The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 24, 1887, Image 9

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1 dentistry go M Or N J Taylor.
r;uu nl l5",,1"Ulit,,''
ack'-yj im-'r '' ' Pritchett &
. 1 Dunn.
iulity seres ' lnd f"r sale. Inquire of
. iCi'lem"- , w
Xutsi't' Hi"1"1""1 ucatty ami artisc
lly at Winter'.
I line lino of m'','si " shades
I ,;r.le F B
l,tand ooM 'Bt' every day in the week
Jury Unrn' '""ber shop.
f,.u can purij!iM Walt-ham watches at
i Watt' 'r'l JIO anil upwards.
jjntUinfi f"rmen aud boys, at cost, which J
H banknpt Htock, at Pcttinun'a.
J y.ia w.'ut hardware at reasonable prices
lit thestore of Pritchett & Forkner,' j
jr Ua for Speucer Dutte fruit tress uiny
leflet Hie (irange store; aiso Mr. lirowu,
S -htk street will have theui for sale.
jeVar olil barllett peat trees will be $12
iiilreil. Kiiiiiller ones $8. Other trees
J, OnviLLK Puklps, Prop.
I Tavlr' 7 Oalta Compound, purely veg
I positively cures rheumatism, uriimk'ia
li-he, tti-k headache, cramp colic, cholera
kit, C'oinplailita eeiiliar to females, ys
L cnlil or cough, 1 liven, Chills and fe-
around the he art,, erysipelas,
ukokuk I AVLoa.
Goshen Items.
Mr. John Keener, of Halsey, spent a few
!) visiting relatives here rJj.X ftW
r t ...i .....
during the
Mr. Levi Berkshire ami family will prob
b y rnuke Coyote their home durW h
Mrs. X. E
and Mrs.
friends in
1 pitirm
Li c
Jrt by Oshurn ft Co, druirlsrs, Eugene.
Lakes Exploded.
irly of gentlemen from Crow Camp re
hud a bout constructed to explore
lire and Harney hikes. They launched
boat on tho Jntu ot rvovemher, and
lied her tho "Reuutifiil Eucine." Tho
-up, However, prevented tne party
proceeding in their boat. They went
lot some distance below 1'eliean i-lutu,
twenty-live miles from liurus, where
discovered another island about three
I long They named it Guano island.
t -place seems to be the home and breed
grounds of all the various water fowls,
mild be a paradise for Hportsmeu in
ring and Hummer. There is also deer
&e island. As soon as the break-up in
Spring tue Urow campers propose to
ughly explore both Malheur and Har-
kes for lur-ueuriug animals. unruey
lln,,,!...!,,,.. .. n.
T ia , v ui xacoiua,
, ' ""'B er parents, .Mr.
KetUey ami other illative ami
iuij vicinity.
The Goshen Literary Society will give a
basket sociable on Xmas eve, Deo. 24, ami
he proceeds will doubtless be expended for
lamps for the ,.,,, um, othef
fi',"'" , A," lhv 'Hl'hors should attend
"d lend this instructive organization a
helping lmu,l. The society paper, the
luith Dcttcr," will be read as a 'part of the
proK'iainme. A prize of $2.C0 in cash is to
e tjiven to the person paying the most for a
Utokl t. EAVhSDROfPKll.
Spencer Butte Items.
Dec. 20, 1S7.
Foggy weather.
School books at Collier's.
Two or three laud buyers in town.
Santa Clans headquarters at E. Damn's.
Buy tho Hoosier Drill of J. W. riristow.
Matlock gives goods away at lowest prices.
Leap year calls will U the order uet
Tim best rolling cultivators are sold bv J
. Unstow.
W . F. Matlock lias been elwted Slavor of
Japanese presents at lowest figures in
Titus block.
Xew cottas s are being built in tho north
west part cif town.
A good Emerson upright piano for
i heap. Call at this office'.
and new liual
George Col-
Local Market Report.
Et'GEN'K, Dec. 23, 1887.
t AT fide.
fiey USCf-IO eta per bushel.
n-30 cts per lioz: scarce.
fiEB 2.V 30 cts per lb.
Jo-10 cts per II).
JVR-lst tirade, W; 2d, $3.00. '
f'X Sides 10fU2c;snoiihlerM 7 to 8 cts;
12J ets.
I-2 cts.
ftoes 50 cts per hush.
ese 12 On 1") cts.
List of Letters
iiuiuiug uncalled for at the postoffice in
lel'ity, Oregon, Dec. 23, 1M87:
diaw, L H Lowell, Richard
rjngham, Jas Mansfield, S A v
brce, Nntcn Pyle, John
ffn, J Roser, Louisa
Ion, 'L T Sexton, Silas Jasper
'y'i Miss Mary Smith, Mrs Addine
,rd, Miss Gusso Wheeler, G L 2
Ion, t'has.-
ous calling for the above will please
Items scarce.
Weather cold and foggy.
.Mr, Dick Rush is again in our midst.
Mr. J. W. Cox Uited relatives iu Junction
this week.
Mr. Giluiore and family are going to leave
oui ueiB'iiooiUlKnl soon.
What has become of PMh? II.. l,uu
niiule his appearance for a long time.
Mrs, U. M. lilachlev has been mill,.
but we nre pleased to learn she is improving!
A social liartv was had nt Mr. Tt.M. Iil.,,.l,.
i hy's on Saturday eveuing, but few attended.
Jir. watKtii", ol tngetie, is having quite a
u tun her of fruit trees set out on his furm
south of Eugene.
Whatlwo young nu n of our neighborhood
went to Take their girls to a party Saturday
evening? We guess they found stumps anil
mud holes and fence rails. Get on your
specks next time, boys. Who Hk I.
Last Visit This Year.
Dr. rilkmgtou will be at the Hoffman
House, Lugene, all day, Thursday, Dec
2'Jth. Any sufferer with eve. catarrh, nor.
vous or chronic disease and imrtieulartvwitli
.1 ... . . . . . .
any ning or rectal trouble will be given
tree examination and opinion by applying
on that date. Any number of references
Ladies of Eugene and Vicinity.
I will resume my classes iu Dress Making
immediately after the holidays. Will also
give instruction in all kinds of fancy work.
embroidery, keiisiiigton.-etc. For terms aud
particulars please call at my dress making
rooms over Mullock .
Mas. J. H. Siiles
Card of Thanks.
We take this method of returning our sin
cere and heartfelt thanks to the many ladiei
and friends who assisted us during the long
illness and death of our beloved wife and
mother. May Heaven bless and reward them
for their kind care and attention.
S. A. Oudkn and Family.
vertisedi giving date.
I . . USJJUIH,', V.
City Transfers.
f u Goldsmith to Julius Goldsmith, lot
' Jims addition; consideration $1, ami
good and valuable consideration.
9ehe It. Kinsey to J. A. Straight, lot in
lid's addition; con. $200.
R. McDonald to W. I. Vawter, two lots
'j . sworth's addition; con. $533.
I I-IIai.p Savkd. It is reported that only
-.tone-half of the freight on board the
; steamship Yutjuina was saved. Iusur
Sdjtisters have been at Yaquiua figuring
iir losses and attempting to striko a
al average. The method of adjustment
oh cises is to equalize losses so that the
saved shall pay their share towards
ilost, so that all shippers lose equally.
9 whose freight was insured wifl receive
'ill amount of insurance, while the iu
ice company takes the insurer's shine
J general average. Robinson Jfc Church
-vend hundred dollars' worth of nulls
rd. G. Hettmau, Shidden & Sou, and
m Jt Co. (the latter firm iusured) also
: "mall consignments of merchandise on
;i!-futed steamship.
iiis a Younq OitcHAitD. Tho larcenists
liier places are furnishing a regular holi
" article of news just now. One thief
od the Sound stole a young orchard that
1 just been planted, and concealed the
'ft for some time by planting willow
itches in place of the trees. Another,
iletou Pauley, got away with a big lloek
fcheep from Surprise valley, Nevada. A
ard of $1,000 is offered for the latter gen
iuau arrest and conviction, but there is
ue cnauce ot ins being caught, having now
arly s month's start of tho sheep owners
d nothing having been heard of him.
lo tonnEspoNDKNTs. We nre pleased at
all times to insert correspondence from all
sections of tho county iu the Gcard, and so
licit the same, lint as we have frequently
staled before the name of the com spoiideut
must accompany tne same; not necessarily
for publication but as a guarantee of good
faitli, An Hem that looks perfectly inuo
cent to the editor may be loaded with dyna
mite wheu it reaches the locality from which
it uimnutes; so before wo publish any com
munication wish to know tho author, his
responsibility and standing. TbeBe remarks
are called forth by different anonymous cor
respondence sent recently which we would
gladly publish had the name of tho authors
Mabkikd. In Portland, Sunday, Dec. 18,
18b7, at tho residence of G. W. bishop, by
Rev. W. H. Land, Mary E. Dennett to Nor
ris G. Drown. The wedding was very quiet
aud was a surprise, though not unexpected,
to tho friends of tho young couple. The
bride is oue of Eugene's fairest daughters,
while the groom is (he sou of J. C. Drown
of thi firm of Drown, Fullertou it Co., of
Salem, and one of Salem's most worthy
young men. Their many friends iu Eugene
wish th newly-married couple a prosperous
future They will make their future resi
dence iu Salem.
rax W. M. Hoao. The new Oregon Pa
"i steamer Wm. M. Hoag has made her
t trip up the Willamette river to Salem.
" had one or two minor del ivs incident to
workiug of a new boat and 'new machin
al that her trip was a slow one. She
1 right now, and will soon be in good
'' ")g order, when her captain expects to
the broom over all the boats on the
r Willamette. Her officers are Geo.
s, captain; Dert Hatch, mate; A. Mc--'"
chief engineer; Deu Speakes, 2d en
' rj H. Cronise, purser; Frank J. Smith,
1 rd.
Isuian Wab Claims. Col. Kelsay of Cor
vallis held foith in his entertaining way to a
fair audience last Saturday afternoon. Many
of his auditors had participated in the Ore
gon Iudiau wars and listened with interest
to his remarks. Tho general government
should audit and allow claims held by these
veterans who left their homes and families
to fight tho Indians, furnishing their own
outfits, aud after months of dungerous and
arduous service it. tLe winter received vir
tually nothing.
Fink Spout. The sportsmen of Eugene
had fine shooting on Grand prairie near the
lake last Saturday and Sunday. Geese and
ducks were plentiful aud those who wnt
report good bags of game. Horn and Drake
brought home about sixty birds, Moore and
Christian twenty-seven Gray and company
twenty and several others from tea to twen
ty. This is tho first time of this season that
ducks ane geese have been plentiful.
Died. In this city Sunday night, Mrs.
Susan Ogdeii, wife of Mr Sam'l A. Ogden
died, aged 3) years. Mrs. Ogden leaves a
husband and ihree children, who have the j
sympathy of many friends iu their lH-reftve-
nient. the fuueral took place to the Odd i
Fellows' cemetery, Tuesday afteruoen at
one o'clock.
See administrator's notice
proofs in another column
School books of all kinds at
Iter's. Price them; buv them
Matlock is off. ritiL' tlm Sim.
goods at way down prices.
The Pyke Opera Co. (Winston) will be
uese dan. Llitli in new operas.
Fisher A- Watkinstnake a fine Christmas
display of meats this season.
Don't forget that J. V. Dristow sells the
best chilled and steel plows ill Eugene.
A patent has beeu granted to Wm. Tiffany
of Cit sswi 11 for a railway pump motor.
J. W. Dristow sells farm implenu'iits
cheaper than any one. Call aud see him.
Mr lien V Craw has the sole agency for all
hr mil, nf the celebrated Tamil Punch Cigars,
Among so many nmuseuiriits do not f,,r.
get the militia boys mask ball, Jan. 18, 1SSS.
(tipsy lietth s, alabaster vases. Xmas
and saucers, library lamps, etc.
I'ai-uk; m Company.
I he President has sent the name of John
Myers to the Senate to be U. S. Marshal of
the District of Oregon.
Lambert ,t Henderson aro the sole agents
for the celebrated Superior stoves. Take
your wife and look at them.
it you want a suit of clothes at less than
cost, give Matlock a call. He has purchased
the Siiunu stock at bankrupt sale.
Prof. Milliken will introduce an eutirely
new and novel grand inarch at the Don Ton
Masque Thursday eve, Dec. 20. Don't fail
to attend.
Wednesday was the shortest day of the
Another S, F, Examiuer sgent was in town
iuis week,
Merry Christmas to one aud all of our aub-
Workmen are paiutiug the frout of Mayor
fiuiu new uuiuiiug,
Chas. W. James has been appointed post
master at Daker Tilv
Four hundred and forty-five pupils are
ntteuding the public school.
Don Ton club masque ball at Rhinehart's
Hall, Thursday eve, Dec. 20th.
The new fire insurance company
bany, is now transacting business.
Tho now Dai tist Church is Wing
forward. It is a handsome structure
Mr. CW. Woods has Wen appointed
nightwatchman of tho city of Prineville.
The north bound California mail train is
hUe au hour or two marly every morning.
Mr. S. M. Titus is erecting a small wood
en business house on Willamette street.
Five through tickets to San Francisco
Were sold at the Eugeno office Wednesday
evening. ,
, of Al-
n ER Elkcted. Eugene Royal Arch j
tr last Monday elected ouicers as (ol
I F. W. Osburu, High Priest; D. 1).
King; J D Harris, SeriW; J M Hod
Capt. of Host; L. N. Roney, Principal
irner; Wm Prestou, Royal Arch Capt;
mer. Treas; G. Dettmau, Sec; J G
G. M. 3d Veil; J. W. Johnson, G. M.
il; W. R. Walkei, G. M. 1st Veil; V.
.rland, Sentinel. , '
Schools Closkd. Tho State University
closed yesterday for the holidays aud will
not reopen till Tuesday. January 3d. Mauy
of the studeuts will go home to spend the
holidavs. The public school also closed
yesterday and will reopen Monday, Jau. 2d.
Gr-nMllfltt. itlttnci! ltd ATI.
.'I 1... ..... r. .... . 1 1 ....... . - - - -- .
until holiday supplement to sub,criWrs ; K 'ma
Wednesday. On account of not bung able
to reach many of its patrons before Christ
mas by mailing iu this issue it was mailed
early in the week.
Perseus desirous of really flae operations
in dentistry aro invited to callou Henderson,
dentist, who gives special attention to the
finest gold fillings.
Johu C. Welch, fornieily a student of the
University, has been promoted from chief
registry clerk of tho Portland postolliee to
the money order department. '
The Electric Light Co. have been puttino
in tho additional street lights for the uso of
the city this week. They had to put up a
large additional amount of wire.
The invitations will be out next week for
Co C.'s mask ball aud the boys bad better
hurrv and ask their girls before leap year
or the girls may ask some one else.
liy the latest methods in uso bv Eastern
dentists high in the profession, Henderson is
enabled to produce equally as desirable re
sults in fine gold fillings. Office s'line place,
Hayes block.
Conductors Young and Guthrie of the Eu
gene local train have been running on the
California express in place of Conductors
Couser aud Wilson, who took charge of the
excursion trains.
ino ioiiowiiii! marriasn lieeuscs were
issued this week: G. D. Hickson and M. E
Purkeson, L. N. Riley aud H. M. Richard-
s in, U. Jiennett and R. S. Wilcox. Norris
Drown and Mary Donnelt.
This is an advertising and an advertised
age. It you do not keep your business
constantly tieioro tlie puolio soma ono more
enterprising will step in front of you and
crowd you hack into obscurity.
The sidewalk in front of the Xlasonic tern
pie has been laid. The building is nearly
completed and is a decided ornament to the
city. It will probably be three weeks yet bo
fore tho edifice will be formally dedicated to
Masonic use.
Tho Teachers Institute for tho Second Ju District will niet iu Oakland Dec;
27, 28 and 20. It is expected that Profs
Condon and Hawthorne of the State Univer
sity and Prof. Vawter of the public school
will be iu attendance.
Defore deciding what you will buy for your
Fall dresses, jackets, wraps and ulsters, give
Dfitman a call aud see his remarkable exhi
bition in those lines iu endless variety of new
and stylish patterns, all bought nt low prices
for cash, and will be sold on margins only to
make living profits.
The railroad managers intends keeping
lour ot the six horse stages oml teams on Sis
kiyou mountain after the railroad is finished
to completion, until spring opens, so as to be
prepared for hauling passengers over the
mountain in ease of any slides, breaks or
snow blockades occurring.
Mr. Dross informs us that he has changed
the original date for the Tieket-of-Leuve-
Mau to Friday and Saturday, Jan. Cth and
7th. The change is made to accommodate
many w ho wish to attend but found the prior
date unavailable, lhe piece is inactive
rehearsal and fast nearing perfection.
The cast of "Nevada" have been request
ed to reproduce that beautiful drama again.
They have the matter under consideration
and perhaps will give the people another
chance to hear this worihy production Now,
if they decide to produce it again every oue
should uttend as the cast is excellent and is
better than nine out of ten professional com
panies that visit our town.
The Mongoliaus had a row this week
among themsi Ives. At last one crowd swore
out a warrant against two of their almond
eyed brethren before Justice Kinsey, charg
ing them with stealing $85. Attorneys L.
liilyeu anil (j. D. Dorris were retained by
the respective sides, who effected s comprom
ise before the case went to trial. Happiness
would now prevail among the worshipers
of Joss, excepting for tho costs and fat at
torney fees paid out. ,
The memWrs of Prof.- Milliken's rapidly
growing daueiiig class are becoming very en
thuiatic in their work. The Professor's
nmuuers and table instruction have
'i I ready drawn q'lite Marge number o! pu
pils to the regular Tuesday evening session
at Rhinehart 's Parlors. Yielding to numer
ous r-quests front parents, Prof Milliken
has consented to Win juvenile dancing
el it.s. and will W (it the parlors next Tues
day afternoon at 3.30 for that purpose.
The Don Ton dancing club are making ex-
Rbmebart s f arlors
Tickets for the Don Ton masque ball to be
had at express office for 1.IH1:
00 cents.
Several new- subscribers to the Gt'AttP this
week. Our circulation was never increasing
more rapidly.
J. M. Dick of Camp Creek was in town
this week to transact some business before
the land office.
Nw comes the seasou when the festive
and hilarious Thomas and Jeremiah will
hold their levees.
All Uncle Tom's Cabiu tronne was a.lver.
tised to play In this city Xlouday night, but
mvy iiiiieu to materialize.
Jhe l irst National Dank has had fine
signs painted on their plato glass windows,
.nr. o. u. j.nim iiart was the workman.
i ne last spike will not compare with the
mask ball for fun, for both spectator and
pioneers. Jtemember date, Jau. 18, 'S8.
r 1 .i . .
..i.-iiuiMv m i ua minis ot a new postolliee
esmimsiH'd on tlm Siuslaw between Walton
ami tne mouth of Luke creek, with J. 1'
liillman as postmaster.
it . . , ...
o understand Unit Hie Portland agent
has recommended to his insurance company
to pay tho loss of Roney Jc Abrams on the
nnciiou residence in full.
1 lie ladies ot tho Daptist Church will givo
a single sociable at Rhinehart's Parlors New
intra eve. Due. ill. There will be music
games aud refreshments. Come everybody.
a toilet luxury in every respect, Aver's
nair igor never tails to restore the youth-
mi iiranui-m ami coior to laded and gray
n uisu eradicates uaudriill and lire
vents the hair from falling.
ine U A: (.-, bus reduced the price of first
class unlimited tickets from Portland to
Sacramento ami San Francisco from :tn ,
pi.i, ami limited tickets from S22 to $20.
i ne nine ot departure and arrival will
main as heretofore.
lhysiciaus prescribe Aver's Sarsuparillit
in case of scrofula, aud in every form of
chronic disease, because this medicine is
safer to take, and is more highly concentra
ted than any other preparation. H can al
ways be depended upon as an effective blood
L. Dilyeu made s trio to Portland the first
oi tne week.
County Commissioner Green was in the
city Wednesday.
Dr. J. . McMahan paid Eugene short
visit this week.
Commissioner Day, of Ctesswell, was iu
town yesterday.
J. F. Robinson made s flying visit to the
metropolis Monday.
Judge Woshburne aud wife visited Port
land the first of the weik.
Mr. J. L. Rankin has been quite sick for
several days without much sign of improvo-
John P. Irish, who replied in so painted
and liunpy a manner to the strictures of
Frank 1'ixley, at the reception to the Call
fomia excursionists at the depot Sunday, is
the editor of the S. F. Alta. Ho is recog
nized as the ablest and wittiest ediloral writer
on the raeillo coast. The rolumns of tlm
A!ta sparkle with the scintillations of his
The other evening as the excursionists
were expected an individual without any
coat, hat or boots upon his person was ob
served running furiously down Wilbimotto
stree t. The people thought he was insane
and caught him when he exclaimed excited
ly; "Let me go right off to S. 11. Friendly "s
store, where I can get hats, boots, clothing
and everything usually kept in a first-class
store at bottom prices." They knew it and
let him go.
Tho Last Spike,
The train Waring the citizens' committee
and invited guests, numbering about one
hundred persons from Portland, Sulem, Al
bany, Eugeno and other points in Oregon,
reached Ashland about half-past ten o'clock
ou the morning of Dec. 17 iu charge of Su.
perintendent Drandt of the O. & C, The
town was wild with enthusiasm and was pro
fusely decorated. At the depot an arch had
been reared covered with everynens and en
circled in huge letters by the word "Wel
come," with the mimes of the two Slates
Oregon aud California at each end joined by
Masonic emblems. There was n profuse dis
play of different varieties of Oregon pro
ducts, consisting of grain, fruits, vegetables,
etc. The train bearing the officers and ex-
curnionists fiom San Francisco arrived at
45 P. M. both sections wero welcomed
wilh cheers. The driving of the last spike
was at once commenced, this duty being per
formed by General Manager Crocker of the
Southern Pacific Company. Dy means of
tin attachment of telegraph wires with the
spike and sledge tue strokes were sounded
throughout the States over the several lines
of telegraph from (heir office opened on the
ground lor tue purpose. 1 lie strokes were
neurit at r.ugene and anvils wero to have
been tired to announce the event, but from
some cause proved a failure. The ceremo
nies ended at 5:15 P. M. Speeches were
made by Gov. IVnnoyer, Hon. Horace Da
vis, Frank Pixlcv, Joseph I. Teffcns, presi-
lent of the board of trade of Saeraiueuto.
speakiiig for Gov. Waterman of California
iu his absence, Hon. M. C. George, John P.
Irish and Charh s Crocker, on of tho prin
cipal ownera of the road. The excursionists
remained over night at Ashland and left Sun
ny morning for Portland.
Eugene was reached at C o'clock and a
crowd of citizens nunilM-ring probably 8KI
was on band to welcome them. The lire
men's D.iiid was iu attendance jiml dis
coursed sweet music while waiting for the
train aud as it pulled up to the depot. Mayor
Lhiuii. who Has an invited guest ami wit
nessed the riming of the ,last spike, wol
eoimd the excursionists in a brief but neat
spot ch. Mr. Crocker gave the people a short
talk and showed the irolden spike which had
Wen driven, but which he had Wi-n careful i
to have pulled up mid brought wilh him. He
was followed ly Horace Davis, afli-r which
Frank Pixley, of the S. F. Argonaut, who
had learned that this wns s University town,
made a speech rulher deprecating arid dis
couraging higher education. Ho was fol
Mr. Jas. Noland is slowly recovering from
the attack of fever with which lie has
been suffering.
Mr. Ono. has goue to Victoria
Ciiy, D. C, where ho has accepted s posi.
tion in a store, we learn.
Mr. Johu Cooloy of Cottace Grove ras.l
through town on his way home from
lirowusvillo Wednesday.
A party cousistina of Messrs Seara.
Churchill and several others leave ou an elk
uunt to Siuslaw next Wv-ek.
Master Willie McClaren. who has been at
tending tho Hishop Scott Grammar School,
is at home to spend the holidays.
Mr. J. H. McColIuni recently of this place
has gone to Drain to take charge of the
Oram Echo. He will also practice law.
Mr. and Mrs. I. K. Peters of Oakland
( al., came on the California e xcursiou and
stopped here to visit relatives and friends
Mr. Martin Pritchett and family have re
turned to their dd home iu Junction City,
Kansas, where they will reside iu the future,
A letter from Dr. J. C. Vt linker, dated
at lolton, ( al., this week, brings the'eheer-
mg information that he is feeling smch
(eo. Noland was re elected City Attorney
of Astoria hist week. No one was nominated
by tlie Republicans to run against him and
ne inni a walk-over.
Mr, Andrew Pritchett has returned from
visit to the Eastern States. He repoits
exceeiungiy cold wealUer III dial section and
is glad to get back to Oregon.
Mrs. John Duncan, of Duvton W T
who has Wen visiting at the home of her
fathol, Matthew Willis, for several weeks
past left for her homo Mouday.
Prof. Johnson went to Portland with the
excursionists. He was an invited cuest to
witness the drivme of the last snike but
...i. , . - - . . . . .
oiuer uiisiness prevented ins attendance.
Mr. M. 8. Wallis. chief clerk iu the 11. H
interm.l reveuuo olllce ut Portland, came up
1 . . . . .
msi i-niiay on a visit to relative, and friends.
lie returned on the local tram Monday
Mrs. Wm. Renshaw returned hint wmilt
iroin ban t raueiseo where the had Wen for
several months past undergoing treatment
ior ur eyesight, we are pleased to learn
that she experienced great relief and a per
manent cure.
Clara Conpon, .
. Editob.
Look out for Santa Clans!
Draw np your new resolutions.
Miss Etta Hill 1ms stopped school.
Professor Straub went to Portland lnt
School commences nn Tnrmlnv ftui. ll.j
F.lection of officers at the next menlinrr nf
the Lturcans.
world-wide holiday la Christmas. Wheru,
ever the name of the Dabe born in the man
ger in Dethlehein over eighteen hundred
years ago has penetrated, the day is made
one ot rejoicing and merry-making; a day
wheu tho little ones especially are made
happy by the visit of traditional Santa
Clans with his load of presents and articles
dear to tho youthful mind. To those of
riper age, a day of family reunion, of renew.
ing and cementing old friendships, aud of
general good fellowship. Christmas has
conquer, d a place as an American festival
wlioso empire no ono disputes. .Tho idea
underlying it is broader than any creed; il
Wlotigs to no sect; is controlled by no party.
Founded ou tho lessons of humanity taoelit
by tho Man of Na.areth, it appeals to the
sentiment ami hearts of men, aud wins a
willing recognition wherever tho simple
story of the Cross is known. To-morrow is
that day, and the Gcaiid wishes its many
readers a happy, merry Christmas.
Here is an Eye Opener for You.
i) cans best tomatoes for $1,
7 ' " corn " CI.
Junction flour f 1 per sk or 1.90 per
, U L 1 , . ... "
i ai can mining powder ior c.
3 It) cans " " Hoc,,
Dest roasted coffee 30o per pound.
Fine glass setts for 40o.
Good tea 25c. per ft.
Paoifio Tka Comi'ant.
AiiiiKsri'.p. On Tuesday Marshal Day sr
rested Dick Smith and James Ward for cre
ating a disturbance ou the puhlio school
grounds. They were attempting to run u foot
race, and witu anoisycrowd iucompany with
them were seriously interlering with the
school, They weie tried before Recorder
Dorris, Smith being fined fit) and costs,
which was paid; Ward was fined 115 and
costs, and not having the necessary where
with to liiiuidate, was incarcerated in the
city jail. Thesamo evening shout dark he
cut out and skipped the towu. , A good rid
dance. Road Lanks, A Washington dispatch
Waring data Deo. 201 h says; Senator Dolph
reported to the Senate to-day from the com
mittee on public lands, with a recommenda
tion that it pass, a bill forfeiting the land
grants in Oregon of the three following
wagoti roads: First, the road from Eugene
City to the eastern boundary of the State;
second, the road from Albany to the eastern
boundary of the State, and third, the road
from Dalles City, on the Columbia river, to
Fort Doise,
Tin Gold Dados. Governor Pennoyer is
very proud of the gold badge presented to
him by tho Califoruians at the last spike ex
ercises Saturday. The badge is rosily a
large gold button, on which are artistically
engraved the letters "0." aud "O." Joined
together by a spike. Above are the words
"Dec. 17, 1X87." The button is s very hand
some souvenir of tue occasion. 1 he Gover
nor wears it in the lapel of his coat.
Wii.lamktte Stiiickt. Marshal Day has
the crosswalks on Willamette street swept
every day, bnt it is almost impossible to keep
them passable, 'lhe city authorities cer
tainly do not propose to let the main busi
ness thoroughfare of Eugene remain iu its
pr.-sent filthy condition all winter. Some
thing should be done, and we hope they will
make move. Tho present condition of Wi.
amette street is a disgrace to Eugene.
Mr M. S. Wallis of the cIam of '7 Vita in
Eugene last week.
The next Public rhetorical will bn bv tha
Freshman class.
The class iu Pvbsicul features W-uau work
ou Monday morning.
Mr, Frank Porter has Won soinimiim? in
Portland for several weeks.
Pros. Johnson was ono of the iuvUed
guests at the "spiko driving."
Mr. Linn is unite an old bachelor match.
maker of late. (This is a joke).
Let us all "throw in" and o t M.o-t a
lantern for a Christmas present
Many of the students are c-oinu to snood
tho Christinas holidays with the old folks at
Professor Hawthorne went to Ashland last
Friday evening to attend the driving of the
last spike.
Dring iu your composition this week Mr.
Wise, for I want something to read during
the holidays.
Herbert Johnson taught in tho plaoa of
his father last Monday, as tho latter was ab
sent in Portland.
Which would you rather do Mr. Wagoner,
recite the whole rhetorio lesson or have your
brother stay unmarried?
Some rubber applied to the leus
of those chairs in the reading room would
be a great improvement.
Miss Mary Domicile was married in Port.
laud this week to Mr. Norris Drown, of Sa-
lein, Tho Eutaximis offer their congratulations.
Mr. Marsh Wagner, ono of our old stu
lents, was married in Ashland lat Wednes
laytoMiss Anna Anderson of that place.
The're all getting married,
We think Darwiu Yoran deserves creat
credit for tho ease wilh which he filled the
office of Sergeant-at-arms last Haturdcy eve
ning at the open session. .
Mr, Frank Noal. one of tho teachers in the
Jacksonville public school, arrived iu Eu
gene last Monday, lemaluing over Tuesday.
r rank is ouo of our former students and is
en route to Arlington to see his girl.
lhe Juniors confess that thev outdid all
former classes at tho rlietoricals lastl Friday.
and when such modest, self-deprecating per
son as rney are, inaKO sucu a confession, we
have to grant them the laurels.
At the public rlietoricals last Fridav the
following students look part; Essays by
Misses 0. Dnihnoll, M Collier, M. Hill, E.
Moore, E, Lovis, 0. Condon. Messrs It.
Green, A. L. Smith, J. R. Pattison, C. Mar
tin, h. Hawley, O. Green. W. Cheshire. M.
Cantral, T. Roberts, J. Dronaugh, F. Wag
uer, M. Dailey, F. Hyde. The declamations
wore confined to the Junior class, consist
ing of Misses Emma Dorris. Ada Sharnles.
and Sue Dorris, Messrs L, J. Davis and F.
oi. Mulkey. Quito a number of visitors
were prestit at the exercises.
Tho open sessiou of the Lsurean Society
last Saturday was one of the bust ever given
by them. At first the prospects for a good
ludience were doubtful, but when the Piesi
lout's gsvol called the society to order the
doubts wore dispelled and tho hall was filled
Willi an attentive audience. Alter the usual
amount of .business, the listeners were
favored wilh an interesting, and instructive
essay from Mr. led Dunn, which was fol
lowed by a declamation by Mr. Herbert Con
don. After a short recess tho oueHtioni Rn.
solved, "That the United Stall's is destine!
to Wcomo the greatest of nations," was do
bated, being opened by J. L. Davis who,
with M. Dailey and J. M. Wise supiiorted
the ulkruiative, Mr. A.J, Collier with M. J.
Dutlerlleld and A. L. Veazie. very ablv un-
held the negative, Tho ouestion was oue to
oall out all the patriotic feelings the debators
have, and they became quite entuusiustio
and eloquent. After a brief summary Presi
dent Pattison rendered his decision in favor
f the affirmative. Remarks were made bv
few of tho visitors present, who all ex
pressed themselves very much pleased with
luo enure exercises.
In last week's issuo of the Guard we no
ticed an article written by Mr. E. E. Orton,
requesting tho editor of the Eutaxiancoliimu
to publicly state that the item concerning
him published in her column two woeks
ago, was only ajukt. It seems to us as if
the item referred to was, even to a stranger,
tlf tddrntly a joke, yet if Mr. Ortou thinks
it necessary tor me to writo the word,
"joke" shove it, I most cheerfully and glad
ly take this opportunity of so amending it,
Did not Mr. Orion's reputation bespeak for
him an honoruble character, we might add
our testimony ss to his integrity yet we
deem this unnecessary, The idea of our
friend stealing chiokeus is. so inconsistent
with his general character, thut, to those who
know him, it is laughable and the public
can by only asking find hosts' who will testi
fy to bis high standing. We have no desire
in anv wav to in i urn Mr. Orton'a tirpiumt nt
future ambitions, if it were possible for that
item to affect his victory over the "stern re
alities of life," no retribution ou our part
would be too great. We wish then to here
correct any erroneous impressions which
may have been made npon tho mind of the
public by our thoughtlessness, aud sincerely
nope thut the feari entertained by Mr. Orton
of his reputation Wing blighted forever
may prove to be but Vaiu ones.
Dansinu or a Ghost or a CiUNOk.-Slramre
but true, in Eugene City that famous came
of grab, the Louisana lottery, Is popular. It
Is said that even some of our best tneu are
buckini;" this Southern lion, beside some
young ladies. In Portland several thousand
dollars month is sunk iu the lottery. It is
true that now and then somebody mukes a
stake thut way, but us there is only one prize
smong G,0OO tickets, any lunatic can perceive
how small the chances of a ticket-holder is.
The lottery is conducted honestly because
with such grrat odds in its favor It call be
afforded, the profit Wing a hundred per cent,
or more, spot cash, liecause it is a gigantio
robbery, all the states except Louisana have
passed special sets prohibiting lotteries.
Mariiiid. At the resideuce of the officiat
ing officer, Dec. 21, 1S7, by Rev. Jacob Gil
lespie, Mr. (i. D. Hickson aud M. E. Purke
son, all of Lane county.
Aocipent. About 12 o'clock Saturday
Shooting fob Deef. To-day about noon ' 7, mad s speech rather deprecating sod dis- " y. "'' '"tfht
. s ' t '.s . t. .t I iliiT ttltt 1UWU UI JJ mm IM'M"'' nnii rj,.tt.,t l.w.hs.v ,In ,.f i..n IIU ssv t j lt t WHICH ftl IUC tUttUlHU'IH IlOIfl III nislMflV
n,.FRs EuaTED.-At a regular cm- j "" shot" - The Don Ton dancing club are making ex- 1-w, -d by' John P. Irish, of the 8. F. All. ' " ho.',
eotion of Eugene City Lodge No. 'ars I wo H be 'no i Ls- who in a'short talk compl.tely d-moWbed i J-lrjT. slitd-l and fell, fracturing on. of the
k A. M., W ednesday evening, the fol-1 ? ' J ttr,' u ? i , , . ItSit.el,.;.'- P,i,. rl. nr uments of hi, ,X,o.i.r ,n,.Vi,, - ! bones of his ankle. Tlfe fracture was re-
nffi . .... 1. II T !..;., Willi It-Ttl, sTUUlO IU1 9 WIH BIWI UC SUUi i iiiiiee ...- - r....n - . IS. i .ll.A 1 i . -
.Vj w , c U- I n li I for at the same time. Dec. 2'th. The masquerade is under the pos.-rful pita for the higher education of ' '"' criilclies. taclea, gobies, eve shade, and other optical
...j. vs. jounson, S. w, j l turns, , ! dint tion of Prof Milliken. The costumes the mas.. I (goods, ife also carries a complete stock of
, e,T'T t ' r ,'n , '! Fob Sali.-A lot of nice show-cases, as i will W brought from San Francisco-lists Afvr a stop of pearly one hour the trains; Bhiis.s toMPLmp-The county bridge j Tioiin trimmings. Give him a call st lis
T ,'i - ' : i cood ss new, st cin W een at the expres office. Prof.
fuesday evening. , goisi ss ne , E. R. Lcckct Sc Co's. ; H-H.:,-, will W here with bi. powerful
calcium light, producing s moonlight effect.
Optical Goons. Dcsides having full
line of jewelry Mr. J. O. Watts has just re
ceived from the East s large iuvoice of spec-
' F f-T-Tni n a, V . i-j Tin. Afnmt i.9 tlij. i .
o A California line has caused the V. i Fob ale.-mo iu in an purr oi r.ugene , "r""' -..u
N.companvto make some iuoto in City with and without h'.a-ee. Prices to suit, thiatre snd parlors will W thrown t-. gether,
roteetion. 'it has therefore reduced its . Geo M. Miller. ; iu-urmg ns.m for all. Tickets, II; .pert s-
flger fares to $16 first-cb.s and t r . ; tors. ets; i.o on sale at the Express
se. or i:K) f..r fir,tWsa round triD snd ! We WHere Oregon will, go Democratic oiic-e. Tne fcnest on he.trs of six pieces
rsg for the round trip. i next June. ' ner heard In the city
rill be in attendance.
Ifctari. I m , ir ay north. A stop was V. " """ a
m ado at AMmiiv. with the customary p.t thee. c'pl' ted. it a substantial structure snd
The tii-iit w'-pent at Salem and Mommy ' Kr'',,, 0 "imodalion to those who
morning they were tendered a reception st trsvel the Siuslaw wagon Mad.
the h! ;( linn. Itiey amvid at Portland
at l P. M. M-'Kihiy m,d a reception was
giviulL'iii that evening. Weilnewjay fore
uof.a the excursionists started ou their way
home, passing bugeye about t e clock.
KriuNPkD. The Uncle Tom's Cabin
C nnpany which was sdverlised to play here
- Monday night, but failed to appear, are
1 broks st Albany.
store in Horn Ac Paiue's building.
; At Lkss Tha.V Cost. Mr. J. I). Matlock
! having purchased at bankrupt sale the large
j stock of clothing, underwear, hats, etc., for
merly owned by Mr. 11. S. Simon, will offsr
the same for sale the next few days at lesr
than cost. Give him a cuil aud pi le e the
goods. He nutans business.