The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, December 03, 1887, Image 4

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    ME EUQENfc Clll GUARD.
The Prjililmi'i Way.
The President' lubit of -trlctly following
tin law in the expenditure of publio funds
clmgf to bim. When be wan mayor of Buff
alo be vetoed an appropriation by the com
won council of the city money to defray the
Decoration day expanses, ai a violaiiou of
the charter, and at once set about to mine by
subscription the necessary amount, which he
readily did, lie bimselt beading llie use wun
cood proportion of llie wbole sura needed
While he was oh bii recent trip Thomas
Dolan. one of the mounted messengers at
the White House, died, leaving bin family
in destitute circumstance. Although be
wat member of the Grand Army of the
Republic, no pecuniary aid win given bin
widow, and the President on his return
found her at the White House, asking thut
her bu-band'i salary be paid up to Noveui
ber 1st, and stating thut without thin she
could not pay tbe undertaker' bill. It was
explained to her that tbe President could not
justify the payment to her of any of the pub
lio funds beyond tbe data of her husband's
death. The poor woman went away di-con-tolate,
but ahe bad barely reached her borne
wnen a messenger from the President band'
dber $50 bill from tbe President ' private
purse and contribution from tbe White
House employee sufficient to meet tbe fun
eral expense. Washington rost.
Tbe Philadelphia Press, a thick and thin
Republican organ, totes fair. It conies the
comments of the Southern press on Mud wall
Jackson's speech at Macon, and says of
tnemi "1 bare Is an almost universal con
demnation of his a Iterances, not only on tbe
? ;round of their inexpediency, but mainly
rem tbe fact that tbey do not represent tbe
real sentiment of that section. Mr. Jack
son's speech was undoubtedly tbe moat ei
treme iu the position it took of any which
have been delivered since the war of tbe
rebellion, and tbe general repudiation of his
sentiments and of responsibility for their
author are all tbe more gratifying."
We have seen Governor Gordon kixH five
hundred ladies in one day, "says tbe Atlanta,
Ga., Constitution, "On one occasion they
came at bim in procession, aid we noticed
with what precision his discerning eye
picked out those who should be kissed for
their own sake and tliohe wbo ehorld be
kissed from a party standpoint. Never did
we admire tbe greut man more than as we
observed thut he took two biteii at a cherry
when n cherry was offered, and reduced thn
averago down by taking less than half a bite
at an apple when the apple was withered or
wriukled. The ladies always loved and ad
mired tbe gallant Gordon, and with reason."
Just make a note of this: The President
on bis late tour traveled muuy miles, visited
many cities, met millions of people und
mails many speeches, but be uttered no
word that was not in tbe strictest propriety,
nor one that onu Id justly all'ront or offend
a single one of CO.UUO.OOO people. The fact is
remarkable, because it could uot appear in
mo recoru 01 airy oilier public num. it a -
gues not merely rare, discretion, but rare
Rood manners and kindly goodness of apirit,
woicb ine people are not slow to appreciate,
Ulysses Grant. Jr.. has iust cot a half mil
lion out of some Colorado miuea that proved
rich after being thought worthless. We a'e
glad of it. 'Buck," as he is nicknamed, is
deserviug of cood luck because he save cood
things. He was in Hun Frnuoisco just after
the New York election, and when a repo'ter
asaeu wny nis uromer was Dualun, be put on
tbe fact of sphynx and solemnly said:
"Iiecause he didn't have votes enough."
In the State of Oregon and in Lane Co.
especially the mail service furnished by the
OoTernment is far nior extensive than before
March 4, 1885. There are more trips made.
nd more routes thau ever before. The stuff
printed in Republican organs can either be
proven or uot. Suppose they publish the
postal record iu regard to Lane county for
184 and for 1887.
Henry George hardly knew how to answer
tbe questiou propounded, but after S
thoughtful pause said: "The result of the
election will lead to the nomination of
Cleveland and to his election. I do not
thiuk lilaine will be nominated. I am in
clined to believe thut Blaine will not accept
t nomination if teudered to him."
The city of Atlanta, Ga., voted on the
question of prohibitlou last Monday, result
ing in its defeat by a majority of H'jll. About
JKMH) votes were cast. Two year ago prohi
bition carried by about the same majority.
The chauge is ascribed to the fact that pro.
bibition did not prohibit, more liquor being
used than wheu the traffic was licensed.
President Cleveland read the real estat6
peculator in St. Paul a lesson by refining
a gift of land uear what they called Cleveland
park. There was a timi in the exeoutive
mansion whea uo gift would be refused,
no matter what the object might be, but that
time bus passed with Republican rule.
James A. Stewart, a clerk in a drug Btore
at W lchita, Kah., has been seutenced to sev
uteeu years and four months iu the couniy
jail aud fiued f 20,800, with costs of prosecu
lion, for violation of the prohibition law.
He pleaded guilty to an indictment contnin
ing a,080 counts.
Mr. Rothscbilds-Wbat is it Jeems?
Jeems-H'a geutleman h'at tbe door, sir.
'E says 'is name a'ia Jay Gould, sir."
"My stars) Go tell him Europe is not for
Hon. Mr. Sheldon, of Brooklyn, who
chums to have spoken to lilaine on the sub
loot of the remit elections, says that he feels
the defeat in New York, aud is doubtful of a
Republican victory in 1888.
. ...xa,,,
An American schooner cruising off Cape
Sable picked up a gray moss that floated on
tbe water aud brought it home. It proved
to be amheryris, aud was worth J.VJ.WK),
It will lie noticed that all the slates clussel
as "doubtful" in Republican estimates of
the electoral vote uext year have a habit of
goiug Democratic.
p -
The receipt of the Hrooklu .(ridge Co.
for October were $80,000 " Nearly three
million passengers crossed the bridge iu that
TheHon.Jas. O. ltlaiiie is likely to dis
cover that as a hoodoo Jay Gould' ran give
Brother llurehard lauetetu points iu twruty.
Women are the best detectors of counter
feits when the counterfeits are not uieu.
Louisville Courier Journal.
Lieutenant Zaliuska guarantees a range of
flva nrllM with hi dynamite gun. Philadel
bia North American.
School Booss.-rareiita buy your school
book of Mr. Ueorge Collier, formerly Mc
Coruack & Collier. 11. has ib. Urgest stock
and Mils at low price.
Goshen Items.
Dec. 1.1817.
A dunce is on the tapis.
An occasional sunboum.
Yes, "there goes some more items."
Miss Edith Parker, of Cloverdult, is here
attending school.
Miss Brown, of Siuslaw, visited at Mr.
McClure'slast week.
Mr. Cbns. Bcunett'a injured hand seems
not improving as it should.
Mr. P. Berkshire,' of Luke cieek, made a
flying call at this place recently.
Miss Mary Ii. Matlock paid friends iu the
vicinity of Springfield u visit tbe first of the
Mr. and Mrs. I. Barclay, of Pleasant Hill,
are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. t'bas. Ben
nett to-day.
Miss Muttie Berkshire spent last week at
Pleusant Hill visiting with ber sister, Mrs.
E. W. Matthews.
Mr. Jos. Pulman and family, of Amity,
Yamhill county, spent 'a few days recently
visiting with the family of A. Reeuey.
Now when we mention a gentleman's hav
ing been in our midst, we certainly mean
thut, and thut alone, and are not in seal oh
of a "licking."
Ducks and geese are beginning to fly bigb
during tbe time from 10 o'clock Saturday
evenings to 4 o'clock Monday morning, ami
one can almost imagine that they scream to
one another, "Look out, for the 'candy man's'
It arises in our mind to enquire of our
Camp Creek brothers why a certain young
man of that section spends so many Sabbath
days iu the vicinity of Hurrisburg, and why
their "curiosity," 0. C, wus not mentioned
.about the time of tho last circus, when ho
got "left" so nicely at the bridge?
Mr. Joseph Reed bad the misfortune of
losing a fine pet deer one day lust week. It
seems that a red string around its neck, and
its being so gentle thut it wus driven into a
burn without an enclosure, was not sufficient
proof of its being a domesticated auimnl, in
the mind of one of our citizens, who sought
in vain the assistance of a neighbor to kill
it, and finally did so himself. Many of our
respectuble people were greatly shocked on
leuruiug that such a character resides in our
Net many days since a Laureau was beard
to remark to a Entaxian "I would not belong
to your society." While our society is by
no means desirous of receiving this gentle
man into their ranks, yet they thiuk it hard
ly fair that their society should be thus spo
ken of. There ure many disadvantages
which the Eutuxians suffer, which are but
little appreciated by any save themselves. In
former years, this society consisted of a clues
of young ladies more matured in intellect,
as well as in years, thau tho present mem
bers. While the society is now composed of
younger members, yet they are, many of
tbem, lull of zeal aud anxious to limld tbe
organization up to its former stan Ipomt.
but are debarred from th's by many objective
points, the attendance of young men at
the University is, at the present, much larg
er than that of voiica ladies, and us a ua. Ur
al sequence, the Laureau Society is a hi ger
organization thau that of the Eulaxiaus, und
as uiuubers give power, this want has u vi
tiating iMlucnce over tue latter. Another
disadvantage is the hour of holding the sess
ion of tho society. From precedent aud for
many valid reasous, the Eutaxiaus bnve
always met on Friday afternoons, wheu, tired
Irom a week s study, the attendance at socie
ty is renlly more of a duty than a pleasure.
ana, indeed, it is otten necessary lor mem
bers to be absent. Wheu Friday evening
comes the boys are rested from study suffi
ciently to make them ready and enter for
anything in the form of rec.eation and they
go to their session witu exuberant spirits
thoroughly enjoying it. During the present
year prraugenieut of classes has been such as
to almost despoil the Kutaxian society, but
with a partial promise of a change soon, we are
hopeful. With all these difficulties is it then
a wonder that the Kutaxian Society is not
now doing its best? Some may sny. dis
baud; but, no; that is not our intention.
We are going to hold on until we redeem the
former repuiution of the Eutuxiau Socie.y,
wbeu their members were inferior to no Liri-
reau iu debate, parliamentary usage l, or any
of tbe points iu which it is so essential to it
well versed, if we would have ours a thriving
The PiipuiHiiuu of China.
Loudon Spectator.
It lias been the custom of lute to disbelieve
in the ancient estimates of the population of
China; but the North China lleruld, u well
informed journal, publishes statistics which
strongly support them. It appears thut the
authorities of Pekiu huve recently tukeu a
census for tuxins purposes, aud thut the
village bailiffs, whose interest it is to under
state the (inures, return the population at
31U,3M3,50O. Five provinces are omitted,
aud their poppulution, as recorded iu the lust
census brings the total up to 3IU,U0,0UO.
Eveu this figure is independent of the popu
lation of Thibet, Kasligar, lli and Coreu;
and the total number ol souls ruled by thi
Emperor of Chiuu, theiefore, exceeds 40i,
(J0U.UU0, and still displays a tendency to in
crease. As the population of India exceeds
250,000,000, the lndiuus and Chinese togeth
er constitute more than half the buiuun lace,
a fact worthy tho attentiou of those philoso
pher who Btudy Londou and Paris, und theu
announce thut "man believes" this and thut.
There aremany races of miu, hut some of
the foremost umoug them, e. g., the Freuth
and the Arabs, scarcely increase ut all, while
a few, e. g., the Ottomans, slightly dteliue.
If the process now going on continues for
another century, the world will belong in the
muiu to four races, or lather peopl tbe
Teutons, most of whom will speak English;
the Muva, the Chinese, and tb natives of
India. It is quite possible, however, that
they may quarrel, aud thnt their march tow
ard the mastery of the pluuet which else
will belong to them like a chesse to mites,
may be seriously checked.
Optical Goons. -Besides huving a full
line of jewelry Mr. J. O. Watts bus just re
ceived from the Enst a large invoice of spec
tacles, goggles, eye shades and other opticul
goods. He also carries a complete stock of
violin trimmings. Give him a cull ut his
store iu Horn & Puine's building.
$5000 Reward.
For a better or more pleusant remedy for
the cure of consumption, bronchial troub
les, cough, croup and whooping cough the
SANTA ABIE the California king of con
sumption. Every buttle warranted. If you
would be cured of that disgusting disease,
c.iturrh, use CALIFORNIA C'AT-R CURE.
SI a jur, by J1.10. Santa Abie and
CAT-R CURE are sold and warrauted by all
thousands Buffering from Asthma, Con
sumption, Coughs, etc. Did you ever try
Acker's English Remedy? It is tho best
preparation known for all Lung Troubles,
sold on a positive guarauteo at 10c, 60c.
Oslmni A Co, Eugene.
For Sale.
One hundred und seventy ucres of land, 't
mile from Eugeue City, Or., nicely located
for residences, iu lots from 5 ucres to one
hundred acres to suit purchasers. The
land is the very best quality, all iu cultiva
tion ; five minutes walk from the city. Terms
very reasonable; one-half down, balance on
Also 31b acres of land 5 miles north of Eu
gene City, Or., on county road. Convenient
to school and railroad, in quantity to suit
purchasers, from 80 to 100 ucres. " Plenty of
water and timber; the laud is first-class und
ill good cultivation. Address
or A. C. BitowN, Agent,
Eugeue City, Oregou.
The Excursion to Poitland.
A dispatch from San Francisco, dated Nov.
29, says: At a meeting of the conimitteo of
arrangements for the celebration of the com
pletion of the California & Oregou, Mayor
Pond presiding, it was decided that the com
mercial boards of Ssu Fraucisco, with 'the
several boards tf trade of California, with
four delegates at large appointed by Gov.
Waterman, making iu ull seventy-two, should
leave Sau Fraucisco on the afternoon of Dec.
10 aud proceed to Portland to ooen tli mul.
The committee iu charee will consist nf
Mayor Pond of Sau Francisco, W. L. Merry,
r esuieui oi tue cuaniDer ol commerce, Geo.
I- Sanderson, president of tho San Francis.
co board of trade, A. T. Hatch, president of
the state board of trade. Frank D&ltou. urea.
idetitof the produce exchauue. bud W. T.
Garratt, of the Manufacturers' Association.
Tli Second Regiment, Hand will accompany
the deb gation, who will be guests of the city
of Portland, as per invitation received from
Mayor Gates of thut city. The delegates
will occupy three cars, and applications hav
been made for a ereut number of tirkutu nn
the outside. Tickets good for six days, cost
but'J5. J
Firemen's Election.
Notice is hereby riven that the niinnul
election of tin Eugeue City l ire Department
for a Chief Engineer and tfirst Assistant will, place on Monday, December 5tb, 18x7.
Polls will be open from 1 to 6 p. m.
L. UlLYKtJ, President.
November 18, 1SS7.
Fob RknT. Two pleasant suits of roms, f
puruy mruisu.'d, each suit containing three
ruunm, or an may lie secured lor oue family,
teed. It Is a positive cure for Ulcers. ErunJ
puiijuuruiwjuiiig. ii purines the
whole system, and banishes all Rheumatio
and Neuralgio pains. We guarantee it.
Sold by Ostium Co, Eugene.
Tax Notice.
J. that I will he at the usual voting
places of the respective precincts iu Lane
County from 10 o'clock a. in. until 3
o clock p. m. of each day for the puroose of
collection of taxes for the year 1SS7, as follows,
Willamette, Saturday, Decemoer
Irving, Monday, "
Louif Tom, Tuesday, "
Richardson, Wednesday,- "
Spencer, Thursday, '
Spriuglield, Friday, "
Junction, Saturday, "
Mohawk, Monday, ' "
Mabel, Tuesday,
Camp Creek, Wednesday, "
Mclvenzie, Thursday, '
Middle Fork, Friday , "
Hazel Dell. Satiirduv. "
Jasper, Monday,
rail ( reek, Tuesday,
20, "
21. "
22 "
23, " .
24, "
a;. "
27, -
25, "
i " 30 "
" 31 "
January 2, 1WS.
Lost Valley, Wednesday, "
Pleasant Hill, Thuisdsy, "
Creaswell, Friday, "
Cottage Grove, Saturday, "
Siuslaw, Monday.
Cayote, Tutiduy.
Cliesher, Wednesday,
Wild Cat, Thursday,
Florence. Saturday.
Lake Creek, Tiifsdav,
South Eugene, Thursday
North Eugene, Fridiy,
10, "
11, "
12, "
14, "
17, "
10, "
i ax payers will take notice of the following
law, paxe 1301, aet-tioii 27'A Laws of Oregon
If sny jierson residing in such precinct shall
ail to attend at sin-h time and Place and pay
his or her tuxes, surh delinquent may pay the
same at the county seat to the sheri'tf, and it
hefails to within thirty days, as aforesaid,
ami the Sheriff visits his residence, the Sheriff
may collect of such person for his own use ten
cents per mile, Koing and returning."
Dated at Eugene City, Nov. 2!, 18S7.
J. M. Sl.OAN,
Sheriff and Tax Collector for Lan8 Co.
Orej,vn. '
the underpinned ha been duly appointed
by the County Court of Lane county, Oregon,
Administrator f the llatef John tioodlin,
deceased. Therefore, all persons huving claims
again, "aid Estate are hereby notified and re
quired to present them, with the 'proper
vouchers, at the law office of ,f. K. teuton,
at Eugene City, Oregon, within six months
from the date hereof.
Ilated Decembers. W7. ,
Administrator of said E-late.
J. E. Kknton. Attorney.
Will run a Cab in Eugene
from Dec. 1st, carrying pas
sengers about the city and to
nr)il i'vnm. flip, il print, lit
Reasonable Charges.
Leave Orders at
Colli I'V Hook store.
H. F. McCornack, M. D.
and City Property
For a term nf yarn at
Lowest Rales,
(AA p that are fretful, peevish,
cross, or troubled with
Windy Colic, Teething Pains, or
Stomach Disorders, can be relieved
at once by using Acker's Baby Soother.
It contains no Opium or Morphine,
hence Is safe. Price 25 cents. Sold by
Oslmrn Co, Eii'.'ene.
HA UK Kit uuy U'OitK!
MS BARKER. Expert Gun
omith Stock of Guns and Am
munition on hand.
El GEM: - - OitEt.O.Y
X the county court of Liuih county, Oregon,
has duly appointed the undersigned adminis
trator of estate of Thomas V. Spain, do
ceased. All persons bavin claims nainst said
estate are hereby notified to present the same
to said administrator at the law office of , Con
ilon & Dorris in Eugene City, Lane County,
Oregon, within six months from the date of
this notice. OEO. A. DOUlilS.A.lministrator.
Dated Xi.v. l'.'th, 1K87
Attorney at LaTr.
0FFICE:-At Court IIouso, County Sur
veyor's room.
At Melsou'a Blacksmith shop. Wugoua
and carriages repaired and painted on short
notice, ou
liT Ilcnsoiinblr It this.
Land Office at Roskrcro, Or., )
Nov is, 1S87. f
1.1 the fnllowiiiK-.iained settler has filed no
tice of his intention to make final proof in ur,
port of his claim, ami. that said proof will be
made before the Clerk of the county
court nf Ijine county, Or., at Eugene City.Or.
on Dec, '.'(1, 1SS7, via: ifoliert F. Cooper,' pre
emption 1. S. No. -mil. fr the S E 1-4 of S E
1-4 nd lots 1,2 and 3, nee. 20 and lot 4 Sec
21. Tn. 17.HK9 W. VV. M. .
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land viz: Zalinen Youns;. Christian
Berber, Howard Poe and Sylvester Bishop,
all of Oeadwond, Lane county, OrvK'W.
('has. V. Johnston, Register.
i intiko u ep't'ialty both for quality of uo,,, H .
suit th tiim'. Country order solicited. i,
for cash necompaiiyin onlm. ( Mtler nromik-1
both by mail or telegraph. S:i.if:il tion riuV1
--7 Ml
LINKUP tfeSBlfflSSaSM ' i
9.' I
uyy .
Call and see me. J- E. REAM.
Corwr Willamette nncl Snvpiith Streets, Eugene City, Or
....... t.. . .
m&r A. V. PETERS
Four splendid "New White" Niekel-platri
Sewing Macliines All Complete.
I am olIcr'uiL' these nmclimes at eont, tint liuviiii; tl. time or ronm to in
tlietn tmy lotiocr. This is a fine opportunity to n-cuie ohm of these Mtr
lar, lierit turtllslii'd, mill tertilllliy uie lliost (ii-Kiruuie oi an oewiil" .UacliiiiHi
1 ulso oH'cr tlie following luiroains:
Fortit Ladies' New Market C leaks for 1 less thanU
Twentii-five Gents fine Overcoats, (this season's par
chase,) for SI less than Cost.
These are nil iihw, ilosiruUe ooils, Mini will mv .'10 per cent, on tlisiti
iiient evAn if one liml to lay tliem away until in-xt inter.
I have a ihimiImT of ntliiT Imi'iiaina to offer and to which 1 ill cll I'M.
nn from timo to time
Has just received direct from
York and Chicago, the largest
and best stock of
Ever brought to Eugene.
Hut oil! ami price them. llememlior the place: The "e Thn Sw
Brick, corner Willamette ami Kiglith St., r.uyf tie City, Oregon.
Land Ckkick at Ilosr.nnw, On., )
Nov. 3, iW. )
thn following naineil setller litis tiled
notice of his intention to make final tireof in
support of his claim, nud thnt said proof will he
made, liefore the Judge or Clerk of the County
Courtof Ijineit'o., Or., ttt Kuiiene City, Or. on
Wednesdny, Decetnher Mlh, 1S1S7. viz: Anan
ias J Morris, llomesteHd Kntrv Xo 3'J.VJ for
the Lots ft and G, N 1-2 of S W 14 und S K
1-4 of N W 1-4, See. ft, To IS S, K U West,
W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence npon and cultivation
of said hind, viz: Amos Hurini.', of Flor
euee, Or., James Taylor, nf F.iigene .City, Or.,
Jefferson Harney, Cornelius Scott, uf Flor
ence, Or.
Cll.vs. W. Ioiinstos, Itei'ister.
S. Warshauer,
Merchant Tailor.
Titus' Illock.
I have returned and opened h shop iu Eu
gene. Pants made ut reduced prices those
routing $13 made for $10. A tine Ike of
patterns carried, liepairinp a specialty, (live
we a call and look at gondii. Kenieinber the
place, opposite the Uotl'man Honso.
Land Office at HosFiiiRfl, Oi,j
X-.... Q.I 1)K7
Il the followiim'-imuied settler hai 6W
tiee of his intention to make final pn;
port of his claim, and that seid Wf ta '
made I.. -fore the jmlue or clerk "f IM W
court, oi I.iiue v.o., nr., m --,
on Vvedu-sihiy, Dee. 14th. lStf, uj .?
llarinir, Homestead Entry N".
Lot 1!). Sec 8, Lot X. E. 14o -V "
Sec 17, Lot 2, Sec. IS, Tp 18S.RU
W. M. ,
He names the fnilowiiur wituesse. tj r
ins continnoiis resilience nr..., - - .
of. said land, vis: Ananias J Mrri, JJ
1 1 Ariipv. l oi ne ins .-icon., m
Jaines'Taylor. of Eugene City, tlr.
I. 1 '-y.t
v., Muneiiv clVKN in-''
1 the folh.wintf named settlor M
notice of his intention to make tin si
Uupport of his claim, ami u "rrj
will he maile lielore me ,yv, tyti(l
i Cmintv Curt of Lane County. Dr., "f"4, I
City, tlr. , on Saturday, Xv. 'J (,
II N Cftl ter, pre euiption U. h. ' r.U
the S 1-2 of X W 14, hi1 '
totl seo. L'ti lp. in n u i JW- -. i
II- n.,,M t , f.,ll,.-inir witness ' r
l : .":. :'"..".. .!..., . ..."
timi of said land viz: E I Cam. ' " ; ' i
I' I U1..1...1.. -.l M T. Ij.k. all "l "
j'mncijr nil-, - . .
Lane county, Oregon. Rit
hi reasonaoie nunr.s tiy eallui,; on Mrs. C. I f J I I I. ...
M. JudkiuH, front of plauiiiL mill, Mh St. V fl M J M J 1 If L il f-L 1
XkVY LARU.-Messrs. Fisher .t W.nkins i Ii iwIlUwili VV flltB UfllrL
have hud for sale iu ipiautitien to suit I ,p " 1 1 12119 WEIIJ f
purchasers. It is guaranteed to he tirst-cUsa '
in everv particular. I
1 1
I offer for mile 40il0u feethiuines propei
tV oil Willani lie stieat. on wlit.l, lli I ...... . i
mu doulde his umuey vithin two y.-ara
1.1 to. XL Millks.
Geo M Miller will furuisU infonuatiou
ud w.11 farm riwhtn for the comhiued wire
and picket fence during our Hlmtncc.
1. I SWKST A Co.
Fo Sii.-Thirty-nv dollart ill buy a
rarker shot gun.twelvu bore: also Ave doien
meiai ueu-ost f M. Iuipiire at
I oaTAL TKLEoaru. Olfii-e hour on Sun
day from 8 DO to Win) a. m., aud from 4:00
to p. tu. Week daya.all buMnea. hour. !
U. F. Caaw, Supt. 1
For Sale by all First-Dealers.
Cllt in .411. RiQ nf TVniof J 1 rrt ? n
.vu v. union u,it,u-j.iincuiiLf j.iivrcu( j.nsuriiig w
or bale by all Principal Dealers on the Pacific Coa