The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 03, 1887, Image 5

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Mabel Items
, ,ij dentistry go ui Dr X J Tajlnr.
. . 0,1 bought and sold at GohUndth'.
v j mower and hinders it Pritrhett &
liest eswh prh will lie paid fur wheat
. mill.
tcret of fine land for Hale. Inquire of
raphe finished neatly ami artisc
:l Winter'.
, line nf silk plushes iu all shadet
e tit F B Dunn's.
. ! ndd I ths overy day in the week
, Slum's barber shop.
in purchase Waltliam watches at ....1 1 .
4 toiii i' a"'! u(ttiuo.
rant hardware at reasonable price
l store of Pritohett & Korkncr.
litli pys fr beaver $2 to ?3 50 per
(iiii conn, I ) to .SO cts.
nd otter, $2 to
fur Spencer Butte fruit tress may
l the Grunge store; alao Mr. Brown,
& street will have them for sale,
sr old bartlett pear treeg will be $12
d, smuller ones $8. Other trees
l OnvaLE l'HKLrs, 1'rop.
f lir 7 Oak Cpinponnd, purely veg
sutively cures rheumatism, neuralgia
nick headache, cramp colic, uhnlera
'unplaints peculiar to female, Dys
aJ,l or cough, Hives, Chills and fe
es around the he art, erysiiielas,
f Gkokob Taylor.
f Osburn k Co, druggists, Eugene.
Cottage Grove Items.
Cottaok Grove, Xoy. 30, 1887.
gwland, of Eugene, was in town Sui -t
. Hawley baa been sick from an at
jrysipelas. 'jb. Campbell, of Eugene, was in Cot
je Sunday.
George Hawley, of Cresswell, was
qer parents last week.
I W. S. and X. P. Chiisman left on
uiorniug for Salem.
fm of school in district 48, taught
.Charles, closed the 25th.
Olareuce Winter, of Eugene, is in
h bis photographing apparatus.
I. Xatban and Isaac Dnmewood re-
$ this place Monday from Corvallis.
Emma Withers left for home Tues-
ia. A. Bogurt accompanying her
9. T. Collins, of Cresswell, is visit-
arents, Mr. and iurs, dotin uatue-
eltou Xickerson and wife, of Spring-
I visiting Mrs. X.'s parents, Mr. and
;W. McCoy.
alo of the personal property of R. H.
i, deceased, took place Monday. It
1 to about $770., of Junction City, and her sister,
!t, have been visiting their sister,
1 Conner, of this place, of late.
Basque ball was a success in every
fcr on Thanksgiving evening. A nuni
jeutlemeu from Eugeue were in at-
Jug ceased Sunday and rain began to
jug the night, and has been falling at
jp ever since. Some judications of
.father to-day. Vebitv.
Dexter Items.
Dexter, Dec. 1, 1887.
Roney paid this place a visit last
Jiiiil now conies to Fnrvin's instead of
ior's as formerly,
twing folks hud a nice pnrty at Mr.
1 Situnlay night.
'Jorgan has rented the Charley Wil
jlace for the Winter.
I Shelly is engaged in getting a sup
Jogs (or the Winter run.
' Tarker is talking of putting in a small
fll to run in connection with the grist
'4 kw hard wood, such as maple, oak,
i alder. It would undoubtedly be a
avfslmect. Lost Ciiekk.
List of Letters
linina nipnlUfl fnr nt tlifl nostotlice in
f Uity. Uregon, Dec. 'A IBS.
in, Edwaid
i Willie
i Walter
pn, James
!. Ckas
Ausman, Frank
Davis, A 0
Edwards. R L
Hendel, E L
Jones C J
Keeney, Homer 2
Monroe, X S
Richardson, Mrs C
Thompson, Warren
W ilson, liolit
lOllR eallitirr fnr tliA nlinvA will uleasfl
f 'ertited, giving date.
. W. USBDRN, r. 31.
Local Market Report.
Euoenk. Dec. 2. 1887.
vy-m 40 cU per bushel.
-33 cts per dot
ER-30ft3.-)ct. per lb.
Ji'-10 ut per lb.
? -lt wad,., fi; 2,1, ?3. CO.
-Si(le lOfn 12c; snouWers 7 to 8 cts;
1 -J ft.
f -24 eta.
t'let-M ct per bush.
f mr rr.-On Friday the 4th of Xo"
?ri I lost a shot bag containing money
n the high bank and John Cogswell's
I As near as I remember there should
J' ten dollar piece and two fives in gold,
I inantity ,,( ailver, and possibly a twen
Sld liiece. Tli fimlr will nlease
Perry Ediuiuids'in'a or at the Gcabk
"'.""I I will iiU rally reward him.
John u kavkk.
'tw Than Cusr. -Mr. J. D. M uVk
j-' Miri hastd at bankrupt aale the large
1 underwear, nais, iw i-
ff '"ailetha next fw days at lesf
' wive nim , (.if tt prlee me
e rueaus business.
1. ,. 28, 1S87.
" uil U leet high.
stiM 5"Mi?Wi" h '."V0 Prf mption ,1 aim
Two weeks frosty weather ith . ...
tug a nut this morning.
asking about places on which to settle, just
refer them to upper Mohawk.
anv! i"'1" " fwt. Pbaps, as
anyp'rtof the county, and there is room
"ra g.-eat niauy more settlsra here.
J. L. Stewart, our road supervisor, has
Dflil ft VAC K.i 1 I 1 . . ...
ZY - T "rount l o me uat k of his
neck which filed his head iu such a positn.n
that he could only watch one man at a lima
while at work on the road.
.Jrbw,lir" '"ur loW"g camps up here ou
the Mohawk, making times lively. Mr.
hmith is logging for Mr. Goodale at ('obnrg,
Crawford fuller are cntting l0g for their
l",1?i,.r1,he n,"u,h of Mohawk, and
air. Wnitlieck and Mr. Striker are both lug.
gmg up here. I doii't know what disposi
turn tbey will make of their logs.
..,T1'e,0,',.n'"n.Ri:!6' '"mil'arly kunwn as
I ncle Tun," has been afflicted somewhat
alter the manner of Job for tLe last month.
A dozen or fifteen boils at one time have
beeu rather a heavy pull on his patience,
and he thinks that if Job was covered all
over with such pests he was certainly enti
tied to all the sympathy be received fmui his
Albert Sprague died here a thort time ago.
He was an invalid and had not walked a st. p
for about seven years. Linu couutv had
been paying his step-father, Mr. Cowg'ill, $s
per month for keeping him for near two
years before the change in the line put them
in Lane county, siuce which time he has not
received auy comity aid, as he was not lakii
to the county farm.
The Railroad Excursion.
At the last meeting of the Citv Council a
inoTemeut was inaugurated to induce the n
cursionists on the occasion of the last spike
celebration on the () AC Pail 1 !... .
-uiiiuwi III UlilAU
a stop at Eugene. Mayor Dunn commuui-
wueu wnu me raiirouu authorities, and re
ceived the following letter iu reply:
San FRiNcis;o, Xov. 23, 1887.
lion. F. 11. Dunn. Muvnr F.u,-a,, r;i 11. 1
egon-Dear Sir: Your letter of the 22d hist.
is lit hand. I wish In tlmnlr ... .1..
pleasant expressions concerning the comple
tion of lh riiilrninl In ,...,,.,,.., -..):
. ,.uuc.i viiiiiuri'in
with Oregon and your invitation to visit tu-
L'eilfl Citv. Pinna uro nnir 1, ..). ...
an excursion, and the State Board of Trade.
uuse ueauqnuners are in this city, is ar
raiigiuc for a celebration. I nnni tn .
company the excursion from this -city, and
win arrange me lime 01 arrival at Kugeue
Citv for a coiiVHiiient limir Tim lnut .,ii
will be la'd nhont I)eeml lPr S Kilt t!:a Ant a
is not yet fixed for the excursion. Yours
veij limy, I. HAS. t . LBOCKEB.
Oregon Pacific.
Work lias been pushed ahead on the Ore
gon Pacific so quietly, though vigorously,
that it is dilhVult to learn anything new
about it. The weather has interfered some
what with the work and not so many men
are engaged as there were a couple of mouths
since. The track has beeu laid Beveral miles
beyond Scio, some of it not bavirg as yet
oeen uauasteu, uradmg is proceeding in
the mountains beyond Fox valley, where the
heaviest work is 'begiuning. Only two tun
nels will have to be built, one 430 and the
other 400 feet loug. Construction trains are
now run twelve miles beyond Albany, and it
is expected the road will soon lie iu a condi
tion to give Scio people a grand excursion to
Albany. The roail runs three miles north of
the former ci'y. The hautiam bridgi being
built will be of iron, the present tenipe-ary
structure beiug of wood. It will be 0(H) feet
long, divided into three spans, two 110 and
one 120 feet long. The permanent bridge
will be of iron, with cylinders eight feet in
diameter, filled with concrete. Statesman.
rjios.-On Saturday, D.c 10, 1S-7. t
II., Geo. w. Kiiiwy will sell at public
in this city, a 'good wagon, net of
. and flnnn ,. v. t .
. i"" wi uuinrn, 11 iuu wih
a, be present.
rSujI A lot of nice show-case?, as
uew, at
E. R. Lcckki & Co's.
j0'. by Day Henderson.
Swamp Lends.
Messrs. Elliott and Richmond, swamp
land agents, have returned to Portland f om
Yaqniiia. In regard to their future move
ments they state that they will proceed to
Tillamook, theuce to Astoria, The Dalles
and Southeastern Oregon aud back to The
Dalles to await orders. They have already
reported on their examinations iuThe Dalles
and La Grande districts and most of the
Lakeview and Oregon City districts. Messrs.
Elliott and Richmond have examined the
land around Lake Labish, below Salem,
which they found bona fide swamp
laud. They fomid a considerable lot of al
leged swamp hind in Malheur county. Nearly
one-half of the town of Frineville, they
state, including the part occupied by the
court house, school house and other public
buildings, was swamped by the illustrious
"swamp angel," Hen Owens, aud now there
is a possibility that a new title will have to
be obtained from the government or from
the W. V, k C. M. Wagon Road Co.-Salem
TnE 0. & C About 100 mi n are employ
e 1 iu laving the Oregon k California track
towards' Ashlund, and these, with a small
force of carpenters engaged in retimberiug
the long tunnel and placing the stringers
across culverts, comprise the entire remnant
of the aimy of 3000 or more men who popu
lated the railway liae acrofg the Siskivous
last summer. Thursday the rails had been
laid past the third and last crossing of the
st ige. road coming northward from the sum
mit" This is about nine miles distant from
Ashland, and at the rate of progress antici
pated, it will take until December 5th to
complete the track to Ashland. A water
tank is beiug built at the third crossing of
ih ttnK road from the summit coining
! Tlka:) R. McDaniel, foimer
'l, at Harrisburg, and who be-
en ne a defaulter ti the amount of J12CHI,
was -ndictedby th. U. 8. g and jury in
Portlai d rec nilv on three counts. The
U S Attorney allowed two indictments dis-nNs-dard
fcDaniel plead S "!tV !" tht
third and was senteu.ed i o.-je,,, impris
onment ia the L'nn contty jail and to py a
a tine "t j -171.
Bou ;i. f TEB.-John Peve -ly, pnrt.r a! the
H. tt.i au House, .-t a pair of a I-w
r.o..'.. and charged one Fred Spangle with
larcny i th same- Upon examination
., all-H,-lie!din 10ff bonds, which 1m.-
uu ..bin to furni.h, be was committed to
jail. I
Omr. h KLFcr. D -At a W'
nf S-ncT liime Lodge. .No. J. l''' !
I, stTa."d"V ev-nirig. th" following offers
elei: iiYTtn'nTVl
Vawter. V .; 1 r "i T '
Shelton, V. S ; JosTaylor. T. Mis Alice Morgan died at the .
d,y of con'pi"'". -Jn- !
RllKTothewifeof Robt. Blair Toes-
School beoks at Collier's.
Santa Claus headquarters at E. Nauru's.
Buy the Hoosier Diill of J. W. Bri.tow.
See Sheriff's tax notice in another column.
The best r dliug cultivators are sjlj by J
w. Bristow.
Matlock is giviug bargains iu clothing,
hats, etc. -
Regular meeting of the E. II . Si L. Co.
next Mouday eveniug.
Bangs' cab appeared on the streets for
regular business Dec 1st.
School books of all kinds at George Col
lier's. Price th m; buy them.
Matlock is ortVriiig the Simon stock of
goods at way down prices.
Spectators will be cl.arged 25 cents admit,
sion to the Band boys' masque.
Don't forget that J. W.' Bristuw sell the
best chilled aud steel plows iu Eugeue.
Oregon is herself again, the frosty weather
having succumbed to the gtutle mists.
J. W. Bristow sells farm itnplem -nts
cheaper than any one. Call and see him.
On account of conflicting dates the militia
boys will postpone their dunce indefinitely.
Mr Geo K Craw has the ole agency for all
braud. of the celebrated Tamil Punch Cigars.
L. (i. Adair this week sold eighteeu aen s
of land near the asylum at Salt m for t.T.OO.
E. R. Ltiekey ,y Co. have moved into th. ir
new drug stole. It is fitted up in elegant
Mr. Garrisou has. opened a stock of gro
ceries iu the building just im-aied by ruin
The Firemen's Cornet B.m.l wil give a
masquerade ball at O'Brieu's Hall
day evening.
Don't forget the big masque ball to be
given bv the Band U)j ou Dec. '.Ith at
O'Brien's Hall.
Thu Bou Ton dancing club, a uew danciuc
organization, gave their first ball, at Rhiue
hut's hall last evening.
Lambert ,t Henderson are the sole agents
for the celebrated Superior stoves, Take
your wife and look at them.
If you want a suit of clothes at less than
cost, give Matlock a call. He has purchased
the Simon stock at baukrupt sale.
The contractors who are engaged iu grad
ing Willamette street are workinc on the
block between Xiulh and Tenth streets.
Everybody should give the Band boys a
"lift" by attending their ball as a spectator
or iu masque. Spectators only 25 cents.
Marriage licenses were issued by the Coun
ty Clerk this week as follows: James Tope
and Chluctine Doming; J. T. Taylor and
Nettie Joins.
Every fair-mindi d person knowing the cir
cumstances under which the opposition bull
was gotten up, will unhesitatingly patronize
tho Ba nd boys.
Perseus desirous of really fiao operations
in dentistry are invited to call on Henderson,
dentist, who gives special uttentiou to the
finest gold fillings.
Crain Bros, have moved their business in
to their uew and elegant quarters in the Marx
building. They auctioned a lot of goods
at tue om stauu lucsilay evening,
Some irresponsible parties have beeu cir
culating the report that the Band had given
up their dance. Don't you believe it, as the
boys will have the big ball of the season.
The annual election of the Eugene Fire
Department takes place next Monday. A
Chief Engineer and an Assistant Chief En
gineer will be elected for the term of one
Having established connection with Cali
fornia agents I am now prepared to give my
natrons the benefit of the very best medium
lor selling real estate ever offered there.
Geo. M. Mn.LKn.
By the latest methods in use' by Eastern
dentists high in the profession, Henderson is
enabled to produce equally as desirable re
sults in fine gold fillings. Office same place,
Hayes' block.
Tho next regular monthly social of the Y.
W C. T. U. meets at the residence of J. II.
M .'Clung Saturday eveniug, Dec. 3d. Active
and honorary members are most cordially in
vited to be present.
The large gang of Chinamen who have
beeu raising the railroad track near hero
under the snpei vision of Section Foreman
O'Brien, have completed their work and
folded their teuts aud skipped.
Independence, in Folk county, has had in
course of construction for some time a system
of water works On Monday evening, the
reservoir being completed, the water was
turned ou, and now the water works are
ruuning in full blast.
Starr & Vuudeiiburg have received direct
from the manufacturers in St. Louis th larg
est line of pressed goeds ever received ill the
town. Give tbwu a call aud take a look at
these coods. They also have a car load of
the latest style and best make of stove.
A Blue river miner by the name of Sey
mour niado the acquaintance of a stranger
Saturday evening last and they proceeded to
destroy too much benzine. When Seymour
awoke the next morning ho wag minus $83
au 1 his companion, who had disappeared.
Geo. Millican purchased three head of im
ported Hereford cattle, two cows and a bull,
from N. Humphrey this week. We have
never seen finer animals iu the cattle line, es
pecially where beef is the main object. Air.
Millicau has taken them to his McKenzie
Try Davis, the tailor, for reduced prices.
He cannot be undersold, nor surpassed in
workmanship or style. His pantaloons are
especially fine. Try a pair. He has just
received a large stock of mw goods direct
from first hands. Call and select a pattern.
Before deciding what yon will buy fur your
Fall dresses, jackets, wraps and nlsters, give
Hkttmam a call and see bis remarkable exhi
bition in those lines in endless varietyof new
hop into
Used by
Workmen are engaged plastering Dunn's
new brick.
Ttamsters are engaged graveliug Fifth
Street east of N illatnette.
A special prize to be given away by the
l'acitlo lea Co., Jew Years Ere.
For the next 30 days 1. W. Cherry will
sell his slock M all wool overcoats at vt.
The father of Mr. C. Marx ofthis city, died
at Orange, N. J last week, aged 80 years.
The grocery stmes now open and close
when they please, the same as the other
The fanners have commi need slaughtering
their hogs and poik is very ci.niinon iu the
Meeting of stockholders of Lane County
Agricultural Society to-day at Court Housa
at 1 o'clock.
We have leu having a taste of Oregon
winter weather this wk. Rain iuU-rsiiers-
ed ith sunshine.
Soto the change in ad. on first page of
Brownsville- clothing stole. These goods
have a well earned reputaliou for bouestv
aud worth.
A correspondent says there are four log
ging cainpsin operation on the upper Mo
hawk. Several million feet of Iocs will lie
run out this seasou.
C. Marx will move his harW
bis new brick next week. We are
that the building vacated will be
Urol s butcher shop.
A flue tea set of 44 pieces to h yiven awav
to the person presenting on Xew Year's Eve
the greatest number of our tickets received
from Dec. 1st to 31st. Hue the set iu our
If you want to subscribe for any uewspa
er, magazine or periodical, call on Geo. Col
ier at the book store. He will take your
subscription and save you trouble uud ex-peuse.
Mr. L. X. Roney came up from Lake creek
Weduesday. He reports the bridge at the
mouth of that stream swung and tree from
the false work, so there is uo danger from
high water.
It is wise to provide against emergencies
which are liable to ari-e iu every family. Iu
sudden attacks of cold, croup, asthma, etc.,
a bottle of Ayer'a Cherry l'ectorul will prove
a uever failing remedy.
If you wish to to buy presents E. Baum's
is the place to go. You can find there any
thing you wish. Goods to suit everylsulv.
fruu 5 cents up. The finest plush articles
ever brought to Eugeue.
If you waut any kiud of job priutiug, bill
heads, letter heads, posters, invitations,
cards Ac give the Guaiid office a call. We
buy our stock iu the East aud cm io all
work at bottom prices,
The U. O. of Honor meets next Monday
eveumg at the Odd Fellows hall at 7 o'clock.
A full atteudance of all members is necessary
as business of iiuportuuce will come up for
disposal. By order of
Mns. J. E. Fenton, Secy.
There is no doubt about the honest worth
of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Thousands, who
have been benefitted by its use, will attest its
virtues. This remedy cures liver and kidney
complaint' and eradicates every trace of dis
ease from the system.
A meeting of citizens was held'at the Court
House yesterday evening iu response to a
call by Mayor Duuu to make ariaug. uienta
for receiving thu California excursionists.
Owing to our going to press Friday after
noon we are unable to give the proceedings.
Mr. E. J. Humason, formerly a student
iu thu I'uiveiKlty, has been nominated hy
the Salem IVniocruts for the office of Alder
tuau. He has the necessary j rnportious aud
it the Salem people vote for the bast man
he will surely get tht re, all of which we hope.
Over five hundred active prohibition dele
gates met at Chicago Nov. 30th, It was de
cided to hold the National Couven 'on to
nominate candidates for l'.-esident and Vice
President at Iudianupolis the first Wednes
day iu June, 18H8. Resolutions from the
National Woman's Christian Temperance
I'uiou urging the avoidance of personal vili
tlcatiou and citing as a proof that the war
is over, that the women of the North and
South have clasped bands iu concord aud
co-operation, was unanimously indorsed.
They go next to the National Republican
Committee which meets Dec, 8th.
G. R. Chriiiuan visited Salem this week.
Mr. J. M. Shelley was in town last Tucs.
Mr, E. H. Hunsaker.of Ashland, paid Eu.
gene a visit yesterday.
Henry Chance and O. P. Adams of Cot
tage Urove were in town Wednesday.
Mr. llert Lake has removed to Portland,
wiicre ne win worn lor Never X Walker.
Jfdu'e Walton returned from Cnrvnllis
where he had been attending court, Thurs-
Senator Coleman was in town Ve,1iii,l,i,
This office acknowledges a pleasant call from
ii i iu .
Mr. A. S. McClure. ot rortlaud. has been
m town this week visitiug his family aud
numerous irieinls,
Hon. W. D. Fenton of McMinuville came
up Wednesday aud returned on the local
i mil next morning.
M as Maggie McCluna returned tinma frmn
Boslou, where she has Wen taking a course
iu music, mm riaiuruay.
Attorneys L. Rilyeu and J. E. Fenton have
men at Salem this week making argument
iu uir v uriMiiau win case.
Dr. L. F. Joues left ou Friday night's traiu
for the Smthcrn States, where ho goea to
khik nner uia lanu inierests in thai section
He will Is) absent two or three weeks.
Messrs. 11. c. Perkins and T. J. Smith re
turned Monday morninc from atrin tnljike.
view. They report very cold weather, the
tin nnonietei registering several degrees be-
iow zero.
Dr. Frank Wortman, of Monroe, goes next
week to Lsmpe to take a post-graduate
course in medicine, lie will speud a year
eacu in i.oiinon, lierlin and I'ans and will
learn all there is to learn about his profes
sion in those cities. His friends will send
good wishes after him. Boutou Leader.
Eugene City and University.
A correspondent of the Scout, published
at Union, gives the following comtilimeiitary
notice of Eugene n'nd the State, University:
A person visiting Eugene City, j udging
from the large number of commodious brick
business houses iu construction or just boing
finished, aud the many elegaut residences
throughout the suburbs that have been built
during the summer, would certainly receive
the impressioa that the boom had at last
reached the Willamette valley. But on in
vestigation one finds that nearly every new
business block has been erected by men who
have been engaged iu business here for years
simply a growth of business, and a desire
to keep abreast of the times.
The University of Oregon has given nn
impetus and progress that is truly wonderful.
Fifty thousand dollars per annum tluown
into circulation by the students alone, ia oue
of the main factors in the problem. Know
ing a steady and permanent growth is theirs,
yet the people of Eugene are anxiously
awaiting the completion of the O. & C. rail
road when the professional boomers of Cali
fornia are expected to move north. Every
thing hero is f ivorable for them, yet it will
be a day "big wilb the fate of Cnto and of
Rome" when they take possession of Eu
gene. The University of Oregon was uever iu a
more nourishing condition. The attendance
is laigr than any former year, aud facilities
for higher education are being rapidly in
creased. It is gradually beiug rccognizml
as l In- leading educational institution ou the
norlhwest coasL Its endowments are
larger lhan any other University iu the
northwest anil it is fostered and nourished
by the State whose care it is. This iustltu-
Vale Hogan.
The trial of the notorious Hogan which
was being held as we weut to press last week
was concluded by that festive and versatile
gentleman being held uudei $3n0 bonds to
interview the graud jury next April. Another
complaint was sworu to and Mr. 11 gun was
rearrested. He waived examiuatiou and was
placed under an additional f 300 bond. He
haunted the streets Saturday and Sunday in
search of boudsmea but failei) till Sunday
evening when be secured the uames of W.
11. Hotlman of Junction and W. II. Abrams
of Eugeue to become responsible for his
appearance. He took the California Express
south the same evening and most probably
we have seen the last of the smooth tougued
The trial developed the fact that the wheat
he delivered to the farmers at the fancy price
of $.i per bushel was purchssed by him of
Mr. So. ith near Oregon City for" NO cents
per bushel, and shipped direct from Barlow
station to the purchasers, and was not what
he represented it to be, but an entirely diff
erent variety. The State was represented In
the trial by Messrs. Hilyeu and Fenton, and
the defense by Latourette of Oregon City and
Washbiirne & Woodcock.
Disastrous Fire.
About midnight Saturday night our citi
zens were aroused by the cry of "fire" aud
the ringing o( the tire bell, In a short time
the streets were crowded with excited people
who were not long iu locating the scene of
the fire as almost before the bell had ceased
riuging tho fine uew residence of Dr. Slid
tou situated on a ttrraco on Skinner's Butte
showed fire from basemeut to roof. The
tire companies were promptly on hand but
could do dothiug aa no water was available.
Iu a short time the finest residence in Eu
gene was reduced to cinders and ashes. The
building was almost completed but had not
vet been turned over by the contractors.
Mi ssrs. Roney and Abrams, who had $1000
insurance on it. (2000 insurance had ex
pired at noon before the fire The total loss
is in the neighborhood of )7,000. It is al
most certain that the oiigiu of the fire was
incendiary as there had been uo fire around
the building that day. A traiu of freight
cars acioss the side track interfered with the
lading of the hose by the Firemen.
ml sti lish tiatterns. all boncbt at low prices
for cash, and will be sold on margins only to lion to the State and every taxpayer
make living profits. should feel an interest in its progress, every
ti .u-.. r. ;..;.;., i.r,l at nmrlr I county judge should strive to ate that his
Lake Replies.
Reference was msde in tho last issue of
the Gt'AHi) to Mr. Bert Lake's coiinectioa
with the (15 a bushel wheat swindlers. Mr.
Lake in a card below published denies that
he tried tn induce anyone to purchase the
wheat. However, we have the statement of
Mr. Win, Baker of Irving precinct to the
cvutrafy, slid our readers may draw their
owu conclusions:
a rsiiu.
Editor Gdarii: In reply to the article is
the last issue of your valuablo paper con
cerning my connection with the $15 wheat
swindle I will say that when told by the
Secretary and Treasurer of the Compiiay that
they had a charter from the Secretary of
State aud that ex-Gov. Wood and other re
liable men were couuected with it, I, like a
good many other people of Lane county,
thought favorable of it (without investigat
ing the matter). But as for my trying Ij
induce them to buy, I did not in any way,
simps or manner. Bert Lake,
Indian War Claims.
Col. Kelssy of Corvallis Will address the
soldiers and citizens of Eugene pud vicinity
at the Court House, Saturday, Dec. 17, at
1 o'clock p. m. ou the prospect (f an earl
adjustment of dues of long standing and
other items of interest to any person who
may have bdn employed in auy Indian
war prior to I8H3. Come everybody, , By
order Committee.
Cub Condom Ediiob,
Christmas next!!
Reviews soon to commence.
Publio rhetorical on the ICth of Decern-ber.
Right about!
R, G.
Shoulder arms! Read! J.
district is represented to thu fullest extent of
tin- si liol-.rdiip privileges.
Dining the summer the w.iler w..rks have
been extended, ilecllic lights have beeu
pi. ii id iu in ally ad the Iiii-hpss '..ousts and
makiug dimes, which are shipped east.
There is a great scarcity of small change in
hi" and ol h r Pacific coast communities. It
is indeed an annoyance to have to bunt over
n ii.iek.-t full of t-n and twenty dollar pieces
t) tiud a dime or a nickel.
The following was the total vote in sm ;
of th" fits- s of ( )reg .ii on tb" 8'h inst. and some bi-.iring on their population,
th 'iigli in .me eases the suburb aie in
cluded: East Portland was I.O'-'O; Bsker
Citv, 3'.'8; Ast. ria. l,ll!; Ros-burg. W;
Jacksonville, Eug.i.e City, 620; Albany,
Kit: S.dein, ,3 8. Heppner, 3:J7; In on,
2.''',; Th Dalle., hi) I:, H.'W; Mc
Minuville, Cut; Pendleton, 837.
Report of school in Mohawk district, Xo.
11. fur month ending Xov. 23, I8S7: Whole
number enrolled, 3:1; average daily attend
ance. 2',; average daily absence, K'.
Tu 'se neither absent or tardy: Clara Hous
ton snd Oliver Root. Roll of honor: Ida
Houston . Clara Houston W. ("baa. Spores
!i7 James McGee 8S. Clara Stafford K7. John
Yirnnll John Hsmmitt 1)7. Mand liatn
tr,ifi'.K; Priscilla Wil.n if". Una Stafford
j!. Frank Smf! .rd W. Ed Crawford 00. Mary prict., tUa ;!i
Crawford !w. i-portment nisrke'i on a scale
of 100 as perfect. G. C. Osbcbb, Teacher. '
City Transfers.
L. H. Wheeler to L. X. Rolioy; fiO feet on
Willamette street, known as the opera rink
property; consideration, f 1000,
L. R. Luckey to T. (1. Hendricks, lot aud
brick building on Willamette street; con,
V. McFarlaud to C. H. Cottle, two lots iu
Osbnrn's addition; con, $330.
Dtsu James McCidie, a former resident,
have lukeii tl.e'pliue of the old sheet lamps, and pioneer of Lane county, died recently
ai.d many of th principal stieels bu-.e been from paralysis at bis home m ar Farmingtou, d
W. T. He emus to this county in 1 "-!; wus
elected Sheriff ill 1830 and was re-elected iu
1H3H. Several years ago he removed to
Washington Territory, where he continued
to reside till the time of bis death. About
s year since, whitest work on his farm, be
received injuries that affected bis spine, and
since that time has beeu a helpless paralytic.
At his death, bis mother, wife and four chil-
i dr n weie at bis bedside. Mr. McCains was
Chavos ov Tims It i" mmi.reJ that on renueeted by all who knew bun, aud his old I
.t ... .1..: .. ...1 , f .i... .... ..... . , i
iu.- coiiq leuoii oi uie 'j. a m- mii fru,nd will lie sorry lo learn ol nis decease,
train Portland will arrive in Eugene Mrs. Robt. Blair of this county is a daiigb
ale. nt IliHtJi. lu , and th Iniiu from r-au . , j .rn .,.1
L'i AiursiKi). Mr. Smith, adjuster of
th - London Assurance Co., a'ljutit tho loss
on to- Shell,, ii building Wulu -sd iy, allowing
fcl, !'.'! 73 loss. Mr. W i;ite, a empeiiter from
Portland, represuiited the ih.Unilii-e com
pany, and Mi4. ieo. Paik the conlliii -tins.
Fruuciseo aliiiit 1:13 a. iu. This is nothing.
but rumor and we giwi it for what it in wottb. ,
Cloaks and j u ki ts -I'M) garim nts must be.
Id. Ladies look at my stock Will make
G. lilTTllAN.
NoiiisATioss-Tbe Eugene Endue Co.
held a sH'cinl meeting last Thursday night
aud nominet-d Geo. Swift for Chief Engin
eer, and J. W. Cherry fur Asst. Engineer.
Dmr, Marshal 8. Modley, a brother of
Mr. II. G. Hadley, died at East Saginaw,
1 Michigan, Xov. 11, aged VJ years.
The war on the piouunciations of words
has been revived.
Dress parade, Mr. Bailey? If not, stand
upon both feet.
Who were those melodious songsters last
Saturday eveniug.
Beiug tate did no good, Etta, for your es
say was awaiting you.
The Laureau editor has added another day
to the civil year, Oct. 32d.
Miss Hattie Stormant, a former student,
is iu Eugene visiting frieudv.
Miss Dell Walton is expected home to
spend the Christmas holidays. "
We wonder who gave Arthur Viezie that
pin-? He seems to think the world of it.
Mist Maggie McClung returned Saturday
from the Boston Conservatory of Music.
If Moses was the son of Pharaoh's daught
er, who was the daughter of Pharaoh's son?
Miss Ida Hendricks returned last' week
from Portland where she has been visiting.
When last heard from, Miss Linnte Holt
was in Kansas City on her way toTeanessee.
Who witnessed that battle in Prof. Haw
thorn's Mom between the alligator aud the
The classes in Mechanics and Survevina
have completed the advance on this term's
Ths class In German having finished
"Nathan der Weise" have taken up Iphi-
Mr. Xash thinks Miss Goldenhair is just
ss nice as ever, but 50o. is high for diuuer at
tbe Hotel.
According to Mr. Wise, Adam aud Eve
were the earliest pioneers of whom we have
auy record.
Mr. J. M. Wise was received into the mem
bership of the Methodist Church last Sun
day moruing.
Some of the students indulged In their
customary peanut parade during the Thanks
giving holidays,
H. S. Johusou has been taking down tes
timony iu short hand during the present
term of court.
The constitution and by-laws of the cor
poral ion should be printed uud distributed
among the members.
Too bad that all the members of the sur
vey ing class are uot "six looters" for that
transit is too high for some.
That eagle is gone where the woodbine
twiueth, "We never miss the mnsio till the
sweet voioed bird has tlowu,"
Last week promised skating and extra loug
German lessons, but the outlook is now
doubtful sxcept in the Inst feature.
J. O. Gore is In Klickitat county, W. T
imaged iu the book business. Ho expects to
again' eater the Uuiveraity next year.
One onuld almost hear the "come, chicky,
chicky, sud get your com," when Co. C.
"double qulckcd across tue Held Hint day.
On Thanksgiving evening a few friends of
the Misses Green and Hamilton enjoyed a
good candy pull at the home of Prof. Bailey.
That landlady should b nctltioued to have
breakfast a little earlier it the present hour
interferes with the ton o'clock surveying
J, R. Oliver Is teaching school in Sum
nerville, Union county. He is planning to
return to school the last term of the preseut
From the Oregnnian we learn that Miss
Mary Bouustte has been quite ill In San
Fiaucisco, where she is visiting her sister,
Mrs. Day.
How old is Mr. Greenfield? is now the
question. He must I ou the shady side ot
40, for be crossed the pluius on horseback iu
'40, so bs says.
We nude stand that the Juniors are going
to give a real artistlo exhibition when they
"come out. All rignt improve npou tue
Sophomores if you can.
We hear that J. F. Porter halt received, by
express, a large quantity of genuine chest
nuts direct from his old Southern home.
This is rather' strange. We thought the
other fellow needed the chestnuts.
For the third time it is rumored that Ida
Miller is to be married. Well, the third
time works the charm, so get ready for tho
wedding cake, for Ida was a great favorite
when in school here, and will, no doubt, re
member us all.
But very few volumes havo been added to
the Laureau and Eutaxian library, tbe past
year, perhaps fewer than during any prev
ious year. The library is far from com
plete and we hope to see au addition made
to it during the present session of the Uni
versity. The Laureans will hold 'the first opeu ses
sion of this school year two weeks from this
Saturday night. It will be held on SatnnUy
instead of Friday in order that all may have
an opportunity to attend. The onestion per
tains to tbe future of tbe United States, and
promises au animated and interesting dis
cussion. There is a certain young man in this
school who baa been trying and bravely,
too ever since the 3d of of Oct, to meet a
certain young lady, and has uot succeeds I
yet. Can not some oue sppoint himself as
a committee of one to manipulate this in
troduction. We are supposed to leurn how to coutrol
our miuds, thoughts aud actions by our
course of study, yet our University boys were
the very ones who spoiled that picture of
Co C. for they bad no control over their
orbicularis oris mtucles, and voud langh
just at the wroug time.
An Eutaxian who has strayed to Missouri
writes of lueetiug there a man from Astoria
and of their mutual pleasure. Now, Glen,
remember, we have ouly lent you to visit
your brother, and cannot spare you to go
down and dwell by tbe se; so do be careful,
fnr f is not safe to becoBie too. congenial
over Oregon glories when so far from your
YsmiKT ros Damaoks. At the lust term
of the Circuit Court held iu Benton county,
Laura Lukiu recovered damages against the
Willamette Valley & Coast R. It. Co. for
. . . , i ,i . I in: it
ti-iO damages sustained 17 me killing ui uer
daughter I'earl by the carelessness of a rail
road engineer something over a year ago. J.
J. Walton was the attorney for tbe pluiutiff
In Ibis case.
-.., i .1.- ....., ,.1
$ 1U i.kwabo nirayeti innu hi iniiu m
John Maxwell, near Irving, Xov. 10th, 1887,
one dark bay bor, about, 10 bauds high,
dim brand of "J X ' on right Lip. heavy sad
die marks. The horse formerly ranged west
of Junction. Tbe finder will be paid 10 by
returning the horse.
Labor Hc;s. Miller Patterson this 1
week pi r-ham-d of Mr. E. X. Calet fifteea
bogs Ibf smallest of which weighed 2:10
pounds and the largust 423,
r- at oeumaa s.