The Eugene City guard. (Eugene City, Or.) 1870-1899, November 26, 1887, Image 6

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Lf-CAJUritKLU FroyrleUr,
The drummrr nf n EZ way
When lie 8A 10 aril;
! Be ijwrail before you aa RA
Of MinplM that XL
Tbea talks and talk wlUi HBO
Until you VZ frow,
And, feellug be your KHZ,
Aa 10 maniwr ibov.
Too hat 70a dont waul KX lalaft
Ko FT be display,
Tban, getting mad, lay TJL Blag
Kim 01a In KC atari.
HjH BQ then to take a toO"
And tell IIS nut tola
And Una LA four anger whllo
to 1X3 ha maka a sale.
If you should CK plaoa to hid
And when al EV barm rour atia
A drummer cannot CA aauk
And wUUQ iftiltA
liko V Z dnma't fear a club
And to UK will t Wi.
O, what IIKK drummer show
Aad what an IN Jaw.
Be aaves U -. for be ksaw
Tbat UT van the law.
-IL U Itodgs In Detroit rraa Fret
Dm taan stood 00 toe tlpay box.
WUb all hla nauta Cod,
And clan up at the atoroplpa jolat
Ala hold abova hla head,
EI band am black with peUdi paste,
Hla faeo tut-Xxd wltn coot;
Aad down hi anas and down hit back
flharn ralua iirinr,mhrred aUoot,
thousand way, ten thonannd time,
- Ilea tried to maka a Ct;
Tba mora of way and time ne'e triad,
Tb mora ho I from tt.
Bl wife and chlMranlir ontslda,
AH pr trilled with tear.
AwalUog the eataatrophe
That ooinea thla time of yvar.
Tbea eomra a bun of adjective,
And then a madman' roar.
' Aad a man and box with eurthquuk ihtxA.I,
Aad stovepipe, flood tho floor.
The doctir come with arnica
And UtUo bill- eup;
Tba Uamr cornea, a usual,
Aad put tho atoroplpa tip.
Omaha flundsy Be.
Tto maa from Chlrap. went forth with a brag;
'Aad backed up bla club wtlh the last of hla waj;
Then gathered mora pulf to put up on tlie team
Trecu the place whore thru . braatia ball erei
gleam; .
Where he soaked hi timepiece and hi new over
la keeping hla unoartatn credit afloat
like tlie wind od the lake when the winter I keen,
The Chicago went forward all verdant and green;
IJke a cannon firecracker on the Fourth of July,
That dub In the morning waa cklpimr and "fir; "
But Hk Uie aaina cracker on the fifth of Julr, ,
That club In the evening wa knocked high and
'. 'f ' dry;
aTor the Ht Louis hoy spread their bat on tor
Aaa hammered tba life out of the ball that the)
Tin they carried the day with their skill and then
Aad walloped their foe with a staggering skunk;
WhU the pride and the bone of the great wind)
Wa picked like a chicken and truly done Drown
Mew the man from Chicago who staked hi whoh
Tarades the city with never a smile;
While down a back alley his fantasies float
Where banc Hand guard o' tr his now overcoat
-tit Louis 1'oHt Dispatch.
rah- Mary waa my boyhood's flame.
When 1 was nine and she nineteen;
To all the swains who courting came
tier ready answer was the same:
I guess I'll wait for Jobnuy Clreenl"
Just what the maid was pleased to mean
1 will not now pretend to claim
s' only know she was my queen,
Pot did snot her stop between
Till I myself nineteen became.
Vow, 1 relate the fact with shame;
I cannot think my conscience clean
Hut llary's love appearing tame
In ten years' playing at the game,
1 craved her stater Joavpuino.
A fairer maid was never seen;
A hurt nf lovers cried her fame;
But had I any right to blame ,
er wish to wait for Tommy Green,
When that's my little brollier's name.
Walter Clarke In The Ceutury.
The shade of nli;ht were dim afar
When Bmit Iters took an open cor;
The air was cold and drear and grey
And every scphrr ercined to say
Hay fuvur.
The hard hacked ta were chin and bare,
Aad Smlthera sat and shivered there;
While whistling winds did shrilly blow
And ever seemed to wblser low
Tba mule flew wildly down the track.
The night air orept down Smlther's bock.
The canvas curtains round did shake,
Aad ev'rr drought brought In It wake
John Bmtthers blew his weeping nose
Aad shuttled round bis frosted toea;
But ere he reached his humbl door
Alaal poor Smilhera waa no more .
Chicago New.
Tb melancholy days have come.
The nulili't of the cycle;
When earth's so hard it breaks eae'i neck
Te tall from a bicycle.
Aphorisms from the Onarter.
at coolus' spring hides de clowMt 'mon
I "ear's hot spell cool off nitchtv fa'
light nigger too much for d so' back
Da moUer apple giva fa"r warnin' fo'
D noise o" de wneels dont tnedjer de load
no wagon.
'Wild (nose in da wheat ficP dont go
Twont he'p de crop to plant a new f angled
mm o corn win niuvn eers to do .talc on
ptf broouvitraw flol'; dot aort o' land got
it kin do raisiu' one eer to de bill
Da dog dal try to ai-ratch a mole out
groan ain't got nough eUicattoo to hurt
Blind horn know when de trough empty,
isrpnoe, a log u ea' af a d red
!v;2isuKri& peatery.
A Few rhllosoplileal lUmarka en the
Various Grades of Barber Shops.
I rem I an eamy recently on tho Insiila of a
L valued czclinnge on the subject of economy,
which greatly inlcmtcd me. It related to
the great exponse which really aggregated
from little one, and dealt witli the matter of
daily pnpert, bootblacks, sl;aviiig expenses,
batbi, etc, and showed botr mUlioii of the
peoplu's money were annually squandered In
this way that ought to go toward buying
hook. Tlie article set me to thinking, l.nd 1
resolved to iiivestignU t. I wa nioro cspo
chilly token with the lileo of extravagance in
tho matter of barber and barber shops. You
can go to gorgeous shop and pay fifteen
cents and a tip for a slinve, or you can go
where you rati avoid the tip, or you ran go to
ten cent shop, or you can got shaved ou the
Bowery for five cent, or you can Ignore the
whole buiiness and let the wind blow through
your whisker.
Lost weok I was thunderstruck when
found how much could be saved by changing
from a flftoen oent barber to a five cent bar
ber and keeping it up for a year. Counting
800 day as a fair estimate of the number on
which I would be apt to ihave, I found tluxt
by this rhango I could linvo at the end of tho
yoar I'V), with which to buy book or crow
barred trousers or any other mean of Intel
loctual Improvement which I might choose.
I could buy one of those expensive book that
Mr. De Lux occasionally gets out, or I could
bear I'atti or buy a small yet fragrant dog
for $30. I could also buy myself some more
hair or get my teeth Oiled. I could tako a
cuvfcal course on the banjo or buy an inter
eat In bird dog with $30.
But I wnnted, more than anything else, to
get more books, I wanted a new photograph
album most of all. An allium with lllustra
tfcxi in it, to lay on the parlor tnblo and ex
plain to strangers In low, passiouate tones, is
never ending source 01 pleasure to the
thinking mind. When a frontispiece showing
tho proprietor as ho looked with hide whiskers,
and Inter, a view where he was photographed
with chin whiskers and holding n war time
plug hat in bis swollen hands; with a picture
of grandmother holding a bible as though it
might bo a glass bomb, and a front view of
a sightless child tbut makes up for it total
absence of eyes by Introducing a soul stirring
mouth that would make a goldeu haired ball
of North Carolina butter tuni white in a
single night With all these little s-iociinet t
of phut 10 art, I often think that a photograph
album win do more toward enteitalniiig a
mixed compnny thau any other literary work
with which 1 am familiar.
Bo I went into a low priced barber shop a
week ago and began to save $30 for the pur
pose of adding to my library. I soon dis
covered that in a Ave cent barber shop you
get kss consideration and a lower grade of
lutber up your nose than elsewhere.
I lliov tbat the man who shaves yon for
five cent makes hi own soap. Possibly he
work op some of hi fattest patron tbat
way. Anyhow, the soap he uses smell badly
and tastes worse tbsn any soap 1 have evor
participated In. At this price of shave one
ives financially, but he loses cutnnenusly.
The chair I snt in was not a good easy
chair, and the spiral springs in it occasionally
nod to route to the surface for more air. 1
bocanie very much attached to one of these
6yru ig, and the ten cent I saved on the
ttave I hail to pay a tailor down town who
trophhied my troiiMr for ine.
7 be chair -fas also montally a wreck, and
Its trwnory was failing, I thought Just as I
would relax my muscle and closo my eyes
litis tottering old chair would forget itself,
and the worn out trigger that held tho head
rest would slip about nine cogs. Then with a
low death rattle it would fall about a foot
aud disturb my intellectual faculties. You
cob got shaved quicker for Ave cents than
you cuu for UCtecn, but tho towels are more
dniimy and the bay rum is rather more of a
chestnut, I judge.
Bufllos it that I am not going to continue
the course of economy that I hnd inaugurated
for tho year, for I am opposed to the hoard
ing and accumulation of a surplu. Money
tending too much toward centralization
any way, and I do not want to encourage it
While I may not be able to secure the books
which I eon torn plated buying with my sav
ings, I con visit the chamber of honors at
the Uuseo and improve my mind in such ways
by actual observation.
We do not got all our education from books.
Wo may cosily obtain many refining and en
nobling ideas from other sources that, the
musty tomes which decorate the shelve of
ur libraries.
One of the bralnirat men I over knew, if I
may l allowed the tomiwnry use of that
term, a luau too who hod succeeded in amass
ing quite a fortune as a result of native
shrewdness and knowledge of human nature,
onro admitted to me in a suddon burst of con
fidence, inspired porbape by too much wino,
that he had never read either of my liooks.
And yet he had concealed this gross Ignor
ance for five years nd amassed n fortune.
Whllo this is a snd commentary on American
galvanized illiteracy, it still shows tbut a man
may be almost criminally Ignorant in this
eountryand yet acquire cad. New York
All In a Day' Work.
Fashionable Iowa Dame (in Iown) Door
mo I It did not occur to me until this mo
ment that you always bavo wine at dinner at
Distinguished Englishman Do not bother
about that, madam.
"Oh, it won't take but a moment Marie.
bas the footman come backf
Mario Yes, madam.
Tell him to go right to his room and cet
sick, then send for the doctor and tell William
to take the prescription and a demijohn to the
nearest drug store." Omaha World.
A Ilopelos Case.
Omaha Tarson It you had taken correct
views of this earthly existence you would
not now be ill. Looi at the Q iakers. They
are the lonpt lived people in the world.
Omaha MnI uevor thought of that
They undoubtedly are.
Statistics prove it Now, my friend, let
your own reason explain why it is six"
"Well, they don't have to sit iit di-auclitv
churches threo times a week with their liats
off." Omaha World.
What Mrs. Drown Thought,
"W hero have you been P' asks Mrs. Brown
at tb theatre of Mr. B., just out between
the acta.
"Oh, Just out to see a man," replied Brown.
hen did he diel"
"When did who dier
"Tho inau you went out to see."
"What are you talking about P
"Well, judging from your breath, it must
have beeu a spirit you saw." New York Bun,
Nature's Leave la the Majority.
The Bible contain S,56oiS0 letters. 773.
740 words, 81.178 verses, chapter and 66
book, Exchanga.
In acme families we know of it also contains
seventeen recipes for doroestlo purposes, all
in letter tbe old woman wants to keep, at
least eleven pieces of "fugitive noetrv" cut
from tb country paper, tb family fin tooth
ciuo and meUiiu t 3 ..'.fiVw
tatr.nin Uouuer (Mat.
A Good riaea for Stranger to Keep
Away From Sketch.- of Dark Ufe (n
th British MetropollA lilt of Ex-
perlence. (
Although the male windler is dangerous
and much to be feared, it is the fonuilo of the
specie that reaps the harvest Protected by
her sex, the disinclination of a man to pro
ceed against a woman, the ease with which
she can blust tbe character .of a man by the
reason of the readiness we accept a story
which attribute unholy lust to our fellow
creature, are all kuown factors to her In the
problem of making a livelihood. Beginning
at the lowest class tho London street walker
you find them In London in larger nuin
bers, bolder and more persistent than in any
place in the world, Tbe larger number cruise
about the Criterion, where there is a favorite
American bar. After 11 o'clock till 1 or 1 :30
o'clock iu tbo morning this congregation is
one of the sight of the city, and the traveler
generally sees it His danger there is not
greater thon iu any other similar company,
unless he should be beguiled by some of thete
midnight sirons. They are there by thou
sands, the sidewalks and evou tbe street itself
filled with them and those who como to be
preyed upon, gilded youth and hoary age,
chafBng, laughing, swearing and singing in
oue vast saturnalia in the midst of the, most
boasted civilization. Tho "bobbies" move
among tbem to keep everybody else moving
and watching for lawless outbreaks, of which
tbey have few to repress, but other ofllcial
functions be does not assume.
Turning from these the visitor, with much
new mat er for reflection, walks to bis hotel.
It matters not iu what direction it may be,
strange fljurcs of women will flit across his
pathway, curious inquiring faces will be un
expectedly thrust into bis own. and vague
forms standing in obscure corners will ob
serve him as he stray through tho otherwise
deserted streets. Beware of the one who nd
dresses yon. Do not reply if you can avoid
it, but under no circumstances stop and par
ley with her, for vou invite one of the most
common dangers that London offeii the
stranger within its gate.
Let me take an illustration furnished from
the private experiences of a gentleman from
Pittsburg who lodged in Russell rquare, and
who strolled home from the Oayety theater
by way of Drnry lane and Bedford place,
ilo had just turned into Bedford square when
he encountered a woman standing hesitat
ingly on tho corner, peering in each direction
as one who bad lost tho way. "I leg your
pardon, sir; can you tell me the way to the
Midland station? I fear I am lost " she raid.
Tbe polite Americas stopped. Yes, although
a stranger, ho could and would tell her the
way follow ibis street around Russell square
iuto Woturn place to St Pnncras' church
thq first church on the right turn to the
right there and the Midland station would be
iu sight' lie was walking part of the way
and would explain further. As they crossed
Bedford square they chatted easily until they
cume to bis lodgings, where be stopped and
said: "You can't miss your way now."
No," she replied. "Thank vou, much
obliged ; but you can't go in unless you give
me 0." And she got between him and the
'Fiva pounds, my good madam I What
'Fivo pound. You have beguiled me to
walk with you, assaulted me ami trind to in
duce me to come to your rooms. Five pounds,
or I scream for help." An invulid wife with
in, an uibs incognita without, a hasty
thought of tbo enndilidns, ft hearty cum, a '
smile from tho ludy, who pushed the crisp
note into her bosom, and our friend was
standing aluno, perspiration lulling like rain
from his forehead.
A FRIEND'S advick.
The next day ho told bis friend, a London
friend, about it
Bless your transatlantic heart," said lie,
'you do not suppose tbat such dangers
menace usl Why, we live hero. It is the
stranger who is preyed upon. Should a
woman address you again and threaten to
scream you seize hor by tho wrist and tell 1ier
to scream and you'll wnit till the officers
como. Hhe'll break away and run and you
must lot her do it"
Sure enoujh lie was soon tvavlald again.
Tbo question was for a chemist shop, spoken
in tones so pregnant with grief and distress
that tho American stopped, fit-spite bis resolu
tion never to exebango a word nilb. the un
protected London fenialu.
"I want a liound," said tho woman. "Give
it to me or I will cull for the police."
ioucall them," said tho American, seiz
ing bur arm. "I'll bold you till they como."
And she did call, and the police came and es
corted them both to the station bouse, Tho
inspector on duty entertained a cross charge
mid locked thorn both up. Tho inagistrnto in
tho morning fined the womnn two and six.
and told tho American his position mb open
to a very reprehensible construction and lie
bad better look cut Tho American was so
mad that ha paid tho woman's fine, deter
mined that justice such as that fhouM not
have tho gratification of locking tho woman
up. As n reward for all this tho nowspnpers
all published a report of tho "eewntrie Amer
ican, Ins wifo got well enough to voyage
homo on tho Saturday Cunardcr, nud I10 fol
lowed nlono in tho Whito Ktur ship 011 the
next Tuesday. It was months lieforo they
mado up, nnd now when on bis visits to Lon
don, whoro bis business frequently calls him.
ho traverses its strooU 111 a close cab, and sets
well back iu it, too.
As a matter of fact tho American is cot
favorably regarded in any capacity, whether
defendant or complainant, in tho English
l)'.ico courts. Loudon Cor. Philadelphia
The Georgia I'lcnlo Klsa.
And nftor all them is no chance for im
provement over tho simple Georgia picnic
Uiss, at the mere mention of which there rise
bciorothe vision of nil tio old boys dainty
muslins, pink ribbons, rosy chocks and P.eni
bramlt suailow. Tho very air seems redolent
of heliotrope; lnu-',itcr liko the ripple of a
hidden brook trviuUK-s i:i tho distance, end
the good right arm I eels again tho faint
strugglo of modesty uioii it How tawdry,
bow coarss and revolting seems tbe stage
spasm compared with tbis. No, the best kiss
ing after all is what the circumstance make
it The circumstances that surround the old
f.tshioned Georgia picuio make it simply de
lightful The young man who is led oil by
the stage kis drops the substance for the
shadow and is to be pitied. Macon Telegraph.
Explained at Last.
Dr. Norman Kerr, of London, explains
what is the matter with drunkards as fol
lows: "There is an abnormal cerebral condi
tion, a dynamical and psychical disturbance
of tlie brain and ncrv function, a real de
parture from ound health, which is iteelf a
pathological state with, in all probability, it
postmortem equivalent in hyperplasia of
tlio neuroglia." Tast this In your hnta and
j to oo b will uitt-Sm York Tribune.
Bow the Noted I'loneer of Kentucky Pre
tected Ills Fmlly-An Indlun 1'lau.
Boone began building bl blockhouse her
on the 1st day of April, 1775. Tb. old pioneer
chose wisely bis location, and, with ui ey.
only to it utility, cbo also one of the love tbe state. I don't suppos b
bad much time to go, like Dr. byntax, u
search of the picturesque, but it happened n
this instance that ho found it without seek,
ing. You can plainly see to this day the
marks of the old blockhouse on tho ground,
and a little digging in the soft earth with o
cine will bring up ashes and bit of old pot
tery from the spot wher the old fireplace
were. Bo there i no obscurity about tb
matter. You may stand, if you wish, on the
veritable Nebo from which old Boono viewed
his promised land, and you may be sure yoni
foot is placed on the very soil trodden by tb
brave men and braver women who founded
this famous commonwealth more than a hun
dred years ago.
Of course the chief things considered by
tlione who built blockhouses were the conven
ience of water, fuel and provisions, nnd also
an unobstructed view on nil sides. Standing
here on tbe site of the fort, you can see at a
glance bow all these ndvnntnges ore combined
in 11, i Incniion. You stand perhaps a liuu-
died yards from the wave of the Kentucky
liver, and perhaps forty feet oUivo the
water's edge, for the bank slopes up from the
swift flowing stream to the very wuils of the
fort To the cast and south the kind is lovel,
with not a gully or a bank iu it largo enough
in nnnrnnl a mail for half a milo in loth
directions. In this fertile river lottom Boone
bnd bis cornfield and raised his bread at the
very door of bis castle. On the west the
ground slopes slowly down to the unfailing
whence tbe carrixon usually cot their
supply of wotor. A well sunk inside the fort
to the level or this spring, say twenty lees
in depth, would, und I believe did, fur
nish a lionntiful Quantity of wuter when
besiegers rendered access to tbe spring
impossible. All around are iiign mils
like the rim of a deep plate, but
nnne of them near enoiizb to tier-
mil the guns used in former days to scud a
bullet into tbe fort No foe can approach
except to come over the rising ground where
he can lie easily seen from the upper windows
of the blockhouse. Just twrtm the river rise
the nearest "knob," aliout 400 feet above the
wutcr. nnd nerlmiis as innnv Yards from the
fort in a straight line. A man 911 top of it
would be outlined against the sky liko a sil
houette, for the sun rises over it in tho morn
ing and sets against it in the evening.
: Altogether this location U just such ns yon
would ex nect of a man nf Boone's irrent frood
seuse to select It gives him every advantage
nud tiutN hi nssnilnnts fit the mei-rv nf the
garrison. It is related that once tho Indians
attempted to undermine the fort by digging a
tunnel from the steep offset of the river bank ;
but the dirt which they were compelled to
throw into tho river discolored the water and
so betrayed their designs. No trick nor do
vice moid tie siicrMtsfnllir niml uipiiIiicI-. tlm
people in the fort, fur tho sharp eyed pioneers
. .1 , . .
uau 1 no viimuo grouuu. uoonesuoro
Cor. Chicago Time.
The Newport Girl A. Driving.
Bellevue avenue in the morning isqulto
another place from Bellevue avenuo iu the
nfternoon. In the early hours of the day it
ubouuds with pretty girls; they aro pretty iu
their fresh morning costumes, flitting here
and there, buying the little odds and ends of
which woman is iu perpetual need. What do
these "buds" wuut? 1 asked the other day.
They drive up aud down iu their ornato
carts, looking like peripatetic butterflies;
they pause for an instant here, tbey fluHcr
out there, they light in Bbop door and reap
pear iu a s cond, get in their vehicles, tho
tiger jmujis 011 behind and off they go, heaven
knows where." "It is a part of the day's
parade," was the reply to my question.
A few horn's Inter these same divine Young
sters will bo driving again through the
avenue like circus riders, attired iu even more
bewildering toilets thau those of the morn
ing. The Nowport girl wears a brilliant oar
mine gown of some soft silken fabric nnd a
lit tle cap of the same matcriul on her bead,
aud she sits bolt upright like a rnuu-cxl, with
the reins held within six inches of her sweet
little chin, and away she goes, with a tiny,
white breeched tiger holding on for dear life
behind tho high T cart There must be some
thing in Newport air that lends courage to
the most timid social flower. I Imvo yet to
see a girl who is afraid to drive a stylish
turnout Even the 5-year-old infuut cries for
a donkey cart, and what is luuro gets it I
saw ono of these infantile turnouts tho other
day, and it is no exaggeration to say the
wluto aproned uuive probably put tho whoa-
affair iu her pocket v.'lieu Tbreestors
grow tt-weury of this pastimo of driving over
the big avenue. Boston Herald.
Musical Instrument! of Central Asia.
The Uzbeg women ore jealously kept out of
sight of a male stranger, even though ho may
bo a distinguished guest, und he is expected to
bo amused by dancing boys culled bntcbns
nud musician. Tbo musical instruments of
central Asia nro soiuewhut limited iuuuiu'oer.
Ono I saw at Bokhara resembled a guitar,
forty-six inches long, with n sounding board
nino inches by four. It might Ik-played w ith
u 1kw or with tho thumb. Another instru
ment resembled the flageolet, and bad some
thing of lh. haut'oov sound, or between that
nud the bagpipe. Singing is frequently uc-
coinpanusl liy men beating tauilwuriues be
fore 11 charcoal llro iu n brazier, over which
from limo to tinio they hold llioir instruments
to tighten tho parchment Tim latchas allow
their hair to grow long liko that of girls, and
dress iu long flowing robes and wide trousers.
Tlieir ijcrforninuco interested mo to see once,
but when repeated ngaiu and again it became
exceedingly tedious, Th musicians 011 occa
sions of dancing sit upon a piece of felt or
carvet, dressed in their tall sheep skiti hats,
wh j givo tho L'zliecs a somewhat ferocious
appearance. Dr. Henry Luusdell in Harper'
Mamma Could Tteat Them AIL
It is rented that oue of the little nrch-duchessi-s
of Austria was taken to a circus
where nothing nmazed her and very little
pleased her. On her return homo tbo em
peror asked bow she bad enjoved t',10 wr
formaiioe. "Oh, very well," tke'young lady
replied, "only mamma does everything the
circus women did a gi-eat deal lttr. Why,
I have seen her jump through six hoops." It
appears that this is really true, and that tlie
empress ha 011 more than one occasion given
a strictly private entertainment to berinti
mat, iu which she bas surprised them with
feat rivaling those of the most skilled circu
riders. Bo .tou Journal.
Looking at Their Teeth.
Deceptions of all kinds are said to be prac
ticed by Fiencb-Canadiun families and.mill
bands in Salem. Mass., in order to conceal
tbe age of children too young to work from
the inp.ctor. Lately, however, a member
of the :x-nl echo,)! lard, a deutKt, bit upon
a mean of overcoming tbe obstacle, and
now, in doubtful instances, tbe cbdd is or
dered to on iu moutlu If no molar, due at
.V1 nS. -,,"v,'n ea" H joorered. it mnt
ev to m-imi in spite of all protestaliou.
Kw York Tribuui
Finishing Ihe' Object Olasa af a Great
TeleseoprI'ollslilua; with tb l'alra ol
the Hand-A TeP at Star A
In 1883 I " 10 Alvan Clark, tb
distinguished utnictor of telescopes, who
has just diet). I found him at bl home 111
CainbrilgeHi t, lias. Hi sou wero busy
putting tba fliiisblng touche to the great
felecoe object glass then being made for
the Russian Astronomical observatory at
Pulkovo. The Pulkova objective was to be
placed In a temporary mounting that very
evening to be tested for th llrst tiro on
celestial object
It Is in the aftor correction and perfecting
of the objective which calls for the special
kill which hat made Alvan Clark' nam to
famous. The large objectives, such a the
Pulkova and Lick glume, are ground and
polibed by machinery. Two levers work In
oppoiite directions, nud are so arranged that
any part of the glass surface may be reached,
doing the work. The final iolisli, which is of
the most delicate nature imaginable, i done
with tlie rurfnc of tbe baud. Mr. Clark went
so fur oa to cay that one involution of th
baud iu excess would change the correction.
On a table was the finished Pulkova Ions,
which weighed 4o0 Kmuds, and consist 1 of
two lenses each thirty Inches in diameter.
Generally these lenses are made to accurately
(It, und are joined together with Canada bal
sum, but in such large glasses as the Pulkova
and the Lick, they are fitted iu a metal frame
with an adjustment so that they rati b made
to approach each other, or otherwise.
When the evening was sufficient!) advanced
the great Pulkovn gloss was placed iu its tern
Kirnry fitting iu the garden. There was no
moon and the darkness was Intense. The glass
nas brought out 011 a four wheel hand truck
und lifted into the tube by five men and fixed
by revolving it in the screw fitting. The tube
was forty-flvo feet long nnd neighed with the
utteuding fittings nbout seven tons. Two piles
of brickwork supported tbe whole. There
was 110 clockwork movement and the rough
est npjKirntus was emph ed, the telescope nas
raised and moved by a guide rope, the mo
tion nf 11 n eqiialoriul movement being imi
tated by using n common windlass. As th
motion of tho earth caused tbe object to pass
across the field of the telescope, the observer
gave the order "follow," when a slight turn
of til a windlass kept the object iu view. Buch
were the rough upplinnce used to test thil
$00,1 00 leus.
. The planets had nil set, and I had to be sat
isfied with a view of n fixed star, which is an
excellent object for testing the optical proper
ties of a leus, but very uninteresting other
wise, ns the lurgi st telescope can make littlo
impression 011 0, fixed star; no disk can be
seen, merely a i peck of light The star se
lected was a small one, and barely visible a
a pale, minute object On looking nt It with
this magnificent instrument It wonderful
light gathering power were nt once evident,
for tho star shono with the luster and brill
iancy of an electric light It was an object
which brought out nil tbe imperfection of
the gluss, and to the eyes of Mr. Clark and
his sons many were evident, aud, it was said,
two months' work was necessary to correct
them. During tbe trial the lens were lowered
mid five men revolved tbe glass ia its fitting.
On iu being placed iu position ngnin oue of
the sous was about to muke unother test w hen
the old man shouted: "Wait, boys, k-t her
I was curious to know wlint this could
mean, aud Alva Clark explained that the cor
rection was so delicate that the 1 eat from the
hands of the five men holding the metul case
of tho objective would change the correction,
so it had to "cool."
In a conversation with Mr. Clark on the
advantages of immense telescopes such as this
one, lie admitted that the telescopes of mod
erate nurture, say from ten to fifteen
inches, were preferablo for general ne even
for the highest purposes. lie spoke with
pride of such an instrument he hud made,
wiih which be bnd seen all tbat could be seen
even with colossal telescopes. Only one dis
covery bus beeu made with the Washington
telescope of twenty-six inches diameter during
its many veal's of use. Tho Russian Pulkova
instrument, delivered by tbe Clarks In lti$2,
has never been beard l'roiu, nud those who
exiect inmiedinl und extraordinary results
from tho Lick thirty-six inch obj 'dive will
probably Ui disappointed. The bu;;o tele
scopes arc great light gatherer and useful
for photographic und spectroscopic work, but
their definitions of the surface, of tbo moon
anil the planets are disnptminling.
A story is told of a French astronomer who
traveled hundreds of miles to look through
the grent Ross telescope. When asked what
he would like to seo be called for the planet
Saturn, which was then iu good position. On
looking through the telescope and finding the
wretched definition of the object he said:
kYou tell mo I have looked ut the planet
Saturn, so I must believe I have done so; but
I was not awitie of the fact" John Michel
in New York Sun.
rm-elinsurs of 1'uliitlngs.
Amateurs of paintings, that is purchasers,
may lie divided iuto three classes', namely;
those who pay more for pictures than they
are worth; those who get them nt their
proper value and those who have a knack of
making good bargains. To belong to .the
third clnsj ono must almost inevitably pur
through the first two, nud theie are many
who spend their last dollar before reaching It
Real connoisseurs are very rare; there at
very, very few experts who can be implicitly
relied on. Some amateur speculator are
very sly and at time make bold strokes.
Here is a noted example: Mr. W. happened
to buy an unknown Rembrandt at l'ilotel
Drouot for a mere song. Tbe painting was
genuine, but, not being known, it was not
quoted. To launch it iuto renown, the owner
conceived the idea of putting it up again for
sals at l'ilotel Drouot and of lm vine one of
his friends, who was in the secret, to push it
up to This was a sham sale, for Mr.
V. ref&ided the money to his friend and
kept the picture. But after that day the
Rembrandt was consecrated and classed, fol
ia the artistic circles the newly found picture
became the topic of conversation. Then
when Mr. W. was certain tbut desire was
ripe in tbe heart of rich amateurs he acain
put up the picture at auction and this time it
brought the round sum of f30,(W0. Paris
uor. iirooklyn tngle.
Must Find a Itetter Way.
A Kentuckiau with a largo jug made a bar
gain with a countryman to take him four
mile over the hill. "IIow miicb'U you
cuaiger -un. a couple of swigs of the stuff
iu that jug'll make it about tquore, I reckon."
After .he journey bad leu made and tlie
countryman had taken a swig, he said:
".Stranger, I'm a peaceable man, but if you
dont want to be chuck full of lead to-night
you'd liettor find another way to carry yer
molasses." Madison Democrat
Gill not tbat innu u retobed wbo, whatever
Ql be sutlers, bas a child k love boulbey.
Burrzm- l fcV
0peRn...... "
u.erwgraoe, ,
" iea
California roiV;: 5
00 Pickled
f;il Waa "
Eiern, full cream ' ''
Oregon, do S
California I
Illlllrn lu. '
. ----- huts--.
Applet qro. sk. .
Aprlcota, new crop
reara.marhi.j,?... 1.
Pitted cheVr.. nM
Hlttivf rlt iv. r
rTbV.:.,nidbxs .
.uiiCT,rrnch ' ii
Oregon prune. 1,
Floor- .,
White Lily rbbl "
Country brand
fi,in..fl-.. I.
vifivri linn -- f (
GKAIlf- tt
Wheat, Valley,) inn a.
do W.1 .Vail, '
Barley, whole, retl... "
Hrari m .am I
Short, v ton .. "
Hay, j ton, baled'.'.'.'"
Chop, f ton . 1
Oil cake meal)' ton..'! )
Frew l-Rcmi- ,
Apple, Oregon, box ,
Cherries, Oregon, fan. ' 1
LrmoRH, California, bi" u
Limes, if 100 .?..,
Riverside oranKealv'tni''
Peaches, f box - . J
Hit, Da 19,
Dry, over 18 It s, f ft ,
Wet salted, overt Jit
Murrain hides,...
(j.l... fiH-
rcim -
Cabbage, V lb
Cairo u, sack ....'.!'.!'.,"
In tlie grand monllljdnil
Louisiana Htale Lottery fa
tenths of the capiulpriieo. j
dred and fifty lhou.udl.
sold in this city, thernmJ
A T -WW 1
uons in new x ork and Cb-ei;
Mr. Laurent Paget, 1 ti
broker doing bu.hrutlil(
street, was the first kko.
tery office Wednetdsj mic.
on behalf of a friend, prtxt,
demption One-tenth ol Ui'
.Milled to fiileen ibounwi
Having received sbt-k&J
that amount, Mr. F.neH
knowledgmeut, eigneilictr.
Scarcely had he wilhdnr,'
etepped two gentltmeii, I
TujHgue and friend. It;
drawn a priie and liedesix
it in Tien-on. His ticket, i.
retenttd twatenths of the
tal prixe of twenty thous--
and was entitled to four Ikil
Mr. Tujsgue is baste
fellow, native of JiewOw:
ently 21 years of ge, i:
father keeps a saloon ill"
Street. lie bought bit tk;
peddler in his neighbor.,
thoroughly convinced tk
kind in the distribution oll
He received a .heck to
sand dollars on the New k
tional Bank Ike a Hills w
and wanted everybw !j to a
him, and cigned foribe.r
money he ever received t
vultial account, lor siinoii
has ueuullv joined in to
lures, on this particulur
eld gentleman "Rueiwn"
co in." for wliicb unrij
the o. g. in donbtleri in";
horoKcone with a view da
from the firmament b;
Victor expect, to w 1
the sign which swinoow;'
1 he house of spiritual "'
213 Decatur street, m
. uch choice propertits
sider bargains. U
money at usurious or even
tere.t .,,
The other one-tenth tf1
a.i or,d fiftv thousand
whs drawn yeslenlsj ! ;
National Bank for ;
tor. AV Orltant i
77. J.'"'''" "7T ill
viiioin iu ri
MrA, -ll'S'f''i(,l
I rrrr toe V" --. e.
RicH-oriu,- fs
Do Yon Suffer ir-;
Ci. : 'M h-u "TV' f tte u
four year., .nd-JT;.
Have x.l
liar to n'"r"lZyr?,
Cor. Stt l ""' ..,,5:
Safer and EetttfJJf
irmnijtv--' i-iT O" t
iicf. wya ",r
... ...