..iifci -sens THE G Hi i) ESTABLISHED FUR THE DISSEHIXATIOS OP DEMCMTIC PWSriPLM. AND TO UM M HONEST LIVING BY THE SWEAT OP OfR BROW. ( r ol. 20. EUGENE CITY, Oil, SATUUDAY, DECEMBER 3, I8S7. NO, SO flj ml I Zh( fl-ugrnc tfity fiuatt iPUBLISHED EVERY SATl'lil'AY.) 1 L. CAMl'ISI'LL, I'ublisliep and Proprietor. iiFFICKOii the Earn side of Willamette Mrvct. a-tween Seventh nud Eighth Streets. Ti.RMSOKSUi.SCiUPTIOX. IVr annum. . . Sit Milli. . . Iliree tnoiillia. l.'.'.l .73 It A'l'Ks OP AnVKlfMKlNQ Advertisements inserted an follows; (hie souare, ten linen or less one insertion (M each subsequent insertion Jl. (.'ash required Time advertisers will be charged at the fol lowing rates: One square three months Si! 00 One square nix month 8 00 One square one year 12 00 Transient notice in local column, 'JO ct nta per line tor each insertion. Advertising bills will be rendered quarterly. All job work must be f.ui roiioN deuvek'v. L. BILIEU, I -Attorney and Counsellor at Law, -; EUUEXE CITY, OREOOX. L nBAtTlUiisi Auanniuiiusuj f I. tin State. Will (jive special attention to collections una probata mailers. Office- -Over Ilendrick & Kukin'n bunk. CEO. B.D0RRIS, Attorney and Counsellor-at-Law, JU. PRACTICE IX THE CDURT3 S of tlie Seeoud Judicial District and in he Supreme Court of thin State. Sptcial attention given to collections anil Diattem in probate . Washburne k Woodcock Attorncys-at-l-aw, KJ.iKNU city, - - - okecon OFFICE At the Court House. iy8iu3 ceo. a. nonius. H. W. CONDON'. CONDON & DORMS 1 Attoriic s-at-I-.au , EUGENE CITY, - - - ORKUOX OKFliE Over Robinson & Church' hardware store. GEO. M. MILLER, Mtomy and Ccunssllor-at-Law, and Real Estate Jgent. EUGEXE CITY, - - OK EG OX. OH . formerly occupied by Thompson ft (Sean. J. E. FENTON, Atloraey-at-Lav. BUG EXE CITY ' OREGOX. Special attention jjiven to Real Estate Prac ice and Abstracts of Title. Okkice Over Grange Store. t.w.haiuusTmjo. Physician and Surgeon. OFFICE Wilkin's Drug Store. Residence on Fifth .street, where Dr Shelton ormerly resided. Dli. JOSEPH P. GILL, 1 1AX RK FOUXD AT HISOFFICE or re Vidence when not professionally enyed. Residence on Eighth street, opposite Preshy "ian Church. j7j. WALTON. Jr., ATTORNKY-AT-LAW, EUGENE CITY', OREGOX. WILL PRACTICE IX ALL THE Courts of the State. . Special attention given to real estate, col ectini;, and probate matters. Collecting all kind of claims gainst tlie United States GovernBient. 'ttice in Walton's brick rooms 7 and 8. B.F. DORRIS, INSURANCE AND REAL ESTATE ACENT. I HAVE SOME VERY DESIRARLE Farms, Improved ami Unimproved Town property for sale, on easy terms. Property Esnted and Bents Collected, The Insurance Companii I represent are 'nnni the Oldeat aud niost Reliable, and in the l'Hojirr andEyriTABr.E adjustment of their !" Stand Second to Xone. K share of your patrona is solicited. Office up stairs, over the Oranue Store. a V. PORKI.x J. DAVIS, Merchant Tailor. TTA3 OPVYFn a cum f iV S'lNTH AX Street opp,wite the Star IUkerV, hie mhn line. A Urje .toclc of Fine 'loth on hand ; '"Vueof our siwnialties is ih cv.ttioi ' -"of or rioak. Kepiriiij. and cleaning d.me pnmift'y. "Isction (fiiarauteed. tajfene, Xor. , isi. tf nr, nn wn.u u.r. . h n k Ht?S HikUlli UMUMM LIU IJ 1 J I I II II lllllllll nun iHduu u EI1BI H IV V till , ':n 2Ss-.'- i Is the. Place to liny Your All-Wool Clothing in Men's, Youth's and Boys' Suits. ALSO P.LAXKKTS, FLANNELS AND PIECE (JOODS, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hats and Caps. ' S.. our rnnmrkably complete nnj elegat.t now Mock, at thi lowest prices. Hats of tin vhi-v lntctit Biyls. Suit inudo to order nud fits (junrantn "d. No trouMt! to sliow oods.' 1 J.AV. CII'KUUY, Walton's Urick. Ml fm mlm ' ' ill W U i ; CL Sola Agents for Eugcns City, r) , 7 FOR THE JUSTLY CKI.KIiliATEI) (amd ' . g -GOLD AND SILVER SHIRTS n w I frWti We are still nt the old reliable "Grange Store," fjjj 1 lO and can sell you anything Hint you want to cat vJJJ I or wear, Tt I Y" iheaper Than the Cheapest, NEW GOODS. A FINE ASSORTMENT OF dcaiiticiii .i npcQQ .i nnnnQih. -I- ULHU I II UL LPIILUU UUUUU r- From the Cheapest to the Best at prices according to quality. a la n;i: stock of fifl if g and SHOES From the Cheapest to the Best. All parties can be suited either as to Price or Quality. . Our assortment is Complete, from the tarred Price up to the Finest; can suit iou if you Hire us a call. OL'li STOCK IS S-Frwli, ?ivv anil St Ji.itli.Ji; ' . ,. v(,r. jf WH ,n not save you mil to you !. A FULL LINE OF oioii'-y, e wi itiak honif one '1h GROCERIES." F. R DUNX. Milil. Sillloc. Mr M. S. Il.iiulin.oiii' ot llielsl known kluMiram-e iui ii m N.irtli Carolina, writea troia mti:n, as lollows: ' E.t since 1 was seven carsol .e I htve hi.d what the doctors rail hip oiv a-e, i.ud which I rail vl.ite'swi llin:j. My hip Win drawn out of h.s'. Tin iv was a swdlii.tf at the knie joiiil, where ihero is a profuse rn iiiii,', which hns Inch ihi-ro (r yeirs. Of nurse tin- In. m i tly depli liil my sys l in, tovrv tln r iih miiirl oh ration on tlio li-if Ikmo-. 1 tried fvery known Mian! purilirr to l uild up my sysi, in, I 1 1 nono did me K"od umil 1 look S. S. S. 1 ue it , cveiy plinii. Il iilwajs builds mu up, (riving in.- app tilt mid ilietioii. mid en, bles me to stand tlie loop, try in.', iiur Tatinir, hot summer days. To me there is no sin h iiiedicine for lurif inir the bhssl and building up the wh-k.I systim as 8. S. S, On ustinr it I sism U'canie strong of Ualy and easy of mind. My color clumped from pale, Worn hsik to a healtliy, robust complexion " Mr. ti. S. FriM'l, nf Farmersville, Texas, writes: " A lsuit August 1st, lNi,i, an emptied npHured on my arms and legs, wliirh pained me nim h aud seenuil (o affect my physical condition jreticrally. On the advice of a pliysiria at this place, 1 finally commiiirid u-iii Sw i(t s Speeiiio. 1 am k1.h1 to say that uficr usinr three Inrise Uitllcs the him' have ill In aled " Treatise on U.i'l and Skin Disca-,- mailed free. TllK nwikt bri.ctl'ic Co., Drawer 3, Atl,inl,i,(I:i. Whatls II! That product's that beautifully sofl com plexion and leaves no traces of its applica tion or iniiiriouH emeU? The answer, Win dotn's RoWrtine nccoinplihhcs all this, ami is pronounced by ladies of taste and refine ment to be tint inoKt tli li(-htful toilet article ever produced. Warranted harmless, ami matchless. F. M. Wilkins, ntnt, F.uuelio City. Delays are Dangerous. You say, well 'tis only a sliuht cold, look out, it may lead to an inllamatioii ol the liniiiK Itii; of nuiuerous air itIIs of the I.nims this is I'lieumonia. Or to siiastnodie contractions of thy fibres of the air passages, which is Asthma; or the ilitlamation of the lining ineinbraiie of the throat and tube which puss through the Limits, which in tlie first stage is called I iron chitis, and may lead to consumption. Snuta Abie is delicious in Havor, certain and erfect in its result. A few doses will relieve, a thor ough treatiueut cure the a'sive named dineases. Every Isittle warranted by all ilniKKlat. Don't Believe It When told that F. M. Wilkins. tin iliuooist. is not M-llinc; "Wisdom's Roliertino" for the complexion, the most elegant nnd only really uaruiicss preparation ol its kiml tu tlie world, and (jiving a lieantifiil picture card with every bottle. California Cal-R Cure. The only guaranteed cure for catarrh, cold in the head, hay fever, rose cold, catarrhal deafness and sore eyes. Restore tlio House of taste and unpleasant brenth, result inn from catarrh. Easy aud pleasant to use. Follow directions and a cttru is warranted, by nil druggist. Send for circulai to AHIF.TINE MEDICAL COMPANY. Orovillc, Cal. Six mouths' treatment for $1. CO; sent' by mail $1.11), For sale by nil druc;ists. Harm lor bale. I have for sale 220 acres of land know n as the (iillllnn far in; '' acres uood limber and the remainder nil prairie. All under fence; good liouso and barn; good orchard nnd other improvements. Tlie pluco bus au abundance of good spring water nnd is Bit tinted olio. fourth mile from the Pleasant Hill school house, one of the best school districts in the county. Foi further particu ars npplv to T. ft. Hknihik-ks. Day and Night During an acute attack ot Bronchitis, a ceaseless tickling in the throat, aud an exhausting, hacking cough, ufllict the sufferer. Sleep Is banished, and great prostration follows. This disease Is also attended with Hoarseness, and some times Loss of Volco. It is liable to be come chronic, Involve the lungs, aud terminate fatally. Ayor's Cherry Pecto ral affords speedy relief and cure in cases of Bronchitis. It controls the disposition to cough, and induces refreshing sleep. I have been a practising iihyslclun for twenty-four years, and, for the past twelve, have sultercd from annual at tacks of Bronchitis. After exhausting all the usual remedies Without Relief, I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. It effected a speedy cure. O. Stoveall, M. D., Carrollton, Miss. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Is decidedly the best remedy, within my knowledge, for chronic Bronchitis, and all lung diseases. M. A. Rust, M. li., South Paris, Me. I was attacked, last winter, with a severe Cold, which grew worse and settled on my Lungs. By night sweats I was reduced almost to a skeleton. My Cough wn Incessant, and I freipicntly spit IiIihmI. My physician told inn to give up business, or I would not live a month. After taking various remedies without relief, I was dually Cured By Using two bottles of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. I bin now in perfect health, and able to resume business, after having been pro nounced incurable with Consumption. H. P. Henderson, Satilsburgh, Bonn. For years I was in a decline. I had weak lungs, and sulTcred from Bron chitis and Catarrh. Ayer's Cherry Pec toral restored ine to heulili, and I huvo been for a long time comparatively vig orous. In case of a sudden cold I always resort to the Pectoral, and tind S-edy relief. Edward E. Curtis, Rutland, Vt. Two vears a'o I suffered from a Severn Bronchitis. The physician attending Hie became fearful that the disease would terminate in Pneumonia. After trying various medicines, without benefit, ho prescribed Aver's Cherry Pectoral, which relieved me at once. I continued to take this medicine, and was cureU. ' Eftiv-t C'd'"ii, Ij"""I'"rt, Intl. 1t j Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ar It Co., UwU, Mm. Hold by ll Drug glM. Prkt 1 1 ; sU bettlM, J. Mlf Told Ne. She told nio not to love her, And 1 didn't any more; But 1 held the shade above her A we walked upon the shore; And 1 theu began to love her Precisely us In fore. She told me not to meet Iter At moonlight on the mini; But nothing could be sweet r Than even tout command, Aud so I dared to meet her And take her by the hand. She told Die, too, that dancing She greatly did abhor; But siHia we two were prancing. The rulers of the tloor, Aud then I wished that dancing Would last forevermore. She told lite that she hated My uieau persistency, And so I calmly waited But scarcely left her (tee, Hoping the man sbo hated 1 might not chauce to W. She told uie to avoid her, Au order I should heed; But I, who had enjoyed her Sweet preseuce, felt its need, And so I did avoid her; Her absence, yes, indeed. She told me that to marry Was quite against her plan; But schemes like that miscarry, As many another can; So now she mean to marry, Aud I am to be tho num. AVis York Sun. The Ship. A king, a pope and a kaiser, Aud a ipieen most fair was she Went sailing, sailing, Over a sniitiy sea. And amid them sat a beggar, A churl of low degtee; And they all went sailing, sailing, Over the sunny sea. And the king said to the kaiser Aud his comrades fair nud free, "Let us turn adrift this beggar, This churl of low degree; For he taints the balmy odors That blow to you and me, v As we travel, failing, sailing, Over the sunny sea." "The ship in mine," said tho beggar, That churl of low degree; And we're all of us sailing, sailing, To tho grave, o'er the sunny sea, Xo, you may not, and you cannot (let rid of tuiue or me; And not for your crowns and sceptret- My name is "Death!" (pioth he. C. M'ickuy. lust Like a Man. BiilTnlo Courier. "Last Christmas, dear John," said Mrs. Buggius to her spouse, "you gave me a clothes-horse and a paper of stove polish, This yar I've made out a list of gifts which would be appropriate for me, and you may give me any tmo or all of them, as you choose. I think it is better this way because, I will be surprised and I wou't lie disap pointed with your present." Mr. Buggins looked over tho list and noted regretfully that none of the articles named wers of general household utility. "Why, my love, these foot up f"8. Really, yi'u know, I can't stand that. Here's a list run uing up from hairpins to a winter cloak." "Yes; but John, dear, you needn't get them all; get one of them. There's a cloak for f Xi and a love of a bonnet for One single thing will content me." "O, well," said Mr. Buggins, "that's dif ferent." And lis mentally resolved to give hor the paper of pins which the, in the in nocence of her heart, had appended to the list "just for fun." Tiiie Xsiikow Oauiir Road. The passen ger trains of tbs Portland & Willamette Val ley road communed Inst Monday carrying mails and will run regularly from the foot of Lincoln street to Dundee Jtinctiun, and con nect there with trains of the Oregoiiiau Rail way Company, limited, for Coburg, Sheridan and Airlie, Freight trains will commence running late this week. Terminal facilities at the foot of Lincoln street, though crude, are ample and a mighty sight more conven ient than the great transcontinental lines furnish. The boat to connect with Halem will be put on as soen as the upper Willam ctte rises. Oregouiaii. Princess Poter Karagyorgyevits, daughter of the sovereign of Montenegro, gave birth to a child the other day. Price Nicholas was so overjoyed st Ibis that hn tired a revolver from one of the windows of his castle, which is indeed a very modest one-storied building, whereupon his loyal subject began also! fire, and this noisy and perhaps not alto gether innocent loyal demonstration attained such proportions that a( last the prince had to send out his guards into the streets to stop it. From a Vienna letter. Edmund Dantes O'Neill (standing on painted rock iu a painted ocean aud holding uloft a dangerous looking rau-opcuer) The world is mine! Disgusted Socialist in audi ence (to companion) Come, Gottlieb, let's get out of this. lie's another d d mo nopolist ! Chicago Tribune Faux ros Sai.k. A farm containing 3is) acres, situated Vt miles from Eugene and 'i't miles from Irving, is offered for sale at f lb per acre. There are 1311 acres under cul tivation ; Hi) more is open land. The rest Is timber laud furnishing abundance of wood of all kinds, cliste to market. There are three p iimI orchards on the ulaee. The soil is verv I rich and well adapted to fruit raising. Will be divided to suit purchasers. Apply to J. J. Wil.TOK, Js., I Eugene, Citv. Or. f ! Having iiti-d arrangements with par ' ties in Portland, I stn able now to find pur I chi e rs 'or lands, more readily than j heretofore. If yon Lave land for sale, im ' proved or unimproved, you cannot do bet ter than to eutrust vour business with us. , Tcriba Mtauuabh. Yonr patronsg solicited." B. F. Dosbis. Fob Sale. I V) lots In all parts ot Eugene , City with sod without houses. Price to suit . (J io. M, Mails. M to Rustic at he Look til. Dallas News. He was decidedly rustic in appearance ami would pass auy where for a cowboy. He was takiug a dry smoke as ho boarded the traiu at Abilene IU t..k . seat near some Dallas men, and drew from an pocsei a oox ol safety matches. lie took one of the match.. from n. iw.v crossed his legs nnd sw iped tlie match across n migii liiree or lour limes, but failing to ignite it throw it ,l..d,. .i ,....t, which he put through the same ordeal with precisely the same result. This time ho uttereaacuss word and selected a fresh match, the end nf lii, l, k. med before raking it on his breeches. This .1. ..:l.. i ....j . ... ......... mn.. miieu, aim i lie iiiiiu swoie some mors and breka a half lo..n mi,.l,. .. quick mccesslon. Oue of tho Dallas men, who bad been watching him, said; "My friend. Villi hit Vet t, dlfil-A tlv.A matches on the Ikjx." "Who's itoillU thin ItH'l.nu.)" ,.,! I,. m ...... v , Hiit, ,1 it .rii on breaking matches faster than ever. Jio- bodv interrunleil Inn. unlit I,.. I,,.. I u,. the whole box of matches without getting a light. He then ran his hand iu his pock et and tiahed out another nf Ilia bit til l.rntt.l and oonin meed on it. The same Dallaaita spoke to him of the folly of wasting matches in thul ali.1.. ....1 ...I.I I.:... .1. .. v . . i t . . "v"7 "uu uu u"u inai ue ungiu iry until the crack nf (llM)Ill Alt.) lilt llStVatl Willi. I strike a match uuless he raked it across the uox. I'll bet VOIl Sit) f Pftll " yulil tin. iinuiiA. cess'ul match strike'. "I'll take tlm luit " r.o,i;u.l i.. run... man. Tho monev w nm im il man went to the glass and rubbed the match as ii I..! : I....:, i sin i ' BIUI ikuiiwi. iu grt'en young nmn liubteil hlH ciLar. limit in thu manuv ur.Ml.k,l a dry, sanlonic, Mcphistophellun grin and .n ...iiirioioH nouui ma ruinous conseijueii ces of "betting ou auother fellow's trick. ' The Nfil Grrnt 'Srnsulion. Boston Advertiser. Xew York is soon to be treated to some expetiiuents in flying machines. A coinpauy of sober and practical men claim that they have solved the problem of serial locomo tion, and they intcud to give exhibitions of their machine at the American Institute fair uow in session. The flying machines I sneak of are to be propelled by electricity. What the fabric is built of, or what the plan of construction is, I do not know. Ah. if we could but reduce aluminum easily and cheaply, that would seme me uiiHinea at once! This is perhaps the grandest "if" that bullies science to day. Here is a metal as strong as steel and light as wood, and tilling the world with it abuudauce, aud yet nobody can resolve it save ai an expense which deprives it of com ineroial usefulness. The largest block of it iu the world, I believe, is the triangular cup which crowns the apex of the Washington monument. I am told there are more inventors at work ou this alumiuum puzzle than on almost auy other. Every few weeks wo hear a shout of "Eureka!" but somehow the metal remains as scarce and costly as before. I could tell a very pretty romance of aluminum if I wished, but I won t. But the greatest ro- malice of all will be the actual discovery of the way to get it out of its sulk end into tho service of mall. That done, slid we shall soou be flying through the uir, and doing about as we please with nature generally. Pari of lit Brain Cone. Andrew Cline. tho burularl who on the night of August 1 1th was shot in the Load by the Italian shoemaker, Calderotii, at No. 3t!'j Pearl street, was sitting np in bed this morning when a reporter visited the Cham ber's Street Hospital, and Dr. Wedekiml said that iu a fortnight tlio uiuu would be able to be sent to the tombs. Cliue was reading a book and is iu possession of all his faculties. The bullet is still iu his head, and the doctors say he will be just as much of a , man wheu he leaves the hospital as before, even though lie hat had two slices, Weighing five drsclims, cut oh" his brain. To-morrow it is hoped that Cline will bo able to leave his bed. Nothing has been said to him con cerning the burglary, ss it is desirable that be should be kept as ijuict as possible. I lie operation of removing a portion of the braiu is not common oue, although it hits beeu performed half a dozen times with suc cess. About a year ago a laborer, who bad a crowbar blown through his skull by the premature explosion of a blast in Harlem, was similarly treated and is still alivo and at work. New York Mail and Express. Photographing rulnting.. X. Y. Times. Several color will not photograph that is they come out in the negative white or blank aud the photographing of paintings for reproduction or engraving is, therefore, an art. Science has, however, enabled the transfer of the lines iu those colors ky the me linn) of tinted glasses between the camera and paiutilig, which retards tho travel of the light rays, so Ihst the liuet iu certaiu colors re secured and the work reproduced iu a plate for eiigraviug. The work of photo graphing paintings is common iu Paris and Berlin, but there is only oue honse in this city that makes it a specialty. This Arm is uow sugiigrd in photogruphiugpaiutiugs from the various private gain l ies li tins city lor reproduction on copper in a volume to be issued by a prominent publishing house. Surgical liuhiKiifti'i at Pomptii. Rouie Dispatch to Uiudoii News. ThoMcavfltioiis that sre being carried for ward at Poinpei are g'iug most interesting results. In the beginning of tlio mouth a wooden case wss dug up, containing a Com plete set of surgical instruments, many of which are similar to thosu used iu the pres ent day. A few days laUr four beautiful silver urns ot considerable height were found together with four smaller cups, eight open vase, fonr dishes oruatueut.d with foliage and the figures of animals, aud a beaut it til statue of Jupiter seated on his throne. Be sides these silver objects several gota orna metits were also found, such s earrings and rings The exeavntions are being rapidly pushed forward. bress," said Bnglt y. ith all the force of an original idea, "does not make a nmn." 'No," replied Pompuno gloomily, at he fingered his wife' dressmaker's bill he had just receive!, "but it often breaks a man." Philadelphia Call. i ... . i f 1 :' I' I 4