran
teed. It is a positive care for Ulcers, Erup
tions or Syphilitic Poisoning. It purifies the
whole system, and banishes all Rheumatic
and Neuralgio pains. We guarantee it.
Sold by Osburn Co, Eugene. ,
Guaranteed ixmitive cure for Catarrh,
Colli in the Head, Hay lever, Rose ( old
t'atairlial Deafness anil sore eyes. Kestorea
the sense of Tonte ami Smell, remove bad
TaHte and Unpleasant lirenth resulting fmm
( ntarrh. hanv unit pleasant to uae. foil
directions and a cure is warranted. For sale
by all druegiats.
Soitooi, Rooks. rareuts buy your school
books of Mr. tieorye Collier, formerly Mc-
Cornuck & Collier. He has the largest stock
ami sells at low prices.
Staple and Fancy
Everything new and fresh. Goods de
livered free to nny pa't of the city.
Ill Tobacco and Cigars,
lou will find the best Positively the finest
Imported Cigars in tbe city
Come and see me uud be convinced that
you can save money by buyiug your goods
at the Willamette Store. Opposite Guard
ollice. J. CUAS. MOSBURG.
II. 11. Cochran & Son,
Real Estate Agents.
Eugene City, Oregon.
Will attend to general Real Estate busiuef s
such as buying, Belling, leasiug and renting
farms and city property, eto. Ollice on tonth
sulo of Niuth street.
Lanii Omen at Rosfiu'ru, Or., '
dan. 81. ISMS.
ll the followind-nsuied nettler has filed no
tie of hia intention to make final proof in sup
port of )n claim, and that arid proof will be
made bef.ire the juilce or clerk of the county
court ot Laue Co., Or., at Kucena City. Or.",
on Saturday, March 17, 1SS8, viz: Em .Inne.
Hommtead Entry No. -Iri fur the S W 1-4 of
Sec. i, Tp. 1SS, R 1 West. V M..
He names the following witnesses- to prove
Ilia coiitimimis residence iihii, and cultivation
ol, said land, via: James U alive, Elijah
Gum, C'hiw (inwr, Sipiir. Cain, !1 f Jaa
er. Lane Co. , Or.
Chas. W. Johnston, R.iter.
H.F. McCornack, M.D.
Sdect St.K k of
Which I intend ellinK at Faib and Reason
able Piiicm.
nr0'''f Jf iMin'c Luikling, Eugene City, Or,
Droceries Fr ovisions
Have removed to
Marx' new building.
They have a complete stock of
Watches, Clock, Jewelry & Musical Instruments.
A large invoice of Christ tn as goods.
I nutke a specialty both for
suit the tia'e. Country orders solicited. Liberal discount
for cash accompanying orders. Orders promptly attended to
both by mail.or telegraph,
Call and see me. J. R. REAM.
Corner Willniiiotto and Sevcntli Streetp, Eugene City, Or.
Four splendid Ncw White" Nickel-plated
Sewing Machines All Complete.
I am oflVring tliesp. mnchines at cost, not having the timn or room to deal irt
tluMii nny lonjjer. This ia a fine opportunity to K-cuif mm of tlirse moat popu
lar, liest furnished, and certainly tho most di'siruUe of all Snwing Machines.
1 also ofl'isr tlip following liai'jjains:
Forty Ladies' New Market Cloaks for 1 less than Cost.
Twenty-five Gents fine Overcoats, this season's Pur
chase,) for $1 less than Cost,
Those are all new, desirable goods, and wiil jv lit) per rent, mi the invmi
nient even if one Imd to lay them away until next Winter.
I have a nunilier of other hai-gaina to offer noil m which 1 will rail alten
on from time to time
Has just received direct from New
York and Chicago, tlie largest
and best stock of
Ever hrought to Eugene.
Hut call and price them. the place: The Xew Thr.u
Brick, corner Willamette and
id Eighth
WtvWpc that are fretfnl, peevish,
cross, or troubled with
Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or
Stomach Disorders, can be relieved
at once by using Acker's Baby Soother.
It contains no Opium or Morphine,
hence is safe. Price S3 cents. Bold by
Unburn (In, Liiueue.
MS BARKER, Expert Gun
smith Stock of Guns and Am
muniiion on hand.
C. Marx.
Barber Shop sod Bath Rooms,
Hot and cold batha alwar reily duriua
lhaweek. ' 8
quality of ood9 and prices to
atislactioii fx II Hr:1 Bit ecu
St., Eiine City, Oregon.
Delinquent Tax Notice.
Notice is hsrthy given to all owinn tax.
IIIIVl Kmi'.i,, !.. . .1... . 8 .
, , .'"i- toe coiiuiy court at Its
, ate session or.lere.1 me to collect the aimie
I forthwith, lhisistheiefore to notify all
I concerned tl il !,.. . ... '
i ; uv i" save eosts
.ej uiiisi come lorwanl at once and pay
the same or I u-ill l, ,.i.k...j . 1 J.
. , . wu-iLeu iu proceed
"g'UHM theru legally. J"eu
J. M. dloan, Sheriff Lane Co.
For Kent or Hire.
Apply for terms, etc., to
Ww am mm U II Ul l II III
OFUCE:-At Court House, County Sur
veyor room.
I offer t.,r aale 40x100 ft buBines proper
ty on W illuniHtte street, on hieh t buter
can double hia money within two years.
' Oio. M.